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刘安  吴昊  何贝贝 《生态环境学报》2023,(11):2030-2040
塑料在自然环境中降解缓慢,塑料污染物的积累不可避免地成为人们关注的问题。尺寸微小的塑料被定义为纳米塑料(NPs)。虽然NPs的尺寸尚存在争议,但与其他工程纳米颗粒类似,NPs可造成多种不利的环境影响。NPs的存在和在生物体内的积累会对生物体产生一系列毒性效应,影响生物体的生长、繁殖和内分泌系统等。因此,NPs对包括人类在内的较多生物都构成威胁。尽管NPs污染已成为最令人关注的环境问题之一,但目前有关NPs对土壤环境及生物体的毒害效应等的研究仍然较少。旨在综述NPs本身的毒害效应(包括其中的添加剂)、降解产物和与其他环境污染物(有机污染物、无机污染物)耦合后的复合毒性以及NPs对陆生生态环境,包括植物、动物以及土壤产生的综合影响,并总结本领域内的研究现状和不足。主要的研究不足包括对经过降解等过程形成的次级NPs的毒性效应尚未深入开展,NPs对真实生物体的影响研究仍具有局限性,针对环境-NPs-生物-污染物的交互耦合机制对土壤环境的毒害效应仍需进一步探究。针对这些研究不足开展相应的科研探究工作能为全面科学地评价NPs的生态风险提供理论支撑。  相似文献   

长江口及近海水环境中新型污染物研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄俊  衣俊  程金平 《环境化学》2014,(9):1484-1494
随着新型污染物分析检测技术进步和人们认识深入,发现许多新型污染物已经在世界范围内对生态系统造成了污染,虽然其在环境中的含量很低,但由于其稳定性、生物富集性和高毒性,给生态环境和人类健康造成巨大威胁.本文主要针对持久性有机污染物、药品及个人护理用品、内分泌干扰物、纳米材料等重要新型污染物,综述了长江口及近海水环境中新型污染物的污染现状,与国内外主要河口海湾地区新型污染物的污染水平进行了比较,并对今后主要研究方向进行了展望,以期为长江口地区开展新型污染物的环境毒理和生态风险评估研究提供参考.  相似文献   

大气颗粒物暴露与健康效应研究进展   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
大气颗粒物一直是影响我国大多数城市空气质量的首要污染物,且呈现出与欧美不同的煤烟、机动车尾气以及开放源复合型污染并存的高浓度污染态势,已有研究发现颗粒物的短期或长期暴露均会对人体产生不良的健康效应。本文从环境科学、暴露科学、环境流行病学和环境毒理学研究等方面系统综述了大气颗粒物健康效应研究的方法和进展,可为我国的大气颗粒物健康效应研究与大气颗粒物环境质量标准的修订提供方法学参考和经验借鉴。目前我国PM10污染尚未得到有效控制,细颗粒物(PM2.5)的污染也已引起关注,建议在不同区域开展空气污染健康效应的系统研究。  相似文献   

黑碳对污染物环境地球化学过程的影响   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
黑碳是生物体和化石燃料不完全燃烧形成的一种富含芳香族基团的产物,普遍存在环境中.由于其具有超强的吸附能力,影响污染物在环境中的存在形态,进而影响其生物有效性,并最终改变污染物的归宿.因此,有必要考察黑碳对环境中的污染物的环境行为的影响进行研究,才能更加准确地预测污染物在环境中的归趋.文章在黑碳对污染物的吸附及其影响因素、黑碳对污染物的生物毒性和污染物的生物降解影响方而进行了综述,并提出黑碳对污染物环境地球化学过程影响的末来研究方向.  相似文献   

由于大量人类活动的影响,大气CO_2浓度持续增加,其中约1/3被海洋吸收,导致表层海水pH值降低和碳酸盐平衡体系波动,即"海洋酸化"现象。污染物的海洋环境效应一直是全球环境科学领域研究的热点。在实际环境中,海洋酸化往往与污染物共同存在并作用于海洋生态系统,且海洋酸化极有可能改变污染物的海洋环境行为从而影响其毒性效应。但现有研究大多针对海洋酸化或者污染物单独作用下的毒性效应展开,对海洋酸化与污染物的联合毒性效应的研究不足、亟待加强。为此,综述了近年来海洋酸化与典型污染物(重金属、有机污染物)及新型污染物(人工纳米颗粒)的相关文献,重点阐述了海洋酸化对污染物环境行为的影响和海洋酸化与污染物对海洋生物的联合毒性效应,指出当前的研究不足,并对未来的研究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

青藏日喀则大气颗粒物水溶性无机离子粒径分布特征初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
正大气颗粒物在环境效应、气候变化和人群健康方面起到的重要作用,很大程度上是由其中的大气颗粒物粒径及其化学成分决定的.水溶性无机离子及其中的硝酸盐、硫酸盐、铵盐二次粒子是大气颗粒物尤其是细粒子的主要组成成分[1].研究水溶性无机离子组成与粒径分布对于了解大气颗粒物的物理化学性质、来源及形成机理具有重要的意义[2].监测高原地区的大气环境变化,是认识大气污染物长距离传输的重要途径,可以获得全球有关重大环境事件的信息,为研究人类发展与自然环境的关系提供重要的科学依据[3].本研究在青藏日喀则地区进行大气颗粒物的分级采样结合离子色谱仪测定其中主要水溶性离子的浓度,首次获得水溶性离子的组成和粒径分布特征,为后续研究工作开展奠定基础,同时为了解青藏高原以及北半球洁净地区大气气溶胶的特征提供基础数据.  相似文献   

刘蕊  张辉  勾昕  罗绪强  杨鸿雁 《生态环境》2014,(7):1239-1244
经济的快速发展导致中国环境质量日趋恶化.随着健康意识的增强,人们越来越重视污染物暴露人群的健康风险评估.与其他污染物相比,重金属污染区域广,重金属暴露人群多且集中.为了研究重金属暴露条件下人群的健康风险,USEPA 模型、统计模型、地理信息系统、可给性研究的方法已被中国不同学者应用.暴露评估模型作为污染物暴露人群健康风险评估的主要环节,国外的研究已经比较成熟,但相关研究在中国还处于空白阶段.对中国近年来在城市表层土壤(灰尘)、矿区土壤、膳食、地下水和饮用水、大气颗粒物进行重金属风险评估中应用的健康风险评估方法,进行了归纳和评述,并对欧美常用暴露评估模型:环境暴露评估模型、膳食暴露评估模型进行了介绍.中国健康风险评估工作起步晚,在评估的各环节均存在很大缺陷.随着新技术的发展以及人群对环境健康风险认识的深化,健康风险评估将成为中国热门研究领域之一.污染的环境行为、剂量一效应关系、模型、风险信息等方面,将是未来中国健康风险评估研究的重点.  相似文献   

由于人类社会的发展,环境污染也越来越严重,研究环境污染物对生态及人类健康的影响极为重要。生殖系统是人和动物繁衍后代的重要系统,常见环境污染物对生殖系统的影响正引起研究人员的广泛关注。秀丽隐杆线虫具有身体透明、品系丰富和遗传背景清楚等优点,为生殖毒理学研究提供了一个便利的平台。以秀丽隐杆线虫为模型已对多种环境污染物的生殖毒性进行了评价。本文重点叙述了重金属、纳米材料、有机物等化学污染,辐射、磁场等物理污染,以及病毒等生物污染对秀丽线虫生殖系统的影响,并归纳讨论了环境污染物造成生殖功能障碍的几种主要机制,如氧化应激、DNA损伤、内质网应激以及神经损伤等,但不同类型污染物的毒性效应与其自身的物化性质紧密相关。环境污染物诱导的生殖毒性中不同响应机制之间的关联性、不同发育阶段的敏感性差异、污染物的传代效应以及有效的缓解方式的筛选等都有待进一步的开展。  相似文献   

黑碳是含碳物质不充分燃烧而产生的一种高度芳香化结构无定型碳质,是沉积物有机质中重要的组成部分.黑碳通过表面吸附或微孔束缚作用将疏水性有机污染物(HOCs)锁定在沉积物中,其超强的吸附性能导致对HOCs的解吸量减少、解吸速率减慢,进而在短期内降低其生物有效性和短期生物毒性,大量学者开展了较低HOCs浓度下短期降解实验,得出了黑碳抑制HOCs降解的结论.但长期来看,黑碳一方面会通过抑制生物有效性削弱微生物降解等HOCs的自然衰减速率,另一方面也会通过促进微生物生长提高降解率.因此推测,黑碳对HOCs微生物降解的影响可能与HOCs的类型与浓度相关,在较高HOCs浓度下,黑碳可能会通过降低急性毒性,促进微生物生长和生物膜形成来加速HOCs的降解.本文综述了黑碳对HOCs吸附/解吸和微生物降解的研究进展,从黑碳对HOCs的吸附机理和吸附模型,对解吸动力学、微生物生长以及生物有效性影响等方面进行讨论,指出了黑碳对环境中HOCs迁移转化与归趋的影响,并对黑碳的应用前景及研究趋势进行了展望.  相似文献   

全氟化合物污染现状及风险评估的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
全氟化合物(polyfluorinated compounds,PFCs)是近年来受到广泛关注的一类新型持久性有机污染物。PFCs因具有优良的化学稳定性、耐热性以及高表面活性,而被广泛应用于生活消费和工业生产等领域。PFCs具有难降解、生物富集和长距离迁移等特点,已在大气、土壤和水体等环境介质及生物体中检出。在生态环境中,PFCs能够通过食物链不断传递放大,其具有的多种毒性效应已对生态系统和人类造成了一定的威胁。本文主要综述了PFCs在各类环境介质的污染现状、生物的毒性效应、人类摄入健康风险评估以及PFCs的降解研究,以期为未来PFCs的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

It is well established that ambient particles in the size range of 2.5 microns or less case a wide variety of adverse health effects. According to a recent study from the World Health Organization, in 2010 these effects resulted in approximately 3.2million premature deaths with vehicles being one of the significant contributors. Diesel vehicle particulate emissions which are virtually all smaller than 2.5 microns raise additional special concerns due to their carcinogenicity and high ratio of black carbon (BC) to organic carbon; black carbon has recently been found to be the second most important contributor to climate change after carbon dioxide. Other pollutants emitted by diesels and other vehicles such as the oxides of nitrogen and volatile organic compounds also contribute to ambient particulate matter smaller than 2.5 microns in size (PM2.5) after undergoing secondary transformations in the atrno- sphere. Technologies have dramatically reduce vehicle been developed that can emissions when clean, low sulfur fuels are available and these technologies are being phased in throughout the industrialized world resulting in a global decrease in particulate matter (PM) and BC emissions from vehicles. However the vehicle population is growing rapidly in the developing world, leading to increases in emissions in many countries. Unless these rapidly industrializing countries move to state of the art vehicles and clean fuels, global PM, BC and NOx emissions from road vehicles will start to turn up over the next 10 to 15 years.  相似文献   

Particulate matter (PM) is both a major driver of climate change and a source of toxicity for health. In the upper atmosphere, particulate matter modifies the earth radiation budget, cloud formation and acts as a reaction center for air pollutants. In the lower atmosphere, particulate matter changes atmospheric visibility and alters biogeochemical cycles and meteorology. Most critical effects are observed in ambient air, where particulate matter degrades human health. Here we review the sources, spatial and temporal variability, and toxicity of PM10, the particulate matter having particle sizes 10 micrometers or less in diameter, in world regions. For that we analyzed information from the world wide web and databases from government organizations after the year 2000. Findings show that PM10 is a major risk in both developed and developing countries. This risk is more severe in Asian countries compared to Europe and USA, where decreasing trends are recorded during the last two decades. Meteorological factors modify particulate matter variations at local and regional levels. PM2.5/PM10 ratio provides information of particulate matter sources under different environment conditions. Crustal matter, road traffic and combustion of fuels are major sources of particulate matter pollution. Health studies indicate that long-term exposure to particulate matter has multiple health effects in people from all age groups. Identification of possible sources and their control with regular epidemiological monitoring could decrease the impact of particulate matter pollution.  相似文献   

Air pollution is one of the most important global environmental issues. Urban air quality is generally becoming vulnerable especially in the developing countries due to various developmental activities. Several national and international studies prove that air pollution is harmful to human health and its long term exposure contributes to even mortality. Current study has been designed to determine the vertical floor wise air quality status of the city of Kolkata and the seasonal variation of the pollutants during two consecutive years. Particulate matter (PM10 and suspended particulate matter), oxides of nitrogen, sulfur dioxide and carbon monoxide were analyzed for a total number of 135 air quality samples throughout the study area and period. Pollutants were found positively correlated with each other and with the floor heights. According to the air quality indexing, all the places were found affected from moderate to severe air pollution irrespective of the vertical floor heights, seasons and places. Although, no such seasonal trend has been emerged from the study but the number of samples beyond standard is found highest during the winter season followed by pre-monsoon.  相似文献   

Environmental Chemistry Letters - Air pollution is a major issue for human health with more than 7 million premature deaths per year due to indoor and outdoor air pollution. Exposure to particulate...  相似文献   

大气挥发性有机化合物环境基准研究进展与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
挥发性有机化合物(VOCs)中的许多物种对人体具有危害性,同时,VOCs对大气环境产生着重要的影响。目前我国部分区域大气VOCs污染已经十分严重,控制大气VOCs污染对于改善环境空气质量,保护人体健康具有重要意义。国际上许多国家或国际组织制定了大气VOCs环境基准或者发布了大气VOCs环境基准指导值,这对于加强VOCs污染控制及环境管理可以起到重要作用。我国尚未制定大气VOCs环境基准,亟待开展系统的研究工作。在综述国际大气VOCs环境基准研究进展,介绍当前我国大气VOCs环境基准研究情况的基础上,分析了我国大气VOCs环境基准的研究需求,并对今后的系统研究提出了建议。  相似文献   

Outdoor air pollution and fine particulate matter (PM) were recently classified as carcinogenic to humans by the International Agency for Research on Cancer. The exposure to airborne particulate matter also contributes to cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, which are major public health concerns. Up to now, no work has evaluated the ability of essential oils as an alternative medicine to relieve the adverse health effects caused by airborne particulate matter. Here, we investigated for the first time the effects of four essential oil components, trans-anethole, estragole, eugenol and isoeugenol, on the reduction in inflammation induced by particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter below 2.5 μm (PM2.5), in human bronchial epithelial (BEAS-2B) and human liver carcinoma (HepG2) cell lines. Anethole is a flavor component of anise and fennel, estragole is occurring in basil, eugenol occurs in clove bud oil and isoeugenol occurs in ylang-ylang. Essential oil components were tested either as free or hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin-encapsulated forms. Control experiments showed that particulate matter (PM2.5) induced inflammation by secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-6 and IL-8. Our results show that the addition of either free or encapsulated essential oil components to particulate matter exposed cells decreased up to 96 % the cytokine IL-6 level, and by up to 87 % the cytokine IL-8 level. Overall our findings evidence for the first time that natural essential oil components counteract the inflammatory effects of particulate matter and that encapsulation in cyclodextrins preserved their properties.  相似文献   

天津城区秋冬季黑碳气溶胶观测与分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
姚青  蔡子颖  韩素芹  黄鹤 《环境化学》2012,31(3):324-329
利用天津大气边界层观测站2010年9月—2011年1月黑碳气溶胶、PM2.5质量浓度、大气能见度及常规气象观测数据,研究天津城区秋冬季黑碳气溶胶污染特征.结果表明,天津秋冬季黑碳气溶胶质量浓度均值7.24μg.m-3和6.46μg.m-3,分别占PM2.5质量的9.42%和7.98%,其吸收作用分别贡献大气消光的17.2%和17.6%;采用最大频数浓度法计算黑碳浓度本底值为2.50μg.m-3;黑碳浓度的日变化特征与天气过程有关,雾和霾天气下黑碳浓度较高,降水利于清除黑碳污染,秋季高浓度黑碳除局地源污染外,可能还与河北、山西、天津等地燃烧秸秆有关.  相似文献   

Air pollution poses a serious threat to human health in Asia. This study analyzes the association of air pollutants and greenness with incidence rates of allergic rhinitis in Seoul at the administrative district level to gain insight into district-level urban policies to improve public health. A spatial regression model is constructed to investigate the correlation between allergic rhinitis incidence rates and five air pollutants measured at 128 air pollution monitoring stations around Seoul: sulfur dioxide (SO2), particulate matter less than 10 μm (PM10), ozone (O3), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), and carbon monoxide (CO). The allergic rhinitis incidence data are derived from the National Health Insurance Service’s database that includes the number of allergic rhinitis-related clinic visits by the patients over 20 years of age and living in Seoul. A kriging geostatistical interpolation was used to estimate average air pollution level of 423 administrative districts. To assess pollen concentrations that can affect allergic rhinitis, the average normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) is measured based on the urban greenness. The model, controlling for built environment and socio-economic attributes, identifies the possibility of a weak association between allergic rhinitis incidence rates and carbon monoxide levels. The NDVI value is negatively correlated with allergic rhinitis incidence rates, implying a complicated aspect in relation to the effect of urban greenness.  相似文献   

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are a large group of organic compounds with two or more fused aromatic rings. They have a relatively low solubility in water, but are highly lipophilic. Most of the PAHs with low vapour pressure in the air are adsorbed on particles. When dissolved in water or adsorbed on particulate matter, PAHs can undergo photodecomposition when exposed to ultraviolet light from solar radiation. In the atmosphere, PAHs can react with pollutants such as ozone, nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxide, yielding diones, nitro- and dinitro-PAHs, and sulfonic acids, respectively. PAHs may also be degraded by some microorganisms in the soil. PAHs are widespread environmental contaminants resulting from incomplete combustion of organic materials. The occurrence is largely a result of anthropogenic emissions such as fossil fuel-burning, motor vehicle, waste incinerator, oil refining, coke and asphalt production, and aluminum production, etc. PAHs have received increased attention in recent years in air pollution studies because some of these compounds are highly carcinogenic or mutagenic. Eight PAHs (Car-PAHs) typically considered as possible carcinogens are: benzo(a)anthracene, chrysene, benzo(b)fluoranthene, benzo(k)fluoranthene, benzo(a)pyrene (B(a)P), dibenzo(a,h)anthracene, indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene and benzo(g,h,i)perylene. In particular, benzo(a)pyrene has been identified as being highly carcinogenic. The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has promulgated 16 unsubstituted PAHs (EPA-PAH) as priority pollutants. Thus, exposure assessments of PAHs in the developing world are important. The scope of this review will be to give an overview of PAH concentrations in various environmental samples and to discuss the advantages and limitations of applying these parameters in the assessment of environmental risks in ecosystems and human health. As it well known, there is an increasing trend to use the behavior of pollutants (i.e. bioaccumulation) as well as pollution-induced biological and biochemical effects on human organisms to evaluate or predict the impact of chemicals on ecosystems. Emphasis in this review will, therefore, be placed on the use of bioaccumulation and biomarker responses in air, soil, water and food, as monitoring tools for the assessment of the risks and hazards of PAH concentrations for the ecosystem, as well as on its limitations.  相似文献   

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