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An opening-closing, single-sample net system designed to capture micronektonic organisms is described. The net is opened and closed at the mouth by mechanical time-release devices, and can be hauled from small ships on hydrographic wire. Data are presented from a series of 4 hauls made with this system during a study of sonic scattering layers. The population maxima of euphausiids, sergestid prawns and physonect siphonophores corresponded to the level of the main scattering layer. Fishes were concentrated below the layer, and amphipods above it.  相似文献   

Environmental Fluid Mechanics - Buoyant turbulent plumes are often categorized by their geometry and described as either round plumes, issuing from a point source, or line/planar plumes, issuing...  相似文献   

Environmental Fluid Mechanics - A series of experiments were conducted to quantify the dynamics of a filling box driven by a line plume that spans the full width of the enclosure. Three...  相似文献   

Dispersal is essential in order that endemic species living in ephemeral, patchy vent environments may persist over evolutionary time. Quantitative field studies of larval dispersal, however, require specieslevel identification of the larval forms because each individual must be distinguished from related vent species, and from non-vent species living in the surrounding deep-sea environment. Methods for culturing these larvae to an identifiable stage have not yet been developed. To solve the larval identification problem for the archaeogastropod molluscs (a prominent component of vent communities), we used a scanning electron microscope (SEM) to image shells of larvae collected in the water column near vents along the East Pacific Rise (9°40′ to 9°50′N; 104°W). Larval shell size, shape and ornamentation were compared to protoconchs retained in juvenile or adult shells of identified species, and used to assign five larval groups unequivocally to species (Cyathermia naticoides Warén and Bouchet, 1989; Neomphalus fretterae McLean, 1981; Clypeosectus delectus McLean, 1989; Rhynchopelta concentrica McLean, 1989; and Lirapex granularis Warén and Bouchet, 1989) and seven groups tentatively to species or genus [Lepetodrilus spp. (three groups); Gorgoleptis sp; Peltospira ?operculata McLean, 1989; and ?Melanodrymia sp. (two groups)].  相似文献   

Liu  Yang  Li  Xiaoqing  Huang  Lan  Liu  Zuwen 《Environmental Fluid Mechanics》2021,21(6):1303-1332
Environmental Fluid Mechanics - The entrainment coefficient of the pure plume, the ratio of the radial velocity of the entraining fluid at the edge of the plume to the axial velocity, is...  相似文献   

To study the nocturnal feeding of euphausiids during vertical migrations and its impact on the phytoplankton, a phytoplankton-rich water mass (drogue marked) drifting over a dense krill scattering layer (acoustic 104kHz) in the lower St. Lawrence estuary was monitored over 46 h in July 1982. Phytoplankton >20 m was abundant and mostly concentrated at the bottom of the photic layer above the pycnocline. Less than 42% of the particulate carbon was due to phytoplankton. The krill scattering layer was about 2 to 3 km in width, elongated along the 100-m bathymetric contour, and absent when the bottom was shallower than 50 m. Its upper day depth was 50 m. At deeper depths, its vertical distribution frequently changed from unimodal to polymodal shapes and viceversa, often with large concentrations of zooplankton just above the bottom. Typical vertical migrations were observed on both days. At night the scattering layer had a lower scattering strength. Most of it was below the thermocline but net catches showed that large concentrations of euphausiids (up to 57 individuals m-3) crossed it. Stomach pigment content of Thysanoessa raschi was generally low, but mean stomach fullness was always high. They were more opportunistic than herbivorous. From stomach fullness and the presence of a food bolus in mouth parts, feeding in surface waters appeared to be intensive, but gut content indicated that food was not processed there. It is therefore suggested that individuals underwent vertical interchanges across the thermocline while feeding during the night. Meganyctiphanes norvegica had significant herbivorous activity during the night. The grazing pressure impact of the scattering layer on phytoplankton was negligible.Contribution to the program of GIROQ (Groupe interuniversitaire de recherches océanographiques du Québec)  相似文献   

A series of laboratory experiments has been carried out to investigate the passage of an internal solitary wave of depression over a bottom ridge, in a two-layer fluid system for which the upper and lower layer is linearly-stratified and homogeneous respectively. Density, velocity and vorticity fields induced by the wave propagation over the ridge have been measured simultaneously at three locations, namely upstream, downstream and over the ridge crest, for a wide range of model parameters. Results are presented to show that wave breaking may occur for a sufficiently large wave amplitude and a strong ridge blockage factor, with accompanying mixing and overturning. Density field data are presented (i) to illustrate the overturning and mixing processes that accompany the wave breaking and (ii) to quantify the degree of mixing in terms of the wave and ridge parameters. For weak encounters, good agreement is obtained between the laboratory experimental results (velocity and vorticity fields induced by the wave propagation) and the predictions of a recently-developed fully nonlinear theory. Discrepancies between theory and experiment are discussed for cases in which breaking and mixing occur.  相似文献   

Gut fullness of larval fishes was used to determine the nutritional significance of an estuarine plume front off Botany Bay, SE Australia, on three days in March/April 1990. Fishes were captured in three different water masses (estuarine plume, front and shelf water), each separated by 200 m, using a 260 m mesh purse-seine net. Overall, the gut-fullness index (GFI) of 260 fish larvae combined from eight families (Gerreidae, Mugilidae, Mullidae, Sparidae, Blenniidae, Kyphosidae, Monodactylidae, Pomacentridae), was significantly greater in the plume and front water on two of the sampling occasions, but no difference was detected on the third occasion. Trends in GFI among families were inconsistent with respect to the front. The mugilid (Liza argentea) fed equally and abundantly in all water masses (gut fullness>90%), while the kyphosid (Kyphosus spp.) had a significantly greater GFI in the plume compared to the shelf water. In general, the response of GFI to the front varied between dates and amongst taxa. Diet analysis showed that mugilids selected for copepod nauplii within the plume and shelf water [alpha selectivity index (ASI) of (0.22 to 0.98)] and for harpacticoid copepods within the front (ASI=0.92), representing characteristic diets identified by canonical discriminant analysis. Kyphosids selected positively for copepod nauplii in all three water masses on both occasions (ASI>0.96). In general, diets of larval fish were taxon-specific, and responded variably to the three habitats. Comparison of diets across water masses was complicated by the large number of families, which rarely occurred in all water masses. The nutritional significance of an estuarine plume front varies between species of larval fish, and there are no obvious trends that can be applied to the larval fish community in general.  相似文献   

Over the past 20 years, sonar remote sensing has opened ways of acquiring new spatial information on seafloor habitat and ecosystem properties. While some researchers are presently working to improve sonar methods so that broad-scale high-definition surveys can be effectively conducted for management purposes, others are trying to use these surveying techniques in more local areas. Because ecosystem management is scale-dependent, there is a need to acquire spatiotemporal knowledge over various scales to bridge the gap between already-acquired point-source data and information available at broader scales. Using a 675-kHz single-pencil-beam sonar mounted on the remotely operated vehicle ROPOS, 2200 m deep on the Juan de Fuca Ridge, East Pacific Rise, five dominant habitat types located in a hydrothermal vent field were identified and characterized by their sonar signatures. The data, collected at different altitudes from 1 to 10 m above the seafloor, were depth-normalized. We compared three ways of handling the echoes embedded in the backscatters to detect and differentiate the five habitat types; we examined the influence of footprint size on the discrimination capacity of the three methods; and we identified key variables, derived from echoes that characterize each habitat type. The first method used a set of variables describing echo shapes, and the second method used as variables the power intensity values found within the echoes, whereas the last method combined all these variables. Canonical discriminant analysis was used to discriminate among the five habitat types using the three methods. The discriminant models were constructed using 70% of the data while the remaining 30% were used for validation. The results showed that footprints 20-30 cm in diameter included a sufficient amount of spatial variation to make the sonar signatures sensitive to the habitat types, producing on average 82% correct classification. Smaller footprints produced lower percentages of correct classification; instead of the habitat types, the sonar data responded to intrapatch roughness and hardness characteristics. The sonar variables used in this study and the methods for extracting and transforming them are fully described in this paper and available in the public domain.  相似文献   

深海热液喷口周围微氧耐压细菌的培养研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究采用析因实验设计,探讨了培养基的水源、培养温度和生长pH等因素对喷口细菌生长繁殖的影响,初步探索了常压下东太平洋某海底喷口周围微氧耐压细菌的生长条件。样品培养10d后,对培养液中细菌量进行显微计数,实验数据用SPSS11.0统计软件中的方差分析程序进行处理。统计结果显示:在标准大气压下,从研究样品中获得最多细菌数的较优培养条件为:培养基水源为单蒸水;生长pH为7.60;培养温度为50℃。在该条件的培养液中细菌平均浓度达2.596×10个/mL。研究结果为进一步认识、鉴定与开发利用深海喷口周围细菌资源打下了基础。  相似文献   

Calcification rates in different fragments along branches of the hermatypic coral Stylophora pistillata were tested in the laboratory using a new technique, the optic glassfiber method. By this method, the tested colony remains constantly in dark conditions while a narrow beam of light, transferred through the optic fiber, illuminates a small distinct point of coral tissue (on a branch tip or base). The selected illuminated portion of the branch serves as the experimental fragment, while all the other parts of the same colony serve as the dark controls. The results indicate that significantly more calcium is incorporated in the tip fragments than in the bases, both in light and in dark conditions (4.1 to 13.2 times more). Illumination of the tips or the bases did not stimulate or enhance the calcification rates of these fragments. Thus, in all colonies tested, the calcification rates of the illuminated fragments were not significantly different from the average rates of other similar, non-illuminated fragments of the same colony. It is suggested that light does not directly enhance calcification in hermatypic corals, but rather, that light enhances O2 production, which consequently stimulates coral metabolism. Our preliminary results indicate that calcification rates recorded in aerated dark experiments are significantly higher than calcification rates of non-aerated dark controls.  相似文献   

The prodissoconch morphology of an unclassified mytilid from a hydrothermal vent on the Galápagos Rift indicates the presence of a planktotrophic larval stage with longrange dispersal capabilities. Recorded abyssal currents are probably sufficient to transport such larvae hundreds of kilometers. It is suggested that one or more aspects of the unusual biological or physico-chemical conditions (such as high microbial densities, elevated water temperatures, and hydrogen sulfide concentrations) encountered at vents, provide a stimulus to larval settlement. Such a behavioral response, perhaps coupled with a gregarious settling response, would provide a means of concentrating relatively sedentary organisms in and around these restricted, geographically isolated regions.  相似文献   

This is the first report of transparent exopolymer particle (TEP) concentrations within deep-sea hydrothermal vent systems using colorimetric methods, measuring TEP in supernatants of sediments surrounding the vents, in fluids emanating directly from hydrothermal vents and in neutrally buoyant hydrothermal plumes. Samples were collected at Guaymas Basin (Gulf of California), a sedimented hydrothermal system. TEP concentrations within the hydrothermal fluids were significantly greater than the only other report of TEP in deep water. The range of values for TEP abundance were 8–6,451 μg/L of gum xanthan equivalents, the highest values being associated with supernatants of microbial mat-covered sediments. The potential sources and significance of the high concentrations of TEP observed in this deep-sea hydrothermal environment are discussed.  相似文献   

We examined the effect of increased copper concentrations (0–10 μM) on hydrothermal vent micro- organisms and the production of copper (Cu)-binding ligands as a response. Hydrothermal vent microbes originated from diffuse fluids at the Lilliput mussel field and the Irina II site in the Logatchev hydrothermal vent field, both on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Parallel studies were also conducted with amino acids supplemented to the incubations in order to verify whether dissolved amino acids, present in hydrothermal fluids, can buffer the bioavailable copper and reduce the active production of Cu-binding ligands. In all incubations, ligand concentrations increased with rising copper concentrations, but microbial cell numbers remained constant. This study shows that microbes were able to cope with as much as 10 μM dissolved copper by buffering the free copper concentration. The presence of amino acids had no significant influence on the active ligand production. Our results imply that mediation of chemical speciation by vent microbes may have an important impact on hydrothermal trace metal fluxes into the ocean.  相似文献   

We develop a stochastic model for the time-evolution of scalar concentrations and temporal gradients in concentration experienced by observers moving within inhomogeneous plumes that are dispersing within turbulent flows. In this model, scalar concentrations and their gradients evolve jointly as a Markovian process. Underlying the model formulation is a natural generalisation of Thomson’s well mixed condition [Thomson DJ (1987) J Fluid Mech 180:529–556]. As a consequence model outputs are necessarily compatible with statistical properties of scalars observed in experiment that are used here as model input. We then use the model to examine how insects aloft within the atmospheric boundary-layer can locate odour sources by modulating their flight patterns in response to odour cues. Mechanisms underlying odour-mediated flights have been studied extensively at laboratory-scale but an understanding of these flights over landscape scales is still lacking. Insect flights are simulated by combining the stochastic model with a simple model of insect olfactory response. These simulations show the strong influence of wind speed on the distributions of the times taken by insects to locate the source. In accordance with experimental observations [Baker TC, Vickers NJ (1997) In: Insect pheromone research: new directions, pp 248–264; Mafra-Neto A, Cardé RT (1994) Nature 369:142–144], flight patterns are predicted to become straighter and shorter, and source location is predicted to become more likely as the mean wind speed increases. The most probable arrival time to the source decreases with the mean wind speed. It is shown that scale-free movement patterns arising from olfactory-driven foraging stem directly from the power-law distribution of concentration excursion times above/below a threshold level and are robust with respect to variations in Reynolds number. Flight lengths are well represented by a power law distribution in agreement with the observed patterns of foraging bumblebees [Heinrich B (1979) Oecologia 40(3):235–245].  相似文献   

The hydrothermal vent crab Bythograea thermydron Williams (Brachyura: Bythograeidae) is exposed to high environmental concentrations of hydrogen sulphide. Hydrogen sulphide has previously been shown to be oxidized to a non-toxic form, thiosulphate (S2O3 2-), that accumulates in the hemolymph (to concentrations>1 mmoll-1). Hemocyanin-oxygen (Hc-O2) affinity was determined in dialysed, fresh or frozen hemolymph samples from B. thermydron. Although freezing is known to alter the affinity or cooperativity of some decapod crustacean hemocyanins, neither Hc-O2 affinity nor cooperativity was significantly altered in B. thermydron hemolymph samples that had been frozen, consistent with previous findings. Oxygen affinity of B. thermydron hemocyanin was significantly increased by the presence of L-lactate. Likewise, Hc-O2 affinity was significantly increased by the presence of 1.5 mmol S2O3 2- I-1. The magnitude of this effect was the same as for similar concentrations of L-lactate. This specific effect of S2O3 2- does not appear to be a general property of crustacean hemocyanins, as there was no significant effect of S2O3 2- on Hc-O2 affinity or cooperativity in dialysed hemolymph samples from the brachyuran crabs Cancer anthonyi Rathbun and C. antennarius Stimpson, or the thalassinid ghost shrimp Callianassa californiensis Dana. In the context of high environmental sulphide concentrations coupled with low PO 2, and the subsequent accumulation of S2O3 2- in crab hemolymph, the increase in Hc-O2 affinity due to thiosulphate appears to be an adaptive response in B. thermydron.  相似文献   

Calyptogena magnifica Boss and Turner, 1980, a new Vesicomyidae found during the Galápagos expedition in hydrothermal vents of the East Pacific Rise, was collected in the same Rise at 21°N during the Oasis expedition (March 1982), and samples of the gill were fixed for ultrastructural observations. The large size and structure of the gill indicate that this is the organ mainly involved in the nutritional processes ofC. magnifica. Despite the classic structural appearance of the external cilia of its gill, and an obvious production of mucus,C. magnifica is not a filter-feeder, as it does not use filtering processes to provide its major source of nutrition. Negligible particulate transfer is evidenced by reduction of the ciliary groove, of the labial palps and of the digestive tube, as well as by the absence of mucous strings. Histological and ultrastructural observations endorse the hypothesis that endocellular chemoautotrophic bacteria play an important role in the nutrition of the clam. Except for a superficial zone of ciliated cells, most of the gill tissue is comprised of cells which appear to be bacteriocytes, and which are perfectly integrated into the gill tissue and contain abundant and normally reproducing bacteria. The differences observed in the structure of the bacteriocytes suggest a cyclic process of their colonization by bacteria, their possible resorption, and their replacement by new bacteria-infected cells. Energetic substrates (sulfides and organic molecules) are probably directly absorbed by the bacteriocytes through the microvilli of the epithelial cells. Abundant fingerprint-like mitochondria in ciliate cells attest to a particularly high metabolic activity, perhaps related to active biosynthesis.  相似文献   

We carried out a field study of the plume discharged by a near-shore wastewater outfall near the Akashi Strait, Japan. Using an Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler and a tow-body CTD, we measured the near-surface salinity and temperature fields in the region throughout an M2 tidal cycle. We filtered the data in T–S space to remove water masses other than the wastewater, and then used the adiabatic mixing assumption to calculate the concentration of wastewater in the far field of this plume. Averaging the T–S fields of repeated surveys over a time period during which the tidal regime did not change substantially, allowed comparison of the time-averaged plume with the analytical solution for a plume diffusing in both the horizontal and vertical dimensions. The resulting vertical turbulent diffusion coefficients agreed well with those resulting from Thorpe scales determined via a vertically-profiling CTD, as well as with the canonical value for open channel flow of D z = 0.067hu *. The corresponding horizontal turbulent diffusion coefficients, however, were two orders of magnitude larger than those typically observed in straight channels, and an order of magnitude larger than those observed in meandering rivers. This is likely a result of enhanced horizontal mixing due to barotropic eddies generated by the interaction of strong tidal flow with headlands and levees, as well as due to the time-varying nature of tidal flow, and baroclinic spreading of the buoyant wastewater plume.  相似文献   

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