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A two-dimensional steady state numerical simulation has been carried out for a typical street canyon ventilated by a cross-wind. The PHOENICS package from CHAM was used to solve for the air flow above and within the street canyon. The k-epsilon turbulence model was used for turbulence modelling and pollutant sources were added at ground level over the road but not over the pavements. Results for the air flow showed the formation of a longitudinal vortex within the street canyon, as found by other researchers. Pollutant concentrations were predicted with the highest values occurring at the leeward walls of the upwind buildings, and the lowest values on the windward walls of the downwind buildings. The accuracy of these simulations was examined by comparing the predicted results with field observations. Reasonable agreement was obtained, confirming the difference between concentrations on the leeward and windward walls. The results show that the dispersion characteristics can be simulated in terms of structural configurations. 相似文献
Validation of a Street Canyon Model in Two Cities 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
A.T. Buckland 《Environmental monitoring and assessment》1998,52(1-2):255-267
A street canyon model has been formulated based on work published by Hertel and Berkowicz. An outline is given of the theoretical approach used, followed by a modelling of nitrogen oxides and carbon monoxide measurements from sites at Cromwell Road, Central London and Stratford Road, Birmingham. Modelled concentrations were compared with observed mixing ratios for both sites. At Cromwell Road, good agreement was achieved for one month but which was not reproduced as well for the other two months tested. There is uncertainty as to the effect of one of the side streets and whether the general flow is altered during periods of marked solar heating. Also emissions from vehicles may vary from those assumed. The interpretation of the Stratford Road site's results was less straightforward with complications concerning background pollutant levels and changes in emissions from interrupted traffic flow. 相似文献
The goal of this study is to investigate numerically the wind flow and pollutant dispersion within an urban street canyon containing an elevated expressway and reveal the impacts of elevated expressway on the atmospheric environment in the canyon. A two-dimensional numerical model for simulating airflow and pollutant dispersion inside urban street canyons is first developed based on the Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes equations coupled with the standard k???ε turbulence model and the convection–diffusion equation for passive species transport, and then it is validated against a wind tunnel experiment. It was found that the model-predicted results agree well with the experimental data. Having established this, the wind fields and pollutant distributions in the canyon containing an elevated expressway are evaluated. The numerical results show that the expressway height above the street floor and the gap distance between the expressway and the building wall have considerable influence on airflow and pollutant level inside a canyon: (1) the vortical flow structure in the canyon varies with the expressway height for a constant gap distance, under certain expressway heights, only one main clockwise vortex is formed, while under others one main vortex as well as one or two secondary vortices above and below the expressway are created; (2) the pollutant level within the canyon increases when an expressway is placed in the canyon, especially when the expressway height equals the building height the flow velocities in the canyon are drastically reduced and air exchange in and above the canyon is seriously impeded by the expressway, which leads to a much higher pollution level in the canyon; and (3) the wider gap distance is favorable to pollutant removal from the canyon. 相似文献
Morten Nielsen 《Environmental monitoring and assessment》2000,65(1-2):389-396
A selection of turbulence data corresponding to 185 days of field measurements has been analysed. The non-ideal building geometry influenced the circulation patterns in the street canyon and the largest average vertical velocities were observed in the wake of an unbroken line of buildings. The standard deviation of vertical velocity fluctuations normalised by the ambient wind speed was relatively insensitive to ambient wind direction and sensor position, and it was usually larger than the corresponding 1-hour average velocity. Cross-correlations of spatially separated velocity measurements were small, and this suggests that most of the velocity fluctuations were fairly local and not caused by unsteady street vortices. The observed velocities scaled with the ambient wind speed except under low-wind conditions. 相似文献
A. J. Manning K. J. Nicholson D. R. Middleton S. C. Rafferty 《Environmental monitoring and assessment》2000,60(3):283-313
In the U.K., local authorities have new duties to review and assess air quality. Dispersion models are important tools in this process. The performance of a street canyon model, AEOLIUS, in calculating carbon monoxide (CO) concentrations in urban areas is discussed. A field experiment was conducted in a busy street canyon in Leek, Staffordshire. Wind speed and direction were measured at three heights adjacent to the street. The canyon's CO concentrations and traffic counts were recorded. Predicted concentrations of CO, calculated using AEOLIUS, were compared with the observed values. The concept of a roof-top wind is discussed, as are the consequences of using wind measurements from outside the town. Choice of wind measurement location and height of the anemometer above the canyon had a pronounced effect on calculating the roof-top wind. Two methods of deriving a street level wind speed from a roof-top wind speed gave results that differ by up to a factor of two. AEOLIUS had variable skill at predicting CO concentrations depending on the roof-top wind direction: possible reasons for this variability are explored. A sensitivity study of the model showed that vehicle emissions have the greatest impact on predicted concentrations. Implications for local air quality management are discussed. 相似文献
Jaakko Kukkonen Esko Valkonen Jari Walden Tarja Koskentalo Ari Karppinen Ruwim Berkowicz Raimo Kartastenpää 《Environmental monitoring and assessment》2000,65(1-2):371-379
A measuring campaign was conducted in the street canyon 'Runeberg street' in Helsinki in 1997. Hourly concentrations of carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxides (NOX), nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and ozone (O3) were measured at the street and roof levels, and the relevant hourly meteorological parameters were measured at the roof level. The hourly street level measurements and on-site electronic traffic counts were conducted during the whole year 1997, and roof level measurements were conducted during approximately two months, from 3 March to 30 April in 1997. The Operational Street Pollution Model (OSPM) was used to calculate the street concentrations and the results were compared with the measurements. The overall agreement between measured and predicted concentrations was good for CO and NOx, but the model slightly overestimated the measured concentrations of NO2. The database, which contains all measured and predicted data, is available for a further testing of other street canyon dispersion models. 相似文献
The analysis of three years of 8-h CO concentration values registered in a deep street canyon downtown shows high frequency of values that exceed WHO health protection guidelines. An inverse relationship between opposing percentiles of the distributions of CO concentrations and mean wind speed could be found. Data also showed a variation of mean CO values with prevailing wind direction. The averaged concentration value obtained when the sampler probe is on the leeward side is lower than the obtained when it is on the windward wall. A preliminary explanation of this feature may be related to the advection of polluted air from a high traffic density area nearby. 相似文献
This paper studies the effects of building orientations on the gaseous pollutant dispersion released from vehicles exhaust in street canyons through computational fluid dynamics (CFD) numerical simulations using three k–ε turbulence models. Four building orientations of the street canyon were examined in the atmospheric boundary layer. The numerical results were validated against wind-tunnel results to optimize the turbulence models. The numerical results agreed well with the wind-tunnel results. The simulation demonstrated that the minimum concentration at the human respiration height in the street canyon was on the windward side for the building orientations θ?=?112.5°, 135°, and 157.5°. The pollutant concentration level decreases as the building orientation increases from θ?=?90°. The concentration in the cavity region for the building orientation θ?=?90° was higher than for the wind directions θ?=?112.5°, 135°, and 157.5°. The wind velocity and turbulence energy increase as the building orientation increases. The finding from this work can be used to help urban designers and policy-makers in several aspects. 相似文献
Miroslav Jicha Jiri Pospisil Jaroslav Katolicky 《Environmental monitoring and assessment》2000,65(1-2):343-351
A 3-D Eulerian-Lagrangian approach to moving vehicles is presented that takes into account the traffic induced flow rate and turbulence. The method is applied to pollutants dispersion in a street canyon. The approach is based on CFD calculations using Eulerian approach to the continuous phase and Lagrangian approach to the "discrete phase" of moving objects - vehicles. A commercial CFD code StarCD was used into which the Lagrangian model was integrated. As an example a street canyon is taken into consideration. It has the length of 50 m and the aspect ratio of 1.27. The speed of wind was assigned values of 4, 7 and 12 m/s at the altitude of 300 m. The total height of the domain is 115 m. In the study different traffic situations are considered, namely one-way and two-way traffic with different traffic rates per lane. The predictions show that different traffic situations affect pollutants dispersion in the street canyon and that there are also differences in the pollutants dispersion in case of one- and two-way traffic. 相似文献
S. Di Sabatino R. Buccolieri B. Pulvirenti R. E. Britter 《Environmental Modeling and Assessment》2008,13(3):369-381
This paper is devoted to the study of flow within a small building arrangement and pollutant dispersion in street canyons
starting from the simplest case of dispersion from a simple traffic source. Flow results from the commercial computational
fluid dynamics (CFD) code FLUENT are validated against wind tunnel data (CEDVAL). Dispersion results from FLUENT are analysed
using the well-validated atmos pheric dispersion model ADMS-Urban. The k − ε turbulence model and the advection-diffusion (AD) method are used for the CFD simulations. Sensitivity of dispersion results
to wind direction within street canyons of aspect ratio equal to 1 is investigated. The analysis shows that the CFD model
well reproduces the wind tunnel flow measurements and compares adequately with ADMS-Urban dispersion predictions for a simple
traffic source by using a slightly modified k − ε model. It is found that a Schmidt number of 0.4 is the most appropriate number for the simulation of a simple traffic source
and in street canyons except for the case when the wind direction is perpendicular to the street canyon axis. For this last
case a Schmidt number equal to 0.04 gives the best agreement with ADMS-Urban. Overall the modified k − ε turbulence model may be accurate for the simulation of pollutant dispersion in street canyons provided that an appropriate
choice for coefficients in the turbulence model and the Schmidt number in the diffusion model are made. 相似文献
Computational Fluid Dynamics Modelling of the Pollution Dispersion and Comparison with Measurements in a Street Canyon in Helsinki 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
P. Neofytou M. Haakana A. Venetsanos A. Kousa J. Bartzis J. Kukkonen 《Environmental Modeling and Assessment》2008,13(3):439-448
A measuring campaign was conducted in a street canyon (Runeberg St.) in Helsinki in 2003–2004. The concentrations of NO
, NO2, PM10 and PM2.5 were measured at street level and at roof level at an urban background location. This study utilises the data measured from
1 Jan to 30 April, 2004, when wind speed and direction measurements were also conducted on-site at the roof level. The computational
fluid dynamics model ADREA-HF was used to compute the street concentrations, and the results were compared with the measurements.
The predictions for the selected cases agreed fairly well (within < 25 % for 15 min average values) with the measured data,
except for two cases: a windward flow in case of a low wind speed, and a moderate southerly flow parallel to the street canyon.
The main reasons for the differences of predictions and measurements are the negligence of traffic-induced turbulence in the
modelling and an under-prediction of ventilation of urban background air from a crossing street. Numerical results are presented
for various example cases; these illustrate the formation of the vortices in the canyon in terms of the wind direction and
speed and the influence of the characteristics of the flow fields on the concentration distributions. 相似文献
OSPM - A Parameterised Street Pollution Model 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Ruwim Berkowicz 《Environmental monitoring and assessment》2000,65(1-2):323-331
For many practical applications, as e.g. in support of air pollution management, numerical models based on solution of the basic flow and dispersion equations are still too complex. Alternative are models that are basically parameterised semi-empirical models making use of a priori assumptions about the flow and dispersion conditions. However, these models must, be thoroughly tested and their performance and limitations carefully documented. The Danish Operational Street Pollution Model (OSPM) belongs to this category of parameterised models. In the OSPM, concentrations of exhaust gases are calculated using a combination of a plume model for the direct contribution and a box model for the recirculating part of the pollutants in the street. Parameterisation of flow and dispersion conditions in street canyons was deduced from extensive analysis of experimental data and model tests. Results of these tests were used to further improve the model performance, especially with regard to different street configurations and a variety of meteorological conditions. 相似文献
运用深圳以及周边城市的环境空气污染物浓度资料,分析了NO2、PM10、PM2.5的分布特征,重点讨论了大运会期间NO2、PM10和PM2.5浓度的变化规律,应用相似气象条件的概念,采取多种空间、时间对比分析的方法,排除客观因素,分析了大运会期间人为减排的具体效果,结果表明:大运会期间控制措施效果显著,PM10削减比例更大,也即大运会期间关停了一些高污染排放企业对污染浓度的影响更明显。大运会期间控制措施对各污染浓度的下降起一定作用,作用在白天时段更明显,且对PM2.5的控制效果更显著。大运会期间南山区管控效果最明显,中心福田区PM2.5控制最好。大运会期间的区域联合控制成效显著。大运会后期控制措施的解除,致使污染物浓度快速上升到较高水平,且工业布局密集的区域及机动车流量最大的区域上升幅度相应较大。 相似文献
A Simple Model for Urban Background Pollution 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Ruwim Berkowicz 《Environmental monitoring and assessment》2000,65(1-2):259-267
A simple urban background pollution model is presented. Contributions from the individual area sources, subdivided into a grid net of a resolution of 2km × 2km, are integrated along the wind direction path assuming linear dispersion with the distance to the receptor point. Horizontal dispersion is accounted for by averaging the calculated concentrations over a certain, wind speed dependent wind direction sector, centred on the average wind direction. Formation of the nitrogen dioxide due to oxidation of nitrogen monoxide by ozone is calculated using a simple chemical model based on assumption of a photochemical equilibrium on the time scale of the pollution transport across the city area. The rate of entrainment of fresh rural ozone is governed by this time scale. The model is suitable for calculations of urban background when the dominating source is the road traffic. For this source the emissions take place at ground level, and a good approximation is to treat the emissions as area sources, but with an initial vertical dispersion determined by the height of the buildings. 相似文献
基于AGNES算法优化BP神经网络和GIS系统的大气污染物浓度预测 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
建立了大气污染物浓度与影响因子之间的BP神经网络,对城市中各监测点位的次日大气污染物浓度进行预测,采用GIS的插值分析进行污染物空间分布预测,其中BP神经网络的输入向量采用AGNES算法进行处理。以太原市区SO2、PM10浓度预测为例,选择气温、湿度、降水量、大气压强、风速和前5天的污染物浓度等10个参数训练BP神经网络,结果表明,BP神经网络的训练效果较好,预测结果与实际浓度显著相关,R2分别为0.988、0.976;结合太原市8个监测点位的污染物浓度预测值,运用GIS空间差值法绘出SO2、PM10的浓度分布预测图,该图与实际情况大体符合,并且与国控大气污染企业的分布显著相关,Pearson相关系数分别为0.969、0.949。 相似文献
Three-dimensional turbulent flow and dispersion of gaseous pollutants carbon monoxide (CO) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) in a
road tunnel was modeled using the standard k–ε turbulence model and solved numerically using the finite volume method. Vehicle emissions were estimated from the measured
traffic flow rates and modeled as banded line sources along the tunnel floor. The effects of fan ventilation and piston effect
of moving vehicles on the airflow and pollutant dilution were examined. The numerical results reveal that a peak velocity
exists near the tunnel floor due to the piston effect of vehicles. The cross-sectional concentrations of air pollutants are
non-uniformly distributed and concentrations rise with downstream distance. The piston effect of vehicles can alone provide
25%–34% dilution of air pollutants in the tunnel, compounded 43%–70% dilution effect according to the ventilation condition. 相似文献
Markov chains provide excellent statistical models for studying many natural phenomena that evolve with time. One particular
class of continuous-time Markov chain, called birth–death processes, can be used for modelling population dynamics in fields
such as ecology and microbiology. The challenge for the practitioner when fitting these models is to take measurements of
a population size over time in order to estimate the model parameters, such as per capita birth and death rates. In many biological
contexts, it is impractical to follow the fate of each individual in a population continuously in time, so the researcher
is often limited to a fixed number of measurements of population size over the duration of the study. We show that, for a
simple birth–death process, with positive Malthusian growth rate, subject to common practical constraints, there is an optimal
schedule for measuring the population size that minimises the expected confidence region of the parameter estimates. Throughout
our exposition of the optimal experimental design, we compare it to a simpler equidistant design, where the population is
sampled at regular intervals. This is an experimental design worthy of comparison since it can represent a much simpler design
to implement in practice. In order to find optimal experimental designs for our population model, we make use of a combination
of useful statistical machinery. Firstly, we use a Gaussian diffusion approximation of the underlying discrete-state Markov
process, which allows us to obtain analytical expressions for Fisher’s information matrix (FIM), which is crucial to optimising
the experimental design. We also make use of the cross-entropy method of stochastic optimisation for the purpose of maximising
the determinant of FIM to obtain the optimal experimental designs. Our results show that the optimal schedule devised by others
for a simple model of population growth without death can be extended, for large populations, to the two-parameter model that
incorporates both birth and death. For the simple birth–death process, we find that the likelihood surface is also problematic
and poses serious problems for point estimation and easily defining confidence regions. A Bayesian approach to inference is
proposed as a way in which these problems could be circumvented. 相似文献
A generalized mathematical model describing the crosswind-integrated concentrations is presented for dispersion of pollutants emitted from a continuous source in the atmospheric boundary layer with deposition to the ground surface. The model is based on a solution of the resulting two-dimensional steady state advection-diffusion equation with deposition to the ground surface. It considers the horizontal wind speed as a generalized function of vertical height above the ground surface and eddy diffusivity as a function of both downwind distance from the source and vertical height. Various special cases of the model are deduced. A sensitivity analysis of the model prediction of the ground-level crosswind-integrated concentrations with deposition velocity is performed. Various issues and limitations associated with this work are discussed. The model is evaluated with the observations of a depositing tracer obtained from Hanford dual diffusion experiment in stable conditions. The statistical measures show that the present model, by considering deposition, is performing well with the observations. The model is giving an over-predicting trend with the observations and predicts 100 % cases within a factor of two. On the other hand, the consideration of a non-depositing condition for a depositing tracer yields the severe over-prediction and thus, it introduces the significant errors in the model prediction. The selection of the lower boundary condition for a depositing tracer at the height of deposition surface gives better prediction than those at a height of surface roughness length. 相似文献
Crettez Bertrand Jouvet Pierre-Andre Julien Ludovic A. 《Environmental Modeling and Assessment》2021,26(6):999-1013
We introduce a competitive pollution permit market in a two-sector oligopoly equilibrium model. In this model, one commodity is inelastically supplied by one competitive trader and another one is produced by a finite set of oligopolists, using the first commodity as an input. The production of the second commodity is a polluting activity. We study both the competitive and oligopoly equilibria. We provide some conditions under which a supply subsidy given to the oligopolists that is financed by a tax on the competitive agent is Pareto-improving.