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Profiles of the bioaccessibility of soil polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in different urban functional areas of Xiamen City, Fujian, China were investigated. A physiologically based in vitro test was used to evaluate the bioaccessibility of total and individual PAHs. There was no obvious correlation between total concentrations of PAHs and bioaccessibility during the gastrointestinal phase for the soils from different functional areas. Results showed that the bioaccessibility variation in the gastrointestinal phase (ranging from 14.6% to 63.2%) was significantly higher than that in the gastric phase (ranging from 4.9% to 21.8%). The bioaccessibility in the gastrointestinal phase was not only determined by soil organic materials but also directly related to physical and chemical properties of individual PAHs, except for two-ring PAHs. Increasing soil organic material content or decreasing ring numbers of PAHs could result in the decrease of PAH bioaccessibility. The total PAH bioaccessibility was largely contributed by individual PAHs with relatively high molecular weight.  相似文献   

Air overpressure (AOp) is one of the most adverse effects induced by blasting in the surface mines and civil projects. So, proper evaluation and estimation of the AOp is important for minimizing the environmental problems resulting from blasting. The main aim of this study is to estimate AOp produced by blasting operation in Miduk copper mine, Iran, developing two artificial intelligence models, i.e., genetic programming (GP) and gene expression programming (GEP). Then, the accuracy of the GP and GEP models has been compared to multiple linear regression (MLR) and three empirical models. For this purpose, 92 blasting events were investigated, and subsequently, the AOp values were carefully measured. Moreover, in each operation, the values of maximum charge per delay and distance from blast points, as two effective parameters on the AOp, were measured. After predicting by the predictive models, their performance prediction was checked in terms of variance account for (VAF), coefficient of determination (CoD), and root mean square error (RMSE). Finally, it was found that the GEP with VAF of 94.12%, CoD of 0.941, and RMSE of 0.06 is a more precise model than other predictive models for the AOp prediction in the Miduk copper mine, and it can be introduced as a new powerful tool for estimating the AOp resulting from blasting.  相似文献   

Lichens explants and airborne particulates were analysed for Cr, Zn, Cd, Pb, Ni, Fe, Mn and Cu content in a rural site in the province of Vercelli (Piedmont, N. Italy). Thalliof the fruticose lichen Pseudevernia furfuracea were collected from an uncontaminated area and exposed for one yearusing two different techniques. Particulates were collected using a continuously operating particulate sampler set up nearthe lichens explanted throughout the experiment survey.The results confirm both the importance of assessing contamination in rural areas corroborated by the analysis of the presence of the heavy metals in particulates in relationto the main wind directions and the validity of this lichen asbiomonitor of airborne metal pollution, although meaningfuldifferences were pointed out between the two different techniques of exposure. The significant correlation between most of the metals accumulated by lichens and the metal air concentrations shows a good evidence of their ability to represent atmospheric contamination.  相似文献   

Perchlorate originates as a contaminant in the environment from its use in solid rocket fuels and munitions. The current US EPA methods for perchlorate determination via ion chromatography using conductivity detection do not include recommendations for the extraction of perchlorate from soil. This study evaluated and identified appropriate conditions for the extraction of perchlorate from clay loam, loamy sand, and sandy soils. Based on the results of this evaluation, soils should be extracted in a dry, ground (mortar and pestle) state with Milli-Q water in a 1 ratio 1 soil ratio water ratio and diluted no more than 5-fold before analysis. When sandy soils were extracted in this manner, the calculated method detection limit was 3.5 microg kg(-1). The findings of this study have aided in the establishment of a standardized extraction method for perchlorate in soil.  相似文献   

Organic materials were extracted with acetone from filters of airborne particles by soaking, shaking, soxhletion, and sonication. These extracts were tested with and without S9 for mutagenicity using Ames assay and arabinose-resistant assay of Salmonella typhimurium. Among the extraction methods, soaking extract had the highest mutagenic activity followed by sonication, shaking, and soxhletion in both the assays. With the samples studied, it was concluded that soaking with acetone for 1/2 hr is the simplest and an efficient procedure for the extraction of mutagens from airborne particles.Results of cooperative investigation of NIOSH and West Virginia Agricultural and Forstry Experimental Station. Published with the approval of the Director of the West Virginia Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station as Scientific Paper No. 1822.  相似文献   

Vegetation, sub-surface peat, and road dust were sampled near the Delong Mountain Transportation System (DMTS) haul road in northwest Alaska in 2005-2006 to document aluminum, barium, cadmium, lead, and zinc concentrations, and to evaluate bioaccessibility of these metals. The DMTS haul road is the transport corridor between Red Dog Mine (a large-scale, lead-zinc mine and mill) and the coastal shipping port, and it traverses National Park Service lands. Compared to reference locations, total metal concentrations in four types of vegetation (birch, cranberry, and willow leaves, and cotton grass blades/stalks) collected 25 m from the haul road were enriched on average by factors of 3.5 for zinc, 8.0 for barium, 20 for cadmium, and 150 for lead. Triple rinsing of vegetation with a water/methanol mixture reduced metals concentrations by at most 50%, and cadmium and zinc concentrations were least affected by rinsing. Cadmium and zinc bioaccessibility was greater in vegetation (50% to 100%) than in dust (15% to 20%); whereas the opposite pattern was observed for lead bioaccessibility (<30% in vegetation; 50% in dust). Barium exhibited low-to-intermediate bioaccessibility in dust and vegetation (20% to 40%), whereas aluminum bioaccessibility was relatively low (<6%) in all sample types. Our reconnaissance-level study indicates that clean-up and improvements in lead/zinc concentrate transfer activities have been effective; however, as of 2006, metal dispersion from past and/or present releases of fugitive dusts along the DMTS road still may have been contributing to elevated metals in surface vegetation. Vegetation was most enriched in lead, but because bioaccessibility of cadmium was greater, any potential risks to animals that forage near the haul road might be equally important for both of these metals.  相似文献   

Concentration of dissolved reactive phosphorus ([DRP]) in rivers changes periodically (daily, weekly, seasonally) and is dependent on the weather and discharge Q. Accordingly, accurate estimation of the annual DRP load requires intensive sampling if not even continuous monitoring, which is laborious and expensive. We present a new, elaborated low cost technique based on passive samplers (P-traps), describing their design and chemical analysis. P-traps use iron(oxy)hydroxide as a sorbent, are inexpensive, easy to handle, and can be exposed for several months. We compare average DRP concentrations obtained from spot samples and P-traps and discuss the applicability and accuracy of the suggested method to measure annual P loads of rivers characterized by highly variable DRP concentrations.  相似文献   

The atmospheric condition in an urbanized area of Japan was examined from the viewpoint of a 14-year trend in the rainfall intensity. To cancel the wide-area meteorological phenomena such as a typhoon and a front, the rainfall datasets obtained not only in an urban area but also in a rural area was studied. The rainfall datasets collected on a 0.5 mm rainfall basis was used. The rainfall intensity dominantly increased in urban area, while that in rural area neither increased nor decreased. An increasing trend was clearly observed for rainfall with precipitation amounts of 5 and 10 mm. Rainfall with precipitation amounts of 15 and 20 mm showed neither an increasing nor a decreasing trend. The results of this study show that there is a high probability of a connection between the urbanization and the change of rainfall intensity.  相似文献   

In this study, ambient TSP, PM10, and PM2.5 in a residential area located in the northern part of Seoul were monitored every other month for 1 year from April 2005 to February 2006. The monthly average levels of TSP, PM10, and PM2.5 had ranges of 71∼158, 40∼106, and 28∼43 μg/m3, respectively. TSP and PM10 showed highest concentration in April; this seems to be due to Asian dust from China and/or Mongolia. However, the fine particle of PM2.5 showed a relatively constant level during the monitoring period. Heavy metals in PM 10 and PM2.5, such as Cr, As, Cd, Mn, Zn and Pb, were also analysed during the same period. The monthly average concentrations of heavy metal in PM2.5 were Cr:1.9∼22.7 ng/m3; As:0.9∼2.5 ng/m3; Cd: 0.6∼7 ng/m3; Mn:6.1∼22.6 ng/m3; Zn: 38.9∼204.8 ng/m3, and Pb: 21.6∼201.1 ng/m3. For the health risk assessment of heavy metals in ambient particles, excess cancer risks were calculated using IRIS unit risk. As a result, the excess cancer risks of chromium, cadmium, and arsenic were shown to be more than one per million based on the annual concentration of heavy metals, and chromium showed the highest excess cancer risk in ambient particles in Seoul.  相似文献   

Landfills are sources of groundwater and soil pollution due to the production of leachate and its migration through refuse. This study was conducted in order to determine the extent of soil pollution within and around the Jebel Chakir landfill, located in the Tunis City, Tunisia. The main objective was to characterize soil samples of an unlined storage basin in relation to heavy metal concentrations in the Jebel Chakir landfill to the southwest of Tunis, Northern Tunisia. Twenty-four soil samples taken from different locations around the storage basin were analyzed by atomic absorption spectrophotometry for Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn investigation. Our results indicated high concentrations of Cr (54.4–129.9 mg/kg of DM), Zn (4.1–81.8 mg/kg of DM), Ni (15.1–43.9 mg/kg of DM), Pb (5.6–16.1 mg/kg of DM), and Cu (0.2–1.84 mg/kg of DM). These results suggested that contaminant migration is controlled by an active clay layer acting as an insulating material in the landfill. It is therefore necessary to set a treatment system for the landfill leachates and place a liner under the storage basin to reduce the pollution threat.  相似文献   

Using an organism living in situ for monitoring is referred as passive monitoring. Lepraria lobificans Nyl., a leprose lichen growing naturally on monuments and buildings in the city Mandav in central India is used for passive monitoring of atmospheric metals. Seven metals (Cd, Cr, Ni, Al, Fe, Cu, and Zn) were analyzed. Samples collected from road site exhibit the maximum concentration of Fe, Cd, Cr, Ni, and Zn. Iron exhibit maximum accumulation both in lichen thallus and the substratum with mean values of 2,195.63 μg g???1 dry weight. As compared with other growth form of lichens, L. lobificans exhibits the higher accumulation of Fe than foliose and fruticose lichens. On the basis of these results, it can be hypothesized that L. lobificans is an excellent accumulator of different metals. The statistical analysis applied to the element concentration between the metals as well as between the sites by analysis of variance found the difference to be significant at 1% and 5%, respectively. Student–Newman–Keuls test also shows significant difference for iron between the different metals.  相似文献   

To better assess the seasonality in the fallout of heavy metals to central Greenland, a continuous series of 68 snow samples has been collected at a remote site in the Summit area from a 2.7 m pit using ultraclean sampling procedures. This covers a continuous four year time period from spring 1991 to spring 1995. Co, Cu, Zn, Mo, Rh, Pd, Ag, Cd, Sb, Pt, Pb, Bi and U were determined using ultrasensitive inductively coupled plasma sector field mass spectrometry under clean room conditions. In addition we also determined Al by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry and Na+, Ca2+, SO4(2-), MSA and oxalate by ion chromatography, species that will assist in the interpretation of the trace metal data. The data show pronounced inter- and intra-annual variations, with large differences in the amplitude of these variations for the element studied, with few clear seasonality patterns. Generally, high concentrations are observed in the spring snow layers, while much lower concentrations are typical of summer snow layers. Significant correlations are observed between Co, Cu, Zn, Ag and Sb, while Pt, Pd and Rh show no correlation with the other metals. Crustal enrichment factors show that while the crustal dust contribution is probably important for some metals for part of the year (spring), anthropogenic inputs are as important in many instances. Pronounced intra-annual variations are observed for some metals, in particular Pt. The variations observed for this metal parallel fairly closely changes in Russian Pt production, which points to emissions from smelters in the Russian Arctic as likely sources for Pt.  相似文献   

Increasing consciousness about future sustainable agriculture and hazard free food production has lead organic farming to be a globally emerging alternative farm practice. We investigated the accumulation of air-borne heavy metals in edible parts of vegetables and in cultivated soil horizon in organic farming system in a low rain fall tropical region of India. The factorial design of whole experiment consisted of six vegetable crops (tomato, egg plant, spinach, amaranthus, carrot and radish) x two treatments (organic farming in open field and organic farming in glasshouse (OFG)) x seven independent harvest of each crop. The results indicated that except for Pb, atmospheric deposition of heavy metals increased consistently on time scale. Concentrations of heavy metals in cultivated soil horizon and in edible parts of open field grown vegetables increased over time and were significantly higher than those recorded in OFG plots. Increased contents of heavy metals in open field altered soil porosity, bulk density, water holding capacity, microbial biomass carbon, substrate-induced respiration, alkaline phosphatase and fluorescein diacetate hydrolytic activities. Vegetable concentrations of heavy metal appeared in the order Zn > Pb > Cu > Ni > Cd and were maximum in leaves (spinach and amaranths) followed by fruits (tomato and egg plant) and minimum in roots (carrot and radish). Multiple regression analysis indicated that the major contribution of most heavy metals to vegetable leaves was from atmosphere. For roots however, soil appeared to be equally important. The study suggests that if the present trend of atmospheric deposition is continued, it will lead to a destabilizing effect on this sustainable agricultural practice and will increase the dietary intake of toxic metals.  相似文献   

Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and heavy metals are well known environmental pollutants. Even though numerous studies have been carried out to assess human exposures to these compounds, there is still a lack of data on humans from developing countries, especially in underprivileged children. The objective of this study was to assess the exposure to POPs and heavy metals in children from Dhaka, Bangladesh. One specific aim was to investigate whether children working at, or living close to, open waste disposal sites (WDSs) were more heavily exposed than other urban children. In 2008, blood and serum were collected from 73 children aged 7-16 from five neighbourhoods. Some of the children lived and worked at WDSs (N = 31), others lived next to a WDS (N = 17), whereas some children lived far from such sites (N = 25). Blood levels of lead (B-Pb), cadmium (B-Cd), and selenium (B-Se) were determined by ICP-MS for all subjects. The metal levels were high, with B-Pb overall mean 120 μg L(-1) (range 40-220), B-Cd 0.74 μg L(-1) (0.22-4.1), and B-Se 120 μg L(-1) (81-170). There were no marked differences between children from the different neighbourhoods, or between WDS workers and other children. PCB levels were low and with no contrast between neighbourhoods, for CB-153 the overall mean was 7.0 ng g(-1) fat (2.8-51). In contrast, high levels of DDTs were observed in all children, for 4,4'-DDE 1300 ng g(-1) fat (420-4600), and for 4,4'-DDT 326 ng g(-1) fat (44-1400), indicating ongoing exposure. PBDE levels were low, and BDE-209 was quantitated mainly in children working at or living close to WDSs. In conclusion, the high levels of DDTs, lead and cadmium observed in children from Dhaka are of concern. Many children were exposed at levels where health effects have been observed, or at levels without safety margins.  相似文献   

Biomonitors are commonly used to assess levels of bioavailable contaminants in the environment, however the relationships between biomonitor tissue concentrations and ecological effects are rarely assessed. The present study investigated metal contamination within a highly industrialised harbour and ecological effects on sessile invertebrates. The native oyster Saccostrea glomerata was deployed as a biomonitor across twenty-six sites to test for correlations between metal levels in their tissues and the recruitment of hard-substrate invertebrates. Concentrations of lead and copper in oyster tissues were negatively correlated with densities of the dominant barnacle, Amphibalanus variegatus, and positively correlated with densities of the dominant polychaete, Hydroides elegans, and the two native encrusting bryozoans Celloporaria nodulosa and Arachnopusia unicornis. Results suggest that highly localised events drive contaminant availability and that these events pose a significant risk to fauna. Biomonitoring studies may be enhanced by running concurrent ecological surveys.  相似文献   

Real-time particle sizers provide rapid information about atmospheric particles, particularly peak exposures, which may be important in the development of adverse health outcomes. However, these instruments are subject to erroneous readings in high-humidity environments when compared with measurements from filter-based, federal reference method (FRM) samplers. Laboratory tests were conducted to evaluate the ability of three inlet conditioners to dry aerosol prior to entering a real-time particle sizer for measuring coarse aerosols (Model 3321 Aerodynamic Particle Sizer, APS) under simulated highly humid conditions. Two 30 day field studies in Birmingham, AL, USA were conducted to compare the response of two APSs operated with and without an inlet conditioner to that measured with FRM samplers. In field studies, the correlation of PM(10-2.5) derived from the APS and that measured with the FRM was substantially stronger with an inlet conditioner applied (r2 ranged from 0.91 to 0.99) than with no conditioner (r2 = 0.61). Laboratory experiments confirmed the ability of the heater and desiccant conditioner to remove particle-borne moisture. In field tests, water was found associated with particles across the sizing range of the APS (0.5 microm to 20 microm) when relative humidity was high in Birmingham. Certain types of inlet conditioners may substantially improve the correlation between particulate mass concentration derived from real-time particle sizers and filter-based samplers in humid conditions.  相似文献   

A passive sampler has been developed and is demonstrated in situ for urban runoff. The passive sampler is compared to conventional composite (time-dependent and flow-weighted) bottle sampling during and between storm events. The sampling was carried out at established stormwater stations; before and after a stormwater detention pond. In situ deployment of the passive sampler provides the metal concentrations, corresponding to the electrochemically available fraction of total metal, for time-dependent samples collected in parallel. The sampler provides improved accuracy compared to bottle sampling because contamination during sample transport and handling is minimised. Laboratory handling is reduced by direct analysis of the accumulated metals on the receiving membrane by laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Passive sampling also solves the problem of metal speciation change during transport to the laboratory, which is a potential problem for bottle samples. The low cost and convenience of the passive sampler and subsequent analysis should allow significantly more extensive spatial and temporal monitoring of metals in the aquatic environment than has previously been possible.  相似文献   

Odorous air samples collected from several sources were presented to an olfactometer, an electronic nose, a hydrogen sulfide (H(2)S) detector and an ammonia (NH(3)) detector. The olfactometry measurements were used as the expected values while measurements from the other instrumentation values became input variables. Five hypotheses were established to relate the input variables and the expected values. Both linear regression and artificial neural network analyses were used to test the hypotheses. Principal component analysis was utilized to reduce the dimensionality of the electronic nose measurements from 33 to 3 without significant loss of information. The electronic nose or the H(2)S detector can individually predict odor concentration measurements with similar accuracy (R (2) = 0.46 and 0.50, respectively). Although the NH(3) detector alone has a very poor relationship with odor concentration measurements, combining the H(2)S and NH(3) detectors can predict odor concentrations more accurately (R (2) = 0.58) than either individual instrument. Data from the integration of the electronic nose, H(2)S, and NH(3) detectors produce the best prediction of odor concentrations (R (2) = 0.75). With this accuracy, odor concentration measurements can be confidently represented by integrating an electronic nose, and H(2)S and NH(3) detectors.  相似文献   

Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) is rapidly overtaking atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) as the method of choice for the determination of toxic metals in workplace air. However, the few ICP-AES methods that have been published are not well characterised in terms of the effectiveness of the sample dissolution procedures described and their validation status. The International Standards Organization (ISO) is currently engaged in developing ISO 15202, which will describe a generic method for the determination of metals and metalloids in airborne particulate matter by ICP-AES. One part of the proposed standard deals with dissolution procedures. The ISO work has been supported by a project carried out in the authors' laboratory to identify, develop and validate sample dissolution procedures for inclusion in the proposed standard. This paper describes an interlaboratory comparison carried out to assess the performance of selected procedures using samples of airborne particulate matter collected on filters with a multiport sampler. Five dissolution procedures were tested. These included an ultrasonic agitation procedure, two hot-plate procedures (based upon NIOSH 7300 and OSHA ID 125G) and two microwave-assisted procedures (based upon EPA 3052). It was shown that the dissolution procedures selected for use in the trial and used internally at HSL generally gave equivalent performance. As expected, a wider spread of results was obtained by participants in the trial. More specifically, there exists some reservation regarding the ability of the ultrasonic and hot-plate procedures to attack fully on a consistent basis some resistant materials, e.g., chromium containing particulate matter. Above all, the trial demonstrated the usefulness of microwave-assisted dissolution procedures in a modern laboratory.  相似文献   

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