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Plants of one evergreen oak (Quercus ilex) and three deciduous oaks (Q. faginea, with small leaves; Q. pyrenaica and Q. robur, with large leaves) were exposed both to filtered air and to enhanced ozone levels in Open-Top Chambers. Q. faginea and Q. pyrenaica were studied for the first time. Based on visible injury, gas exchange, chlorophyll content and biomass responses, Q. pyrenaica was the most sensitive species, and Q. ilex was the most tolerant, followed by Q. faginea. Functional leaf traits of the species were related to differences in sensitivity, while accumulated ozone flux via stomata (POD1.6) partly contributed to the observed differences. For risk assessment of Mediterranean vegetation, the diversity of responses detected in this study should be taken into account, applying appropriate critical levels.  相似文献   

Results for the concentrations of total polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (Sigma PAH) and the PAH profile in leaves from three deciduous tree species from the same woodland are presented, and discussed with reference to environmental and leaf-related variables. There were significant differences between oak, ash and hazel leaves in their Sigma PAH concentrations (sum of 23 PAHs), and in the relative contribution of individual PAHs to the sum. Leaves exhibiting pubescence (hairiness) were found to have significantly higher Sigma PAH concentrations than hairless leaves, regardless of their position in the vegetation strata of the wood. Hazel leaves from the understorey had a PAH profile consisting of a greater proportion of the 4-, 5- and 6-ring PAHs than oak or ash from the canopy. This was concluded to be the result of the filtering effect of the main canopy on the air passing over and through it, with subsequent transfer of particles and attendant PAHs to the understorey below. The proportion of Sigma PAH contributed by the 6-ring PAH in hazel leaves was negatively correlated with distance from the southern edge of the canopy. It is proposed that the predominantly windward edges of the woodland, where atmospheric turbulence is likely to be greatest, favoured the deposition of particle-bound PAHs to leaves.  相似文献   

Plant responses to enhanced ozone levels have been studied in two pairs of evergreen-deciduous species (Pistacia terebinthus vs. P. lentiscus; Viburnum lantana vs. V. tinus) in Open Top Chambers. Ozone induced widespread visible injury, significantly reduced CO2 assimilation and stomatal conductance (gs), impaired Rubisco efficiency and regeneration capacity (Vc,max,Jmax) and altered fluorescence parameters only in the deciduous species. Differences in stomatal conductance could not explain the observed differences in sensitivity. In control plants, deciduous species showed higher superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity than their evergreen counterparts, suggesting metabolic differences that could make them more prone to redox imbalances. Ozone induced increases in SOD and/or peroxidase activities in all the species, but only evergreens were able to cope with the oxidative stress. The relevancy of these results for the effective ozone flux approach and for the current ozone Critical Levels is also discussed.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The present study evaluates the development of visible injury related to phytotoxic ozone dose (PODy) in native tropical species Astronium graveolens...  相似文献   

M Howsam  K C Jones  P Ineson 《Chemosphere》2001,44(2):155-164
Leaves from three species of deciduous tree (oak, ash and hazel) were sampled at intervals through a growing season in a mature, mixed-deciduous woodland. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) concentrations remained within a small range for all species between May and September, deviating significantly only when increases in atmospheric concentrations of PAHs (notably from the 'Bonfire night' festival in early autumn) have been shown. We concluded that the influence of air concentrations was more important than meteorological conditions (temperature, humidity and rainfall) in determining plant concentrations of PAHs over a growing season. Concentrations of 4-, 5- and 6-ring PAHs were positively correlated with time for all species, but there were significant differences in the PAH profile between species sampled from the canopy (oak and ash) compared with the understorey (hazel). Oak and ash had similar PAH profiles, while hazel leaves had proportionally greater concentrations of the heavier molecular weight (4-, 5- and 6-ring) PAHs, and the ratios of these compounds to 3-ring PAHs was positively correlated with time. This affirms earlier work conducted on the same species in the same woodland, where we concluded that the canopy was filtering particles and attendant PAHs from air passing over or through it, and that these particles were transferred to the understorey and the woodland floor.  相似文献   

In 1996 and 1997 horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum L.) and Turkish hazel (Corulys colurna L.) leaves were sampled at 2 m height in the Belgrade Botanic Garden, located in an urban area with heavy traffic. Using a scanning electron microscope with an energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (SEM-EDAX), the size, size distribution, morphology and chemical composition of individual particles were examined on the adaxial and abaxial surfaces of leaf discs of both species. The majority of particles observed on leaves belonged to a class of fine particles (D < 2 microm). Morphological and chemical composition indicated that the most abundant particles were soot and dust with minor constituents such as Pb, Zn, Ni, V, Cd, Ti, As and Cu. Using an electrochemical technique (DPASV), it was possible to measure trace metal concentrations (Pb, Cu, Zn) in a water-soluble fraction of deposits on each single leaf. Trace metal contents in the leaf deposits, increased during the vegetation period for both species and were considerably higher in A. hippocastanum due to different epidermal characteristics. The higher trace metal concentrations in deposits in 1997 reflected greater atmospheric pollution in the Belgrade urban area.  相似文献   

The impact of ozone on forest ecosystems in Italy is monitored within the CONECOFOR programme. Ozone levels are measured in 30 plots using passive samplers. Response parameters used are: crown condition (transparency), BAI (basal area increment), and visible symptoms on spontaneous vegetation. Levels of AOT40 are above the concentration-based critical level of 5 ppmh in all sites, but the evidence of impact on forest vegetation remains limited. Ozone is a predictor of crown transparency residuals in beech sites over two consecutive years, but the variance explained amounts to less than 10%. The relation between BAI reduction and ozone is even less certain. Transparency and BAI are more readily explainable in terms of ecological conditions of the site and climate fluctuations. The interpretation of visible symptoms is doubtful, and is conditioned by the prevailing ecological factors in the areas.  相似文献   

Plants that were pretreated with 0.15 ppm SO2 for either 2 or 3 d before an intermittent O3 or SO2/O3 exposure exhibited differences in per cent visible foliar injury that often varied significantly from plants that received no SO2 pretreatment. Differences that were observed could not be explained on the basis of leaf diffusive resistance alone. The SO2 pretreatment for 2 d caused a decrease in visible O3 injury in white bean, an increase in visible O3 injury in cucumber and radish, and had no effect on soybean and tomato. The same pretreatment caused an increase in visible injury from the SO2/O3 mixture in white bean, a decrease in visible injury for cucumber and tomato, and had no effect on soybean and radish. However, these same trends did not occur when the SO2 pretreatment was increased to 3 d. Pretreatment with sub-acute levels of SO2 can significantly alter a plant's response to O3 or a mixture of SO2/O3, the change in response being sensitive to the pretreatment SO2 dosage. The nature of the visible injury symptoms from O3 or the pollutant mixture were not altered for any of the plant species regardless of the length of time of the SO2 pretreatment and, generally, the onset of visible injury was not greatly altered.  相似文献   

Present critical levels for ozone (O3) for protecting vegetation against adverse effects are based on exposure-response relationships mainly derived from open-top chamber experiments and are expressed as an Accumulated exposure Over a Threshold of 40 ppb (AOT40). In that context with a revision of the UN (United Nations)-ECE (Economic Commission for Europe) Gothenburg protocol, AOT40 values should be replaced by flux-oriented quantities, i.e. in the end by critical loads. At present, the database for the derivation of critical loads for O3 is extremely inadequate. Furthermore, the currently available flux-response relationships are also derived from open-top chamber experiments. The use of a relationship for spring wheat in a risk assessment for an agricultural site in Hesse, Germany, demonstrates in principle, the applicability of the critical load concept for O3. Comparisons of diurnal variation of stomatal uptake and AOT40 showed that a major part of toxicologically effective stomatal uptake occurred before noon whereas the AOT40 values were dominated by the O3 concentrations during afternoon. In other words, the AOT40 exposure index do not adequately address the O3 burden during hours when plants are sensitive to O3 uptake. However, due to the differences in radiation, air temperature and humidity between the chamber and the ambient microclimates, a derivation of flux-response relationships from chamber experiments is likely to be questionable, especially for species rich ecosystems: Here, without any changes in the pollution climate, significant modifications of species composition as well as an earlier beginning of the growing season has been previously observed. To overcome the problems associated with chamber-derived flux-response relationships, a new experimental and modelling concept, was developed. The approach, briefly described in this paper, combines methods in air pollution toxicology and micrometeorology. As an analogy to the free-air fumigation concept, O3 is released into the air by an injection system above the plant canopy. The assessment of dispersion and surface deposition of O3 released is based on Lagrangian trajectory modelling. Depending on wind direction and velocity, atmospheric stratification and surface roughness, without any disturbance of the microclimate and micrometeorology, several sub-areas can be identified around the source position with differing deposition rates above the ambient level. Taking into account the actual O3 background deposition, deposition rates and vegetation responses observed in these sub-areas can easily be used to derive flux-effect relationships under ambient conditions and more realistic limiting values to protect our environment.  相似文献   

The effects of ozone (O3) exposure under different water availabilities were studied in two Mediterranean tree species: Quercus ilex and Ceratonia siliqua. Plants were exposed to different O3 concentrations in open top chambers (charcoal-filtered air (CF), non-filtered air (NF)) and non-filtered air plus 40 ppbv of O3 ((7:00–17:00 solar time) (NF+)) during 2 years, and to different water regimes (IR, sample irrigation, and WS, reduced water dose to 50%) through the last of those 2 years. AOT40 in the NF+ treatment was 59265 ppbv h (from March 1999 to August 1999) while in the NF treatment, the AOT40 was 6727 ppbv h for the same period. AOT40 was always 0 in the CF treatment. WS plants presented lower stomatal conductances and net photosynthetic rates, and higher foliar N concentrations than IR plants in both species. The irrigation treatment did not change the response trends to ozone in Q. ilex, the most sensitive species to O3 ambient concentrations, but it changed those of C. siliqua, the least sensitive species, since its ozone-fumigated WS plants did not decrease their net photosynthetic rates nor their biomass accumulation as it happened to its ozone-fumigated IR plants. These results show interspecific variations in O3 sensitivity under different water availabilities.  相似文献   

The distribution of total mercury (THg) within common deciduous trees and the applicability of tree cores as biomonitors of historical environmental THg trends were assessed for both contaminated and reference sites around Kingston, Ontario. Samples were collected from Acer spp., Quercus spp. Populus spp. and Salix spp. Bark and wood THg concentrations were found to be highly correlated whereas soil and wood THg concentrations were not. There were no temporal relationships for THg in dated tree rings corresponding with any other known environmental Hg trends. The shoreline speciess, Populus and Salix spp., had the greatest bark and wood Hg concentrations reaching 18 ng/g, significantly higher than for inland trees Quercus and Acer spp. with maximum values of 7 and 1.2 ng/g for bark and wood respectively. While tree cores cannot be reliably used as temporal THg biomonitors, there is promise for tree species such as Populus spp and Salix spp as spatial indicators of local long-term Hg contamination.  相似文献   

This paper presents phenological weighting factors to be applied to AOT40 (accumulated ozone exposure above a threshold of 40 nl l(-1)) ozone exposure-response relationships for crops at different growth stages. The quantification of such factors represents a step-forward in the derivation of Level II critical levels for ozone. The weighting factors presented are derived from published literature on the sensitivity of wheat (Triticum aestivum), bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) and plantain (Plantago major) to ozone at different growth stages. Weighting functions were calculated using either multiple linear regression or the reciprocal residual mean square (RMS(-1)). The resulting weights were transformed into multiplication factors to be applied to the monthly AOT40 during the 3-month assessment period of critical level exceedance. Interspecific differences were too large to allow for the development of a unified weighting function for the three species considered. For wheat grain yield, the derived multiplication factors varied by almost four-fold (0.40, 1.06, 1.54), while those for bean pod yield varied by only about 25% (0.85, 1.01, 1.14). The available data for plantain were restricted to short-term studies conducted under controlled conditions. These data were not suitable for the derivation of weighting factors comparable to those derived for bean and wheat. Based on known differences in wheat development and phenology across Europe, the need for a geographic differentiation of the time period for the calculation of the critical level exceedances is also discussed and examples provided of the adoption of the derived weightings in the mapping of critical level exceedances. Differences between critical level exceedance maps using weighted and unweighted AOT40 calculations are discussed.  相似文献   

An Open-Top Chambers experiment on Fagus sylvatica and Quercus robur seedlings was conducted in order to compare the performance of an exposure-based (AOT40) and a flux-based approaches in predicting the appearance of ozone visible injuries on leaves. Three different ozone treatments (charcoal-filtered; non-filtered; and open plots) and two soil moisture treatments (watered and non-watered plots) were performed. A Jarvisian stomatal conductance model was drawn up and parameterised for both species and typical South Alpine environmental conditions, thus allowing the calculation of ozone stomatal fluxes for every treatment. A critical ozone flux level for the onset of leaf visible injury in beech was clearly identified between 32.6 and 33.6 mmolO3 m(-2). In contrast, it was not possible to identify an exposure critical level using the AOT40 index. Water stress delayed the onset of the leaf visible injuries, but the flux-based approach was able to take it into account accurately.  相似文献   

Within the framework of the UN-ECE Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution (CLRTAP) critical levels of ozone for forest trees and crops have been determined. In this paper procedures are presented for constructing maps of The Netherlands showing measured ozone concentrations for comparison with the critical levels. The critical ozone levels for forest trees and crops are exceeded widely and frequently in The Netherlands. The frequency and size of exceedances depend on meteorological conditions: during a hot, sunny summer like 1989 or 1990 exceedances of the critical levels by a factor of two or three were observed in the whole of The Netherlands; in a cold, rainy summer like 1991 or 1993 only minor exceedances were observed in some parts (mainly in the south) of the country.  相似文献   

In eastern Spain, studies combining the tracking and meso-scale circulations of air pollutants with the evaluation of their effects on plants have been undertaken since 1994. Meso-scale processes are very important from the point of view of how and where forest ecosystems are affected by point sources and regional air pollution in the Mediterranean area. The first results of these field surveys show that in 1994, 1995 and 1996, the distribution pattern of ozone visual injury (chlorotic mottle) in Pinus halepensis correlated with the penetration of pollutants transported by the sea-breeze into coastal valleys of Castellón (eastern Spain). In this tree species, longer needles are associated with higher chlorotic mottle, and ozone injury seems to be among the factors affecting needle retention and crown transparency.  相似文献   

Evidence is presented to show that a serious leaf spot disease of potato which appeared each year in the Punjab since 1978 is primarily due to ozone:
  • 1.(i) The symptoms of the leaf spot were similar to the ozone stipple of potato reported in the U.S.A.
  • 2.(ii) Activated charcoal and ethylenediurea effectively controlled the spots.
  • 3.(iii) Elevated ozone in the atmosphere was detected with the bioindicators Nicotiana tabacum var. Bel-W3 and potato variety Cherokee. This is the first report of ozone injury to a crop plant in India.

The response to ozone (O(3)) of greenness, in terms of estimated total chlorophyll concentration (Chl), of leaves at three plant canopy levels was studied in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) over a 10-day period following O(3) exposure. Plants of the cultivars 'New Yorker' and 'Tiny Tim' were grown at 25/15 degrees or 30/15 degrees day/night temperatures in growth chambers and exposed to 0.00, 0.08, 0.16 or 0.24 microl litre(-1) O(3) for 7 h day(-1) for four consecutive days in controlled environment exposure chambers. Measurement of Chl in the top, middle and bottom canopy leaves with a calibrated SPAD-501 leaf greenness meter indicated that the growth temperatures tested did not significantly influence the response of Chl to O(3). Ozone-induced loss of Chl was widespread in the entire foliage canopy, including foliage which did not demonstrate visible injury. In both cultvars the Chl in leaves at all three canopy levels declined as a function of increasing O(3) concentration when measured 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 days after the exposure period. However, the slopes for leaves in the top and middle canopies decreased with increasing time after exposure. An analysis of this apparent Chl recovery indicated that leaves in the top and middle canopies exposed to 0.16 and 0.24 microl litre(-1) increased in greenness at a rapid rate after the marked initial decline associated with O(3) treatment. The apparent recovery of the top canopy may have reflected the growth of new leaves and their inclusion in the measurements, but this was not the case for the middle canopy for which the same leaves were measured throughout the post-exposure period. Bottom canopy leaves did not demonstrate significant recovery of Chl.  相似文献   

Crop-response data from over 700 published papers and conference proceedings have been analysed with the aim of establishing ozone dose-response functions for a wide range of European agricultural and horticultural crops. Data that met rigorous selection criteria (e.g. field-based, ozone concentrations within European range, full season exposure period) were used to derive AOT40-yield response functions for 19 crops by first converting the published ozone concentration data into AOT40 (AOT40 is the hourly mean ozone concentration accumulated over a threshold ozone concentration of 40 ppb during daylight hours, units ppm h). For any individual crop, there were no significant differences in the linear response functions derived for experiments conducted in the USA or Europe, or for individual cultivars. Three statistically independent groups were identified: ozone sensitive crops (wheat, water melon, pulses, cotton, turnip, tomato, onion, soybean and lettuce); moderately sensitive crops (sugar beet, potato, oilseed rape, tobacco, rice, maize, grape and broccoli) and ozone resistant (barley and fruit represented by plum and strawberry). Critical levels of a 3 month AOT40 of 3 ppm h and a 3.5 month AOT40 of 6 ppm h were derived from the functions for wheat and tomato, respectively.  相似文献   

Ambient concentrations of ozone (O(3)) and carbon dioxide (CO(2)) were measured at locations from the forest floor to the top of the canopy in a deciduous forest at the Moshannon State Forest in northcentral Pennsylvania. O(3) concentrations were measured from May-September for three years (1993-1995) while CO(2) concentrations were measured only during July and August of 1994. O(3) concentrations increased steadily during the day at all locations, peaking during the middle to late afternoon hours. O(3) concentrations then steadily declined to their lowest point, just before dawn. Vertical O(3) concentration gradients varied seasonally and among years. However, O(3) concentrations were highest within the forest canopy and lowest at the forest floor, with an average difference of approximately 13%. Differences in O(3) concentrations between the canopy and forest floor were greatest at night. O(3) concentrations were slightly higher at locations within the canopy than above the canopy. CO(2) concentrations were consistenly higher near the forest floor and were higher above the canopy than within the canopy. CO(2) concentrations were higher at night than during the day at all locations, especially near the forest floor.  相似文献   

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