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职业安全卫生标准体系建设初探   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
职业安全卫生标准体系是企业安全科研生产工作的基础 ,是推广试行职业安全卫生管理体系 (OHSMS)的有效技术支撑条件。笔者通过分析职业安全卫生标准应用的实际 ,探索性地提出建立适应企业职业安全卫生管理、研究以及 OHSMS需要的标准化管理体系 ;论述并研讨该体系建立的思路、原则和查询方法以及应用过程的管理 ;以此为职业安全卫生管理、研究和试行OHSMS奠定基础并提供有益的帮助。  相似文献   

为进一步提升北京市科技攻关能力,推进北京市科技创新体系建设,由北京市劳动保护科学研究所牵头,联合有关单位共同申请的《北京市职业安全健康重点实验室》,将成为北京市首个多方合作、优势互补、强强联合的典范。该实验室对于全面提升我国和北京市职业安全健康科技创新能力,加快科研成果的转化和培养新型复合型职业安健康领域的科研人才,以及在引领相关领域科研模式创新发展等方面将发挥重要的作用。  相似文献   

IntroductionThe construction industry has hit a plateau in terms of safety performance. Safety climate is regarded as a leading indicator of safety performance; however, relatively little safety climate research has been done in the Canadian construction industry. Safety climate may be geographically sensitive, thus it is necessary to examine how the construct of safety climate is defined and used to improve safety performance in different regions. On the other hand, more and more attention has been paid to job related stress in the construction industry. Previous research proposed that individual resilience may be associated with a better safety performance and may help employees manage stress. Unfortunately, few empirical research studies have examined this hypothesis. This paper aims to examine the role of safety climate and individual resilience in safety performance and job stress in the Canadian construction industry.MethodThe research was based on 837 surveys collected in Ontario between June 2015 and June 2016. Structural equation modeling (SEM) techniques were used to explore the impact of individual resilience and safety climate on physical safety outcomes and on psychological stress among construction workers.ResultsThe results show that safety climate not only affected construction workers' safety performance but also indirectly affected their psychological stress. In addition, it was found that individual resilience had a direct negative impact on psychological stress but had no impact on physical safety outcomes.ConclusionsThese findings highlight the roles of both organizational and individual factors in individual safety performance and in psychological well-being.Practical applicationsConstruction organizations need to not only monitor employees' safety performance, but also to assess their employees' psychological well-being. Promoting a positive safety climate together with developing training programs focusing on improving employees' psychological health — especially post-trauma psychological health — can improve the safety performance of an organization.  相似文献   

The concept of an occupational health and safety management system (OH&S MS) has become widespread over the past 20 years. However, there are few studies on the subject, they are generally methodologically weak and in many cases cannot be generalized. A formalized OH&S MS is a set of rules and connected elements of the general organization management system which guarantees accomplishment of the organization?s objectives in the area of upgrading safety conditions of both employees and the environment. The need for research on voluntary management systems stems from the necessity to propagate appropriate solutions and their continuous development processes. This paper discusses an OH&S MS as a source of data and essential information on the process of developing a system. It examines the relationship between the degree to which the requirements of Standard No. PN-N-18001:2004 have been adapted and the demand for health and safety data and information.  相似文献   

笔者简要回顾了我国安全生产工作在不同时期和不同阶段所使用的劳动保护、劳动安全卫生、职业安全卫生、职业健康安全及职业安全健康等概念 ,并对各自的研究对象和内涵进行了分析和探讨 ,提出了职业健康安全和职业安全健康应使用统一术语的建议  相似文献   

论述了安全评价模式建立的意义,提出了安全评价模式的概念,建立了安全评价的基本模式.建立的安全评价的基本模式主要由危险源辨识、评价和控制3部分组成.在辨识危险源之后,应分别从设备、单元危险性、作业条件危险性、职业卫生、工艺危险性5个方面入手对危险源进行定性定量评价,以便于选择合适的评价方法.职业安全卫生检测检验也是进行安全评价的重要组成部分,不同的评价对象,其职业安全卫生检测检验的内容也不同.在完成上述工作的基础上,根据评价和分析结果提出安全对策措施.指出了当前我国安全和卫生管理体制所存在的弊端,分析了把职业安全和职业卫生结合在一起由一个政府部门进行监督管理的重要性,从而便于实现安全卫生管理工作的标准化、规范化.  相似文献   

中国职业安全现实引起社会关注,特别是务工农民伤亡事故的数字背后,隐含着对职业安全的认识,职业人群的安全健康理念,职业安全健康的法规基础等深层次问题。笔者指出了现代职业安全存在的现实状况;提出需要关注的难点;强调人的安全健康是职业安全的实质;给出了职业安全与安全生产的差异,分析了务工农民的安全意识与安全文化冲突,呼吁职业安全需要法律保障,建立一体化的职业安全健康法律法规体系,以《宪法》为基础,以人为本,保护从业人员的安全健康。  相似文献   

焊接过程产生的电磁场对操作人员健康的影响已得到日益广泛的关注,对高频的防护问题,已成为改善劳动条件、保护劳动力的重要课题.在研究焊接生产电磁辐射环境、劳动者健康与安全现状的基础上,通过试验分析了电磁辐射屏蔽效率及导致屏蔽效率差异的因素.通过对不同部门制定的安全限值的比较分析,提出高频焊机安全使用建议.对控制高频焊接场所电磁辐射,尽可能降低从业人员电磁暴露的影响具有重要意义.  相似文献   

对逻辑在安全生产中的应用和作用,进行了较全面的分析和探讨。逻辑在职业安全卫生领域里的应用十分广泛,在分析、预防事故,探求其规律,以及在职业危害方面,起着十分重要的作用。随着安全系统工程等现代安全技术和劳动安全卫生预评价方法的拓展,逻辑学的应用更加深入,从演绎逻辑到归纳逻辑、辩证逻辑,特别是由数理逻辑诞生而发展起来的现代逻辑,以及现代模拟类比,均被有效地应用。因此,安全逻辑已成为逻辑的一个新分支,也成为安全科学的一个重要组成部分。它对安全生产的发展有着重要的实用价值和指导意义  相似文献   

英国自20世纪80年代初期实施职业健康与安全资质制度以来,有十多万人通过了不同等级和专业的职业安全健康考试,为英国的职业安全健康保障做出了重大贡献。为了解英国职业健康与安全资质,学习借鉴其成功经验,在简要介绍英国国家职业资格制度的基础上,详细地介绍了英国职业健康与安全资质等级、种类、课程和考核评估方式等内容,总结了其主要特点,并结合我国注册安全工程师执业资格制度实施现状,提出了完善制度的建议。  相似文献   

This paper reviews literature that addresses applications of resilience engineering principles to various fields. Recently the concept has attracted great attention from a technical and industrial perspective. The primary focus of this paper is to review the resilience engineering applications to industrial systems with the purpose of applying them to the chemical industry. A systematic review is performed to classify peer-reviewed journal papers that are associated with resilience engineering applications into three categories: industrial systems, ecological systems, and interlinked systems. The literature in the category of industrial systems is further divided based on the type of approaches such as field studies, case studies, methodologies, and mathematical modeling. After thoroughly analyzing the literature, four key research areas are identified: Considering socio-technical factors for resilience assessment efficiently; Inculcating the possibility of multiple disasters in resilience assessment; Design optimization for resilience enhancement; Efficient restoration strategies. All these research areas have not been explored exclusively for chemical facilities to a great extent. It is concluded that if these research areas are addressed appropriately, it would help in triggering the research pertaining to the application of resilience engineering principles in chemical facilities.  相似文献   

Traditional safety and health system measurement procedures, practiced in various industries produce qualitative results with a degree of uncertainty. This paper presents a fuzzy-logic-based approach to developing a fuzzy model for assessing the safety and health status in the tea industry. For this, the overall safety and health status at a tea estate has been considered as a function of 4 inputs: occupational safety, occupational health, behavioral safety and competency. A set of fuzzy rules based on expert human judgment has been used to correlate different fuzzy inputs and output. Fuzzy set operations are used to calculate the safety and health status of the tea industry. Application of the developed model at a tea estate showed that the safety and health status belongs to the fuzzy class of good with a crisp value of 7.2.  相似文献   

只要有危害源就会存在一定的风险。由于生产过程的需要,高科技制造行业往往使用大量有毒、危险化学品,生产环境与生产设备也不同于传统产业,也因此,如何运用有效地环安卫(环境保护、工业安全、职业健康)风险管理机制来避免各种危害源可能对企业造成的负面冲击,以降低高科技行业营运过程可能遭遇的环安卫风险一直是高科技行业风险管理者所面临的挑战。本文将介绍如何以PDCA持续改善的架构来贯穿高科技行业环安卫风险管理流程与风险管理概念。  相似文献   

为了解国际组织职业安全健康标准状况,收集了国际劳工组织职业安全卫生标准有关资料,对国际劳工组织职业安全卫生标准进行了梳理,按照标准属性、适用对象和范围,对标准进行了分类归纳,梳理形成了国际劳工组织职业安全卫生标准体系的整体框架,并对标准体系构成要素的主要内容作了简要的阐述,总结了国际劳工组织职业安全卫生标准及标准体系的特点。  相似文献   

安全工程专业学历教育方案的中西对比研究   总被引:8,自引:12,他引:8  
根据学科研究对象的异同 ,对中外不同名称的安全科学技术学科领域间对应关系的分析表明 ,我国的安全科学技术学科与美国、英国等西方国家称为公共健康的学科 ,我国的安全工程与西方国家的职业安全健康学科分别在宽泛和具体的意义上基本对应 ,相应的学历教育方案具有可比性。以此为据 ,运用案例比较研究了安全工程与职业安全健康学科专业学历教育方案中课程设置的多方面差别 ,分析了通过改善学历教育方案、加强职业安全培训途径来提高我国安全管理水平的努力方向。  相似文献   

国家安全生产监管总局赴英国、丹麦组织安全生产法律法规标准化考察团针对英国、丹麦和国际劳工组织的职业安全健康立法、执法和监察等方面进行了座谈和交流。作为发达国家,英国和丹麦的职业安全健康绩效在全球处于领先地位,主要介绍了英国职业健康安全组织机构和职责、健康安全法律法规制修订程序、健康安全法律法规体系和立法执法及监察经验,以及丹麦职业安全健康组织机构、安全健康法律法规体系和安全健康监察经验。以此为基础,在关于法律原则和定位方面、法律法规落实、落实企业的安全生产主体责任和监察人员履行监察职责、基于风险的分级监察和建立企业安全生产诚信评级系统等五方面提出对我国安全生产立法及监察工作的启示和思考。  相似文献   

安全裕度研究与应用进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
随着人们对安全认识和需求的不断提高 ,安全裕度的概念越来越多受到工程设计界及人们日常生活的关注。笔者综述了安全裕度概念在不同工程技术领域应用情况 ,重点讨论了在压力容器设计、机械加工、电力系统运行、航空飞行管理、军备等复杂系统研究中安全裕度的含义、安全裕度设计方法以及应用安全裕度进行安全评定的方法。通过对安全裕度应用情况分析 ,表明安全裕度已经成为现代科学技术领域和日常生活中不可缺少的重要概念 ,广泛受到科技工作者和管理人员的高度重视。笔者还分析了目前安全裕度研究和应用方面存在的问题 ,提出了应尽快开展安全裕度理论的系统研究 ,使这一重要概念从目前主要以定性讨论为主上升到定量计算 ,建立安全裕度学科 ,并且使安全裕度理论成为安全科学重要组成部分的观点。  相似文献   

学习和借鉴国外先进的安全生产管理模式,可以促进我国安全生产监管水平的不断改善。日本的劳动安全卫生监管采用了超前管理和过程管理方式,政府监管部门通过制定和完善有关法律法规,建立政府计划指导,劳动灾害防止团体和产业协会提供技术服务,企业承担劳动安全卫生主体责任,使劳动安全卫生政策、计划得到有效的执行和不断的修正。经多年的实践和积累,日本劳动安全卫生的重点已从灾害预防控制,向劳动工作紧张焦虑预防控制、创造舒适劳动环境转移,整个劳动安全卫生监管模式进入了一个良性循环。该文借鉴日本劳动安全卫生监督管理体制四十多年的经验,提出我国职业卫生监管应该通过培训教育,提高全民的劳动安全卫生意识。要充分研究和利用第三方技术服务组织,规范第三方技术服务,承担我国劳动安全卫生的事务性工作。  相似文献   

The field of workplace health promotion has seen developments of concepts, practice and interest in recent years. However, recent EC wide research has pointed to problems which constrain its development. These include a lack of awareness amongst the major players who are in a position to implement workplace health promotion, difficulties in transmitting the concept of and organising genuine inter-disciplinary approaches to workplace health promotion, and a lack of training courses in the area.This paper describes a project to develop a training specification for workplace health promotion targeted at a range of professional and non-professional groups. These include occupational physicians and nurses, safety engineers, personnel managers, health and safety representatives and others.The project has developed a modular training specification — each trainee group can undertake all modules to an appropriate level of detail. It focuses on two broad areas — the health promotion process and the roles necessary to support that process. The first area defines an idealised health promotion process, which has been divided into 7 phases, while the second area outlines 6 principal roles in relation to interacting with that process. Future work will see the implementation of the training specification in a number of test sites.  相似文献   

Occupational Health and Safety in Spain has improved considerably over the last decade, most likely due to a new concept where an overall concept of safety culture is defined. Important changes in industrial safety, hygiene, and psychosocial factors present an optimistic panorama for the future of Spain. Despite this general improvement, according to the European Convergence Program, Spanish statistics still offer far from good safety results. In fact, according to 1997 official statistics, Spain had the highest incidence rate for nonfatal occupational accidents of all European Union (EU) countries, and occupied third place for fatal accidents. This paper summarizes the organizational structure of the Spanish National System of Health & Safety at Work, its effective health and safety laws, and statistics on the Spanish work environment obtained from III Spanish National Survey on Work Conditions (1997). The researchers hope that the findings of this work will have an impact on Spanish industry that will subsequently bring about improvements in work conditions and develop assessment and intervention models in occupational health and safety, from a theoretical position integrating environmental, human, and organizational factors.  相似文献   

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