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Electrophoretic variation in proteins encoded by 23 loci revealed substantial genetic differentiation among populations of bicolor damselfish (Eupomacentrus partitus) collected from four coral reefs in the Florida Keys, USA, during 1986–1988. Genetic differentiation was concentrated between a sample collected from Little Grecian Rocks Reef (LGR) and the remaining samples, including fish from a reef only 600 m distant (Grecian Rocks Reef). Genetic distinction of the LGR sample derived from significantly heterogenous allelic frequencies at six of eight polymorphic loci. Aco-1 (aconitase); Ada (adenosine deaminase); Gpi-2 (glucosephosphate isomerase); Ldh-2 and Ldh-3 (lactate dehydrogenase); and Me-1 (malic enzyme); nevertheless, differentiation at cytosolic aconitase (Aco-1) far exceeded that observed for other loci (fixation index, F ST=0.482), and differences in Aco-1 allele frequencies were largely responsible for large genetic distances (0.20) between LGR and the other reefs. Paradoxically, estimates of numbers of migrants exchanged between reefs per generation (mN e=17.47) indicated the potential for extensive gene flow. The extent of genetic differentiation among these populations is evaluated relative to models of population genetic structure based on equilibrium between gene flow and natural selection or genetic drift.  相似文献   

M. C. Schmale 《Marine Biology》1991,109(2):203-212
Damselfish neurofibromatosis (DNF) is a cancer affecting bicolor damselfish (Pomacentrus partitus) on reefs in South Florida, USA. Bicolor damselfish exhibiting DNF were observed on 18 of 19 reefs surveyed, with prevalence rates varying from 0.4 to 23.8% of the adult fish in these populations. These rates were very stable over 5 to 9 yr periods (1981 to 1989) on the two reefs monitored. High disease prevalence was associated with a high population density of large size-class fish and a population structure dominated by large fish. These patterns were observed both between and within reef populations. The distribution of cases within reefs was clustered rather than uniform or random. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that DNF is distributed primarily via fish to fish (horizontal) transmission of an infectious agent. Disease patterns are not consistent with what would be expected to result from inherited (or vertically transmitted) or water-borne agents.  相似文献   

In 1986 we observed significant genetic heterogeneity among samples of bicolor damselfish (Stegastes partitus) from geographically proximate coral reefs in the Florida Keys. This result was in contrast to results of virtually all previous studies of coral reef fishes. To assess temporal stability of localized genetic differentiation, we resampled reefs in 1989. Within approximately two generations, allele frequencies at the most differentiated locus,ACO-1 *, had changed by as much as 0.65, resulting in almost complete homogeneity between previously differentiated subpopulations. Estimates of 10.78 migrants per generation suggested that high gene flow is the most likely factor responsible for the significant change in allele frequencies. We attribute the original genetic differentiation to a population bottleneck, possibly caused by environmental perturbations such as hurricanes and consequent genetic drift. For reef fishes with pelagic egg and/or larval stages, a growing body of data suggests that: (1) populations are geographically extensive gene pools, and (2) rates of dispersal appear to be high enough to allow for continual repopulation of isolated and/or perturbed coral reef communities.  相似文献   

Fish abundance is often better predicted by microhabitat variables on continuous reefs than on isolated patch reefs. Although this was suggested to stem from reduced post-recruitment relocation, this has not been shown experimentally. We found the relationship between the presence of a coral-dwelling fish, Dascyllus marginatus, and the size of its coral host to differ between corals on continuous reefs and the sparsely distributed corals on sandy bottoms. Empty transplanted corals were colonized exclusively by new recruits when on the sandy bottom, and both by new recruits and post-recruitment dispersal of adults when on the continuous reef. New recruits settled predominantly into small corals, although analyses of recruitment patterns were confounded by low recruitment in the studied years. Both tank experiments and field survey data suggest that the presence of recruits in small corals is at least partially driven by predation by the dottyback, Pseudochromis olivaceus, which lives predominantly in large corals within both habitats. Consequently, we suggest that the relationship between fish presence and coral size differs between the habitats due to coral size dependent predation on recruits and variability in the importance of direct recruitment to replenish fish populations.  相似文献   

Reproductive patterns of the endemic Hawaiian damselfish Dascyllus albisella were examined around the island of Oahu for 5 m in 1992. Daily variation in spawning was studied at four spatial scales: individual territories; reef transects; whole patch reefs; and locations separated by>20 km. A 6 d, non-lunar nesting cycle was found for individual males, and a synchronized, 6 d, nonhinar spawning cycle was found within reef transects, whole patch reefs, and locations. Spawning synchronicity was maintained among reefs within a location. However, spawning among locations was found to be asynchronous, limiting the spatial scale of reproductive synchrony to>1 km but<20 km. Inherent benefits of synchronous reproduction are discussed for D. albisella, but only the localized swamping of planktonic predators may be an inherent benefit of synchronous spawning for this species. Alternatively, synchronous spawning among populations may exist from adults tracking local, favorable environmental conditions rather than having evolved towards an inherent benefit of synchronization.  相似文献   

Vermetid gastropods are characterized by complex taxonomy and unusual ecology. A survey of the fouling community in the intake channel at the Planta Centro Power Plan in Puerto Cabello, Venezuela, found massive colonies of vermetid gastropods of the genus Petaloconchus. We arbitrarily named two prevalent varieties as black and brown-orange morphs, distinguishing based on the color of their soft bodies. Spatial distribution was different for the morphs. The black morph was present along the jetty, with higher average densities in the shallower intertidal area (410 vs. 143 ind m−2), while the brown-orange morph was only present at the initial part of the channel (μ = 83 ind m−2). Both produced small eggs (142 vs. 180 μm diameter on average), with the orange-brown eggs being slightly larger, but the morphs differed in other reproductive aspects. The brown-orange morph produced significantly fewer capsules (up to nine simultaneously per female) with fewer embryos (average of 27 viable embryos/capsule) that hatched at a larger size (577 μm on average), allocating about 17.64% of the initial egg production to nurse eggs. In contrast, the black morph produced up to 14 capsules simultaneously, hatched an average of 178 veligers of 212 μm, and produced no nurse eggs. The intra-capsular development reached a more advanced stage in the brown-orange morph than in the black one. Several cytochrome subunit I (COI) and 16S rRNA (16S) haplotypes were found for the black morph, when compared to only one haplotype for both genes present for the brown-orange morph. Preliminary phylogenetic analyses separated the morphs into different clades, supported by robust bootstrap values and posterior probabilities (>98). Our results indicate that the morphs are two different species: the black morph was identified as Petaloconchus cf. varians and the brown-orange morph as a non-described species, Petaloconchus sp. (orange). The first is endemic to the Caribbean, while the second is potentially an introduced species.  相似文献   

Asoh  K. 《Marine Biology》2003,142(6):1207-1218
The expression of protogyny often differs among populations of a single species. The humbug damselfish, Dascyllus aruanus (Linnaeus), typically lives in spatially discrete groups of several individuals around live coral colonies and has been reported to be protogynous. The size and sexual composition of groups of this species, however, vary with the size of the coral patch or the degree of coral cover. The present study examined gonadal development and sexual pattern in a population of D. aruanus living in continuous coral-cover habitat. Fish were collected in Tumon Bay, Guam (13°31′N; 144°47′E), during a 2-week period in July and August 1996. Reflecting their distributions, small fish (n=54) were collected at depths of 1–2 m over continuous Porites spp. patches, and large fish (n=56) were collected at depths of 2–3 m over a continuous Acropora spp. patch. Gonadal development was examined histologically. Gonads of D. aruanus first developed an ovarian lumen and primary-growth stage oocytes. From this ovarian state or from more developed ovaries with cortical-alveolus stage oocytes, some gonads developed into testes through degeneration of oocytes and development of spermatogenic tissue. Developing spermatogenic tissue only occurred in gonads having pre-cortical alveolus stage oocytes, and the size of individuals with gonads of this type overlapped mainly with the size range of individuals with gonads containing only pre-vitellogenic oocytes (i.e. immature females). This suggested that functional female-to-male sex change was rare or absent in this population of D. aruanus. Moreover, the different habitat distributions of small and large fish suggest that sex determination in immature fish occurs in the absence of adults.  相似文献   

Rhizophora mangle L. is a widespread mangrove species in the Western Hemisphere. Mangrove habitat loss and their importance to coastal and reef ecosystems make greater understanding of their genetic structure useful for conservation and management. An amplified fragment polymorphism (AFLP) analysis was performed on samples from Florida and the Caribbean to discover the genetic structure present. R. mangle had variable genetic diversity not related to latitude; P ranged 7 %–92 %. Some other factor, perhaps human impact, has caused low genetic diversity in some populations. Across Florida R. mangle populations varied in genetic diversity with less diversity (Gst?=?0.195) and greater gene flow on the Atlantic coast (Nm =2.07) than on the Gulf coast (Gst?=?0.717, Nm?=?0.197). Gene flow between Caribbean islands was low (Nm?=?0.386) compared to continental populations (Nm?=?1.40), indicating that long distance dispersal is not common between islands. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) analysis showed significant deviations from Hardy-Weinberg expectations at the level of region among subpopulations and overall genetic difference among subpopulations for R. mangle. One implication for management is that small continental populations and island populations may be genetically isolated and distinct from each other.  相似文献   

Summary Overwintered and newly co-founded nests of Exoneura bicolor exhibit different grades of sociality. Intra-colony relatedness was estimated for adults and female brood in both nest types using allozyme data and a multiallelic estimator. The higher relatedness among female brood from overwintered nests compared to newly-founded nests is consistent with the difference in sociality between these colony types (semisocial versus quasisocial). However, intra-colony relatedness among adults is higher in cofounded nests than in overwintered nests, suggesting that differences in sociality are determined by benefit/cost ratios associated with non-reproductive strategies, rather than relatedness between interactants. Rapid egg-production in newly founded nests allows eggs to be stockpiled. This reduceds the tasks available to non-reproductives in early phases of colony development and limits the payoffs available for reproductive altruism. It is suggested that the social flexibility characteristic of allodapines is a consequence of communal progressive rearing which allows many benefits from cooperative nesting to be gained without worker sterility.  相似文献   

Coral reef fish generally have relatively sedentary juvenile and adult phases and a presumed highly dispersive pelagic larval phase, yet previous studies that have tried to relate pelagic larval duration (PLD) to population structure have given inconsistent results. In the present study, the population structures of two damselfishes, Stegastes fasciolatus and Dascyllus albisella, were examined using mitochondrial control region sequences. The two species have similar PLDs (∼25 and 27 days respectively), but consistently differ in their settlement preferences, habitat, and densities in populations throughout the Hawaiian Archipelago, from Hawaii north to Kure Atoll, and south to Johnston Atoll. Information on habitat preferences and population densities were collected between September 2000 and October 2002, and tissue samples for the genetic studies were collected between January and April 2004. Based on the differences in habitat and abundance of the two species, the expectation was that S. fasciolatus would have high genetic variability but little population structure compared to D. albisella, and this was largely confirmed. Stegastes fasciolatus had little population structure in most of the Hawaiian Islands, and D. albisella showed evidence of strong population structure throughout its range. An exception to this pattern was the large difference between the Kure Atoll population of S. fasciolatus and all others. These results suggest that the interaction of several biological factors (e.g. species-specific spawning habitat and season) with environmental factors (e.g. seasonal wind and current patterns) may have more influence on population structure than single life history characteristics, such as the PLD.  相似文献   

Coupled bio-physical models of larval dispersal predict that the Costa Rica–Panama (CR–PAN) reefs should constitute a demographically isolated region in the western Caribbean. We tested the hypothesis that CR–PAN coral reef fish populations would be isolated from Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System (MBRS) populations. To test that, we assessed population genetic structure in bicolor damselfish (Stegastes partitus) from both regions. Adult fish were genotyped from five reefs in CR–PAN and from four reefs along the MBRS at 12 microsatellite loci. Between-region F ST (F ST = 0.0030, P < 0.005) and exact test (x 2 = 74.34, df = 18, P < 0.0001) results indicated that there is weak but significant genetic differentiation between regions, suggesting some restriction in connectivity along the Central American coastline, as predicted by bio-oceanographic models. Additionally, there is among-site genetic structure in the CR–PAN region, relative to the MBRS and between regions, suggesting higher self-recruitment within CR–PAN. This finding may be explained by differences in habitat characteristics.  相似文献   

Rapid Build-up of Fish Biomass in a Caribbean Marine Reserve   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

Animal-sediment relations and community analysis of a Florida estuary   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Five species assemblages of the intertidal infauna of Old Tampa Bay, Florida, USA are identified. Two assemblages are judged to constitute distinct communities, while a third is shown to be an interdigitation of the two communities. Dominance by on species is the prevalent pattern within the assemblages. Numbers of deposit feeders are found to be inversely correlated to that of filter feeders, and both trophic types are found to be correlated to the sediment parameters of median grain size, sorting and skewness. Three transects with three stations each were established along the south side of Courtney Campbell Causeway in Tampa Bay, Florida. A faunal sample (0.4 m2), a sediment sample, and a water sample were taken at each station in September, December, and March of 1968/1969. Sediment samples were wet-seived. Animal samples were reduced to numbers of organisms and biomass per species. Trellis diagrams and correlation tests were generated. Support is shown for the trophic group-amensalims hypothesis, however, the silt-clay fraction is apparently of lesser importance to deposit feeders in Florida sediments than in Buzzards Bay sediments. An attempt is made to relate an analysis of the optimal grain size for filter feeders to the trophic group-amensalism hypothesis. A view of communities as abstractions from continua is more realistic than communities as discrete units.  相似文献   

Although coral dwelling fishes are common on coral reefs, the nature of their effect on the host corals is poorly understood. The present study, conducted in the Gulf of Eilat (Red Sea) between July 1989 and August 1990, demonstrated that the branching coral Stylophora pistillata (Esper) benefits, in two components of coral fitness, from the presence of the damselfish Dascyllus marginatus (Rüppell), an obligate coral dweller. The growth rate of damselfish-inhabited corals was significantly higher than that of corals without damselfish. This was observed, using two growth assessment methods, in long-term (>7 mo) comparisons between: (1) corals where the damselfish were experimentally removed versus corals with unaltered fish groups; and (2) naturally inhabited versus non-inhabited corals. The presence of damselfish did not affect the coral's specific (per surface area) reproductive output, whether it was assessed by the number of female gonads per polyp or by the number of planulae released cm-2 surface area d-1. However, the more rapid increase in branch size in damselfish-inhabited corals resulted in an apparent increase in the total reproductive output, with age, in growing corals. These findings demonstrate that the association between the damselfish D. marginatus and its host coral, S. pistillata, is mutualistic.  相似文献   

K. Cole 《Marine Biology》2002,140(1):151-163
Gonad morphology and colony composition support the existing supposition that the obligate coral-dwelling damselfish Dascyllus aruanus has a protogynous hermaphroditic sexual pattern. Adults had either an active ovary containing vitellogenic oocytes, an ovotestis, or a spermiated testis and were classified as adult female, hermaphrodite, or adult male, respectively. Among individuals having male function, the testis (or testis portion of the ovotestis) takes the form of an unrestricted spermatogonial lobular testis. Among hermaphrodites having an ovotestis, a small proportion of individuals had a gonad in which both the ovarian and testicular portions were inactive (inactive hermaphrodites), whereas the majority had a predominantly testicular ovotestis that contained spermatozoa (male-active hermaphrodites). The size range of individuals within gonadal classes indicates that all D. aruanus first develop an ovariform gonad. Some individuals then undergo ovarian maturation to become adult females while others develop testicular tissue to form an ovotestis and become male-active hermaphrodites. Subsequently, progressive loss of ovarian tissue results in the development of a secondary testis from an ovotestis with the retention of a residual, afunctional lumen among adult males. The wide size range of individuals having an ovotestis suggests that some hermaphrodites function as adult females before developing testicular tissue while other individuals do not pass through an adult female stage. If this is the case, D. aruanus exhibits a diandric protogynous hermaphroditic sexual pattern. The apparent prolonged retention of an ovotestis with both healthy oocytes and an ovarian-type lumen in a spermiated ovotestis, as well as a functional sex ratio of 1:1 for adult females:adult males plus male-active hermaphrodites also raises the possibility that D. aruanus may be capable of bidirectional sex change during the hermaphroditic stage. Such a capability would be highly adaptive for a species having limited mobility and unpredictable recruitment of new colony members resulting in unpredictable mating opportunities.  相似文献   

The near shore coastal and marine environment of several Caribbean islands is their most biologically productive and economically important zone. However, almost all landbased activities possess the real potential of degrading the quality of near shore waters and ultimately diminishing the utility of the marine resource. This condition is largely attributed to the individual smallness of the islands and their geographic proximity to each other.

Available sanitary water quality data from across the region indicated that while recreational areas are in general safe for water contact activities, bacterial densities in excess of several international criteria are consistently recorded in harbours. Organochlorine pesticide residues were generally in the 5 ng l-1 range in unfiltered sea water but were significantly higher (1-100) ng g-1 in limited samples of sediment and biota. Additional data requirements to gain further insight into the current state of the Caribbean environment are also identified.

A summary of the major land based sources of marine pollution (including sewage, industrial effluents and agricultural run-off) in the insular Caribbean is presented.  相似文献   


The near shore coastal and marine environment of several Caribbean islands is their most biologically productive and economically important zone. However, almost all landbased activities possess the real potential of degrading the quality of near shore waters and ultimately diminishing the utility of the marine resource. This condition is largely attributed to the individual smallness of the islands and their geographic proximity to each other.

Available sanitary water quality data from across the region indicated that while recreational areas are in general safe for water contact activities, bacterial densities in excess of several international criteria are consistently recorded in harbours. Organochlorine pesticide residues were generally in the 5 ng l?1 range in unfiltered sea water but were significantly higher (1–100) ng g?1 in limited samples of sediment and biota. Additional data requirements to gain further insight into the current state of the Caribbean environment are also identified.

A summary of the major land based sources of marine pollution (including sewage, industrial effluents and agricultural run-off) in the insular Caribbean is presented.  相似文献   

Marine pollution and coastal degradation have become serious development issues in the Caribbean. Early evidence of marine pollution was mainly anecdotal, but within the last 10--15 years, work conducted by universities and research institutions in the Region has provided the beginnings of a database that identifies several common marine pollution problems. The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) and the Pan American World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) have also been instrumental in co-ordinating several marine pollution studies. In the English-speaking Caribbean, the University of the West Indies, the Institute of Marine Affairs in Trinidad and Tobago, and the Caribbean Environmental Health Institute located in St Lucia, have taken a lead role in identifying marine pollution problems in their Sub-Region. For the Wider Caribbean a database for petroleum pollution and marine debris has been developed. Land-based sources of marine pollution have been identified as a major problem, with several hot spots identified in mainland countries and in some of the larger industrialised islands. Organic and nutrient pollution, particularly from sewage, is most widespread and is possibly the most serious marine pollution problem in the Caribbean. A lack of capital investment funds to install the appropriate infrastructure to deal with sewage and other liquid effluents is a major stumbling block to solving the problem of marine pollution in the Caribbean. Other factors include political will and administrative and legal structures to regulate human development activities.  相似文献   

The propagules of most species of reef fish are advected from the reef, necessitating a return to reef habitats at the end of the pelagic stage. There is increasing evidence of active attraction to the reef but the sensory abilities of reef fish larvae have not been characterized well enough to fully identify cues. The electrophysiological methods of auditory brainstem response (ABR) and electroolfactogram (EOG) were used to investigate auditory and olfactory abilities of pre- and post-settlement stages of a damselfish, Pomacentrus nagasakiensis (Pisces, Pomacentridae). Audiograms of the two ontogenetic stages were similar. Pre-settlement larvae heard as well as their post-settlement counterparts at all but two of the tested frequencies between 100 Hz and 2,000 Hz. At 100 and 600 Hz, pre-settlement larvae had ABR thresholds 8 dB higher than those of post-settlement juveniles. Both stages were able to detect locally recorded reef sounds. Similarly, no difference in olfactory ability was found between the two ontogenetic stages. Both stages showed olfactory responses to conspecifics as well as L-alanine. Therefore, the auditory and olfactory senses have similar capabilities in both ontogenetic stages. Settlement stage larvae of P. nagasakiensis can hear and smell reef cues but it is unclear as to what extent larvae use these sounds or smells, or both, as cues for locating settlement sites. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

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