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The male of Laimella longicauda Cobb, 1920 is described as having short arcuate spicules and a gubernaculum with caudally directed apophyses. The genus Paracomesoma Schuurmans Stekhoven, 1950 is reinstated to accommodate species of Laimella sensu Chitwood, 1937. Paramesonchium n. gen. is proposed to accommodate Laimella (?) serialis Wieser, 1954. Actarjania n. gen. (type species A. splendens n. sp.) differs from Sabatieria in having irregular lateral rows of longitudinal punctations and short arcuate spicules with distinctive distal extremities.  相似文献   

Three new species of free-living marine nematodes are described from sublittoral sediments in Liverpool Bay, UK. Pselionema longiseta n.sp. (Ceramonematoidea) is closest to P. longissimum Gerlach, 1952, from which it is distinguished by the longer cephalic setae and the larger amphids; Laimella filicaudata n.sp. (Chromadoroidea) is closest to L. longicauda Cobb, 1920, from which it is mainly distinguished by the much greater curvature of the spicules and the longer caudal apophyses of the gubernaculum; Pseudonchus decempapillatus n.sp. (Choanolaimoidea) is closest to P. deconincki Warwick, 1969 and is distinguished by the presence of 10, rather than 13, pre-anal supplements in the male, by the longer cephalic setae, and by the presence of numerous caudal setae.  相似文献   

Twenty stomiatoid fish larvae (3.1 to 21,9 mm) belonging to the genera Bathophilus, Cyclothone, and Stomias were collected in plankton nets from surface waters over depths of 3 to 4 m from Biscayne Bay, Florida, USA. The adults are mesopelagic in the open water of the Florida Current and, therefore, these larvae were presumably advected in parcels of high salinity water into the shallows of Biscayne Bay by winds, tides, or currents. The presence of these larvae suggest that sewage discharged into the Florida Current may be recycling into coastal waters as well as into Biscayne Bay.Scientific Contribution No. 1403, University of Miami, Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science. The support of Environmental Protection Agency Contract FW QA 18050 DIU, Water Quality Office, Division of Water Quality Research is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

Partitioning of the food resources by two coexisting pufferfishes (Sphoeroides spengleri and S. testudineus) from Biscayne Bay, Florida, USA, was investigated. Gut contents from 453 bandtail and 339 checkered puffers were analyzed. The diets of both species consisted of a variety of benthic prey, but only crustaceans and molluscs were important prey groups. While differences were found in the proportions of general prey categories eaten by these fishes, both species consumed substantial quantities of brachyuran crabs, bivalves, and gastropods. Specific identification of the prey items within these three food categories revealed additional differences in prey between the two puffer species. This partitioning of the food resources by bandtail and checkered puffers was found between both species overall, between overlapping size ranges, and between both species' most abundant size group. Differences in food habits between these two fishes illustrate that congeners with virtually identical mouth structure and complete spatial overlap can significantly partition the food resources.Contribution No. 78-58M from the U.S. Department of Commerce, NOAA, National Marine Fisheries Service, Southeast Fisheries Center, Miami Laboratory, Miami, Florida, USA.  相似文献   

A. R. Ward 《Marine Biology》1975,30(3):217-225
Previous work has shown that the composition and diversity of nematode populations in Liverpool Bay (UK) are correlated with sediment granulometry, and possible reasons for this relationship are now discussed. Sediment granulometry and nematode size appear not to be directly related, but the range of nematode lengths is greater in the more heterogeneous sediments. Median particle diameter, sorting efficiency and silt/clay content are all considered to affect sediment uniformity, and an index including all three factors correlated significantly with both size diversity and species diversity. Study of the distribution of the various feeding types revealed that the relative and absolute abundances of epistratum feeders and non-selective deposit feeders correlated significantly with the sediment silt/clay content. It is concluded that sediment granulometry influences nematode distribution both directly in determining the size range of the populations (and hence, to some extent, the species diversity) and indirectly in determining, to a great extent, the type of food available. In addition, it was noted that nematodes with very ornate cuticular ornamentation tended to be associated with coarser, silt-free sediments, and it is suggested that this may be correlated both with their mode of locomotion and with the need for mechanical protection in unstable substrata.  相似文献   

A. R. Ward 《Marine Biology》1972,13(2):176-178
Two new species of Xyala (Nematoda, Monhysteroidea) are described from sublittoral sediments in Liverpool Bay, England. Xyala barbata n. sp. is distinguished mainly by the dorsally directed gubernacular apophyses and X. longicaudata n. sp. is distinguished by the long tail, the large amphids and the high, narrow labial rugae.  相似文献   

A. R. Ward 《Marine Biology》1973,19(3):204-205
Pterygonema cambriensis n.sp. is described from sublittoral sand in Liverpool Bay, UK. The species is distinguished by the anterior distension of the cephalic helmet, the shield-shaped cuticular plates on which the amphids are borne, and the presence of 8, well-developed, longitudinal alae.  相似文献   

E. Paasche 《Marine Biology》1973,19(3):262-269
The variation of the rate of silicate uptake with varying silicate concentration in the medium was investigated in short-term experiments with the following marine diatom species:Skeletonema costatum, Thalassiosira pseudonana, T. decipiens, Ditylum brightwellii, andLicmophora sp. The uptake conformed to Michaelis-Menten kinetics only after a correction had been made for reactive silicate that apparently could not be utilized by the diatoms. The magnitude of this correction was in the range of 0.3 to 1.3 g-at Si/l. Mean values of the half-saturation constant of silicate uptake were calculated for the different species. The lowest value was found inS. costatum (0.80 g-at Si/l) and the highest inT. decipiens (3.37 g-at Si/l). Growth limitation by low silicate concentrations could be a cause of species succession in marine plankton-diatom blooms.  相似文献   

Juveniles of the burrowing amphiurid Ophiophragmus filograneus from Tampa Bay, Florida (USA) exhibit a growth pattern unreported in the ophiuroid literature. Two nonadjacent arms grow at a greater rate than the other three arms. This phenomenon might be a developmental adaptation to avoid salinity and temperature fluctuations in surface waters of the shallow-water environment which O. filograneus inhabits. It is proposed that concentration of growth into 2 of the 5 arms permits earlier descent of the disc into the substratum with continued ability to feed on the surface with the arm tips. Larger specimens show a gradual equalization of arm lengths. Changes in growth rates and cropping of the longer arms by breakage and predation might account for such eventual equalization.  相似文献   

We used morphological and molecular approaches to evaluate the diversity of free-living marine nematodes (order Enoplida) at four coastal sites in the Gulf of California and three on the Pacific coast of Baja California, Mexico. We identified 22 morphological species belonging to six families, of which Thoracostomopsidae and Oncholaimidae were the most diverse. The genus Mesacanthion (Thoracostomopsidae) was the most widespread and diverse. Five allopatric species, genetically and morphologically differentiated, were found in two localities in the Gulf of California (M. sp1 and M. sp2) and three in the Pacific coast (M. sp3, M. sp4 and M. sp5). Overall, we produced 19 and 20 sequences for the 18S and 28S genes, respectively. Neither gene displayed intraspecific polymorphisms, which allowed us to establish that some morphological variation was likely either ontogenetic or due to phenotypic plasticity. Although 18S and 28S phylogenies were topologically congruent (incongruence length difference test, P > 0.05), divergences between species were much higher in the 28S gene. Moreover, this gene possessed a stronger phylogenetic signal to resolve relationships involving Rhabdodemania and Bathylaimus. On the other hand, the close relationship of Pareurystomina (Enchilidiidae) with oncholaimids warrants further study. The 28S sequences (D2D3 domain) may be better suited for DNA barcoding of marine nematodes than those from the 18S rDNA, particularly for differentiating closely related or cryptic species. Finally, our results underline the relevance of adopting an integrative approach encompassing morphological and molecular analyses to improve the assessment of marine nematode diversity and advance their taxonomy.  相似文献   

The thelycum morphology of 7 species of the genus Nematoscelis, based upon observations with the scanning electron microscope, is described. The thelycum of N. megalops and N. difficilis did not differ either with respect to general morphology of the thelycum, or in spermatophore insertion. In the other 5 species, N. tenella, N. gracilis, N. atlantica, N. lobata, N. microps, the main thelycum structure consists of a central lobe of various forms, to which a filamentous spermatic mass is attached. Preliminary observations on the position of the genital pores of two species are reported briefly.  相似文献   

Five Antarctic or south-temperate species of Spirorbiaae are centred in south-west Africa, whilst 6 tropical species extend round the south-east and another 4 are recorded from Mozambique. Of the three new species, Pileolaria (Pileolaria) annectans sp. n. has a rudimentary opercular plate surmounting a sort-walled sac of embryos, which somewhat resembles a thoracic brood pouch. Pileolaria (Pileolaria) dayi sp. n. has a helmet-like brood chamber, but this opens distally, like the brood cups found in the subgenus Duplicaria. Janua Pil-natalensis sp. n. has the dorsal collar folds usually separate, but partially fused in some juveniles.  相似文献   

Biremis, n. gen., characterized by an enlarged cephalic lobe, achaetous thoracic segments, and abdominal bilobed uncinigerous pinnules, lacks eyes and branchiae and is, thus, grouped with the subfamily Polycirrinae of the Terebellidae. Biremis blandi, n. sp., has prominent longitudinal muscular ventral ridges, lacking ventral glandular scutes. The avicular uncini, arranged in a single row on each lobe of each abdominal pinnule, are very similar to those of Polycirrus. The new species, collected from D.S.R.V. Alvin, was observed resting on and swimming over the sloping walls of the Tongue of the Ocean (25° N; 77°35 W), at 600 m depth. Its ability to swim may be a requirement for survival on an unstable substratum.Contribution No. 2891 from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.  相似文献   

Prey selection was investigated in wild, resident common bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops truncatus, during the summer months in Sarasota Bay, Florida, USA. Stomach content analyses of 15 dolphins with extensive sighting histories and well-documented distributions were used to determine prey use. Prey availability was assessed by purse seine surveys. We compared the relative abundances of prey available to estimates of prey use at closely matching spatial and temporal scales. G-tests determined that dolphins in this study significantly selected for prey at the species, family, and soniferous/non-soniferous prey levels (G adj  = 753.98–1,775.93, df = 1–21, p ≤ 0.01). While comprising only 6.3% of the total available prey, soniferous fishes accounted for 51.9% of the total prey consumed. Manly’s standardized forage ratios and 95% Bonferroni confidence intervals determined significant positive selection for soniferous prey and against non-soniferous prey (βS = 0.9461 vs. βNS = 0.0539). Dolphins selected against Gerridae, Clupeidae, and Sparidae (β ≤ 0.0014), as well as against all the species within those families (β ≤ 0.0190). It is likely that passive listening for soniferous prey provides an ecological or energetic advantage to cetaceans utilizing this specific foraging technique.  相似文献   

Heterotrophic nitrogen-fixation (acetylene reduction) was measured during decomposition (under dark conditions) of Rhizophora mangle L. and Avicennia germinans (L.) Stearn leaf litter. Nitrogen-fixation rates in leaf litter increased following 24 d incubation, then decreased after ≃44 d for both species. Maximum rates of 66.2 and 64.6 nmol C2H4 g−1 dry wt h−1 were reached by R. mangle and A. germinans leaf litter, respectively. Higher fixation rates of leaf litter were associated with an increase in water content and sediment particles on leaf surfaces of both species. Rates of nitrogen fixation by diazotrophs attached to sediment particles were not significantly different from zero. With additions of d-glucose, ethylene production rates increased by factors of 625-, 34- and 7-fold for sediment, R. mangle and A.␣germinans leaf litter, respectively, compared to rates prior to enrichment. These organically enhanced rates of nitrogen fixation on leaves could be accounted for by increased activity associated with attached sediment particles and not the leaf material. Total phenolics [reported as tannic acid equivalent (TAE) units] decreased nitrogen-fixation rates when added to d-glucose-enriched sediment at >20 mg TAE l−1. Phenolic compounds could explain the initial lag in rates of nitrogen fixation during leaf-litter decomposition of R. mangle (initial content of 110.8 mg TAE g−1 dry wt), but not of A. germinans (initial content of 23.4 mg TAE g−1 dry wt). The higher phenolic content and reportedly lower carbon substrate of R. mangle did not result in species-specific differences in either the magnitude or temporal pattern of nitrogen fixation compared to A. germinans leaf litter. We conclude that the availability of organic substrates leached from the leaf litter along with colonization by the heterotrophic diazotrophs (as indicated by sediment accumulation) controls nitrogen-fixation rates in a similar manner in the leaf litter of both species. Received: 8 August 1997 / Accepted: 4 December 1997  相似文献   

象山港沉积物与生物体中多氯联苯分布特征与暴露风险   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

The hydrozoans Maeotias inexspectata Ostroumoff, 1896 and Blackfordia virginica Mayer, 1910, believed to be native to the Black Sea (i.e. Sarmatic) and resident in a variety of estuarine habitats worldwide, were found as introduced species in the Petaluma River and Napa River, California, in 1992 and 1993. These rivers are mostly-estuarine tributaries that flow into north San Francisco Bay. Both species appeared to be well-established in this brackishwater habitat. Salinities at the collection sites were about 11 during the summer, rising to nearly 20 in the early autumn and falling to near 0 in the winter. Large numbers of all sizes of both species of medusae were observed and collected, indicating that the hydroid stages of the life cycles of the two are also well-established in these rivers. In the Petaluma River, populations of both species were at maximum in late July, with numbers of individuals declining through August and into September; the Napa River was sampled only in October, and at that time only B. virginica was found. Examination of full guts of M. inexspectata and B. virginica medusae revealed that both species had fed nearly exclusively on small crustaceans, principally barnacle nauplii, copepods and their eggs and nauplii, and crab zoea larvae (M. inexspectata only). All the M. inexspectata medusae were males, indicating that the population has probably developed from the introduction of perhaps only a single male polyp or polyp bud. In spite of its inability to reproduce sexually, this population appears to be maintained by the prodigious ability of the polyp to bud and reproduce asexually, and is fully capable of invading additional low-salinity habitats from its present Petaluma River site. Male and female B. virginica medusae were collected in both the Petaluma River and the Napa River, indicating that B. virginica may have been introduced by either the polyp or medusa stage (or both), but that multiple individuals (of both sexes) must have arrived from another port in one or more invasions. As indicated for M. inexspectata, the B. virginica population will also probably seed new populations in San Francisco Bay and elsewhere. Based on its cnidome as well as the morphology of both medusa and polyp, M. inexspectata has been reclassified by moving it from the family Olindiidae, Limnomedusae, to the family Moerisiidae, Anthomedusae.  相似文献   

 As part of an ongoing study of changes in the trophic pathways of Florida Bay's pelagic ecosystem, the nutritional environment (seston protein, lipid and carbohydrate levels), diet (taxon-specific microplankton ingestion rates) and egg production rate of the important planktonic copepod Acartia tonsa were measured off Rankin and Duck Keys in July and September 1997 and in January, March and May 1998. Rankin Key has been the site of extensive sea grass mortality and persistent ultraplankton blooms since 1987. Duck Key has experienced neither of these perturbations. Protist (auto-plus heterotroph) biomass was approximately twice as high off Rankin as off Duck Key. Diatoms, dinoflagellates and heterotrophic protists dominated the food environment off Rankin Key, while cells <5 μm diam often predominated off Duck Key. Protein and carbohydrate concentrations were higher off Rankin Key than Duck Key, while average lipid levels were usually low at both stations. Ingestion rates at both stations frequently approached temperature- and food-dependent maxima for the species, exceeding 100% of estimated body C d−1 on 3 of 5 occasions off Rankin Key. Egg production rates, however, were consistently low (Rankin: 3 to 16 eggs copepod−1 d−1; Duck: 1 to 12 eggs copepod−1 d−1), and gross egg production efficiencies (100% × egg production C/ingested C) averaged <10%. At Duck Key, egg production rate varied with temperature and food concentration, while off Rankin Key, egg production was strongly correlated with seston protein content. The efficiency with which lipids (which were scarce in the seston) were transferred from the diet to the eggs increased exponentially with decreasing seston lipid content. Egg production efficiencies based on protein, however, were independent of seston protein content and never exceeded 10%. Received: 23 December 1998 / Accepted: 23 March 2000  相似文献   

Allozyme electrophoresis was used to compare the genetic divergence of global populations of Mugil cephalus Linnaeus, 1758 and two congeneric [M.␣curema Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1836; M. gyrans (Jordan & Gilbert, 1885)] and two more distantly related [Liza ramada (Risso, 1826); Xenomugil thoburni (Jordan & Starks, 1896)] species on the basis of 18 enzyme loci. The amount of genetic divergence among the species examined is in agreement with their present systematic status, the differences being larger among non-congeneric species than among species of the same genus. Intraspecific genetic distances in M. cephalus (average Nei's D= 0.154), although higher than those reported for conspecific populations of fish, appear to be small when compared to the interspecific values among mugilid species (0.821 ≤ Nei's D ≤ 1.744). Phylogenetic trees obtained by genetic distance methods and discrete character parsimony analysis were of similar topology, except for the relationships within the genus Mugil and for the arrangement of M. cephalus populations. Received: 7 April 1997 / Accepted: 4 February 1998  相似文献   

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