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Observations of dental microwear are used to analyse the correlation between changes in molar tooth crown morphology and the direction of masticatory movement during the evolution of Myodonta (Rodentia, Mammalia). The studied sample includes 36 specimens representing both superfamilies of Myodonta (Muroidea and Dipodoidea) spanning 16 dipodoid and 9 muroid species. Microscopic scratches on occlusal surfaces resulting from contact between opposite teeth during mastication are analysed. Using these features, we determine the direction of masticatory movements. Microwear patterns display diverse orientations among Dipodoidea: oblique in Sicistinae, Euchoreutinae and Zapodinae, propalinal in Dipodinae and intermediary in Allactaginae. Similarly, Muroidea exhibit the following orientations: oblique in Cricetinae and propalinal in Arvicolinae, Cricetomyinae, Gerbillinae and Murinae. These various chewing types illustrate different evolutionary grades within the superfamilies. Acquisition of the antero-posterior masticatory movement in Dipodoidea is related to flattening of the molar occlusal surface. However, in some muroid subfamilies, this direction of mastication is associated with low-crowned and cuspidate molars (Cricetomyinae, Murinae).  相似文献   

利用生物模拟被动采样研究第二松花江吉林市段的有毒有机污染物种类,并与鱼的生物富集及沉积物的吸附作用进行了比较。对采样器,鱼类及沉积物样品中难降解有机物的分析可以看出、难降解有机污染物在三者之间的分布有较好的对应关系。生物模拟被动采样技术一定程度上模拟了具有生物有效性的难降解有机污染物的富集过程。  相似文献   

Energy use scenario and resulting rice yield of 576 farms belonging to six agroclimatic zones of Assam, India were investigated. Input energy from eight distinct sources, viz., human, animal, diesel, commercial chemical fertilizer, farm yard manure (FYM), seed, pesticide chemical and machinery were determined on the basis of collected data and using standard procedure. Based on the power sources used and application of commercial chemical fertilizer, four categories of farms were delineated: (i) animal power without commercial fertilizer (APNF), (ii) animal power with commercial fertilizer (APF), (iii) mechanical power without commercial fertilizer (MPNF) and (iv) mechanical power with commercial fertilizer (MPF). The best-fit curve of energy versus yield indicated that use of commercial chemical fertilizer and mechanical power resulted in higher rice yield at higher level of input energy. Moreover, as the use of energy increased the yield increased up to maxima and then declined at higher levels of energy. This was observed in all four categories of farms with variation in yield–energy values. The average values of energy input (MJ ha−1) and corresponding yield (kg ha−1) for the APNF, APF, MPNF and MPF type of farms were (5220, 1980); (9050, 3170); (5100, 2360) and (8320, 3800), respectively. Renewable energy dominated the rice cultivation in Assam contributing more than 50% of the total input energy with the exception of MPF category of farm where share of renewable and non-renewable were found to be almost equal. Among the farm operations, tillage was the highest energy consuming operation followed by threshing, harvesting and transplanting for all four categories of farms. However, it was observed that rice yield was not positively correlated with tillage energy.  相似文献   

Global climate change threatens world food production via direct effects on plant growth and alterations to pest and pathogen prevalence and distribution. Complex relationships between host plant, pest, pathogen and environment create uncertainty particularly involving vector-borne diseases. We attempt to improve the understanding of the effects of climate change via a detailed review of one crop-vector-pathogen system.The bird cherry-oat aphid, Rhopalosiphum padi, is a global pest of cereals and vector of yellow dwarf viruses that cause significant crop losses in cereals. R. padi exhibits both sexual and parthenogenetic reproduction, alternating between crops and other host plants. In Australia, only parthenogenesis occurs due to the absence of the primary host, thus the aphid continuously cycles from grasses to cereals, allowing for continuous virus acquisition and transmission.We have reviewed the potential impact of future climate projections on R. padi population dynamics, persistence, abundance, dispersal and migration events as well as the interactions between vector, virus, crop and environment, all of which are critical to the behaviour and development of the vector and its ability to transmit the virus. We identify a number of knowledge gaps that currently limit efforts to determine how this pathosystem will function in a future climate.  相似文献   

溶解性有机质(DOM)是陆地和水生生态系统的重要物质,有色溶解性有机质(CDOM)是可用光谱测定的DOM组分.基于2012年7月采集的土壤和沉积物样品以及2012年11月采集的水体样品,通过单波长、双波长、吸收光谱斜率(S值)和三波长模型建立CDOM与DOM浓度之间的关系.结果表明,4种模型中三波长模型效果最佳,水体数据模型的决定系数为0.788,土壤数据模型的决定系数为0.933,沉积物模型的决定系数为0.856.同时,利用2013年随机采集的32个土壤样品和36个水体样品对模型精度进行检验,结果表明,土壤DOM浓度的相对均方根误差(RRMSE)和平均相对误差(MRE)分别为16.5%和16.9%,水体分别为10.32%和9.06%,相比土壤DOM而言,三波长模型对水体DOM的预测精度更高.  相似文献   

A pot experiment was conducted to study the relationship between distribution of cadmium (Cd) and zinc (Zn) and their availability to cole (Brassica campestris L.) grown in the multi-metal contaminated oasis soil in northwest of China. The results showed that Cd and Zn in the unpolluted oasis soil was mainly found in the residual fractionation, however, with increasing contents of Cd and Zn in the oasis soil, the distribution of Cd and Zn changed significantly. The growth of cole could be promoted by low Cd and Zn concentration, but significantly restrained by high concentrations. There was antagonistic e ect among Cd and Zn in the multi-metals contaminated oasis soil. Stepwise regression analysis between fractionations distribution coe cients of the two meals in the soil and their contents in cole showed that both Cd and Zn in the exchangeable fractionation in the oasis soil made the most contribution on the uptake of Cd and Zn in cole. The bio-concentration factor (BCF) of Cd was greater than Zn in cole, and BCFs of the two metals in leaves were greater than those in roots. The translocation factors of the two metals in cole were greater than 1, and the two metals mainly accumulated in the edible parts in cole. Therefore, cole is not a suitable vegetable for the oasis soil because of the plants notable contamination by heavy metals.  相似文献   

A field trial was conducted to evaluate the reduction of bioavailability of heavy metals including lead (Pb), zinc (Zn) and cadmium (Cd) in a soil contaminated by mining tailings in Shaoxing, Zhejiang, China. Three commercial phosphate (P) fertilizers including phosphate rock (PR), calcium magnesium phosphate (CMP), and single superphosphate (SSP) were applied to the plot at three P application rates, 50, 300, and 500 g/m2 with 9 treatments and control (CK). Plants, water soluble and exchangeable (WE) extra...  相似文献   

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