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Some morphological characteristics of the giant kelp Macrocystis pyrifera in the Falkland Islands were studied from December 1985 until March 1987 in a shallow and relatively sheltered coastal zone and from December 1985 until January 1987 in a deeper offshore field exposed to swells. Seasonal fluctuations in lamina wet weight, density and form as well as pneumatocyst wet weight form and stipe density (i.e., wet weight per unit length) paralleled fluctuations in frond wet weight. Morphological differences between canopies of the giant kelp in the coastal zone and the offshore bed were probably mainly due to differences in water movement and depth between the two sites. Laminae and pneumatocysts of submersed-frond sites had different shapes than those of canopy-forming portions of fronds at the same sites, and their internodes were longer.  相似文献   

The present study addresses the ecology of two dominant copepod species in the Bay of Morbihan, Kerguelen Archipelago. The biomass of the herbivore Drepanopus pectinatus (from 2 mg m?3 in winter up to 500 mg m?3 in summer) is tightly coupled to seasonal changes in chlorophyll a concentration in the region, whereas the biomass of the predatory euchaetiid Paraeuchaeta antarctica increases during two distinct periods over the year: 250 mg m?3 in early summer, with the recruitment of the annual generation, and 100 mg m?3 in autumn, with the deposition of lipids as energy reserves in C5 stages and adults. The juvenile growth rates predicted by temperature-dependent models (0.09 day?1) closely approximate those observed in D. pectinatusin summer, but are much greater than those observed in P. antarctica (from 0.001 to 0.04 day?1 depending on developmental stages). This difference can be explained by the reproductive strategies and trophic positions of the two species and may also result from the dependence of larval growth on energy reserves in P. antarctica. The production rates are five- and tenfold greater in juvenile stages than in adults, respectively, for D. pectinatus and P. antarctica. The secondary production by D. pectinatusis insufficient to support P. antarcticaduring winter, when the predatory species probably shifts to alternate prey. In summer the predation by P. antarctica accounts for only a minor part of the mortality estimated for D. pectinatus (from 20% to 60% depending on the examined station). At two of the three stations examined in the Bay of Morbihan, the production of P. antarctica could potentially support the dietary requirements of planktivorous seabirds in the region (~2,000 kg prey day?1 for common diving petrels, Pelecanoides urinatrix, and ~90 kg prey day?1 for rockhopper penguins, Eudyptes chysocome filholi).  相似文献   

A decreasing gradation in the plankton standing stock of the Bristol Channel was observed from the seaward section to the inner, less saline, reaches. Two sub-regions of our survey, the North Outer Channel (NOC) and the Inner Channel (IC), represented the extremes of this gradient and were selected for detailed comparison. The integrated zooplankton biomass, over the 307 d sampling period (4 November 1973 to 6 September 1974), was 2 475 mg C m-3 (266 mg C m-2 d-1) in the NOC and 335 mg C m-3 (20 mg C m-2 d-1) in the IC. The omnivorous plankton accounted for 76% of the standing stock in the NOC and 89% in the IC, of which 58 and 23% were meroplankton and 39 and 71% were holoplankton, respectively; the remainder was unassigned. The majority of the meroplankton in both subregions was decapod larvae and adults, whereas the holoplankton biomass was dominated in the NOC by copepods (89%) and in the IC by mysids (57%), mainly Schistomyzis spiritus. Centropages hamatus was the most abundant copepod species in the NOC and accounted for 32% of the total holoplankton omnivore standing stock. In the NOC and IC, the carnivorous plankton accounted for 24 and 11% of the total plankton biomass, respectively. In the two sub-regions, 20 and 21% of the carnivores were meroplanktonic (primarily larvae of sprats and pilchards), while the holoplankton carnivores contributed 75 and 74% to the NOC and IC, respectively (Sagitta elegans, Pleurobrachia pileus). S. elegans dominated the holoplankton carnivore biomass for the majority of the year and accounted for 96% in the NOC and 60% in the IC. The integrated total particulate carbon over the 307 d period was 200 g C m-3 (6 600 g C m-2) in the NOC and 838 g C m-3 (15 084 g C m-2) in the IC. The annual primary production ranged from 164.9 g C m-2 yr-1 in the Outer Channel (North and South) to 6.8 g C m-2 yr-1 in the IC. The zooplankton biomass reached a maximum in July. The total particulate carbon (TPC) in July was 400 mg C m-3 in the NOC of which ca. 78 mg C m-3 were phytoplankton and ca. 21 mg C m-3 were zooplankton; these values compare favourably with those found in the adjoining Celtic Sea. In the IC, the TPC was 2 800 mg C m-3, of which ca. 107 mg C m-3 were phytoplankton and 2.8 mg C m-3 were zooplankton. From the low primary production estimates for the IC it can be concluded that the majority of the chlorophyll, like the TPC, was allochthonous in origin. Furthermore it is suggested that zooplankton plays a minor role in this estuarine ecosystem and is not the main consumer of the suspended particulate carbon; the benthic filter-feeding communities are presumed to fulfill this role in the Bristol Channel.  相似文献   

The alga Sargassum muticum (Yendo) Fensholt, a member of the Phaeophyceae, exhibits a growth cycle at Bembridge, Isle of Wight (UK), in which large annual fronds develop from much smaller perennating structures. Seasonal changes between April 1977 and June 1978 in the chemical composition of the alga were recorded. The content of inorganic ions, alginate and the dry weight: fresh weight ratio were relatively constant. Mannitol, laminaran and polyphenolic compounds were at their maxima in early summer (June/July), when the plant was undergoing rapid extension growth. In contrast, the protein content was highest in winter and early spring. It was concluded that the elongation phase which occurred in the spring was not supported by the use of stored polysaccharide reserves, since the amounts present were insufficient for this purpose and increased during the period of most rapid growth.  相似文献   

Seasonal biochemical composition and energy sources of Sagitta hispida   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
There are few available data on the biochemical composition of warm-water zooplankton in general, and chaetognaths in particular. Unlike populations from higher latitudes, many species probably breed to some extent throughout the year, with life cycles measured in weeks rather than months or years. Analysis of protein, fat, carbohydrate and ash in the chaetognath Sagitta hispida Conant over 1 year showed that, although protein is always the largest component, averaging 53% of the dry weight, it fluctuates widely. The non-protein fraction of the total nitrogen also fluctuates and averages over a third of the total. Experimentally fed and starved animals showed no such protein variability, which was ascribed, there-fore, to changes in environmental parameters other than food availability (e.g. salinity). Starved animals used up body protein, and the O:N ratio in freshly-caught animals also indicated a protein-based metabolism. Periods of starvation of at least 1/4 the length of its life cycle could be tolerated. S. hispida may be added to the list of a variety of planktonic groups over a range of latitudes and feeding habits, which appear to utilize protein as a normal energy source and reserve material.  相似文献   

The Macrocystis pyrifera (L.) C. Ag. frond is here described in terms of chlorophyll a, fucoxanthin, chlorophyll c and photosynthetic rate. Pigment concentrations increased back from the apical meristem reaching a maximum after 2 to 3 m. Pigment concentrations were then generally constant throughout most of the length of the frond, finally decreasing again in the oldest parts of the frond with the exception of the sporophylls. Pigment ratios remained relatively constant throughout. Maximum net photosynthetic rates on a given frond showed a decrease with tissue age on both an area basis (1040 down to 463 nmol O2 cm-2 h-1) and on a chlorophyll a basis, which was shown as half-saturation constants (quantum irradiance) which dropped on an area basis from 85 mol m-2 sec-1 at 4.5 m above the holdfast to 26 mol m-2 sec-1 at 15.5 m. Young sporophytes transplanted from the sea floor to the surface (12 m) tended to decrease pigment content, while those transplanted to the bottom tended to increase all pigments, but especially fucoxanthin. Photosynthetic rates, however, changed little on a unit area basis. The results of these data are considered in the light of recent work on photosynthetic units, tissue age effects and general adaptations of the M. pyrifera frond to its light environment.  相似文献   

The brown macroalgae Laminaria digitata (Huds.) Lamour., L. hyperborea (Gunn.) Foslie, and L. saccharina (L.) Lamour. (Laminariales, Phaeophyceae) have been investigated for carbon assimilation and assimilate biosynthesis in different tissues (meristoderm, cortex, medulla) of stipes and blades. Carboxylation via ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (EC and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (EC 4.1.32) follows a transversal gradient from the outer to the inner tissues with maximum activity of enzymatic CO2 fixation in the meristoderm. Such transversal profiles are also recorded for photosynthetic and dark carbon assimilation as well as for kinetics of assimilate 14C-labelling in isolated tissues. Differential chemical constitution of the blade and stipe tissues examined and results from assimilate biosynthesis are discussed with regard to a transversal translocation of photosynthates from meristodermal to cortical and medullar cells.  相似文献   

Mangrove estuaries in the Solomon Islands are well developed, but are small and isolated from each other by extensive fringing coral reef lagoons. A total of 136 species of fish were recorded from 13 estuaries (6 estuaries in Kolombangara, 3 in New Georgia, 3 in Rendova and 1 in the Florida Group); none contained more than 50 species. Sampling took place during five 3 wk expeditions from 1986 to 1988. The mean biomass of 11.60 g m–2 is comparable with that of similar estuaries in northern Australia. Cluster-analysis revealed two patterns of fish species composition. The first group, in which Gobiidae were the most numerous taxon, inhabited soft, muddy-bottom estuaries. The second group, dominated by Pomacentridae, lived in hard-bottom, log-strewn estuaries. The role of the estuaries as nursery grounds for coral reef species was assessed and found to be insignificant, but they are used as feeding grounds by mobile piscivorous species. The species composition of Solomon Island estuaries was compared with that of other Indo-Pacific estuaries. No endemic species were found and the fauna is typical of such mangrove systems throughout the region. However, several taxa that are common in Australia or New Guinea were not found, notably Ariidae, Centropomidae,Pomadasys, and Sciaenidae. These absentees, and the fish fauna as a whole, are discussed in relation to the position of the Solomon Islands at the western edge of the Pacific Plate, the effects of deep-ocean trenches, the recent geological origin of the islands, and possible methods of colonisation from nearby mangroves in Australia and New Guinea. The importance of larval durations and dispersal to colonisation are discussed in relation to oceanic circulation patterns in the Solomon Sea.  相似文献   

American black bears frequently abandon their home ranges in late summer and move to feeding areas to fatten themselves for hibernation. We examined seasonal movements of 206 radio-collared bears in north-central Minnesota during 1981–1990. We exploited the variability in this long-term data set to test tradeoffs for animals leaving their home range. Late summer movements were common for both sexes and all ages (39% of females, 44% of males), but were variable from year-to-year in prevalence, timing, and destination. Bears typically left their summer home ranges in August and returned ~6 weeks later in September or October. Most traveled southward, where acorns were more plentiful (median = 10 km for females, 26 km for males; maximum = 168 km). These facultative migrations were most common when rich resources were available outside home ranges. Bears were least apt to leave when foods were scarce in their home range, possibly sensing a risk of migrating during a widespread food failure. Among females, those whose body mass was close to a reproductive threshold were most prone to migrate. Migrating bears were less likely to be killed by hunters, suggesting that they were especially vigilant.  相似文献   

Sea urchins Loxechinus albus were collected from an unfished population inhabiting inshore areas of the eastern part of the Falkland Islands (Southwest Atlantic) at bimonthly intervals between January 2005 and March 2006. The gonads of 491 specimens were sampled to ascertain GSI, and a subsample was examined microscopically in order to determine sex and maturity stage. Age was determined by ring counts on genital plates of 349 specimens with the annual periodicity of ring deposition validated by marginal increment analysis. This investigation suggests that the study population spawns at the warmest time of the year thus allowing for greater growth in their pelagic larvae and newly settled juveniles. Size at age data were found to be asymptotic and out of three growth functions tested the von Beralanffy growth model best described the data. The relatively short period of optimal water temperatures around the Falkland Islands does not enable L. albus to grow as fast as in other regions with higher seasonal temperatures (central Chilean coasts) resulting in relatively small adult sizes.  相似文献   

The peculiar limpet-like morphology of the genus Colobocentrotus is unique among the regular echinoids. This shape has been interpreted as an adaptation to life in areas of extreme wave exposure. In this study the attachment strength of C. atratus is compared with that of three sympatric species, Echinometra mathaei, Heterocentrotus trigonarius and Stomopneustes variolaris, which have more typical echinoid morphology and live in different microhabitats. For each species, the adhesion of individual sea urchins was measured as well as the tenacity of single tube foot and the mechanical properties of the tube foot stems. Colobocentrotus always presented the highest measured values, although not always significantly different from those of the other species. Of the mechanical properties of the stem measured, the stem extensibility was the only property that was significantly different among species. In general the stems of all the species studied became more extensible and more difficult to break with increasing strain rate, providing an adaptative advantage to the sea urchin when subjected to rapid loads such as waves. In terms of single tube foot tenacity, C. atratus tube feet attached with a tenacity (0.54 MPa) two times higher than the one of E. mathaei, H. trigonarius and S. variolaris (0.21–0.25 MPa). Individual sea urchins of the four species, however, attached with a similar strength (0.2–0.26 MPa). The calculation of safety factors showed that it is the very high number of adoral tube feet of C. atratus and not the overall shape of the animal that allows this species to withstand very high water velocities. However, C. atratus streamlined morphology may be a functional adaptation to reduce the impact of other hydrodynamic forces (such as wave impingement forces) or to cope with other selective environmental stresses (such as dessication), and thus to inhabit extremely exposed areas of the intertidal.  相似文献   

Changes in tissue weight and in biochemical composition for a standard animal of the bivalve Astarte montagui (Dillwyn) from a station in the Largs Channel in the Clyde Sea Area were studied during 1969–1971. Spawning took place during the autumn months and was accompanied by a decrease in tissue weight which was then continued until March. Tissue weight increased between April and July. A. elliptica (Brown) and A. sulcata (da Costa) from the same area both showed an essentially similar cycle of tissue weight changes, with evidence that spawning occurred during the autumn. The biochemical changes accompanying this cycle, and the resultant changes in caloric content of the tissues are described for A. montagui.  相似文献   

Seasonal growth of the giant kelp Macrocystis pyrifera in New Zealand   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The seasonal growth pattern of Macrocystis pyrifera (L.) C. Agardh in New Zealand was determined from measurements of blade-elongation rates between March 1986 and December 1987. Growth rates remained relatively constant throughout most of the year, but declined significantly during the summer months. Seawater nitrate levels had a marked seasonal cycle, with concentrations of 0.3 μM detected in summer. The timing of the decline in internal nitrogen concentrations varied for different-aged blades, but occurred ∼1 mo after the decrease in seawater nitrate concentrations. Sufficiently high irradiance levels and seawater nutrient concentrations support active growth for most of the year, but growth is nutrient-limited during summer. No carbon accumulation during summer was observed. Between March and August 1988, growth estimates were also derived from node-initiation rates and stipe-elongation rates to permit comparisons with previous studies from the northern and southern hemispheres. Direct comparisons of the three growth parameters determined for non-terminated canopy and sub-surface fronds were used to assess possible differential resource allocation in the two frond classes. Received: 16 May 1997 / Accepted: 28 May 1997  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in the tissue weight and biochemical composition of the pectinid bivalve Chlamys septemradiata (Müller) from a station in the Cumbrae Deep, Clyde Sea Area (UK), were studied during 1969–1971. Separate analyses were made of three divisions of the tissues: the adductor muscle, the gonad, and the remaining tissues referred to as mantle. The composition of each of these divisions, and of the total tissues of an animal of standard size was calculated for each sampling date to give information on seasonal changes independent of shell growth. Increase in gonad weight took place mainly between March and May, although there was a slow increase during the winter months (November-March). Spawning in July and August resulted in a fall in gonad weight to very low levels in September and October. The female gonad contained a greater proportion of lipid than the male, and the male a greater proportion of nitrogen than the female, although the total calorific content was similar in both sexes. The adductor muscle showed a clear seasonal cycle of tissue weight and composition, and it was demonstrated that the adductor muscle tissues are a site for storage of reserves. The weight of the adductor muscle was maximal in October-November, and declined through the winter to reach minimum values in March. There was a steady increase during the summer. Lipid, carbohydrate and protein all contributed to the decrease in winter, in part contributing to gonad differentiation but mainly meeting the bivalve's metabolic maintenance requirements. The remaining tissues displayed some irregular fluctuations, but in general the changes showed an upward trend in weight until November followed by a general downward trend to March. The changes are compared with those for other bivalves from the same area.  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in the body weight and composition of Nucula sulcata Bronn from south of Little Cumbrae Island in the Clyde Sea Area (UK) were studied during the period August, 1969 to April, 1971. The composition of an animal of standard size was calculated for each sampling date to give information on seasonal changes independent of shell growth. Increase in body-tissue weight took place between May and October as the gonad developed and as reserves were built up. Spawning in the population took place in November, resulting in a rapid fall in body weight, and an increase in tissue water-content. These processes were less well defined in 1970 than in 1969, but the same general pattern was followed in both years. Ripe males showed a consistently higher tissue weight than females, but the female gonad contained significantly greater quantities of lipid. The changes are compared with those for other bivalves from the same general area.  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in the body weight and composition of Abra alba (W. Wood) from south of the Little Cumbrae in the Clyde Sea Area (UK) were studied during 1969–1971. The composition of a specimen of standard size was calculated for each sampling data to provide information on seasonal changes independent of shell growth. Increase in body weight took place rapidly in early summer as the gonad developed and reserves were built up. Spawning in July resulted in a fall in body weight, and this was followed by a slower fall during the autumn and winter as reserves were utilized. The changes are related to seasonal fluctuations in food availability and temperature, which are reflected in the amount of pigment (phaeophytin) retained in the tissues.  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in the tissue weight and biochemical composition of the bivalve Lima hians (Gmelin) from a station in the Skelmorlie Bank, Clyde Sea Area, were studied during 1969–1971. The composition of an animal of standard size was calculated for each sampling date to give information on seasonal changes independent of shell growth. Increases in tissue weight took place between April and July as the gonad developed and reserves were built up. Between July and March tissue weight fell, at first rapidly as a result of spawning in the population, and later more slowly as reserves were utilized. Differentiation of the gonad began during the winter, at the expense of stored reserves, but was greatly accelerated during the spring due to increased food from the plankton. The lipid and nitrogen content of a standard animal rose to a pre-spawning maximum in July and then fell. Carbohydrate content also rose during this period, but continued to rise to reach maximum values in September. Carbohydrate and nitrogen both declined during the winter, but there was little indication of any net utilization of lipid during the winter months. The tissues of the ripe female contained more lipid than the male, and the tissues of the ripe male contained more nitrogen than those of the female. The total calorific content of the tissues of the male was greater than that of the female.  相似文献   

The rocky subtidal community off the Atlantic coast of Nova Scotia has historically undergone a cyclical transition between Laminaria-dominated kelp beds and sea urchin-dominated barrens. Since the introduction of the invasive alga Codium fragile ssp. tomentosoides, a third community state has emerged: Codium-dominated algal beds. We conducted a 42-week feeding experiment in the laboratory, which mimicked the quantity and quality of food available to urchins (Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis) in each of these community states. Feeding rate, growth, reproduction, and survival of urchins fed either Laminaria longicruris or C. fragile ad libidum, or L. longicruris 2 days per month, were measured. Although the ad libidum feeding rate on C. fragile was higher than that on kelp, energy intake was lower. Urchins in the ad libidum kelp treatment were larger and had larger gonads than those in the C. fragile treatment. Urchins fed kelp infrequently exhibited little somatic and gonadic growth over the course of the experiment. Regression analysis revealed that urchin performance on these diets was strongly related to energy intake. Diet treatment had no effect on survival or gonad maturation. Although urchins can consume substantial amounts of C. fragile, it appears that they cannot, or do not, feed quickly enough to compensate for its lower nutritional value. Our results suggest that, although urchins feeding on C. fragile are capable of surviving, growing, and reproducing, the replacement of kelp by C. fragile in some areas might negatively affect urchin populations as they continue to repopulate the shallow subtidal zone.  相似文献   

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