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This paper presents an approach that allows production of benthic substrate and habitat maps in fjord environments. This approach is used to support the management of the Gilbert Bay Marine Protected Area (MPA) in southeastern Labrador, Atlantic Canada. Multibeam sonar-derived bathymetry, seabed slope, and acoustic reflectance (backscatter) were combined using supervised classification methods and GIS with ground-truthed benthic sampling in order to derive maps of the substrates and main benthic habitats. Six acoustically distinct substrate types were identified in the fjord, and three additional substrate types without a unique acoustic signature were recognized. Ordination by multidimensional scaling and analysis of similarity generalized these to four acoustically distinct habitat types. Greatest within-habitat (alpha) diversity was found in the coralline-algae encrusted gravel habitat. Greatest between-habitat (beta) diversity was found in the management Zones 1 and 2, which have the highest level of protection. The study confirmed that the zoning plan for the MPA, which was designed to protect spawning and juvenile fish habitat for a local genetically distinct population of Atlantic cod, afforded highest levels of protection to areas with highest habitat diversity.  相似文献   

Regime shift in a coastal marine ecosystem   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We demonstrate changes in ecosystem stable states in a coastal lagoon that are consistent with what a regime shift would hypothesize. In the nutrient-stressed Ringk?bing Fjord, Denmark, a small change in one variable (salinity) facilitated by a change in sluice management, caused a sudden regime shift from a bottom-up controlled turbid state, into a top-down controlled clear-water state. The change in dominating pathway of organic matter production from pelagic turnover to benthic-pelagic coupling was facilitated by new recruitment and growth of existing suspension-feeding clams, Mya arenaria. With the invasion of clams, benthic grazing became the key feature of the biological structure. Phytoplankton composition and zooplankton abundance were also affected by the change in biological structure. The small, but sudden, increase in salinity caused by the change in sluice management led to a dramatic reduction in biomass and coverage of benthic vegetation and thus affected herbivorous waterbird populations. In recent years, plant coverage has been increasing, as can be expected with increased water transparency. The regime shift has some major implications for coastal water management and revealed some conflicts between different types of nature and environmental protection legislation.  相似文献   

A trophic structure model of the rocky coastal ecosystem in Bahia Tortugas, Mexico was constructed using Ecopath software to represent the main biomass flows in the system. Data for the model came from field observations (biomass estimates, stomach contents, and ecological observations for sea snails, abalones, lobster, some demersal finfishes, and macroalgae) carried out through ten field trips from 2006 to 2008. The results provide a snapshot of how the ecosystem operates. The model considers 23 functional groups. The total system throughput was 553 t/km2/year, 57% corresponds to internal consumption, 28% to respiration, 14% becomes detritus, and only 1% is removed through commercial fishing. The model suggests that even for exploited populations, predation and competition are heavier stresses than current fishing effort; however, because spiny lobster showed the second highest keystoneness’ index value, increasing fishing pressure on this group could strongly impact the entire ecosystem. We believe that this model has the potential to support management by allowing the exploration of the potential impacts of different fishing decisions at ecosystem level.  相似文献   

By 2004, Belize was exhibiting classic fishing down of the food web. Groupers (Serranidae) and snappers (Lutjanidae) were scarce and fisheries turned to parrotfishes (Scarinae), leading to a 41% decline in their biomass. Several policies were enacted in 2009–2010, including a moratorium on fishing parrotfish and a new marine park with no-take areas. Using a 20-year time series on reef fish and benthos, we evaluated the impact of these policies approximately 10 years after their implementation. Establishment of the Southwater Caye Marine Reserve led to a recovery of snapper at 2 out of 3 sites, but there was no evidence of recovery outside the reserve. Snapper populations in an older reserve continued to increase, implying that at least 9 years is required for their recovery. Despite concerns over the feasibility of banning parrotfish harvest once it has become a dominant fin fishery, parrotfishes returned and exceeded biomass levels prior to the fishery. The majority of these changes involved an increase in parrotfish density; species composition and adult body size generally exhibited little change. Recovery occurred equally well in reserves and areas open to other forms of fishing, implying strong compliance. Temporal trends in parrotfish grazing intensity were strongly negatively associated with the cover of macroalgae, which by 2018 had fallen to the lowest levels observed since measurements began in 1998. Coral populations remained resilient and continued to exhibit periods of net recovery after disturbance. We found that a moratorium on parrotfish harvesting is feasible and appears to help constrain macroalgae, which can otherwise impede coral resilience.  相似文献   

Coastal ecosystems generate diverse services, such as protection, production of food, climate regulation and recreation across the globe. These services are vital for extremely vulnerable coastal areas for enhancing present and future adaptation capacity under changing climate. Bangladesh has long coastline which provides opportunities to large population for multiple resource uses; and threats from extreme natural disasters. The CBACC-Coastal Afforestation is the priority initiative of Bangladesh NAPA that has come in actions under first LDCF adaptation project. The project has focused to reduce climatic vulnerability through enhancing resilience of coastal forests and adaptive capacity of communities. With a total of 6,100 ha of new mangrove plantation and introducing 10 important mangrove species in existing monoculture areas, the project increased protective and carbon rich forest coverage, and also functional capacity of coastal vegetation to adapt to current and future climatic shocks. Concurrently, the project developed co-benefit regime for community based adaptation through innovating integrated land uses for livelihoods of adjacent households. A new land use model (Forest, Fish and Fruit-Triple F) has been implemented to restore fallow coastal lands into community based livelihood adaptation practices. The Triple F practice has reduced inundation and salinity risks and freshwater scarcity in cultivation of agricultural crops and fish. The rational land uses improved household adaptation capacity of landless households through short-, mid- and long-term income generation. The project lesson has further focus to justify the land use innovation for harnessing potential opportunities of ecosystem based adaptation in coastal Bangladesh.  相似文献   

The Arctic experiences a high-radiation environment in the summer with 24-hour daylight for more than two months. Damage to plants and ecosystem metabolism can be muted by overcast conditions common in much of the Arctic. However, with climate change, extreme dry years and clearer skies could lead to the risk of increased photoxidation and photoinhibition in Arctic primary producers. Mosses, which often exceed the NPP of vascular plants in Arctic areas, are often understudied. As a result, the effect of specific environmental factors, including light, on these growth forms is poorly understood. Here, we investigated net ecosystem exchange (NEE) at the ecosystem scale, net Sphagnum CO2 exchange (NSE), and photoinhibition to better understand the impact of light on carbon exchange from a moss-dominated coastal tundra ecosystem during the summer season 2006. Sphagnum photosynthesis showed photoinhibition early in the season coupled with low ecosystem NEE. However, later in the season, Sphagnum maintained a significant CO2 uptake, probably for the development of subsurface moss layers protected from strong radiation. We suggest that the compact canopy structure of Sphagnum reduces light penetration to the subsurface layers of the moss mat and thereby protects the active photosynthetic tissues from damage. This stress avoidance mechanism allowed Sphagnum to constitute a significant percentage (up to 60%) of the ecosystem net daytime CO2 uptake at the end of the growing season despite the high levels of radiation experienced.  相似文献   

The concentrations in surface sediments of the trace metals Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn have been determined at 32 stations in the Casco Bay region of the Gulf of Maine. The metals are not distributed homogeneously but exhibit elevated levels around the Portland waterfront and generally low levels at offshore and tidally scoured stations. Comparison of these results to those from both industrialized and non-industrialized sites throughout New England indicates that the sediments in parts of the Casco Bay region are affected by trace metals.  相似文献   

The study area, Kuttanad Waters is a part of the Cochin estuarine system on the west coast of India. Kuttanad is well known for its agricultural activity and so the major contribution to the inorganic ions of nitrogen will be from fertilisers applied in agriculture. Based on observed salinity the stations have been divided into three zones. The fresh water zones had higher quantities of silt and clay whereas the estuarine zone was more sandy. The chemical speciation scheme applied here distinguishes three forms of ammoniacal nitrogen species: exchangeable, fixed, and organic ammoniacal nitrogen. No significant trends were observed in the seasonal distribution of total, exchangeable, fixed and organic nitrogen. A significant concentration of exchangeable ammonia was observed in the sediment due to their predominantly reducing environment, which restricts nitrification. High NH4-N concentrations in the pore waters, along with the sedimentary composition leads to a significantly high quantity of fixed NH4-N. The low values for N org is due to high mineralisation or deamination of organic nitrogen  相似文献   

The study area, Kuttanad Waters is a part of the Cochin estuarine system on the west coast of India. Kuttanad is well known for its agricultural activity and so the major contribution to the inorganic ions of nitrogen will be from fertilisers applied in agriculture. Based on observed salinity the stations have been divided into three zones. The fresh water zones had higher quantities of silt and clay whereas the estuarine zone was more sandy. The chemical speciation scheme applied here distinguishes three forms of ammoniacal nitrogen species: exchangeable, fixed, and organic ammoniacal nitrogen. No significant trends were observed in the seasonal distribution of total, exchangeable, fixed and organic nitrogen. A significant concentration of exchangeable ammonia was observed in the sediment due to their predominantly reducing environment, which restricts nitrification. High NH4-N concentrations in the pore waters, along with the sedimentary composition leads to a significantly high quantity of fixed NH4-N. The low values for N org is due to high mineralisation or deamination of organic nitrogen  相似文献   

Understanding the effects of climate change on boreal forests which hold about 7% of the global terrestrial biomass carbon is a major issue. An important mechanism in boreal tree species is acclimatization to seasonal variations in temperature (cold hardiness) to withstand low temperatures during winter. Temperature drops below the hardiness level may cause frost damage. Increased climate variability under global and regional warming might lead to more severe frost damage events, with consequences for tree individuals, populations and ecosystems. We assessed the potential future impacts of changing frost regimes on Norway spruce (Picea abies L. Karst.) in Sweden. A cold hardiness and frost damage model were incorporated within a dynamic ecosystem model, LPJ-GUESS. The frost tolerance of Norway spruce was calculated based on daily mean temperature fluctuations, corresponding to time and temperature dependent chemical reactions and cellular adjustments. The severity of frost damage was calculated as a growth-reducing factor when the minimum temperature was below the frost tolerance. The hardiness model was linked to the ecosystem model by reducing needle biomass and thereby growth according to the calculated severity of frost damage. A sensitivity analysis of the hardiness model revealed that the severity of frost events was significantly altered by variations in the hardening rate and dehardening rate during current climate conditions. The modelled occurrence and intensity of frost events was related to observed crown defoliation, indicating that 6-12% of the needle loss could be attributed to frost damage. When driving the combined ecosystem-hardiness model with future climate from a regional climate model (RCM), the results suggest a decreasing number and strength of extreme frost events particularly in northern Sweden and strongly increasing productivity for Norway spruce by the end of the 21st century as a result of longer growing seasons and increasing atmospheric CO2 concentrations. However, according to the model, frost damage might decrease the potential productivity by as much as 25% early in the century.  相似文献   

Understanding ecosystem responses to global and local anthropogenic impacts is paramount to predicting future ecosystem states. We used an ecosystem modeling approach to investigate the independent and cumulative effects of fishing, marine protection, and ocean acidification on a coastal ecosystem. To quantify the effects of ocean acidification at the ecosystem level, we used information from the peer‐reviewed literature on the effects of ocean acidification. Using an Ecopath with Ecosim ecosystem model for the Wellington south coast, including the Taputeranga Marine Reserve (MR), New Zealand, we predicted ecosystem responses under 4 scenarios: ocean acidification + fishing; ocean acidification + MR (no fishing); no ocean acidification + fishing; no ocean acidification + MR for the year 2050. Fishing had a larger effect on trophic group biomasses and trophic structure than ocean acidification, whereas the effects of ocean acidification were only large in the absence of fishing. Mortality by fishing had large, negative effects on trophic group biomasses. These effects were similar regardless of the presence of ocean acidification. Ocean acidification was predicted to indirectly benefit certain species in the MR scenario. This was because lobster (Jasus edwardsii) only recovered to 58% of the MR biomass in the ocean acidification + MR scenario, a situation that benefited the trophic groups lobsters prey on. Most trophic groups responded antagonistically to the interactive effects of ocean acidification and marine protection (46%; reduced response); however, many groups responded synergistically (33%; amplified response). Conservation and fisheries management strategies need to account for the reduced recovery potential of some exploited species under ocean acidification, nonadditive interactions of multiple factors, and indirect responses of species to ocean acidification caused by declines in calcareous predators.  相似文献   

The salt marsh ecosystem at North Inlet, South Carolina, USA consistently exported dissolved inorganic nitrogen via tidal exchange with the coastal Atlantic Ocean. Concentrations centrations of NH 4 + and NO 3 - +NO 2 - displayed distinct tidal patterns with rising values during ebb flow. These patterns suggest the importance of biogeochemical processes in the flux of material from the salt marsh. NH 4 + export peaked during the summer (15 to 20 mg m-2 tide-1) during a net balance of tidal water exchange. Remineralization of NH 4 + within the salt marsh system appears to be contributing to the estimated annual net export of bout 4.7 g NH 4 + -N m-2 yr-1. NO 3 - +NO 2 - exports were higher in the fall and winter of 1979 (2 to 4 mg N m-2 tide-1). The winter export coincided with a considerable net export of water with no distinctive concentration patterns, suggesting a simple advective export. However, the fall peak of NO 3 - +NO 2 - export occurred during a period of net water balance in tidal exchange and an insignificant freshwater input from the western, forested boundary. During the summer and fall, tidal concentration patterns were particularly apparent, suggesting that nitrification within the salt marsh system was contributing to the estimated annual net export of ca 0.6 g NO 3 - +NO 2 - -N m-2 yr-1.Contribution No. 637 from the Belle W. Baruch Institute of Marine Biology and Coastal Research  相似文献   

Wissant Bay is a picturesque and highly frequented French coastal resort comprising beaches, dunes, marshes, and bold capes facing the Dover Strait. Situated at the southern approaches to the North Sea, the 8 km-long bay has, arguably, the most rapidly eroding shoreline in metropolitan France. Retreat has largely affected much of the bay shoreline west of Wissant town, with parts of this sector having lost up to 250 m in the last 50 years, whereas a much smaller sector east of the town is a zone of accretion. Various dune, beach and nearshore morphodynamic studies conducted over the last decade have identified chronic sand bleeding from the western sector and longshore transport to the east, within a framework of what appears to be an ongoing shoreline rotation process within a dominant longshore sediment transport cell between the headland of Cape Gris Nez to the west and the bold chalk cliffs of Cape Blanc Nez to the east. Retreat of the narrowing beach-dune barrier poses a threat in the coming years, as there is a likelihood of it being breached by storms. The seawall protecting Wissant town has also been repeatedly damaged since 2000 due to the chronic sand deficit. These changes involve interactions between a nearshore sand bank, a complex macrotidal beach comprising multiple subtidal to intertidal bars and troughs subject to strong longshore sand transport especially during storms, and aeolian dunes. The nearshore bank acts as a dissipater of incident storm wave energy and as a sand source for the multi-barred beaches and dunes, and has been strongly impacted by past massive aggregate extraction. The bank is, in turn, part of a larger system of mobile banks reworked by storms and tidal currents within the framework of a sand circulation system between the eastern English Channel and the southern North Sea. The aim of this work is to confront knowledge acquired on the morphodynamics of the bay with an engineering plan proposed to counter erosion and reestablish shoreline stability. The plan is based essentially on the creation of an ‘equilibrium’ beach profile, capable of withstanding storms, comprising an enlarged upper beach berm, and constructed through beach nourishment from a nearshore source located 20 km east of Wissant Bay. The plan has not been implemented because of cost. Even if it were to be implemented, its efficiency seems very doubtful because the beach profile simulations on which it is based neglect the complex multi-barred morphology and the overwhelming dominant longshore transport over bars during storms. The plan is also geared towards resolving a local problem of erosion that is embedded in the larger and rather complex spatiotemporal morphodynamics and sediment transport mechanisms evoked above. Wissant Bay is emblematic of the problems of erosion facing many communes in France, and elsewhere. The fight against shoreline erosion generally starts with the commonly insurmountable hurdle of fund-raising for costly engineering proposals that are not always based on a clear grasp of the embedded scales of change affecting the coast.  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal variability in zooplankton was studied at eight stations located in the Lesina Lagoon (South Adriatic Sea) Salinity, temperature, dissolved oxygen and chlorophyll a (in the lagoon) at these stations were also assessed. The zooplankton community was characterised by clear seasonal oscillations and mostly represented by copepods and their larvae. The dominant copepod species were Calanipeda aquaedulcis and Acartia tonsa, which exhibited spatial–temporal segregation in the lagoon. C. aquaedulcis copepodites seemed to be better adapted to oligotrophic and oligohaline conditions compared with the A. tonsa population. The invasive species A. tonsa has completely replaced the formerly abundant Acartia margalefi. A positive correlation was found between abundances, total species numbers and trophic state. An increasing abundance trend was shown from the lagoon towards the sea. The highest diversity indices were recorded at the two channel inlets, during high tide due to the absence of a clear dominance of one or more coastal species and the co-occurrence of species of lagoon and marine origin.  相似文献   

A 2-year field study was carried out to determine the impact of kraft pulp-mill effluents on the fish fauna of a shallow-bay system in north Florida (Apalachee Bay, USA). Offshore areas that received kraft-mill effluents (KME) displayed significant increases in color and turbidity and reductions in (benthic) dissolved oxygen compared to a nearby control area. Estuarine and marsh fish assemblages in areas of acute impact were severely reduced in terms of numbers of individuals (N) and species (S). Offshore areas exposed to varying (chronic) levels of KME were characterized by complex interactions that included seasonal variations of impact. A broad offshore area showed reductions in numbers of individuals and species taken per month. However, the cumulative (annual) number of species taken was the same for polluted and unpolluted (control) areas due to a recruitment of relatively rare species in the areas of impact. Such polluted areas showed decreased dominance as well as qualitative differences in species composition compared to control areas. Inshore bay stations that were most severely affected by KME were dominated by the bay anchovy, Anchoa mitchilli. While species richness and species diversity were lower at the highly stressed stations, in other outlying areas of moderate impact (reduced N and S) there were no reductions of such parameters compared to control areas. Thus, species diversity was not an indicator of pollution per se, and was useful only when taken in conjunction with various other parameters. Transition areas (between polluted and unpolluted portions of the bay) showed substantial (although periodic) increases in N, S, and species diversity. Equitability indices were unchanged in polluted portions of the bay. In general, the effects of KME on offshore fish assemblages appeared to be due to a complex combination of habitat alteration, reduced benthic productivity, and individual behavioral reactions. The alterations of fish assemblages were compared to other studies in this area on benthic macrophytes and invertebrates in an effort to assess the usefulness of various indices in studies on the long-term effects of pollution on estuarine and coastal systems. It was found that kraft pulp-mill effluents had a pronounced effect on the benthic standing crop of plants and animals, but that intensive sampling over prolonged periods of time was necessary for an adequate assessment of the problem. Overall, there were some significant changes in the biota such as reduced dominance and productivity in polluted areas that were similar for the various types of organisms sampled.  相似文献   

渤海湾海岸带表层沉积物中黑碳的分布特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在渤海湾西海岸潮间带、近海和主要河流采集了85个表层沉积物样品,对黑碳(BC)的质量分数及其分布规律进行了研究,并探讨了BC与沉积物粒度的关系。结果表明:(1)渤海湾海岸带表层沉积物中BC的平均质量分数为(0.65±0.42)mg·g^-1,占总有机碳的比例为16.8%±7.5%,均高于我国其它海岸带;(2)潮间带沉积物中BC的质量分数存在明显的南北分区差异(以天津港码头为界),北区(0.92mg·g^-1)比南区(0.22mg·g^-1)平均高4倍以上;近海和河流样品BC的质量分数也有一定程度的"北高南低"趋势,表明BC在海岸带运移扩散的继承性,河流输入可能是主要途径;(3)潮间带沉积物粒度表现为"北区细"(以粘土质粉砂主)而"南区粗"(以砂为主),反映两个区域的水动力条件和沉积环境不同,是造成BC质量分数区域差异的主要原因。  相似文献   

Forest productivity is strongly affected by seasonal weather patterns and by natural or anthropogenic disturbances. However weather effects on forest productivity are not currently represented in inventory-based models such as CBM-CFS3 used in national forest C accounting programs. To evaluate different approaches to modelling these effects, a model intercomparison was conducted among CBM-CFS3 and four process models (ecosys, CN-CLASS, Can-IBIS and 3PG) over a 2500 ha landscape in the Oyster River (OR) area of British Columbia, Canada. The process models used local weather data to simulate net primary productivity (NPP), net ecosystem productivity (NEP) and net biome productivity (NBP) from 1920 to 2005. Other inputs used by the process and inventory models were generated from soil, land cover and disturbance records. During a period of intense disturbance from 1928 to 1943, simulated NBP diverged considerably among the models. This divergence was attributed to differences among models in the sizes of detrital and humus C stocks in different soil layers to which a uniform set of soil C transformation coefficients was applied during disturbances. After the disturbance period, divergence in modelled NBP among models was much smaller, and attributed mainly to differences in simulated NPP caused by different approaches to modelling weather effects on productivity. In spite of these differences, age-detrended variation in annual NPP and NEP of closed canopy forest stands was negatively correlated with mean daily maximum air temperature during July-September (Tamax) in all process models (R2 = 0.4-0.6), indicating that these correlations were robust. The negative correlation between Tamax and NEP was attributed to different processes in different models, which were tested by comparing CO2 fluxes from these models with those measured by eddy covariance (EC) under contrasting air temperatures (Ta). The general agreement in sensitivity of annual NPP to Tamax among the process models led to the development of a generalized algorithm for weather effects on NPP of coastal temperate coniferous forests for use in inventory-based models such as CBM-CFS3: NPP′ = NPP − 57.1 (Tamax − 18.6), where NPP and NPP′ are the current and temperature-adjusted annual NPP estimates from the inventory-based model, 18.6 is the long-term mean daily maximum air temperature during July-September, and Tamax is the mean value for the current year. Our analysis indicated that the sensitivity of NPP to Tamax was nonlinear, so that this algorithm should not be extrapolated beyond the conditions of this study. However the process-based methodology to estimate weather effects on NPP and NEP developed in this study is widely applicable to other forest types and may be adopted for other inventory based forest carbon cycle models.  相似文献   

The effects of a coastal power plant on an outer estuarine bay ecosystem on the west coast of Florida were evaluated with measurements and an ecological model. Field measurements of community metabolism and biomass were taken from the thermally affected bay and from similar control bays. Model simulations were used to help understand these observations in terms of ecosystem structure and functioning.In the outer discharge bay the direct impact of the thermal plume was diluted and spread overlarge areas. The ecosystem developed structure and functions with lower biomass than in the control bays but with slightly faster rates of organic turnover. The productive turnover time of producer biomass during the summer was about 5 days in the discharge bay and about 6 days in the control bays. Power plant influence on total community metabolism was small with less than 10% difference in annual averages between the discharge and control bays (5.22 and 5.58 g O2/m2/day). The selection for faster metabolic turnover rates in the discharge by was evidenced by a dominance of plankton metabolism over benthic metabolism. The annual average gross planktonic production was around 3 g O2/m2/day in the discharge bay and around 2 g/m2/day in the control bays.In the model, temperature served as a stimulant to both productivity and respiration. When the isolated effects of increased temperature were simulated the model responded with lower producer biomass and faster rates of organic turnover, as was found in field measurements. These simulations also showed increased nutrient recycling and indicated patterns of temperature-induced migrations. Since power plant operation affected water exchange in the bays, several levels of total water exchange were simulated. These simulations indicated the importance of water exchange as a stabilizing factor, especially for sensitive compartments with rapid turnover rates (i.e. plankton and phosphorus stocks). Simulations of the effects of future power plant units on the bay ecosystem showed no large changes in total metabolism but indicated larger effects of plankton entrainment mortality and temperature-induced migrations of larger organisms.  相似文献   

An approach combining nutrient budgets, dynamic modelling, and field observations of phytoplankton and nitrogen (N2)-fixing Lyngbya majuscula following changes in wastewater N loads, was used to demonstrate that Moreton Bay is potentially phosphorus (P) limited. Modelling and nutrient budgeting shows that benthic N-fixation loads are high, allowing the system to overcome any potential N-limitation. Phytoplankton biomass has shown little change from 1991 to 2006 in the sections of Moreton Bay most impacted by wastewater effluents, despite a large reduction in wastewater N loads from 2000 to 2002. This is consistent with modelling that also showed no reduction in primary productivity associated with reduced N loads. Most importantly, there have been rapid increases in the occurrence of N-fixing L. majuscula in Moreton Bay as wastewater P loads have increased relative to wastewater N loads. This is also consistent with modelling. This work supports the premise that there may be fundamental differences in nutrient limitation of primary production between subtropical and temperate coastal systems due to differences in the importance of internal nitrogen sources and sinks (N-fixation and denitrification). These differences need to be recognised for optimum management of coastal systems.  相似文献   

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