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水质自动监测系统的质量控制和质量保证   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
韦秀丽 《四川环境》2005,24(6):75-76,86
本文针对水质自动站的质量控制和质量保证的要求,并依据国家老口水质自动站的工作提出一些看法和观点。  相似文献   

环境空气自动监测系统质量管理体系框架   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在《环境空气质量标准》(GB3095—2012)发布并逐步实施的形势下,综合目前国内外环境空气质量自动监测质量管理体系、制度建设和质量控制技术内容,结合我国环境空气自动监测系统实际状况和需求,研究并提出了环境空气质量自动监测质量管理体系的总体框架,该框架包括质量保证体系和质量控制体系两部分。  相似文献   

为了及时、准确地掌握金马河水质状况,预警重大或流域性水质污染事件,确保饮用水水源地安全,双流县于2008年建立了县级饮用水源水质自动监测系统。本文详细介绍了水质自动监测系统的组成和特点,为其他水质自动系统的构建提供了有益的参考。  相似文献   

结合山东省环境水质自动监测系统的实际,就环境水质自动监测系统的建设、运行、管理等核心问题进行研究,提出了智能化、实用性、统一性相结合的系统集成方案和监控平台建设整体设计思路,分析了实行社会化、专业化、规模化运营的必要性,从完善监管机制、严格绩效考核、科学审核数据三方面探讨了系统监督管理模式,例证了自动监测数据在环境管理工作中的全面应用。  相似文献   

陈斌 《绿色视野》2012,(3):42-44
建立水质自动监测系统是继我国设置大气污染自动监测系统之后,进一步强化对江河湖海实施水质监控的重要举措。水质自动监测具有连续及时反映水质的动态变化、加强快速处理应急事件的优势,它的发展将逐步实现由人工间断监测向自动连续监测的过渡,  相似文献   

水质自动监测系统的日常维护与管理必须要做到认识到位,各项管理制度保证到位,监测系统的作用服务到位.  相似文献   

本文对沱江流域泸州大磨子水质自动监测系统运行初期的部分改进进行了分析与陈述,并根据对长江流域泸州沱江二桥水质自动监测站和泸州大磨子水质自动监测站的经验,总结出该系统部分改进前后的利与弊,希望能给岷、沱江流域各水质自动监测站的管理人员和仪器设备商提供借鉴。  相似文献   

1981年原国家环办陈副主任曾要求每年对环境监测应在6000小时以上。七年过去了,国内有很多大城市实现了环境监测微机自动化,其中有些是引进国外的全套设备,耗资巨大,动辄数十万元、百万元以上。新疆地域辽阔,配备的环境监测人员相对的又很少,是非常需要现代化的连续检测设备,但资金少,引进全套设备是不可能的,只能在财力允许的范围内,自己动手研究并制作自动监测仪器。下面就介绍一个这样的“微机控制自动监测站”,第一它省钱,尽量利用环境监测部门原有设备,需要购置新设备时也不必购置高精尖的贵重仪器,只要它的水平比人工监测质量高一点就成了,监测项目可以逐年增加,使第一次投资就可降  相似文献   

富集柱型水质监测自动取样器高连存,黄佶,包南,王淑仁ThePortableCompressionGas-CollectionColumnAuto─samplerforTraceOrganicPullutantsfromEnvironmentalWat...  相似文献   

文章根据近几年我国地表水环境质量监测模式的发展情况,讨论分析了地表水水质自动监测领域面临的新机遇与挑战.  相似文献   

流域水质监测是流域水环境改善与污染防治的重要前提,为流域水环境管理提供了必要的技术支撑。目前环保、水利、流域管理等众多部门均承担了一定范围内的流域水质监测工作,但由于监测方法、取样断面等方面的差异,各监测机构的数据往往存在较大差异,不利于流域水质现状评价、预警预报和水环境的综合管理。本文以长江流域的跨省界断面为研究对象,对构建流域水质综合监测体系进行初探研究,对于确保流域水质安全具有重要意义。  相似文献   

唐兆民 《四川环境》2011,30(3):41-48
根据2004~2008年清凉山水库及取水口棉地坑、梅江桥的实测资料,分析梅州饮用水源保护区的水质变化特点,并讨论对锰等微量元素影响在个别时间超标的原因;根据锰的特点,提出保洁治理的方法,为梅州的"以人为本"的和谐社会服务.  相似文献   

突发环境事件应急监测的质量控制   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
质量控制是保证突发环境事件应急监测质量的重要手段。影响突发环境事件应急监测质量的主要因素有人员技术水平、仪器设备、方法、量值溯源性、数据库与模型等。从人员、仪器设备维护与保养、方法比对、量值溯源、期间核查、数据库和模型的维护与升级等方面进行控制,对提高应急监测质量,发挥预警作用具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Abstract: There is a significant need for a science‐based approach to interpret water‐monitoring data and to facilitate the rapid transfer of information to water resource managers and the general public. The water quality Index (WQI) is defined as a single numeric score that describes the surface water quality condition at a particular time and location. The objective of this paper is to describe the WQI concept and the approach for developing an ecoregion‐specific standardized WQI that meets the needs described above. The premise of the proposed WQI is based on categorizing scientifically documented aquatic life responses to changes in instream water chemistry. The method uses an aggregated procedure that matches the entire range of standardized probable biological responses to standardized narrative water quality evaluation categories and standardized rank score categories. The calculation of WQI and decision‐making process are performed within an Excel spreadsheet software program. The article includes examples of the proposed WQI applications that could enhance effective water resource management and facilitate timely communication of water quality conditions to water resource managers and the general public.  相似文献   

水污染源在线监测系统的质量保证与质量控制   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
从人员素质要求、监测站房建设、仪器设备维护与保养、数据传输系统维护、规章制度建设等方面介绍水污染源在线监测系统的质量保证措施;从采样过程控制、分析方法选择、分析过程控制等方面介绍水污染源在线监测系统的质量控制措施。通过这些措施可以有效保证污染源在线监测数据的完整性与有效性,减小在线监测数据误差,真实反映污染物实际排放情况,为污染物排放总量控制和特征污染物排放总量控制提供可靠的数据保证。  相似文献   

In Taiwan, the authorities have spent years working on remedying polluted rivers. Generally, the remediation planning works are divided into two phases. During the first phase, the allowed pollution discharge quantity and abatement quantity of each drainage zone, including the assimilative capacity, are generated based on the total river basin. In the second phase, the abatement action plans for each pollution source in each drainage zone are respectively devised by the related organizations based on the strategies generated during the first phase. However, the effectiveness of linking the two phases is usually poor. Highly integrated performances are not always achieved because the separate two-phase method does not take system and management thinking into consideration in the planning stage. This study pioneers the use of the Managing for Results (MFR) method in planning strategies and action plans for river water quality management. A sustainable management framework is proposed based on the concept and method of MFR, Management Thinking, and System Analysis. The framework, consisting of planning, implementation, and controlling stages, systematically considers the relationships and interactions among four factors: environment, society, economy, and institution, based on the principles of sustainable development. Based on the framework, the Modified Bounded Implicit Enumeration algorithm, which is used as a solving method, is combined with Visual Basic software and MS Excel to develop a computer system for strategy planning. The Shetzu River, located in northern Taiwan, is applied as a case study. According to the theoretical, practical, and regulatory considerations, the result-oriented objectives are defined to first improve the pollution length of the Shetzu River in specific remediation periods to finally meet regulated water quality standards. The objectives are then addressed as some of the constraints for the strategy planning model. The model objective is to pursue the maximum assimilative capacity (environmental phase) subjected to the constraints of water quality standards (institutional phase), social equity (social phase), and proper available technology (economic phase). The pollution quantity abatement and allocation, which are named the top strategies, of each drainage zone for different scenarios can be obtained based on each water quality standard. The middle as well as lower strategies and action plans, which consist of pollution quantity abatement and allocation of each class (domestic, industrial, livestock, and non-point pollution sources) and their individual pollution sources in each drainage zone, are then generated based on the top strategies. The performance indicators and measure plans are proposed based on the action plans to promote the comprehensive effectiveness of river water quality management. The authorities have begun to develop a budget based on the strategies and action plans developed in this study. The analytical results indicate that the objectives, strategies, and action plans developed based on the sustainable management framework and strategy planning system can effectively help the related authorities to fulfill the tasks of water quality management for a river basin.  相似文献   

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