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The radioactive isotopes of cesium and strontium may be deposited on urban surfaces in the case of an accidental atmospheric discharge from a nuclear facility and thus imply a health hazard. In order to handle the decontamination of these surfaces, we have carried out experiments under controlled conditions on tiles and concrete and we have studied.the physical and chemical mechanisms at the solid-liquid interface. The deposition of radionuclides was carried out in the form of aerosols indicating an accidental source term. Their desorption by rainwater is low in all cases, of the order of 5-6% for cesium for any material and 29 and 12% for strontium on tile and concrete, respectively. The low desorption values of cesium may be explained by the strong bonding that occurs with the silicates constituting the tile due to virtually irreversible processes of exchange of ions and by the formation of insoluble complexes with the C--S-H gel of concrete. The strontium-tile bonds are weaker, while strontium precipitates with the carbonates of concrete in the form of SrCO3. In view of these characteristics, washing solutions with high concentrations of chloride and oxalate of ammonium chosen for their ion-exchanging and sequestering properties were tested on these surfaces. The desorption of cesium improved strongly since it reached 70% on tile and 90% on concrete after 24h of contact, which is consistent with our knowledge of the; bonds between this element and the surfaces. Strontium, given the greater complexity of physical and chemical forms that it may take is less well desorbed. The ammonium chloride improves the desorption (50% and 40%, for tile and concrete, respectively) but the oxalate, while it does not affect desorption on the tiles, decreases that on the concrete since by strongly etching the concrete, it causes the release of carbonate ions that precipitate with strontium.  相似文献   

239+240Pu, 90Sr and 137Cs inventories in surface soils of Vietnam   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fallout 239+240Pu, 238Pu, 90Sr and 137Cs inventories in surface soils were measured for 20 locations in northern Vietnam yielding the mean values (+/- standard error) of 26.5+/-3.8 Bq m(-2) for 239+240Pu, 1048+/-143 Bq m(-2) for 137Cs and 212+/-28 Bq m(-2) for 90Sr. The concentrations of 137Cs and plutonium isotopes strongly correlate with each other resulting in a stable 239+240Pu/137Cs inventory ratio of 0.025+/-0.002. Among soil parameters, organic matter and fulvic acids strongly correlate with caesium and plutonium isotopes, especially in the 0-10 cm layer. 137Cs and 239+240Pu are distributed rather similarly over the 0-10 cm and 10-20 cm layers. At locations with high contents of sand (82-93%) along the South China Sea coast, the downward percolation by rainwater results in a higher accumulation of 239+240Pu and 137Cs in the 10-20 cm layer. The mean 137Cs/ 90Sr inventory ratio is 9.3+/-2.2, and the correlation is weak between these isotopes.  相似文献   

In order to study the plant uptake and downward migration of radiostrontium and radiocesium deposited on to a flooded rice field, 85Sr and 137Cs were applied to the standing water over an acidic sandy soil in planted lysimeters. The plant uptake was quantified with the areal transfer factor (TFa, m2 kg(-1)-dry plant). Following the spiking 14 days after transplanting, the TFa values for the hulled seeds were 3.9 x 10(-4) for 85Sr and 1.4 x 10(-4) for 137Cs, whereas those for the straws were 1.3 x 10(-2) and 3.2 x 10(-4), respectively. The 137Cs TFa from the spiking at the anthesis/milky-ripe stage was several times higher than that from the earlier spiking, whereas the difference was much less in the 85Sr TFa. Such an increase in the 137Cs TFa was attributed mainly to an enhanced plant-base uptake. The addition of KCl and lime after the spiking significantly reduced the TFa values of both radionuclides. The reducing effect was greater for the later spiking. An appreciable fraction of the applied activity leached out of the lysimeter for 85Sr, whereas a negligible fraction leached for 137Cs. The leaching was remarkably increased by the KCl and lime addition for both. A conspicuous localization of 137Cs with respect to the soil surface was observed. In a batch experiment, the 137Cs concentration in the standing water decreased more rapidly than that of 85Sr, both of which were fitted to the power functions of the elapsed time. To add KCl and lime slowed such decreases to lessen the distribution coefficients (Kd) of both 85Sr and 137Cs.  相似文献   

(137)Cs, (85)Sr, (133)Ba and (123m)Te contaminations of terrestrial gastropods, Helix aspersa maxima, by direct deposition, labelled food ingestion or combined (trophic and direct pathways) exposure were carried out under laboratory conditions. The aim of this study was to compare the three contamination pathways: direct, trophic and combined, in terms of individual mortality, radionuclide uptake, depuration and distribution in the tissues. An initial group of 30 snails (2 years old) was exposed to radioactive aerosols during a 20-h period. These aerosols were assumed to be representative of those that would be released during a nuclear accident occurring in a PWR. A second group of 50 snails (same age) was submitted to an ingestion of commercial food contaminated by the same aerosols, twice a week for 21 days (flour at a feeding rate of about 0.2g). A third group of 40 snails was submitted to a combined exposure: exposure to radioactive aerosols (20h), followed by ingestion of flour contaminated by the same aerosols, twice a week for 21 days. No significant difference between the three groups and a reference group of 10 snails was observed, neither in growth nor in mortality. Concerning the direct pathway, at the end of direct deposition (about 1 day after the beginning), cesium was the most bioavailable element, distributed rather homogeneously throughout the whole body (13% of the total Cs in all organs excepting the digestive system and 28% in the muscle). Strontium was measured in the shell (about 70%). Barium was found in the muscle (20%) and in the shell (65%). Tellurium was mainly present in the shell (70%) and in the digestive system (20%). After 21 days of depuration, the faeces eliminated 42% of the Te. As for contamination by ingestion, Te mainly accumulated in the digestive system (72% of Te present in the total body), Ba accumulated in the muscle (75%) and Sr in the shell (70%). Concerning contamination by combined pathways, at the end of the 21-day exposure, the 4 radionuclides had the same tendency as direct deposition. However, the effect of the trophic pathway was significant: it causes an 18% increase of Sr in the shell and an 7% increase of Cs in the digestive system in comparison to direct deposition, resulting in a final 86% in the shell and 27% in the digestive system.  相似文献   

As part of a requirement to improve the assessment of the impact of radioactive fallout on consumed agricultural products, bean plants at four development stages (seedlings, preflowering, late flowering and mature plants) were contaminated by dry deposition of (137)Cs, (85)Sr, (133)Ba and (123m)Te aerosols. The influence of two rain scenarios and of the development stage upon contamination on interception, retention, and translocation to pods was studied. Interception of the four radionuclides was almost identical and varied from 30 to 60% with increasing development stage. The most important rain parameter was the time which elapsed between contamination and the first rain. Whatever the development stage, rain washed off more cesium from the leaves when it occurred 2 days after the deposit (37% at the seedling stage, for example) rather than later on (6 days, 27%), due to rapid migration of Cs in the plant. The first rain washed off nearly 40% of Ba whatever the scenario. For later stages, Sr and Ba were more washed off by heavy weekly rains than by weak twice-a-week rains, perhaps because of the Sr/Ba-contaminated material loss associated with wash off (desquamation of cuticles). Te showed little wash off (less than 5%). Wash off decreased with an older development stage for a weak rain intensity, due to the superimposition of leaves. Heavy rains removed this shelter effect. At harvest, rain effect was no longer detectable as foliar activity was similar for both rain scenarios. Translocation factors (TF) for strontium and barium increased from 6 x 10(-3) to 1 x 10(-1) with the plant development stage upon contamination, whereas those for cesium remained almost unchanged between 2 x 10(-1) and 4 x 10(-1). Flowering is the most critical stage towards residual contamination in pods at harvest, with the exception of direct deposit on pods at the mature stage (TF values are one order of magnitude higher). TF value for Te was 6.5 x 10(-2) and was due to direct deposit. Modelling reflected the trends, through the differential values of the wash off and absorption coefficients, of what was reported for experimental results.  相似文献   

The beneficial role of mycorrhizal association on plant nutrition and water supply is well-known, however, very little information exists with respect to the availability of radionuclides. We have measured the effect of controlled mycorrhizal association on the root uptake from soil and accumulation in leaves of three radionuclides. The radionuclides have contrasting chemical and biological properties: Cs is strongly adsorbed on soil, has no biological role and is a close analogue of potassium; Sr is less strongly adsorbed on soil and behaves very similarly to calcium; and Tc is very mobile in soil as pertechnetate, but immobilised when reduced to Tc(IV), it is also considered to be easily assimilated by biological systems. We found that mycorrhizal association had no effect on root-to-needle transfer of Cs, but increased root uptake and that this increase could not be explained by improved potassium nutrition. In contrast, the symbiotic relation decreased Tc soil-to-needle transfer, but this resulted from complex dynamics of root uptake and rapid immobilisation of Tc in soil. No effect of mycorrhizal association on Sr, like its stable analogue Ca, was observed. The addition of a phytotoxic metal, Cu, inhibited mycorrhizal association, thus eliminating the effects observed for non-contaminated plant-fungus couples, but had no additional effect on radionuclide dynamics.  相似文献   

Radiological assessment of the impact of nuclear weapons testing on the local population in the Semipalatinsk Test Site (STS) requires comprehensive site-specific information on radionuclide behaviour in the environment. However, information on radionuclide behaviour in the conditions of the STS is rather sparse and, in particular, there are no data in the literature on parameters of radionuclide transfer from feed to rabbit products which have been identified as contributors to internal dose to the inhabitants. The transfer of (137)Cs and (90)Sr to rabbit meat was studied under laboratory conditions in a controlled experiment with 32 locally bred rabbits maintained in the Kazakh Agricultural Research Institute. The equilibrium transfer coefficients for (137)Cs and (90)Sr from feed to rabbit meat were estimated to be 0.4 d kg(-1) and 0.15 d kg(-1), respectively. The biological half-lives were estimated to be 0.1 d for (137)Cs and 0.14 d for (90)Sr. Whereas for (137)Cs the distribution in the body is relatively homogeneous, there are large differences between the organs and tissues for (90)Sr for which, as expected, the highest concentrations were found in bone.  相似文献   

Analyses of Umbilicaria species collected from southwest Poland in August 1986 have shown there to be significant increases in levels of various radionuclides since previous analyses based on fieldwork in 1978–1979. The composition and ratio of the various radionuclides, particularly in respect of 134Cs and 137Cs, exhibit a characteristics signature consistent with contamination derived from the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear reactor in April 1986. Intraspecific variation in levels of 137Cs in Umbilicaria is related to such factors as location, altitude and, to a lesser degree, aspect; interspecific variation in levels is related to ecological requirements and geographical pattern, and hence the same factors, although morphological differences in thalli may be implicated.  相似文献   

Uptake and distribution of 137Cs and 90Sr in salix viminalis plants   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Agricultural areas in middle and northern parts of Sweden were contaminated with radionuclides after the Chernobyl accident in 1986. Alternative crops in these areas are biomass plantations with fast-growing Salix clones for energy purposes. The uptake and internal distribution of 137Cs and 90Sr in Salix viminalis were studied. Plants were grown in microplots under field conditions. The soils in the experimental site had been contaminated in 1961 with 35.7 and 13.4 MBq m(-2) of 137Cs and 90Sr, respectively. The experiment was carried out during three years. The plots were fertilised with 60 kg N ha(-1) and three treatments of K, consisting of 0, 80 and 240 kg K ha(-1) during the first two years. The activity concentration of 137Cs in the different plant parts varied between 140 and 20,000 Bq kg(-1) and was ranked in the following order: lowest in stems < cuttings < leaves < roots. The fine roots (0-1 mm) had the highest 137Cs activity concentration. One-year-old stems had higher 137Cs activity concentrations than two-year-old stems. The activity concentration of 137Cs in the plants was significantly affected by K-supply and was higher in the 0 kg K treatment than in the 80 or 240kg K treatment. Leaves contained more 90Sr than stems and cuttings.  相似文献   

This paper describes the long-term behaviour of (90)Sr and (137)Cs in foods, feeds and a variety of environmental media. The long-term behaviour is quantified by means of the ecological half-life which integrates all processes that cause a decrease of activity in a given medium such as leaching, fixation and erosion. A large number of long-term time series of concentrations of radiocaesium and radiostrontium in these media have been identified and re-evaluated using a standardised statistical procedure to establish reference data sets of ecological half-lives. By example of undisturbed soils and marine water bodies it is shown that the ecological half-life concept is questionable if the distribution of the radionuclide of interest within the medium studied is non-uniform and if mixing and transport processes within this medium, therefore, are of considerable importance during the time period of observation.  相似文献   

Foliar transfer of 241Am, 239,240Pu, 137Cs and 85Sr was evaluated after contamination of bean plants (Phaseolus vulgaris) at the flowering development stage, by soaking their first two trifoliate leaves into contaminated solutions. Initial retentions of 241Am (27%) and 239,240Pu (37%) were higher than those of 137Cs and 85Sr (10-15%). Mean fraction of retained activity redistributed among bean organs was higher for 137Cs (20.3%) than for 239,240Pu (2.2%), 241Am (1%) or 85Sr (0.1%). Mean leaf-to-pod translocation factors (Bq kg(-1) dry weight pod/Bq kg(-1) dry weight contaminated leaves) were 5.0 x 10(-4) for 241Am, 2.7 x 10(-6) for 239,240Pu, 5.4 x 10(-2) for 137Cs and 3.6 x 10(-4) for 85Sr. Caesium was mainly recovered in pods (12.8%). Americium and strontium were uniformly redistributed among leaves, stems and pods. Plutonium showed preferential redistribution in oldest bean organs, leaves and stems, and very little redistribution in forming pods. Results for americium and plutonium were compared to those of strontium and caesium to evaluate the consistency of the attribution of behaviour of strontium to transuranium elements towards foliar transfer, based on translocation factors, as stated in two radioecological models, ECOSYS-87 and ASTRAL.  相似文献   

Both global and Chernobyl fallout have resulted in environmental contamination with radionuclides such as 137Cs, 90Sr and 239+240Pu. In environmental samples, 137Cs and 239+240Pu can be divided into the contributions of either source, if also the isotopes 134Cs and 238Pu are measurable, based on the known isotopic ratios in global and Chernobyl fallout. No analogous method is available for 90Sr. The activity ratios of Sr to Cs and Pu, respectively, are known for the actual fallout mainly from air filter measurements; but due to the high mobility of Sr in the environment, compared to Cs and Pu, these ratios generally do not hold for the inventory many years after deposition. In this paper we suggest a method to identify the mean contributions of global and Chernobyl fallout to total Sr in soil, sediment and cryoconite samples from Alpine and pre-Alpine regions of Austria, based on a statistical evaluation of Sr/Cs/Pu radionuclide activity ratios. Results are given for Sr:Cs, Sr:Pu and Cs:Pu ratios. Comparison with fallout data shows a strong depletion of Sr against Cs and Pu.  相似文献   

Under an IAEA's Co-ordinated Research Project "Worldwide Marine Radioactivity Studies (WOMARS)" 90Sr, 137Cs and (239,240)Pu concentration surface water time series in the Pacific and Indian Oceans have been investigated. The Pacific and Indian Oceans were divided into 17 latitudinal boxes according to ocean circulation, global fallout patterns and the location of nuclear weapons test sites. The present levels and time trends in radionuclide concentrations in surface water for each box were studied and the corresponding effective half-lives were estimated. For the year 2000, the estimated average 90Sr, 137Cs and (239,240)Pu concentrations in surface waters of the Pacific and Indian Oceans varied from 0.1 to 1.5 mBq/L, 0.1 to 2.8 mBq/L, and 0.1 to 5.2 microBq/L, respectively. The mean effective half-lives for 90Sr and 137Cs in surface water were 12+/-1 years for the North, 20+/-1 years for the South and 21+/-2 years for the Equatorial Pacific. For (239,240)Pu the corresponding mean effective half-lives were 7+/-1 years for the North, 12+/-4 years for the South and 10+/-2 years for the Equatorial Pacific. For the Indian Ocean the mean effective half-lives of 137Cs and (239,240)Pu were 21+/-2 years and 9+/-1 years, respectively. There is evidence that fallout removal rates before 1970 were faster than those observed during recent decades. The estimated surface water concentrations of 90Sr, 137Cs and (239,240)Pu in latitudinal belts of the Pacific and Indian Oceans for the year 2000 may be used as the average levels so that any new contribution from nuclear facilities, nuclear weapons test sites, radioactive waste dumping sites and from possible nuclear accidents can be identified.  相似文献   

In this paper the inventory of 90Sr in 34 points distributed along the Spanish peninsular territory is presented. Obtained values range between 173 Bq/m2 and 2047 Bq/m2. From these data set and those 137Cs data obtained in a previous work the 137Cs/90Sr activity ratio has been established, laying this value between 0.9 and 3.6. Also the migration depth of both radionuclides has been analysed obtaining for 137Cs an average value 57% lower than that obtained for 90Sr.Additionally, this paper presents the results obtained in 11 sampling points in which the activity vertical profile has been measured. These profiles have been analysed to state the behaviour of strontium in soils and after, by using a convective-diffusive model, the parameters of the model which governs the vertical migration of 90Sr in the soil, v (apparent convection velocity) and D (apparent diffusion coefficient) have been evaluated. Mean values obtained are 0.20 cm/year and 3.67 cm2/year, respectively.  相似文献   

The data stored in the IAEA's Global Marine Radioactivity Database (GLOMARD) developed in the framework of the IAEA's project "Worldwide Marine Radioactivity Studies (WOMARS)" have been evaluated for Pacific and Indian Ocean surface waters. Four anthropogenic radionuclides-- 3H, 90Sr, 137Cs and (239,240)Pu --have been chosen as the most representative of anthropogenic radioactivity in the marine environment, comprising beta, gamma and alpha-emitters which are the most frequently analysed in the marine environment and which have (with the exception of tritium) the highest potential contribution to radiation doses to humans via seafood consumption. For the purposes of this study, the Pacific and Indian Oceans were divided into latitudinal boxes for which average radionuclide concentrations were estimated for the year 2000. The highest concentrations have been observed in the Japan Sea/East Sea and the North-West Pacific Ocean, the lowest in the Southern Ocean.  相似文献   

Distribution of cesium (134Cs and 137Cs) and strontium (Sr-II) between soil/water phases depends on many factors such as concentration of these ions between phases, the cation exchange capacity (CEC) of the soil as well as its clay content, chemical composition (especially Na, K, Ca, and Mg ions), grain size distribution, calcite, iron oxide content, and organic coatings. Distribution coefficients (Kd) of cesium (labeled with 137Cs) and strontium were measured on the grain size distributions ≥32 μm of four soil samples. These soils were obtained from four different locations within Inshas site in Egypt and three groundwater samples were obtained from the same site locations. X-ray diffraction showed that the soil samples consisted mainly of quartz mixed with the minor amounts of kaolonite and clay minerals. Sorption experiments were carried out at strontium aqueous concentrations range 10−7 to 10−4 mol l−1. The CEC and Kds for cesium and strontium were measured at the same metal concentrations range. Distribution coefficients of cesium were found to be influenced by the composition of the soil, while the distribution coefficients of strontium were found to depend on calcium concentrations in the soil/groundwater system. The aim of this study was to determine the safety assessment of disposal 137Cs radionuclide and Sr(II) in the aquifer regions inside the Inshas site. Sequential extraction tests showed that, strontium was associated with the carbonate fractions and majority of cesium was sorbed on the iron oxides and the residue.  相似文献   

The radiological assessment of the impact of nuclear weapon's testing on the Semipalatinsk Test Site (STS) on the local population requires comprehensive site-specific information on radionuclide behaviour in the environment. However, information on radionuclide behaviour in the conditions of the STS is rather sparse and, in particular, there are no data in the literature on parameters of radionuclide transfer from feed to horse products proofed to be important contributors to the internal dose to the local population. The transfer of 137Cs and 90Sr to horse milk and meat was studied under laboratory and field conditions: in controlled experiment with three lactating horses maintained in the Kazakh Agricultural Research Institute, and in field measurements of horse products taken from horses grazing at the Semipalatinsk Test Site. The equilibrium transfer factors from feed to horse milk and meat were estimated to be 0.012 dl(-1) and 0.035 dkg(-1) for (137)Cs and 0.0022 dl(-1) and 0.003 dkg(-1) for (90)Sr, respectively. The biological half-lives were approximated by a sum of two exponentials amounting to 3 (85%) and 15 (15%) days for 137Cs and 3.5 (70%) and 100 (30%) days for 90Sr. The highest 137Cs transfer has been found to be to spleen, followed by lung, heart, muscles, kidneys, intestine, and finally skin and bones. For90Sr, the maximum activity concentration was observed in bones; contamination of other tissues is rather uniform except for liver and intestine with a factor of about 2 higher than muscles.  相似文献   

Variations in 137Cs concentrations were investigated over the period 1986-1997 in the southeastern part of the Baltic Sea, following the Chernobyl power plant accident. The rate of "self-cleaning" was demonstrated to be very slow, the average concentration of 137Cs in 1996 being almost the same as that measured directly after the accident, in 1986. Measurements of both 137Cs and 90Sr concentrations generally revealed homogeneous distributions in this region of the Baltic Sea, though patchy distributions did develop under some hydrometeorological conditions. Specifically, the 137Cs concentration distribution became heterogeneous with values varying in the range 60-92 Bq/m3 under south-southwesterly wind conditions whilst the 90Sr concentration distribution developed similar characteristics with values ranging from 15 to 64 Bq/m3 under east-southeasterly wind conditions. In addition, in coastal waters, over extensive periods of north-northwesterly winds in 1995, 137Cs concentrations increased to values 1.5-2 times the overall average concentration, which was registered in 1986 and 1996. These data therefore reveal a continuing significant pollution of the waters of the Baltic Sea resulting from the Chernobyl power plant accident, a pollution compounded by the slow rate of radionuclide self-cleaning and significant probability of sudden regional concentration increase.  相似文献   

Transfer factors of 137Cs and 90Sr from soil to trees in arid regions   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Transfer factors of (137)Cs and (90)Sr from contaminated soil (Aridisol) to olive, apricot trees and grape vines were determined under irrigated field conditions for four successive years. The transfer factors (calculated as Bqkg(-1) dry plant material per Bqkg(-1) dry soil) of both radionuclides varied among tree parts and were highest in olive and apricot fruits. However, the values for (90)Sr were much higher than those for (137)Cs in all plant parts. The geometric mean of the transfer factors in olives, apricots and grapes were 0.007, 0.095 and 0.0023 for (137)Cs and 0.093, 0.13 and 0.08 for (90)Sr, respectively, and were negligible in olive oil for both radionuclides. The transfer factors of both radionuclides were similar to, or in the lower limits of, those obtained in other areas of the world. This could be attributed to differences in soil characteristics: higher pH, lower organic matter, high clay content, and higher exchangeable potassium and calcium.  相似文献   

Effects of industrial pollution on the behaviour of radionuclides in spruce forest ecosystems were studied along a gradient from of a copper-nickel smelter in Monchegorsk, NW Russia. A reference site was situated in Lapland, Finland, 152 km west of Monchegorsk. Most of the total 137Cs activity in soil was in mineral (E and B) horizons, except at the reference site where the major part was still in the organic surface layer. Most of the total 90Sr activity still remaining in the soil profile was found in the surface layer, but the relative amount decreased with increasing level of industrial pollution. Pollutants from the smelter clearly affected the chemical speciation of radionuclides. Smaller amounts of exchangeable radionuclides were present in the organic surface layer at the most polluted sites. The decline of 137Cs with decreasing distance from the smelter correlated strongly with a similar depletion in exchangeable K and Mg. Total concentrations of 137Cs and 90Sr showed high correlations with exchangeable cations, particularly in the E and upper B horizon. A sudden change in behaviour of 137Cs in the lower B horizon may be associated with changes in clay mineralogy along the soil profile caused by weathering.  相似文献   

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