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K. Reid 《Marine Biology》2001,138(1):57-62
 Antarctic krill Euphausia superba has a central role in the ecosystem of the Southern Ocean and knowledge of its growth rate is central to determining the factors influencing population dynamics. The length of Antarctic krill in the diet of Antarctic fur seals Arctocephalus gazella at South Georgia revealed a consistent increase in size between ca. 42 and ca. 54 mm over the period October–March, indicating growth rates much higher than predicted by existing models. Geographical variation in growth rate may result in 2-year-old krill at South Georgia attaining the same size as 3-year-old krill in the Antarctic Peninsula region. The effect of geographical variation in growth rate on the population structure of krill has important implications for comparing the fate of individual cohorts over large scales and in the interpretation of krill life-cycles. Received: 20 May 2000 / Accepted: 11 August 2000  相似文献   

The growth of two Antarctic lamellibranchs, Adamussium colbecki (E.A. Smith) and Laternula elliptica (King and Broderip), has been investigated. A. colbecki is a pectinid that grows to a shell height of approximately 70 mm in 6 to 7 years; L. elliptica is a deep-burrowing form, ecologically similar to the genus Mya and grows to a shell length of approximately 90 mm in 12 to 13 years. The growth pattern of both species is accurately described by the Bertalanffy growth equation and both have smaller values of the Bertalanffy K coefficient than comparable temperate species (A. colbecki K=0.24, L. elliptica K=0.16).  相似文献   

Primary production at Antarctic coastal sites is contributed from sea ice algae, phytoplankton and benthic algae. Oxygen microelectrodes were used to estimate sea ice and benthic primary production at several sites around Casey, a coastal area in eastern Antarctica. Maximum oxygen export from sea ice was 0.95 mmol O2 m−2 h−1 (~11.7 mg C m−2 h−1) while from the sediment it was 6.08 mmol O2 m−2 h−1 (~70.8 mg C m−2 h−1). When the ice was present O2 export from the benthos was either low or negative. Sea ice algae assimilation rates were up to 3.77 mg C (mg Chl-a)−1 h−1 while those from the benthos were up to 1.53 mg C (mg Chl-a)−1 h−1. The contribution of the major components of primary productivity was assessed using fluorometric techniques. When the ice was present approximately 55–65% of total daily primary production occurred in the sea ice with the remainder unequally partitioned between the sediment and the water column. When the ice was absent, the benthos contributed nearly 90% of the primary production.  相似文献   

Weather anomalies have a range of adverse contemporaneous impacts on health and socio-economic outcomes. This paper tests if temperature anomalies around the time of birth can have long-term impacts on individuals' economic productivity. Using unique data sets on historical weather and earnings, place and date of birth of all 1.5 million formal employees in Ecuador, we find that individuals who have experienced in-utero temperatures that are 1 °C above average are less educated and earn about 0.7% less as adults. Results are robust to alternative specifications and falsification tests and suggest that warming may have already caused adverse long-term economic impacts.  相似文献   

We present information on the reproductive biology, population structure, and growth of the brooding Antarctic bivalve Adacnarca nitens Pelseneer 1903, from the Ross Sea, Antarctica. Individuals ranging from 0.85 to 6.00 mm were found attached to a hydrozoan colony. This species shows low fecundity and large egg size, common to other brooding species. The minimum size at which oogenesis was detected was 2.3 mm and the minimum size at which brooding was evident was 3.9 mm. Embryos of a full range of developmental stages were brooded simultaneously in females. The population showed a log–normal distribution and results suggest non-periodic reproduction with continuous embryonic development. The reproductive traits of A. nitens are discussed in the context of circum-Antarctic species distribution and limitations to dispersal in brooding benthic invertebrates.  相似文献   

Otolith increment data were used to age larval Sardinops sagax from shelf waters between 118°E and 137°E off southern Australia. Maximum and mean growth rates up to an age of 30 days, estimated from a Laird-Gompertz model, were 0.62 and 0.48 mm day-1, respectively. The growth rate of larval S. sagax from southern Australia was less than, or at most comparable to, those estimated from the substantially more productive upwelling systems of southwestern Africa, the central coasts of North and South America, and inshore of the Kuroshio system east of Japan. The lower productivity of the sardine habitat off southern Australia could be expected to manifest as fewer and/or less extensive patches of suitably dense plankton, or lower levels of sufficient food availability, which results in the lower growth rate of larvae. This probably causes higher mortality and, along with slower growth rates of post-recruit stages, may therefore contribute to the low stock size of sardines in southern Australia. Nonetheless, the similarities in growth rates of larvae within a single species over widely separated regions suggest such rates fall between predetermined bounds, limited by starvation at the lower end and an ontogenetic maximum at the other.  相似文献   

E. Tanoue  S. Hara 《Marine Biology》1986,91(3):359-369
Organic analyses and electron microscopic observations on fecal pellets produced by the Antarctic krill Euphausia superba Dana showed that krill fed on choanoflagellates, the abundant heterotrophic flagellate in the Antarctic Ocean. Two new pathways of organic materials in the Antarctic ecosystem are proposed: (1) a new food chain including non-living particulate and dissolved organics, and bacteria-choanoflagellate-krill-vertebrate, which coexists with the traditional diatom-krill-vertebrate food chain; (2) non-phytoplanktonic organic materials in surface waters are transferred into choanoflagellates and are transported to deep water as fecal pellets which are still useful as nutrition for other organisms there.  相似文献   

A. W. North 《Marine Biology》1996,126(1):125-132
The activity and behaviour of a free-living Antarctic fish,Notothenia coriiceps Richardson (formerlyN. neglecta), was investigated using a high-sensitivity, underwater TV camera at Signy Island, South Orkney Islands. Detailed observations of the 33 cm TL (total length) fish were made over a period of 6 d in austral summer (February 1992), for a total 69.5 h. Natural light at 2.5 m depth allowed viewing from 1 h before sunrise to 1 h after sunset. The fish stayed in a territory within 3 m of a small cave for >98% of the time, and made between 1 to 148 swims d-1, of which 92.5% were brief (<15 s) feeding attempts. On average, 1.7% of each day was engaged in locomotion, including 1.2% swimming and 0.5% manoeuvring. Swimming was generally slow, at <2 body lengths s-1, and labriform and subcarangiform modes were used alternately or in combination. Activity level (swims or displays per hour) was unaffected by tide, but was lower for 3 d when a wind speed >16 knots prevailed indicating that large waves reduced activity. A suspected diurnal activity rhythm was not statistically significant. The fish is an ambush-predator, and it took most of its prey from the water column but some off macroalgae or the seabed. Ventilation rate was slightly higher after activity, and peaked after an encounter with anotherN. coriiceps.  相似文献   

建立了同位素稀释-高分辨气相色谱/高分辨质谱法(HRGC/HRMS)测定南极土壤、苔藓和地衣样品中23种有机氯农药的分析方法.样品经冷冻干燥、研磨处理后用正己烷∶二氯甲烷(1∶1,V∶V)混合溶剂进行加速溶剂萃取(ASE),萃取液经硅胶-氧化铝层析柱和C18小柱净化后,进HRGC/HRMS检测分析.样品中目标物定量采用平均相对响应因子法,6点标准曲线响应因子的相对标准偏差(RSD)≤20%,方法的线性范围为0.4—800μg·L-1,回收率在62%—101%之间.实际样品分析结果表明,23种OCPs的加标回收率为40%—100%,在土壤、苔藓和地衣样品中的检出限(LODs)分别为0.024—5.01、0.2—12.2、0.020—13.7 pg·g-1,可以满足南极环境样品中有机氯农药的检测分析.  相似文献   

The reproductive biology of the Antarctic fish Nototheniops nudifrons (Lönnberg, 1905) was analyzed by examination of the gonads of fish collected in March and April 1985 in trawls near Low Island, Antarctic Peninsula, and compared to direct observations of reproduction and early larval development in the laboratory from March to October of the same year. Males and females reached sexual maturity at an age of 4 to 5 yr. Mature males differed in coloration from females and immature males. Ovaries of sexually mature females contained two distinct size modes of vitellogenic oocytes, representing two separate clutches of developing eggs. Females spawned 100 to 3 500 demersal eggs, which were laid in a nest in crevices or under rocks, and guarded by the male for about 4 mo. Females did not assist in nest defense or egg care. Most spawning in the field and in the laboratory occurred in late fall and early winter (May to June). A second clutch may be spawned in spring (November and December). Eggs hatched after 124 d, and larvae were raised for 38 d. Otoliths of larvae contain internal microincrements, which are deposited in a daily fashion, and are visible by light microscopy. The otoliths of 32 adult fish were examined by scanning electron microscope, and counts of microincrements in these otoliths allowed the backcalculation of hatching dates. Estimated hatching dates were between September and May.  相似文献   

Results are described of observations on the distribution and biology of the Antarctic krillEuphausia superba Dana in the Scotia Sea and off South Georgia, conducted on board the R.V. Academic Knipovich from february 13 to April 2, 1968. Commercial concentrations of krill were observed between the South Orkneys and the South Sandwich Islands. Trial commercial fishing resulted in 136 t/10 days, with an average catch of 2 t/h and a maximum catch of 7 t/h. Catches decreased in the morning, from 4 a.m. to 12 a.m. Northwest of South Georgia concentrations of krill were also observed. Krill tend to concentrate in areas with circular water movement, but the problem of prompt location of commercial concentrations has not yet been solved. According to size composition curves, krill become mature only at 3 years of age and breed in the fourth year of their life. Only a few individuals survive to the age of 4 years.  相似文献   

In lekking species, females may become sperm-limited when mating with sexually successful males, and this may be exacerbated by a poor male diet. Polygynous males may also be limited by the amount of accessory gland products (AGPs) they can transmit to females, which in turn may influence the females’ refractory period and longevity. Here, we tested the effect of male mating history, larval and adult diet on copula duration, mating intervals, female fecundity, fertilisation success, life span and likelihood to remate using sexually successful males of the lekking tephritid fly Anastrepha obliqua. Flies originated from either a native or exotic host fruit and were protein-fed or deprived. Male diet and larval host influenced copula duration, while the time elapsed between matings was affected by the interaction of mating order and male adult diet. Female fecundity was not influenced by female position in mating order or protein inclusion into the male diet. However, mating order and male larval diet influenced female fertilisation success. Importantly, as males mated successively they were less able to induce a refractory period on females, as the last females to mate with a male were more likely to remate and had slightly longer life spans than the first females to mate with males. These results might be attributed to a decrease in male AGPs with increasing male mating frequency. We discuss the role of conditional expression of male mating frequency with respect to A. obliqua’s life history, the trade-off that females face when mating with a successful male, the effect of larval diet on adult sexual performance and the possibility for sexual conflict to occur due to high male mating rates and fitness costs to females.  相似文献   

A. Kellermann 《Marine Biology》1990,106(2):159-167
The feeding dynamics of larvae of the Antarctic fishNototheniops larseni were analyzed from data collected over three years in Bransfield Strait and adjacent waters (Antarctica). Seasonal feeding was examined from 1977/1978 (November–March). The diel feeding cycle was investigated during a 96 h station established in February 1976, while food selection was analyzed using larvae and zooplankton samples collected in February 1982. Hatching occurs in early spring, and larvae fed on eggs of calanoid copepods and on cyclopoid copepods. Copepod eggs were the principal food near the pack ice, and cyclopoids in open waters. Cyclopoids were the staple food in summer. Eggs of the Antarctic krillEuphausia superba were ingested selectively and formed major portions of the larval summer diet in neritic (Joinville Island) and oceanic (Elephant Island) spawning areas ofE. superba. In the fall, copepods predominated in the diets. Most abundant and most frequently ingested prey in summer and fall wereOncaea spp. Feeding commenced at dawn and continued at least until dusk. Krill eggs were taken chiefly during morning hours and egg incidence declined during the day, suggesting that eggs were ingested soon after spawning. Prey size at the onset of feeding was estimated as 0.130 to 0.330 mm. Size-selective feeding was evident in small larvae, while in larger larvae median prey length remained constant. High feeding incidence among yolk-sac larvae in spring, high overall feeding incidence in summer, and size-selective foraging of small larvae suggested favorable feeding conditions in the 1977/1978 season. Yolk-absorption times in Antarctic fish larvae vary on a scale of weeks and may be further retarded due to early feeding. Hence, year-to-year variability of yolk incidence inN. larseni indicated variable biotic environments of early feeding larvae rather than temporal shifts of hatching periods. As hatching periods are constant between years in contrast to the variable retreat of the pack ice and subsequent onset of the production cycle in space and time, maternal yolk reserves are probably utilized to compensate for such variations.  相似文献   

Antarctic fauna are highly adapted to the frigid waters of the Southern Ocean. This study describes the in vitro temperature sensitivity of oxygen consumption rates measured in liver mitochondria from the pelagic notothenioid Pleuragramma antarcticum between 5 and 35 °C. Oxygen fluxes were measured after the addition of millimolar levels of pyruvate, malate, succinate and glutamate (state II, LEAK) and saturating levels of ADP [state III, oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS)]. State III respiration significantly decreased above 18.7 °C. A comparison of the oxidative capacities among P. antarcticum and other notothenioids showed significant differences in state III respiration, where benthic species exhibited about 50 % lower rates than P. antarcticum. In addition, state III respiration rates normalized per milligram of mitochondrial protein of P. antarcticum were up to eight times higher than state III rates reported in the literature for other notothenioids. The comparatively high respiration rates measured in this study may be explained by our approach, which engaged both complexes I and II under conditions of oxidative phosphorylation. State III rates of independently activated complexes I and II were found to range from 42 to 100 % of rates obtained when both complexes were activated simultaneously in the same species. The remarkable tolerance of P. antarcticum OXPHOS toward warmer temperatures was unexpected for an Antarctic stenotherm and may indicate that thermal sensitivity of their mitochondria is not the driving force behind their stenothermy.  相似文献   

M. M. Gowing 《Marine Biology》1989,103(1):107-118
Phaeodarian radiolarians were sampled from the upper 200 m along a transect through the ice-edge zone in the Weddell Sea in the austral autumn (March 1986) and at several stations in the western Antarctic Peninsula region in the austral winter (June 1987). Abundances of phaeodarians reached 3 132 m-3 and were similar to or higher than maximum abundances of polycystine radiolarians, foraminiferans, and acantharians, and similar to or less than those of the heliozoan Sticholonche sp. Phaeodarians varied in abundance and species composition both seasonally and/or geographically. In contrast to the more numerous ciliates and flagellates that were most abundant in the upper 100 m, phaeodarians were most abundant from 100 to 200 m and showed no distinct pattern related to the ice edge. Electron microscopical examination of food vacuoles showed that phaeodarians are omnivorous generalists, feeding on a variety of food ranging in size from bacteria to large protozoans in both regions and seasons. Algal cells consumed in addition to diatoms and dinoflagellates included Chlorella-like cells and members of the recently described chrysophyte order Parmales. Scales of prasinophytes were common. Phaeodarians are consumed by the non-selective particlefeeding salp Salpa thompsoni. Thus, phaeodarians link microbial food webs to macrozooplankton and increase the complexity of the Antarctic food web.  相似文献   

Primary productivity data from 6 cruises in the Gulf of California are summarized. A total of 31 stations with 133 samples was available. The Gulf of California represents a subtropical area with exceptionally high rates of primary productivity. This fact may be accounted for by temporary seasonal upwelling, a wind-mixed water column down to the shallow thermocline, especially in the northern part of the Gulf, and by tidal mixing, especially in the Ballenas Channel between Baja California and the island Angel de la Guardia. Rates of primary productivity in the Gulf of California are comparable to those in areas such as the Bay of Bengal, the upwelling areas off the west coast of Baja California, or North Africa. They are about 2 to 3 times greater than that in the open Atlantic or the open Pacific at similar latitudes.Contribution from the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego. This work was part of the Scripps Tuna Oceanography Research Program. It was supported by the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries under contract number 14-17-0007-963. Shiptime was provided from funds of the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

Omnivorous feeding behavior of the Antarctic krill Euphausia superba   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Feeding experiments were conducted at Palmer Station from December 1985 to February 1986 to examine the potential role of copepod prey as an alternative food source for Euphausia superba. Copepod concentration, copepod size, phytoplankton concentration, the duration of krill starvation and the volume of experimental vessels were altered to determine effects on ingestion and clearance rates. Krill allowed to feed on phytoplankton and copepods in 50-litre tubs showed greatly increased feeding rates relative to animals feeding in the much smaller volumes of water traditionally used for krill-feeding studies. Clearance rates on copepods remained constant over the range of concentrations offered, but clearance rates on phytoplankton increased linearly with phytoplankton concentration. Feeding rates increased when larger copepods were offered and when krill were starved for two weeks prior to experiments. Clearance rates of krill feeding on copepods were higher than, but not correlated with, their clearance rates on phytoplankton in the same vessel. E. superba may have a distinct mechanism for capturing copepods, perhaps through mechanoreception. Although our observed clearance rate of 1055 ml krill-1 h-1 indicates that krill can feed very efficiently on copepod prey, such feeding would meet less than 10% of their minimum metabolic requirements at the typical copepod concentrations reported for Antarctic waters. However, substantial energy could be gained if krill fed on the patches of high copepod concentrations occasionally reported during the austral summer, or if krill and copepods were concentrated beneath the sea ice during the winter or spring months. Our results, indicating efficient feeding on zooplankton and higher clearance rates on phytoplankton than previously believed, represent a step towards balancing the energy budget of E. superba in Antarctic waters.  相似文献   

The circumpolar nudibranch Tritoniella belli Eliot occurs in abundance in shallow-water benthic communities of McMurdo Sound, Antarctica. Density estimates based on belt transects averaged collectively 0.46 individuals m−2 at three study sites between depths of 6 and 30 m in November 1996. At two of the sites, population densities increased linearly between 18 and 30 m depth (up to 0.7 and 1.15 individuals m−2 at 30 m depth). Individuals at all sites were rare or absent at depths shallower than 12 m. Size frequencies of individuals at the sites were similar, and a pooled analysis revealed a unimodal distribution skewed highly towards juvenile size classes. This suggests both recent recruitment and constant rates of mortality across size classes. The relationship between foot length and wet weight best fits an exponential growth equation, indicative of an allometric growth pattern. Distribution of T. belli in the field suggests that it is a habitat and diet generalist. Potential invertebrate predators include sea anemones and seastars, both of which co-occur in abundance in McMurdo Sound. Laboratory experiments indicate that the sea anemone Isotealia antarctica can capture and ingest T. belli. However, 70% of T. belli that are captured escape from the tentacles or, following ingestion, are rejected from the gastrovascular cavity. The seastars Odontaster validus, Perknaster fuscus, and Acodontaster conspicuus, avoid contact with T. belli, but if forced into contact with mantle tissues, retract their tube-feet. Mucus secreted from the mantle tissues, coated on to the tips of glass rods, and presented to seastar tube-feet, causes significantly longer tube-foot retraction times than control rods. Moreover, pieces of freeze-dried krill coated with mantle mucus are consumed significantly less often than untreated control pieces of krill by a benthic scavenging fish (Pseudotrematomas bernacchi). Employing seastar tube-foot retractions as a bioassay, we found the bioactive compound(s) are soluble in ethyl acetate, indicating they are lipophilic or moderately hydrophilic in nature. Chemical defenses in the mucus of T. belli probably contribute to its high abundance in Antarctic benthic communities. Received: 6 October 1997 / Accepted: 24 March 1998  相似文献   

 Various developmental stages (early larvae to adults) of Euphausia superba have been collected in different seasons in the Weddell Sea, the Lazarev Sea and off the Antarctic Peninsula to investigate the role of lipids and fatty acids in the life cycle of the Antarctic krill. The total-lipid data for E. superba exhibited seasonal variations, with low lipid levels in late winter/early spring and the highest levels in autumn. Seasonal changes were most pronounced in the immature and adult specimens, increasing from about 10% lipid of dry mass to more than 40%. The fatty-acid compositions of the younger stages were dominated by 20:5(n-3), 22:6(n-3) and 16:0. These are typical phospholipid fatty acids, which are major biomembrane constituents. The phospholipid composition was similar in the older stages. With increasing storage of triacylglycerols in the lipid-rich immature and adult stages, the fatty acids 14:0, 16:0 and 18:1(n-9) prevailed, comprising about 70% of total triacylglycerol fatty acids. The trophic-marker fatty acids 16:1(n-7) and 18:4(n-3), indicating phytoplankton ingestion, were less abundant. They reflected, however, the dependence of the larvae on phytoplankton as well as the seasonal changes in algal composition. The generally close linear relationships between fatty acids and lipid suggest that the fatty-acid compositions of the collected specimens were largely independent of the respective developmental stage, season and region. The linear fit indicates that triacylglycerol accumulation started at a level of about 5% of total lipid. Considering the various overwintering scenarios under discussion, the life cycle and reproductive strategies of krill are discussed in the context of the lipid metabolism and fatty-acid composition of E. superba. Lipid production is effective enough to accumulate large energy reserves for the dark season, but E. superba does not exhibit the sophisticated biosynthetic pathways known from other Antarctic euphausiids and copepods. Although important, lipid utilisation appears to be just one of several strategies of E. superba to thrive under the extreme Antarctic conditions, and this pronounced versatility may explain the success of this species in the Southern Ocean. Received: 16 June 2000 / Accepted: 18 December 2000  相似文献   

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