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Abstract: Corridors have been proposed to reduce isolation and increase population persistence in fragmented landscapes, yet little research has evaluated the types of landscapes in which corridors will be most effective. I tested the hypothesis that corridors increase patch colonization by a butterfly, Junonia coenia , regardless of the butterfly's initial distance from a patch. I chose J. coenia because it has been shown to move between patches preferentially through corridors. Individuals were released 16–192 m away from open experimental patches into adjacent open corridors or forest. Neither corridors nor distance had a significant effect on patch colonization, but there was a significant interaction between the presence or absence of corridors and distance. At small distances (16–64 m), J. coenia was more likely to colonize open patches when released within forest than within open corridors, most likely because J. coenia used corridors as habitat. Nevertheless, patch colonization by butterflies released within forest decreased rapidly as distance from patches increased, as predicted by a null model of random movement. Colonization did not change with distance in the corridor, and at long distances (128–192 m), butterflies released in corridors were twice as likely to colonize open patches as those released in forest. These results suggest that one critical factor, interpatch distance, may determine the relative effectiveness of corridors and other landscape configurations, such as stepping stones, in reducing isolation in fragmented landscapes. When distances between patches are short compared to an animal's movement ability, a stepping stone approach may most effectively promote dispersal. Alternatively, the conservation value of corridors is highest relative to other habitat configurations when longer distances separate patches in fragmented landscapes.  相似文献   

Abstract: We examined the effects of habitat area and patch isolation on reproductive success in serpentine morning glory ( Calystegia collina [Convolvulaceae]), a primarily self-incompatible clonal plant endemic to serpentine outcrops in northern California's coast ranges. Within a 4000-km 2 region, we compared the reproductive success of C. collina on 16 small (<5 ha) and 7 large ( >300 ha) outcrops. Flower and fruit production were significantly higher on large serpentine outcrops than on small outcrops. Fruit production also was positively correlated with the soil's ratio of calcium to magnesium. Successful pollination was positively affected by flower density and the number of other flowering patches within 100 m of a C. collina patch. The number of nearby flowering patches was considerably higher on large than on small outcrops. Flowers on large outcrops did not receive significantly more bee visitors than flowers on small outcrops, suggesting that pollination success is related to the quality rather than the quantity of pollen deposited. Fruit production by plants on both small and large outcrops was enhanced by the experimental addition of pollen from other patches, but not by the addition of pollen from the same patch. These findings demonstrate that the size of habitat may have strong effects on the reproductive success of locally endemic plants by enhancing opportunities for successful sexual reproduction. They also warn against the presumption that naturally patchy plant species are invulnerable to the effects of habitat fragmentation.  相似文献   

Extinction and metapopulation theories emphasize that stochastic fluctuations in local populations cause extinction and that local extinctions generate empty habitat patches that are then available for recolonization. Metapopulation persistence depends on the balance of extinction and colonization in a static environment. For many rare and declining species, I argue (1) that extinction is usually the deterministic consequence of the local environment becoming unsuitable (through habitat loss or modification, introduction of a predator, etc.); (2) that the local environment usually remains unsuitable following local extinction, so extinctions only rarely generate empty patches of suitable habitat; and (3) that colonization usually follows improvement of the local environment for a particular species (or long-distance transfer by humans). Thus, persistence depends predominantly on whether organisms are able to track the shifting spatial mosaic of suitable environmental conditions or on maintainance of good conditions locally.  相似文献   

Abstract: Corridors have become a key element of conservation efforts. To identify and characterize corridors used by Nubian ibex ( Capra ibex nubiana ), we analyzed sighting data recorded for the past 20 years in the Israel Nature Reserves Authority data banks. We categorized each recorded sighting as belonging to a corridor or a core zone based on the total number of sightings in its vicinity. We identified three main core populations, a natural corridor connecting two of them, and a corridor that was not evident connecting the third population. Ibex inside and outside core zones were sighted on steeper terrain than expected by chance; this was more pronounced inside the core zones than outside them. We hypothesize that because ibex outside core zones must move rapidly and directionally across unfamiliar habitats, they must use more moderate terrain. Although ibex sightings in core zones were mostly in the vicinity of water, we found no relationship between the location of the sightings and proximity to water sources in the corridor. Hence, water does not appear to be an important factor in movement through corridors. It was more common to observe ibex out of the core zones during the summer. Males, which can be twice the size of females, were found traveling alone in corridors more often than in core zones. There was no difference between males and females in the steepness of terrain in which they were sighted outside core zones. Our data show that protecting ibex habitat in core zones and corridors is important to ibex conservation in Israel's arid zones. In addition, protecting this habitat may benefit other rock-dwelling species in the area.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity measures at 54 isozyme loci coding for 16 enzymes in megagametophytes were compared between preharvest and postharvest gene pools of two adjacent virgin, old-growth (∼250 years) stands of eastern white pine ( Pinus strobus L.) in the Galloway Lake Old Pine Area of central Ontario. The concurrence of genetic diversity changes between the stands suggests that real and repeatable genetic erosion occurred in these gene pools as a result of harvesting. The total and mean number of alleles detected in each stand were reduced by approximately 25% after tree density reductions of 75%. The percentage of polymorphic loci dropped by about 33% from preharvest levels. About 40% of the low frequency (0.25> p ≥ 0.01) alleles and 80% of the rare ( p < 0.01) alleles were lost from each stand because of harvesting. Hypothetical multilocus gametic diversity was reduced by about 40% in each stand after harvesting. Latent genetic potential of each stand was reduced by about 50%, suggesting that the ability of these gene pools to adapt to changing environmental conditions may have been compromised. Heterozygosity estimates in the postharvest stands did not reflect reductions in allelic richness due to harvesting. Observed heterozygosity increased by 12% in one stand after harvesting, even though other genetic diversity measures decreased. Gene frequency changes due to harvesting imply that gene pools of naturally regenerated progeny stands may be quite different from the original parental stands. Silvicultural practices should ensure that the gene pools of remaining pristine old-growth stands have been reconstituted in the regenerating stands.  相似文献   

Seasonal and diel variations in community structure and abundance of coral-reef lagoon mysids were examined at Davies Reef in the central region of the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) between June 1980 and May 1981. Twenty-five mysid species belonging to three subfamilies of the family Mysidae were captured during the study, with six new records for the GBR. The epibenthic mysid community differed from that in the overlying water, was faunistically uniform, but formed characteristic seasonal and diel groupings. The dominant epibenthic species were Erythrops sp., Anisomysis pelewensis, Doxomysis littoralis, A. laticauda, Prionomysis stenolepis, A. lamellicauda, and A. australis, five of which formed schools. Total mysid abundances ranged between 110 and 790 m-3 with peak abundance in October. Schooling species occurred at local densities of up to 500 000 m-3. Mysids were absent from shallow and midwater depths during the day, but were distributed throughout all depths at night with peak abundances in mid-water and deep layers. The dominant species in the water column at night were Pseudanchialina inermis, A. laticauda and Gastrosaccus indicus, in descending order of abundance. Lagoonal mysids contribute little to the food of sessile reef planktivores, as all but three species remain concentrated near or on the lagoon floor both day and night. The contribution of resident lagoon mysids to reef trophodynamics is probably through remineralization of lagoon detritus. Given the vast reef areas comprised of sandy lagoons, the large populations and relatively large size of lagoon mysids, this trophodynamic role may be of considerable importance.A.I.M.S. Contribution No. 477  相似文献   

Abstract: The degree to which changes in community composition mediate the probability of colonization and spread of non‐native species is not well understood, especially in animal communities. High species richness may hinder the establishment of non‐native species. Distinguishing between this scenario and cases in which non‐native species become established in intact (lacking extensive anthropogenic soil disturbance) communities and subsequently diminish the abundance and richness of native species is challenging on the basis of observation alone. The red imported fire ant (Solenopsis invicta), an invasive species that occurs throughout much of the southeastern United States, is such an example. Rather than competitively displacing native species, fire ants may become established only in disturbed areas in which native species richness and abundance are already reduced. We used insecticide to reduce the abundance of native ants and fire ants in four experimental plots. We then observed the reassembly and reestablishment of the ants in these plots for 1 year after treatment. The abundance of fire ants in treated plots did not differ from abundance in control plots 1 year after treatment. Likewise, the abundance of native ants increased to levels comparable to those in control plots after 1 year. Our findings suggest that factors other than large reductions in ant abundance and species density (number of species per unit area) may affect the establishment of fire ants and that the response of native ants and fire ants to disturbance can be comparable.  相似文献   

Abstract: With its long history of colonization, eastern Amazonia has the highest population density in Brazilian Amazonia and represents the typical pattern of recent human occupation. Between 1991 and 1995, we surveyed the mammalian fauna at five sites, representing different degrees of human disturbance. We used line transects (1511 km surveyed) to describe differences in diversity and abundance at each site and to evaluate the effects of environmental factors. Twenty-two of the expected 44 species were recorded during surveys, but no more than 18 were recorded at any one site, and only 3 species were observed at all five sites. Despite a minimum transect length of 202 km, most species were recorded relatively infrequently at all sites, although overall sighting rates at different sites varied by more than 100%. Between-site differences were even more pronounced when we compared specific groups (e.g., arboreal, terrestrial, game, nongame), reflecting the differential effects of factors such as hunting, logging, and forest clearing. In general terms, species diversity, abundance, total biomass, and mean biomass all tended to decrease with increasing human disturbance. Two more specific patterns were also distinguished: decreasing abundance and biomass of game species with increasing hunting pressure and increasing abundance of nongame species with increasing forest disturbance. Intense hunting pressure alone may have deleterious short-term effects on abundance, but not necessarily on diversity, whereas prolonged hunting pressure, combined with forest clearing, results in marked distortions in the mammalian community. Overall, the study emphasizes the relative paucity of the mammalian fauna of eastern Amazonia, in terms of both species diversity and abundance, and its vulnerability to the ongoing process of human colonization in the region.  相似文献   

We examined the density and abundance of marketable products in managed forest (rubber gardens, fruit gardens, and dry rice fallows) and in primary forest surrounding the Dayak village of Kembera, near Gunung Palung National Park, West Kalimantan, Indonesia. We calculated the proportion of trees that were marketable and useful for local consumption by counting and identifying trees in each managed forest type, and we documented extraction of products through interviews. Villagers harvested four marketable tree products: tengkawang seeds ( Shorea stenoptera ), durian fruits (various Durio spp.), rubber ( Hevea brasiliensis ), and timber, especially Bornean ironwood ( Eusideroxylon zwageri ). We inventoried trees at least 20 cm diameter at breast height (dbh) of marketed species from 0.4-ha plots in primary forest ( n = 8) and from 0.1-ha plots in each managed forest type ( n = 10–11). With the exception of timber, the density of trees producing a marketable product was significantly higher in the forest type managed for that product than the density of the marketed species, or of similar wild species, in primary forest. Total abundance (product of density and available area) of durian and tengkawang was greater in primary forest; however, villagers gathered these products only from managed forest. We infer from this choice a greater efficiency of harvesting from trees in dense stands near the village. Historically, this choice resulted in deliberate development of fruit gardens in preference or in addition to gathering from the more distant, primary forest. Because of low product density in primary forest, extractive forest reserves or buffer zones designed to encourage the production of fruits such as tengkawang or durian may not provide a sufficient incentive for the protection of primary forest around Kembera and other Dayak villages near Gunung Palung National Park.  相似文献   

Despite the high profile of amphibian declines and the increasing threat of drought and fragmentation to aquatic ecosystems, few studies have examined long‐term rates of change for a single species across a large geographic area. We analyzed growth in annual egg‐mass counts of the Columbia spotted frog (Rana luteiventris) across the northwestern United States, an area encompassing 3 genetic clades. On the basis of data collected by multiple partners from 98 water bodies between 1991 and 2011, we used state‐space and linear‐regression models to measure effects of patch characteristics, frequency of summer drought, and wetland restoration on population growth. Abundance increased in the 2 clades with greatest decline history, but declined where populations are considered most secure. Population growth was negatively associated with temporary hydroperiods and landscape modification (measured by the human footprint index), but was similar in modified and natural water bodies. The effect of drought was mediated by the size of the water body: populations in large water bodies maintained positive growth despite drought, whereas drought magnified declines in small water bodies. Rapid growth in restored wetlands in areas of historical population declines provided strong evidence of successful management. Our results highlight the importance of maintaining large areas of habitat and underscore the greater vulnerability of small areas of habitat to environmental stochasticity. Similar long‐term growth rates in modified and natural water bodies and rapid, positive responses to restoration suggest pond construction and other forms of management can effectively increase population growth. These tools are likely to become increasingly important to mitigate effects of increased drought expected from global climate change. Papeles de las Características del Fragmento, Frecuencia de Sequía y Restauración en las Tendencias a Largo Plazo de un Anfibio Ampliamente Distribuido  相似文献   

Abstract: The controversy (  Berger 1990, 1999 ; Wehausen 1999 ) over rapid extinction in bighorn sheep ( Ovis canadensis ) has focused on population size alone as a correlate to persistence time. We report on the persistence and population performance of 24 translocated populations of bighorn sheep. Persistence in these sheep was strongly correlated with larger patch sizes, greater distance to domestic sheep, higher population growth rates, and migratory movements, as well as to larger population sizes. Persistence was also positively correlated with larger average home-range size ( p = 0.058, n = 10 translocated populations) and home-range size of rams ( p = 0.087, n = 8 translocated populations). Greater home-range size and dispersal rates of bighorn sheep were positively correlated to larger patches. We conclude that patch size and thus habitat carrying capacity, not population size per se, is the primary correlate to both population performance and persistence. Because habitat carrying capacity defines the upper limit to population size, clearly the amount of suitable habitat in a patch is ultimately linked to population size. Larger populations (250+ animals) were more likely to recover rapidly to their pre-epizootic survey number following an epizootic ( p = 0.019), although the proportion of the population dying in the epizootic also influenced the probability of recovery ( p = 0.001). Expensive management efforts to restore or increase bighorn sheep populations should focus on large habitat patches located ≥23 km from domestic sheep, and less effort should be expended on populations in isolated, small patches of habitat.  相似文献   

Prey living in risky environments can adopt a variety of behavioral tactics to reduce predation risk. In systems where predators regulate prey abundance, it is reasonable to assume that differential patterns of habitat use by prey species represent adaptive responses to spatial variation in predation. However, patterns of habitat use also reflect interspecific competition over habitat. Collared (Dicrostonyx groenlandicus) and brown (Lemmus trimucronatus) lemmings represent such a system and possess distinct upland tundra versus mesic meadow habitat preferences consistent with interspecific competition. Yet, we do not know whether this habitat preference might also reflect differences in predation risk or whether the two species differ in their behavioral tactics used to avoid predation. We performed experiments where we manipulated putative predation risk perceived by lemmings by increasing protective cover in upland and meadow habitats while we recorded lemming activity and behavior. Both lemming species preferentially used cover more than open patches, but Dicrostonyx was more vigilant than Lemmus. Both species also constrained their activity to protective patches in upland and meadow habitats, but during different periods of the day. Use of cover and vigilance were independent of habitat, suggesting that both species live in a fearsome but flattened landscape of fear at Walker Bay (Nunavut, Canada), and that their habitat preference is a consequence of competition rather than predation risk. Future studies aiming to map the contours of fear in multi-prey–predator systems should consider how predation and competition interact to modify prey species’ habitat preference, patch use, and vigilance.  相似文献   

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