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A natural gradient emplaced-source (ES) controlled field experiment was conducted at the Borden aquifer research site, Ontario, to study the transport of dissolved plumes emanating from residual dense nonaqueous-phase liquid (DNAPL) source zones. The specific objective of the work presented here is to determine the effects of solute and co-solute concentrations on sorption and retardation of dissolved chlorinated solvent-contaminant plumes. The ES field experiment comprised a controlled emplacement of a residual multicomponent DNAPL below the groundwater table and intensive monitoring of dissolved-phase plumes of trichloromethane (TCM), trichloroethylene (TCE), and perchloroethylene (PCE) plumes continuously generated in the aquifer down gradient from gradual source dissolution. Estimates of plume retardation (and dispersion) were obtained from 3-D numerical simulations that incorporated transient source input and flow regimes monitored during the test. PCE, the most retarded solute, surprisingly exhibited a retardation factor approximately 3 times lower than observed in a previous Borden tracer test by Mackay et al. [Water Resour. Res. 22 (1986) 2017] conducted approximately 150 m away. Also, an absence of temporal trend in PCE retardation contrasted with the previous Borden test. Supporting laboratory studies on ES site core indicated that sorption was nonlinear and competitive, i.e. reduced sorption of PCE was observed in the presence of TCE. Consideration of the effects of relatively high co-solute (TCE) concentration (competitive sorption) in addition to PCE concentration effects (nonlinear sorption) was necessary to yield laboratory-based PCE retardation estimates consistent with the field plume values. Concentration- and co-solute-based sorption and retardation analysis was also applied to the previous low-concentration pulse injection test of Mackay et al. [Water Resour. Res. 22 (1986) 2017] and was able to successfully predict the temporal field retardation trends observed in that test. While it is acknowledged that other "nonideal transport" effects may contribute, our analysis predicts differences in the PCE retardation magnitude and trend between the two experiments that are consistent with field observations based on the marked solute concentration differences that resulted from contrasting source conditions. Solute and co-solute concentration effects have heretofore received little attention, but may have wide significance in aquifers contaminated by point-source pollutants because many plumes contain mixed solutes over wide concentration ranges in strata that are likely subject to nonlinear sorption.  相似文献   

A field experiment was performed in an aquifer in order to study multicomponent cation-exchange processes under natural flow conditions. The aquifer is a glacial outwash plain with sandy aquifer material having a cation-exchange capacity (CEC) of 1.0 meg/100 g. A continuous injection of groundwater spiked with sodium and potassium as chlorides was accomplished over 37 days to resemble leachate contamination from landfills. The plume was monitored by sampling in a dense spatial network (length 100 m, width 20 m) over a period of 2.5 years in order to obtain breakthrough curves and spatial contour maps of the chemical compounds. Na and especially K showed a substantial retardation caused by cation-exchange processes despite the low CEC of the aquifer material. The average velocity of K+ was only 10% of the velocity of chloride (0.7 m day−1). The relative migration velocity of Na+ was not a constant in the plume, but apparently influenced by dilution. Ca2+ and Mg2+ were expelled from the cation-exchange sites of the aquifer material and subsequently transported with the same velocity as chloride. The breakthrough curves of the various compounds showed multiple peaks and low concentration zones. It was concluded by calculations with PHREEQE that changes in calcite equilibrium may occur in the lower part of the aquifer, while complexation processes seem to be of no importance. Cation exchange is then the most important process in this field experiment, and further evaluation of the data by a geochemical transport model including cation exchange is recommended.  相似文献   

Biodegradation of organic contaminants in groundwater is a microscale process which is often observed on scales of 100s of metres or larger. Unfortunately, there are no known equivalent parameters for characterizing the biodegradation process at the macroscale as there are, for example, in the case of hydrodynamic dispersion. Zero- and first-order degradation rates estimated at the laboratory scale by model fitting generally overpredict the rate of biodegradation when applied to the field scale because limited electron acceptor availability and microbial growth are not considered. On the other hand, field-estimated zero- and first-order rates are often not suitable for predicting plume development because they may oversimplify or neglect several key field scale processes, phenomena and characteristics. This study uses the numerical model BIO3D to link the laboratory and field scales by applying laboratory-derived Monod kinetic degradation parameters to simulate a dissolved gasoline field experiment at the Canadian Forces Base (CFB) Borden. All input parameters were derived from independent laboratory and field measurements or taken from the literature a priori to the simulations. The simulated results match the experimental results reasonably well without model calibration. A sensitivity analysis on the most uncertain input parameters showed only a minor influence on the simulation results. Furthermore, it is shown that the flow field, the amount of electron acceptor (oxygen) available, and the Monod kinetic parameters have a significant influence on the simulated results. It is concluded that laboratory-derived Monod kinetic parameters can adequately describe field scale degradation, provided all controlling factors are incorporated in the field scale model. These factors include advective–dispersive transport of multiple contaminants and electron acceptors and large-scale spatial heterogeneities.  相似文献   

The mass transfer rate from residual dense non-aqueous phase liquids (DNAPLs) to the mobile aqueous phase is an important parameter for the efficiency of surfactant-enhanced remediation through solubilization of this type of contamination. The mass transfer kinetics are highly dependent on the dimensionality of the system. In this study, irregularly shaped residual TCE saturations in two-dimensional saturated flow fields were flushed with a 2% polyoxyethylene sorbitan (20) monooleate (POESMO) solution until complete removal had been achieved. A numerical model was developed and used for the simulation of the various surfactant-flushing experiments with different initial saturation patterns and flow rates. Through optimization against in situ concentration and saturation data, a phenomenological power-law model for the relationship between the mass transfer rate from the DNAPL to the mobile aqueous phase on the one hand and the residual DNAPL saturation and the flow velocity on the other hand was derived. The obtained mass transfer rate parameters provide a reasonable fit to the experimental data, predicting the cleanup time and the general saturation and concentration pattern quite well but failing to predict the concentration curves at every individual sampling port. The obtained mass transfer rate model gives smaller values for the predicted mass transfer rate but shows a comparable dependence on water flow and saturation as in earlier published one-dimensional column experiments with identical characteristics for porous medium, DNAPL and surfactant. Mass transfer rate predictions were about one order of magnitude lower in the 2-D flow cell experiment than in 1-D column experiments. These results give an indication for the importance of dimensionality during surfactant remediation.  相似文献   

An investigation of a tetrachloroethene (PCE) groundwater plume originating at a dry cleaning facility on a sand aquifer and discharging to a river showed that the near-river zone strongly modified the distribution, concentration, and composition of the plume prior to discharging into the surface water. The plume, streambed concentration, and hydrogeology were extensively characterized using the Waterloo profiler, mini-profiler, conventional and driveable multilevel samplers (MLS), Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) surveys, streambed temperature mapping (to identify discharge zones), drivepoint piezometers, and soil coring and testing. The plume observed in the shallow streambed deposits was significantly different from what would have been predicted based on the characteristics of the upgradient plume. Spatial and temporal variations in the plume entering the near-river zone contributed to the complex contaminant distribution observed in the streambed where concentrations varied by factors of 100 to 5000 over lateral distances of less than 1 to 3.5 m. Low hydraulic conductivity semi-confining deposits and geological heterogeneities at depth below the streambed controlled the pattern of groundwater discharge through the streambed and influenced where the plume discharged into the river (even causing the plume to spread out over the full width of the streambed at some locations). The most important effect of the near-river zone on the plume was the extensive anaerobic biodegradation that occurred in the top 2.5 m of the streambed, even though essentially no biodegradation of the PCE plume was observed in the upgradient aquifer. Approximately 54% of the area of the plume in the streambed consisted solely of PCE transformation products, primarily cis-1,2-dichloroethene (cDCE) and vinyl chloride (VC). High concentrations in the interstitial water of the streambed did not correspond to high groundwater-discharge zones, but instead occurred in low discharge zones and are likely sorbed or retarded remnants of past high-concentration plume discharges. The high-concentration areas (up to 5529 microg/l of total volatile organics) in the streambed are of ecological concern and represent potential adverse exposure locations for benthic and hyporheic zone aquatic life, but the effect of these exposures on the overall health of the river has yet to be determined. Even if the upgradient source of PCE is remediated and additional PCE is prevented from reaching the streambed, the high-concentration deposits in the streambed will likely take decades to hundreds of years to flush completely clean under natural conditions because these areas have low vertical groundwater flow velocities and high retardation factors. Despite high concentrations of contaminants in the streambed, PCE was detected in the surface water only rarely due to rapid dilution in the river and no cDCE or VC was detected. Neither the sampling of surface water nor the sampling of the groundwater from the aquifer immediately adjacent to the river gave an accurate indication of the high concentrations of PCE biodegradation products present in the streambed. Sampling of the interstitial water of the shallow streambed deposits is necessary to accurately characterize the nature of plumes discharging to rivers.  相似文献   

When only few monitoring wells are available to assess the extent and level of groundwater contamination, inversion of concentration breakthrough curves acquired during an integral pumping test can be used as an alternative quantification method. The idea is to use concentration-time series recorded during integral pumping tests through an inversion technique to estimate contaminant mass fluxes crossing a control plane. In this paper, we examine how a longitudinal concentration gradient along a contaminant plume length scale affects the estimated inversed-concentration distribution and its associated mass flux. The analytically inversed-concentration distribution at the imaginary control plane (ICP) is compared to a numerically generated concentration distribution, treating the latter one as a "real contaminant plume" characterized by the presence of a longitudinal concentration gradient. It is found that the analytically inversed-concentration can lead to overestimation or underestimation of concentration distribution values depending on the transport time period and dispersivity values. At lower dispersivity values, with shorter transport time periods, the analytically inversed-concentration distribution overestimates the "real" concentration distribution. A better fit of the estimated concentration distribution to the "real" one is observed when the transport time period increases, i.e. when the advective front has already crossed the ICP. However, for higher dispersivity values, underestimation of the real concentration distribution is observed. Deviation of the inversed-concentration distribution from the "real" one is assessed for a site-specific concentration gradient term. A concentration gradient adjusted contaminant mass flux is thus formulated to evaluate groundwater contamination levels at a given time period through an ICP. This concentration gradient ratio can indicate whether the ICP is well positioned to evaluate accurately contaminant mass fluxes which are representative of groundwater contamination levels.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional, coupled variably saturated flow and biogeochemical reactive transport modeling of a 2008 in situ uranium bioremediation field experiment is used to better understand the interplay of transport and biogeochemical reactions controlling uranium behavior under pulsed acetate amendment, seasonal water table variation, spatially variable physical (hydraulic conductivity, porosity) and geochemical (reactive surface area) material properties. While the simulation of the 2008 Big Rusty acetate biostimulation field experiment in Rifle, Colorado was generally consistent with behaviors identified in previous field experiments at the Rifle IFRC site, the additional process and property detail provided several new insights. A principal conclusion from this work is that uranium bioreduction is most effective when acetate, in excess of the sulfate-reducing bacteria demand, is available to the metal-reducing bacteria. The inclusion of an initially small population of slow growing sulfate-reducing bacteria identified in proteomic analyses led to an additional source of Fe(II) from the dissolution of Fe(III) minerals promoted by biogenic sulfide. The falling water table during the experiment significantly reduced the saturated thickness of the aquifer and resulted in reactants and products, as well as unmitigated uranium, in the newly unsaturated vadose zone. High permeability sandy gravel structures resulted in locally high flow rates in the vicinity of injection wells that increased acetate dilution. In downgradient locations, these structures created preferential flow paths for acetate delivery that enhanced local zones of TEAP reactivity and subsidiary reactions. Conversely, smaller transport rates associated with the lower permeability lithofacies (e.g., fine) and vadose zone were shown to limit acetate access and reaction. Once accessed by acetate, however, these same zones limited subsequent acetate dilution and provided longer residence times that resulted in higher concentrations of TEAP reaction products when terminal electron donors and acceptors were not limiting. Finally, facies-based porosity and reactive surface area variations were shown to affect aqueous uranium concentration distributions with localized effects of the fine lithofacies having the largest impact on U(VI) surface complexation. The ability to model the comprehensive biogeochemical reaction network, and spatially and temporally variable processes, properties, and conditions controlling uranium behavior during engineered bioremediation in the naturally complex Rifle IFRC subsurface system required a subsurface simulator that could use the large memory and computational performance of a massively parallel computer. In this case, the eSTOMP simulator, operating on 128 processor cores for 12h, was used to simulate the 110-day field experiment and 50 days of post-biostimulation behavior.  相似文献   

This study comprises the first application of the Passive Flux Meter (PFM) for the measurement of chlorinated aliphatic hydrocarbon (CAH) mass fluxes and Darcy water fluxes in groundwater at a European field site. The PFM was originally developed and applied to measurements near source zones. The focus of the PFM is extended from near source to plume zones. For this purpose, 48 PFMs of 1.4 m length were constructed and installed in eight different monitoring wells in the source and plume zone of a CAH-contaminated field site located in France. The PFMs were retrieved, sampled, and analyzed after 3 to 11 weeks of exposure time, depending on the expected contaminant flux. PFM evaluation criteria include analytical, technical, and practical aspects as well as conditions and applicability. PFM flux data were compared with so-called traditional soil and groundwater concentration data obtained using active sampling methods. The PFMs deliver reasonable results for source as well as plume zones. The limiting factor in the PFM applicability is the exposure time together with the groundwater flux. Measured groundwater velocities at the field site range from 2 to 41 cm/day. Measured contaminant flux data raise up to 13 g/m2/day for perchloroethylene in the plume zone. Calculated PFM flux averaged concentration data and traditional concentration data were of similar magnitude for most wells. However, both datasets need to be compared with reservation because of the different sampling nature and time. Two important issues are the PFM tracer loss during installation/extraction and the deviation of the groundwater flow field when passing the monitoring well and PFM. The demonstration of the PFM at a CAH-contaminated field site in Europe confirmed the efficiency of the flux measurement technique for source as well as plume zones. The PFM can be applied without concerns in monitoring wells with European standards. The acquired flux data are of great value for the purpose of site characterization and mass discharge modeling, and can be used in combination with traditional soil and groundwater sampling methods.  相似文献   

Methods to characterize the organic solute sorption distribution coefficient, organic carbon content, and specific surface area of aquifer solids from the site of a field experiment on solute transport in groundwater were refined for application to small subsamples of 10-cm depth increments taken from 5-cm diameter cores. Initial results indicate that the average sorption characteristics of the Borden aquifer do not vary appreciably along the trajectory of the solute plumes. However, the sorption distribution coefficient of tetrachloroethylene varied over nearly an order of magnitude among 10-cm depth increments in one core sample. Preliminary evidence suggests that the sorption distribution coefficients for four halogenated organic solutes vary proportionally among core strata. However, the distribution coefficients for sorption of tetrachloroethylene on various depth increments are not well correlated with either organic carbon content or specific surface area, suggesting that as yet unidentified mineral phases may play a significant role in sorption of such solutes by the sandy aquifer solids.  相似文献   

A volume of sand containing coal tar creosote was emplaced below the water table at CFB Borden to investigate natural attenuation processes for complex biodegradable mixtures. Coal tar creosote is a mixture of more than 200 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, heterocyclic compounds and phenolic compounds. A representative group of seven compounds was selected for detailed study: phenol, m-xylene, naphthalene, phenanthrene, 1-methylnaphthalene, dibenzofuran and carbazole. Movement of groundwater through the source led to the development of a dissolved organic plume, which was studied over a 4-year period. Qualitative plume observations and mass balance calculations indicated two key conclusions: (1) compounds from the same source can display distinctly different patterns of plume development and (2) mass transformation was a major influence on plume behaviour for all observed compounds.  相似文献   


The 2010 Deepwater Horizon spill remains the largest catastrophic release of oil and gas into the deep sea. The irrupted oil and gas substantially impact a marine ecosystem, cause human injury, and have high societal opinions. Therefore, understanding the transport and dispersion of subsurface hydrocarbon provides an imperative substratum for the practical assessment and response of marine oil spill accidents. In this review, we summarize the major advances since the Deepwater Horizon accident, with emphasis on the observation and modeling of the droplet and the formation and dynamics of the plume. Additional complexity including more than the investigation of gas-saturated oil at high-pressure and the effect of Earth’s rotation on near field plume is also outlined. We end with a few outlooks on key priorities for more precisely estimations on future oil spills.


A common aspect of innovative remediation techniques is that they tend to reduce the interfacial tension between the aqueous and non-aqueous phase liquids, resulting in mobilization of the organic contaminant. This complicates the remediation of aquifers, contaminated with Dense Non-Aqueous Phase Liquids (DNAPLs), as they are likely to migrate downwards, deeper into the aquifer and into finer layers. A possible solution is the use of swelling alcohols, which tend to reduce the density difference between the aqueous phase and the DNAPL. To avoid premature mobilization upon the initial contact between the DNAPL and the alcohol, several researchers have proposed the use of vertical upward flow of the alcohol. In this paper, we present an equation, which describes the upward mobilization of both continuous and discontinuous DNAPLs and so the important parameters governing the upward controlled mobilization of the DNAPL. The need and required magnitude of this specific discharge was investigated by conducting four column experiments in which the initial density of the DNAPL and the permeability was varied. It was shown that the required flow velocities increase with the permeability of the porous medium and the initial density difference between the aqueous phase and the DNAPL. Whenever the specific discharge falls below the critical value, the DNAPL moves downward. A second set of column experiments looked at the impact of permeability of porous medium on the solubilization and mobilization of DNAPL during alcohol flooding. Columns, packed with coarse or fine sand, containing a residual trichloroethylene (TCE) or perchloroethylene (PCE) saturation were flushed with the alcohol mixture at a fixed specific discharge rate. The induced pressure gradients in the aqueous phase, which were higher in the fine sand, resulted for this porous medium in extensive mobilization of the DNAPL against the direction of the buoyancy force. The density of the first NAPL coming out of the top of the fine sand was close to that of the pure DNAPL. In the coarser sand, the pressure gradients were sufficient to prevent downward migration of the DNAPL, but upward mobilization was minimal. The predominant removal mechanism in this case was the much slower solubilization.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Oil spills generate several environmental impacts and have become more common with the increase in petroleum extraction, refining, transportation, and...  相似文献   

The changing contaminant pattern with travelled distance was investigated in the anaerobic groundwater plume downstream from an extended zone containing residual NAPL at a former gas manufacturing plant. With increasing distance, O- and N-heterocyclic aromatic compounds are enriched in the plume relative to the usually assessed coal tar constituents (poly- and monocyclic aromatic compounds). In a first approximation, the overall concentration decrease of the investigated compounds follows a first order overall decay. The half life distance in the plume downgradient from the source varied between 20 m for benzene and up to 167-303 m for alkyl-naphthalenes. Acenaphthene is degraded only within about 50 m downstream from the source area, then its concentration remains constant (ca. 180 microg/l) and far above the legal limit. Dimethyl-benzofurans were the most recalcitrant among all compounds which could be quantified with the analytical method available. The overall groundwater contamination in the plume is seriously underestimated if only BTEX and 16-EPA-PAHs are monitored.  相似文献   

The major cations, anions, and detergents in a plume of contaminated groundwater at Otis Air Base on Cape Cod (Mass., U.S.A.) have moved approximately 3.5 km down gradient from the disposal beds. We hypothesize that the detergents form two distinct plumes, which consist of alkyl benzene sulfonates (ABS) detergents and linear alkyl sulfonates (LAS) and sodium dodecyl sulfate (NaLS) detergents. The ABS detergents were deposited from approximately 1940 through 1965, when ABS detergents were banned. From 1965 to the present, LAS and NaLS detergents were in the sewage. The ABS detergents appear to be transported in the aquifer at the same rate as the specific conductance (major cations and anions) and boron, which are currently used as conservative tracers of the plume of contaminated groundwater. There appears to be little or no biological degradation of the ABS detergents in the aquifer, based on their concentration in the plume. On the other hand, the LAS and NaLS detergents have degraded rapidly and have been detected only 0.6 km down gradient. The roleof the detergents in the transport of other organic compounds in the plume is nuclear. There is a separation of the ABS detergent plume and the volatile organic compound plume; however, the time of entry of the detergents and the volatile organic compounds is unknown. Therefore, it is not possible to conclude on the interaction of these two classes of compounds.  相似文献   

某矿区土壤和地下水重金属污染调查与评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了解湘南某矿区土壤和地下水重金属污染状况,对该矿区东河流域附近重金属污染源进行了调查,同时,对地下水和土壤样品进行了采样分析,结果表明:(1)该矿区东河流域附近的主要污染源有18个,其中有色金属选厂、尾矿库、采矿场和冶炼厂是排放重金属较多的污染源;(2)20个采样点中土壤重金属Pb、Cd、Zn、As和Hg大部分超过国家土壤环境质量标准(GB15618-1995),综合污染指数P综〉1,该矿区主要的重金属污染元素为Cd、As和Hg,且土壤中Cd、Zn和As的含量两两之间存在着极显著的正线性相关关系;(3)重金属元素在土壤中的纵向迁移不明显,该矿区附近20个采样点的地下水并未受到污染,综合污染指数P综〈1。20个采样点地下水Pb、Cd、Zn、As、Hg浓度均能达到地下水质量标准(GB/T14848.9)中的Ⅲ类标准。  相似文献   

The influence of dissolved humic substances on the transport of (4-chloro-2-methylphenoxy) acetic acid (MCPA) in a sandy soil with a low organic carbon content was studied in a column experiment. Soil columns were eluted with aqueous solutions containing different fractions of humic substances. More than 70% of the applied compound was found in the leachate in all sandy soil experiments, but distinct differences were obtained depending on the composition of the eluent. The addition of both humic and fulvic acids to the eluent affected the leaching behaviour of MCPA. While the presence of humic acids increased and accelerated the movement of MCPA in the investigated sandy soil, fulvic acids caused the opposite effect: increased retention was observed relative to the control. We concluded that a possible carrier transport or retention strongly depends on the composition of the dissolved organic matter. Thus, changes in the composition of dissolved organic matter may affect MCPA movement into deeper soil layers.  相似文献   


Background, aim, and scope

The use of plants and associated microorganisms to remove, contain, inactivate, or degrade harmful environmental contaminants (generally termed phytoremediation) and to revitalize contaminated sites is gaining more and more attention. In this review, prerequisites for a successful remediation will be discussed. The performance of phytoremediation as an environmental remediation technology indeed depends on several factors including the extent of soil contamination, the availability and accessibility of contaminants for rhizosphere microorganisms and uptake into roots (bioavailability), and the ability of the plant and its associated microorganisms to intercept, absorb, accumulate, and/or degrade the contaminants. The main aim is to provide an overview of existing field experience in Europe concerning the use of plants and their associated microorganisms whether or not combined with amendments for the revitalization or remediation of contaminated soils and undeep groundwater. Contaminations with trace elements (except radionuclides) and organics will be considered. Because remediation with transgenic organisms is largely untested in the field, this topic is not covered in this review. Brief attention will be paid to the economical aspects, use, and processing of the biomass.

Conclusions and perspectives

It is clear that in spite of a growing public and commercial interest and the success of several pilot studies and field scale applications more fundamental research still is needed to better exploit the metabolic diversity of the plants themselves, but also to better understand the complex interactions between contaminants, soil, plant roots, and microorganisms (bacteria and mycorrhiza) in the rhizosphere. Further, more data are still needed to quantify the underlying economics, as a support for public acceptance and last but not least to convince policy makers and stakeholders (who are not very familiar with such techniques).  相似文献   

During the last decade, nanofiltration (NF) made a breakthrough in drinking water production for the removal of pollutants. The combination of new standards for drinking water quality and the steady improvement of the nanofiltration process have led to new insights, possible applications and new projects on lab-scale, pilot scale and industrial scale. This paper offers an overview of the applications in the drinking water industry that have already been realised or that are suggested on the basis of lab-scale research. Applications can be found in the treatment of surface water as well as groundwater. The possibility of using NF for the removal of hardness, natural organic material (NOM), micropollutants such as pesticides and VOCs, viruses and bacteria, salinity, nitrates, and arsenic will be discussed. Some of these applications have proven to be reliable and can be considered as known techniques; other applications are still studied on laboratory scale. Modelling is difficult due to effects of fouling and interaction between different components. The current insight in the separation mechanisms will be briefly discussed.  相似文献   

A contaminant transport model was developed to simulate the fate and transport of organic compounds such as TNT (2,4,6-trinitrotoluene), using the single-root system. Onions were planted for this system with 50-ml plastic tubes. Mass in the soil, soil solution, root and leaf was monitored using 14C-TNT. Model parameters were acquired from the experiments in the single-root system and were used to simulate total TNT concentration in soil, providing the average concentrations in the rhizosphere and bulk soil as well as root and leaf compartments. Because the existing RCF (root concentration factor) and TSCF (transpiration stream concentration factor) equations based on logKow (octanol-water partition coefficient) were not correlated to TNT uptake, a new term, root uptake rate (Rur), and a new Tscf equation, based on the experimental data, were introduced in the proposed model. The results from both modeling and experimental studies showed higher concentrations of TNT in the rhizosphere than in the bulk soil, because mass transported from the surrounding soil into the rhizosphere was higher than that by root uptake.  相似文献   

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