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Abstract: Some sources of organic wastewater compounds (OWCs) to streams, lakes, and estuaries, including wastewater‐treatment‐plant effluent, have been well documented, but other sources, particularly wet‐weather discharges from combined‐sewer‐overflow (CSO) and urban runoff, may also be major sources of OWCs. Samples of wastewater‐treatment‐plant (WWTP) effluent, CSO effluent, urban streams, large rivers, a reference (undeveloped) stream, and Lake Champlain were collected from March to August 2006. The highest concentrations of many OWCs associated with wastewater were in WWTP‐effluent samples, but high concentrations of some OWCs in samples of CSO effluent and storm runoff from urban streams subject to leaky sewer pipes or CSOs were also detected. Total concentrations and numbers of compounds detected differed substantially among sampling sites. The highest total OWC concentrations (10‐100 μg/l) were in samples of WWTP and CSO effluent. Total OWC concentrations in samples from urban streams ranged from 0.1 to 10 μg/l, and urban stream‐stormflow samples had higher concentrations than baseflow samples because of contributions of OWCs from CSOs and leaking sewer pipes. The relations between OWC concentrations in WWTP‐effluent and those in CSO effluent and urban streams varied with the degree to which the compound is removed through normal wastewater treatment. Concentrations of compounds that are highly removed during normal wastewater treatment [including caffeine, Tris(2‐butoxyethyl)phosphate, and cholesterol] were generally similar to or higher in CSO effluent than in WWTP effluent (and ranged from around 1 to over 10 μg/l) because CSO effluent is untreated, and were higher in urban‐stream stormflow samples than in baseflow samples as a result of CSO discharge and leakage from near‐surface sources during storms. Concentrations of compounds that are poorly removed during treatment, by contrast, are higher in WWTP effluent than in CSO, due to dilution. Results indicate that CSO effluent and urban stormwaters can be a significant major source of OWCs entering large water bodies such as Burlington Bay.  相似文献   

Stream temperatures are key indicators for aquatic ecosystem health, and are of particular concern in highly seasonal, water‐limited regions such as California that provide sensitive habitat for cold‐water species. Yet in many of these critical regions, the combined impacts of a warmer climate and urbanization on stream temperatures have not been systematically studied. We examined recent changes in air temperature and precipitation, including during the recent extreme drought, and compared the stream temperature responses of urban and nonurban streams under four climatic conditions and the 2008–2018 period. Metrics included changes in the magnitude and timing of stream temperatures, and the frequency of exceedance of ecologically relevant thresholds. Our results showed that minimum and average daily air temperatures in the region have increased by >1°C over the past 20 years, warming both urban and nonurban streams. Stream temperatures under drought warmed most (1°C–2°C) in late spring and early fall, effectively lengthening the summer warm season. The frequency of occurrence of periods of elevated stream temperatures was greater during warm climate conditions for both urban and nonurban streams, but urban streams experienced extreme conditions 1.5–2 times as often as nonurban streams. Our findings underscore that systematically monitoring and managing urban stream temperatures under climate change and drought is critically needed for seasonal, water‐limited urban systems.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Multiple anthropogenic stressors, including increased watershed imperviousness, destruction of the riparian vegetation, increased siltation, and changes in climate, will impact streams over the coming century. These stressors will alter water temperature, thus influencing ecological processes and stream biota. Quantitative tools are needed to predict the magnitude and direction of altered thermal regimes. Here, empirical relationships were derived to complement a simple model of in‐stream temperature [developed by Caissie et al. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering 25 (1998) 250; Journal of Hydrology 251 (2001) 14], including seasonal temperature shifts linked to land use, and temperature surges linked to localized rainstorms; surges in temperature averaged about 3.5°C and dissipated over about 3 h. These temperature surges occurred frequently at the most urbanized sites (up to 10% of summer days) and could briefly increase maximum temperature by >7°C. The combination of empirical relationships and model show that headwater streams may be more pervasively impacted by urbanization than by climate change, although the two stressors reinforce each other. A profound community shift, from common cold and coolwater species to some of the many warmwater species currently present in smaller numbers, may be expected, as shown by a count of days on which temperature exceeds the “good growth” range for coldwater species.  相似文献   

Abstract: A numerical model has been developed to simulate the hydraulic and heat transfer properties of a stormwater detention pond, as part of a simulation tool to evaluate thermal pollution of coldwater streams from stormwater runoff. The model is dynamic (unsteady) and based on principles of fluid mechanics and heat transfer. It is driven by hourly weather data, and specified inflow rates and temperatures. To calibrate and validate the pond model field data were collected on a commercial site in Woodbury, Minnesota. The relationship between pond inflow and outflow rates to precipitation was effectively calibrated using continuously recorded pond levels. Algorithms developed for surface heat transfer in lakes were found to be applicable to the pond with some modification, resulting in agreement of simulated and observed pond surface temperature within 1.0°C root mean square error. The use of an unshaded pond for thermal mitigation of runoff from paved surfaces was evaluated using the pond model combined with simulated runoff from an asphalt parking lot for six years of observed rainfall events. On average, pond outflow temperature was 1.2°C higher than inflow temperature, but with significant event‐to‐event variation. On average, the pond added heat energy to runoff from an asphalt parking lot. Although the pond added total heat energy to runoff, it did reduce the rate of heat outflow from the pond by an order of magnitude due to reductions in volumetric outflow rate compared with the inflow rate. By reducing the rate of heat flow, the magnitude of temperature impacts in a receiving stream were also reduced, but the duration of impacts was increased.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT A synthetic storm rainfall hyetograph for a one-year design frequency is derived from the one-year intensity-duration curve developed for Cincinnati, Ohio. Detailed rainfall data for a three-year period were collected from three raingages triangulating the Bloody Run Sewer Watershed, an urban drainage areas of 2380 acres'in Cincinnati, Ohio. The advancement of the synthetic storm pattern is obtained from an analysis of the antecedent precipitation immediately preceding the maximum period of three selected durations. Rains which produced excessive runoff at least for some duration were considered only. The same approach can be used for other design frequencies. The purpose of this study is to provide synthetic storm hyetographs to be used as input in deterministic mathematical models simulating urban storm water runoff for the design, analysis and possible surcharge prediction of sewer systems.  相似文献   

We coupled rainfall–runoff and instream water quality models to evaluate total suspended solids (TSS) in Wissahickon Creek, a mid‐sized urban stream near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Using stormwater runoff and instream field data, we calibrated the model at a subdaily scale and focused on storm responses. We demonstrate that treating event mean concentrations as a calibration parameter rather than a fixed input can substantially improve model performance. Urban stormwater TSS concentrations vary widely in time and space and are difficult to represent simply. Suspended and deposited sediment pose independent stressors to stream biota and model results suggest that both currently impair stream health in Wissahickon Creek. Retrofitting existing detention basins to prioritize infiltration reduced instream TSS loads by 20%, suggesting that infiltration mitigates sediment more effectively than detention. Infiltrating stormwater from 30% of the watershed reduced instream TSS loads by 47% and cut the frequency of TSS exceeding 100 mg/L by half. Settled loads and the frequency of high TSS values were reduced by a smaller fraction than suspended loads and duration at high TSS values. A widely distributed network of infiltration‐focused projects is an effective stormwater management strategy to mitigate sediment stress. Coupling rainfall–runoff and water quality models is an important way to integrate watershed‐wide impacts and evaluate how management directly affects urban stream health.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Watershed and aquatic ecosystem management requires methods to predict and understand thermal impacts on stream habitat from urbanization. This study evaluates thermal effects of projected urbanization using a modeling framework and considers the biological implications to the fish community. The Stream Network Temperature Model (SNTEMP) was used in combination with the Hydrologic Simulation Program Fortran (HSPF) to assess changes in stream thermal habitat under altered stream‐ flow, shade, and channel width associated with low, medium, and high density urban developments in the Back Creek watershed (Roanoke County, Virginia). Flow alteration by the high density development scenario alone caused minimal heating of mean daily summer base flow (mean +0.1°C). However, when flow changes were modeled concurrently with reduced shade and increased channel width, mean daily temperature increased 1°C. Maximum daily temperatures exceeding the state standard (31°C) increased from 1.1 to 7.6 percent of the time using summer 2000 climatic conditions. Model results suggest that additional urban development will alter stream temperature, potentially limiting thermal habitat and shifting the fish community structure from intolerant to tolerant fish species in Back Creek. More research is needed on the sub‐lethal or chronic effects of increased stream temperature regimes on fish, particularly for those species already living in habitats near their upper limits.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Bacterial populations in a fast flowing stream receiving chemical wastes and in a slower flowing pond receiving a thermal addition 3–5°C above ambient temperature were compared with populations in a nonpolluted converging stream and an adjacent unheated pond. Parameters measured were total aerobic heterotrophic bacteria, bacterial diversity, percent chromagens of the total bacterial populations, and water temperature. Analyses of monthly samples plated on dilute Standard Plate Count Agar indicated that chemical additives to the waste stream significantly decreased the percent of chromagenic bacteria, and that thermal stress significantly altered total counts and bacterial diversity in the flowing pond. The effects of potential pollutants on these aquatic systems were assessed and are discussed on the basis of results obtained over a 16-month period.  相似文献   

: This paper presents solutions to the one-dimensional, transient conservation of mass equations for the coupled biochemical oxygen demand-dissolved oxygen (BOD-DO) reactions, based on the principle of superposition, for continuously discharging plane sources. The solutions are applied within the framework of a continuous simulation model to allow the derivation of water quality frequency curves and frequency histograms of consecutive hourly dissolved oxygen violations, for any desired standard. Receiving water response is determined for waste inputs from urban wet weather, dry weather, and upstream sources. An application to Des Moines, Iowa, and Des Moines River indicated that urban storm water impacts on the stream can be masked in the cumulative frequency curve representation, but the benefits of storm water control are clearly shown in frequency histograms of the duration of consecutive stream standard violations.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Fecal‐indicator bacteria were sampled at 14 stream sites in Anchorage, Alaska, USA, as part of a study to determine the effects of urbanization on water quality. Population density in the subbasins sampled ranged from zero to 1,750 persons per square kilometer. Higher concentrations of fecal‐coliform, E. coli, and enterococci bacteria were measured at the most urbanized sites. Although fecal‐indicator bacteria concentrations were higher in summer than in winter, seasonal differences in bacteria concentrations generally were not significant. Areas served by sewer systems had significantly higher fecal‐indicator bacteria concentrations than did areas served by septic systems. The areas served by sewer systems also had storm drains that discharged directly to the streams, whereas storm sewers were not present in the areas served by septic systems. Fecal‐indicator bacteria concentrations were highly variable over a two‐day period of stable streamflow, which may have implications for testing of compliance to water‐quality standards.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: In 1996, the Illinois State Geological Survey began an investigation of fluctuating water levels in a pond in Cary, Illinois. The cause of the fluctuations appeared to be ground water discharge into a storm sewer recently installed by the Illinois Department of Transportation. However, analysis of climatic data provided an equally likely explanation of the fluctuations. Distinguishing the effect of climatic variations from the effect of the storm sewer was hampered by the lack of antecedent ground water and surface water data. In similar settings, it is recommended that ground water and surface water data be collected prior to initiating any infrastructure improvements.  相似文献   

Abstract: We compared summer stream temperature patterns in 40 small forested watersheds in the Hoh and Clearwater basins in the western Olympic Peninsula, Washington, to examine correlations between previous riparian and basin‐wide timber harvest activity and stream temperatures. Seven watersheds were unharvested, while the remaining 33 had between 25% and 100% of the total basin harvested, mostly within the last 40 years. Mean daily maximum temperatures were significantly different between the harvested and unharvested basins, averaging 14.5°C and 12.1°C, respectively. Diurnal fluctuations between harvested and unharvested basins were also significantly different, averaging 1.7°C and 0.9°C, respectively. Total basin harvest was correlated with average daily maximum temperature (r2 = 0.39), as was total riparian harvest (r2 = 0.32). The amount of recently clear‐cut riparian forest (<20 year) within 600 m upstream of our monitoring sites ranged from 0% to 100% and was not correlated to increased stream temperatures. We used Akaike’s Information Criteria (AIC) analysis to assess whether other physical variables could explain some of the observed variation in stream temperature. We found that variables related to elevation, slope, aspect, and geology explain between 5% and 14% more of the variability relative to the variability explained by percent of basin harvested (BasHarv), and that the BasHarv was consistently a better predictor than the amount of riparian forest harvested. While the BasHarv is in all of the models that perform well, the AIC analysis shows that there are many models with two variables that perform about the same and therefore it would be difficult to choose one as the best model. We conclude that adding additional variables to the model does not change the basic findings that there is a relatively strong relationship between maximum daily stream temperatures and the total amount of harvest in a basin, and strong, but slightly weaker relationship between maximum daily stream temperatures and the total riparian harvest in a basin. Seventeen of the 40 streams exceeded the Washington State Department of Ecology’s (DOE) temperature criterion for waters defined as “core salmon and trout habitat” (class AA waters). The DOE temperature criterion for class AA waters is any seven‐day average of daily maximum temperatures in excess of 16°C. The probability of a stream exceeding the water quality standard increased with timber harvest activity. All unharvested sites and five of six sites that had 25‐50% harvest met DOEs water quality standard. In contrast, only nine of eighteen sites with 50‐75% harvest and two of nine sites with >75% harvest met DOEs water quality standard. Many streams with extensive canopy closure, as estimated by the age of riparian trees, still had higher temperatures and greater diurnal fluctuations than the unharvested basins. This suggests that the impact of past forest harvest activities on stream temperatures cannot be entirely mitigated through the reestablishment of riparian buffers.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Air temperatures are sometimes used as easy substitutes for stream temperatures. To examine the errors associated with this substitution, linear relationships between 39 Minnesota stream water temperature records and associated air temperature records were analyzed. From the lumped data set (38,082 daily data pairs), equations were derived for daily, weekly, monthly, and annual mean temperatures. Standard deviations between all measured and predicted water temperatures were 3.5°C (daily), 2.6°C (weekly), 1.9°C (monthly), and 1.3°C (annual). Separate analyses for each stream gaging station gave substantially lower standard deviations. Weather monitoring stations were, on average, 37.5 km from the stream. The measured water temperatures follow the annual air temperature cycle closely. No time lags were taken into account, and periods of ice cover were excluded from the analysis. If atmospheric CO2 doubles in the future, air temperatures in Minnesota are projected (CCC GCM) to rise by 4.3°C in the warm season (April-October). This would translate into an average 4.1°C stream temperature rise, provided that stream shading would remain unaltered.  相似文献   

Simulations of stream temperatures showed a wide range of future thermal regimes under a warming climate — from 2.9°C warmer to 7.6°C cooler than current conditions — depending primarily on shade from riparian vegetation. We used the stream temperature model, Heat Source, to analyze a 37‐km study segment of the upper Middle Fork John Day River, located in northeast Oregon, USA. We developed alternative future scenarios based on downscaled projections from climate change models and the composition and structure of native riparian forests. We examined 36 scenarios combining future changes in air temperature (ΔTair = 0°C, +2°C, and +4°C), stream discharge (ΔQ = ?30%, 0%, and +30%), and riparian vegetation (post‐wildfire with 7% shade, current vegetation with 19% shade, a young‐open forest with 34% shade, and a mature riparian forest with 79% effective shade). Shade from riparian vegetation had the largest influence on stream temperatures, changing the seven‐day average daily maximum temperature (7DADM) from +1°C to ?7°C. In comparison, the 7DADM increased by 1.4°C with a 4°C increase in air temperature and by 0.7°C with a 30% change in discharge. Many streams throughout the interior western United States have been altered in ways that have substantially reduced shade. The effect of restoring shade could result in future stream temperatures that are colder than today, even under a warmer climate with substantially lower late‐summer streamflow.  相似文献   

Storms in urban areas route heat and other pollutants from impervious surfaces, via drainage networks, into streams with well‐described negative consequences on physical structure and biological integrity. We used heat pulses associated with urban storms as a tracer for pavement‐derived stormwater inputs, providing a conservative estimate of the frequency with which these pollutants are transported into and through protected stream reaches. Our study was conducted within a 1.5‐km reach in Durham, North Carolina, whose headwaters begin in suburban stormwater pipes before flowing through 1 km of protected, 100‐year‐old forest. We recorded heat‐pulse magnitudes and distances travelled downstream, analyzing how they varied with storm and antecedent flow conditions. We found heat pulses >1°C traveled more than 1 km downstream of urban inputs in 11 storms over one year. This best‐case management scenario of a reach within a protected forest shows that urban impacts can travel far downstream of inputs. Air temperature and flow intensity controlled heat‐pulse magnitude, while heat‐pulse size, mean flow, and total precipitation controlled dissipation distance. As temperatures and sudden storms intensify with climate change, heat‐pulse magnitude and dissipation distance will likely increase. Streams in urbanized landscapes, such as Durham municipality, where 98.9% of streams are within 1 downstream km of stormwater outfalls, will be increasingly impacted by urban stormwaters.  相似文献   

One central issue affecting the health of native fish species in the Pacific Northwest is water temperature. In situ observation methods monitor point temperatures, while thermal infrared (TIR) remote sensing captures spatial variations. Satellite‐based TIR sensors have the ability to view large regions in an instant. Four Pacific Northwest river reaches were selected to test the ability of both satellite‐based and moderate resolution aircraft‐based TIR remote sensing products to measure river temperatures. Images with resolutions of 5, 15, and 90 meters were compared with instream temperature observations to assess how along stream radiant temperatures are affected by resolution, reach width, and sensor platform. Where the stream reach can be resolved by the sensor, all sensors obtain water temperatures within ±2°C of instream observations. Along stream temperature variations of up to ±5°C were also observed. Trends were similar between two sets of TIR images taken several hours apart, indicating that the sensors are observing actual temperature patterns from the river surface. If sensor resolution is sufficient to obtain fully resolved water pixels in the river reach, accurate temperatures and spatial patterns can be observed. The current generation of satellite‐based TIR sensors is, however, only able to resolve about 6 percent of all Washington reaches listed as thermally impaired.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Abundant use of copper based products has resulted in increased violation of copper water quality criteria in runoff from urban storm water systems. The objectives of this work were to understand the mobility and toxicity of copper in an urban watershed and to apportion the amount of copper entering the freshwater receiving stream from different urban land covers using a mass balance approach. Sixteen rainfall events collected from the University of Connecticut study watershed between August 1998 and September 2000 were analyzed to assess copper flux in an urban storm water system. Mean flow weighted dissolved copper concentrations observed in the study for copper based architectural material runoff, pervious area runoff, impervious area runoff, and in the receiving stream were 1210 ± 840, 9 ± 3, 8 ± 2, and 14 ± 7 μg/L, respectively. Mean dissolved copper concentrations in the receiving stream exceeded Connecticut's water quality criteria. Despite exceeding the dissolved concentration based criteria, cupric ion concentrations at the system outlet remained below 0.05 μg/L for all storms analyzed, and no acute toxicity (using Daphnia pulex as the test organism) was measured in samples collected from the stream.  相似文献   

Understanding variation in stream thermal regimes becomes increasingly important as the climate changes and aquatic biota approach their thermal limits. We used data from paired air and water temperature loggers to develop region-scale and stream-specific models of average daily water temperature and to explore thermal sensitivities, the slopes of air–water temperature regressions, of mostly forested streams across Maryland, USA. The region-scale stream temperature model explained nearly 90 % of the variation (root mean square error = 0.957 °C), with the mostly flat coastal plain streams having significantly higher thermal sensitivities than the steeper highlands streams with piedmont streams intermediate. Model R 2 for stream-specific models was positively related to a stream’s thermal sensitivity. Both the regional and the stream-specific air–water temperature regression models benefited from including mean daily discharge from regional gaging stations, but the degree of improvement declined as a stream’s thermal sensitivity increased. Although catchment size had no relationship to thermal sensitivity, steeper streams or those with greater amounts of forest in their upstream watershed were less thermally sensitive. The subset of streams with three or more summers of temperature data exhibited a wide range of annual variation in thermal sensitivity at a site, with the variation not attributable to discharge, precipitation patterns, or physical attributes of streams or their watersheds. Our findings are a useful starting point to better understand patterns in stream thermal regimes. However, a more spatially and temporally comprehensive monitoring network should increase understanding of stream temperature variation and its controls as climatic patterns change.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Records of hourly water temperatures for two streams in the Upper Mississippi River basin were used to find the error between instantaneous measurements of stream water temperatures and true daily averages. The instantaneous summer water temperature measurements were assumed to be collected during daylight hours, and measurement times were selected randomly. The absolute error at the 95 percent confidence level of randomly collected stream water temperatures was less than 0.9°C for a 1 to 5m deep large river, but as large as 3.6°C for a 0.3 to lm deep small stream. Temperature readings of morning samples were usually below daily average values, and afternoon readings were usually above. Daily mean water temperatures were obtained with less than 0.23°C standard deviation from true daily averages if the daily maximum and minimum water temperatures were averaged. Sample results were obtained for the open water (summer) season only, since diurnal water temperature fluctuations in ice covered streams are usually negligible.  相似文献   

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