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旱灾经济损失实时评价是灾害经济学研究的重要内容之一。针对云南百年一遇大旱,从旱情综合信息空间数据库建立、旱灾的监测预测、干旱灾害评估系统的建立、旱灾调度分配保障方案和技术等进行了可行性分析,并简单介绍了旱灾经济损失估值程序、旱灾经济损失估值指标体系、旱灾经济损失估值方法,旨在为正确制定减灾决策和评估减灾经济效益提供依据。  相似文献   

利用单因子指数法和综合污染指数法,对乌鲁木齐市水磨河4个监测断面水质情况进行了评价。结果表明:搪瓷厂泉为超标水体;七纺桥为Ⅴ类水体,达到农业灌溉用水要求;联丰桥断面、米泉桥断面为劣Ⅴ类水体,没有达到农业灌溉用水要求。生活源和工业源化学需氧量、氨氮等污染物的排入对水体产生了严重影响,造成水体重污染。  相似文献   

对利用世界银行贷款灌溉农业二期项目(1998年2002年)江苏省项目区的水环境进行了监测与评价。项目实施期间,对地表灌溉用水河段监测结果表明,各监测河段参评指标的单项污染指数及综合污染指数均小于1,地表灌溉水不构成单项指标污染和综合污染,其水质符合农业灌溉用水水质要求;对地表灌溉退水河段监测结果表明,退水河段中仅有部分监测指标比灌溉用水中的相应指标有所升高,但不构成综合污染,退水水质仍能满足其他地区农业灌溉用水水质要求;对地下灌溉水测井的监测结果表明,有个别地下灌溉井单项指标超标,但所测井的综合污染指数均远远小于l,对地下水环境未造成不利影响。  相似文献   

隐孢子虫(Cryptosporidium sp.)是寄生于人和其他多种动物胃肠道的一类致病性原生动物,可经介水性途径传播造成人群感染,给公共卫生安全带来隐患,而娱乐性用水近年来已成为隐孢子虫介水性传播的主要媒介。定量微生物风险评价(QMRA)是评价和控制细菌、病毒等病原微生物健康风险的有效方法之一,也可应用于隐孢子虫等寄生虫的健康风险评价。按照QMRA框架,就娱乐性用水隐孢子虫健康风险评价中危害识别、暴露评估、剂量-效应评估和风险表征等方面的研究概况作综述,旨在为国内开展水源性隐孢子虫健康风险评价与管理提供思路。  相似文献   

从内陆生态系统及其生态学功能特征出发,定量分析了中国西北地区内陆水系统与主要的水文循环途径,指出应把生系统与水循环结合起来考察水资源合理利用,以及开发引起的环境问题,分别分析了农业、工业、生活和娱乐,水电上大用水户的发展趋势,这些用水已经和正在对西北内陆水文状态和环境变化产生四方面的明显影响,还列举举了水资源开发不合理的五种类型问题。  相似文献   

通过分析杭州市气候变化趋势及全市水资源状况,提出未来20年该市有可能会出现较长时间的旱灾和由此造成的比较严重的“缺水”危机,建议政府提前采取措施,做好各种防备工作。  相似文献   

加强水土资源的风险管理对频频 发生的土地污染、水质恶化等生态安全问题的改善具有重要意义。 以中国的商品粮基地黑龙江省为例, 通过改进物元可拓模型、熵权法以及构建DPSIR指标体系对区域水土资源生态安全进行研究。 结果表明:2003—2016年黑龙江省水土资源生态安全水平整体呈先上升后下降趋势,可划分为2003—2008年(Ⅱ级危险)、2009—2012年(Ⅲ级敏感)、2013—2016年(Ⅱ级危险)3个相对稳定阶段。 这一变化趋势主要是由于工、农业万元产值耗水量等指标状态逐年改善及农业用水比例过高与生态用水比例不稳定。状态系统与资源环境系统对水土资源生态安全影响最为显著,响应系统与社会经济系统安全值增长最显著。生态用水比例、农业用水比例、地下水开采强度等指标安全等级的降低阻碍地区水土资源生态安全建设, 工、农业万元产值耗水量与农林水支出比例等指标安全等级的提升促进地区水土资源生态安全建设。  相似文献   

1电热板的温度应控制适中 ,不宜调到最高温度 ,以防消解液迸溅造成样品损失。2氯化亚锡用量应控制在 2 .0 ml为宜。锌粒粒度控制在 1 5~2 0粒左右 ,锌表面蜂窝状效果更好。 3除硫化物的乙酸铅棉花 ,塞得松紧应适当 ,各管应一致 ,棉花每次应更换。 4夏天测砷应在冷水浴中效果更  相似文献   

1997年哈尔滨市建立了以哈尔滨市环境监测中心站为网络中心的农业生态环境监测网络。近日 ,哈尔滨市站根据 3年来对 89项指标的调查和监测 ,编写完成了《哈尔滨市农业生态环境质量报告》。该报告全面地论述了哈尔滨市 7区 12县 (市 )农业生态环境质量现状和自然资源状况 ,对灌溉用水、农田土壤、农田大气以及农作物做出系统评价 ,对该市农业生态环境质量发展趋势作出了科学分析 ,提出了保护和改善农业生态环境质量、推广生态农业及发展绿色食品生产的建议。哈尔滨市站编写完成《哈尔滨市农业生态环境质量报告》  相似文献   

农业面源污染防治的监测问题分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,农业面源污染已成为许多国家和地区水环境质量改善的主要影响因素,开展农业面源污染监测将为深入打好污染防治攻坚战提供重要支撑。该文系统分析当前我国农业面源污染监测存在的主要问题,综合考虑国内外经验,提出如下建议:采取空间嵌套式的布局模式优化地表水环境监测点位,充分发挥环境监测的预测预报和风险评估功能;建立包括污染源、产排污系数和空间传输过程的农业面源污染全过程监测网络;定期开展土壤氮、磷养分含量评估和地下水硝酸盐氮测定和评估;建立完善数据整合与共享机制。  相似文献   

粤北地区干旱监测及预警方法研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从农业生产实际出发,引入能够判断作物受旱程度的毛管破裂含水量、凋萎含水量等土壤含水量指标来确定干旱指标,根据土壤水分平衡理论,建立干旱监测预警模型,利用自动站气象资料和降水趋势预报对干旱情况进行判别和分析,并采用Surfer软件对干旱情况进行直观的图形显示.  相似文献   

中国的水环境状况及对策   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
引用翔实的资料,分析了概括了目前中国水环境面临的主要问题是水体污染、水资源短缺和旱涝灾害。指出了解决我国水环境问题的以考仪表 实施水资源管理和污染控制的可持续发展战略。  相似文献   

The main goal of this study is to investigate the dimension of climate change effects in Salt Lake and its vicinity in Turkey using satellite remote sensing data. The first stage of the study includes evaluation of the multitemporal climatic data on the Salt Lake Basin Area, Turkey for a period of 35 years (1970–2005). The changes in mean temperature and precipitation are evaluated for the study area by comparing two periods, 1970–1992 and 1993–2005. In the second stage, the effects of climate changes in the Salt Lake are investigated by evaluating water and salt reserve changes through seasonal and multitemporal SPOT imagery collected in 1987 and 2005. The climatic data and remotely sensed and treated satellite images show that water and salt reserve in Salt Lake has decreased between 1987 and 2005 due to drought and uncontrolled water usage. It is suggested that the use of water supplies, especially underground waters, around the Salt Lake should be controlled and the lake should regularly be monitored by current remote sensing data for an effective management of water and salt resources in the region.  相似文献   

Drought is a complex natural phenomenon that can cause reduced water supplies and can consequently have substantial effects on agriculture and socioeconomic activities. The objective of this study was to gain a better understanding of the spatial-temporal variation characteristics of vegetative drought and its relationship with meteorological factors in China. The Vegetation Condition Index (VCI) dataset calculated from NOAA/AVHRR images from 1982 to 2010 was used to analyse the spatial-temporal variation characteristics of vegetative drought in China. This study also examined the trends in meteorological factors and their influences on drought using monitoring data collected from 686 national ground meteorological stations. The results showed that the VCI appeared to slowly rise in China from 1982 to 2010. From 1982 to 1999, the VCI rose slowly. Then, around 2000, the VCI exhibited a severe fluctuation before it entered into a relatively stable stage. Drought frequencies in China were higher, showing a spatial distribution feature of “higher in the north and lower in the south”. Based on the different levels of drought, the frequencies of mild and moderate drought in four geographical areas were higher, and the frequency of severe drought was higher only in ecologically vulnerable areas, such as the Tarim Basin and the Qaidam Basin. Drought was mainly influenced by meteorological factors, which differed regionally. In the northern region, the main influential factor was sunshine duration, while the other factors showed minimal effects. In the southern region and Tibetan Plateau, the main influential factors were sunshine duration and temperature. In the northwestern region, the main influential factors were wind velocity and station atmospheric pressure.  相似文献   

Early season or crop-planting-period (ES/CPP) drought conditions have become a recurrent phenomenon in tropical countries like India, due to fluctuations in the time of onset and progression of monsoon rains. ES/CPP agricultural drought assessment is a major challenge because of the difficulties in the generation of operational products on soil moisture at larger scales. The present study analyzed the Shortwave Angle Slope Index (SASI) derived from Near Infrared and Shortwave Infrared data of Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer, for tracking surface moisture changes and assessing the agricultural drought conditions during ES/CPP, over Andhra Pradesh state, India. It was found that in-season progression of SASI was well correlated with rainfall and crop planting patterns in different districts of the study area state in both drought and normal years. Rainfall occurrence, increase in crop planted area, and decrease in SASI were in chronological synchronization in the season. Change in SASI from positive to negative values is a unique indication of dryness to wetness shift in the season. Duration of positive SASI values indicated the persistence of agricultural drought in the crop planting period. Mean SASI values were able to discriminate an area which was planted in normal year and unplanted in drought year. SASI thresholds provide an approximate and rapid estimate of the crop planting favorable area in a region which is useful to assess the impact of drought. Thus, SASI is a potential index to strengthen the existing operational drought monitoring systems. Further work needs to be on the integration of multiple parameters—SASI, soil texture, soil depth, rainfall and cropping pattern, to evolve a geospatial product on crop planting favorable areas. Such products pave the way for quantification of drought impact on agriculture in the early part of the season, which is a major inadequacy in the current drought monitoring system.  相似文献   

利用唐山市1976-2005年各县年降水序列,分析了该市降水的空间分布规律和时间变化特点。采用灰色系统的灾变预测方法,对各县分别建立了GM(1,1)模型,进行未来25年唐山市各站的干旱年预测。利用残差检验、后验差检验和关联度检验对各模型分别进行了精度检验。结果表明,预测模型精度较高,可以对唐山市各县未来的干旱年进行预测,从而为科学决策提供依据。  相似文献   

The Catskill/Delaware reservoirs supply 90% of New York City’s drinking water. The City has implemented a series of watershed protection measures, including land acquisition, aimed at preserving water quality in the Catskill/Delaware watersheds. The objective of this study was to examine how relationships between landscape and surface water measurements change between years. Thirty-two drainage areas delineated from surface water sample points (total nitrogen, total phosphorus, and fecal coliform bacteria concentrations) were used in step-wise regression analyses to test landscape and surface-water quality relationships. Two measurements of land use, percent agriculture and percent urban development, were positively related to water quality and consistently present in all regression models. Together these two land uses explained 25 to 75% of the regression model variation. However, the contribution of agriculture to water quality condition showed a decreasing trend with time as overall agricultural land cover decreased. Results from this study demonstrate that relationships between land cover and surface water concentrations of total nitrogen, total phosphorus, and fecal coliform bacteria counts over a large area can be evaluated using a relatively simple geographic information system method. Land managers may find this method useful for targeting resources in relation to a particular water quality concern, focusing best management efforts, and maximizing benefits to water quality with minimal costs.The United States Environmental Protection Agency through its Office of Research and Development funded and managed the research described here. It has been subjected to Agency’s administrative review and approved for publication as an EPA document.  相似文献   

In general, tropical rivers have a great impact on human activities. Bioaccumulation of toxins is a worldwide problem nowadays and has been, historically, overlooked by the supervisory authorities. This study evaluated cytogenotoxic effects of Guaribas river (a Brazilian river) water during dry and rainy seasons of 2014 by using the Allium cepa test system. The toxicogenetic variables, including root growth, mitotic index, and chromosomal aberrations, were analyzed in meristematic cells of A. cepa exposed to water samples taken from the up-, within, and downstream of the city Picos (state: Piauí). The physical-chemical parameters were also analyzed to explain water quality and possible anthropogenic action. Additionally, the presence of heavy metals was also analyzed to explain water quality and possible damaging effects on eukaryotic cells. The results suggest that the river water exerted cytotoxic, mutagenic, and genotoxic effects, regardless of the seasons. In addition, Guaribas river presented physico-chemical values outside the Brazilian laws, which can be a characteristic of human pollution (domestic sewage, industrial, and local agriculture). The genetic damage was positively correlated with higher levels of heavy metals. The pollution of the Guaribas river water may link to the chemical contamination, including the action of heavy metals and their impacts on genetic instability in the aquatic ecosystem. In conclusion, necessary steps should be taken into account for further toxicogenetic studies of the Guaribas river water, as it has an influence in human health of the same region of Brazil.  相似文献   

基于气象和环境空气质量监测数据,分析了江西省干旱对臭氧污染的影响,并结合VOCs在线监测数据,对2022年9月极端干旱下江西省臭氧污染过程特征及污染成因进行分析。结果表明:江西省臭氧污染与气象干旱间存在一定联系,干旱情况下缺少降水对臭氧及其前体物VOCs的湿清除作用,易促使臭氧超标概率随着无雨日数的增加逐步上升。江西省2022年9月出现历史性极端干旱情况,干旱期间江西省11个地市共出现151 d臭氧超标天,NO2常于午夜和早晨出现浓度峰值,从而促进上午臭氧浓度的迅速上升。此外,南昌市林科所站点VOCs在线监测数据也显示:极端干旱期间逐日VOCs体积分数为11.9×10-9~35.5×10-9,较8月明显升高。对OFP贡献前十的物种主要为OVOCs和芳香烃,与8月相比,芳香烃、烯烃和烷烃的OFP略有下降,OVOCs的OFP升高明显,其中乙醛对臭氧的贡献甚至上升143%,前期长时间的无降水可能是乙醛等OVOCs浓度上升的重要原因之一。  相似文献   

The most commonly used normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) from remote sensing often fall short in real-time drought monitoring due to a lagged vegetation response to drought. Therefore, research recently emphasized on the use of combination of surface temperature and NDVI which provides vegetation and moisture conditions simultaneously. Since drought stress effects on agriculture are closely linked to actual evapotranspiration, we used a vegetation temperature condition index (VTCI) which is more closely related to crop water status and holds a key place in real-time drought monitoring and assessment. In this study, NDVI and land surface temperature (T s) from MODIS 8-day composite data during cloud-free period (September–October) were adopted to construct an NDVI–T s space, from which the VTCI was computed. The crop moisture index (based on estimates of potential evapotranspiration and soil moisture depletion) was calculated to represent soil moisture stress on weekly basis for 20 weather monitoring stations. Correlation and regression analysis were attempted to relate VTCI with crop moisture status and crop performance. VTCI was found to accurately access the degree and spatial extent of drought stress in all years (2000, 2002, and 2004). The temporal variation of VTCI also provides drought pattern changes over space and time. Results showed significant and positive relations between CMI (crop moisture index) and VTCI observed particularly during prominent drought periods which proved VTCI as an ideal index to monitor terminal drought at regional scale. VTCI had significant positive relationship with yield but weakly related to crop anomalies. Duration of terminal drought stress derived from VTCI has a significant negative relationship with yields of major grain and oilseeds crops, particularly, groundnut.  相似文献   

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