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Yuan C  Weng CH 《Chemosphere》2006,65(1):88-96
An enhanced electrokinetic process for removal of metals (Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb, Zn) from an industrial wastewater sludge was performed. The electrokinetic experiments were conducted under a constant potential gradient (1.25 V cm(-1)) with processing fluids of tap water (TW), sodium dodecylsulfate (SDS) and citric acid (CA) for 5 days. Results showed that metal removal efficiency of heavy metals for EK-TW, EK-SDS and EK-CA systems are 11.2-60.0%, 37.2-76.5%, and 43.4-78.0%, respectively. A highest metal removal performance was found in EK-CA system. The removal priority of investigated metals from sludge by EK process was found as: Cu > Pb > Ni > Fe > Zn > Cr. The results of sequential extraction analysis revealed that the binding forms of heavy metals with sludge after electrokinetic process were highly depend upon the processing fluid operated. It was found that the binding forms of metals with sludge were changed from the more difficult extraction type (residual and sulfate fractions) to easier extraction types (exchangeable, sorbed, and organic fraction) after treatment by electrokinetic process. Results imply that if a proper treatment technology is followed by this EK process to remove metals more effectively, this treated sludge will be more beneficial for sludge utilization afterwards. Before it was reused, the risk associated with metals of more mobile forms to the environment need to be further investigated. The cost analysis was also evaluated for the investigated electrokinetic systems.  相似文献   

Bioleaching processes have been demonstrated to be effective technologies in removing heavy metals from wastewater sludge, but long hydraulic retention times are typically required to operate these bioprocesses. A hybrid process (coupling biological and chemical processes) has been explored in laboratory pilot-scale experiments for heavy metals (cadmium [Cd], copper [Cu], chromium [Cr], and zinc [Zn]) removal from three types of sludge (primary sludge, secondary activated sludge, and a mixture of primary and secondary sludge). The hybrid process consisted of producing a concentrate ferric ion solution followed by chemical treatment of sludges. Ferric iron solution was produced biologically via oxidation of ferrous iron by A. ferrooxidans in a continuous-flow stirred tank (5.2 L) reactor (CSTR). Wastewater sludge filtrate (WSF) containing nutrients (phosphorus and nitrogen) has been used as culture media to support the growth and activity of indigenous iron-oxidizing bacteria. Results showed that total organic carbon (TOC) concentrations of the culture media in excess of 235 mg/L were found to be inhibitory to bacterial growth. The oxidation rate increased as ferrous iron concentrations ranged from 10 to 40 g Fe2+/L. The percentage of ferrous iron (Fe2+) oxidized to ferric iron (Fe3+) increased as the hydraulic retention time (HRT) increased from 12 to 48 h. Successful and complete Fe2+ oxidation was recorded at a HRT of 48 h using 10 g Fe2+/L. Subsequently, ferric ion solution produced by A. ferrooxidans in sludge filtrate was used to solubilize heavy metals contained in wastewater sludge. The best solubilization was obtained with a mixture of primary and secondary sludge, demonstrating a removal efficiency of 63, 71, 49, and 80% for Cd, Cu, Cr, and Zn, respectively.  相似文献   

针对实际海水养殖废水低碳高氮的特点,采用间歇式活性污泥法(SBR)和好氧活性污泥添加硅藻土载体的方式,考察硅藻土载体和活性污泥共同作用下的好氧曝气系统对海水养殖废水中氨态氮(NH4+-N)、亚硝酸态氮(NO2--N)和化学耗氧量(COD)的去除效果,以及对污泥沉降性能和硝化细菌特征的影响。实验结果表明,常温条件下,溶解氧(DO)≥ 4.5 mg/L,pH控制在7.0 ~ 8.0,HRT为11 h,沉降时间10 min,反应器可以处理NH4+-N浓度在50 mg/L左右的海水养殖废水,NH4+-N和COD去除率分别达到98.93%左右和76.62%以上,NO2--N出水浓度低于0.028 mg/L。载体污泥颗粒照片和扫描电镜结果表明,添加硅藻土载体内核后,颗粒污泥的成熟期缩短,颗粒的稳固度和沉降性能提高。在系统启动成功稳定运行后,通过FISH分析表明,在氨氧化菌(AOB)与亚硝酸盐氧化菌(NOB)成为优势菌群后,AOB大约占总菌群的33.5%,并且AOB与NOB菌群数量约为1:1.33,AOB和NOB两大类菌群之和约占总菌群的77.2%,成为系统中优势菌群。  相似文献   

以市政污泥为原料,通过热解、活化及共沉淀工艺制备了铝铈负载污泥生物炭复合材料(Al/Ce-CSBC),运用多种分析技术表征了材料形貌、比表面积及结构特征,通过模拟废水的批量吸附实验,考察了pH、初始氟离子质量浓度及吸附时间对Al/Ce-CSBC吸附氟性能的影响,最后探究了其除氟机制。结果表明,活化和改性均提高污泥生物炭的比表面积,其中Al/Ce-CSBC具有丰富的狭缝形介孔,比表面积为176.36 m2·g−1,pHPZC为9.5。负载于材料表面的无定形铝/铈氧化物是主要吸附组分,且发挥了双金属协同作用,在pH=4.0~9.0内其可保持较高的吸附容量。吸附动力学符合伪二级模型,吸附等温线符合Freundlich模型。最大吸附容量可达到41.74 mg·g−1,显著优于其他常见生物炭材料。其吸附机理主要包括静电吸附、离子交换和表面络合。本文可为污泥的资源化利用提供重要的参考。  相似文献   

人工湿地对水产养殖废水典型污染物的去除   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
考察了5种常见湿地植物黄菖蒲、芦苇、千屈菜、再力花和香蒲对水产养殖废水的净化能力以及生理生长指标,结果表明,黄菖蒲的氮磷吸收能力最强而芦苇较差。构建黄菖蒲、芦苇水平潜流人工湿地研究植物对水产养殖废水典型污染物的净化效果的影响,发现两者对COD、TP、TN和抗生素均有较好去除效果。其中,黄菖蒲湿地对TN的去除效果(HRT=4 d,去除率71%)显著优于芦苇湿地(HRT=4 d,去除率29%),分析其原因在于黄菖蒲湿地因其较强的吸收能力和反硝化作用使其对高NO3--N废水有较好的去除效果。研究中还发现,水力停留时间对TN、NO3--N、NH4+-N和NO2--N的去除效果有较大的影响。两种湿地对恩诺沙星的去除效果优于磺胺甲恶唑和氟甲砜霉素,不同人工湿地植物对3种抗生素的去除效果差异不大,水力停留时间对磺胺甲恶唑的去除有显著的影响。  相似文献   

以钌铱电极做阳极、石墨片做阴极,建立了电化学反应器处理三氯生模拟废水,重点考察了电流密度、pH、电解质硫酸钠浓度对电化学反应器去除水中微量三氯生效能的影响规律。研究发现,随着电流密度增大,三氯生去除率会有所提高,但存在一定限度;总体上酸性或碱性条件下的处理效果优于中性条件,电解质浓度过高或过低都不利于三氯生的去除。计算出不同电解质浓度和电流密度下的能耗,探讨了三氯生的电化学去除机制。电化学反应器对三氯生模拟废水有较好的处理效果,当三氯生初始浓度为4 mg·L-1、电流密度为10 mA·cm-2、电解质Na2SO4浓度为0.025 mg·L-1、中性条件下反应时间2 h,三氯生去除率达70.7%,能耗为26.4 kWh·g-1。  相似文献   

The immobilized cell augmented activated sludge (ICAAS) system combines a cell immobilization technique and an offline enricher-reactor for the bioaugmentation of the activated sludge system to improve treatment performances. In this study, enhanced nitrogen removal using ICAAS was investigated. Laboratory-scale, offline, batch enricher-reactors were used to maintain nitrification and denitrification activities of coimmobilized nitrifiers and denitrifiers used to augment a laboratory-scale completely mixed activated sludge system (CMAS) treating synthetic wastewater. Cellulose triacetate was the media used to entrap nitrifiers and denitrifiers at a 2:1 mass ratio. The ICAAS augmented with the coimmobilized cells between 5 and 20% by volume gained 24 +/- 5% higher nitrogen removal than a control CMAS, which provided nitrogen removal of 28 +/- 7%. The ICAAS scheme is a viable alternative for upgrading existing activated sludge systems to gain better nitrogen removal. .  相似文献   

针对含较高氮、硫的印染废水,采用UASB水解酸化反应池+A、B两段低氧曝气式污泥自回流池+C段接触氧化池+混凝沉淀工艺进行处理,对各生化反应池中氮、硫的形态转化过程进行了分析。结果表明,该工艺对印染废水中COD、色度、TN、NH4+-N、S2-的去除率分别达到90.7%、87.3%、85.6%、76.3%、100%。  相似文献   

利用CASS工艺协同处理高盐高氮榨菜有机废水和生活污水,针对协同处理碳源不足问题,提出以榨菜废水和甲醇作为碳源的两种碳源投加方案,对比分析了CASS工艺在运行周期为8 h、排水比为30%、回流比为100%、预处理后的榨菜废水掺入比为20%的条件下,分别以榨菜废水和甲醇补充碳源及不外加碳源3种情况的脱氮效果。实验结果表明,不外加碳源时,协同处理进水C/N小于3∶1,系统脱氮效果差,出水总氮不达标;以榨菜废水和甲醇为碳源提高C/N至4∶1~5∶1时,系统脱氮效果提高,出水总氮满足GB18918-2002一级B标排放标准;盐度的变化对微生物活性产生的抑制作用,当盐度升高0.1%±0.02%时,微生物系统恢复时间为10 d,而当盐度降低0.1%±0.02%时,微生物系统恢复时间为15 d。  相似文献   

实际污水与模拟污水活性污泥系统的特性差异   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
实验中经常采用人工配置的模拟生活污水,为了研究其与实际生活污水活性污泥系统的特性差异,采用2个序批式间歇反应器(SBR)进行平行实验(厌氧、好氧方式运行),系统地考察了在进水主要组分和运行参数相同的情况下,不同原水对活性污泥系统脱氮、除磷、比好氧速率、污泥絮体形态和出水水质等方面的影响。结果表明,模拟污水系统的硝化活性强于实际污水系统,两者的平均硝化速率分别为7.43 mg NH4+-N/(L.h)和5.55 mg NH4+-N/(L.h)。在前置厌氧段,模拟污水系统的释磷量比实际污水系统高出36.45%。两者在后续好氧阶段都能够充分吸磷。模拟污水系统的平均比好氧速率(SOUR)高达64.54 mg O2/(g MLSS.h),而实际污水系统的则只有32.81 mg O2/(g MLSS.h)。模拟污水系统的污泥絮体疏松,粒径小,形状不规则,沉降性差,沉后出水平均悬浮物浓度(SS)为20 mg/L;而实际污水系统的污泥絮体则密实、粒径大,沉降性好,沉后水十分清澈,SS几乎检测不出。  相似文献   

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) have been widely studied due to their presence in all the environmental media and toxicity to life. These molecules are strongly adsorbed on the particulate matters of soils, sludges or sediments because of their strong hydrophobicity which makes them less bioavailability, thus limiting their bioremediation. Different sludge treatment processes were tested to evaluate their performances for PAH removal from sludge prealably doped with 11 PAHs (5.5mg each PAH kg(-1) of dry matter (DM)): two biological processes (mesophilic aerobic digestion (MAD) and simultaneous sewage sludge digestion and metal leaching (METIX-BS)) were tested to evaluate PAH biodegradation in sewage sludge. In parallel, two chemical processes (quite similar Fenton processes: chemical metal leaching (METIX-AC) and chemical stabilization (STABIOX)) and one electrochemical process (electrochemical stabilization (ELECSTAB)) were tested to measure PAH removal by these oxidative processes. Moreover, PAH solubilisation from sludge by addition of a nonionic surfactant Tween 80 (Tw80) was also tested. The best yields of PAH removal were obtained by MAD and METIX-BS with more than 95% 3-ring PAH removal after a 21-day treatment period. Tw80 addition during MAD treatment increased 4-ring PAHs removal rate. In addition, more than 45% of 3-ring PAHs were removed from sludge by METIX-AC and during ELECSTAB process were quiet good with approximately 62% of 3-ring PAHs removal. However, little weaker removal of 3-ring PAHs (<35%) by STABIOX. None of the tested processes were efficient for the elimination of high molecular weight (> or = 5-ring) PAHs from sludge.  相似文献   

The need to improve on-site wastewater treatment processes is being realized as populations move into more environmentally sensitive regions and regulators adopt the total maximum daily load approach to watershed management. Under many conditions, septic systems do not provide adequate treatment; therefore, advanced systems are required. These systems must remove significant amounts of biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and suspended solids, and substantially nitrify, denitrify, and remove phosphorus. Many existing advanced on-site wastewater systems effectively remove BOD, suspended solids, and ammonia, but few substantially denitrify and uptake phosphorus. The purpose of this research was to design and test modifications to an existing on-site wastewater treatment system to improve denitrification and phosphorus removal. The Nayadic (Consolidated Treatment Systems, Inc., Franklin, Ohio), an established, commercially available, extended-aeration, activated sludge process, was used to represent a typical existing system. Several modifications were considered based on a literature review, and the option with the best potential was tested. To improve denitrification, a supplemental treatment tank was installed before the Nayadic and a combination flow splitter, sump, and pump box with a recirculation system was installed after it. A recirculation pump returned a high proportion of the system effluent back to the supplemental treatment tank. Two supplemental treatment tank sizes, three flowrates, and three recirculation rates were tested. Actual wastewater was dosed as brief slugs to the system in accordance with a set schedule. Several ion-exchange resins housed in a contact column were tested on the effluent for their potential to remove phosphorus. Low effluent levels of five-day biochemical oxygen demand, suspended solids, and total nitrogen were achieved and substantial phosphorous removal was also achieved using a 3780-L supplemental treatment tank, a recirculation ratio of 5:1, and a fine-grain activated aluminum-oxide-exchange media. Good results were also obtained with an 1890-L supplemental treatment tank and a recirculation ratio of 3:1. The most significant benefit of the supplemental treatment tank, in combination with the recirculation system, appears to be the low nitrogen concentration dosed to the Nayadic. By reducing the nitrogen concentration and spreading out its mass over time during no-flow periods, the Nayadic's inherent low-level denitrifying capacity was more closely matched and effective treatment was achieved.  相似文献   

采用低强度超声波强化活性污泥法处理经超声空化预处理后的含芳香族硝基化合物废水,考察了超声波功率、频率、作用时间等因素对处理效果的影响,并分析了超声强化活性污泥法的作用机理。实验结果表明,当超声波功率为10w、频率为25kHz、辐照时间为15min、作用周期为12h时,对去除废水中对硝基苯胺、硝基苯与COD的强化效果达到最佳,比未经超声强化的对照组分别高出38.6%、40.4%和21.9%。  相似文献   

培养方式对废水脱氮与沼气脱硫污泥驯化影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
实验研究了底物、接种污泥和微生物生长方式对猪场废水脱氮和沼气脱硫耦联污泥驯化及活性恢复的影响,以解决快速富集培养废水脱氮与沼气脱硫微生物的问题。研究发现,就脱氮脱硫均达到60%的时间而言,接种厌氧污泥反应器为9 d,比接种好氧污泥反应器(18 d)和不接种污泥加填料反应器(21 d)更短。以含氮含硫废水为底物驯化时,接种厌氧污泥更有利于脱氮脱硫污泥的驯化;而同为接种好氧污泥时,以含氮含硫废水为底物的驯化方式更有利于脱氮脱硫污泥的驯化。污泥活性恢复实验中,以含氮废水+沼气(H2S)为底物培养驯化的污泥,硫转化活性恢复所用的时间为15 d,比含氮含硫废水为底物驯化污泥的活性恢复时间更长。  相似文献   



This study aimed to investigate the removal mechanisms of pharmaceutical active compounds (PhACs) and musks in a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP). Biological removal and adsorption in the activated sludge tank as well as the effect of UV radiation used for disinfection purposes were considered when performing a mass balance on the WWTP throughout a 2-week sampling campaign.


Solid-phase extraction (SPE) was carried out to analyse the PhACs in the influent and effluent samples. Ultrasonic solvent extraction was used before SPE for PhACs analysis in sludge samples. PhAC extracts were analysed by LC-MS. Solid-phase microextraction of liquid and sludge samples was used for the analysis of musks, which were detected by GC-MS. The fluxes of the most abundant compounds (13 PhACs and 5 musks) out of 79 compounds studied were used to perform the mass balance on the WWTP.


Results show that incomplete removal of diclofenac, the compound that was found in the highest abundance, was observed via biodegradation and adsorption, and that UV photolysis was the main removal mechanism for this compound. The effect of adsorption to the secondary sludge was often negligible for the PhACs, with the exceptions of diclofenac, etofenamate, hydroxyzine and indapamide. However, the musks showed a high level of adsorption to the sludge. UV radiation had an important role in reducing the concentration of some of the target compounds (e.g. diclofenac, ibuprofen, clorazepate, indapamide, enalapril and atenolol) not removed in the activated sludge tank.


The main removal mechanism of PhACs and musks studied in the WWTP was most often biological (45%), followed by adsorption (33%) and by UV radiation (22%). In the majority of the cases, the WWTP achieved >75% removal of the most detected PhACs and musks, with the exception of diclofenac.  相似文献   

在2个相同的SBR中分别驯化普通污泥和耐盐污泥,研究两者在0%、0.9%、1.2%、1.5%和1.8%(W/V)的盐度(NaCl)下对生活污水脱氮性能的差异。SBR运行经过厌氧、好氧、缺氧3个阶段,HRT分别为1、6和1 h。研究结果表明:在每一级盐度下,耐盐污泥的脱氮性能都好于普通污泥。随着盐度的增大,耐盐污泥中氨氮...  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Many advanced technologies have shown encouraging results in removing antibiotics from domestic wastewater. However, as activated sludge treatment is...  相似文献   

The treatment of Zn(II)-bearing wastewater by immobilised Sulfate Reducing Bacteria (SRB) sludge beads of inner cohesive nutrient source was investigated, by which the traditional problems in SRB methods were resolved. The mechanism and kinetics model on Zn(II) removal were studied. The results showed that SO42− was reduced to S2− on the surface of SRB sludge beads, and Zn(II) precipitated outside beads. The effect of internal diffusion could be neglected, and the chemical reaction was the rate determining step. The reaction kinetics was followed by Micaelis-Menten formula, and the constants, Ks and vmax were 8.99 mg⋅L−1 and 0.018 mg⋅L−1⋅s−1, respectively.  相似文献   

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