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研究烃降解酶及其基因是进行石油微生物分子检测和工程菌构建的重要基础.本文对目前烃降解酶及其基因的结构、功能和调控机制的最新研究进展进行了总结.催化烷烃好氧降解的起始酶有几类加氧酶,膜整合甲烷单加氧酶、萘-1,2-双加氧酶和异丙苯双加氧酶的晶体结构已经被解析.烷基或芳基琥珀酸合酶催化烃厌氧代谢的主要起始反应,而Azoarcus sp.乙苯厌氧代谢起始反应由乙苯脱氢酶催化.在细菌中,烃代谢相关基因主要通过形成操纵子进行表达调控,基因转录受烃或类似物诱导,并受细胞全局调控.一些微生物由于存在多种烃代谢途径而可能具有复杂的基因调控机制.此外,生态学研究表明,环境中烃降解基因的诱导动态与实验室内纯培养分析不同.在分析石油降解工程菌构建有待解决问题的基础上,提出了烃代谢综合调控和环境中相关酶及基因诱导研究的重要性,并对未来烃降解酶及其基因在有毒物降解理论研究和生物修复上的应用进行了展望.  相似文献   

为揭示SigL及其增强子结合蛋白(EBPs)在苏云金芽胞杆菌(Bt)中的调控功能,在全基因组测序的基础上,采用生物信息学方法,对YBT-1520菌株的SigL及其EBPs的结构和功能进行深入分析.结果表明,YBT-1520基因组中存在1个SigL和6个EBPs,而且EBPs在结构上具有丰富的多样性,包含了EBPs的所有可能的结构域组织类型.SigL所调控的基因涉及11个假定的COG代谢途径,其中包括能量代谢、氨基酸代谢、翻译与细胞周期等.根据EBPs在基因组的位置推测,YBT-1520的EBPs参与γ-氨基丁酸代谢途径、精氨酸代谢途径、支链脂肪酸降解途径、多糖分解代谢等代谢途径的调控.本研究将为揭示Bt杀虫晶体蛋白大量表达的调控机制提供新的思路.  相似文献   

植物磷转运蛋白基因的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
磷作为植物细胞核酸,是脂质、ATP、ADP、糖类的重要组成部分,在细胞的代谢活动、酶的调控反应以及信号级联中起着至关重要的作用。虽然土壤中含有大量的磷元素,但是土壤的吸附作用会使磷素转化为植物无法有效吸收和利用的形式。磷转运蛋白(phosphate transporter)作为一种对磷具有亲和力的转运蛋白,能够调节植物对磷的吸收和转运,对提高植物磷利用率具有重要作用。文章结合了国内外近年来有关植物磷转运蛋白的研究结果,从PHT基因家族及成员、PHT基因表达的定位、PHT基因的分子调控机制以及PHT基因在植物中的生物学功能等方面比较全面系统地综述了PHT基因的最新研究状况,并对此进行了展望。尽管在拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)中人们已经对PHT基因有了一定的认识,但仍只处于初步阶段,还有部分的家族成员如PHT3和PHT4的分子调控机制仍有待进一步探究,以确定它们的生理功能并评价它们作为生物技术工具的潜力。目前研究较多的PHT1家族仍需要补充更多研究。在研究过程中也出现了一些值得深入探究的问题,如PHT基因的功能冗余现象以及PHT基因与AM共生分子调节机制等。同时,PHT基因对其他磷响应基因也有一定影响,其中的关系也值得探究,从而全面提高植物中磷吸收和转运的效率,以期为正在开展或即将开展相关研究的科研工作者提供有益的参考。  相似文献   

无机砷在植物和微生物体内的代谢机制研究进展   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
砷污染是全球的热点问题之一.土壤中的无机砷在植物中的积累可通过食物链传递,从而对人体健康构成严重威胁.了解微生物和植物对无机砷的代谢机制,对认识和控制土壤中砷的风险至关重要.近年来,微生物对无机砷的代谢机制研究已经比较深入,但是仍有一些问题亟待解决,如信号传导、抗砷基因筛选等.在植物对无机砷的摄取、还原机制等方面也取得了一定进展,但是植物体内砷的转运机制、排出机制等仍有待进一步研究.论文综述了微生物、植物体内无机砷的代谢过程中,砷摄取、转运、还原和排出机制的最新进展,并对今后的研究方向进行了展望.  相似文献   

藻类的生消过程中有多种微生物参与,其结构多样性和功能多样性构成了藻菌间复杂的共生关系.这些共生关系的行使依赖于一定的群体数量和组成结构,并受化学信号调节.本文聚焦于群体感应信号(Quorum sensing,QS),从化学生态学视角综述QS信号介导下的微生物行为.生存在微生物群落中的个体并非以单个形式独立存在,而是具有一定的结构,且个体之间存在广泛的交流,QS信号便是通讯语言之一.细菌可以利用QS信号进行信息交流,协调群体行为,并调控特定基因表达.QS介导下的菌群行为包括在藻际生态位(Niche)的营造、生物被膜(Biofilm)的形成、物质代谢(C、N、S、Fe)的调节以及对溶藻行为的调控等.藻菌关系除了受QS调节外,其抑制剂(Quorum sensing inhibitor,QSI)也参与藻菌的共生关系.基于共生环境中存在着对藻类影响性质各异的菌群(有益菌或有害菌),开发QS或QSI是干扰藻菌关系、抑制藻类生长的潜在方法,可为赤潮的有效防控提供借鉴.  相似文献   

植物NAC转录因子的种类、特征及功能   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
综述了NAC转录因子的发现及其家族成员、结构特点和生物学功能.NAC类蛋白是近年来发现的一类植物特有、数量众多的转录因子家族,其成员广泛分布于陆生植物中.NAC家族成员的N端具有一个保守的约150个氨基酸组成的NAC结构域,含有A、B、C、D、E 5个亚结构域,C端具有一个高度变异的转录激活区.分析表明,NAC蛋白结构与其功能密切相关.NAC转录因子具有诸多方面的功能,如参与植物次生生长,在细胞分裂和植株衰老中发挥作用,参与激素调控和信号转导,参与矿质元素营养和农作物品质改良等.同时,NACs还参与生物胁迫中植物的防御反应以及在非生物逆境中发挥作用.目前对NAC基因的研究主要集中于模式植物拟南芥和水稻,对于NAC蛋白涉及的调控途径及其组成因子知之甚少,因此NAC基因的功能还有待深入研究;同时,利用基因工程手段导入或改良关键的NAC转录因子,使作物综合品质的提高已成为可能.图2表2参87  相似文献   

废水生物强化处理技术研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
生物强化技术具有高效去除目标污染物、加速系统启动、提高系统抗水力及有机负荷能力以及优化系统菌群结构和增强功能稳定性等功能,在废水生物处理实际应用中潜力巨大.总结了国内外废水生物强化处理技术研究进展,在功能微生物选育方面,通过传统选育手段与基因工程手段并举来实现;在功能菌应用与生物强化处理工艺方面,主要通过所投加的功能菌直接作用或是利用基因水平转移(HGT)来实现生物强化;在分子检测技术方面,随着分子生物学的发展,一些技术如变性梯度凝胶电泳(DGGE)、核糖体间隔基因分析方法(RISA)及荧光原位杂交(FISH)等在与微生物生态学研究中得到了广泛应用.分析认为,应用分子生物学等先进技术手段,探讨废水生物强化处理工程应用过程中的微生物生态学机制,并以此为指导研发高性能菌剂,将是本领域的研究重点与方向之一.  相似文献   

城市生态系统代谢的能值研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市环境问题的深层原因是城市代谢过程出现了问题.城市代谢研究,是分析城市在人类各种活动影响下,如何将取自生态系统的物质和能量进行转换、利用与处理的过程,成为评价城市可持续发展的重要依据.早在19世纪末,就有有关能量流分析社会代谢的概念;近期最具代表性的是HowardT.Odum.首先从城市代谢研究的兴起和发展出发,然后分环境评价、空间层面、动态模拟三方面,对Odum的能值方法在城市代谢分析中的应用进行了回顾.环境评价方面以生态经济学为理论基础,提出发展具有生物物理基础的能值方法,对城市代谢的生态评估更为恰当;空问层面结合景观生态学,为区域空间规划提供了参考,并指出土地利用变迁与社会代谢间的相关性研究为当前的核心问题;动态层面仍以系统生态学建立整合性系统模型为基础,但空间系统模拟方法的发展仍处于起步阶段.各个学科与方法的整合促进了城市代谢研究的进一步深化.最后,建议未来应用能值研究城市代谢的4个研究方向有:(1)城市代谢与可持续发展之间相互关系的研究;(2)城市代谢与土地利用变迁相互驱动的模型发展;(3)基于代谢过程的城市管理对策研究;(4)全球环境变迁对土地利用和城市代谢的影响.  相似文献   

乙酰辅酶A羧化酶(Acetyl-CoA carboxylase,ACC)在脂肪酸合成和分解代谢中发挥着重要作用.系统介绍了该酶的结构与分类、生物学作用与应用、抑制剂的类型与作用机理以及基因克隆4个方面的进展.ACC在大多数原核生物中为多亚基型酶,而在大多数真核生物中为多功能型单亚基酶,在天蓝色链霉菌和古菌勤奋金属球菌中为另外两种特殊类型;但都具备3个关键的功能域,即生物素羧化酶(BC)、生物素羧基载体蛋白(BCCP)和羧基转移酶(CT).CT功能域作为潜在的靶标广泛应用于植物除草剂的筛选和哺乳动物肥胖、糖尿病等代谢疾病的药物设计中.ACC基因也成为转基因油料作物和生物柴油研究中重要的靶标基因.研究表明,植物质体中的β-CT亚基是多亚基型ACC的限制因子,而BCCP是脂肪酸合成的负调控因子.油脂的合成代谢十分复杂,且存在反馈抑制机制,因此克隆和表达ACC基因可以提高宿主中ACC的活性,但不一定能显著促进脂肪酸的积累.图2参52  相似文献   

土壤-植物系统中多溴联苯醚(PBDEs)的迁移与转化研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王森  黄红林  张淑贞 《环境化学》2014,(10):1645-1654
多溴联苯醚(PBDEs)是一类重要的新型持久性有机污染物,因其具有亲脂和难降解特性,易在土壤和沉积物等环境介质以及生物体内累积,同时会发生脱溴还原代谢和氧化代谢,生成毒性更大的低溴代PBDEs、羟基PBDEs(OH-PBDEs)和甲氧基PBDEs(MeO-PBDEs).研究PBDEs在土壤-植物系统的迁移转化对于认识PBDEs的陆生生态环境行为,评价其生态风险以及对食物链的潜在暴露风险都具有重要的意义.本文从土壤中PBDEs的代谢与转化行为,PBDEs的植物吸收与传输特征及其关键影响因素,以及植物体内PBDEs的脱溴、羟基化和甲氧基化代谢行为几个方面总结了PBDEs在土壤-植物系统迁移转化的最新研究进展,并就将来的研究方向提出一些思考和展望,有助于深入认识PBDEs及其代谢产物的环境归趋.  相似文献   

Plant chemistry and insect sequestration   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Most plant families are distinguished by characteristic secondary metabolites, which can function as putative defence against herbivores. However, many herbivorous insects of different orders can make use of these plant-synthesised compounds by ingesting and storing them in their body tissue or integument. Such sequestration of putatively unpalatable or toxic metabolites can enhance the insects’ own defence against enemies and may also be involved in reproductive behaviour. This review gives a comprehensive overview of all groups of secondary plant metabolites for which sequestration by insect herbivores belonging to different orders has been demonstrated. Sequestered compounds include various aromatic compounds, nitrogen-containing metabolites such as alkaloids, cyanogenic glycosides, glucosinolates and other sulphur-containing metabolites, and isoprenoids such as cardiac glycosides, cucurbitacins, iridoid glycosides and others. Sequestration of plant compounds has been investigated most in insects feeding or gathering on Apocynaceae s.l. (Apocynoideae, Asclepiaoideae), Aristolochiaceae, Asteraceae, Boraginaceae, Fabaceae and Plantaginaceae, but it also occurs for some gymnosperms and even lichens. In total, more than 250 insect species have been shown to sequester plant metabolites from at least 40 plant families. Sequestration predominates in the Coleoptera and Lepidoptera, but also occurs frequently in the orders Heteroptera, Hymenoptera, Orthoptera and Sternorrhyncha. Patterns of sequestration mechanisms for various compound classes and common or individual features occurring in different insect orders are highlighted. More research is needed to elucidate the specific transport mechanisms and the physiological processes of sequestration in various insect species.  相似文献   

Herbivores tend to increase feeding rate and fitness when consuming a mixed diet relative to a single diet. According to the detoxification limitation hypothesis (DLH), feeding choices and rates when confronted with chemically rich plants are determined by herbivore physiology, and specifically by the metabolic pathways that herbivores use to manipulate secondary metabolites. We tested two predictions of the DLH using two generalist herbivores, the urchin Arbacia punctulata and amphipod Ampithoe longimana. These herbivores have geographic ranges which overlap with brown seaweeds that produce diterpenes (Dictyota menstrualis, D. ciliolata) and a green seaweed that produces sesquiterpenes and diterpenes (Caulerpa sertularioides). As predicted by the DLH, herbivore consumption rates in no-choice feeding assays were limited by extract intake rates. This suggests an upper limit in the herbivores’ abilities to physiologically manipulate seaweed metabolites. Contrary to a second prediction of the DLH, urchins consumed equal amounts of foods coated with limiting concentrations of two seaweed extracts offered singly, as a mixture, or as a pairwise choice. This result suggests that secondary metabolites of these seaweeds are manipulated by a linked set of detoxification pathways. Improving our understanding of the mechanisms that underlie diet mixing depends on greater attention to the physiology of herbivore resistance to secondary metabolites.  相似文献   

Summary. Following herbivory, induced responses involving plant secondary metabolites have been reported in a number of tree species. Although a wide range of plant secondary metabolites appear to operate as constitutive plant defences in trees belonging to the Eucalyptus genus, no induced responses have as yet been reported following foliar-chewing insect damage. We empirically tested whether branch defoliation (artificial and larval) of 2-year-old Eucalyptus globulus Labill. trees altered the abundance of specific plant secondary metabolites immediately (3 months after initial larval feeding) and 8 months after the cessation of larval feeding. Metabolites assayed, included essential oils, polyphenolic groups and foliar wax compounds and in all cases their abundance was not significantly altered by defoliation. However, the level of foliar tannins after 3 months of larval feeding did display a trend that suggested elevated levels as the result of defoliation, though this trend was not evident 8 months later, indicating that, if real, the response was a rapid and not a delayed induced response. The level of foliar tannins was also negatively correlated to both average larval survival and average percentage branch defoliation, suggesting that foliar tannins may operate as toxins and/or anti-feedants to M. privata larval feeding.  相似文献   

Summary. Induction of secondary metabolites to herbivore damage is a widespread phenomenon among plants and serves to enhance resistance by reducing suitability or increasing toxicity of foliage. Post-damage responses of primary metabolites are less well known; reductions in primary metabolites may increase resistance by decreasing palatability or nutritional suitability for herbivores or by potentiating toxicity of secondary metabolites. In this study, we examined response to simulated herbivory in Pastinaca sativa, the wild parsnip, in both primary and secondary metabolites. We found that induction of secondary metabolites in response to damage is largely restricted to a single class of compounds, the furanocoumarins. These prooxidant compounds are known to be toxic to a wide variety of insect herbivores. The only primary metabolite that responded to damage was total soluble protein, which increased significantly 24 h after damage. After 24 h, the correlation between total furanocoumarins and total sugars was significant and negative (r = − 0.697). This correlation likely reflects an independent response of sugar to damage, rather than a diversion of resources into furanocoumarin production, inasmuch as this correlation at 3 h, after furanocoumarin induction had taken place, was not significant. In other secondary metabolite pathways, damage produced a significant decline in farnesene and a C-16 unsaturated fatty acid, 7,10,13-hexadecatrienoic acid, each of which may potentiate the furanocoumarin defense response. Farnesene may enhance photooxidative activation of the furanocoumarins and 7,10,13-hexadecatrienoic acid may serve as a precursor to jasmonic acid, a key hormone in regulating induction responses. With few key exceptions, quantities of both primary and secondary metabolites in wild parsnip foliage are unaffected by damage. Those that are affected may well play a role in resistance of parsnips to herbivores. Received 1 July 1998; accepted 28 September 1998.  相似文献   

● Metabolomic temporal profiling of cells exposed to xenobiotics. ● Global metabolome dysregulation patterns with time-resolved landscapes. ● Synchronized regulation behavior and specific dysregulation sensitivity. ● Temporal metabolic adaptions indicated cellular emphasis transition. The biochemical consequences induced by xenobiotic stress are featured in dose-response and time-resolved landscapes. Understanding the dynamic process of cellular adaptations is crucial in conducting the risk assessment for chemical exposure. As one of the most phenotype-related omics, metabolome in response to environmental stress can vary from seconds to days. Up to now, very few dynamic metabolomics studies have been conducted to provide time-dependent mechanistic interpretations in understanding xenobiotics-induced cellular adaptations. This study aims to explore the time-resolved metabolite dysregulation manner and dynamically perturbed biological functions in MCF-7 cells exposed to bisphenol A (BPA), a well-known endocrine-disrupting chemical. By sampling at 11 time points from several minutes to hours, thirty seven significantly dysregulated metabolites were identified, ranging from amino acids, fatty acids, carboxylic acids and nucleoside phosphate compounds. The metabolites in different pathways basically showed distinct time-resolved changing patterns, while those within the common class or same pathways showed similar and synchronized dysregulation behaviors. The pathway enrichment analysis suggested that purine metabolism, pyrimidine metabolism, aminoacyl-tRNA biosynthesis as well as glutamine/glutamate (GABA) metabolism pathways were heavily disturbed. As exposure event continued, MCF-7 cells went through multiple sequential metabolic adaptations from cell proliferation to energy metabolism, which indicated an enhancing cellular requirement for elevated energy homeostasis, oxidative stress response and ER-α mediated cell growth. We further focused on the time-dependent metabolite dysregulation behavior in purine and pyrimidine metabolism, and identified the impaired glycolysis and oxidative phosphorylation by redox imbalance. Lastly, we established a restricted cubic spline-based model to fit and predict metabolite’s full range dysregulation cartography, with metabolite’ sensitivity comparisons retrieved and novel biomarkers suggested. Overall, the results indicated that 8 h BPA exposure leaded to global dynamic metabolome adaptions including amino acid, nucleoside and sugar metabolism disorders, and the dysregulated metabolites with interfered pathways at different stages are of significant temporal distinctions.  相似文献   

● Metabolome can distinguish pregnant women exposure to PFOA at different degrees. ● Metabolome can reveal the metabolic changes of pregnant women exposure to PFOA. ● PFOA exposure degrees could affect the GSH metabolism of pregnant women. ● PFOA exposure degrees could change the microbiota metabolism of pregnant women. Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) is a novel type of persistent synthetic organic pollutant, and its exposure on pregnant women can cause some adverse effects, such as pregnancy-induced hypertension, gestational diabetes mellitus, and preeclampsia. Therefore, understanding the metabolic changes caused by PFOA exposure is of great significance to protect pregnant women from its adverse effects. In this study, the metabolomes from the urine samples of pregnant women exposure to PFOA at different degrees were analyzed by GC-MS and LC-MS. The samples in different groups were distinguished and the differential metabolites were screened based on the VIP value, FC, and P-value of each comparison group through multivariate statistical analysis. The pathways related to differential metabolites were searched to reveal the effects of PFOA exposure on metabolic changes in pregnant women at different degrees. Finally, the ROC of differential metabolites was performed, and the differential metabolites with large area under the curve (AUC) values were selected and compared to identify the mutually differential metabolites. Meanwhile, these metabolites were fitted with a multivariable to explore if they could be used to distinguish different groups. The quantitative comparison of mutually differential metabolites revealed that the levels of L-cysteine, glycine, and 5-aminovaleric acid were positively correlated with the degree of PFOA exposure, indicating that different degrees of PFOA exposure could affect the synthesis or degradation of GSH and change the metabolism of oral or intestinal microbiota. Additionally, they may cause oxidative stress and abnormal fat metabolism in pregnant women.  相似文献   

Haslam  Edwin 《Chemoecology》1994,5(2):89-95
Summary The distinguishing characteristics of secondary metabolism and its associated metabolites are outlined. Current theories relating to the function of secondary metabolism in plants and micro-organisms are enumerated and the view that consideration of the processes rather than the products may best explain the origins of secondary metabolism is discussed.  相似文献   

Coniferous trees of different species, or of the same species growing at different locations, vary in the extent to which they are attacked by various herbivores and pathogens. Plant secondary metabolites might be a key to understanding some of this variation. At the site level, we investigated if there was an intra- or interspecies pattern for individual compounds (or for groups of compounds) and their relationship to indices of plant nitrogen and plant productivity. For example, do plants exhibit similar covariance in defence compounds when evaluated across a number of sites varying in productivity? Here, we concentrated on the phenolic profile of Pinus sylvestris, Picea abies, Juniperus communis and Pinus contorta. Our results indicate striking differences in secondary chemistry profiles of the twigs including needles of the trees and in the inter-relationships amongst individual compounds and groups of compounds. Flavonols occurred in high variety in P. sylvestris and were highly correlated with each other, differing from P. contorta. But the results of the factor analyses indicate an underlying pattern for flavonols of the coumaroyl type for P. contorta. In contrast, the compounds of the other tree species showed a low degree of inter-correlation. Co-occurring phenolics of different tree species were not correlated. Overall, our analysis of site indices indicated that plant productivity was not a useful predictor for the concentration of specific phenolics. The relationship amongst plant nitrogen and specific phenolics might be the result of two defence strategies (one related and the other not related to nitrogen content). This might enable the plant to shift its defences against attacks with a high degree of flexibility.  相似文献   

Summary The distributions of mountain hare (Lepus timidus) and European hare (L. europaeus) overlap in central Sweden, but they occupy separate food niches in winter. In Scandinavia, the European hare is mainly a grazer while mountain hare is a predominant browser. Browse contain high amounts of secondary metabolites, such as phenols, compared to grass. This raises the question if the two hare species differ in their metabolic tolerance of plant phenols and that these differences influence their food choice.Phenolic excretion in urine increased significantly with phenolic intake in both species. Excretion of glucuronic acid conjugates, one of the major pathways of elimination of phenols in both hare species, is positively correlated to phenolic intake and excretion. However, the extent of excretion of phenolics by this route was different in the two species of hare. European hares excreted substantially more glucuronic acid per amount of phenolics than mountain hare. The phenols were metabolized to a larger extent in the mountain hare, indicating a higher detoxification capacity. From these results it is likely that European hare have a higher cost for the detoxification of plant phenols compared to mountain hare. This cost and negative effect on sodium balance when feeding on browse may prevent exploitation of forest habitats by European hares, whereas mountain hare are better able to do so.  相似文献   

抗生素因具有抗菌谱广、杀菌性强等特点使其被广泛应用于人类医药、畜牧业、农业和水产养殖业。其进入水生生物体内后,会在药物代谢酶的作用下发生代谢转化,产生生态毒性。本研究采用鲫鱼肝微粒体体外孵育法,探究恩诺沙星细胞色素P450酶作用下的代谢转化过程,并通过代谢抑制实验确定关键的代谢酶。实验结果表明,恩诺沙星体外代谢过程符合一级动力学方程,当恩诺沙星暴露浓度为1 mg·L-1时,其在肝微粒体中的消除速率常数k最大为0.00303 min-1,半衰期t1/2最短为228.8 min,应用HPLC-MS/MS技术,检测到了恩诺沙星脱乙基产物和羟基化产物;代谢抑制实验结果表明,CYP3A4在恩诺沙星代谢过程中起主要作用,是恩诺沙星代谢的关键酶。本研究结果为深入了解恩诺沙星在水生生物体内的代谢转化及其生态风险提供了基础数据。  相似文献   

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