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蒋勇  邱榕  董刚  张和平  范维澄 《火灾科学》2003,12(4):203-208
研究激波着火现象,推导激波加热点燃可燃气控制方程组。针对甲烷预混气激波火焰结构进行数值模拟,计算了激波燃烧时的压力、温度、及不同组分随时间的变化历程。其中甲烷燃烧采用美国BERKELEY大学GRI-MECH机理,该反应机理包含177个基元反应,涉及32种组分。程序采用美国SANDIA国家实验室发展的大型化学反应动力学软件包CHEMKIN III中相关的模型、子程序和热力学数据库。计算结果表明激波火焰有其自身的结构特征。  相似文献   

为研究多孔材料对封闭管道内甲烷-空气预混气体火焰传播的影响,设计加工了横截面积为80 mm×80 mm的方形试验管道,运用自发光拍摄技术和动态压力传感器对甲烷-空气预混火焰在该管道内传播过程中形状变化和压力特性进行了实验研究。结果表明,在管道尾部放置3种不同材质的多孔材料时,其对爆炸压力均有一定的抑制作用,聚氨酯泡沫对管道内压力的衰减效果优于聚苯乙烯泡沫和自制泡沫材料。对压力曲线进行一次求导,得出了压力变化速率,结果与空管道实验相比,在放置多孔材料的管道内压力降低的速率更快,时间更短。  相似文献   

董刚  邱榕  蒋勇  张和平 《火灾科学》2004,13(3):158-162
利用主成分分析(Principal Component Analysis)的方法对甲烷/空气氧化的详细化学反应机理进行了简化,在低压层流预混火焰条件下进行了计算,计算结果与详细机理的计算结果及实验值进行了比较。结果表明简化机理与详细机理吻合较好,简化机理的规模和计算时间有所减少。  相似文献   

敏感性分析在燃烧毒物和自由基生成机理研究中的作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对燃料氧化的详细/半详细化学反应动力学机理,采用定量研究模型与出现在模型中各种参量之间关系的系统化方法--敏感性分析法,研究各基元反应对燃料过程中毒物和自由基生成的影响系数随时间的变化关系,为反应设计提供理论指导。  相似文献   

为了揭示空气中丙烷火焰传播特性,利用纹影系统记录了预混气体小能量点火条件下火焰形成与传播过程,得到了火焰表面的微观结构特征,分析了混合气体火焰的稳定性及其影响因素。结果表明:丙烷/空气混合物火焰发展过程及其表面微观特征与浓度直接相关;当混合物浓度接近爆炸上下限时,火焰扩展速率整体不大于0.5 m/s,燃烧区域向上漂浮,浮力成为影响火焰失稳的主导因素;当混合物浓度靠理论配比时,火焰呈规则球形扩展,火焰稳定性按照先减弱后增强的趋势发展,火焰表面褶皱的形成及演化规律是热扩散不稳定性和流体力学不稳定性共存与竞争的作用结果。  相似文献   

使用自行设计的火焰加速试验系统,研究了3种立体结构障碍物对管道内预混火焰传播速度和超压的影响。选用长方体、正四棱柱和圆柱,其阻塞比均为40%。结果表明,管道内障碍物对火焰传播的初始阶段起阻碍作用,当火焰越过障碍物后,障碍物加速火焰传播过程。有障碍物时管道内最大火焰传播速度和峰值超压比无障碍物时要大。随着点火距离的增大,管道中最大火焰传播速度和超压先变大后减小。当障碍物位于约6倍管径处时,对管道中火焰传播速度和超压影响最大。点火距离的改变对火焰传播速度的影响大于对管道内超压的影响。  相似文献   

A knowledge of the ignition properties of ammonia (NH3)/hydrogen (H2) mixtures is important because of their abundance in chemical engineering processes, and also because of their prospective role as fuels in future energy systems. In particular, the question arises if and how important characteristics like ignition limits and minimum ignition energies in NH3/H2 mixtures are related to the physical conditions. To address this question, this work studies ignition process in ammonia/hydrogen mixtures by numerical simulations. These track the evolution of ammonia/hydrogen mixtures during and after the deposition of a certain ignition energy, using a detailed treatment of chemical reactions and molecular transport. Studies on the influence of different system parameters on the minimally required ignition energy are performed. These are the strain rate, hydrogen content, pressure and initial (pre-ignition) temperature. Significant findings include a quasi-linear correlation between the transition strain rate, defined as the strain rate below which no external energy is required to initiate successful ignition (auto-ignition) and a characteristic reaction rate, defined as the inverse of ignition delay time in homogeneous, quiescent mixtures. Also, the relative decay of minimum ignition energy with increasing hydrogen content is less pronounced for higher pressures. Analysis of the results supports a knowledge-based approach towards fail-proof ignition devices and reliable prevention of hazards. The simulations are used for assessing the ignitability of ammonia and its mixtures with hydrogen.  相似文献   

In this study, the dependence of minimum ignition energies (MIE) on ignition geometry, ignition source radius and mixture composition is investigated numerically for methane/air and iso-octane/air mixtures. Methane and iso-octane are both important hydrocarbon fuels, but differ strongly with respect to their Lewis numbers. Lean iso-octane air mixtures have particularly large Lewis numbers. The results show that within the flammability limits, the MIE for both mixtures stays almost constant, and increases rapidly at the limits. The MIEs for both fuels are also similar within the flammability limits. Furthermore, the MIEs of iso-octane/air mixtures with a small spherical ignition source increase rapidly for lean mixtures. Here the Lewis number is above unity, and thus, the flame may quench because of flame curvature effects. The observations show a distinct difference between ignition and flame propagation for iso-octane. The minimum energy required for initiating a successful flame propagation can be considerably higher than that required for initiating an ignition in the ignition volume. For iso-octane with a small spherical ignition source, this effect was observed at all equivalence ratios. For iso-octane with cylindrical ignition sources, the phenomenon appeared at lower equivalence ratios only, where the mixture's Lewis number is large. For methane fuel, the effect was negligible. The results highlight the significance of molecular transport properties on the decision whether or not an ignitable mixture can evolve into a propagating flame.  相似文献   

李一涵  邱榕  蒋勇 《火灾科学》2005,14(4):199-206
本文使用了详细化学反应动力学机理计算模拟了混合有乙醇及典型自由基引导的甲烷预混火焰结构.该反应机理由Marinov研究组研究发表,包含有56个组分以及372个反应.本文的计算使用了CHEMKIN-3以及预混火焰代码,热力学及输运部分的计算基于Sandia国家实验室和Marinov研究室发布的数据库.火焰结构中主要产物的变化,关键中间产物和次要组分的计算结果显示加入乙醇和自由基都可以减少着火延迟.本文计算了三种不同条件下的火焰结构,分别为预混CH4/O2/N2火焰;预混甲烷/乙醇火焰;和加入引导自由基在甲烷/乙醇混合燃料中.此外还有含有自由基的甲烷火焰和加入乙醇的甲烷火焰比较.  相似文献   

液化石油气点火能试验及爆炸火焰传播分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为研究液化石油气体积分数与点火能的关系以及爆炸火焰的传播过程,在实验室应用特制的爆炸试验装置,采用调节点火能和液化石油气体积分数的方法,进行一系列爆炸试验,并使用高速摄像机记录爆炸的动态过程。试验结果表明,当液化石油气的试验爆炸体积分数在5%~9%时,其体积分数与点火能之间呈现比较平缓的变化关系,而当其体积分数小于5%或大于9%时,体积分数的稍微变化,其点火能将发生显著的变化。爆炸过程图像分析显示,在爆炸初期,火焰阵面的微分加速起主导作用。随着火焰从点火源位置向四周扩散,光滑的层流火焰开始逐步"湍流化",火焰阵面出现皱折,燃烧面积增加,火焰传播速度逐渐上升直至最大值。在整个过程中,火焰阵面出现非稳定的加速。  相似文献   

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