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This article addresses the use of critical loads in optimized emission abatement strategies. Critical loads represent the maximum tolerable deposition possible without adverse impacts, a limit that is highly spatially variable. As deposition targets, critical loads cannot be satisfied at all receptors in Europe. Consequently, there is a need for alternative criteria that still relate to ecological indicators, yet that are feasible, consistent, and equitable. Two criteria are suggested: the relative critical load coverage and the relative deposition reduction. Deposition goals based on these criteria will guarantee that a specified fraction of ecosystems will attain target loads and thus will be protected from adverse environmental impacts. In areas that cannot achieve target loads with the best available control measures, deposition can be reduced to a specified fraction of the unabated level. Examples are presented that demonstrate their derivation and application of the two criteria. The criteria have been implemented in the European-scale Regional Acidification Information and Simulation (RAINS) model. Results obtained indicate that optimized emission strategies based on critical loads may be similar to emission strategies based on deposition reductions at certain levels of the two criteria. This suggests that it may not be necessary to utilize critical loads to formulate deposition targets. A second example shows the effect of excluding countries from European cost minimization. A country's participation can save costs with moderate deposition targets; however, significant costs can be imposed with low (stringent) deposition targets. These preliminary results have significant implications for multilateral negotiations.  相似文献   

The United States is finding it difficult to develop a coherent policy on acid rain. Despite more than a decade of scientific research and policy initiatives, no clear course of action has been identified. This article argues that what is missing is an integrated assessment of the scientific knowledge that will guide the political process. The role of the integrated assessment is described, and a conceptual framework presented that would accomplish the desired goal. Currently available acid rain assessment models are compared against this framework and found to be less than satisfactory. The article concludes by stressing the opportunity now available to the National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program to perform such an assessment and break the logjam.  相似文献   

Climate change in Asia: issues and policy options   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article provides a brief review of some of the policy issues facing the Asian region with respect to climate change and its economic consequences. The environmental consequences of Asia's economic rise threaten the future growth of the region. Despite recent economic expansion, Asia will be one of the areas of the world most vulnerable to climate change. While Asia currently contributes moderately to greenhouse gas emissions, the potential for increases in emissions is significant. National and regional policy options, including abatement and adaptation, are examined as strategies for tackling the likely effects of climate change. This study recommends that national initiatives that have no 'regrets' properties be a priority area for further research so that they can be implemented as soon as possible. It is envisaged that in the short to medium term, identifiable no regrets policies can be a useful tool for reducing emissions and vulnerability to climate change in developing regions such as Asia.  相似文献   

宜宾市城市酸雨污染及防治对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文通过对宜宾市城市的地形、气候、气象特点、大气污染状况、降水质量状况以及酸雨成因的分析,提出了宜宾市城市酸雨污染的防治对策。  相似文献   

中国南方酸雨的分布特征及其成因分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文阐述了酸雨的危害、近几年中国南方地区酸雨的污染的时空分布状况、酸雨的成因等3方面的内容。研究表明:我国南方酸雨区的酸雨污染状况基本上处在一个稳定的时期。降水pH〈5的区域有从长江中上游向长江中下游发展的趋势;在时间分布上,秋季冬季降水pH低,酸雨发生的频率高;春季夏季降水pH高,酸雨发生的频率低。在酸雨的成因上,着重讨论了大气性质、污染物的迁移和扩散、气候条件、大气中颗粒物浓度以及土壤性质对酸雨形成的影响。  相似文献   

余连英 《四川环境》2007,26(5):35-36,56
本文对2006年泸州市的酸雨污染状况,以及降水中阴、阳离子成分进行了分析,为确定泸州市酸雨污染原因和酸雨类型提供了依据,并对降低酸雨污染提出了控制措施。  相似文献   

1997~2002年成都市区酸雨监测   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
本文对1997年~2002年成都市区的酸雨污染状况,酸雨分布,以及市区降水中阴离子成分随时间和空间的变化进行了探讨,为成都市区确定酸雨来源、酸雨类型、酸雨分布提供基础数据,并对控制和降低酸雨污染提出了建议。  相似文献   

The Direct/Delayed Response Project (DDRP) is one of several studies being conducted by the United States Environmental Protection Agency to assess risk to surface waters from acidic deposition in the eastern United States. In one phase of DDRP, land use, wetland, and forest cover data were collected for statistical samples of 145 Northeast lake and 35 Southern Blue Ridge Province stream watersheds in the United States. Land-use and other data then were extrapolated from individual to target watershed populations. Project statistical design allows summarization of results for various subsets of the target population. This article discusses results and implications of the land-use and land-cover characterization for both regions. Forest cover was the primary land use in both regions. In the Northeast, developed (agriculture and urban) land was positively associated with surface-water chemistry values for acid neutralizing capacity, Ca plus Mg, pH, and sulfate in the Pocono/Catskill subregion. Extensive wetlands and beaver activity occur in parts of the Northeast region, whereas topography limits wetland and riparian development in the Southern Blue Ridge Province. Northeast soils have low sulfate adsorption capacity, most watersheds are near sulfur steady state, and lake sulfate concentrations are controlled principally by levels of sulfur deposition. Net annual sulfur retention in Northeast watersheds is positively correlated with occurrence of wetlands and beaver impoundments. In contrast, most Southern Blue Ridge Province soils have high sulfate adsorption capacities, resulting in high net watershed sulfur retention. At the present time, stream sulfate concentrations and percent sulfur retention are controlled principally by soil chemical properties related to adsorption rather than atmospheric deposition and land use. The information in this document has been funded wholly by the United States Environmental Protection Agency. It has been subjected to the agency's peer and administrative review, and it has been approved for publication as an EPA document. Mention of trade names or commercial products does not constitute endorsement or recommendation for use.  相似文献   

酸雨形成机制及其影响因素的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文概述了酸雨的形成机制及影响酸雨酸度的因素。重点探讨了致碱物质,如气体氨、含有Ca^2 、Mg^2 的碱性粒子以及海盐氯循环对酸雨的缓冲作用。  相似文献   

酸雨条件下城市农业土壤镉的释放研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文选取成都市典型农业土壤为研究对象,根据成都市降雨特征,模拟一定范围pH及主要阴、阳离子浓度配制成母液开展酸雨淋滤实验,以确定酸雨中影响土壤重金属元素镉溶解度的关键因素,探明其对镉释放的影响程度。研究结果表明,总体上酸雨加速了土壤镉的释放。不同类型土壤在同一酸雨条件下,镉的释放速度和最大释放量也不同。酸雨pH值和主要阴、阳离子浓度对镉释放的影响有明显的规律。  相似文献   

本文在综述四川酸性降水范围、发展趋势预测的基础上,根据野外调查、现场考察和有关资料,阐述了酸雨形成的多种污染源及其对农业生态系统的危害。着重分析和论证了酸沉降(含酸雨、酸雾)对农作蔬菜的影响,并对酸沉降形成的主要几种污染影响范围和造成的经济损失采用分项估算法。估算公式为:S农损=D粮损×g×J+E蔬损×g×J+F油损×g×J,式中D、E、F分别代表粮食、蔬菜、油菜受酸沉降污染危害影响面积,g为每亩面积减产数量,J为单位产量价格。根据公式估算,经济损失为059-066亿元/年,取平均值≈S农损,总共为063亿元/年。  相似文献   

黄艺  张仕鹏  王红军  王沛东 《四川环境》2009,28(6):24-28,37
对不同酸雨条件下黄壤对镉释放的研究发现,吸附态镉释放的过程可以分为快反应和慢反应两个阶段。在以常用动力学方程实验数据进行拟合的基础上,创建了反三角函数方程。结果表明,反三角函数方程对多种酸雨条件下黄壤吸附态镉释放过程的拟合度最佳,此外多项式方程、双常数方程也能较好地描述这一过程。  相似文献   

四川酸雨的综合防治对策研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文在四川酸雨来源、成因、危害的基础上,结合国内外酸雨防治的经验,确定了四川酸雨的主要控制因子、控制目标和致酸污染物的削减率。针对四川的特点,提出了控制四川酸雨的战略和工程措施,为四川的经济发展、城市建设与环境保护等的规划、决策提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

Pot experiments were performed to determine the effects of simulated acid rain on Phaseolus vulgaris var. HUR-15. Seeds of Phaseolus vulgaris var. HUR-15 were exposed to simulated acid rain at pH values of 5.1, 4.1, 3.1, 2.1 and 1.1 and a control level of pH 6.8. Plants were harvested at three stages, i.e. pre, peak and post-flowering stages. Seedlings succumbed at pH 1.1. Necrosis developed on the leaves of plants treated with water of pH 2.1, resulting in adverse effect on chlorophyll content. They died after peak-flowering. Root and shoot length and dry weight were reduced with the lowering in pH. Carbohydrate, nitrogen and protein contents decreased with the decrease in pH level, adversely affecting their nutrient value.  相似文献   

Forest growth models are useful tools for investigating the long-term impacts of logging. In this paper, the results of the rain forest growth model FORMIND were assessed by a multicriteria decision analysis. The main processes covered by FORMIND include tree growth, mortality, regeneration and competition. Tree growth is calculated based on a carbon balance approach. Trees compete for light and space; dying large trees fall down and create gaps in the forest. Sixty-four different logging scenarios for an initially undisturbed forest stand at Deramakot (Malaysia) were simulated. The scenarios differ regarding the logging cycle, logging method, cutting limit and logging intensity. We characterise the impacts with four criteria describing the yield, canopy opening and changes in species composition. Multicriteria decision analysis was used for the first time to evaluate the scenarios and identify the efficient ones. Our results plainly show that reduced-impact logging scenarios are more 'efficient' than the others, since in these scenarios forest damage is minimised without significantly reducing yield. Nevertheless, there is a trade-off between yield and achieving a desired ecological state of logged forest; the ecological state of the logged forests can only be improved by reducing yields and enlarging the logging cycles. Our study also demonstrates that high cutting limits or low logging intensities cannot compensate for the high level of damage caused by conventional logging techniques.  相似文献   

The objective of this article was to assess flood vulnerability based on the representative concentration pathways (RCP) scenarios at city and county levels. A quantile mapping method was adopted to correct bias that is inherent in climate change scenarios. A series of proxy variables related to climate exposure, sensitivity, and adaptive capacity were chosen to assess flood vulnerability. Proxy variables were standardized using the Z‐score method. Principal component analysis was carried out to calculate the weighting of proxy variables. The study area was the Korean peninsula. The spatial resolution was on a city and county basis and the temporal resolution was 1990s, 2025s, 2055s, and 2085s (divided into 1976‐2005, 2011‐2040, 2041‐2070, and 2071‐2100). In the spatial comparison, we found that the areas with high‐level flood vulnerability increased over time in the central region, including metropolitan areas, and near the southern coast. In the temporal comparison, we found that the RCP4.5 scenario showed a tendency to increase steadily and the RCP8.5 scenario showed a tendency to decrease in the 2055s slightly and increase again in the 2085s. The study findings may provide useful data for the determination of priority for countermeasure development, though robustness of these findings with additional future projections should be established.  相似文献   

南充市近十年酸雨变化特征及降水化学组成研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
依据南充市2003~2012年城区降水环境监测统计资料,分析了酸雨变化特征及降水离子化学组成。研究表明:这十年,酸雨频率平均为50.4%,2007年降雨量为最高,呈波动递减趋势变化,降水年平均pH值为4.88,呈现"低—高—低"的变化特征,城区酸雨频率和降水pH值月均值变化呈现高低交替的波动趋势。城区降水中主要阳离子成分是Ca2+,主要阴离子成分是SO2-4和NO-3。(SO2-4/NO-3)比值逐年下降,平均比值为7.82,酸雨污染类型仍以硫酸型为主;降水(NH+4+Ca2+)/(SO2-4+NO-3)和Ca2+/NH+4比值呈波动性变化,2007年分别达到最高值为6.71和50.27,除2010年比值均较低小于1外,近年来均有增加趋势,表明碱性离子缓冲能力增强了,降水酸度降低,pH值增加,但2007年pH值较低,主要与降雨量有关。综合分析,降水酸度不仅是酸性离子和碱性离子中和作用,也受其他离子浓度和降雨量、风向等气候条件、距离传输以及地形等影响。  相似文献   

The promising spread of sustainable agriculture in Asia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Despite great successes in increasing food production, Asia still faces enormous food security challenges. Most commentators agree that there will have to be increases in food production from existing agricultural land, but many are pessimistic about the future, judging likelihood of success on the basis of past performance of 'modern' agricultural development. Sustainable agriculture, though, offers entirely new opportunities, by emphasising the productive values of natural, social and human capital, all assets that Asian countries either have in abundance or that can be regenerated at relatively low financial cost.
This paper sets out an assets-based model of agricultural systems, together with a typology of eight approaches for sustainable agriculture improvements. In the 16 projects/initiatives spread across eight countries that are analysed, some 2.86 million households have substantially improved total food production on 4.93 million hectares, resulting in greatly improved household food security. Proportional yield increases are greatest in rainfed systems, but irrigated systems have seen small cereal yield increases combined with added production from additional productive system components (such as fish in rice, vegetables on dykes). The additional positive impacts on natural, social and human capital are also helping to build the assets base so as to sustain these improvements in the future.
This analysis indicates that sustainable agriculture can deliver large increases in food production in Asia. But spreading these to much larger numbers of farm households will not be easy. It will require fundamental policy reform.  相似文献   

Air pollution has become a serious problem in China as a result of that country's efforts in the last 30 years to become a great industrial power. The burning of coal, which currently provides over 70% of all China's energy needs, is a major source of air pollution. Because Chinese coal is high in sulfur and ash content and because most combustion devices in China have low efficiencies, SO2 and particulate emissions are a serious problem and are comparable to or exceed those found in many countries that are much more industrialized. Although most coal is burned in North China, acid precipitation is most severe in South China because of the lack of buffering loess dust found in the former region.The Chinese government has already taken major steps to mitigate air pollution, such as relocating polluting industries, supplying coal with lower sulfur content, using gas instead of coal for residential heating, and levying fines on industries that exceed pollution standards. Atmospheric environmental impact assessment (AEIA) is also required for all major new projects. This article describes three types of mathematical diffusion models and field and wind-tunnel experiments that are used in such assessments.The Chinese authorities believe that a range of technological, managerial, locational, and behavioral changes must be effected before the air of Chinese cities can be significantly improved.  相似文献   

Land-Use and Land-Cover Change in Montane Mainland Southeast Asia   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
This paper summarizes land-cover and land-use change at eight sites in Thailand, Yunnan (China), Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos over the last 50 years. Project methodology included incorporating information collected from a combination of semiformal, key informant, and formal household interviews with the development of spatial databases based on aerial photographs, satellite images, topographic maps, and GPS data. Results suggest that land use (e.g. swidden cultivation) and land cover (e.g. secondary vegetation) have remained stable and the minor amount of land-use change that has occurred has been a change from swidden to monocultural cash crops. Results suggest that two forces will increasingly determine land-use systems in this region. First, national land tenure policies—the nationalization of forest lands and efforts to increase control over upland resources by central governments—will provide a push factor making it increasingly difficult for farmers to maintain their traditional swidden land-use practices. Second, market pressures—the commercialization of subsistence resources and the substitution of commercial crops for subsistence crops—will provide a pull factor encouraging farmers to engage in new and different forms of commercial agriculture. These results appear to be robust as they come from eight studies conducted over the last decade. But important questions remain in terms of what research protocols are needed, if any, when linking social science data with remotely sensed data for understanding human-environment interactions.  相似文献   

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