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Levels of mercury and other contaminants should be lower in birds nesting on isolated oceanic islands and at high latitudes without any local or regional sources of contamination, compared to more urban and industrialized temperate regions. We examined concentrations of arsenic, cadmium, chromium, lead, manganese, mercury and selenium in the eggs, and the feathers of fledgling and adult glaucous-winged gulls (Larus glaucescens) nesting in breeding colonies on Adak, Amchitka, and Kiska Islands in the Aleutian Chain of Alaska in the Bering Sea/North Pacific. We tested the following null hypotheses: 1) There were no differences in metal levels among eggs and feathers of adult and fledgling glaucous-winged gulls, 2) There were no differences in metal levels among gulls nesting near the three underground nuclear test sites (Long Shot 1965, Milrow 1969, Cannikin 1971) on Amchitka, 3) There were no differences in metal levels among the three islands, and 4) There were no gender-related differences in metal levels. All four null hypotheses were rejected at the 0.05 level, although there were few differences among the three test sites on Amchitka. Eggs had the lowest levels of cadmium, lead, and mercury, and the feathers of adults had the lowest levels of selenium. Comparing only adults and fledglings, adults had higher levels of cadmium, chromium, lead and mercury, and fledglings had higher levels of arsenic, manganese and selenium. There were few consistent interisland differences, although levels were generally lower for eggs and feathers from gulls on Amchitka compared to the other islands. Arsenic was higher in both adult feathers and eggs from Amchitka compared to Adak, and chromium and lead were higher in adult feathers and eggs from Adak compared to Amchitka. Mercury and arsenic, and chromium and manganese levels were significantly correlated in the feathers of both adult and fledgling gulls. The feathers of males had significantly higher levels of chromium and manganese than did females. The levels of most metals in feathers are below those known to be associated with adverse effects in the gulls or their predators. However, levels of mercury in some gull eggs are within a range suggesting that several eggs should not be eaten in one day by sensitive humans.  相似文献   

During the 1950s and 1960s, reproductive failures and population declines were observed in fish-eating birds such as gulls, terns, cormorants, herons, and eagles in the Great Lakes. DDE-induced eggshell thinning contributed to these declines, but other factors such as embryo toxicity also were implicated. With reduced releases of many pollutants, reproduction recovered in some species. However, biomonitoring during the 1980s and 1990s indicates continuing effects at highly contaminated sites. Improved analytical techniques and bioassays have allowed the assessment of the total dioxin-like toxicity of complex mixtures of organochlorines (TCDD-equivalents). Developmental defects such as embryo mortality, deformities, and edema have been associated with dioxin-like PCBs in several avian species. Improved biochemical techniques have allowed the measurement of biomarkers that detect physiological alterations associated with contaminants. Specific biomarkers studied in Great Lakes birds include cytochrome P-450 monooxygenases, highly carboxylated porphyrins, thyroxine, vitamin A, and immune function. Reproductive and physiological alterations are associated with population-level effects in Caspian terns and bald eagles that feed on highly contaminated fish. Biomonitoring using biomarkers and population-level measures in fish-eating birds will continue to be important for assessing the effects of contaminants on the Great Lakes ecosystem.  相似文献   

In order to examine the condition of biota in Atlantic coast estuaries, "Contaminant Exposure and Effects—Terrestrial Vertebrates" database (CEE-TV) has been compiled through computerized search of published literature, review of existing databases, and solicitation of unpublished reports from conservation agencies, private groups, and universities. Summary information has been entered into the database, including species, collection date (1965–present), site coordinates, estuary name, hydrologic unit code, sample matrix, contaminant concentrations, biomarker and bioindicator responses, and reference source, utilizing a 98-field character and numeric format. Currently, the CEE-TV database contains 3699 geo-referenced records representing 190 vertebrate species and >140,000 individuals residing in estuaries from Maine through Florida. This relational database can be directly queried or imported into a Geographic Information System to examine spatial patterns, identify data gaps and areas of concern, generate hypotheses, and focus ecotoxicological field assessments. Information on birds made up the vast majority (83%) of the database, with only a modicum of data on amphibians (<0.1%). Of the >75,000 chemical compounds in commerce, only 118 commonly measured environmental contaminants were quantified in tissues of terrestrial vertebrates. There were no CEE-TV data records in 15 of the 67 estuaries located along the Atlantic coast and Florida Gulf coast. The CEE-TV database has a number of potential applications including focusing biomonitoring efforts to generate critically needed ecotoxicological data in the numerous "gaps" along the coast, reducing uncertainty about contaminant risk, identifying areas for mitigation, restoration or special management, and ranking ecological conditions of estuaries.  相似文献   

A model has been developed to assess temporal and spatial changes in the concentration of polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) contaminant in whole fish from Lake Huron during the years 1980 to 2004. The model uses log PCB concentration as the response variable and includes time trend, within-lake variability and dependence on age, weight and length as explanatory variables. A preliminary examination of the data revealed that some values are recorded as below detection limits (thus leading to the left censoring), and the PCB concentration appears to show declines in latter years. To this end, parametric log-location-scale regression models used in survival analysis were employed. It has been found that the Weibull model yields a better fit than the log-logistic or the log-normal models. The analysis provides strong evidence that, starting in 1996, the level of PCB concentration showed steady decline, which is most contributed by the Canadian and US governments?? actions carried out earlier to reduce the load of toxic contaminants to the Great Lakes. Spatially, fish from the north of the lake is less contaminated than fish from the south. The pattern and magnitude of the estimated spatial and temporal trends can provide useful information regarding the safety of fish consumption, the setting of regularity limits, the identifiability of PCB sources and the effects of remedial actions in the future. In addition, the developed model is not restricted to the current application but could be used for the analysis of other contaminants.  相似文献   

Levels of heavy metals are usuallyhigher in adult than young birds because they eatlarger, more contaminated prey, or because they havehad longer to accumulate metals in their tissues.Further, levels of contaminants are usually less inbirds nesting on remote, offshore islands than inbirds breeding closer to mainland areas that areurbanized and industrialized. We examined the featherlevels of arsenic, cadmium, chromium, lead, manganese,mercury, and selenium in adult sooty terns (Sterna fuscata), gray-backed terns (Sterna lunata), and brown noddy (Anous stolidus, and adult and young white terns (Gygis alba, fromMidway Atoll, and in adult and young sooty terns andadult brown noddy from Manana Island, Hawaii (chicksof other terns were not available). We tested andrejected the null hypotheses that metal levels are notsignificantly different among species, ages, andlocations. Despite their small size, adult white ternshad the highest levels of lead, arsenic and tin. Brownnoddies had the highest levels of cadmium, chromium,manganese, and selenium. Sooty and white terns had thehighest levels of mercury. Sooty tern adults hadsignificantly higher levels of cadmium, mercury, andselenium than young, while young had significantlyhigher levels of arsenic and manganese. White ternadults had significantly higher levels of selenium andtin than young, while young had higher levels ofcadmium and mercury than adults. Except for mercury,there were significant inter-location differenceswithin species in all heavy metals. Contrary toexpectation, where the differences were great, metalsgenerally were higher in the feathers of terns andnoddies from Midway than from Manana.  相似文献   

Organochlorine residues were measured in the carcasses and, in some cases, brains and stomach contents of four species of birds collected along the Sheboygan River, Wisconsin during the years 1976 to 1980. Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were high in all samples and were the contaminants of greatest concern. Carcass residues ranged from 23 to 218 ppm PCBs on a wet weight basis; these are levels associated with reproductive impairment in laboratory studies with some birds. Food items in the stomachs of collected birds contained from 12 to 58 ppm PCBs, indicating a heavy contamination of food sources. The brain of one bird contained 220 ppm PCBs, a level that is not in the lethal range but is very high. Birds feeding in the contaminated portions of the Sheboygan River may have been harmed by high PCB levels.  相似文献   

In this paper, we summarize spatial and temporal trends of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and hexabromocyclododecanes (HBCDs) in coastal and marine biota, and further assess human exposure to these brominated flame retardants (BFRs) in Asia-Pacific. The review is based mainly on the studies that were conducted in our laboratory and utilized samples archived in the environmental specimen bank (es-BANK) of Ehime University, Japan. The studies suggest that the target BFRs are ubiquitous in the environment of Asia-Pacific. Examination of spatial trends reveals that concentrations of these contaminants are relatively high in samples from Korea, South China and Japan. In general, the magnitude of environmental contamination by PBDEs in Asia-Pacific, as well as human exposure to these contaminants, seem to be comparable to or slightly higher than in Europe, but lower than in North America. Evaluation of temporal trends in concentrations of BFRs in marine mammals from the coastal waters of Japan and China showed drastic increase during the last 30 years. These changes in BFR levels in samples from Japan were in line with trends in production/use of the commercial formulations. Since the withdrawal of some PBDE products from the Japanese market in the 1990s, concentrations of HBCDs appear to exceed those of PBDEs, reflecting increasing usage of HBCDs over PBDEs. The increasing environmental contamination by BFRs in Chinese coastal waters indicates that contamination by BFRs has already become evident, even in developing countries. In view of the rising environmental levels and the high consumption volume of BFRs in Asia, further efforts should be made to monitor environmental contamination by these chemicals in order to identify sources and reduce emissions.  相似文献   

This overview seeks to provide context and insight into the relative importance of different aspects related to global climate change for the exposure of Northern residents to organic contaminants. A key objective is to identify, from the perspective of researchers engaged in contaminant fate, transport and bioaccumulation modelling, the most useful research questions with respect to projecting the long-term trends in human exposure. Monitoring studies, modelling results, the magnitude of projected changes and simplified quantitative approaches are used to inform the discussion. Besides the influence of temperature on contaminant amplification and distribution, accumulation of organic contaminants in the Arctic is expected to be particularly sensitive to the reduction/elimination of sea-ice cover and also changes to the frequency and intensity of precipitation events (most notably for substances that are highly susceptible to precipitation scavenging). Changes to key food-web interactions, in particular the introduction of additional trophic levels, have the potential to exert a relatively high influence on contaminant exposure but the likelihood of such changes is difficult to assess. Similarly, changes in primary productivity and dynamics of organic matter in aquatic systems could be influential for very hydrophobic contaminants, but the magnitude of change that may occur is uncertain. Shifts in the amount and location of chemical use and emissions are key considerations, in particular if substances with relatively low long range transport potential are used in closer proximity to, or even within, the Arctic in the future. Temperature-dependent increases in emissions via (re)volatilization from primary and secondary sources outside the Arctic are also important in this regard. An increased frequency of boreal forest fires has relevance for compounds emitted via biomass burning and revolatilization from soil during/after burns but compound-specific analyses are limited by the availability of reliable emission factors. However, potentially more influential for human exposure than changes to the physical environment are changes in human behaviour. This includes the gradual displacement of traditional food items by imported foods from other regions, driven by prey availability and/or consumer preference, but also the possibility of increased exposure to chemicals used in packaging materials and other consumer products, driven by dietary and lifestyle choices.  相似文献   

The potential for mercury accumulation in free-living passerine birds is now recognized to be much greater than previously assumed. However, lowest observable effect levels have yet to be well established for this taxonomic group and it is usually unknown whether levels observed in the wild are causing adverse effects. We measured total blood mercury (THg) levels and took repeated morphological measurements from nestling red-winged blackbirds (Agelaius phoeniceus; N?=?39) in the New York metropolitan area to investigate whether mercury affected their growth rate. We also compared THg levels of nestlings (and parents; N?=?14) between our two study sites, which included riparian habitats along a city river and surrounding ponds in a nearby suburb, to examine differences between birds within and beyond the urban core. THg levels ranged 0.009–0.284 ppm in nestlings and 0.036–0.746 ppm in adults. Adults and nestlings had significantly higher THg outside of the city than within, possibly due to the ability of rivers to flush contaminants and the higher methylation potential of ponds. Among our candidate sets, models containing THg had minimal support for explaining variation in nestling growth rate. Summed Akaike weights further showed that THg had little relative importance. Mercury pollution in our sites may be low, or feather growth may have been sufficient to protect nestlings from accumulating harmful mercury levels in living tissues.  相似文献   

Effective water quality assessment programs require the formulation of common objectives between managers who are making decisions and scientists who are obtaining the information on which those decisions are to be made. The data collected must be apropriate for use in the decision making process. After the objectives have been formulated a number of testable hypotheses can be proposed and evaluated in terms of what information is required for decision making.From a management perspective it is important to know if an impact occurs and what management strategy to adopt to reduce or eliminate the impact. When bioaccumulators are used to indicate environmental quality the organisms proposed need to be fully evaluated before being used. Communities, which are often used to assess levels of impact, have the capacity to assimilate pollutants and they will function under pollutant stress. Thus managers need to make value judgements about when a community structure or function has shifted from acceptable to adverse. Bioassays in which the effects of pollutants on growth, biochemistry and behaviour are measured, give an indication of the sub-lethal effects of a pollutant, but it is difficult to set meaningful levels that are not to be exceeded for use by managers.Difficulties in using chemical and biological data mainly arise from a lack of appreciation of environmental heterogeneity. The data obtained must meet the needs for statistically testing hypotheses. Before programs can be designed to meet statistical needs the potential sources of variability must be considered. Once the minimum differences that are seen as important have been determined, the number of replicates needed can be calculated. Data verification is also needed, as if the validity of data is questioned, so will any decisions that have been made based on those data. Finally programs should be designed to minimize the sampling effort/cost to meet the objectives.  相似文献   

The Marine Pollution Monitoring System (MARPOLMON) constitutes a marine chemical component of the Global Environment Monitoring System (GEMS). The Programme covers all matters related to marine pollution research and associated monitoring activities required for the assessment of marine pollution. MARPOLMON constitutes the data-gathering activity, being directed to accurately determine levels of selected contaminants in several phases of the marine environment in various regions of the World Ocean. It is envisaged to utlize MARPOLMON generated data for the purposes of construction of mass-balances and making contamination and pollution assessments in regional and global contexts.Data gathering, reporting and exchange requires stringent control of the quality of the information retrieved, which in turn dictates the development and testing of standard methodology, its widespread adoption and intercomparison of methods and feedback-refinement of orogonal methods or hypotheses.  相似文献   

The contents from thick-billed murre (Uria lomvia) eggs collected at four Alaskan colonies in 2002 were analyzed for organic contaminants and carbon δ13C) and nitrogen (δ1?N) stable isotopes. Contaminant concentrations in the eggs varied from below detection limits to 230 ng g?1 wet mass for 4,4'-DDE in one egg from St Lazaria Island in the Gulf of Alaska. Eggs from this colony generally contained higher levels of contaminants and exhibited significantly different patterns compared to eggs from the Bering and Chukchi seas. Stable isotope values also varied geographically; however, these differences appeared to be related to differences in C and N baselines in the food webs instead of differences in prey. Contaminant and stable isotope correlations were inconclusive, suggesting that better information on regional food web differences and differential offloading of contaminants and stable isotopes to the eggs must be obtained before these kinds of data can be fully incorporated into seabird egg contaminant monitoring programs.  相似文献   

We developed an assessment and monitoring plan for birds in connection with the exploration and potential development of a large natural gas field in the Lower Urubamba drainage of Peru, a project of Shell Prospecting and Development Peru (SPDP). Our objectives were to: (1) inventory the birds in the area, including information on habitat use and abundance, and (2) devise long-term monitoring protocols for birds. We sampled birds through a combination of visual and auditory surveys and mist-netting at 4 well sites and 3 sites along the Urubamba and Camisea rivers. We recorded 420 speciesduring 135 days of field work. We consider the highest prioritiesfor a future monitoring program to be: (1) establish whether edge effects are occurring at well sites, along roads and alongthe planned pipeline route and determine the significance and extent of these effects and (2) assess the impact of increased human access to the area on game and other exploited species. The remoteness of the area, its rugged terrain and dense vegetation and the lack of trained personnel limit the choice of survey and monitoring methods. We recommend use of mist-netting and transects for monitoring edge effects and useof transects for monitoring game and other exploited species.  相似文献   

In response to a number of recommendations following the Northern Rivers Basin Studies (NRBS) contaminant program, the Northern Rivers Ecosystem Initiative (NREI) focused considerable attention on assessing contaminants from specific sources including pulp mill effluents, atmospheric transport of mercury and the Alberta oil sands operations. NRBS identified a number of major contaminants of concern including polychlorinated biphenyls, dioxins and furans, mercury and various hydrocarbons. Together, the NRBS and the NREI studies have demonstrated major declines in the levels of dioxins and furans over the last decade as pulp and paper mills have changed their process and treatment strategies in response to new Federal regulations. Polychlorinated biphenyls however, continue to be a concern for the region as their levels have not declined in fish and sediments over the course of these studies. Higher levels in sediments downstream of Grande Prairie and Hinton were identified, but the source of these contaminants remains unknown. Chlorinated pesticides were also investigated, and although toxaphene, DDT and other chlorinated organic pesticides were detected in fish tissue, they were present at very low levels. Studies on the oil sands industry in northern Alberta demonstrated limited impacts on the Athabasca River to date, although studies did identify slight to moderate impacts of natural oil seeps on fish and benthic communities in tributary streams. NREI studies also identified endocrine active compounds in the three pulp and paper mill effluents tested, but endocrine disruptive effects in wild fish were minimal. Municipal sewage effluents also contain endocrine active compounds and it is recommended that monitoring continue around these point sources.  相似文献   

Considerable attention has been devoted to selecting bioindicator species as part of monitoring programs for exposure and effects from contaminants in the environment. Yet the rationale for selection of bioindicators is often literature-based, rather than developed with a firm site-specific base of data on contaminant levels in a diverse range of organisms at different trophic levels in the same ecosystem. We suggest that this latter step is an important phase in the environmental assessment process that is often missing. In this paper we address the problem of how to select a wide range of species representing different trophic levels that serve as a basis for selecting a few species suitable as bioindicators. We illustrate this with our assessment of radionuclides on Amchitka Island, Alaska. We propose a multi-stage process for arriving at the list of available species that includes review of literature, review by experts experienced in the area, review by interested and affected parties, selection of trophic levels or groups for analysis, arraying of possible species, and selection of species within each trophic level group for sample collection. We first had to identify all likely species, then narrow our focus to those we could collect and analyze. In all cases, review includes suggestions for possible target species with justifications. While this method increases the up-front costs of developing bioindicators for an ecosystem, it has the advantage of providing information for selection of species that will be most informative in the long run, including those that are the best bioaccumulators, thus providing the earliest warning of any potential environmental consequences. Further, the recognition that a range of stakeholder's needs and interests should be included increases the utility for public-policy makers, and the potential for continued usage to establish long-term trends.  相似文献   

Onshore wind farms remain one of the most widely used technologies for the production of renewable energy. These are known to affect birds through disturbance or collision. Most research focus on the impact of wind farms on raptors or other large bird species, especially those of conservation concern. However, limited information exists on the effect of wind farms on small birds. Recovery of large versus small bird populations impacted by wind farms is also largely unstudied. A reason for this is the lack of long-term datasets based on standardized, systematic assessments. We monitored birds in the vicinity of a wind farm in an upland habitat in southern Spain (Malaga province), immediately after installation and 6.5 years post-construction. During both study periods, we observed 11 raptor and 38 non-raptor species (including 30 passerines). We found differences in recovery rates between raptors and non-raptors. Raptors showed an upturn in numbers but non-raptor abundance fell significantly.Greater attention should be paid to the recovery of wildlife after initial impact assessments than at present. This study confirms that regulatory authorities and developers should consider the likely impacts of wind farms on small bird populations. Mitigation measures focused particularly on non-raptor species should be considered and implemented as a means to reduce these negative effects.  相似文献   

土壤中石油类有机污染物检测方法研究进展   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
在系统地归纳总结了国内外研究者所采用的各种分析方法基础上,指出了现有实验分析中存在的问题及发展趋势。主张尽量使用和开发仪器分析检测方法,并建议尽快规范土壤中石油类有机污染物的定性定量分析方法,尽早解决目前常用分析方法中存在的各种问题,为土壤石油污染防治提供有效保障。  相似文献   

Canadian shorebirds are exposed to environmental contaminants throughout their annual cycle. Contaminant exposure among species varies with diet, foraging behaviour and migration patterns. We sampled twelve species of shorebirds from four locations across Canada to assess their exposure to PCBs, organochlorine pesticides, as well as four trace elements (Hg, Se, Cd, As). SigmaPCB and SigmaDDT followed by SigmaCHL were most frequently found above trace level in the shorebird carcasses. In general, the plover species (American golden, semipalmated, black-bellied) appear to be the most contaminated with organochlorines, whereas Hudsonian and marbled godwits appear to be the least contaminated. Among adult birds, the greater and lesser yellowlegs had the highest hepatic Hg concentrations (2.4-2.7 microg g(-1) dw), whereas American golden plovers as well as Hudsonian and marbled godwits contained relatively low levels of Hg (<1 microg g(-1) dw). Renal Se concentrations varied from 3.2 to 16.7 microg g(-1) dw and exhibited little interspecific or seasonal variation. Renal Cd levels in adult birds were highest in Hudsonian godwits from Quill Lakes (43 microg g(-1) dw) and Cape Churchill (12 microg g(-1) dw), and lowest (0.8-1.5 microg g(-1) dw) in greater and lesser yellowlegs from Cape Churchill and Bay of Fundy. Renal As concentrations varied from 0.06 microg g(-1) dw in golden plovers from Cape Churchill to 4.6 and 5.1 microg g(-1) dw in dunlin samples from the Pacific coast. There is no evidence that contaminants were adversely affecting the shorebirds sampled from the Canadian locations in this study.  相似文献   

Hurricane Katrina made landfall on August 29, 2005 and caused widespread devastation along the central Gulf Coast states. Less than a month later Hurricane Rita followed a similar track slightly west of Katrina’s. A coordinated multi-agency response followed to collect water, sediment and tissue samples for a variety of chemical, biological and toxicological indicators. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s National Status and Trends Program (NS&T) participated in this effort by measuring chemical contamination in sediment and oyster tissue as part of the Mussel Watch Program, a long-term monitoring program to assess spatial and temporal trends in a wide range of coastal pollutants. This paper describes results for contaminants measured in oyster tissue collected between September 29 and October 10, 2005 and discusses the results in the context of Mussel Watch and its 20-year record of chemical contamination in the region and the nation. In general, levels of metals in oyster tissue were higher then pre- hurricane levels while organic contaminants were at or near record lows. No contaminant reported here exceeded the FDA action level for food safety.  相似文献   

A simple box model computing time-averaged concentrations in soil and water of contaminants such as pesticides, following a pulse emission under the assumption of constant removal rates, is presented and evaluated against a benchmark model and some lysimeter experiments representative of different soil and climate settings in Europe. The simple box model allows capturing to some extent the trends of contaminant releases observed from lysimeters or predicted by the benchmark model. This suggests that the correct order of magnitude of environmental concentrations and loads of contaminants can be described as a first approximation by a very simple back-of-the-envelope calculation. In the calculation, the time lag between contaminant application and the start of runoff or leaching should be considered. In the absence of more detailed information, repeating the calculation for the extreme cases of zero and one month lag yields a reasonably realistic range, and the geometric mean of the two is suggested as a first guess estimate. This configures a practical approach for the screening of contaminant losses especially suited for the mapping of predicted environmental concentrations (PECs) for assessment at broad scale (such as continental Europe, a country or a large catchment), where contingent determinants of contaminant fate tend to be averaged out and use of more detailed models usually promises to yield little improvement of PECs.  相似文献   

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