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Abstract: Ecosystem fragmentation and destruction can lead to restrictive administration policies on traditional harvesting by indigenous peoples from remaining ecosystem tracts. In New Zealand, concerns about endangered species and governmental policies that focus on species and ecosystem preservation have resulted in severely curtailed traditional harvesting rights. Although provision has been made for limited gathering of traditional plants from government‐administered conservation lands, it is unclear how much harvesting is undertaken on these lands and elsewhere and what this harvest might consist of. We interviewed seven expert Maori elders from the Waikato, New Zealand, to identify plant species they currently harvested and from where. We compared these data with the data we collected on permits issued for plant collecting on conservation lands in the same region. We sought to gain information on indigenous plant harvesting to determine the extent of permitted harvesting from conservation lands in the Waikato and to identify issues that might affect plant harvesting and management. Elders identified 58 species they harvest regularly or consider culturally important; over 50% of these species are harvested for medicinal use. Permit data from 1996 to 2006 indicated no apparent relationship between species of reported cultural significance and the number of permits issued for each of these species. Currently, few plant species are harvested from conservation lands, although some unofficial harvesting occurs. Elders instead reported that medicinal plants are frequently collected from urban and other public areas. They reported that plant species used for dyeing, carving, and weaving are difficult to access. Elders also discussed concerns such as spraying of roadsides, which resulted in the death of medicinal species, and use of commercial hybrids in urban planning. Local government may have an increasingly important role in supporting native traditions through urban planning, which takes account of cultural harvesting needs while potentially reducing future harvesting pressure on conservation lands. We suggest that active participation by the Māori community in the development and management of urban harvesting resources will result in positive outcomes.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Invasive mammalian predators such as rats are now widespread on islands, but hypotheses about their effects have rarely been tested. Circumstantial evidence from New Zealand indicates that, when introduced to islands, Pacific rats ( Rattus exulans ) have negative effects on endemic plants, invertebrates, birds, and reptiles, including the tuatara ( Sphenodon punctatus ). We tested the effects of Pacific rats on tuatara by comparing the demographic structure and body condition of tuatara populations on three islands before and after removal of rats and on a fourth island where rats remained. In the presence of rats, juvenile tuatara constituted on average 0–5% of the sample tuatara populations. When Pacific rats were removed after at least 200 years' occupancy, the proportion of juvenile tuatara increased 3.5- to 17-fold and body condition of adult males and females also improved (sometimes dramatically). We predict that, unless Pacific rats are removed from Taranga Island, the tuatara population will collapse because of low population density and the lack of juvenile recruitment. Our results demonstrate that when invasive species exert subtle effects on recruitment and body condition, the effects on populations of long-lived endemic species may only become apparent long after the invasion.  相似文献   

Ecosystems worldwide have a long history of use and management by indigenous cultures. However, environmental degradation can reduce the availability of culturally important resources. Ecological restoration aims to repair damage to ecosystems caused by human activity, but it is unclear how often restoration projects incorporate the return of harvesting or traditional life patterns for indigenous communities. We examined the incorporation of cultural use of natural resources into ecological restoration in the context of a culturally important but protected New Zealand bird; among award‐winning restoration projects in Australasia and worldwide; and in the peer‐reviewed restoration ecology literature. Among New Zealand's culturally important bird species, differences in threat status and availability for hunting were large. These differences indicate the values of a colonizing culture can inhibit harvesting by indigenous people. In Australasia among award‐winning ecological restoration projects, <17% involved human use of restored areas beyond aesthetic or recreational use, despite many projects encouraging community participation. Globally, restoration goals differed among regions. For example, in North America, projects were primarily conservation oriented, whereas in Asia and Africa projects frequently focused on restoring cultural harvesting. From 1995 to 2014, the restoration ecology literature contained few references to cultural values or use. We argue that restoration practitioners are missing a vital component for reassembling functional ecosystems. Inclusion of sustainably harvestable areas within restored landscapes may allow for the continuation of traditional practices that shaped ecosystems for millennia, and also aid project success by ensuring community support.  相似文献   

We examined the distribution and abundance of organisms on subtidal rocky reefs at nine sites around the Chatham Islands, a remote group 780 km east of southern New Zealand. We sampled five depth strata ranging from 1 to<16 m to identify spatial patterns in the abundance of algae and invertebrates and to assess their variation within and among sites. This information is used to discuss hypotheses concerning community structure at this remote locality. Several patterns were apparent. The immediate subtidal was occupied by the southern bull kelp Durvillaea spp. A suite of 11 fucalean species were dominant to a depth of 10 m with an average abundance of 28 m-2, while one species, Carpophyllum flexuosum, occurred mostly in deeper water. Only two laminarian species of algae were present at the islands. The indigenous Lessonia tholiformis was abundant at 2.5 to 15 m and was not found in deeper water, while the giant kelp Macrocystis pyrifera was abundant at two sites in 12 to 18 m. The commercially valuable abalone Haliotis iris was extremely abundant in shallow water, with an overall mean of 6 m-2 at 5 m. The sea urchin Evechinus chloroticus was common, but reached high densities only in small (<25 m2) patches. The characteristic urchin-dominated zones reported in kelp beds world-wide were not seen. There was considerable site-to-site variation in the occurrence and abundance of individual species. Some differences between sites were associated with shelter from swell (e.g. M. pyrifera was found only in sheltered sites) and physical habitat (e.g. juvenile H. iris were found only beneath boulders inshore), but much of the variation could not be explained by physical or depth-related factors alone. We hypothesize that the differences in these kelp bed assemblages compared to mainland New Zealand are partially due to the high degree of endemism at the Chatham Islands. Local variation cannot be explained by herbivory, and is most likely the result of the various life-history characteristics of the major habitat-forming species, the large brown algae.  相似文献   

This paper first explores the shift now occurring in the science that provides the theoretical basis for forest conservation and management. The paper then presents the concepts of traditional ecological knowledge and traditional management systems and practise to provide background for two case studies that examine traditional knowledge and forest management practices of tribal communities in the Sariska region (Rajasthan, India) and of the indigenous Mapuche Pewenhce communities in the Andean mountains of southern Patagonia in Chile, underlining the special relationship these tribal and indigenous communities maintain with the forest and their usefulness in community-based native forest conservation. These examples of traditional ecological knowledge and traditional management systems suggest that it is important to focus on managing ecological processes, instead of products, and to use integrated ecosystem management. Recommendations to move forest management paradigms beyond the current view of ‘timber’ or ‘reserves’ and toward one of truly integrated use that adapt conservation approaches to local cultural representations of the environment are made.  相似文献   

Conservation efforts to protect forested landscapes are challenged by climate projections that suggest substantial restructuring of vegetation and disturbance regimes in the future. In this regard, paleoecological records that describe ecosystem responses to past variations in climate, fire, and human activity offer critical information for assessing present landscape conditions and future landscape vulnerability. We illustrate this point drawing on 8 sites in the northwestern United States, New Zealand, Patagonia, and central and southern Europe that have undergone different levels of climate and land‐use change. These sites fall along a gradient of landscape conditions that range from nearly pristine (i.e., vegetation and disturbance shaped primarily by past climate and biophysical constraints) to highly altered (i.e., landscapes that have been intensely modified by past human activity). Position on this gradient has implications for understanding the role of natural and anthropogenic disturbance in shaping ecosystem dynamics and assessments of present biodiversity, including recognizing missing or overrepresented species. Dramatic vegetation reorganization occurred at all study sites as a result of postglacial climate variations. In nearly pristine landscapes, such as those in Yellowstone National Park, climate has remained the primary driver of ecosystem change up to the present day. In Europe, natural vegetation–climate–fire linkages were broken 6000–8000 years ago with the onset of Neolithic farming, and in New Zealand, natural linkages were first lost about 700 years ago with arrival of the Maori people. In the U.S. Northwest and Patagonia, the greatest landscape alteration occurred in the last 150 years with Euro‐American settlement. Paleoecology is sometimes the best and only tool for evaluating the degree of landscape alteration and the extent to which landscapes retain natural components. Information on landscape‐level history thus helps assess current ecological change, clarify management objectives, and define conservation strategies that seek to protect both natural and cultural elements.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Rural indigenous people are often very knowledgeable about plant and animal species, including their identification and ecology. The use of indigenous knowledge has increasingly attracted attention in scientific circles. The Dai people, a dominant nationality in southwestern Yunnan, China, have developed their own traditional plant classification system. In a case study in Xishuangbanna, we compared the differences in number of plant species identified between scientific and Dai folk classification. The Dai people identified more than 80% of the plant species, and the correspondence between folk and scientific plant species was 87.7%. Our results indicate that folk plant classification could be used in rapid assessment of plant species in certain regions. The use of folk systems of plant classification for rapid biodiversity assessment will contribute to conservation of both indigenous knowledge and regional biodiversity.  相似文献   

Abstract: Researchers and conservation managers largely agree on the relevance of traditional ecological knowledge for natural resource management in indigenous communities, but its prevalence and role as societies modernize are contested. We analyzed the transmission of traditional knowledge among rural local people in communities linked to protected areas in Doñana, southwestern Spain. We studied changes in knowledge related to local practices in agriculture and livestock farming among 198 informants from three generations that cover the period in which the area transited from an economy strongly dependent on local ecosystem services to a market economy with intensified production systems. Our results suggest an abrupt loss of traditional agricultural knowledge related to rapid transformations and intensification of agricultural systems, but maintenance of knowledge of traditional livestock farming, an activity allowed in the protected areas that maintains strong links with local cultural identity. Our results demonstrate the potential of protected areas in protecting remaining bodies of traditional ecological knowledge in developed country settings. Nevertheless, we note that strict protection in cultural‐landscape‐dominated areas can disrupt transmission of traditional knowledge if local resource users and related practices are excluded from ecosystem management.  相似文献   

Island populations of endemic birds are known to be particularly susceptible to extinction. This paper focuses on factors behind past and present declines of the highly endangered Takahe ( Porphyrio mantelli ), a flightless rail endemic to New Zealand. Subfossil evidence indicates that Takahe were once found throughout this island nation, being most abundant along forest margins and streams in lowland regions. Their numbers have declined dramatically since human colonization about 800–1000 years ago, probably due to a combination of habitat destruction and hunting by early Polynesian settlers. Today, the wild Takahe population consists of about 100 adult birds in an isolated alpine habitat and approximately 30 individuals recently released on several small offshore islands. Despite protection and intensive management, including removal of an introduced competitor (red deer, Cervus elaphus ), the alpine population has continued to decline. In contrast, the Takahe's nearest relative, the Pukeko ( Porphyrio porphyrio ) has expanded its range across New Zealand despite heavy hunting pressure since its colonization from Australia less than 1000 years ago. We suggest that, unlike Pukeko, Takahe lack appropriate behavioral responses to cope with mammalian predators such as stoats ( Mustela erminea ), which have been introduced relatively recently by European colonists. A study comparing predator defense behavior between these two closely related species is currently underway.  相似文献   

Major Conservation Policy Issues for Biodiversity in Oceania   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract:  Oceania is a diverse region encompassing Australia, Melanesia, Micronesia, New Zealand, and Polynesia, and it contains six of the world's 39 hotspots of diversity. It has a poor record for extinctions, particularly for birds on islands and mammals. Major causes include habitat loss and degradation, invasive species, and overexploitation. We identified six major threatening processes (habitat loss and degradation, invasive species, climate change, overexploitation, pollution, and disease) based on a comprehensive review of the literature and for each developed a set of conservation policies. Many policies reflect the urgent need to deal with the effects of burgeoning human populations (expected to increase significantly in the region) on biodiversity. There is considerable difference in resources for conservation, including people and available scientific information, which are heavily biased toward more developed countries in Oceania. Most scientific publications analyzed for four threats (habitat loss, invasive species, overexploitation, and pollution) are from developed countries: 88.6% of Web of Science publications were from Australia (53.7%), New Zealand (24.3%), and Hawaiian Islands (10.5%). Many island states have limited resources or expertise. Even countries that do (e.g., Australia, New Zealand) have ongoing and emerging significant challenges, particularly with the interactive effects of climate change. Oceania will require the implementation of effective policies for conservation if the region's poor record on extinctions is not to continue .  相似文献   

We present a phylogeographic analysis of an abundant New Zealand endemic sea-star, Patiriella regularis, to help pinpoint the location of an important biogeographic disjunction in central New Zealand. The analysis incorporates 284 mtDNA control region sequences (approximately 800 bp) of P. regularis from 22 coastal locations around New Zealand. We detected 132 haplotypes, with a mean divergence of 0.96%. AMOVA analysis of New Zealand samples is consistent with a north-south biogeographic disjunction across central New Zealand (among-group genetic variance=6.10%; P=0.0005). Cook Strait, the shallow marine strait separating the main islands, is not correlated with the disjunction: samples from northern South Island are genetically indistinguishable from North Island samples (variance=1.69%; P=0.073). These results are consistent with the hypothesis that upwelling zones south of Cook Strait constitute a significant barrier to larval dispersal.Communicated by M.S. Johnson, Crawley  相似文献   

Use of Traditional Ecological Knowledge in Marine Conservation   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Abstract:  Traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) represents multiple bodies of knowledge accumulated through many generations of close interactions between people and the natural world. TEK and its application via customary ecological management plans can be useful in modern conservation programs. I disaggregate the term TEK into its constituent parts and show several ways in which TEK can strengthen research designs by increasing locality-specific knowledge, including environmental linkages occurring in those localities. Examples of the uses of TEK in conservation include folk taxonomy in systematics in Micronesia, species knowledge for conservation in Kiribati, and fishers' knowledge of ecological interactions for reserve design in Belize. When conservationists recognize the utility of TEK, they can engage in an equitable exchange of knowledge and foster shared responsibility with indigenous people. These types of exchanges can also provide an opportunity for indigenous people to develop a scientific infrastructure.  相似文献   

New Zealand has over 500 offshore islands. Many consist of relatively pristine wilderness and contain a disproportionately large amount of New Zealand's biological wealth. Increased demand for recreation has increased the pressure to develop these areas. Although the New Zealand public has shown widespread support for the preservation and safeguarding of both wilderness areas and endangered species, economic values attached to the benefits of preservation are not known. Using a telephone survey, we found evidence that the public attaches significant value to the conservation of Little Barrier Island. The results show that these values are influenced by different levels and sources of prior information.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to provide comparable estimates of abundance of herbivorous reef fishes at temperate and tropical localities using a standardized methodology. Faunas of herbivorous fish were sampled on the rocky reefs of temperate northern New Zealand and on the coral reefs of the northern Great Barrier Reef (GBR), Australia, and the San Blas Archipelago in the Caribbean. A pilot study established the most appropriate habitat setting and the scale and magnitude of replication for the sampling program in temperate waters. Herbivorous fishes, including members of families endemic to the southern hemisphere (Odacidae and Aplodactylidae), were most abundant in turbulent, shallow water (0 to 6 m) and had patchy distributions within this habitat. A hierarchical sampling program using 10-min transect counts within the 0 to 6 m depth stratum examined abundance patterns at a range of spatial scales including mainland and island coasts, localities separated by up to 100 km and sites separated by up to 10 km. This program identified a characteristic fauna of seven species of herbivorous fishes with mean total abundances ranging from 23 to 30 individuals per 10-min transect. Species composition of the fauna varied between islands and coasts. A similar methodology was used to sample the major families of herbivorous fish in a number of sites in each of the tropical regions. These sampling programs revealed a fauna dominated by acanthurids and scarids in both the GBR and Caribbean localities. Estimates of abundance from these regions were similar, with a mean of 108 individuals recorded on the GBR and 129 per 10-min transect in the Caribbean. Species richness varied between each region, with 44 taxa recorded from the GBR and 11 from the Caribbean. Abundances of temperate water herbivores in New Zealand were found to be 75 to 80% lower than those recorded from shallow water habitats sampled on coral reefs. This was not related to species richness, since both New Zealand and the Caribbean locality had patterns of low richness. We suggest that the differences in abundance found by our study between temperate and tropical regions are not restricted to herbivorous fishes, but are representative of general latitudinal trends in reef fish faunas. Received: 4 November 1996 / Accepted: 15 December 1996  相似文献   

Cover Caption     
Cover : Tuatara (Sphenodon punctatus) at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. On pages 199‐207, Moir et al. examine potential methods to prevent extinction of species dependent on hosts of divergent taxa, including the tuatara, when translocating threatened animals or plants. A tick (Amblyomma sphenodonti) that is specific to tuatara did not establish after two translocations of tuatara. Moir et al. suggest determining viable sizes of founder host populations for dependent species and managing populations of dependent species to maximize the probability of sustainable rates of transmission between hosts. Cover image © 2012 Piotr Naskrecki. Photographer : Piotr Naskrecki is an entomologist and conservation biologist at the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, where he works on conservation, biogeography, and evolution of sound‐producing insects. As a photographer, Piotr has mastered the art of creating portraits of some of the smallest and most beautiful organisms. Between 2002 and 2009 he served as director of the Invertebrate Diversity Initiative at the Center for Applied Biodiversity Science of Conservation International. His work on the distribution of numerous groups of invertebrates informed decisions such as designations of regions with high concentrations of species richness. Piotr's publications, both technical and popular, strive to promote appreciation and conservation of invertebrates. His book The Smaller Majority (2005, Harvard University Press) illustrates many threats to the persistence of invertebrates. Relics: Travels in Nature's Time Machine (2011, Chicago University Press) discusses ecology and conservation of some of the world's most ancient organisms and ecosystems.  相似文献   


While the potential of indigenous knowledge for health care is fully recognised in the literature and by many health professionals, the practices of so many indigenous peoples go unrecorded and untested. Indigenous knowledge remains essentially untapped, an unwritten resource involving information, language and skills in many groups, languages, cultures and environments. An attempt is made in this paper to identify selected indigenous health technologies in a tribal area of Bihar State, India; to describe the treatments, their application and preparation; and to link the traditional practice with the relevant scientific information to test or determine the validity of the practices. These practices were found to be effective in the treatment of a variety of health problems, and most were also scientifically confirmed. The paper argues, however, that other plant uses practised by tribal people still need to be explored: in order to popularise more widely the authenticated practices; to preserve indigenous knowledge; to integrate or blend it with scientific knowledge so that health professionals and healthcare users may benefit from a wider range of healthcare strategies which are environmentally unthreatening.  相似文献   

Eradication of introduced mammalian predators from islands has become increasingly common, with over 800 successful projects around the world. Historically, introduced predators extirpated or reduced the size of many seabird populations, changing the dynamics of entire island ecosystems. Although the primary outcome of many eradication projects is the restoration of affected seabird populations, natural population responses are rarely documented and mechanisms are poorly understood. We used a generic model of seabird colony growth to identify key predictor variables relevant to recovery or recolonization. We used generalized linear mixed models to test the importance of these variables in driving seabird population responses after predator eradication on islands around New Zealand. The most influential variable affecting recolonization of seabirds around New Zealand was the distance to a source population, with few cases of recolonization without a source population ≤25 km away. Colony growth was most affected by metapopulation status; there was little colony growth in species with a declining status. These characteristics may facilitate the prioritization of newly predator‐free islands for active management. Although we found some evidence documenting natural recovery, generally this topic was understudied. Our results suggest that in order to guide management strategies, more effort should be allocated to monitoring wildlife response after eradication. Conductores de la Recuperación de Poblaciones de Aves Marinas en Islas de Nueva Zelanda después de la Erradicación de Depredadores  相似文献   

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