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The protonephridia of marine gastrotrichs are described from Paradasys subterraneus Remane, Turbanella cornuta Remane, and three other species of the Turbanellidae. Both genera have several terminal organs in serial distribution. Paradasys has 6, Turbanella 4 groups of protonephridia. In Paradasys, 3 protonephridial tubules form a continuous system, while in Turbanella such a system consists of 2 to 4 (5) separate protonephridial tubules.  相似文献   

The male of Laimella longicauda Cobb, 1920 is described as having short arcuate spicules and a gubernaculum with caudally directed apophyses. The genus Paracomesoma Schuurmans Stekhoven, 1950 is reinstated to accommodate species of Laimella sensu Chitwood, 1937. Paramesonchium n. gen. is proposed to accommodate Laimella (?) serialis Wieser, 1954. Actarjania n. gen. (type species A. splendens n. sp.) differs from Sabatieria in having irregular lateral rows of longitudinal punctations and short arcuate spicules with distinctive distal extremities.  相似文献   

A new genus, Meyersia, and five new species of the nematode family Oncholaimidae, are described from Biscayne Bay, Florida, and environs, viz., Metoncholaimus pelor n. sp., M. amplus n. sp., Meyersia major n. gen., n. sp., M. minor n. sp., and Filoncholaimus prolatus n. sp. Also included in the genus Meyersia are Adoncholaimus bandaenis Kreis, 1932 and A. meridionalis Kreis, 1932.  相似文献   

Humic substances are poorly known, though they represent a major pool of non-biotic organic carbon on earth. In particular, there is little knowledge on the formation of humic substances by irradiation of organic matter dissolved in waters. Specifically, it is known that humic substances can be formed from proteins by photochemical processes in surface waters, but the role of single amino acids and their transformation pathways are not yet known. Therefore, here we studied the phototransformation of aqueous l-tryptophan under simulated sunlight. Irradiated l-tryptophan solutions were analyzed by absorption, fluorescence, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopies, chromatography, potentiometry and mass spectrometry (MS). The solutions appeared turbid after irradiation; therefore, nephelometry and dynamic laser light scattering were used to characterize the suspended particles. Results show that about 95% of l-tryptophan was degraded in 8-h irradiation, undergoing deamination and decarboxylation of the amino acidic moieties to release ammonium and formate. The MS signal at m/z 146 suggests the formation of 3-ethylindole, while pH-metric and NMR data revealed the presence of hydroxylated compounds. The phototransformation intermediates of l-tryptophan had fluorescence and absorption spectra similar to those of humic substances, they were able to produce ·OH upon irradiation and tended to aggregate by both ionic and hydrophobic interactions. Overall, our findings reveal for the first time the nature of products formed upon phototransformation of l-tryptophan. Interestingly, the transformation of l-tryptophan is quite different from that of the previously studied l-tyrosine, although both compounds produce humic-like materials under irradiation.  相似文献   

The zonation of different Salicornia species within saltmarshes has been described controversially in prior publications. The aim of this study is to detect substantial relations between pedological conditions and the distribution of different Salicornia species (Salicornia stricta Dumort. 1868, Salicornia europaea L. 1753, and Salicornia procumbens Sm 1813). 37 sites were investigated regarding vegetation pattern, soil morphology and physicochemical and chemical soil properties. A multivariate approach indicate a clear differentiation of the sites dominated by different Salicornia species in respect to sand content, redox potential and water content. However, results of a detailed statistical assessment indicate that redox potential and salinity are the most relevant parameters. Salicornia stricta sites are characterized by a variety of grain sizes, reduced conditions in the rhizosphere, highest water contents (median: 71.5 Vol-%) and lowest Eh values (median: ?19.0 mV), indicating the best adaptation to anaerobic soil conditions. Salicornia procumbens occurs on aerated soils (median Eh: 455.6 mV) with high sand contents independent to position relative to mean high tide level. Exhibiting the lowest (11.5‰) and highest soil salinities (41.7‰), even developing in salt pans (136‰), Salicornia europaea feature a great ecological amplitude regarding temporal variations of salinity. These findings underline the ecotypic and phenotypic plasticity of Salicornia species and offer a promising approach for further experimental settings focussing on phenotypic adaptions and ecological amplitudes of Salicornia taxa and ecotypes.  相似文献   

In this study, a newly developed direct numerical simulation (DNS) solver is utilized for the simulations of numerous stably stratified open-channel flows with bulk Reynolds number (Re b ) spanning 3400–16,900. Overall, the simulated bulk Richardson number (\(Ri_b\)) ranges from 0.08 (weakly stable) to 0.49 (very stable). Thus, both continuously turbulent and (globally) intermittently turbulent cases are represented in the DNS database. Using this comprehensive database, various flux-based and gradient-based similarity relationships for energy dissipation rate (ε) and temperature structure parameter (\(C_T^2\)) are developed. Interestingly, these relationships exhibit only minor dependency on Re b . In order to further probe into this Re b -effect, similarity relationships are also estimated from a large-eddy simulation (LES) run of an idealized atmospheric boundary layer (very high Re b ) case study. Despite the fundamental differences in the estimation of ε and \(C_T^2\) from the DNS- and the LES-generated data, the resulting similarity relationships, especially the gradient-based ones, from these numerical approaches are found to be remarkably similar. More importantly, these simulated relationships are also comparable, at least qualitatively, to the traditional observational data-based ones. Since these simulated similarity relationships do not require Taylor’s hypothesis and do not suffer from mesoscale disturbances and/or measurement noise, they have the potential to complement the existing similarity relationships.  相似文献   

Drag coefficient has been commonly used as a quantifying parameter to represent the vegetative drag, i.e., resistance to the flow by vegetation. In this study, the measured data on the drag coefficient for rigid vegetation in subcritical open-channel flow reported in previous studies are collected and preprocessed for multi-parameter analysis. The effect of Froude number (Fr) on the drag coefficient for rigid vegetation in subcritical flow cannot be ignored, especially when \(Fr < 0.12\). The drag coefficient is observed to exponentially decrease with the stem Reynolds number (R d ) and logarithmically decreased with the vegetation density (λ) when \(0.012 < \lambda < 0.12\). The relative submergence (h * ) has a significant effect on the drag coefficient, and a positive logarithmic relationship is summarized. A simplified three-stage empirical formula is obtained based on the divisions of Fr. Laboratory tests (with \(Fr < 0.02\)) prove that the present empirical model has higher precision compared with existing models.  相似文献   

We present a brief review of the recent investigations on gravity currents in horizontal channels with non-rectangular cross-section area (such as triangle, \(\bigvee \)-valley, circle/semi-circle, trapezoid) which occur in nature (e.g., rivers) and constructed environment (tunnels, reservoirs, canals). To be specific, we discuss the propagation of a gravity current (GC) in a horizontal channel along the horizontal coordinate x, with gravity g acting in the \(-z\) direction, and y the horizontal–lateral coordinate. The bottom and top of the channel are at \(z=0,H\). The “standard” problem is concerned with 2D flow in a channel with rectangular (or laterally unbounded) cross-section area (CSA). Recent investigations have successfully extended the standard knowledge to the channels of CSA given by the quite general \(-f_1(z)\le y \le f_2(z)\) for \(0 \le z \le H\). This includes the practical \(\bigvee \)-valley, triangle, circle/semi-circle and trapezoid; these geometries may be in “up” or “down” setting with respect to gravity, e.g., \(\bigtriangleup \) and \(\bigtriangledown \). The major objective of the extended theory is to predict the height of the interface \(z=h(x,t)\) and the velocity (averaged over the CSA) u(xt), where t is time; the prediction includes the speed and position of the nose \(u_N(t), x_N(t)\). We show that the motion is governed by a set of simplified equations, called “model,” that provides versatile and insightful solutions and trends. The emphasis in on a high-Reynolds-number current whose motion is dominated by buoyancy–inertia balance; in particular a GC released from a lock, which also contains general effects such as front and internal jumps (shocks), and reflected bore. We discuss two-layer, one-layer, and box models; Boussinesq and non-Boussinesq systems; compositional and particle-driven cases; and the effect of stratification of the ambient fluid. The models are self-contained, and admit realistic initial and boundary conditions. The governing equations are amenable to analytical solutions in some special circumstances. Some salient features of the buoyancy-viscous regime, and the estimate for the length at which transition to this regime takes place, are also presented. Some experimental support to the theory, and open questions for further investigations, are also mentioned. The major conclusions are (1) The CSA geometry has significant influence on the motion of the GC; and (2) The new theory is a useful, very significant, extension of the standard two-dimensional GC problem. The standard current is just a particular case, \(f_{1,2} =\) constants, among many other covered by the new theory.  相似文献   

We consider the propagation of a high-Reynolds-number gravity current in a horizontal channel with general cross-section whose width is \(f(z), 0 \le z\le H\), and the gravity acceleration g acts in \(-z\) direction. (The classical rectangular cross-section is covered by the particular case \(f(z) =\) const.) We assume a two-layer system of homogeneous fluids of constant densities \(\rho _{c}\) (current, of height \(h < H \)) and smaller \(\rho _{a}\) (ambient, filling the remaining part of the channel). We focus attention on the calculation and assessment of the nose Froude-number condition \(Fr = U/(g' h)^{1/2}\); here U is the speed of propagation of the current and \(g' = (\rho _{c}/\rho _{a}-1) g\) is the reduced gravity. We first revisit the steady-state current, and derive compact insightful expressions of Fr and energy dissipation as a function of \(\varphi \) (\(=\) area fraction occupied by the current in the cross-section). We show that the head loss \(\delta _0\) on the stagnation line is formally a degree of freedom in the determination of \(Fr(\varphi )\), and we clarify the strong connections with the head loss \(\delta \) in the ambient fluid, and with the overall rate of dissipation \(\dot{{\mathcal{D}}}\). We demonstrate that the closure \(\delta _0 = 0\) [suggested by Benjamin (J Fluid Mech 31, 209–248, 1968) for the rectangular cross-section] produces in general the smallest Fr for a given \(\varphi \); the results are valid for a significant range \([0, \varphi _{\max }]\), in which the current is dissipative, except for the point \(\varphi _{\max }\) where \(\delta = \dot{{\mathcal{D}}} = 0\). We show that imposing the closure \(\delta = \dot{{\mathcal{D}}} = 0\), which corresponds to an energy-conserving or non-dissipative current, produces in general unacceptable restrictions of the range of validity, and large values of Fr; in particular, deep currents (\(\varphi < 0.3\) say) must be excluded because they are inherently dissipative. On the other hand, the compromise closure \(\delta (\varphi ) =\delta _0(\varphi )\) produces the simple \(Fr(\varphi ) = \sqrt{2}(1 - \varphi )\) formula whose values and dissipation properties are very close, and the range of validity is identical, to these obtained with Benjamin’s closure (moreover, we show that this corresponds to circulation-conservation solutions). The results are illustrated for practical cross-section geometries (rectangle, \(\Delta \) and \(\nabla \) triangle, circle, and the general power-law \(f(z) = b z ^\alpha \) (\(b>0, \alpha \ge 0, 0< z \le H\)). Next, we investigate the connection of the steady-state results with the time-dependent current, and show that in a lock-released current the rate of dissipation of the system is equal to, or larger than, that obtained for Fr corresponding to the conditions at the nose of the current. The results and insights of this study cover a wide range of cross-section geometry and apply to both Boussinesq and non-Boussinesq systems; they reveal a remarkable robustness of Fr as a function of \(\varphi \).  相似文献   

This paper investigates flows around a free surface piercing cylinder with Froude number F > 0.5 and Reynolds number around Re = 50,000. The aim of this work is to gain a better understanding of the flow behaviour in environmental systems such as fishways. The advances are based upon experimental and numerical results. Several flow discharges and slopes are tested to obtain both subcritical and supercritical flows. The drag force exerted on the cylinder is measured with the help of a torque gauge while the velocity field is obtained using particle velocimetry. For the numerical part, two URANS turbulence models are tested, the k-\(\omega\) SST and the RNG k-\(\varepsilon\) models using the OpenFOAM software suite for subcritical cases, and then compared with the corresponding experimental results. With fishways applications in mind, the changes in drag coefficient \(C_d\) versus Froude number and water depth are studied and experimental correlations proposed. We conclude that the most suitable URANS turbulence model for reproducing this kind of flow is the k-\(\omega\) SST model.  相似文献   

Some of the mechanisms involved in inorganic carbon (Ci) acquisition by tropical seagrasses from the western Indian Ocean were described by Björk et al. (Mar Biol 129:363–366, 1997). However, since then, it has been found that an additional, buffer-sensitive, system of Ci utilisation may operate in some temperate seagrasses (Hellblom et al. in Aquat Bot 69:55–62, 2001, Hellblom and Axelsson in Photos Res 77:173–191, 2003); this buffer sensitivity indicates a mechanism in which electrogenic H+ extrusion may form acidic diffusion boundary layers, in which either HCO 3 ? –H+ is co-transported into the cells, or where HCO 3 ? is converted to CO2 (as catalysed by carbonic anhydrase) prior to uptake of the latter Ci form. Because a buffer was used in the 1997 study, we found it important to reinvestigate those same eight species, taking into account the direct effect of buffers on this potential mode of Ci acquisition in these plants. In doing so, it was found that all seagrass species investigated except Cymodocea serrulata were sensitive to 50 mM TRIS buffer of the same pH as the natural seawater in which they grew (pH 8.0). Especially sensitive were Halophila ovalis, Halodule wrightii and Cymodocea rotundata, which grow high up in the intertidal zone (only ca. 50–65% of the net photosynthetic activity remained after the buffer additions), followed by the submerged Enhalus acoroides and Syringodium isoetifolium (ca. 75% activity remaining), while Thalassia hemprichii and Thalassodendron ciliatum, which grow in-between the two zones, were less sensitive to buffer additions (ca. 80–85% activity remaining). In addition to buffer sensitivity, all species were also sensitive to acetazolamide (AZ, an inhibitor of extracellular carbonic anhydrase activity) such that ca. 45–80% (but 90% for H. ovalis) of the net photosynthetic activity remained after adding this inhibitor. Raising the pH to 8.8 (in the presence of AZ) drastically reduced net photosynthetic rates (0–14% remaining in all species); it is assumed that this reduction in rates was due to the decreased CO2 concentration at the higher pH. These results indicate that part of the 1997 results for the same species were due to a buffer effect on net photosynthesis. Based on the present results, it is concluded that (1) photosynthetic Ci acquisition in six of the eight investigated species is based on carbonic anhydrase catalysed HCO 3 ? to CO2 conversions within an acidified diffusion boundary layer, (2) C. serrulata appears to support its photosynthesis by extracellular carbonic anhydrase catalysed CO2 formation from HCO 3 ? without the need for acidic zones, (3) H. ovalis features a system in which H+ extrusion may be followed by HCO 3 ? –H+ co-transport into the cells, and (4) direct, non-H+-mediated, uptake of HCO 3 ? is improbable for any of the species.  相似文献   

This paper presents the spatio-temporal variations in bed elevations and the near-bed turbulence statistics over the deformed bed generated around the submerged cylindrical piers embedded vertically on loose sediment bed at a constant flow discharge. Experiments were carried out in a laboratory flume for three blockage ratios in the range of 0.04–0.06 using three different sizes of submerged cylinders individually placed vertically at the centerline of the flume. Clear-water experimental conditions were maintained over the smooth sediment bed surface with a constant flow discharge (\(Q = 0.015\,{\rm m}^3/{\rm sec}\)), thereby giving three different cylinder Reynolds numbers \(Re_{D_c} = \frac{U_mD_c}{\nu }\) (=10200, 12750, 15300) away from the cylinder locations, where \(U_m\) is the maximum mean velocity, \(D_c\) is the cylinder diameter and \(\nu\) is the kinematic viscosity of fluid. Instantaneous sand bed elevations around the cylinders were recorded using a SeaTek 5MHz ultrasonic ranging system of net 24 transducers to estimate bed form migration, and the near-bed velocity data at transducer locations over the stable deformed bed around the pier-like structures were collected using down-looking three-dimensional (3D) Micro-acoustic Doppler velocimeter to estimate the bottom Reynolds shear stresses and the contributions of bursting events to the dominant shear stress component. The flow perturbation generated due to relatively lower flow blockage ratio favored to achieve the stable bed condition more rapidly than the others, and larger upstream scour-depth and deformed areas were noticed for greater flow blockage ratio due to larger cylinder diameter. For larger blockage ratio in the upstream of scour-hole near the bed, occurrences of probabilities of both boundary-ward interactions (Q1 and Q3) were the dominant; whereas in the downstream of the scoured region, occurrences of probabilities of second and third quadrant events (Q2 and Q4) were dominant. On the other hand, for the lower blockage ratio, quadrant (Q2) was dominant over Q4 in the downstream of scour-hole, and in the upstream of scour-hole, quadrant Q4 was the dominant.  相似文献   

Designing environmental monitoring networks to measure extremes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper discusses challenges arising in the design of networks for monitoring extreme values over the domain of a random environmental space-time field {X ij i = 1, . . . , I denoting site and j = 1, . . . denoting time (e.g. hour). The field of extremes for time span r over site domain i = 1, . . . ,I is given by \(\{Y_{i(r+1)}=\max_{j=k}^{k+n-1} X_{ij}\}\) for k = 1 + rn, r = 0, . . . ,. Such networks must not only measure extremes at the monitored sites but also enable their prediction at the non-monitored ones. Designing such a network poses special challenges that do not seem to have been generally recognized. One of these problems is the loss of spatial dependence between site responses in going from the environmental process to the field of extremes it generates. In particular we show empirically that the intersite covariance Cov(Y i(r+1),Y i′(r+1)) can generally decline toward zero as r increases, for site pairs i ≠ i′. Thus the measured extreme values may not predict the unmeasured ones very precisely. Consequently high levels of pollution exposure of a sensitive group (e.g. school children) located between monitored sites may be overlooked. This potential deficiency raises concerns about the adequacy of air pollution monitoring networks whose primary role is the detection of noncompliance with air quality standards based on extremes designed to protect human health. The need to monitor for noncompliance and thereby protect human health, points to other issues. How well do networks designed to monitor the field monitor their fields of extremes? What criterion should be used to select prospective monitoring sites when setting up or adding to a network? As the paper demonstrates by assessing an existing network, the answer to the first question is not well, at least in the case considered. To the second, the paper suggests a variety of plausible answers but shows through a simulation study, that they can lead to different optimum designs. The paper offers an approach that circumvents the dilemma posed by the answer to the second question. That approach models the field of extremes (suitably transformed) by a multivariate Gaussian-Inverse Wishart hierarchical Bayesian distribution. The adequacy of this model is empirically assessed in an application by finding the relative coverage frequency of the predictive credibility ellipsoid implied by its posterior distribution. The favorable results obtained suggest this posterior adequately describes that (transformed) field. Hence it can form the basis for designing an appropriate network. Its use is demonstrated by a hypothetical extension of an existing monitoring network. That foundation in turn enables a network to be designed of sufficient density (relative to cost) to serve its regulatory purpose.  相似文献   

Quinones are common organic compounds frequently used as model dissolved organic matters in water, and their redox properties are usually characterized by either electrochemical or spectroscopic methods separately. In this work, electrochemical methodology was combined with two fluorescence spectroelectrochemical techniques, cyclic volta- fluorescence spectrometry (CVF) and derivative cyclic volta- fluorescence spectrometry (DCVF), to determine the electrochemical properties of p-benzoquinone in dimethyl sulfoxide, an aprotic solution. The CVF results show that the electrochemical reduction of p-benzoquinone resulted in the formation of radical anion and dianion, which exhibited a lower fluorescence intensity and red-shift of the emission spectra compared to that of p-benzoquinone. The fluorescence intensity was found to vary along with the electrochemical oxidation and reduction of p-benzoquinone. The CVF and DCVF results were in good consistence. Thus, the combined method offers a powerful tool to investigate the electrochemical process of p-benzoquinone and other natural organic compounds.

There is currently an active scientific debate about the most correct and efficient way to identify species. To date, few studies in the marine realm have combined the available taxonomic methods. In this study we have used morphology, ecology and molecular analyses to identify a new species within the bivalve genus Acesta. All four genes studied (12S, 16S, Cytb, COI) suggested that a common cold-seep species in the Gulf of Mexico, A. bullisi, should be divided into two distinct species. This conclusion was supported by morphological traits and by observations of ecological distribution. A. oophaga Järnegren, Schander and Young n. sp. is described here, and A. bullisi Vokes (Tulane Stud Geol 2:75–92, 1963) is re-described. This study shows that DNA barcoding in combination with traditional morphological and ecological analyses may be an important tools to identify hidden biodiversity among deep-water organisms such as bivalves.  相似文献   

Three acid-producing strains, AFB-1, AFB-2 and AFB-3, were isolated during this study, and their roles in anaerobic digestion of waste activated sludge (WAS) were evaluated. Data of 16S rRNA method showed that AFB-1 and AFB-2 were Bacillus coagulans, and AFB-3 was Escherichia coli. The removal in terms of volatile solids (VS) and total chemical oxygen demand (TCOD) was maximized at 42.7% and 44.7% by inoculating Bacillus coagulans AFB-1. Besides, the optimal inoculum concentration of Bacillus coagulans AFB-1 was 30% (v/v). Solubilization degree experiments indicated that solubilization ratios (SR) of WAS reached 20.8%±2.2%, 17.7%±1.48%, and 11.1%±1.53%. Volatile fatty acids (VFAs) concentrations and compositions were also explored with a gas chromatograph. The results showed that VFAs improved by 98.5%, 53.0% and 11.6% than those of the control, respectively. Biochemical methane potential (BMP) experiments revealed that biogas production increased by 90.7% and 75.3% when inoculating with Bacillus coagulans AFB-1 and AFB-2. These results confirmed that the isolated acid-producing bacteria, especially Bacillus coagulans, was a good candidate for anaerobic digestion of WAS.

Nutrients and water play an important role in microalgae cultivation. Using wastewater as a culture medium is a promising alternative to recycle nutrients and water, and for further developing microalgae-based products. In the present study, two species of microalgae, Chlorella sp. (high ammonia nitrogen tolerance) and Spirulina platensis (S. platensis, high growth rate), were cultured by using poultry wastewater through a two-stage cultivation system for algal biomass production. Ultrafiltration (UF) or centrifuge was used to harvest Chlorella sp. from the first cultivation stage and to recycle culture medium for S. platensis growth in the second cultivation stage. Results showed the two-stage cultivation system produced high microalgae biomass including 0.39 g·L–1Chlorella sp. and 3.45 g·L–1S. platensis in the first-stage and second-stage, respectively. In addition, the removal efficiencies of NH4+ reached 19% and almost 100% in the first and the second stage, respectively. Total phosphorus (TP) removal reached 17% and 83%, and total organic carbon (TOC) removal reached 55% and 72% in the first and the second stage, respectively. UF and centrifuge can recycle 96.8% and 100% water, respectively. This study provides a new method for the combined of pure microalgae cultivation and wastewater treatment with culture medium recycling.

Flow cytometry (FCM) has been widely used in multi-parametric assessment of cells in various research fields, especially in environmental sciences. This study detected the metabolic activity of Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus by using an FCM method based on 5-cyano-2,3-ditolyltetrazolium chloride (CTC); the accuracy of this method was enhanced by adding SYTO 9 and 10%R2A broth. The disinfection effects of chlorine, chloramine, and UV were subsequently evaluated by FCM methods. Chlorine demonstrated stronger and faster destructive effects on cytomembrane than chloramine, and nucleic acids decomposed afterwards. The metabolic activity of the bacteria persisted after the cytomembranewas damaged as detected using CTC. Low-pressure (LP) UV or medium-pressure (MP) UV treatments exerted no significant effects on membrane permeability. The metabolic activity of the bacteria decreased with increasing UV dosage, and MP-UV was a stronger inhibitor of metabolic activity than LP-UV. Furthermore, the membrane of Gram-positive S. aureus was more resistant to chlorine/chloramine than that of Gram-negative E. coli. In addition, S. aureus showed higher resistance to UV irradiation than E. coli.

With the rapid economic development and urbanization, there would be severe air pollution. The path analysis method was employed to investigate the specific effects of Industrial Gross Domestic Product (IGDP), Urbanization Rate (UR), Environmental Investment (EI), and Coal Consumption (CC) on Industrial SO2 Emissions (ISE) and Industrial Dust Emissions (IDE). The results shown that (1) IGDP is the main reason for the increase in ISE and IDE, with the direct positive influence more than 20% and a total contribution of more than 35%, and the combined effects of UR can reduce air pollutants emission considerably, especially in ISE. (2) The effects of EI and CC on ISE could be ignored, given that their contributions comprised <?10%. Meanwhile, the contribution of EI to IDE was only 8.92%. For one reason, EI is underfunded which the percentage of Gross Domestic Product was <?2%.  相似文献   

Aureliaaurita s.l. scyphistomae are capable of developing different asexual modes for propagation and thus present a multi-mode reproductive strategy. The reproduction rates and the reproductive strategy they adopt depend on a combination of various environmental parameters. We investigated the A.aurita s.l. polyp-to-polyp reproduction strategy and population growth in relation to polyp density. Our results confirmed that density-dependent factors control population growth of A. aurita s.l. scyphistomae in three different ways: (1) decreasing the polyp reproduction rate, (2) triggering the production of motile bud-like tissue particles and (3) inducing the detachment of developed scyphistomae. Whereas the decrease in the reproduction rate reduces the number of recruits, the motile particles and the detachment of scyphistomae contribute to minimizing density-dependent effects by allowing reproductive products and scyphistomae to drift away. Thus, not only are the negative effects of intraspecific competition for space and food diminished but also the potential colonization of new substrates, and further increase in scyphistoma density is favoured on larger spatial scales. The potential capability to switch its polyp-to-polyp reproduction strategy in response to environmental clues and population density may give Aurelia high adaptability in the temperate coastal waters where they commonly live and where they may be exposed to wide-ranging and fluctuating environmental variables that affect their survival and longevity. Considering these features, as well as the wide tolerance of Aurelia scyphistomae (and medusae) to environmental parameters, it is not surprising that the species/lineages of Aurelia are cosmopolitan and exhibit the most frequent bloom events worldwide.  相似文献   

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