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The relationships between glucose-6-phosphate isomerase (Gpi) genotype and quantitative variation related to reproduction and growth were explored over the lifespan of a single cohort of northern bay scallops, Argopecten irradians irradians (Lamarck), from September 1986 to April 1988 in the Niantic River estuary, Connecticut, USA. Analyses revealed that Gpi genotype explained an increasingly significant proportion of variation in scallop size (up to 15%) as the cohort aged. The genotype-specific effects were consistent across sampling dates and among measured traits. There was no evidence for heterosis with respect to size at this locus; however, rare genotypes contributed substantially to the relationship and showed some tendency to fall on the extremes of the phenotypic distribution. The strength and consistency of the genotypic effect on scallop size suggest that genetic variation for Gpi, or some locus in linkage disequilibrium with Gpi, may translate into biochemical and/or physiological variation and affect fitness in this species.  相似文献   

The combined effects of temperature and salinity on embryonic development and on larval survival and growth to setting size of the northerm bay scallop Argopecten irradians irradians (Lamarck) were studied in the laboratory. A 6x6 complete factorial design was used; temperatures ranged from 10° to 35°C, at 5C° intervals, and salinities ranged from 10 to 35S, at 5S intervals. Response-surface contour diagrams were generated to provide estimates of conditions for optimal responses. Normal development of embryos occurred over a very narrow range of temperature and salinity. Survival of larvae occurred over a wider range of temperature and salinity than did embryonic development or growth of larvae. Satisfactory growth (>70% of the maximum observed value) occurred only at high temperature-high salinity conditions; optimal conditions for survival occurred at similar salinities, but at slightly lower temperatures. Temperatures of 35°C or greater and/or salinities of 10S or less were lethal for all life stages studied. Both salinity and temperature exerted significant effects on development and survival, but temperature was clearly the dominant factor influencing growth. It is suggested that northern bay scallop embryos and larvae be reared at their respective optimal temperature-salinity levels so as to increase efficiency of aquaculture operations.This paper is adapted from a thesis submitted to the College of Fisheries, University of Washington, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the MS degree. This study was conducted at the NMFS Laboratory in Milford, Connecticut, USA  相似文献   

Shell morphology and ultrastructure were examined in the bay scallop Argopecten irradians, cultured in recirculating seawater systems under various conditions of feeding, lighting, and handling. On a unialgal diet of Thalassiosira pseudonana, scallop growth ranged from 120 to 183 m d-1 at 20°C in the laboratory, about two-thirds of the growth rate found in the field. However, shell deposited in the laboratory differed from that in the field in several ways. In the field, scallops formed costae as an unpigmented, corrugated marginal shell layer; shell deposited in the laboratory lacked this layer and was therefore darker. Also, microstructure of the exterior shell surface of field scallops was coarsely granular, while that of cultured scallops was relatively smooth. Excessive handling of scallops in the laboratory resulted in marginal thickening of valves, a deformity which was completely arrested by a change from daily to weekly handling. Scallops cultured in the same tank with oysters developed shell-thickening on the interior of the valves. It is postulated that shell abnormalities in bivalves result from disruption of complex behavioral processes associated with shell deposition and may be elicited by a variety of natural and experimental irritants. Under natural lighting regimes and optimal conditions for growth, scallops deposited exactly one shell increment per day, but under continuous lighting, deposition of growth increments often became aphasic. In one 28-d experiment, there was a strong correlation between number of growth increments formed and increase in shell height, suggesting that shell ridge formation occurred intermittently, rather than daily, when shell growth rates fell below approximately 150 m d-1.  相似文献   

Specimes of bay scallops, Argopecten irradians, collected from shallow-water eel-grass beds near Beaufort, North Carolina (USA) in September 1979, were exposed to 0.7 ppm cadmium in flowing seawater for 5 d. This exposure resulted in a massive extrusion of the calcified concretions of most of the kidney epithelial cells, although marked morphological damage consisting of cytoplasmc degeneration was apparent in only a few focal areas of the kidney. In addition, unique cytoplasmic membrane-bound bodies were observed in epithelial cells of cadmium-treated but not control scallop kidneys. In some cells, these bodies appeared to fuse with the main concretion vacuole. Kidneys of cadmium-treated scallops accumulated cadmium to 200 ppm on a wet wt basis; of this 60% was associated with concretions (2 000 ppm dry wt) and 38% with the membranous pellet obtained after ultracentrifugation at 105 000 g for 1 h. Approximately 2% of total kidney cadmium was associated with the cytosolic fractions but, unlike zinc or manganese, which were bound to either high or low molecular weight species, a large component of the cadmium in this fraction was bound to a protein peak of approximately 21 000 daltons. Results of this study indicate that kidney concretions of A. irradians play a major role in the control of renal cadmium accumulation and excretion and hence the toxicity of cadmium to this organism.  相似文献   

The bay scallop, Argopecten irradians, exhibits extensive variation in morphology among geographically separated populations, resulting in the recognition of three major subspecies (A. i. irradians, A. i. concentricus, A. i. amplicostatus). The extent to which morphological variation results from differing environmental conditions is unknown. In the present study, bay scallops from Massachusetts, North Carolina, Florida, and Texas were collected, spawned and the offspring reared in a common garden experiment to determine if scallops cultured under similar environmental conditions exhibited the morphology expected given the geographic origin of their parents. Significant differences among populations were indicated by ANOVA in both the wild-caught (13/14 morphological characters) and cultured (11/14 characters) scallops. Principal components analysis clustered wild-caught scallops according to geographic origin and cultured scallops according to geographic ancestry. The morphological characters most influential in resolving groups were plical width, plical spacing, number of plicae and valve convexity. Geographic variation in morphology apparently has a strong genetic basis, and reflects significant differentiation among disjunct populations of bay scallops. Received: 12 September 1996 / Accepted: 15 October 1996  相似文献   

The relationships among multiple-locus heterozygosity, age, reproduction and growth were examined over the ca. 2-yr lifespan of a cohort of northern bay scallops, Argopecten irradians irradians (Lamarck), from the Niantic River estuary, Connecticut, USA. Electrophoretic analyses revealed a relatively low proportion of polymorphic loci (=0.35) and low level of heterozygote deficiency ( D. across 6 loci=-0.05) in this population. Allele frequency distributions showed a high degree of temporal stability within and among cohorts. No significant correlation was found between multiple-locus heterozygosity and either somatic or reproductive growth. Our results lend support to the postulated linkage between low heterozygote deficit and lack of a heterozygosity/growth association in marine bivalves, and in the pectinid group in particular. Partial reproductive senility occurs in these scallops in their second year of life. Somatic tissue weight increased exponentially with increasing shell height, whereas pre-spawning gonad mass attained asymptotic values in 2-yr-old scallops. Thus, weight-specific reproductive effort was significantly lower in second- than first-year scallops (24 and 33% respectively). This pattern could be generated if high individual reproductive effort in the first year were correlated with accelerated (early) post-reproductive senescence. This kind of resource allocation, in which somatic growth is given precedence over reproductive growth in older individuals, has been previously reported in only one other bivalve, a pectinid (Chlamys islandica), in which the decline in reproductive effort occurs only after the scallops reach an age of ca. 20 yr.  相似文献   

Weight specific rates of oxygen consumption carbon dioxide production, and ammonia-N excretion, measured for a Florida population of the bay scallop Argopecten irradians concentricus between May and September, 1982 and October and November, 1983 were significantly correlated (P<0.0005) to environmental factors that co-varied seasonally with metabolic shifts related to reproduction. Mean O/N and CO2/O2 (RQ) molar ratios indicates that scallop energy metabolism varied over the course of the reproductive cycle. Resting stage individuals (May-early June) had RQ values close to 0.7, indicative of a predominantly lipid-based metabolism. During the initial stages of gametogenesis (late June-early July) scallops catabolized primarily carbohydrate, as evidenced by maximum O/N (>22) values and RQ values close to 1.0 RQ values >1.0 indicated a possible carbohydrate to lipid conversion during the period of cytoplasmic growth (late July-early September). As gametes matured and spawning commenced (late September-November), metabolism became primarily protein based, as indicated by O/N and RQ values around 9.0 and 0.8, respectively. This pattern of substrate catabolism supports existing data on the storage and utilization of specific energy reserves with respect to reproduction in this species.  相似文献   

Bay scallops, Argopecten irradians, supported vibrant fisheries which subsequently collapsed, as such, they are a focus species for many restoration efforts along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts of the United States. The scallops’ preferred habitat, seagrass, has also dramatically declined, and some scallop populations have increased post-restoration despite reduced seagrass cover. This has led to the hypothesis that macroalgae may serve as suitable alternative habitats for bay scallops. This study is the first to compare demographic rates, such as long-term survival, growth, condition and reproductive potential of scallops between the native eelgrass, Zostera marina, and the introduced alga, Codium fragile. Although long-term survival was not different between habitats, results suggest site-specific and inter-annual variation in the impacts of Codium on scallop growth. While demographic rates did not differ in Shinnecock Bay, in Sag Harbor, growth and/or condition were significantly different between both vegetated habitats depending on the year. However, recruit density, size and condition did not vary significantly, adding to the complexity of this relationship. Despite potential site-specific and inter-annual differences, this study supports the hypothesis that habitats other than eelgrass can benefit bay scallops.  相似文献   

Eelgrass, Zostera marina, is generally regarded as the preferred habitat of bay scallops, but in some cases scallop populations have persisted or increased in areas lacking eelgrass. This suggests that some other substrate(s) may serve important ecological functions for bay scallops. One candidate is Codium fragile, a macroalgal species with which bay scallops are known to associate and in which we commonly find juvenile and adult bay scallops in eastern Long Island, New York. In this study, we examined whether survival of planted bay scallops differed in Codium, eelgrass, and Codium + eelgrass substrates at two sites during August and October of 2 years. Survival of tethered scallops and recoveries of live free-planted individuals varied with scallop size, planting season and year, but no differences were observed between the three substrates for a given scallop size and planting date. Crab (particularly Dyspanopeus sayi) and whelk predation were implicated as important causes of tethered scallop mortalities while emigration and removal by predators likely contributed to scallop losses. Densities of naturally recruited 0+ years scallops recovered by visual and suction dredge sampling were similar in the eelgrass and Codium substrates. While our results suggest that Codium may offer some degree of predation refuge for bay scallops, further work needs to weigh the potential disadvantages of this substrate (such as low DO levels, potential attachment and transport of scallops, and differences in current flow, food availability and sedimentation relative to eelgrass) to determine if Codium may serve as a valuable habitat for bay scallops throughout their lifespan.  相似文献   

The influence of salinity on the response of the estuarine teleost, Tilapia guineensis fingerlings to acute toxic effects of inorganic nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium (NPK) (15: 15: 15) fertilizer was investigated using semi-static bioassay. The toxicity of NPK fertilizer was found to increase significantly with increase in the salinity level from 0.05 %. to 32.4 %o. The 96 hr LC50 value at salinity of 32.4 %o was 0.11 mg/l and was found to be significantly (p < 0.05) higher than the toxicity values at any other salinity level of media evaluated. The implication of the findings is that pollution control standards and/or safe limits for brackish water ecosystem should consider variations in salinity regimes for greater relevance and reliability.  相似文献   

Twenty six hexaploid triticale (X Triticosecale Wittmack) X bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L. em Thell) derivatives, along with 2 bread wheat and 2 triticale checks, were grown in normal and P-stress environments. Spikes/plant and grain yield/plant, followed by peduncle length, Were the most sensitive to phosphorus deficiency, which also caused a delay in heading and maturity. The heritability and genetic advance for grain yield/plant were high in the stress environment, reflecting the effectiveness of direct selection. The 1000-grain weight, grains/spike and plant height were the important traits for phenotypic selections in both the environments.  相似文献   

Caribou are an integral component of high-latitude ecosystems and represent a major subsistence food source for many northern people. The availability and quality of winter habitat is critical to sustain these caribou populations. Caribou commonly use older spruce woodlands with adequate terrestrial lichen, a preferred winter forage, in the understory. Changes in climate and fire regime pose a significant threat to the long-term sustainability of this important winter habitat. Computer simulations performed with a spatially explicit vegetation succession model (ALFRESCO) indicate that changes in the frequency and extent of fire in interior Alaska may substantially impact the abundance and quality of winter habitat for caribou. We modeled four different fire scenarios and tracked the frequency, extent, and spatial distribution of the simulated fires and associated changes to vegetation composition and distribution. Our results suggest that shorter fire frequencies (i.e., less time between recurring fires) on the winter range of the Nelchina caribou herd in eastern interior Alaska will result in large decreases of available winter habitat, relative to that currently available, in both the short and long term. A 30% shortening of the fire frequency resulted in a 3.5-fold increase in the area burned annually and an associated 41% decrease in the amount of spruce-lichen forest found on the landscape. More importantly, simulations with more frequent fires produced a relatively immature forest age structure, compared to that which currently exists, with few stands older than 100 years. This age structure is at the lower limits of stand age classes preferred by caribou from the Nelchina herd. Projected changes in fire regime due to climate warming and/or additional prescribed burning could substantially alter the winter habitat of caribou in interior Alaska and lead to changes in winter range use and/or population dynamics.  相似文献   

On the eastern shore of Nova Scotia late summer atmospheric systems cause upwelling of shelf water; the associated temperature variations of 10 °C with a 6 to 8 d period are comparable in magnitude to the seasonal variation. A laboratory study was undertaken to assess the effects of these temperature fluctuations on sea scallop (Placopecten magellanicus) growth and metabolism. In a factorial design, scallops were subjected to constant (10 °C) or a variable (6 to 15 °C) 8 d temperature cycle, and either a low (seston in filtered seawater) or high (seston supplemented with cultured phytoplankton) food diet. During the 48 d experiment scallop mortality was low and growth positive in all treatments. Shell and total tissue growth rate did not differ between temperature treatments, but growth in the high food treatments was 40 to 50% higher than in the low food treatments. However, soft tissue (excluding adductor) growth did show a temperature treatment effect; growth rates were significantly higher in the fluctuating temperature treatment, due in part to greater gonad development. Weight-standardized rates of scallop oxygen consumption (V sO2 , μmol O2 g−1 h−1) were 20 to 25% higher in high food than in low food treatments, consistent with the expected increase in respiration due to the higher growth rates. Scallop metabolism did not acclimate to the fluctuating temperature cycle; V sO2 and ammonium excretion (V sNH+ 4, μmol O2 g−1 h−1) remained dependent on ambient temperature throughout the experiment. V sNH+ 4 Q10 (2.77) was higher than V sO2 Q10 (2.01) which was reflected in a decrease in the O:N ratio at 15 °C, indicating a shift toward increased protein catabolism and a stressed state. At 10 °C, V sO2 and V sNH+ 4 in the variable temperature treatments were 15 to 18% lower than in the constant temperature treatments, a difference that was not detected in growth measurements. Results demonstrate that the metabolism of Placopecten magellanicus, unlike some bivalve species, is tightly coupled to fluctuations in ambient temperature. Although an absence of compensatory acclimation had a minimal effect on growth in this study, if high temperatures were combined with low food conditions a reduction in scallop production could result. Received: 23 June 1998 / Accepted: 8 February 1999  相似文献   

In this study, juvenile colonies of massive Porites spp. (a combination of P. lutea and P. lobata) from the lagoon of Moorea (W 149°50′, S 17°30′) were damaged and exposed to contrasting conditions of temperature and flow to evaluate how damage and abiotic conditions interact to affect growth, physiological performance, and recovery. The experiment was conducted in April and May 2008 and consisted of two treatments in which corals were either undamaged (controls) or damaged through gouging of tissue and skeleton in a discrete spot mimicking the effects of corallivorous fishes that utilize an excavating feeding mode. The two groups of corals were incubated for 10 days in microcosms that crossed levels of temperature (26.7 and 29.6°C) and flow (6 and 21 cm s−1), and the response assessed as overall colony growth (change in weight), dark-adapted quantum yield of PSII (F v/F m), and healing of the gouged areas. The influence of damage on growth was affected by temperature, but not by flow. When averaged across flow treatments, damage promoted growth by 25% at 26.7°C, but caused a 25% inhibition at 29.6°C. The damage also affected F v/F m in a pattern that differed between flow speeds, with a 10% reduction at 6 cm s−1, but a 4% increase at 21 cm s−1. Regardless of damage, F v/F m at 21 cm s−1 was 11% lower at 26.7°C than at 29.6°C, but was unaffected by temperature at 6 cm s−1. The lesions declined in area at similar rates (4–5% day−1) under all conditions, although the tissue within them regained a normal appearance most rapidly at 26.7°C and 6 cm s−1. These findings show that the response of poritid corals to sub-lethal damage is dependent partly on abiotic conditions, and they are consistent with the hypothesis that following damage, calcification and photosynthesis can compete for metabolites necessary for repair, with the outcome affected by flow-mediated mass transfer. These results may shed light upon the ways in which poritid corals respond to biting by certain corallivorous fishes.  相似文献   

The effects of swimming frequency and water temperature on shell growth, tissue mass, and stored energy reserves of juvenile sea scallops, Placopecten magellanicus Gmelin, were examined in a factorial laboratory experiment spanning six weeks in July and August 1992. Individually tagged scallops of similar initial size (22.5±0.1 mm shell height, n=240) were induced to swim to exhaustion at three different swimming frequencies (every day, twice a week, or not at all) in two different water temperature regimes (4 to 7 or 7 to 13°C). The scallops were fed an ad libitum mixture of cultured microalgae. At the end of the experiment, cumulative increase in shell height, dry weight of soft tissues, condition index of dry adductor muscle (adductor muscle dry weight/soft tissue dry weight x 100) and total carbohydrate content of dry adductor muscle were measured for each scallop. Scallops at the higher temperature had significantly greater shell heights, and were in better metabolic condition as evidenced by significantly higher condition indices and muscle carbohydrate contents. The dry soft tissue weights did not differ significantly from their low temperature counterparts. Swimming frequency had no significant effect on shell height, dry tissue weight, or carbohydrate content, but condition index of the adductor muscle increased significantly with swimming frequency. These results show that not only was there no cumulative cost of swimming in terms of shell growth, total soft tissue weight, or carbohydrate content in young scallops, but that condition of adductor muscle tissue was higher in scallops that swam.  相似文献   

The influence of predation risk and food deprivation on the behavior and activity of juvenile American lobsters, Homarus americanus Milne Edwards, was examined in single and paired individuals in laboratory experiments performed during 1988 and in the winter of 1991/92. In the presence of a predator (the tautog Tautoga onitis Linnaeus) restrained behind a barrier, single lobsters significantly reduced the time spent feeding at night, consumed fewer mussels, and quickly brought them back to shelter. Single lobsters did not forage during the day in any treatment. If deprived of food for 60 h, they consumed more mussels and spent more time walking than recently fed (12-h food-deprived) lobsters. Paired lobsters did forage during the day in the presence of a predator. The smaller lobsters (subdominant) in the pairs foraged for a longer time in the presence than in the absence of a predator and significantly longer than single individuals. Shelter occupancy was significantly shorter in single, recently fed lobsters in the presence of a predator compared to time spent sheltering in its absence. Among food-deprived lobsters, paired individuals spent a significantly shorter time within the shelter than single lobsters in the absence of a predator. Larger (dominant) lobsters, however, spent more time than subdominant lobsters within the shelter during all periods of the day. Without a predator, paired lobsters spent significantly more time than single ones in shelter-related activities. Under predation risk, subdominant lobsters concentrated shelter-building time during the day and built a higher percent of alternative shelters than either single or dominant lobsters. In the absence of a predator, paired lobsters walked in the open area for a significantly longer time than single ones in the absence of a predator. This apparently was associated with fighting between dominant and subdominant lobsters and the attempts of the larger lobster to drive the smaller one from its shelter. During the day, lobsters fought for a significantly longer time in the presence than in the absence of a predator. When the tautog was not constrained, mortality rate was similar in both single and paired lobsters. Mortality rate among subdominant lobsters, however, was seven times higher than among dominant lobsters. We suggest that the risk of predation interferes with the ability of single juvenile lobsters to acquire and consume food. They appear to trade off energetic consideration against risk of predation when foraging away from the shelter. The introduction of a conspecific competitor to the system may further increase risk (of the subdominant) to the predator. Intraspecific interactions tend to increase the risk of predation to smaller lobsters but increase the survival rate among larger lobsters. Received: 6 February 1995 / Accepted: 2 September 1997  相似文献   

Multilocus allozyme heterozygosity (MLH) has been positively correlated with growth in some marine bivalves and was suggested to facilitate swimming activity in pectinids. Using two highly mobile scallops, Placopecten magellanicus and Argopecten purpuratus, we examined escape response performance and morphometric characteristics as a function of allelic variability at metabolic loci. Ten allozyme systems were used for A. purpuratus and 7 for P. magellanicus. In each species, the morphometric characteristics and escape response parameters were analyzed separately using principal components analysis (PCA) and the scores of the major principal components were related to allozyme heterozygosity. In both P. magellanicus and A. purpuratus, positive correlations were found between MLH and morphometric parameters, but escape response parameters were only positively linked to MLH in P. magellanicus, and then weakly. The hypothesis that MLH improves fitness of pectinids by increasing the capacity to escape predators is not supported.  相似文献   

In this study, the effect of silicon (Si) addition on cadmium (Cd) toxicity in rice seedlings was investigated. After a series of screening experiments, 50 μmol·L?1 of Cd and 10 μ mol·L?1 of Si were selected. Treatment of rice seedlings with Cd (50 μ mol·L?1) resulted in significant accumulation of this metal in roots and shoots. The data revealed that accumulation of Cd resulted in oxidative stress in rice seedlings as evidenced by increased accumulation of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and malondialdehyde (MDA; a peroxidation product of lipids). However, addition of Si (10 μ mol·L?1) together with Cd prevented accumulation of Cd, H2O2 and MDA. Antioxidant capacity was decreased by Cd but enhanced by Si addition. Cd decreased the length and frequency of root hairs, stomatal frequency, and distorted leaf mesophyll cells and vascular bundles. However, addition of Si together with Cd reduced these abnormalities. The results showed that addition of exogenous Si protected rice seedlings against Cd toxicity by preventing Cd accumulation and oxidative stress (H2O2 and MDA accumulation) by increasing Si accumulation and antioxidant capacity, which maintained the structure and integrity of leaf and root.  相似文献   

The relationship between somatic growth and growth of otoliths of sea bass larvae, postlarvae and juveniles under relatively steady temperature conditions was studied. Larvae were incubated at the constant ambient temperature of 13.5°C, whereas postlarvae and juveniles were reared at a comparatively steady temperature ranging from 18.6 to 20.4°C, with a mean of 19.67°C. The patterns of both somatic and otolith growth were found to be similar. Differentiated data on larvae length and otolith diameters indicated three periods of change in their growth rates. Since temperature was kept relatively steady during the experiment, and larvae fed ad libitum, these periods could be attributed with relative certainty to intrinsic changes which occur during stage-specific periods of growth. The third period of change in both growth rates indicates a specific phase of growth during metamorphosis. The changes in growth rates, as well as the raw time series of the growth of both larval lengths and otolith diameters, may be described by higher order polynomials with a high degree of probability levels. A non-linear relationship between body length and otolith diameters was established, indicating positive allometric growth of otoliths. It was also observed that the coefficient of allometric growth changed at the time estimated for the end of metamorphosis. Thus, a non-linear relationship and changes in the coefficients of allometry should be borne in mind when back-calculating somatic growth from the growth of otoliths.  相似文献   

Colony size is an important life-history characteristic of corals and changes in colony size will have significant effects on coral populations. This study summarizes ∼21,000 haphazard colony size measurements of 26 common coral taxa (mostly coral genera) collected annually between 1992 and 2006 in seven Kenyan reef lagoons. There was a major coral bleaching and mortality event in early 1998 and all seven reefs were affected. The seven locations include two long-protected Marine National Parks (Malindi and Watamu), one relatively recently established park (Mombasa), and four unprotected locations (Vipingo, Kanamai, Ras Iwatine, and Diani). They span about 150 km and represent three distinct fishery management regimes: old protected (OP), newly protected (NP), and unprotected (UP). Seventeen taxa had statistically significant different sizes for comparisons of the management regimes, with only one genus, Pavona, having larger sizes in the unprotected reefs. The size of eight coral genera showed a significant time and management interaction, and size frequency differences that existed in management areas prior to 1998 were further increased after the bleaching event. Time alone was a significant factor for eleven genera, and in all cases colonies were smaller after 1998. For most taxa, colony size distributions were significantly skewed and had right-tailed distributions. After 1998, the right-tailed distributions of Acropora, Hydnophora, and Montipora were significantly reduced. Most taxa had peaky distributions and only Acropora experienced a statistically significant change from peaky to flat. The mean sizes of taxa were not related to their mortality across 1998, which indicates that the size effect was within rather than between taxa. Astreopora and Platygyra were well-sampled taxa that did not show an effect of management, but had reduced median sizes across 1998. Consequently, no taxa were tolerant of both fishing and bleaching disturbances and the combined effect was to reduce the size of all corals.  相似文献   

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