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The Reedy River in South Carolina is affected by the urban area of Greenville, the third most populous city in the state, and by the effluents from two large-scale municipal wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) located on the river. Riverine water chemistry was characterized using grab samples collected annually under spring season baseflow conditions. During the 4-year time period associated with this study, climatic variations included two severe drought spring seasons (2001 and 2002), one above-normal precipitation spring season (2003), and one below-normal precipitation spring season (2004). The influence of drought and human activities on the baseflow chemistry of the river was evaluated by comparing concentrations of dissolved anions, total metals, and other important water chemistry parameters for these different years. Concentrations of copper and zinc, common non-point source contaminants related to urban activities, were not substantially elevated in the river within the urban area under baseflow conditions when compared with headwater and tributary samples. In contrast, nitrate concentrations increased from 1.2–1.6 mg/l up to 2.6–2.9 mg/l through the urban stream reach. Concentrations of other major anions (e.g., sulfate, nitrate) also increased along the reach, suggesting that the river receives continuous inputs of these species from within the urban area. The highest concentrations of major cations and anions typically were observed immediately downstream from the two WWTP effluent discharge locations. Attenuation of nitrate downstream from the WWTPs did not always track chloride changes, suggesting that nitrate concentrations were being controlled by biochemical processes in addition to physical processes. The relative trends in decreasing nitrate concentrations with downstream distance appeared to depend on drought versus non-drought conditions, with biological processes presumably serving as a more important control during non-drought spring seasons.  相似文献   

Industrial wastewater typically contains various metal ions. Traditional metal ion treatment processes such as chemical precipitation generate large volumes of toxic sludge which needs to be further solidified or disposed of. The ferrite process (FP), which is another effective approach of treating metal ion-containing wastewater, can crystallize metal ions into ferrites; the sludge easily precipitates, is stable and can be recycling. This investigation explores the feasibility of the Fenton process and the FP (FFP) for treating wastewater that contains metal ions. It considers one factor that adds noise to the FP, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, and establishes the optimum parameters of each procedure. The analytical results demonstrate that the proper conditions for Fenton process were pH = 2, [Fe(2+)] = 10(-2) M, H(2)O(2) dosing rate = 5 x 10(-4) mol min(-1), reaction time = 12 min. For the proposed multi-stage FP, the preferred Fe(2+) dosage was 0.098 mol in each stage and the sludge met the toxicity characteristic leaching procedure standards. Following the FFP, the effluent water or the sludge easily met Taiwan's standards. Finally, the SEM test demonstrated that size of the sludge particles was 50-110 nm.  相似文献   

This paper applies artificial neural network (ANN) to model the observed effluent quality data. The ANN’s structure, involving the number of hidden layer and node and their connection, is determined endogenously by resorting to the compromise of data cost minimization and prediction accuracy maximization. To obtain the best compromise possible, the model introduces an aspiration variable (μ) that represents the level of aspiration achieved in one objective and the conjugate of μ, (1 − μ), represents level of aspiration achieved in the other objective. Because a massive amount of calculation is required, the model applies genetic algorithm (GA) for its computational flexibility and capability to ensure global solution. Feasibility and practicality of the model is tested by a case study with a set of 150 daily observations on 17 operational variables and quality parameters at an industrial wastewater treatment plant (WTP) located in southern Taiwan. Of these 17 variables open to selection, only 6 variables, wastewater flow rate (Q), CN, SS, MLSS, pH and COD are selected by the model to achieve the maximum accuracy of prediction, 0.94, with a total cost of 5,950 NT$. By constraining budget availability, the variables included in the model are reduced in number, causing a concomitant reduction in prediction accuracy, that is, by varying μ (aspiration level of accuracy), a trajectory of cost and accuracy is generated. The calculation results a cost of 3,650 NT$ and 0.54 accuracy for the case with variables including flow rate, SCN and SS in equalization basin; aeration tank hydraulic retention time (HRT) and percentage of returned sludge (R%) are selected for building the prediction model when the importance of required budget is equal to the accuracy of prediction model. In addition, when required cost for building ANN model is between 3,650 NT$ and 3,900 NT$, the marginal return of budget input is highest in the entire range of calculation.  相似文献   

采用高效液相色谱法测定17种药物活性物质在5家污水厂的含量水平和去除率,并探讨其迁移转化特征。结果表明,17种药物活性物质均能在污水厂进水中检出,测定值为—~21. 58μg/L,在脱水污泥中的测定值为—~30. 81μg/g。分析其在污水厂中迁移转化特征,表明污水处理过程中磺胺类药物的主要去除机制是污泥吸附作用,而β-内酰胺类、卡马西平和降压降脂类等药物的主要去除机制为降解作用。  相似文献   

Extensive aquatic or semi-aquatic production of water spinach (Ipomoea aquatica Forssk.) for human consumption takes place in Southeast Asia. The aim of this study was to assess the concentrations of 38 elements in soil and water spinach cultivated under different degrees of wastewater exposure in Hanoi, Vietnam. The results showed no effect of wastewater use on the overall element concentrations in soil and water spinach. Mean soil concentrations for selected potentially toxic elements at the studied field sites had the following ranges 9.11–18.7 As, 0.333–0.667 Cd, 10.8–14.5 Co, 68–122 Cr, 34.0–62.1 Cu, 29.9–52.8 Ni, 32.5–67.4 Pb, 0.578–0.765 Tl and 99–189 Zn mg kg−1 dry weight (d.w.). In all samples Cd, Pb and Zn soil concentrations were below the Vietnamese Guideline Values (TCVN 7209-2002) for agricultural soils whereas As and Cu exceeded the guideline values. Maximum site element concentrations in water spinach were 0.139 As, 0.032 Cd, 0.135 Cr, 2.01 Cu, 39.1 Fe, 57.3 Mn, 0.16 Ni, 0.189 Pb and 6.01 Zn mg kg−1 fresh weight (f.w.). The site and soil content of organic carbon were found to have high influence on the water spinach element concentrations whereas soil pH and the total soil element concentrations were of less importance. The estimated average daily intake of As, Cd, Cu, Fe, Pb and Zn for adult Vietnamese consumers amounts to <11% of the maximum tolerable intake proposed by FAO/WHO for each element. It is assessed that the occurrence of the investigated elements in water spinach will pose low health risk for the consumers.  相似文献   

Efficiency and productivity are important measures for identifying best practice in businesses and optimising resource-use. This study analyses how these two measures change across the period 2003-2008 for 196 wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) in Spain, by using the benchmarking methods of Data Envelopment Analysis and the Malmquist Productivity Index. To identify which variables contribute to the sustainability of the WWTPs, differences in efficiency scores and productivity indices for external factors are also investigated. Our results indicate that both efficiency and productivity decreased over the five years. We verify that the productivity drop is primarily explained by technical change. Furthermore, certain external variables affected WWTP efficiency, including plant size, treatment technology and energy consumption. However, plants with low energy consumption are the only ones which improve their productivity. Finally, the benchmarking analyses proved to be useful as management tools in the wastewater sector, by providing vital information for improving the sustainability of plants.  相似文献   

This study assesses the efficiency of various physico-chemical, biological and other tertiary methods for treating leachate. An evaluation study on the treatability of the leachate from methane phase bed (MPB) reactor indicated that at an optimum hydraulic retention time of 6 days, the efficiency of the reactor in terms of biological oxygen demand (BOD) and chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal was 91.29 and 82.69%, respectively. Recycling of the treated leachate through the municipal solid waste layers in the leachate recycling unit (LRU) resulted in a significant increase in the biodegradation of organics present in the leachate. Optimum BOD and COD removal efficiencies were achieved at the third recycle; additional recycling of the leachate did not produce any significant improvement. Physico-chemical treatment of the leachate demonstrated that alum and lime (Option 2) were more economical than coagulants lime and MgCO3. A cost analysis of the economics of the various treatments revealed that the alternative treatment consisting of a MPB bed followed by a LRU and aerated lagoon is the most cost-effective treatment. However, the alternative consisting of a MPB followed by the LRU and a soil column, which is slightly more costly, would be the most appropriate treatment when adequate land is readily available.  相似文献   

指出城镇污水处理厂总量减排存在的问题,提出从水量核查、水质核查和运行状况核查等3方面对城镇污水处理厂现场核查,以此对城镇污水处理厂COD减排进行核算。  相似文献   

“十三五”以来,中国工业危废产生量逐年增加,利用处置率总体呈上升趋势。废酸等11类工业危废的产生量累计占比接近85%,化工、有色金属冶炼、焦化和钢铁等行业危废产生量较高,且主要集中在四川、河北等10个省(区、市),呈行业、区域高度集中的特点。工业危废主要由工业企业和危险废物集中处理厂处理,其处理比例约为2∶1。工业企业对工业危废的处理方式主要为再循环(再利用);危险废物集中处理厂主要处理方式为综合利用、焚烧和填埋。除云南、天津等少数省(区、市)工业危废利用或处置潜力不足外,大部分省(区、市)仍有较大潜力。建议高度重视工业危废安全处理和定期风险排查,降低生态环境风险。加强工业危废利用处置技术研发,进一步挖掘工业危废集中处理潜力,不断提高工业危废处理质量效益。  相似文献   

多环芳烃(PAHs)是一类极其复杂的有机污染物,衍生物种类较多,1976年美国环保局因其致癌、致畸、致突变将其中的16种列为优先控制污染物。城市污水处理厂作为一个地区污染物迁移和转化的重要媒介,在控制和截断PAHs进入天然水体的过程中扮演着重要的角色。因此,研究污水处理厂中PAHs的浓度水平对于了解和控制PAHs进入天然水体和通过污泥进入到土壤中进而通过食物链危害人类健康具有重要的意义。文章综述了污水处理厂污水和污泥中PAHs的前处理技术、分析方法、浓度水平、生态风险以及国内外污水处理厂污泥土地利用现状。  相似文献   

淮河流域污染"久治不愈"原因浅析及治理措施建议   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
根据淮河流域水质和产业结构现状、近几年来主要污染物排放量变化以及流域内污水处理情况,初步分析了淮河流域污染反弹“久治不愈”的几个原因并提出了几点相应的建议。  相似文献   

叙述了化学絮凝--气浮处理高浓度CTMP制浆造纸废水工艺及其二段废水排放.实际运行表明,该工艺处理效率高,出水水质稳定,二段废水进入龙岩市污水处理厂与城市生活污水混合,集中处理后达标排放,取得了较好的社会效益和经济效益.  相似文献   

Biosolids from the WWTP of Thessaloniki were examined for the leaching of phosphorus (as ), nitrogen (as and ), and organic matter (as TOC and COD), using two tests: (1) a pH static leaching test and (2) a characterization test, relating contaminant release to the liquid to solid (L/S) ratio. Moreover, a Microtox toxicity test was conducted, to examine the pH dependency of the toxicity of the sludge leachate on the Vibrio fischeri bacterium. Maximum phosphorus release was observed at pH < 3 and at pH > 10. Ammonium nitrogen exhibited maximum leachability at near neutral pH conditions, while nitrate nitrogen exhibited a mild increase in the leachate, as the leachant pH increased from 2 to 12. Both TOC and COD exhibited an increase in the leachate concentration, as the leachant pH was increased from 2 to 12. Ecotoxicological analysis showed that maximum toxicity occurred at very low and very high pH-conditions. As liquid-to-solid ratio increased, the leachate concentration (in mg/l) of all parameters studied decreased. The results of the study were used to conduct a release assessment estimate for the case of Thessaloniki.  相似文献   

以对乙酰氨基酚为目标物,利用固相萃取(SPE)-高效液相色谱(HPLC)法测定了该药物在泰安市污水处理厂进出水和地表水体中的含量。结果表明,对乙酰氨基酚在污水处理厂进水中均被检出,质量浓度为0.9~238μg/L,表明生活污水为污水处理厂该药物活性成分的来源,出水中质量浓度为ND~8.3μg/L,去除率较高,其中生物降解是主要的降解机制。在泮河中的质量浓度为ND~3.59μg/L,与国内外其他地表水体相比,处于同一个数量级,且污水厂排水口下游水体中目标物浓度高于上游,反映出污水处理厂排放可能是其受纳水体中PPCPs的主要来源之一。  相似文献   

A five-stage sequential extraction procedure was used to fractionate heavy metals (Cd, Cu, Pb, Cr, Zn, Fe, Mn, Ni, Co, As, V and Ba) in a biosludge from the biological wastewater treatment plant of Stora Enso Oyj Veitsiluoto Mills at Kemi, Northern Finland, into the following fractions: (1) water-soluble fraction, (2) exchangeable fraction, (3) easily reduced fraction, (4) oxidizable fraction, and (5) residual fraction. The biosludge investigated in this study is a combination of sludge from the primary and secondary clarifiers at the biological wastewater treatment plant. Extraction stages (2)–(4) follow the protocol proposed by the Measurements and Testing Program (formerly BCR Programme) of the European Commission, which is based on acetic acid extraction (stage 2), hydroxylamine hydrochloride extraction (stage 3), and hydrogen peroxide digestion following the ammonium acetate extraction (stage 4). The residual fraction (stage 5) was based on digestion of the residue from stage 4 in a mixture of HF + HNO3 + HCl. Although metals were extractable in all fractions, the highest concentrations of most of the metals occurred in the residual fraction. From the environmental point of view, it was notable that the total heavy metal concentrations in the biosludge did not exceed the maximal allowable heavy metal concentrations for sewage sludge used in agriculture, set on the basis of environmental protection of soil by European Union Directive 86/278/EEC, and by the Finnish legislation. The Ca (98.6 g kg−1; dry weight) and Mg (2.2 g kg−1; dry weight) concentrations in the biosludge were 62 and 11 times higher than the typical values of 1.6 and of 0.2 g kg−1 (dry weight), respectively, in arable land in Central Finland. The biosludge had a slightly alkaline pH (∼8.30), a high loss-on-ignition value (∼78%) and a liming effect of 10.3% expressed as Ca equivalents (dry weight). This indicates its potential as a soil conditioner and improvement agent, as well as a pH buffer.  相似文献   

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