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We present results from experiments on the migration of 137Cs through columns containing quartz sand. Times for 137Cs movement through these columns and the quantity of 137Cs adsorbed by the sand decreased as the ionic strength of the pore water increased from 0.002 to 0.1 m. The breakthrough curves were characterized by a slow approach towards steady-state concentrations as well as by long tails, indicating that 137Cs adsorption to the sand grains was, at least in part, controlled by rate-limited reactions. Various formulations for solute mass transfer were tested for their ability to fit the experimental breakthrough curves. Based on a statistical analysis, a nonlinear, two-site model was identified as the most appropriate for describing the suite of experimental data. Variation in the model parameter that describes the rate of 137Cs adsorption to the sand showed no consistent pattern with changes in ionic strength. In contrast, model parameters describing the sorption capacity of the sand grains and the fraction of kinetic sorption sites on the sand decreased with increasing ionic strength. The parameter describing the rate of 137Cs desorption varied directly with changes in ionic strength.  相似文献   

Expedited site characterization and groundwater monitoring using direct-push technology and conventional monitoring wells were conducted at a former manufactured gas plant site. Biogeochemical data and heterotrophic plate counts support the presence of microbially mediated remediation. By superimposing solutions of a two-dimensional reactive transport analytical model, first-order degradation rate coefficients ((day-1) ) of various compounds for the dissolved-phase plume were estimated (i.e., benzene [0.0084], naphthalene [0.0058], and acenaphthene [0.0011]). The total mass transformed by aerobic respiration, nitrate reduction, and sulfate reduction around the free-phase coal-tar dense-nonaqueous-phase-liquid region and in the plume was estimated to be approximately 4.5 kg/y using a biogeochemical mass-balance approach. The total mass transformed using the degradation rate coefficients was estimated to be approximately 3.6 kg/y. Results showed that a simple two-dimensional analytical model and a biochemical mass balance with geochemical data from expedited site characterization can be useful for rapid estimation of mass-transformation rates.  相似文献   

This work addresses the effect that plants (Typha latifolia and Carex lurida) have on the reduction of Cr(VI) in wetland sediments. Experiments were carried out using tubular microcosms, where chemical species were monitored along the longitudinal flow axis. Cr(VI) removal was enhanced by the presence of plants. This is explained by a decrease in the redox potential promoted by organic root exudates released by plants. Under these conditions sulfate reduction is enhanced, increasing the concentration of sulfide species in the sediment pore water, which reduce Cr(VI). Evapotranspiration induced by plants also contributed to enhance the reduction of Cr(VI) by concentrating all chemical species in the sediment pore water. Both exudates release and evapotranspiration have a diurnal component that affects Cr(VI) reduction. Concentration profiles were fitted to a kinetic model linking sulfide and Cr(VI) concentrations corrected for evapotranspiration. This expression captures both the longitudinal as well as the diurnal Cr(VI) concentration profiles.  相似文献   

The expansion of urbanization introduces air pollution to wildlife areas. Some metal contaminants occurring in concentrations too small to have any measurable impact on adult birds may seriously affect embryos that are more sensitive to contaminants than the adult. Chromium, manganese, and lead are toxic and can be passed from the hen to the egg. This study relates the concentrations of these metals in eggs to their concentrations in air in three cities. Rock dove eggs were sampled and air pollution records were examined in the California cities of Riverside, Los Angeles, and San Francisco. The eggs from San Francisco did not differ from those of Los Angeles in lead concentration but the air did differ. The eggs collected in Los Angeles in 1998 had concentrations of chromium greater than in those from Riverside and from Los Angeles 1999 but the air had concentrations of chromium that did not differ among those three collections. Concentrations of manganese did not differ among the eggs but did differ among the air samples of the three cities. Exposures of embryos to chromium and manganese in this study were not at levels warranting concern. Although the concentration at which lead in eggs impairs avian health is not established, the highest concentrations found in this study exceed estimated safe concentrations. There is no indication that embryo exposure is directly related to atmospheric levels of these metals in the cities of this study.  相似文献   

Measurement of carcinogenic Cr(VI) in ambient PM is challenging due to potential errors associated with conversion between Cr(VI) (a carcinogen) and Cr(III) (an essential nutrient). Cr(III) conversion is a particular concern due to its >80% atomic abundance in total Cr. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) method 6800 that uses water-soluble isotope spikes can be used to correct the interconversion. However, whether the enriched Cr(III) isotope spikes can adequately mimic the Cr(III) species originally in ambient PM is unknown. This study examined the water solubility of Cr(III) in ambient PM and discussed its influence on Cr(VI) measurement. Ambient PM10 samples were collected on Teflon filters at four sites in New Jersey that may have different Cr emission sources. The samples were ultrasonically extracted with 5 mL DI-H2O (pH 5.7) at room temperature for 40 min, and then analyzed by ion chromatography–inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (IC-ICPMS). Cr(III) was below detection limit (0.06 ng/m3) for all samples, suggesting water-soluble Cr(III) species, such as CrCl3, Cr(NO3)3, and amorphous Cr(OH)3, in the ambient PM were negligible. Therefore, the enriched 50Cr(III) isotope spike (in the form of Cr(NO3)3) could not mimic the original ambient Cr(III). Only the conversion of 53Cr(VI) (in the form of K2CrO4) was taken into account when correcting the interconversion. We then used NaHCO3-pretreated MCE filters (prespiked with enriched isotope species) to measure Cr(VI) in the ambient PM10. The samples were ultrasonically extracted at 60 C pH 9 solutions for 40 min followed by IC-ICPMS analysis. Due to the correction of Cr(VI) reduction, the Cr(VI) concentrations determined by EPA method 6800, 0.26 ± 0.16 (summer) and 0.16 ± 0.11(winter) ng/m3 (n = 64), were significantly greater than those by the external standard curve, 0.21 ± 0.17 (summer) and 0.10 ± 0.07 (winter) ng/m3 (n = 56) (p < 0.01, Student’s t-test). Our study revealed that appropriate application of EPA method 6800 is important because it only applies to soluble fraction of Cr species in ambient PM.
ImplicationsAccurate measurement of carcinogenic Cr(VI) in ambient PM is challenging due to conversion between Cr(VI) (a human carcinogen) and Cr(III) (a human essential nutrient). The conversion of Cr(III) is of particular concern due to its dominant presence in total Cr (>80%). This study examined the water solubility of Cr(III) in ambient PM that was collected at four locations in New Jersey. Then we discussed the influence of Cr(III) solubility on the application of EPA method 6800, which utilizes enriched isotope spikes to correct the interconversion. Our results suggested that appropriate application of EPA method 6800 is important because it only applies to soluble fraction of Cr species.  相似文献   

A GIS-aided pesticide loss model (PeLM) was developed to simulate pesticide losses through surface runoff and sediment transport in watershed systems. The PeLM could tackle the movement of eroded soil along with surface runoff as well as the pesticide losses in adsorbed and dissolved phases. The contributions of different soil types in the sediment were also examined. The model was applied to the Kintore Creek Watershed of southern Ontario, Canada. The simulation results were verified through observed data, indicating a correlation level of 0.89-0.98. The results also showed that clay particles usually held the largest share of contributions to pesticide losses through soil erosion. This study is significant in the efforts for modeling nonpoint source pollution in watershed systems. It provides useful information and support for the related decisions of watershed management.  相似文献   

Experimental and modeling approaches for food waste composting: A review   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Composting has been used as a method to dispose food waste (FW) and recycle organic matter to improve soil structure and fertility. Considering the significance of composting in FW treatment, many researchers have paid their attention on how to improve FW composting efficiency, reduce operating cost, and mitigate the associated environmental damage. This review focuses on the overall studies of FW composting, not only various parameters significantly affecting the processes and final results, but also a number of simulation approaches that are greatly instrumental in well understanding the process mechanism and/or results prediction. Implications of many key ingredients on FW composting performance are also discussed. Perspects of effective laboratory experiments and computer-based simulation are finally investigated, demonstrating many demanding areas for enhanced research efforts, which include the screening of multi-functional additives, volatile organiccompound emission control, necessity of modeling and post-modeling analysis, and usefulness of developing more conjunctive AI-based process control techniques.  相似文献   

Rate limited processes including kinetic adsorption-desorption can greatly impact the fate and behavior of toxic arsenic compounds in heterogeneous soils. In this study, miscible displacement column experiments were carried out to investigate the extent of reactivity during transport of arsenite in soils. Arsenite breakthrough curves (BTCs) of Olivier and Windsor soils exhibited strong retardation with diffusive effluent fronts followed by slow release or tailing during leaching. Such behavior is indicative of the dominance of kinetic retention reactions for arsenite transport in the soil columns. Sharp decrease or increase in arsenite concentration in response to flow interruptions (stop-flow) further verified that non-equilibrium conditions are dominant. After some 40-60 pore volumes of continued leaching, 30-70% of the applied arsenite was retained by the soil in the columns. Furthermore, continued arsenite slow release for months was evident by the high levels of residual arsenite concentrations observed during leaching. In contrast, arsenite transport in a reference sand material exhibited no retention where complete mass recovery in the effluent solution was attained. A second-order model (SOM) which accounts for equilibrium, reversible, and irreversible retention mechanisms was utilized to describe arsenite transport results from the soil columns. Based on inverse and predictive modeling results, the SOM model successfully depicted arsenite BTCs from several soil columns. Based on inverse and predictive modeling results, a second-order model which accounts for kinetic reversible and irreversible reactions is recommended for describing arsenite transport in soils.  相似文献   


The phytoaccumulation ability of duckweed Spirodela polyrhiza on manganese (Mn) and chromium (Cr) was assessed by exposing the plant to various concentrations of single or dual metals (5–70 mg L?1 Mn, 2–12 mg L?1 Cr(VI)) under laboratory conditions. The results showed that S. polyrhiza can tolerate Mn at high concentrations of up to 70 mg L?1, and its growth rate was barely affected by Mn. The effects of Cr on S. polyrhiza growth were dose-dependent, and the growth was completely inhibited in the presence of 12 mg L?1 Cr. Analysis of metal content in the plant biomass revealed a high accumulation of Mn (up to 15.75 mg per g of duckweed dry weight). The Cr bioaccumulation (from below detection limit to 2.85 mg Cr (11.84 mg Cr2O7 2?) per g of duckweed dry weight) increased with cultivation time and metal concentration in the medium. Further study with the concurrence of Mn and Cr showed increased toxicity to plant growth and photosynthesis. The metal accumulations in the dual metal treatments were also significantly decreased as compared to the single metal treatments. Nevertheless, the phytoaccumulation of these two metals in S. polyrhiza in the dual metal treatments were still comparable to or higher than in previous reports. Thus, it was concluded that duckweed S. polyrhiza has the potential to be used as a phytoremediator in aquatic environments for Mn and Cr removal.


Peng SH  Wang WX  Li X  Yen YF 《Chemosphere》2004,57(8):839-851
We quantified the concentrations and distributions of metals (Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn) in the sediments of Tuen Mun River, Hong Kong. The potential bioavailability of metals was assessed with a biomimetic extraction method using the sipunculan gut juices. The sediments were characterized by relatively high concentrations of trace metals. Field collected sediments were highly anoxic and the ratio of simultaneously extractable metal (sigmaSEM) to acid volatile sulfide (AVS) was much less than one in these sediments. The majority (>67%) of Cd, Pb, and Zn were bound to AVS, thus their concentrations in the sediment porewater were low. In contrast, Ni was little bound to AVS due to its lower ratios of SEM-Ni to total Ni concentrations. For Cu, relatively high concentrations in the sediment porewater was found, and total organic carbon, AVS and other resistant sulfide phase were the controlling factors for sedimentary Cu partitioning. Net metal adsorption from gut juices to anoxic sediments was observed in metal extraction experiments, suggesting that AVS determined the bioaccumulation and potential bioavailability of most metals in these sediments. Extraction of metals from the oxidized sediments by the gut juices was mainly attributed to metal redistribution from AVS to other geochemical phases. The gut juices were the most effective solvent or extractant than the simple electrolyte solution [I (NaNO(3)) = 0.01 M] and the natural overlying water. Cd was more easily extracted from the oxidized sediments than Zn that tended to have a stronger binding affinity with Fe-Mn oxide, clay and organic matter. The application of partial removal techniques in metal extraction experiments further demonstrated the differential controls of various sediment geochemical phases in affecting metal bioavailability, with the order of TOC > Fe-Mn oxides > carbonate.  相似文献   

Bioaccumulation of As, Co, Cr and Mn by the benthic amphipod Hyalella azteca in Burlington City tap (Lake Ontario) water was measured in 4-week tests. Bioaccumulation increased with exposure concentration and demonstrated an excellent fit to a saturation model (r(2): 0.819, 0.838, 0.895 and 0.964 for As, Co, Cr and Mn, respectively). The proportion of total body Mn eliminated during a 24-h depuration period decreased as Mn body concentration increased, apparently due to a saturation of the elimination rate. The high maximum body concentration of 116,000 nmol g(-1) appears to result from the saturation of the Mn excretion which is slightly greater than the maximum Mn uptake rate. Elimination rates for As, Co and Cr were not dependent on body concentration. The four elements were not physiologically regulated in Hyalella. Their body concentrations should be good indicators of bioavailability and useful for environmental assessment.  相似文献   

Aliphatic (ALI) and aromatic (ARO) hydrocarbon concentrations, composition and sources were evaluated in waters, sediments, soils and biota to assess the impact of approximately 1000 tons of oil spilled in Rio de la Plata coastal waters. Total ALI levels ranged from 0.4-262 microg/l in waters, 0.01-87 microg/g in sediments, 5-39 microg/g in bivalves, 12-323 microg/g in macrophytes to 948-5187 microg/g in soils. ARO varied from non-detected 10 microg/l, 0.01-1.3 mug/g, 1.0-16 microg/g, 0.5-6.9 microg/g to 22-67 microg/g, respectively. Offshore (1, 5, 15 km) waters and sediments were little affected and contained low background hydrocarbon levels reflecting an effective wind-driven transport of the slick to the coast. Six months after the spill, coastal waters, sediments, soils and biota still presented very high levels exceeding baseline concentrations by 1-3 orders of magnitude. UCM/resolved aliphatic ratio showed a clear trend of increasing decay: coastal waters (3.3) < macrophytes (6.7) < soils (9.4) < offshore sediments (13) < coastal sediments (17) < clams (52). All environmental compartments consistently indicated that the most impacted area was the central sector close to Magdalena city, specially low-energy stream embouchures and bays which acted as efficient oil traps. The evaluation of hydrocarbon composition by principal component analysis indicated the predominance of biogenic (algae, vascular plant cuticular waxes), background anthropic, pyrogenic and diagenetic hydrocarbons, offshore and in non-impacted coastal sites. In contrast, polluted stations presented petrogenic signatures characterized by the abundance of isoprenoids, low molecular weight n-alkanes and methylated aromatics in different stages of alteration. The petrogenic/biogenic ratio ( n-C23) and petrogenic/pyrogenic relationship (methylated/unsubstitued PAH) discriminated the samples according to the different degree of impact. The following paper present the results of the study of the progress of hydrocarbon disappearance in sediments and soils 13 and 42 months after the spill.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Groundwater flow velocity and dispersivity might be temporally or spatially variable rather than constant. In this paper, linearly-asymptotically or...  相似文献   

The influence of soil macro-porosity and manure on atrazine (6-chloro-N-ethyl-N'-(1-methylethyl)-1,3,5-triazine-2,4-diamine) transport was investigated under laboratory conditions using disturbed and undisturbed soil columns. The macro-porosity in the soil column was obtained with CT scanning technique. Liquid manure was applied at the surface of soil column, 19 cm long and 8 cm in diameter, at a rate of 60 m3/ha. Experimental results revealed that atrazine moves faster through the soils in the presence of manure compared to soil without application of manure. The average time for elusion and the relative peak concentration in the disturbed soil column without manure was 14.5 h and 3.1%, respectively compared to 11.0 h and 6.9% in the presence of manure, respectively. Similar behavior was observed in the case of disturbed soil columns. Soil macro-porosity has shown large impact on atrazine transport, especially in the presence of manure.  相似文献   



A three-dimensional groundwater flow model was used to evaluate the groundwater potential and assess the effects of groundwater withdrawal on the regional water level and flow direction in the central Beijing area. A program of groundwater modeling aimed at estimating current contaminant fluxes to the central area and site streams via groundwater was developed.

Results and discussion

The conceptual model developed for the site attempted to incorporate a complex stratigraphic profile in which groundwater flow and contaminant transport is strongly controlled by a shallow aquifer. Here, a conceptual model for groundwater flow and contaminant transport in central Beijing is presented.


Model simulations indicated that a sharp drop in the hydraulic head occurs at the center of the model area, which generates a cone of depression and a continuous decline of head with respect to time as a result of heavy groundwater abstraction.  相似文献   

邵友元  熊钡 《环境工程学报》2016,10(10):6028-6034
实验筛选出阳极pH、阴极pH、电压梯度、电极形状4种影响因素,以黏土为研究对象,设计正交实验和对比实验研究铬的电动修复过程。结果表明,最重要的影响因素为电压梯度,其他影响因素重要性排序为阳极pH、阴极pH、电极形状;在电压梯度为1.5 V·cm-1下,以去离子水作为电解质,分别控制阴极和阳极pH在11和3,取得很好的去除效果,144 h后铬迁移率达到80.9%。总铬和六价铬分布规律类似,从阳极到阴极呈现逐渐下降的趋势。经过电动修复后土壤中水溶态铬比例减少,可氧化态和残渣态比例增大。铬电动修复控制系统在微电流范围内可取得很好的去除效果。  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Metal(loid)s in the reservoir sediment tend to be released into the water column when encountering disturbances and thus pose threats to the aquatic...  相似文献   

To examine colloid transport in geochemically heterogeneous porous media at a scale comparable to field experiments, we monitored the migration of silica-coated zirconia colloids in a two-dimensional layered porous media containing sand coated to three different extents by ferric oxyhydroxides. Transport of the colloids was measured over 1.65 m and 95 days. Colloid transport was modeled by an advection-dispersion-deposition equation incorporating geochemical heterogeneity and colloid deposition dynamics (blocking). Geochemical heterogeneity was represented as favorable (ferric oxyhydroxide-coated) and unfavorable (uncoated sand) deposition surface areas. Blocking was modeled as random sequential adsorption (RSA). Release of deposited colloids was negligible. The time to colloid breakthrough after the onset of blocking increased with increasing ferric oxyhydroxide-coated surface area. As the ferric oxyhydroxide surface area increased, the concentration of colloids in the breakthrough decreased. Model-fits to the experimental data were made by inverse solutions to determine the fraction of surface area favorable for deposition and the deposition rate coefficients for the favorable (ferric oxyhydroxide-coated) and unfavorable sites. The favorable deposition rate coefficient was also calculated by colloid filtration theory. The model described the time to colloid breakthrough and the blocking effect reasonably well and estimated the favorable surface area fraction very well for the two layers with more than 1% ferric oxyhydroxide coating. If mica edges in the uncoated sand were considered as favorable surface area in addition to the ferric oxyhydroxide coatings, the model predicted the favorable surface area fraction accurately for the layer with less than 1% ferric oxyhydroxide coating.  相似文献   

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