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In polygynous mammals, males are usually responsible for gene flow while females are predominantly philopatric. However, there is evidence that in a few mammalian species female offspring may disperse to avoid breeding with their father when male tenure exceeds female age at maturity. We investigated offspring dispersal and local population structure in the Neotropical bat Lophostoma silvicolum. The mating system of this species is resource defense polygyny, with the resource being active termite nests, excavated by single males, which are then joined by females. We combined field observations of 14 harems during 3 years and data about the genetic structure within and between these groups, calculated with one mitochondrial locus and nine nuclear microsatellite loci. The results show that both male and female offspring disperse before maturity. In addition, we estimated life span of excavated termite nests and the duration they were occupied by the same male. Our findings suggest that long male tenure of up to 30 months is indeed a likely cause for the observed dispersal by female offspring that can reach maturity at a low age of 6 months. We suggest that dispersal by offspring of both sexes may occur quite frequently in polygynous tropical bats and thus generally may be more common in mammals than previously assumed.  相似文献   

Summary The social organization of the pipistrelle bat (Pipistrellus pipistrellus) was studied by means of bat boxes in southern Sweden. The males set up territories around a roosting site in the beginning of the summer at the same time as the females formed nursing colonies. After breeding, the females joined the single males in their day roosts establishing transient mating harems. Subsequently, immatures arrived at the mating grounds. The immature females, which probably attained sexual maturity during their first autumn, were admitted to the day roosts of the harem males, in contrast to the immature males. The size of the harem was dependent on the total number of females present on the mating grounds. The size, however, was also restricted by some factor, presumably the quantity of food resources in the surroundings of the specific roost site, or the capability of the harem male for mating. The mating system in the pipistrelle bat is best characterized as a resource defence polygyny. Available data on other related temperate species indicate a similar social organization in Pipistrellus nathusii and Nyctalus noctula.  相似文献   

We investigated how morphological traits of territorial males in the polygynous bat Saccopteryx bilineata were related to their reproductive success. Because of the frequency of aerial courtship displays and defence manoeuvres, and the high energetic costs of flight, we expected small and symmetric males to be better able to court females on the wing and to monopolize copulations with females in their harems. We predicted that small and symmetric males would sire more offspring within the colony and a larger portion of the young born within their harem than large or asymmetric males. We measured size and fluctuating asymmetry of 21 territorial males and analysed their reproductive success in 6 offspring cohorts (n=209 juveniles) using 11 microsatellite loci. As predicted, small and symmetric males had, on average, a higher reproductive success in the colony than large and asymmetric males. The percentage of young sired by males within their harem increased as males decreased in size, but was not influenced by fluctuating asymmetry. As fluctuating asymmetry of males correlated with their reproductive success within the colony but not within their harems, we infer that fluctuating asymmetry is probably related to female choice, whereas male size is probably important for harem defence on the wing.Communicated by G. Wilkinson  相似文献   

Pelvicachromis pulcher is a small African cichlid which breeds in holes. Males may either reproduce monogamously (pair males), polygynously (harem males), or be tolerated as helpers in a harem territory (satellite males). These helpers share in defence of the territory against conspecifics, heterospecific competitors and predators. There are two male colour morphs that are fixed for life and are apparently genetically determined. These differ in their potential mating strategy. Red morph males may become harem owners, while yellow morph males may become satellite males, and males of both morphs may alternatively pair up monogamously. We compared the reproductive effort and success of these three male reproductive strategies. Effort was measured as attack rates, time expenditure and the risk of being injured or killed when attacking competitors or predators of three sympatric fish species. Reproductive success was measured by observing how many eggs were fertilized by each male when this was possible, and by using genetic markers. The number of fry surviving to independence of parental care was used as a criterion of success. The reproductive success of harem males was 3.3 times higher than that of pair males and 7 times higher than that of the average satellite male. Dominant satellite males, however, were as successful as monogamous pair males, using the measure of fertilized eggs. To our knowledge, this has not been found previously in any fish species. Both harem and pair males had lower parental defence costs per sired offspring, however, than males using the alternative satellite tactic. Defence effort was significantly related to the risk of injury. Received: 17 January 1996 / Accepted after revision: 9 June 1997  相似文献   

Saccopteryx bilineata has a polygynous mating system in which males defend females in a harem territory. Harem defense and courtship include energetically costly flight maneuvers and hovering displays. We tested if (1) harem males have a greater field metabolic rate than non-harem males or females and if (2) the field metabolic rate of harem males is correlated with the number of females in a harem territory. We measured the energy budget in 32 S. bilineata with the doubly labeled water method and compared these estimates with behavioral observations in the daytime roost. Among adult bats, field metabolic rate varied with body mass by an exponent of approximately two. We found no significant difference in field metabolic rate or mass-specific field metabolic rate between harem and non-harem males. The mass-specific field metabolic rate of harem-males increased with harem size. The latter finding supports the hypothesis that the energy costs of courtship display and territorial defense influence the energy budget of harem males. Overall, field metabolic rates of S. bilineata were lower than those of similarly sized bats of the temperate zone and only 2.3 times above the basal metabolic rate recorded for this species. We suggest that male S. bilineata did not take advantage of their metabolic capacity because a prudent allocation of energy to activities of harem maintenance is an adaptive strategy for males in this mating system.  相似文献   

A potential cost of polygyny that may have restrained its evolution in some avian species is the presence of extra-pair offspring in the nests of males mated with several females. However, this relationship is not frequently found and an experimental approach investigating the association between extra-pair offspring and polygyny, while controlling for male traits related to polygyny, has not been undertaken. In this study, we manipulated the testosterone levels of facultatively polygynous spotless starlings, Sturnus unicolor, to establish experimentally different groups of polygyny and analyse its influence on levels of extra-pair offspring in males for which other traits were randomised. During two consecutive breeding seasons, we examined the effects of harem size on the ability of males to assure genetic paternity, assessed by DNA fingerprinting, and on reproductive success in their own nests. The frequency of extra-pair fertilisations varied between 10% (14/140) in 1996 and 20% (39/194) in 1997. Year-to-year analyses of extra-pair paternity variables with treatment as factor and harem size (number of simultaneous mated females) as covariate, were significant only in relation to harem size. Males with few simultaneously mated females were less cuckolded than more polygynous males in 1997 but not in 1996, indicating that mating costs of polygyny occurred, at least in the year with the higher rate of extra-pair paternity. Because polygynous males have more social mates, they may accrue higher reproductive success irrespective of their risk of being cuckolded. However, our results suggest that to be polygynous is costly in terms of paternity loss when we experimentally induce mating status controlling for individual male traits. However, the low values of our power tests for the statistically non-significant results of hormone on cuckoldry do not allow us to discard this hormone effect altogether.  相似文献   

Reproductive effort is a key parameter of life history because it measures the resources allocated to reproduction at the expense of growth and maintenance. Male reproductive effort always had a minor role with respect to female effort both in the development of theories and in field research. Elephant seals are an ideal subject for reproductive effort studies because they fast during the breeding season, splitting the phase of energy acquisition from the phase of energy use for breeding. In this paper, we present results on male reproductive effort (weight loss estimated by photogrammetry) in southern elephant seals (Mirounga leonina), the most dimorphic and polygynous of all mammal species. We show that total reproductive effort increases with age, with no sign of late decrease or senescence. Male reproductive effort in this species depends mostly on behavioral factors, i.e., the success in competition with other males, and the intensity of interaction with females. A large effort results in large gains in both mating success and fertilizations. The large reproductive success that a few males are able to achieve come at a big cost in terms of energy expenditure, but this cost does not seem to affect the likelihood of survival to the following breeding season.  相似文献   

In polygynous species, males appear to gain additional offspring by pairing with multiple females simultaneously. However, this may not be true if some females copulate outside of the social pair bond. Polygynous males could experience lower paternity because of trade-offs among gaining multiple social mates, guarding fertility with these mates, and pursuing extra-pair matings. Alternatively, polygynous males could simultaneously gain extra social mates and have high paternity, either because of female preferences or because of male competitive attributes. We tested four predictions stemming from these hypotheses in a facultatively polygynous songbird, the dickcissel (Spiza americana). Unlike most previous studies, we found that males with higher social mating success (harem size) also tended to have higher within-pair paternity and that the number of extra-pair young a male sired increased significantly with his social mating success. Females that paired with mated males were not more likely to produce extra-pair young. In contrast, extra-pair paternity was significantly lower in the nests of females whose nesting activity overlapped that of another female on the same territory. This pattern of mating was robust to differences in breeding density. Indeed, breeding density had no effect on either extra-pair mating or on the association between polygyny and paternity. Finally, nest survival increased with harem size. This result, combined with the positive association between polygyny and paternity, contributed to significantly higher realized reproductive success by polygynous male dickcissels.  相似文献   

Recent investigations of male ornaments in sexual selection have used experimental manipulation of tail length in three widowbird species, but only for one of these have correlates of male reproductive success been reported. I examined correlates of male attractiveness to nesting females over two breeding seasons for the polygynous yellow-shouldered widowbird, Euplectes macrourus, in order to discover which cues females may be using to select mates. The black, long-tailed ( 10 cm) males defend large territories and build nest frames, or cock's nests, which females then line and use for nesting. I examined various aspects of male morphology, five behavioral displays, territory characteristics, and the number of cock's nests that males built. Few correlates of mating success were found. The best predictor was the number of cock's nests that a male builds, though one courtship display also correlated with male mating success in 1 year, as did average grass height. Tail length did not correlate with male mating success. A partial correlation analysis confirmed that cock's nests and, in 1 year, grass height, were the primary contributers to male success. Females may choose where to nest primarily on the availability of suitable nesting sites. Long tails may be used by females seeking extra-pair copulations or in male-male competition for territories.  相似文献   

The primates of Madagascar (Lemuriformes) are unusual among mammals in that polygynous species lack sexual dimorphism, and females dominate males socially in most species. Moreover, lemur groups are relatively small and characterized by even adult sex ratios despite the fact that one male should be able to exclude other males from the group. One hypothesis to explain this combination of behavioral, morphological, and demographic traits (the “lemur syndrome”) postulates that male–male competition is relaxed and, hence, variance in male reproductive success is low. Reproductive skew theory provides a framework for testing this and several related predictions about lemur social evolution. Specifically, low reproductive skew is also predicted if dominant males or adult females make reproductive concessions to subordinates or if the latter group successfully pursues alternative reproductive tactics. However, suitable data on paternity, demography, and behavior for a conclusive test of these predictions have not been available in the past. In this paper, we show that male reproductive success in ten groups of Verreaux’s sifakas (Propithecus verreauxi) was extremely skewed in favor of the dominant male over 9 years. Our genetic analyses also revealed that more than a third of all groups are effectively harem groups because only one male was unrelated to the resident female(s). In groups with two or more non-natal males, the dominant sired 91% of 33 infants. Together, males pursuing one of several alternative reproductive tactics, such as roaming among several groups or immigrating peacefully, sired only 11% of infants. Thus, female sifakas do not control group composition by offering reproductive opportunities to subordinate males as staying incentives, intrasexual selection is not relaxed, and dominant males prevail in a tug-of-war over subordinate males. Because male reproductive skew in sifakas is even more pronounced than in harem-living anthropoids studied to date, intrasexual selection is clearly not relaxed, and the lemur syndrome is more puzzling than ever.  相似文献   

Reproductive success of brood parasites varies considerably both among and within host species, mainly due to differences in host egg-rejection rates and survival of parasitic chicks. Here, we investigated the breeding success of the cuckoo (Cuculus canorus) in one of its major hosts, the great reed warbler (Acrocephalus arundinaceus), with respect to host social mating status. In this passerine, polygynous males provide less parental care to their young per nest than monogamous males. Consequently, their less-assisted females may fledge lower numbers of nestlings than monogamous females. This may be especially true for secondary females, which often receive limited or no paternal help with young at all. Based on these findings, we expected higher cuckoo reproductive success in nests of socially monogamous than polygynous great reed warbler males. More specifically, we predicted lower fledging success of cuckoo young in nests of secondary than primary or monogamous females. In line with the prediction, we found higher cuckoo fledging success in nests of monogamous than polygynous males, monogamous nests being more than twice as successful as secondary nests. We detected, however, only a tendency to lower cuckoo success in primary compared to monogamous nests and no differences between primary and secondary nests. Moreover, neither parasitism nor host egg-rejection rates differed among the nests of different status. Our results show, for the first time, that the social mating status of a host may influence the overall reproductive success of a brood parasite and thus should be considered in further studies.  相似文献   

Salmonids are known for the occurrence in sympatry of two life-history forms, one that undergoes migration to sea before returning to freshwater to reproduce (anadromous) and one that inhabits freshwater without a migration phase (resident). Whereas one breeding population is often suggested by population genetic studies, mating patterns have rarely been directly assessed, especially when both sexes are found within each life-history form. By using highly polymorphic microsatellite loci and parentage analysis in a natural population of sympatric anadromous and resident brook charr (Salvelinus fontinalis), we found that gene flow occurred between the two forms and was mediated by resident males mating with both resident and anadromous females. Determinants of reproductive success, estimated by the number of surviving juveniles (ages 1 and 2 years), differed between the sexes. No strong evidence of the influence of size on individual reproductive success was found for males, whereas larger females (and hence most likely to be anadromous) were more successful. The higher individual reproductive success of anadromous fish compared to residents was mainly explained by this higher reproductive success of anadromous females. We suggest that resident males adopt a “sneaking” reproductive tactic as a way of increasing their reproductive success by mating with females of all sizes in all habitats. The persistence of the resident tactic among females may be linked to their advantage in accessing spatially constrained spawning areas in small tributary streams unavailable to larger females.  相似文献   

Interactions among females in polygynous yellow-headed blackbirds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Two alternative hypotheses which attempt to predict how females within harems in polygynous species should behave toward one another were examined in a population of yellow-headed blackbirds (Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus). The hypothesis that females within a harem are co-operative was not supported. Females in large harems did not enjoy higher reproductive success than those in smaller harems and females within a territory did not initiate their nests close in time or space. The alternative hypothesis that females within a harem are competitive was also not supported. Nest density did not have a negative effect on female reproductive success, females within a territory did not initiate their nests far apart in time or space, and resident females were not very aggressive toward intruding female mounts during the settling period. The data support the idea that females settled independently of one another and had no effect on one another's reproductive success.  相似文献   

In Lepidoptera polyandry is common and females may increase their lifetime reproductive output through repeated matings if they acquire essential resources from male ejaculates. However, the paternity of males mating with previously-mated females is far from assured unless sperm precedence is absolute. In this study on the polyandrous armyworm, Pseudaletia unipuncta, we used two strains of male (the black-eyed wild type and a red-eyed homozygous, recessive mutant), mated with red-eyed females, to determine (i) whether male investment has any impact on female reproductive output, and (ii) if females do benefit from multiple matings, to what extent males fertilize the eggs to which they contributed. Multiple mating resulted in a significant increase in both the fecundity and longevity of females. However, the degree of sperm precedence (those eggs fertilized by the second male) varied from 0–100%, but was not affected by either male size or age, or by the duration of copulation. In cases where sperm precedence was <50% (x = 12%) females produced significantly more eggs (1384 versus 940) prior to the second mating than females where sperm precedence was >50% (x = 89%), indicating that the quality of the first mating influenced the fertilization success of the female's second mate.  相似文献   

Dispersal and migratory behaviours are often important determinants of gene flow in wild species, and we have studied their role using ringing-recapture data in the Portuguese population of Miniopterus schreibersii, a cave-dwelling bat that forms large maternity colonies. Juvenile dispersal, usually a major agent of gene flow, appears to be negligible, as young females never settled to give birth in foreign colonies. Likewise, there was virtually no dispersal of adult females to foreign maternity colonies. This strong philopatry virtually eliminated female-mediated gene flow, but we found a great potential for male-mediated gene flow among colonies, as regional migrations temporarily joined both sexes from different colonies in the same roosts, during the mating season. In fact, females from some colonies were more likely to mate with males from foreign colonies than from their own, thus potentially bringing home genes of foreign males. In spite of this abundant gene flow, we found a pattern of isolation by distance and even strong barriers to gene flow, which is explained by the fact that migrations were usually too short to allow direct flow among distant colonies. We concluded that potential gene flow is influenced by the distance between colonies and the availability of mating roosts between them. In addition, we found this flow to be asymmetrical, with a dominant direction from the largest to the smallest colonies. Our ringing-recapture estimates of potential gene flow based on dispersal and migratory behaviour are compatible with the genetic structure of the population for both nuclear and mitochondrial DNA. Our conclusions have implications for the conservation of bats with a spatial behaviour similar to that of M. schreibersii. Colonies should be managed individually because strict female philopatry not only promotes their isolation but also minimises the contribution of immigration in rescuing declining colonies. Furthermore, the results underline the importance of preserving mating roosts to maintain gene flow among colonies.  相似文献   

Summary Nestling feeding by males is less common among birds with polygynous mating systems than in monogamous species, because of the pronounced trade-off between parental behavior and the attraction of additional mates. In this study, however, we found that male red-winged blackbirds (Agelaius phoeniceus) commonly assisted females in feeding nestlings in several Ontario marshes. Male parental care was additional to that provided by females, and it significantly enhanced the fledging success of nests (Table 2). Male redwings did not help to feed all nests on their territories: primary and secondary nests were much more likely to receive male parental care than tertiary and later nests. Contrary to expectation, male parental care was not restricted to the nests of primary females: a greater proportion of secondary than primary nests were assisted (Tables 4a and b). The presence of new females settling on the territory at the same time that a resident female had nestlings, resulted in males deferring parental care until a later brood. This suggests that males trade off the recruitment of females against parental care to an existing brood. Although the number of nestlings fledging from a male's territory was strongly influenced by the number of females in the harem, males could additionally increase their reproductive success by feeding nestlings in one or more nests on their territories (Fig. 2). The reproductive success of females was significantly enhanced by male assistance in feeding nestlings (Table 3). However, those females not receiving male assistance on territories of feeding males did not suffer a significantly reduced reproductive success in comparison to females on territories of non-feeding males (Table 2). Males varied considerably in the quality of brood care given. We therefore suggest that the quality of male parental care may be a factor considered by females in choosing a breeding situation.  相似文献   

Summary At a site in Costa Rica, three groups of 8–12 adult female vampire bats, Desmodus rotundus, utilize group-specific sets of hollow trees as day roosts. Long-term nonrandom associations between pairs of females, as measured by the proportion of time one bat spends roosting in the same tree with another bat over a 3 year period, occur even when preferences for particular trees are removed. Significant associations exist between both related and unrelated adult females. Adult male bats, however, show few associations with females or other males. By observing bats within trees and while foraging, and by monitoring feeding flights with radiotelemetry, the following potential benefits of association could be tested. Females roost together to (1) share a suitable microclimate, (2) avoid predators, (3) avoid ectoparasite infestations, (4) minimize travel to mobile prey animals, (5) respond to coercive males, (6) feed simultaneously from a bite, (7) remove ectoparasites by allogrooming, and (8) share food by regurgitating blood to other bats within roosts. The data do not indicate that any of the first five hypotheses provide significant benefits for long-term associations although predators and ectoparasite levels may cause occasional changes in roost sites. Simultaneous feeding was uncommon and apparently confined to females and their recent offspring. Allogrooming, although common, occurred independently of the presence of ectoparasites. Food sharing, however, occurred between both related and unrelated adult females with high levels of association and provides at least one selective advantage for maintaining cohesive female groups.  相似文献   

Recent evidence suggests that tropical bats may frequently depart from the predominant mammalian male-biased dispersal pattern. So far, two emballonurid bat species that are closely related to our study species (Grey sac-winged bat, Balantiopteryx plicata) have been found to exhibit exceptional female-biased dispersal that is in accordance with father–daughter inbreeding avoidance. In contrast, using a combination of long-term behavioral observations of banded bats and DNA sequencing of the mitochondrial d-loop, our results suggest that B. plicata is the first Neotropical emballonurid with female philopatry and frequent male dispersal. However, just like in the other emballonurids, the age of females at first conception fell below the tenure of males. Thus, philopatric B. plicata females might face a father–daughter inbreeding risk if mating with males from their roosts. Such risk could be circumvented if mating occurs outside the nursing roost, e.g., in male mating aggregations. In contrast to other Neotropical emballonurid bats, the Grey sac-winged bat forms colonies with a greatly male-biased sex ratio (only 5 and 21 % females). Males of such colonies showed high roost fidelity and the sex ratio did not change throughout the year and for up to many years, suggesting an important role in mating. We conclude that studying the diverse mating and dispersal patterns of Neotropical emballonurids shows great potential to enlarge our understanding on how the proposed ultimate causes (i.e., avoidance of inbreeding and local competition between kin) affect the evolution of sex-biased dispersal.  相似文献   

Brown jays (Cyanocorax morio) are long-lived, social corvids that live in large, stable, territorial groups (mean = 10 individuals). In this study, I determined the distribution of reproductive success within groups using multi-locus DNA fingerprinting. Breeding females produced virtually all (99%) of the young within their own nests. Reproduction within groups was highly skewed towards a single primary female, although long term data indicate that secondary females (female breeders that were usually younger and subordinate to the primary female) were sometimes successful. The high reproductive skew observed for females was associated with primary female aggression. Successful reproduction by secondary females may have been due to parental facilitation or the inability of primary females to completely suppress secondary females. Multiple paternity occurred in 31–43% of broods and extra-group paternity occurred in a minimum of 22% of broods. Patterns of paternity also varied between years, since females often switched or included new genetic mates. Although male consorts of nesting females fathered relatively few offspring (20%), they still had a higher chance of fathering offspring than any other single group male. Reproduction was less skewed for males than females as a result of female mating patterns. Female reproductive patterns are consistent with some of the predictions and assumptions from optimal skew models, while male reproductive patterns are not. The factors affecting skew in species with complex social systems such as incomplete control by breeders over subordinate reproduction, female control of paternity, and resource inheritance have not been well incorporated into reproductive skew models.Communicated by: J. Dickinson  相似文献   

Rather than seeking females directly, males in many animal species locate and defend sites that contain spatially limited resources essential for female survival and reproduction. In these cases, resident males successfully repelling conspecific rivals will mate with sexually receptive females that seek to use the resident’s resources. Theory predicts that if resources are limiting in nature, are costly to procure, and if residency at the resource site increases male reproductive success, each site should be monopolised by a single adult male. Moreover, if females aggregate at these sites, males should be sedentary and monopolise harems. This predicts that males should reside at resource sites longer than females and male tenure should be positively correlated with harem size. I address these hypotheses using a wild population of the Wellington tree weta, Hemideina crassidens, a sexually dimorphic insect in which males use mandibular weapons in fights to control resource sites (galleries in trees) required by females for diurnal refuge. In a longitudinal study using artificial galleries, I show that male tenure in a gallery is positively related to harem size and, contrary to prediction, not gallery size per se. Moreover, contrary to prediction, females are more sedentary than males: males appear to move frequently between galleries to search for novel mates. I show experimentally that galleries represent mating sites to males: males prefer galleries housing adult females whereas females prefer unoccupied galleries. Females likely avoid male-occupied galleries because they incur injuries when interacting with males.  相似文献   

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