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The efficiency of a large wet-only precipitation collector for polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) analysis was investigated using generator column-produced solutions. Total recoveries were quantitative for two experiments utilizing mixed Aroclor generator columns for the PCB source, with input-weighted average congener recoveries of 104 and 99%. Small losses were observed on the filter and collection reservoirs (> 3%), and no breakthrough to the second extraction cartridge was observed. Loss to the collector surface was 11 and 2%, and in the first case most likely reflects contamination rather than actual retention during the experiment. Individual congener recoveries generally rather than actual chlorination, a relationship that may be due mostly to analytical uncertainties for more highly chlorinated congeners.  相似文献   

森林与雾露水关系研究进展   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
论文从雾露水的形成机制、森林对雾露水的截留量、雾露水对森林分布的影响及雾露水的生态效应方面,阐述了国外在该领域的研究动态和取得的成果,以期推动我国在该领域的研究工作。国外的大量研究表明,雾露水对于植物的生长、分布具有重要的生态意义,是森林生态系统水分平衡、养分循环不可忽视的输入项,其生态效应是多方面的。因而,进一步深入研究雾露水与森林的关系是必要的。  相似文献   

A side-by-side comparison of the Rotating Arm Collector (RAC) and the Caltech Active Strand Cloudwater Collector (CASCC) was conducted at an elevated coastal site near the eastern end of the Santa Barbara Channel in southern California. The CASCC was observed to collect cloudwater at rates of up to 8.5 ml min−1. The ratio of cloudwater collection rates was found to be close to the theoretical prediction of 4.2:1 (CASCC:RAC) over a wide range of liquid water contents (LWC). At low LWC, however, this ratio climbed rapidly, possibly reflecting a predominance of small droplets under these conditions, coupled with a greater collection efficiency of small droplets by the CASCC. Cloudwater samples collected by the RAC had significantly higher concentrations of Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+ and Cl than those collected by the CASCC. These higher concentrations may be due to differences in the chemical composition of large vs small droplets. No significant differences were observed in concentrations of NO3, SO42− or NH4+ in samples collected by the two instruments.  相似文献   

A statistical methodology for exploring the relationships between elevation and precipitation chemistry is outlined and illustrated. The methodology is only applicable to situations where the precipitation at two (or more) matched sites is correlated. Maximum likelihood tests are utilized, with contour ellipses of assumed bivariate log-normal distributions to assist in the interpretation. Data from 12 sites located in the southern Rocky Mountains of the U.S. were used for illustration. The results indicate differences in sulphate concentrations between airsheds, between snow and rain, and between higher and lower elevations in the Rocky Mountains. There are other approaches for investigating these issues, however, the likelihood ratio with contour ellipses is easy to apply and interpret, and we feel that it provides a greater insight than some of the more common analyses of variance or regression techniques. However, it is important to note that the superiority of one method over others depends on the criterion used.  相似文献   

This report reviews the literature of sequential or within-event precipitation sampler construction and includes a limited survey of their applications. Collection apparatus have been classified as manually segmenting samplers, linked collection vessels, automatically segmenting samplers and continuous monitors (Robertson et. al., U.S. EPA Report, 1980). Design criteria for an ideal collector are discussed.  相似文献   

Precipitation samples at an urban Chicago site and a nearby suburban site were compared in order to examine the influence of emissions within a large urban area on local precipitation chemistry. Precipitation samples were collected from June 1981 to May 1982, initially for events and subsequently weekly, and precipitation-weighted concentrations (PWCs) of the major chemical constituents were calculated from concurrent urban-suburban pairs of samples, stratified according to the estimated mixed-layer wind quadrant. Overall, PWCs at the urban site were higher than those at the suburban site for Ca2+, Mg2+, NH4+, NO3 and Cl; approximately equal for Na+ and SO42−; and lower for H+. For precipitation in southwesterly flow, in which the suburban site was upwind of the urban site and most urban emissions, PWCs of all species except Na+ were higher at the urban site. For the few precipitation cases in northeasterly flow, however, differences between sites did not have a pattern consistent with a reversal in the upwind-downwind relationship.  相似文献   

Urban sampling sites have been specifically excluded from recent large networks for measuring chemical composition of precipitation. Because information on precipitation composition in urban areas is needed for a variety of current applications, it is useful to summarize present knowledge. Most of the available information is based on samples of bulk precipitation, collected by continuously open collectors. This method is now widely acknowledged to be of limited value because of its poor sampling characteristics for dry deposition. For many ions, particularly those residing on large airborne particles, urban bulk sampling yielded considerably higher concentrations than found in samples collected in ‘wet-only’ samplers. Spatial variability of ionic concentrations in urban areas is expressed in terms of the sample standard deviation of site precipitation-weighted means, as a percentage of the overall urban mean. Median values of the most major ions were near 30%; half of the available measurements were between 20 and 47%. Differences between urban and nearby rural concentrations of ions in precipitation were often reported. Those ions with some tendency to occur in higher concentrations in cities included Na+, Mg2+, Ca2+, NO3, SO42− and Cl. These differences should be viewed with caution, however, because they were usually based on one or two, possibly unrepresentative, rural sampling sites. Seasonal variations of urban [H+] were different in Europe and the U.S. Highest concentrations occurred in winter in Europe, but in summer in the U.S. There is a pressing need for additional urban precipitation chemistry monitoring and research.  相似文献   

电镀废水中低浓度重金属离子的处理普遍采用混凝沉淀法,由此产生了大量重金属污泥,其安全处置过程复杂且成本较高.基于此,本文研究了一种资源化回收电镀废水中低浓度镍离子(Ni~(2+))和锌离子(Zn~(2+))的方法.结果表明,电镀废水经过铁盐混凝后,产生的沉淀溶解于硝酸中,得到硝酸溶解液中Ni~(2+)和Zn~(2+)浓度分别高达2.3 g·L~(-1)和1.5 g·L~(-1),而杂质铁(Fe~(3+))浓度为12.2 g·L~(-1).将硝酸溶解液直接进行水热处理,溶液中Ni~(2+)和Zn~(2+)浓度不变,残留铁浓度为1.76 g·L~(-1).向硝酸溶解液中添加乙酰丙酸(C_5H_8O_3)后进行水热处理,Ni~(2+)和Zn~(2+)浓度依然不变,但溶液中残留铁浓度仅为0.78 mg·L~(-1).硝酸溶解液中铁的去除主要源于水热条件下铁的水解和缩聚转化为高结晶度的赤铁矿.添加乙酰丙酸能够同时降低溶液中NO~-_3浓度和提升pH值,促进溶液中铁的水解和缩聚.  相似文献   

A paired comparison was performed on 2 years of precipitation chemistry data from Meridian and Newton, MS. The Meridian site is in violation of several National Atmospheric Deposition Program siting criteria, whereas the Newton site, 35 km west, is mostly in compliance. The two sites are compared through the use of volume-weighted means, deposition, logarithmic distributions, boxplots, paired t-tests, the nonparametric Wilcoxon test, and a form of linear regression analysis that accounts for cases in which both populations are subject to error. Results indicate Meridian has higher concentrations of all measured ions except NH4+. Elevated NH4+ concentrations at Newton are most likely due to the location of the site in a cattle pasture. Significant differences (95% confidence level) were found for Cl, Na+, K+, Ca2+ and Mg2+. SO42− was found to be borderline significant.  相似文献   

中国降水酸度预测模型   总被引:25,自引:1,他引:25  
利用逐步多元线性回归方法建立了中国降水酸度预测模型。该模型包括:大气中二氧化硫、氮氧化物和总悬浮颗粒物的浓度、单位面积二氧化硫排放量这四个时间和空间变量;地理位置横向坐标、降雨量和辐射强度这三个空间变量。该模型通过回顾检验具有较好的预测精度并在假设未来中国环境状况的基础上,对降水酸度的分布进行了预测。该模型是在地理信息系统工具软件ARC/INFO支持下运行的,其预测方法及结果具有空间特性。  相似文献   

基于SSA-XGBoost方法的降水变化趋势预测模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
全球变暖预期下不同区域的未来降水变化,是政府和公众都关心的重要问题,也是全球变化研究的前沿科学问题。预测模型的建立是预测/预估研究的重点和难点,现今不稳定的气候背景对预测模型的精准度提出了更高的要求。为了解决传统方法对长期时间序列预测效果欠佳的问题,本文以泰国南部洞穴石笋δ18O重建的过去270多年(公元1773—2004年)的降水记录为数据集,提出了SSA-XGBoost预测模型。对原始数据去趋势预处理后,采用奇异谱分析法(SSA)提取前部分数据(1773—1964年)的振荡成分以确定数据的最佳谐波个数,并进行准确的周期信号分量分解;之后用去趋势数据减去周期信号得到随机信号,再利用XGBoost模型对随机项进行预测;最后将预测的序列、趋势曲线和周期信号延拓结果相叠加得到最终的预测数据(1965—2004年)。与其他四种模型(XGBoost、ARIMA、SSA-ARIMA、LightGBM)的预测结果相比,SSA-XGBoost的预测结果与真实值最相近,且MAE和RMSE均最小,R2也更接近1,说明该模型具有更高的精度和稳定性。该研究对于泰国南部等热带地区未来的降水变化趋势预测具有较好的指导意义,也可为其他长时间序列的预估研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Usingstructuredsystemsanalysistodesignanintegratedsystemfortransportplanningandenvironmentalanalysis¥S.P.Losee;A.L.Brown(Facu...  相似文献   

进行降水中稳定同位素比率时间变化的i AWBM模拟和比较,有助于评估模式在不同区域的适用性,改善对水循环过程中水稳定同位素变化规律的认识.本文利用i AWBM的模拟数据,分析了GNIP代表站降水中δ18O的时间变化特征、降水中δ18O与温度和降水量之间的关系、区域大气水线,并将模拟结果与实测结果进行了比较.结果表明,9个GNIP代表站的降水同位素在不同季节的变化特点均能被模拟出;各代表站模拟与实测的降水同位素长时间序列之间的相关系数达到显著的信度(p0.001),均方根误差在一个合理的估计范围;i AWBM很好地再现了出现在维也纳、雅库茨克和渥太华站的显著温度效应,出现在香港、波哥大、昆明、哈拉雷和拉罗汤加岛站的降水量效应,以及出现在曼谷站的温度效应和降水量效应共存的特点;模拟的不同气候条件下的区域大气水线与实际大气水线相近.说明i AWBM具有模拟不同气候区降水中稳定同位素时间变化的能力.  相似文献   

Results of chemical analyses of monthly bulk samples from Schiermonnikoog, one of the islands in the northern part of The Netherlands, are interpreted. The continuous record covers a period of more than 15 years. A comparison (10 years) is made with Ouderkerk, a village near Amsterdam. Non-sea salt contributions, relations between ion species, long-time trends, annual cycles and meteorological influence are discussed.The study reveals enhanced levels of ammonium in the Schiermonnikoog samples with respect to Ouderkerk. Also, concentrations of sulfate and nitrate were higher. The high concentrations of ammonium are ascribed to dry-deposited NH3 caused by cattle breeding, the only economical activity on the island. A significant positive trend reflects its intensifying nature. Annual cycles and statistical computations indicate prior combination of parts of ammonium and excess sulfate as ammonium sulfate. The nitrate content appears to be strongly related to ammonium (r = 079). In the Ouderkerk dataset this correspondence is much weaker (0.37), whereas its pH values are systematically lower. It is therefore believed that on Schiermonnikoog concentrations of nitrate are increased by nitrification of ammonium in the collector.Annual cycles of sodium, magnesium and chloride, and to a lesser extent potassium, are very similar (maximum concentrations in November, December and January, and a relative maximum in April). The other annual patterns peak in the first half of the year: maximum concentrations are found in February (ammonium, excess sulfate), June (nitrate), January (potassium) and in April (excess calcium). A combination of frequently occurring offshore winds and low precipitation amounts will account for this behavior.  相似文献   

Chemical precipitation to form magnesium ammonium phosphate (MAP) is an effective technology for recovering ammonium nitrogen (NH4 +-N). In the present research, we investigated the thermodynamic modeling of the PHREEQC program for NH4 +-N recovery to evaluate the effect of reaction factors on MAP precipitation. The case study of NH4 +-N recovery from coking wastewater was conducted to provide a comparison. Response surface methodology (RSM) was applied to assist in understanding the relative significance of reaction factors and the interactive effects of solution conditions. Thermodynamic modeling indicated that the saturation index (SI) of MAP followed a polynomial function of pH. The SI of MAP increased logarithmically with the Mg2+/NH4 + molar ratio (Mg/N) and the initial NH4 +-N concentration (CN), respectively, while it decreased with an increase in Ca2+/NH4 + and CO3 2??/NH4 + molar ratios (Ca/N and CO3 2??/N), respectively. The trends for NH4 +-N removal at different pH and Mg/N levels were similar to the thermodynamic modeling predictions. The RSM analysis indicated that the factors including pH, Mg/N, CN, Ca/N, (Mg/N) (CO3 2??/N), (pH)2, (Mg/N)2, and (CN)2 were significant. Response surface plots were useful for understanding the interaction effects on NH4 +-N recovery.  相似文献   

Products are produced by a series of energy-intensive transformations of raw materials such as crude oil. The life cycle inventory (LCI) of mass and energy usage in these supply chains is one measure of overall environmental performance. In this paper, we present a methodology to examine the life cycle choices available for a product and optimize these choices based on criteria derived from mass and energy efficiency. A two-phase framework for production path construction followed by optimal path selection was developed. This framework can be applied to improve the overall LCI energy characteristic of a product when there are different production and recycling options for different product constituents. The scope of the life cycle is from raw material extraction through the production system and does not include the use and disposal phases. The approach is illustrated in a case study of the EcoWorx™ carpet system of Shaw Industries, which includes the inclusion of several recycled material options.  相似文献   

Knowledge of customer requirements (CRs) allows manufacturers to effectively reduce the time-to-market for products and maintain a high-level of quality through customer satisfaction. Acquisition, definition, and decomposition of such requirements is therefore a first step in the product design process and key for successful product development. Of building importance in these requirements is for sustainable or green products. Thus has developed the method of Design for Environment (DFE) in product design process, which calls designers to not only understand CRs for product function, structure and economic attributes, but in social and environmental impacts. Thus, the need for elicit environmental customer requirements (ECRs) from various traditional CRs becomes apparent along with the need to meet those requirements in the design process.In the present paper, initial CRs are decomposed and categorized into functional customer requirements (FCRs), performance customer requirements (PCRs) and ECRs. Such an analysis is made based on the analysis of environmentally friendly products (EFPs), environmentally conscious customers, and the characteristics of their CRs, Furthermore, the decomposing method based on semantic analysis is given along with a developed quality function deployment for environment (QFDE) method. These methods create a shift from initial CRs to DFE oriented technical parameters (TPs). Finally, the acquisition and conversion of CRs of the automatic soybean milk maker in the DFE process is taken as an example to validate and analyze the above-mentioned method.  相似文献   

大气甲醛在线分析仪的设计与应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
基于Hantzsch荧光法设计了一套大气甲醛在线分析仪,通过优化测量参数,发现该仪器可长期稳定运行,其时间分辨率为120 s,检出限为84×10-12(体积分数,下同)(S/N=6),在84×10-12~39.2×10-9的甲醛测量范围内,标线可决系数R2=0.9996.同时,对该仪器与商品化仪器AL4021进行了长期外场比对实验,结果发现,两者测量结果的一致性较好,R2=0.963,表明其适用于环境大气甲醛浓度的在线监测.外场观测结果表明,德州站点冬季甲醛浓度范围为0.6×10-9~21.6×10-9,均值为2.9×10-9,且其日变化显著.  相似文献   

为了提高多目标遗传算法Pareto解的局部最优性,本文将快速非支配遗传算法(NSGAII)与一种迭代式的局部搜索算法(Hill Climber with Step,HCS)相结合,开发了一种新的混合多目标遗传算法NSGAII-HCS.利用CONV1和ZDT6两个经典的多目标优化函数对NSGAII-HCS的性能进行测试,与传统的多目标算法NSGAII相比,CONV1得到的Pareto锋面与真实Pareto最优解锋面的平均距离由5.49减小到1.74,ZDT6则由0.16减小到0,表明NSGAII-HCS在保证解多样性的前提下,能使解接近或收敛到真实的Pareto最优解锋面.最后,将NSGAII-HCS与地下水流模拟软件MODFLOW和溶质运移模拟软件MT3DMS相耦合,并应用到一个理想的二维地下水污染修复管理模型中,结果分析表明该方法可为地下水污染治理提供多样的和收敛的Pareto管理策略,是一种稳定可靠的多目标优化方法.  相似文献   

基于参数不确定性的地下水污染治理多目标管理模型   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
引入随机Pareto控制排序和随机小生境技术,提出基于参数随机变化的改进小生境Pareto遗传算法,用于求解不确定性条件下地下水污染治理多目标管理模型.同时,利用顺序高斯条件模拟的蒙特卡罗方法,结合不确定性分析和风险评估,分析不同渗透系数条件点数对污染物运移结果不确定性和污染风险评价的影响.最后将该方法应用于一个考虑渗透系数为随机变量的二维地下水污染修复算例中.结果分析表明,该方法可为地下水污染治理提供变异性较小的Pareto管理策略,是一种稳定可靠的多目标随机优化方法.  相似文献   

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