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本文模拟人体穿着状况下的防静电无尘服与内部服装之间的摩擦,对因摩擦导致的功能性变化进行了研究。通过实验发现,随着摩擦次数的增加,服装上的静电压有增大的趋势,从而导致防静电功能的下降。对于用长丝制作的服装,防尘性能与透气性有着直接的联系,通过透气性测试发现,服装的防尘性能随着摩擦次数的增加逐渐下降。结合防静电无尘服的使用情况,就可以确定防静电无尘服的防尘功能变化趋势及其安全使用周期。  相似文献   

在防静电工作服的设计开发中,人们大多只注重服装面料的防静电效果,而对防静电服用填充材料的防静电功能研究涉及很少。但在很多户外工作场合,工作人员不仅需要防护服装具备防静电性能,还需要有良好的防寒保暖性能。普通聚酯絮片填充到防静电服后会引起服装整体带电电荷量增加,降低服装防静电性能。新型防静电保暖聚酯絮片不仅可提供良好的防寒保暖性能,还可以显著提高服装整体防静电性能,为防静电服装的开发与设计提供了新的解决方案,对于寒区户外防静电服装开发具有重要意义。  相似文献   

防静电无尘服的功能与设计要求   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
防静电无尘服装又称为洁净服,目前被广泛应用于医药、微电子、精密仪表、精密机械、食品工业、生命工程、精细化工等行业。在这些洁净程度要求非常高的生产场所里,人体及其附属物是微尘的主要来源.因此穿着服装的重要目的之一就是阻止微尘向环境中扩散.从而保证洁净工作室中的空气保持一定的悬浮粒子洁净度。防静电无尘服装的使用还有另外一个重要的作用.就是防止人体在工作时产生静电,避免高压静电对产品的损伤和人体的伤害。  相似文献   

本文描述了静电产生的原因和静电现象,分析了静电给一些行业造成的危害。并从个体防护的层面阐述了如何消除静电,同时还分析了防静电纤维的发展趋势,并对防静电服装的穿着进行了阐述。  相似文献   

丁洁瑾   《安全》2012,33(4):47-48
防静电毛针织服是可防止静电电荷积聚的用防静电纤维纱与羊毛纱、棉纱、腈纶等化学纤维纱混纺、交织或缝制而成的一类防护服装,主要用于存在爆炸危险的场所,避免火花放电.防静电毛针织服是静电防护系列产品之一,并占有较为重要的地位,因此在防静电毛针织服的生产中应严格执行国家标准,以保证服装质量,进而保证穿用者的使用安全.  相似文献   

本文叙述了A级防静电服的性能要求,说明面料点对点电阻和服装电荷带电量不成等值。同时,介绍了A级防静电服的应用范围及其必要性以及使用要求和注意事项。  相似文献   

本文主要探索了面料性能对防静电无尘服热湿舒适性的影响。选择了两种常用的防静电无尘服面料,对其组织结构、厚度、经纬密度、透气性、透湿性进行测试。将这两种面料制成防静电无尘服,进行真人着装实验。实验是模拟工人的活动,先静坐30min,然后是30min的低速行走,最后又休息30min,在这个过程中测量了上臂、前胸、大腿、小腿的皮肤表面温度和前胸的湿度。实验在恒温恒湿气候室内进行,温湿度分别为22±1℃,55±5%RH。结果表明密度小、透气性好的面料制作的服装平均皮肤温度以及湿度变化都比较小,在轻度劳动下服装微气候的环境比较稳定。  相似文献   

静电放电过程中产生的电火花或电磁场在某些特定环境中会造成重大危害,引起社会广泛关注。穿戴防静电服是静电防护的重要手段,防静电服面料的点对点电阻是防静电服主要性能指标之一,对该指标的准确测量有助于对服装防护能力的准确认识。本文阐述了面料点对点电阻测试原理,详细讨论了防静电服点对点电阻测试结果的组成,指出测试过程中的影响因素包括环境温湿度、测试台面绝缘性能、仪器周围的电磁环境和操作人员的带电等,其中重点分析了环境温湿度对测试结果的影响,指出环境温湿度是点对点电阻测试过程中的主要影响因素,以期通过对相关因素的控制提高对该项性能指标测试结果的准确程度。  相似文献   

正正"薄利多销"是很多企业在市场竞争中常用的一种手段,在防护服装行业更是常见。然而,不少防护服装生产企业却为此叫苦连连。低价竞争的市场行为,受伤的仅仅是生产制造商吗?使用者的隐忧不管是防静电服,还是阻燃服,抑或是其他种类的防护服装,最大的作用和价值就是为劳动者提供安全防护。但是,目前很多企业在通过招投标的形式选购防护服装时,都采取了"低价中标"。这就使得一些防护服装生产企业不顾成本地  相似文献   

刘基  盛海涛  杨文芬 《安全》2011,32(10):52-54
防静电服是为了防止服装上静电积聚,是静电防护产品系列之一,其采用的防静电织物是普通面料通过混入导电纤维纺成的纱或嵌入导电长丝织造成的。防静电服适用于石油开采及石油化工行业,制药及元器件加工业,电气电力行业等工作过程易产生静电,或静电放电容易引发器件损毁,电击,火灾及爆炸的危险场所穿用。  相似文献   

防护服的结构和尺寸直接影响穿着者的舒适性及安全性。本研究是在现场观察的基础上,模拟作业人员的动作,对工作服的穿着状态进行了评价;并通过对服装样板的结构和尺寸进行分析,提出了修改方案,制作了新的样板及工作服。试穿结果表明,改进后的服装结构和尺寸更加合理,穿着舒适性也有所改善。本文的研究结果对合理设计防护服的结构及尺寸,保证穿着者的活动舒适性及安全性有一定的意义。  相似文献   

为评价常用类型高、低温防护服的防护性能,本研究应用热平板仪、人工气候室和暖体假人等研究设备,对高低温作业典型工种常用的耐高温防护服和低温防护服的隔热性能进行了研究。研究结果显示,不同类型高、低温防护服的服装面料、服装整体的隔热性表现出一定差异,模拟环境下的着装生理学测试结果也存在不同,防护服的面料、结构和工艺等均影响到其整体隔热性能。防护服装的全面评价通常涉及安全性、工效学特性等多个方面,有必要从服装的舒适性、工效学特性等方面进一步研究,并开展大规模的现场人体穿着实验,从而为高低温防护服的选用和设计改进等提供依据。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the usefulness of physiological studies in the evaluation of protective clothing for work in a cold environment. The study included the examination of the dynamics of changes in chosen physiological parameters (core and skin temperatures, heart rate, pulmonary minute ventilation) as well as physical ones (the temperature and relative humidity under the clothes) during work in protective clothing with unknown thermal insulation. The experiment was conducted in extreme environmental conditions (–10 and –15°C) at a work load defined by the clothing manufacturer as moderate. Results show that thermal equilibrium was achieved and maintained throughout the investigated work time (60 min) and that the protective clothing ensures safety on the time scale of a regular 8-hour work day. It was also shown that the dynamics of thermal stress physiological parameters can be used to determine the maximum duration of exposure for cold protective clothing with unknown thermal insulation.  相似文献   

热防护性能(Thermal protective performance—TPP)是阻燃型服装或织物隔热防护性能重要指标。本文在已研制的一种模拟人体皮肤及体形的高温"圆筒仪"上进行了改进,并用其测试阻燃服装织物的热防护性能。用膜电偶测量模拟皮肤器表面温升率,并结合烧伤积分模型的评价方法来计算达到二级烧伤的防热时间。与其它一维平面测试装置相比,本装置可较为准确评估实际服装热收缩特征对服装热防护性能的影响。  相似文献   

Phase-change materials (PCM) can be used to reduce thermal stress and improve thermal comfort for workers wearing protective clothing. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of PCM in protective clothing used in simulated work situations. We hypothesized that it would be possible to optimize cooling performance with a design that focuses on careful positioning of PCM, minimizing total insulation and facilitating moisture transport. Thermal stress and thermal comfort were estimated through measurement of body heat production, body temperatures, sweat production, relative humidity in clothing and subjective ratings of thermal comfort, thermal sensitivity and perception of wetness. Experiments were carried out using 2 types of PCM, the crystalline dehydrate of sodium sulphate and microcapsules in fabrics. The results of 1 field and 2 laboratory experimental series were conclusive in that reduced thermal stress and improved thermal comfort were related to the amount and distribution of PCM, reduced sweat production and adequate transport of moisture.  相似文献   

Cold protective clothing was studied in 2 European Union projects. The objectives were (a) to examine different insulation calculation methods as measured on a manikin (serial or parallel), for the prediction of cold stress (IREQ); (b) to consider the effects of cold protective clothing on metabolic rate; (c) to evaluate the movement and wind correction of clothing insulation values.

Tests were carried out on 8 subjects. The results showed the possibility of incorporating the effect of increases in metabolic rate values due to thick cold protective clothing into the IREQ model. Using the higher thermal insulation value from the serial method in the IREQ prediction, would lead to unacceptable cooling of the users. Thus, only the parallel insulation calculation method in EN 342:2004 should be used. The wind and motion correction equation (No. 2) gave realistic values for total resultant insulation; dynamic testing according to EN 342:2004 may be omitted.  相似文献   

Cold protective clothing was studied in 2 European Union projects. The objectives were (a) to examine different insulation calculation methods as measured on a manikin (serial or parallel), for the prediction of cold stress (IREQ); (b) to consider the effects of cold protective clothing on metabolic rate; (c) to evaluate the movement and wind correction of clothing insulation values. Tests were carried out on 8 subjects. The results showed the possibility of incorporating the effect of increases in metabolic rate values due to thick cold protective clothing into the IREQ model. Using the higher thermal insulation value from the serial method in the IREQ prediction, would lead to unacceptable cooling of the users. Thus, only the parallel insulation calculation method in EN 342:2004 should be used. The wind and motion correction equation (No. 2) gave realistic values for total resultant insulation; dynamic testing according to EN 342:2004 may be omitted.  相似文献   

The heat transferred through protective clothing under long wave radiation compared to a reference condition without radiant stress was determined in thermal manikin experiments. The influence of clothing insulation and reflectivity, and the interaction with wind and wet underclothing were considered. Garments with different outer materials and colours and additionally an aluminised reflective suit were combined with different number and types of dry and pre-wetted underwear layers. Under radiant stress, whole body heat loss decreased, i.e., heat gain occurred compared to the reference. This heat gain increased with radiation intensity, and decreased with air velocity and clothing insulation. Except for the reflective outer layer that showed only minimal heat gain over the whole range of radiation intensities, the influence of the outer garments’ material and colour was small with dry clothing. Wetting the underclothing for simulating sweat accumulation, however, caused differing effects with higher heat gain in less permeable garments.  相似文献   

Fire fighters are normally overprotected during their working hours because of the tendency to keep the personal protection level sufficiently high in case of the worst possible scenarios. This study investigated the effects of task-fitted protective clothing on thermal strain in fire fighters as compared to EN 469:2005 protective clothing during a prolonged (2 1/2 hrs) job-related rescue drill under neutral and hot climates. The subjects were 23 healthy, physically fit professional male fire fighters aged 26–44 years. Measurements included cardiovascular and thermal responses and subjective assessments. Wearing task-fitted clothing during rescue tasks in a neutral climate considerably reduced total thermal and cardiovascular strain in prolonged rescue work. The fire fighters also perceived physical work as significantly harder on average, and reported more intense subjective discomfort while wearing EN 469:2005 as compared to task-fitted clothing.  相似文献   

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