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Strategy is introduced as a predictor of disaster preparedness. Tests with multiple regression show that strategy, disaster experience and capacity for disaster response are the strongest predictors of preparedness. We conclude that the measure of strategy warrants further refinement and that the study of preparedness must move from idiosyncratic, disconnected studies to a more theoretically organized set of studies that verify useful guidelines for monitoring and enhancing disaster preparedness. 相似文献
For a community to manage hazards successfully, those who are responsible for planning and implementing responses to a disaster threat situation must understand the social and economic realities of populations at risk. A random sample survey of residents in the vicinity of a US Army chemical weapons storage depot in Alabama confirms that those in the lowest quartile of household income (i.e., less than US $25,000 in 1999) differ in important ways from the rest of the sample. Using economic status as a grouping variable resultedin identifying a concentration of individuals with special needs. This group differed significantly from the remainder of the sample as to demographic and attitudinal characteristics, hazard knowledge and concerns, emergency preparedness, and emergency decision-making and their likelihood of taking protective actions. Respondents in the lowest income quartile reported greater restrictions in physical abilities, fewer community contacts, a heightened concern about area hazards, and limited resources for taking preparedness and response actions. 相似文献
Chinaisoneofthecountriessufferedfromworstearthquakedisastersintheworld.ChinaissituatedonthesoutheastmarginofEuroAsiaPlate,betweentwobiggestearthquakebelts,theCircumPacificearthquakebeltandHimalayasMediterraneanearthquakebelt.Thisspecificenvironmentma... 相似文献
地震社会心理与防震减灾宣传 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
运用社会心理学的知识和以往研究结果,对社会公众对待有关地震事件的社会心理作了深入分析,并对新时期社会心理的时代特征作了初步探讨。综合上述分析,提出了防震减灾宣传工作首先要了解地震社会心理,并根据社会心理的时代特征进行创新的观点:防震减灾宣传工作要针对不同层次人群的不同社会心理和需求,要注意同一人群不同地震时期的不同的社会心理,还要注意不同宣传形式的作用和效果。据此,提出了针对不同人群和不同时期的社会心理、结合形式多样和具有时代特征的不同的防震减灾宣传策略。 相似文献
Food security problems should be seen as "normal" in and endemic to subsistence agricultural groups in semi-arid zones of developing countries. Natural, popular response mechanisms exist that address these problems when they are at "normal" levels. All response mechanisms in developing countries can be expected to be swamped in times of a major food emergency. During major crises international relief assistance will continue to play a crucial role. Attempts at imposing centralized, institutional social security systems that address the normal "pockets of need" syndrome will be extremely expensive, not self-sustaining, and prone to failure. In that these efforts may undermine natural response mechanisms and draw scarce resources away from more logical, decentralized relief agencies these efforts may prove dangerously counter-productive. 相似文献
在机制上将一个地市(淮南市)的地震预报与防震决策融为一个动态整体,从而建立起一个实用性强的防震减灾决策系统,使城市各种防震对策的生成有了更科学的基础。成为市政府在防震减灾决策中不可缺少的工具。 相似文献
新时期防震减灾宣传工作机制及政策研究 总被引:1,自引:5,他引:1
信息杜会里人们意识形态具有网络虚拟和现实世界的两面性,这给防震减灾宣传教育提出了新的挑战和际遇。本文分析了信息杜会基本特点、防震减灾宣传工作的积极和制约因素,在借鉴现代企业管理模式的基础上,提出了新时期防震减灾宣传工作的机制与政策。 相似文献
为了充分发挥科技资料在防震减灾事业中的作用,就如何改进地震科技资料的管理方式、提高地震科技资料的管理水平、为防震减灾一线科研人员提供最满意的服务进行了论述. 相似文献
据资料显示,我国城市化率目前已达到30.4%,其中70%以上的大城市、半数以上人口分布在洪涝灾害和地震灾害严重的地带,而我国城市灾害应急防灾能力却十分脆弱。因此,加强城市灾害预防与应急管理,是构建和谐社会的一项重要任务。 相似文献
英国首都伦敦是世界上最重要的金融中心之一,大约有750 万人生活在这里,每天还有50万人要乘坐交通工具赶到这里工作。预防各种灾害对于这座古老而充满生机的城市来说, 显得尤为重要。英国政府应对具体灾难的一个主要原则是,灾难发生后,一般应由所在地方政府主要负责处理,而不是依赖国家层面的机构。因为地方政府能够最便利 相似文献
尾矿库溃坝灾害链及断链减灾控制技术研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
尾矿库溃坝灾害是影响矿山安全的主要灾害之一,其溃坝机理和控制的研究是当前的热点问题.在尾矿库事故统计分析基础上,根据灾害系统理论,从尾矿库溃坝灾害的形成发育过程入手,构建了五种常见的尾矿库溃坝灾害链模型和灾害链节点横向耦合形成的复杂灾害链网,分析了其成灾特征,并结合工程实例验证了理论模型的合理性.研究结果表明:①尾矿库溃坝灾害链演变过程可划分为早期孕育阶段、中期潜存阶段和晚期诱发阶段;②从各阶段的特征出发,提出了相应断链减灾措施,特别是早期孕源减灾策略;③将尾矿库溃坝灾害链理论应用于湖南省某尾矿库工程治理上,实现了该尾矿库灾害控制. 相似文献
Especially since the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001, governments worldwide have invested considerable resources in the writing of terrorism emergency response plans. Particularly in the United States, the federal government has created new homeland security organisations and urged state and local governments to draw up plans. This emphasis on the written plan tends to draw attention away from the process of planning itself and the original objective of achieving community emergency preparedness. This paper reviews the concepts of community preparedness and emergency planning, and their relationships with training, exercises and the written plan. A series of 10 planning process guidelines are presented that draw upon the preparedness literature for natural and technological disasters, and can be applied to any environmental threat. 相似文献