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Both after the Chernobyl accident and nuclear weapon detonations, agglomerates of radioactive material, so-called hot particles, were released or formed which show a behaviour in the environment quite different from the activity released in gaseous or aerosol form. The differences in their characteristic properties, in the radionuclide composition and the uranium and actinide contents are described in detail for these particles. While nuclear bomb hot particles (both from fission and fusion bombs) incorporate well detectable trace amounts of 60Co and 152Eu, these radionuclides are absent in Chernobyl hot particles. In contrast, Chernobyl hot particles contain 125Sb and 144Ce which are absent in atomic bomb HPs. Obvious differences are also observable between fusion and fission bombs' hot particles (significant differences in 152Eu/l55Eu, 154Eu/155Eu and 238Pu/239Pu ratios) which facilitate the identification of HPs of unknown provensence. The ratio of 239Pu/240Pu in Chernobyl hot particles could be determined by a non-destructive method at 1:1.5. A non-destructive method to determine the content of non-radioactive elements by Kalpha-emission measurements was developed by which inactive Zr, Nb, Fe and Ni could be verified in the particles.  相似文献   

The vertical migration of (137)Cs originating from nuclear weapons fallout (NWF) and the Chernobyl accident has been studied at 33 sampling sites in western Sweden. An attempt to describe the present depth distribution with a solution to the convection-diffusion equation (CDE) with a pulse-like fallout event as the initial condition was made. A sum of two CDEs describing the NWF and Chernobyl debris was fitted to the actual depth profiles measured by soil sampling. The fitted depth profiles were used to correct in situ measurements for the actual depth distribution, showing good agreement with the accumulated activities in soil samples. As expected, the vertical migration was very slow and most caesium was still present in the upper soil layers. The ranges of the apparent convection velocity, v, and apparent diffusion coefficient, D, were between 0 and 0.35 cm/year and 0.06 and 2.63 cm(2)/year, respectively.  相似文献   

Results are presented for 137Cs, 90Sr and plutonium activity concentrations in more than 20 samples of terrestrial invertebrates, including species of beetles, ants, spiders and millipedes, collected in the highly contaminated area of the Chernobyl exclusion zone. The majority of samples were collected in Belarus, with some also collected in the Ukraine. Three other samples were collected in an area of lower contamination. Results show that seven samples exceed an activity concentration of 100 kBq/kg (ash weight - a.w.) for 137Cs. The maximum activity concentration for this isotope was 1.52 ± 0.08 MBq/kg (a.w.) determined in ants (Formica cynerea). Seven results for 90Sr exceeded 100 kBq/kg (a.w.), mostly for millipedes. Relatively high plutonium activity concentrations were found in some ants and earth-boring dung beetles. Analyses of activity ratios showed differences in transfer of radionuclides between species. To reveal the correlation structure of the multivariate data set, the Partial Least-Squares method (PLS) was used. Results of the PLS model suggest that high radiocesium activity concentrations in animal bodies can be expected mainly for relatively small creatures living on the litter surface. In contrast, high strontium activity concentrations can be expected for creatures which conduct their lives within litter, having mixed trophic habits and a moderate lifespan. No clear conclusions could be made for plutonium.  相似文献   

134Cs and 137Cs from the Chernobyl reactor accident were detected in UK shoreline seawater very quickly after activity from the accident reached this country. Concentrations were highest in areas adjacent to those where deposition over land was highest, but they declined quickly and did not reach radiologically significant levels in terms of public radiation exposure. Subsequently, the distribution in seawater was investigated further afield. Radiocaesium attributable to the Chernobyl accident was found to be widespread: it was readily distinguished from other sources by having a different 137Cs:134Cs ratio (about 2:1). Its presence was especially noticeable in northern UK waters rather than those to the south; much of the North Sea has been surveyed as well as the Norwegian Sea. Evidence of Chernobyl radiocaesium was found as far north as 70°N and in many of these areas, including the northern North Sea, it overshadowed the effect of BNFL (British Nuclear Fuels plc) Sellafield discharges, previously the main source of these radionuclides.  相似文献   

Iodine-131 in urine samples from 15 Japanese subjects was determined during the period 4 to 29 May 1986. In a male adult, the peak concentration (3.3 Bq dm−3) was observed on 9 May, the levels decreasing thereafter to less than the detection limit by 29 May. The highest concentration observed was 7.6 Bq dm−3 in a female adult. The urinary concentrations in the 11 adult subjects appeared to correlate with consumption of green leafy vegetables and milk. In four children, 6 to 14 years old, 131I concentrations in urine were generally higher than those of the adults. The major source of 131I intake was confirmed to be from vegetables, not milk.  相似文献   

Tritium occurs in nature in trace amounts, but its concentration is changing due to natural and artificial sources. Studies focusing on natural tritium have to take into account the effect of artificial sources. Also, the impact of tritium is an important issue in environmental protection, e.g. in connection with the emissions from nuclear power plants. The present work focuses on the rain washout of tritium emitted from the Paks nuclear power plant in Hungary. Rainwater collectors were placed around the plant and after a period of precipitation, rainwater was collected and analysed for tritium content. Samples were analysed using low-level liquid scintillation counting, with some also subject to the more accurate 3He ingrowth method. The results clearly show the trace of the tritium plume emitted from the plant; however, values are only about one order of magnitude higher than environmental background levels. A washout model was devised to estimate the distribution of tritium around the plant. The model gives slightly higher concentrations than those measured in the field, but in general the agreement is satisfactory. The modelled values demonstrate that the effect of the plant on rainwater tritium levels is negligible over a distance of some kilometres.  相似文献   

As a result of the Chernobyl accident, some regions of Belarus have been contaminated with the plutonium isotopes (238,239,240,241)Pu. Considering the importance of the environmental impact of the alpha-emitting radionuclides we have carried out a prognostic estimation of the area contaminated with (238,239,240)Pu and (241)Am (the latter being a decay product of (241)Pu) in Belarus. The calculations were made using measurements of (238,239,240)Pu activity concentrations in soil samples from about 600 settlements in the affected region, together with the estimated activity ratio A((241)Am)/A((238,239,240)Pu). The area contaminated with alpha-emitting transuranium isotopes predicted for the year 2006 has been compared with that estimated for 1986. The results show that by 2006, the area of inhabited districts where contamination with (238,239,240)Pu and (241)Am exceeds the threshold level of 740 Bq/m(2), will be 3.7 times larger, reaching approximately 3.5 x10(3)km(2). Of this, almost 20% will have a contamination level of 1850--3700 Bq/m(2).  相似文献   

This work is devoted to the reconstruction of time-dependent radioactive contamination fields in the territory of Ukraine in the initial period of the Chernobyl accident using the model of atmospheric transport LEDI (Lagrangian-Eulerian DIffusion model). The modelling results were compared with available 137Cs air and ground contamination measurement data. The 137Cs atmospheric transport over the territory of Ukraine was simulated during the first 12 days after the accident (from 26 April to 7 May 1986) using real aerological information and rain measurement network data. The detailed scenario of the release from the accidental unit of the Chernobyl nuclear plant has been built (including time-dependent radioactivity release intensity and time-varied height of the release). The calculations have enabled to explain the main features of spatial and temporal variations of radioactive contamination fields over the territory of Ukraine on the regional scale, including the formation of the major large-scale spots of radioactive contamination caused by dry and wet deposition.  相似文献   

Radioactive plumes from the Chernobyl reactor accident first passed over Japan on 3 May 1986. Measurements of 103Ru, 131I and 137Cs in rainfall and airborne dust collected at Chiba near Tokyo show that, in fact, at least two or more kinds of plume arrived during May. Their altitudes were calculated to be about 1500 m in early May and 6300 m in late May.Radionuclides detected in 33 precipitation samples collected by the network of prefectural radiation monitoring stations from 1 to 22 May were 7Be, 89Sr, 95Sr, 95Zr, 95Nb, 103Ru, 106Ru, 110mAg, 125Sb, 129mTe, 131I, 132Te, 132I, 134Cs, 136Cs, 137Cs, 140Ba, 140La, 141Ce and 144Ce, the measurements being made using germanium detectors and low-background GM counters after radiochemical separation. The radiation was characterized by higher levels of the volatile nuclides, such as 103Ru (in the form of RuO2), 132Te, 131I and 137Cs, than fallout levels in nuclear weapons testing, and by activity ratios of 0·48 and 14 for, respectively, 134Cs/137Cs and 89Sr/90Sr, as on 26 April. The fallout activity was higher in northwestern Japan, the average depositions of 90Sr and 137Cs in Japan from 1 May (or 30 April) to 22 May being 1·4 Bq m−2 and 95 Bq m−2, inventories which are 14 and 550 times higher than the pre-Chernobyl values.  相似文献   

In nuclear preparedness, an essential requirement is the ability to adequately predict the likely consequences of a major accident situation. In this context it is very important to evaluate which contributions to dose are important, and which are not likely to have significance. As an example of this type of evaluation, a case study has been conducted to estimate the doses received over the first 17 years after the Chernobyl accident in a dry-contaminated residential area in the Bryansk region in Russia. Methodologies for estimation of doses received through nine different pathways, including contamination of streets, roofs, exterior walls, and landscape, are established, and best estimates are given for each of the dose contributions. Generally, contaminated soil areas were estimated to have given the highest dose contribution, but a number of other contributions to dose, e.g., from contaminated roofs and inhalation of contaminants during the passage of the contaminated plume, were of the same order of magnitude.  相似文献   

The Chernobyl Forum was organized by the United Nations to examine the health and environmental effects of the accident at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Station. This paper is concerned with the environmental effects, as determined by Expert Group Environment. The accident resulted in release of a large amount of radioactive materials over a period of 10 days. These materials were deposited throughout Europe with the three more affected countries being Belarus, Russia, and Ukraine. More than 5 million persons lived on territories in these countries judged to be contaminated at >37kBqm(-2). Many countermeasures were employed to mitigate the effects of the accident. The collective effective dose to the residents of the contaminated territories is estimated to be about 55,000 person-Sv. Effects on non-human biota were observed that ranged from minor to lethal; the current increase in the number and diversity of species in the most contaminated area is due to absence of human pressure.  相似文献   

The influence of agrochemical properties of forest soils and growth conditions on 137Cs aggregated transfer factors from soil to different species of forest mushrooms have been analysed. Statistically significant correlations between 137Cs soil to mushroom aggregated transfer factors and agrochemical soil properties have been revealed. The experimental data show that 137Cs aggregated transfer factors depend on the mushroom's trophic group, biological family, genus and species. They also strongly depend on forest soil properties and their values can be estimated with the use of multiple regression equations constructed from agrochemical soil parameters which most closely correlate with the 137Cs transfer parameters for particular mushroom groups.  相似文献   

This paper presents the application of three publicly available biota dose assessment models (the ERICA Tool, R&D128/SP1a and RESRAD-BIOTA) to an assessment of the Drigg coastal sand dunes. Using measured 90Sr, 99Tc, 137Cs, 238Pu, 239+240Pu and 241Am activity concentrations in sand dune soil, activity concentration and dose rate predictions are made for a range of organisms including amphibians, birds, invertebrates, mammals, reptiles, plants and fungi. Predicted biota activity concentrations are compared to measured data where available. The main source of variability in the model predictions is the transfer parameters used and it is concluded that developing the available transfer databases should be a focus of future research effort. The value of taking an informed user approach to investigate the way in which models may be expected to be applied in practice is highlighted and a strategy for the future development of intercomparison exercises is presented.  相似文献   

Annually since 1989, biannually since 1994 the sites of the Swiss nuclear facilities are surveyed flying the same survey lines by airborne gamma ray spectrometry. The equipment and the data processing software used for those surveys were built and developed at the Institute of Geophysics, ETH Zurich. For mapping the ground radiation around the nuclear facilities, a pixel representation and a modified spectrum dose index (SDI) method are used. In the search for long-term trends, the local dose rates are calculated first and in turn the net dose rates. So far, no change in the radiation levels was detected over the last 13 years outside of the fenced sites of the nuclear facilities and, especially, no artificial radioactivity was present that could not be explained by nuclear weapon tests or by the Chernobyl event.  相似文献   

The evaluation of 131I air and ground contamination field formation in the territory of Ukraine was made using the model of atmospheric transport LEDI (Lagrangian–Eulerian DIffusion model). The 131I atmospheric transport over the territory of Ukraine was simulated during the first 12 days after the accident (from 26 April to 7 May 1986) using real aerological information and rain measurement network data. The airborne 131I concentration and ground deposition fields were calculated as the database for subsequent thyroid dose reconstruction for inhabitants of radioactive contaminated regions. The small-scale deposition field variability is assessed using data of 137Cs detailed measurements in the territory of Ukraine. The obtained results are compared with available data of radioiodine daily deposition measurements made at the network of meteorological stations in Ukraine and data of the assessments of 131I soil contamination obtained from the 129I measurements.  相似文献   

Scenario-focused workshops on the restoration of contaminated residential areas are planned in a number of European countries within the EVATECH project of the EU's Fifth Framework Programme. The intention is to identify factors driving decision-making, explore the kinds of strategies that might be appropriate, develop methods for stakeholder involvement, and reveal information needs. The scenario of the Finnish workshop is presented. A policy generation scheme is proposed that yields a manageable but feature-rich set of strategies that is not constraint by lack of feasibility, justification, or public acceptability. The scheme rests on the premise that the affected area is divided into zones according to the level of contamination and that clean-up actions are applied in any combination and in combination with relocation.  相似文献   

The present work illustrates the customisation and application of the decision support system MOIRA-PLUS (a MOdel-based computerised system for management support to Identify optimal remedial strategies for Restoring radionuclide contaminated Aquatic ecosystems and drainage areas) to the fresh water environment in Italy. MOIRA-PLUS is aimed at evaluating the behaviour of radiocaesium and radiostrontium in fresh water ecosystems and at assessing the appropriateness of suitable strategies for the management of contaminated water bodies by the application of multi-attribute analysis techniques. MOIRA-PLUS can be applied to complex networks of lakes, rivers and tributaries and can be straightforwardly customised utilising data and information from readily accessible sources such as official websites provided by scientific or government organisations. The present work shows an application of the decision system to 10 lakes and 18 rivers in Italy contaminated with 137Cs of Chernobyl origin. Site-specific values of some aggregated transfer parameters were estimated for the most important Italian lakes. Although high values of fish and water consumptions were hypothesised, very low doses to public from the fresh water pathway following the accident were calculated.  相似文献   

The evaluation of (131)I air and ground contamination field formation in the territory of Ukraine was made using the model of atmospheric transport LEDI (Lagrangian-Eulerian DIffusion model). The (131)I atmospheric transport over the territory of Ukraine was simulated during the first 12 days after the accident (from 26 April to 7 May 1986) using real aerological information and rain measurement network data. The airborne (131)I concentration and ground deposition fields were calculated as the database for subsequent thyroid dose reconstruction for inhabitants of radioactive contaminated regions. The small-scale deposition field variability is assessed using data of (137)Cs detailed measurements in the territory of Ukraine. The obtained results are compared with available data of radioiodine daily deposition measurements made at the network of meteorological stations in Ukraine and data of the assessments of (131)I soil contamination obtained from the (129)I measurements.  相似文献   

The Boréon area in the Mercantour Massif, S.E. France, was contaminated by radionuclides after the Chernobyl accident in the first days of May 1986. Sediments from a small mountain lake in this area were collected, as well as forest soils in its vicinity, in order to obtain 137Cs and 210Pb profiles. Calculated from the 210Pb inventory in a soil of a horizontal area, the flux is high in the area (0.06 Bqcm(-2)y(-1)) probably because of the great frequency of rain and uranium ores outcropping in the massif. The comparison of the 137Cs soil inventories and the unsupported 210Pb suggests that the 137Cs fallout due to the Chernobyl accident in the study site (Boréon) was at least 3.5 Bqcm(-2), more probably the double. The recent lake sediments still undergo a rather strong contamination by 137Cs and the sediment profiles show that the residence time of 137Cs in the catchment area is long. The study area is frequented by many inhabitants of the city of Nice and other cities at the Mediterranean coast during week-end and during summer and winter holidays. Thus the 137Cs external exposure impact was evaluated at 2 mSvy(-1) for 2002 in the most contaminated point.  相似文献   

The radioactive cloud from the Chernobyl nuclear reactor accident arrived in northeast Italy on 30 April 1986. Ground-level air activities detected in Padua reached maximum values of 28·6, 19·2, 3·3, 1·7 and 7·5 Bq m−3 for 131I, 132Te(132I), 137Cs and 103Ru, respectively, on 1 May; about 10 days later, the activities had fallen to less than 1% of peak values. Considerations of cloud homogeneity are reported.The distribution of fallout radionuclides in Padua was evaluated on the basis of radioactivity detected on natural surfaces. The average committed dose equivalent to the thyroid for adult people in Padua through 131I inhalation was estimated at 0·37 mSv. Soil activity was monitored daily in samples collected in Padua during the first weeks of May 1986. Fallout deposition over northeast Italy was measured on 75 surface soil samples collected during June 1986 and long-lived radionuclide distribution maps were derived.  相似文献   

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