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Borrowing from concepts of socio-environmental epidemiology and psychology, we conceived self-rated health as a function of multiple physical and psychosocial stressors and resources at the residential neighbourhood and individual level. In this model of multiple stressors, objective exposure to road traffic noise was specified as a physical stressor whose effect on health may be mediated and modified by residents’ subjective response to noise (serious noise annoyance). Self-reported hearing disability, recreational coping in green areas and residential neighbourhood satisfaction were examined as additional psychosocial stressors or resources, independently of socio-demographic and -economic factors. Results from our empirical analysis based on two studies and multivariable logistic regressions might support the idea that environmental planning should overcome sectoral boundaries and adopt an integrative approach including objective exposures, residents’ subjective responses, and perceived resources.  相似文献   

This paper examines the realism of the resilience ambition and process of the U.S. housing system, shedding light on its heterogeneity as well as the financialization currently acting as the driving force in real estate production. The resilience ambition leading to enhanced justice and egalitarianism is understood as the provision and maintenance of post-disaster housing for all within an institutionally diverse landscape of housing policy makers and implementers. Particular emphasis is given to the post-Katrina institutional transformations resulting from multifarious interactions between multilevel institutional structures and a diverse landscape of low-income housing policy implementers – referred as social resilience cells (SRCs) in this paper. The nature and level of these transformations determine the degree to which resilience in its heterogeneous form has been incubated in New Orleans. The paper concludes with a discussion on the macro conditions and bottom-linked governance structures under which all SRCs could be better bolstered in a post-financialization, radicalised neowelfare U.S., and which in turn create possibilities for materialising the resilience ambition.  相似文献   

Does the widely documented tendency to prefer natural over built environments owe to the perception of greater restorative potential in natural environments? In the present experimental study we tested the mediating role of restoration in environmental preferences. Participants viewed a frightening movie, and then were shown a video of either a natural or a built environment. We used two examples of each type of environment. Participants’ mood ratings were assessed before and after they viewed the frightening movie, and again after viewing the environmental video. Participants also rated the beauty of the environment shown (to indicate preference) and performed a test of concentration after viewing the environmental video. The results indicate that participants perceived the natural environments as more beautiful than the built environments. In addition, viewing natural environments elicited greater improvement in mood and marginally better concentration than viewing built environments. Mediational analyses revealed that affective restoration accounted for a substantial proportion of the preference for the natural over the built environments. Together, these results help substantiate the adaptive function of people's environmental preferences.  相似文献   

正中华人民共和国环境保护部主管全国性环境教育权威期刊1995年创刊《环境教育》杂志创刊于1995年,是全国性的环境教育类权威期刊(月刊),以"普及环保知识,传播生态文明,推动公众参与"为办刊宗旨,以"服务环保、服务教育"为办刊原则,以"指导性、示范性、实用性"为办刊特色,旨在推动环境教育事业的蓬勃发展。订户可通过当地邮局订阅(邮发代号82-34),也可通过杂志社发行部直接订阅。  相似文献   

00070002;183产学研结合——全面拓展职教空间的有效途径王华利;戴葵堂;湖北三峡职业技术学院,湖北三峡职业技术学院 443003,4430030中国科技信息China Science and Technology Information187 192G710H132;1;A;H;H132_1;王华利;00030010;184 189现代展览馆视觉识别系统的现状与建设思路吴郑玲;郑州美术馆 450003展览馆;;缺  相似文献   

<正>中华人民共和国环境保护部主管全国性环境教育权威期刊1995年创刊《环境教育》杂志创刊于1995年,是全国性的环境教育类权威期刊(月刊),以"普及环保知识:传播生态文明,推动公众参与"为办刊宗旨,以"服务环保、服务教育"为办刊原则,以"指导性、示范性、实用性"为办刊特色,旨在推动环境教育事业的蓬勃发展。订户可通过当地邮局订阅(邮发代号  相似文献   

正中华人民共和国环境保护部主管全国性环境教育权威期刊1995年创刊《环境教育》杂志创刊于1995年,是全国性的环境教育类权威期刊(月刊),以"普及环保知识,传播生态文明,推动公众参与"为办刊宗旨,以"服务环保、服务教育"为办刊原则,以"指导性、示范性、实用性"为办刊特色,旨在推动环境教育事业的蓬勃发展。订户可通过当地邮局订阅(邮发代号82-34),也可通过杂志社发行部直接订阅。  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between exteriors of police department facilities and participants’ ratings of the buildings’ authority, professionalism, and approachability. After a pilot study, research was conducted with 122 participants who were undergraduate students from a small, liberal arts college in the Northeast. On each of three characteristics (authority, professionalism, and approachability), participants rated 16 color images of police departments located in the United States. The façade ratings for each characteristic were then categorized into factors through factor analyses. There were three factors for authority (Ineffectual, Strong, and Outdated); three for professionalism (Unskilled, Non-traditional, and Governmental); and four for approachability (Uninviting, Accessible, Public, and Impenetrable). The results were compared to participants’ scores on the Right-Wing Authoritarianism Scale (Altemeyer, 1981) and the Social Dominance Orientation scale (Sidanius & Pratto, 1999). Although the primary goal for the study was to determine whether there are consistent responses to police department exteriors, it was hypothesized that the façade ratings would relate to the authoritarianism ratings, with more authoritarian people expected to rate the façades higher in authority. Although this hypothesis was not supported, significant findings were related to gender. Applications to architectural design are discussed.  相似文献   

The impact of the number of displayed credentials (0, 2, 4, or 9) and the presence or absence of family photographs on participants' judgments of a therapist's qualities was assessed. In a between-participants design, 227 participants made these judgments after viewing a projected digital image of a therapist's office. The judgments of the characteristics yielded three factors, Qualifications, Friendliness, and Energy. Analyses indicated that in general, the greater the number of credentials, the more positive the judgment of the therapist's Qualifications and Energy. The presence of family pictures had no significant impact on judgments. Results are discussed in terms of recommendations for the counseling environment.  相似文献   

正中华人民共和国生态环境部主管中华人民共和国生态环境部主管国家级环境教育权威期刊1995年创刊《环境教育》杂志创刊于1995年,是国家级的环境教育类权威期刊(月刊),以"普及环保知识,传播生态文明,推动公众参与"为办刊宗旨,以"服务环保、服务教育"为办刊原则,以"指导性、示范性、实用性"为办刊特色,旨在推动环境教育事业的蓬勃发展。订户可通过当地邮局订阅(邮发代号  相似文献   

<正>中华人民共和国生态环境部主管ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION中华人民共和国生态环境部主管国家级环境教育权威期刊|1995年创刊《环境教育》杂志创刊于1995年,是国家级的环境教育类权威期刊(月刊),以"普及环保知识,传播生态文明,推动公众参与"为办刊宗旨,以"服务环保、服务教育"为办刊原则,以"指导性、示范性、实用性"为办刊特色,旨在推动环  相似文献   

Oregons land-use planning program is often cited as an exemplary approach to forest and farmland conservation, but analyses of its effectiveness are limited. This article examines Oregons land-use planning program using detailed spatial data describing building densities in western Oregon. An empirical model describes changes in building densities on forest and agricultural lands from 1974 to 1994, as a function of a gravity index of lands commuting distance to cities of various sizes, topographic characteristics, and zoning adopted under Oregons land-use planning program. The effectiveness of Oregons land-use planning program is evaluated based on the statistical significance of zoning variables and by computing estimated areas of forest and agricultural lands falling into undeveloped, low-density developed, and developed building density categories, with and without land-use zoning in effect. Results suggest that Oregons land-use planning program has provided a measurable degree of protection to forest and agricultural lands since its implementation.  相似文献   

正玛多县位于巴颜喀拉山北麓、阿尼玛卿山以西的黄河谷地,是黄河流经之地的第一县,这里山峦起伏,湖泊众多,最负盛名的是扎陵湖、鄂陵湖。20多年前的玛多山清水秀,湿地连绵,草场丰美,以草原畜牧业为经济基础。1980年至1982年,人均占有牲畜为100多头,连续三年蝉联全国人均年收入排名第一县。那时,玛多县是青海的骄傲。丰收和富裕或者说经济增长,使人迷失了方向,“突破百万牲畜”的口号之下,玛多县的草场迅速过载,不堪重负。当时只要来玛多县放牧,就无偿  相似文献   

H市因为灭鼠工作落后被上级通报批评。市长看完通报,也就憋足了一肚子火气,一个电话把爱卫会主任招来,鼻子不是鼻子脸不是脸地一阵狠训。临末了说:限你一年时间,灭鼠工作上下去,我就先撤你的职! 全市的灭鼠工作立时就火腾起来.趁热打铁连续搞了3次大规模统一投药灭鼠。不过,从反馈上来的情况看,效果却不理想,老鼠们出出进进来来往往一派繁荣景象,似乎并没有减少。爱卫会主任感到计穷,好象投放的鼠药全被他吃了一样,整日里一脸绝望。这时有人建议说,何不用经济手段灭鼠?灭鼠一只,奖励两元,可持鼠尾兑奖,重奖之下,人定胜鼠。爱卫会主任觉得此法可试,报经主管领导同意后,广而告之,奖励办法一年有效。  相似文献   

<正>由江苏瑞帆环保装备股份有限公司开发的大型高炉(3200m~3)煤气全干法袋式除尘技术与装备技术,适用于钢铁行业大型高炉煤气除尘。主要技术内容一、基本原理高炉煤气经重力除尘和旋风除尘后,由荒煤气主管分配到布袋除尘器各箱体中,并进入荒煤气室,颗粒较  相似文献   

In his recent article, Cairncross identified problems with legislation relevant to the conservation of national geological heritage. This permits us to pose some more general questions, which are not addressed in the noted contribution. The example given by Cairncross indicates some pitfalls linked with the “all-inclusive” nature of legislation in which geological heritage is mixed with cultural heritage. Are such laws really helpful? Even if they are inevitable, they should be prepared with great caution. Moreover, it appears sensible to discuss whether particular geological objects or geodiversity as a whole should be legally conserved. Cairncross also proposes the interesting idea of a special fund/agency for purchasing rare mineral specimens for museums. This raises a set of questions about selection criteria for minerals to be purchased, types of market to be dealt with, number of fund/agency staff, necessary financial resources, and the administration of such purchasing schemes. Broad multi-stakeholder debates are necessary in order to establish the proposed fund/agency and to facilitate its efficient work.  相似文献   

正中华人民共和国环境保护部主管全国性环境教育权威期刊1995年创刊《环境教育》杂志创刊于1995年,是全国性的环境教育类权威期刊(月刊),以"普及环保知识,传播生态文明,推动公众参与"为办刊宗旨,以"服务环保、服务教育"为办刊原则,以"指导性、示范性、实用性"为办刊特色,旨在推动环境教育事业的蓬勃发展。订户可通过当地邮局订阅(邮发代号82-34),也可通过杂志社发行部直接订阅。  相似文献   

正中华人民共和国生态环境部主管国家级环境教育权威期刊|1995年创刊《环境教育》杂志创刊于1995年,是全国性的环境教育类权威期刊(月刊),以"普及环保知识,传播生态文明,推动公众参与"为办刊宗旨,以"服务环保、服务教育"为办刊原则,以"指导性、示范性、实用性"为办刊特色,旨在推动环境教育事业的蓬勃发展。订户可通过当地邮局订阅(邮发代号82-34),也可通过杂志社发行部直接订阅。  相似文献   

正三江源,神圣之源。三江源,生命之源。古往今来,在每一个牵挂江河源头的中华儿女的心灵深处,那些寻找源头的艰辛往事,以及有关江河源区的一草一木、一山一水、一沙一石,乃至神话传说,无不是一个有着悠久历史的民族自豪感的延伸。那是一种鲜艳而细小的流淌在血脉里的传承久远的延伸,那是一种无论怎样多灾多难而中华民族总是能够生生不息、自强自立的精神的延伸。我们的山有宗、水有源、树有根,我们是这块土地上的子孙,正是因为我们拥有江河源头的巍巍高山、  相似文献   

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