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Summary. The stems of many Macaranga ant-plants (Euphorbiaceae) are covered by epicuticular wax crystals rendering the surface very slippery for most insects. These wax blooms act as selective barriers protecting the symbiotic ant partners, which are specialized “wax-runners”, against the competition of other ants. Glaucous stems occur almost exclusively among the ant-plants of the genus Macaranga (). We analyzed the cuticular lipids of 16 Macaranga species by GC-MS and investigated the wax crystal morphology using SEM. Presence of crystalline wax blooms was strongly correlated with high concentrations (52%–88%) of triterpenoids. In contrast epicuticular waxes of glossy Macaranga surfaces contained only 0% to 36% of these dominant components. Therefore we conclude that triterpenoids are responsible for the formation of the thread-like Macaranga wax crystals. In all Macaranga ant-plants investigated, the principal components were epitaraxerol and taraxerone accompanied by smaller portions of taraxerol, β-amyrin and friedelin. Only in the case of the non-myrmecophytic M. tanarius did β-amyrin predominate. Moreover, we found that only in M. tanarius, the dense wax crystal lacework is torn into large mosaic-like pieces in the course of secondary stem diameter growth. Both chemical and macroscopic differences may contribute to a reduced slipperiness of M. tanarius stems and appear to be functionally important. The distribution of wax crystals and their composition amongst different sections of the genus suggests that glaucousness is a polyphyletic character within Macaranga. Received 7 October 1999; accepted 3 December 1999  相似文献   

A review of the chemical ecology of the Cerambycidae (Coleoptera)   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Summary. This review summarizes the literature related to the chemical ecology of the Cerambycidae and provides a brief overview of cerambycid biology, ecology, economic significance, and management. Beetles in the family Cerambycidae have assumed increasing prominence as pests of forest and shade trees, shrubs, and raw wood products, and as vectors of tree diseases. Exotic species associated with solid wood packing materials have been notable tree killers in North American urban and peri-urban forests. In forested ecosystems native species respond to disturbances such as fires and windstorms, and initiate the biodeterioration of woody tissue. Eggs are laid by females, on or through the bark surface of stem and branch tissue of moribund, recently killed or decomposing woody plants; larval cerambycids (roundheaded woodborers) typically feed in the phloem and later in the xylem. Females will also, in some cases, select living hosts, e.g. adult conifer and angiosperm trees, for oviposition. Research on the chemical ecology of over 70 species has revealed many examples of attractive kairomones (such as floral volatiles, smoke volatiles, trunk and leaf volatiles, and bark beetle pheromones), repellents and deterrents, oviposition stimulants, short- and long-range sex pheromones, and defensive substances. Emerging generalities are that attractants tend to be monoterpenoids and phenolic esters; oviposition stimulants are monoterpenoids and flavanoids; short-range sex pheromones are female-produced, methyl-branched cuticular hydrocarbons; and long-range sex pheromones are male-produced -hydroxy ketones and (,)-diols ranging in length from 6 to 10 carbons. The latter compounds appear to originate from glands in the male thorax; putative defensive substances originate from metasternal secretory pores or mandibular glands. In one unusual case, a flightless, subterranean female that attacks sugar cane produces a sex pheromone that is derived from the amino acid isoleucine. With significantly more than 35,000 species of Cerambycidae worldwide, these generalities will be subject to change as more species are examined. Addendum The authors would like to point out that the electronic version is more accurate than the printed version.  相似文献   

Summary Adults ofDendrobias mandibularis fed at sites where sap oozes from the stems of desert broom,Baccharis sarothroides. These sites were used by only one individual at a time. Males practiced alternative reproductive tactics, and were separated into two distinct morphs. Major males had enlarged mandibles, were found significantly more frequently at feeding sites than elsewhere on the food plants, and defended the feeding sites to gain access to females that visited the sites to feed. Minor males had small mandibles, were found significantly more frequently in foliage of the food plant than at feeding sites, and usually did not defend feeding sites. Mandibles were used in aggressive interactions, which were always won by larger males. Mating occurred at feeding sites, on stems, and in foliage of the food plant. Major males were observed mating nearly twice as often as minor males. Major males mated significantly more frequently at feeding sites than in foliage; the reverse was true of minor males. Minors occasionally occupied and mated at feeding sites. They were unable to defend feeding sites against majors, but did so occasionally against other minors. Differences in frequency, mating success, and behavior of the morphs appeared to be linked to differences in environmental conditions between the two years of this study. This study demonstrated the importance of spatial distribution of food resources in the evolution of the mating system ofDendrobias mandibularis.  相似文献   

Summary Males ofCarpophilus freemani Dobson (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae) produce an aggregation pheromone to which both sexes fly in a wind-tunnel bioassay. The major pheromone component (ca. 30 ng per male per day in volatile collections) was identified as (2E,4E,6E)-5-ethyl-3-methyl-2,4,6-nonatriene. A minor component, (2E,4E,6E,8E)-7-ethyl-3,5-dimethyl-2,4,6,8-undecatetraene, was 3–10% as abundant as the major triene and was 5–20% as active when compared at relative doses ranging from natural proportions to 1:1. These compounds act synergistically: a mixture of major and minor components in natural proportions attracted more than twice as many beetles as the major component alone, and the mixture fully accounted for the activity of male-derived volatile collections. Six other male-derived conjugated hydrocarbons, ranging from 2% down to 0.04% as abundant as the major component, were also identified. These are (in order of decreasing bioassay activity when compared on an equal-weight basis): (3E,5E,7E)-6-ethyl-4-methyl-3,5,7-decatriene, (2E,4E,6E)-5-ethyl-3-me-thyl-2,4,6-octatriene, (3E,5E,7E,9E)-8-ethyl-4,6-dimethyl-3, 5,7,9-dodecatetraene, (2E,4E,6E,8E)-3,5,7-trimethyl-2,4,6, 8-undecatetraene, (3E,5E,7E)-5-ethyl-7-methyl-3,5,7-undecatriene, and (2E,4E,6E)-3,5-dimethyl-2,4,6-nonatriene. All structure identifications were confirmed by synthesis. In the wind tunnel, the pheromone acted synergistically with host-type volatiles such as propyl acetate, valeric acid, and ethanol. This concept was verified by fields tests in California, in which there was dramatic synergism between the pheromone and fermenting host materials. Pheromone biosynthesis is discussed.  相似文献   

Male white-spotted longicorn beetles Anoplophora malasiaca raised on willow Salix schwerinii were preferentially attracted to the odour of wounded S. schwerinii branches when released near a female model in the laboratory. This attractiveness rapidly decreased within 2 h after wounding. Solid phase microextraction and subsequent gas chromatography analyses of volatiles from the wounded branches detected three highly volatile monoterpenes: 1,8-cineole, nerol and geraniol. Among the monoterpene compounds, nerol showed a significant attractiveness to the male beetles raised on Salix. Sesquiterpene hydrocarbons, which have been identified as attractants for a beetle population raised on citrus, were detected only in trace amounts in S. schwerinii branches. These results suggest that beetles raised on these two hosts use different odour cues for mate location.  相似文献   

Summary Over five hundred adult longhorn milkweed beetles, Tetraopes tetraophthalmus, were individually marked and their copulatory success followed for one month in a pasture of Asclepias syriaca in northern Indiana, USA. Migration of beetles from the field site was greatest from areas of low population density. Dispersal was significantly greater for males experiencing low copulatory success; a similar but nonsignificant trend was observed for females. Large males, which displayed greater site tenacity than small males, copulated more frequently than small males because of their ability to displace small males from females. Both large and small males demonstrated a preference for large females in laboratory tests. Male preference in combination with aggressive displacement of small males results in size-assortative mating which was much stronger under conditions of high population density. It contributes to variance in male reproductive success since female size is known to be correlated with fecundity and offspring viability. Variance in copulatory success is similar for males and females, suggesting that both sexes experience similar intensities of sexual selection with respect to this component of reproductive success. Futhermore, comparison of this with other studies suggests that the intensity of sexual selection among males is positively correlated with the variance in body size which appears to be under both stabilizing and directional sexual selection in males but not in females.  相似文献   

Summary.  We conducted a series of experiments with the white-spotted longicorn beetle Anoplophora malasiaca (Thomson), and its host plant, Citrus unshiu, to examine the origin of the sesquiterpene hydrocarbons (SHCs; including β-elemene, β-caryophyllene, α-humulene, α-farnesene, and several unidentified compounds) that are contained in the elytra of the beetles and act as an attractant. In the laboratory, mechanically wounded citrus branches, as well as those fed upon by A. malasiaca, attracted males more frequently than intact branches. Solid phase microextraction (SPME) and subsequent analyses by gas chromatography (GC) analyses detected measurable SHCs from the air around both mechanically wounded and beetle-infested branches, as well as trace amounts from intact branches. The SHCs were also detected for a certain time from beetles that had fed on the citrus branches, but the amounts decreased rapidly after they were removed from the host. This decrease generally corresponded with a reduction of attractiveness of the beetles in a behavioural assay. Isolated females acquired the SHCs after exposure to, but not upon contact with, other females that had fed on C. unshiu branches. We hypothesize that the citrus SHCs are adsorbed in, retained on, and released from the wax layer of the beetle elytra. Since these compounds are released from branches when beetles feed, they may indirectly signal the presence of beetles to others in the field. The high response rate to SHCs by males is likely representing mate searching behavior. The SHCs act as kairomones with a releaser effect in the communication system of A. malasiaca. Hiroe Yasui, Toshiharu Akino, Midori Fukaya: These authors contributed equally to this article.  相似文献   

Summary Gyrinid beetles are common in freshwater habitats. They have paired pygidial glands with a secretion that contains high molecular weight substances rendering them toxic for predatory fish. In this paper we report on a laboratory study on volatile components released by three different gyrinid species when irritated. The volatile pattern had a clear difference between the different species.Gyrinus substriatus andG. aeratus, both produced 3-methyl-1-butanal and 3-methyl-1-butanol when irritated, but in quite different amounts. The third tested species,G. minutus, did not produce any substances above the detection level. It is suggested that the volatile compounds may be part of the beetles' communication and/or defence system.  相似文献   

Specimens of the orange roughyHoplostethus atlanticus were caught at the edge of the Chatham Rise, east of the South Island of New Zealand, in June 1988, during a commercial fishing voyage. Several tissues of the fish were found to contain large quantities of lipid almost entirely as wax esters. These tissues include a fat-invested swimbladder, the skin, skull and spine, and a fat-infiltrated tissue found in the neurocranial cavity. The physical properties of the wax esters have been examined relative to the temperatures that exist where the fish are found. Differential scanning calorimetry and NMR spectroscopy both suggest that at 6°C, the temperature at which the fish are located in the water column, the lipid is partially solid. However, at 14°C, the temperature at the surface where the fish are positively buoyant, the lipid is completely liquid. It is proposed that the increased density of the lipid at 6°C would make the fish neutrally buoyant in its normal habitat. The location of the lipidrich tissues has been examined relative to their possible buoyancy contribution, and a histological examination of the swimbladder has been performed.  相似文献   

Summary. In a wind tunnel bioassay the effect of three concentrations of natural extracts of (1) Scots pine wood, Pinus sylvestris, and (2) larval frass on the behavioural response of unmated females and males of the old house borer, Hylotrupes bajulus, was tested and compared to the behavioural effects of the male-produced sex pheromone (3R)-3-hydroxy-2-hexanone. The influence on the behaviour of both sexes was found to be equally significant for the two higher concentrated hexane extracts of wood and larval frass. Therefore several synthetic monoterpenes present in the extracts and ethanol were tested at the two higher concentrations (1:100, 1:1000 vol/vol). Among the higher concentrated monoterpenoid hydrocarbons [(+)-α-pinene, (+)-β-pinene, (+)-limonene], only α-pinene increased the activity, orientation towards scent source and interest towards conspecifics. The tests with higher concentrated ethanol and the oxygenated monoterpenes [(-)-verbenone, (-)-trans-pinocarveol, (+)-terpinen-4-ol, (+)-α-terpineol, (-)-myrtenol] revealed that verbenone is the most effective stimulant for the females, followed by trans-pinocarveol, terpinen-4-ol and α-terpineol. For males, terpinen-4-ol was the only mediator significantly inducing attraction and orientation towards the scent source combined with an interest in conspecifics apparent by fighting or courtship behaviour. Males did not respond to verbenone which is a main compound of larval frass. Myrtenol and ethanol were ineffective in both sexes. In fact behavioural observations suggest that the beetles were repelled by the high dose of myrtenol. Using the ten-fold lower dose of the synthetic monoterpenes (1:1000 vol/vol), all semiochemicals except myrtenol lost activity. Myrtenol, however, induced behavioural responses, like increased activity and orientation towards scent source, only at the low concentration. Based on the results, primary attraction of unmated old house borer is probably mediated by monoterpenes of coniferous wood, while secondary attraction to infested wood would occur in response to volatiles of larval frass. Received 5 May 1999; accepted 30 September 1999  相似文献   

Summary. The myrmecophilous beetles, Zyras comes (Staphylinidae) and Diaritiger fossulatus (Pselaphidae) are guests of the black shining ant Lasius fuliginosus. Host worker ants never attacked these beetles, and often gave regurgitant to Z. comes following tactile communication with the beetle. By contrast, the workers from colonies without the myrmecophiles showed hostile responses towards Z. comes before tactile contact, but were not aware of D. fossulatus until contact. In L. fuliginosus, workers within a colony shared profiles, but the profiles differed among colonies. GC analyses showed that both Z. comes and D. fossulatus beetles had the same hydrocarbons as L. fuliginosus, and the profiles were more similar to those of the host colony workers than the foreign workers. Both Z. comes and D. fossulatus appear to imitate the hydrocarbon profile of their host workers, allowing integrating into the host nest. A Y-maze bioassay indicated that Z. comes can follow the trail pheromone of L. fuliginosus. This suggests that Z. comes may detect other chemical signals of L. fuliginosus to keep closer interactions with the workers. Received 22 June 2001; accepted 12 November 2001.  相似文献   

Brood size and fitness in Nicrophorus vespilloides (Coleoptera: Silphidae)   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Summary Using a laboratory population of the burying beetle Nicrophorus vespilloides (Coleoptera: Silphidae) the effects of body size on fighting ability and reproductive capacity were studied. The outcome of fights for corpses was found to depend on body size and was not related to order of arrival at a corpse. The size of a single clutche on a large corpse and the total of several clutches on a sequence of corpses increased with increasing female size. Larval weight and subsequent adult size for larvae raised on 10 g and 30 g mice were compared. Broods are culled on the smaller mice and light larvae eclose as relatively large adults for their weight; however larvae and adults from small corpses were still lighter and smaller than larvae and adults from 30 g corpses.  相似文献   

Piper regnellii (Piperaceae) contains high levels neolignans with diverse biological activities, including insecticidal. Despite the insecticidal activity of these neolignans, Naupactus bipes (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) larvae and adults were found feeding on the leaves (adults) and roots (larvae) of P. regnellii. The present study investigated the metabolic pathway of neolignans from P. regnellii leaves in the beetle N. bipes, focusing on possible biotransformation or sequestration of these compounds by the beetle. Two of the four plant neolignans could be recovered in the feces of adults feeding on P. regnellii leaves. In addition, four degradation products were detected, including the neolignan 3-[(2R,3R)-2,3-dihydro-3-(methyl)-2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-5-benzofuranyl]-(2E)-propenal (7), an oxidation product of conocarpan, the major plant neolignan. The adult beetle sequesters the neolignan conocarpan selectively from leaves as well as accumulates neolignan 7. Neolignan 7 was also detected in the larvae of lab-reared beetles.  相似文献   

Summary Examples of positive assortative mating by body size are abundant but its causes remain controversial. I show that size-assortative mating occurs in the chrysomelid beetle Trirhabda canadensis and I test a series of alternative hypotheses to explain how this mating pattern comes about. Results suggest that assortative mating in this beetle is due to the greater ease with which size-matched pairs can achieve intromission, and not due to size-biased skews in the availability of mates or mate choice favoring large individuals. There was no correlation between male and female elytron length (a measure of body size) at the initiation of courtship, but pairs assorted positively by size at the onset of intromission. Moreover, in the laboratory, there was a negative correlation between male and female size for pairs engaged in courtship that terminated without mating. Assortative mating was not associated with a large-male mating advantage and there was no evidence of female choice of large males. Nor was there unequivocal evidence for male choice of large females; although mating females were slightly larger and considerably heavier than solitary females, males did not differ in the frequency with which they rejected large and small females. Assortative mating in T. canadensis appeared to be caused by the lower ability of mismatched pairs to achieve intromission after an encounter, both when males were larger and when they were smaller than the female.  相似文献   

A comprehensive understanding of sexual selection requires knowledge of the traits and mechanisms responsible for increasing a male’s paternity share (proportion of progeny sired) relative to that of other males mating with the same female. In this study we manipulated by starvation the expression of traits that might influence male paternity share in Tribolium castaneum. We then conducted experiments to examine how male starvation affects male performance during sequential episodes of sexual selection from mating to progeny production, and investigated female control over specific stages by using live vs dead females. Comparison of starved vs fed males revealed that T. castaneum females have control over spermatophore transfer during mating, as live females rejected inseminations by starved (“low quality”) males. None of the measured male copulatory behaviors (leg-rubbing frequency, asymmetry, and percent of time spent rubbing) affected the probability of successful insemination, but the last two were positively associated with male paternity share. Spermatophore positioning within the female reproductive tract was not affected by male treatment (starved/fed), by female treatment (live/dead), or by male copulatory behaviors. Starvation, however, had a dramatic effect on male reproductive physiology, decreasing both accessory gland size and total number of sperms transferred (but not sperm viability in seminal vesicles). In addition, females who mated to starved males stored fewer sperms in their spermathecae, which, together with decreased ejaculate size, may explain the reduced paternity share of starved males compared to fed males. This study elucidates some cryptic mechanisms influencing male reproductive success and aids our understanding of trait evolution through sexual selection.  相似文献   

The caterpillars of Eucheira socialis westwoodi cooperatively spin and maintain a hollow silken nest and an elaborate network of silken foraging trails on their host plant, madrone (Arbutus spp.: Ericaceae). Nests typically contain several hundred larvae. Two populations are known to harbor a sex ratio distorter. The primary sex ratio in these two populations for four generations has been exceedingly male biased (64–79% male). Lepidoptera larvae are easily sexed using external morphology, allowing us to uniquely mark male and female larvae and to assemble larval groups of particular sex ratios. We report here the results of experiments on sex-specific larval behavior and physiology and the effect of colony sex ratio on individual behavior. We found that male larvae spent more time spinning silk on the nest and less time feeding than female larvae. Males were the first to emerge from the nest and the first to venture out along trails to feed. Male-biased nests had a significantly greater amount of silk deposited on their surfaces than female-biased nests. In the field, male-biased nests produced heavier male and female pupae than female-biased nests. Male and female larvae in 75% male nests became active earlier than males and females in other sex ratio treatments. Received: 11 September 1998 / Received in revised form: 24 February 1999 / Accepted: 27 March 1999  相似文献   

The toxic effect of Cypermethrin 10 EC (0.125, 0.25 and 0.5%) was estimated in the bodywall and digestive system of the larvae of Oryctes rhinoceros by HPLC after exposing them to different concentrations (0.125, 0.25 and 0.5%). Among the various concentrations used maximum residues were detected in bodywall (0.25%), whereas at higher concentration (0.5%) the residue detected was minimum. The treatment of Cypermethrin was found to be highly toxic upto 12 h of treatment, after which it declined reaching the minimum by 24 h. The residue of Cypermethrin could not be detected in digestive system. The experiments indicate the pesticide get concentrated in the bodywall to a maximum extent.  相似文献   

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