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Parasites can affect host behavior in subtle but ecologically important ways. In the laboratory, we conducted experiments to determine whether parasitic infection by the intestinal protozoan Crithidia bombi or the tracheal mite Locustacarus buchneri alters the foraging behavior of the bumble bee Bombus impatiens. Using an array of equally rewarding yellow and blue artificial flowers, we measured the foraging rate (flowers visited per minute, flower handling time, and flight time between flowers) and flower constancy (tendency to sequentially visit flowers of the same type) of bees with varying intensities of infection. Bumble bee workers infected with tracheal mites foraged as rapidly as uninfected workers, but were considerably more constant to a single flower type (yellow or blue). In contrast, workers infected with intestinal protozoa showed similar levels of flower constancy, but visited 12% fewer flowers per minute on average than uninfected bees. By altering the foraging behavior of bees, such parasites may influence interactions between plants and pollinators, as well as the reproductive output of bumble bee colonies. Our study is the first to investigate the effects of parasitic protozoa and tracheal mites on the foraging behavior of bumble bees, and provides the first report of Crithidia bombi in commercial bumble bees in North America.  相似文献   

Williams NM  Regetz J  Kremen C 《Ecology》2012,93(5):1049-1058
Variation in the availability of food resources over space and time is a likely driver of how landscape structure and composition affect animal populations. Few studies, however, have directly assessed the spatiotemporal variation in resource availability that arises from landscape pattern, or its effect on populations and population dynamic parameters. We tested the effect of floral resource availability at the landscape scale on the numbers of worker, male, and queen offspring produced by bumble bee, Bombus vosnesen?kii, colonies experimentally placed within complex agricultural-natural landscapes. We quantified flower densities in all land use types at different times of the season and then used these data to calculate spatially explicit estimates of floral resources surrounding each colony. Floral availability strongly correlated with landscape structure, and different regions of the landscape showed distinct seasonal patterns of floral availability. The floral resources available in the landscape surrounding a colony positively affected the number of workers and males it produced. Production was more sensitive to early- than to later-season resources. Floral resources did not significantly affect queen production despite a strong correlation between worker number and queen number among colonies. No landscape produced high floral resources during both the early and late season, and seasonal consistency is likely required for greater queen production. Floral resources are important determinants of colony growth and likely affect the pollination services provided by bumble bees at a landscape scale. Spatiotemporal variation in floral resources across the landscape precludes a simple relationship between resources and reproductive success as measured by queens, but nonetheless likely influences the total abundance of bumble bees in our study region.  相似文献   

Summary A model of colony growth and foraging in the honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) is presented. It is assumed that summer workers choose a foraging strategy that maximizes colony population by the end of the season subject to the constraint that enough nectar has been stored to sustain the adult population overwinter. The optimal foraging strategy is derived with respect to the number of flowers visited during one foraging trip. A forager that visits many flowers collects a substantial amount of nectar but the probability that the worker returns alive from the excursion decreases accordingly. Using dynamic modelling, I explore the effects on colony growth of colony population, colony energy requirements and mortality rate while foraging. The model shows that when the expected rate of increase in nectar reserves is low, for instance in small colonies or when mortality rate rises rapidly with foraging intensity, workers collect more nectar during each foraging trip. The increase in foraging activity is realized at the expense of colony growth. The main finding is that depending on colony status the foraging strategy that maximizes worker population implies visits to almost any number of flowers. This is in sharp contrast to predictions from traditional foraging models where foraging intensity is assumed to cluster around values that maximize net rate or efficiency. The model suggests that strategies that cluster around rate and efficiency maximization should be viewed as particular solutions to a more general problem.  相似文献   

Honey bees (Apis mellifera) use the dance language to symbolically convey information about the location of floral resources from within the nest. To figure out why this unique ability evolved, we need to understand the benefits it offers to the colony. Previous studies have shown that, in fact, the location information in the dance is not always beneficial. We ask, in which ecological habitats do honey bee colonies actually benefit from the dance language, and what is it about those habitats that makes communication useful? In this study, we examine the effects of floral distribution patterns on the benefits of dance communication across five different habitats. In each habitat, we manipulated colonies' ability to communicate and measured their foraging success, while simultaneously characterizing the naturally occurring floral distribution. We find that communication is most beneficial when floral species richness is high and patches contain many flowers. These are ecological features that could have helped shape the evolution of the honey bee dance language.  相似文献   

Floral scents are important information cues used to organize foraging-related tasks in honeybees. The waggle dance, apart from encoding spatial information about food sources, might facilitate the transfer of olfactory information by increasing the dissipation of volatiles brought back by successful foragers. By assuming that food scents are more intensive on specific body parts of returning foragers, i.e., the posterior legs of pollen foragers and mouthparts of nectar foragers, we quantified the interactions between hive mates and foragers during dances advertising different types of food sources. For natural sources, a higher proportion of hive mates contacted the hind legs of pollen dancers (where the pollen loads were located) with their heads compared to non-pollen dancers. On the other hand, the proportion of head-to-head contacts was higher for non-pollen foragers during the waggle runs. When the food scent was manipulated, dancers collecting scented sugar solution had a higher proportion of head-to-head contacts and a lower proportion around their hind legs compared to dancers collecting unscented solution. The presence of food odors did not affect in-hive behaviors of dancers, but it increased the number of trophallaxes in-between waggle runs (i.e., during circle phases). These results suggest that the honeybee dance facilitates the olfactory information transfer between incoming foragers and hive mates, and we propose that excitatory displays in other social insect species serve the same purpose. While recent empirical and theoretical findings suggested that the colony level foraging benefits of the spatial information encoded in the waggle dance vary seasonally and with habitats, the role of the dance as a compound signal not only indicating the presence of a profitable resource but also amplifying the information transfer regarding floral odors may be important under any ecological circumstances.  相似文献   

We studied the extent to which worker honey bees acquire information from waggle dances throughout their careers as foragers. Small groups of foragers were monitored from time of orientation flights to time of death and all in-hive behaviors relating to foraging were recorded. In the context of a novice forager finding her first food source, 60% of the bees relied, at least in part, on acquiring information from waggle dances (being recruited) rather than searching independently (scouting). In the context of an experienced forager whose foraging has been interrupted, 37% of the time the bees resumed foraging by following waggle dances (being reactivated) rather than examining the food source on their own (inspecting). And in the context of an experienced forager engaged in foraging, 17% of the time the bees initiated a foraging trip by following a waggle dance. Such dance following was observed much more often after an unsuccessful than after a successful foraging trip. Successful foragers often followed dances just briefly, perhaps to confirm that the kind of flowers they had been visiting were still yielding forage. Overall, waggle dance following for food discovery accounted for 12–25% of all interactions with dancers (9% by novice foragers and 3–16% by experienced foragers) whereas dance following for reactivation and confirmation accounted for the other 75–88% (26% for reactivation and 49–62% for confirmation). We conclude that foragers make extensive use of the waggle dance not only to start work at new, unfamiliar food sources but also to resume work at old, familiar food sources.  相似文献   

The fine link between a particular dive pattern and a specific prey item represents a challenging task in the analysis of marine predator–prey relationships. There is growing evidence that prey type affects diving seabirds’ foraging strategies, dive shapes and underwater activity costs. This study investigates whether a generalist diver, the Great Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo, modifies the time budget allocated to prey-capture behaviour and breathing strategies (reactive vs. anticipatory) with respect to the prey type (pelagic vs. benthic). Video recordings of 91 Great Cormorants show how the ecology and behaviour of their main prey, Mullets (Mugilidae) and Flounders Platichthys flesus, affect dive/surface durations and the diving pattern. The demersal habit and the low mobility of Flounders leads to an easy access to prey with an anticipatory strategy. Moreover, the patchy distribution of this fish species increases prey-capture rates. Conversely, Mullets exploit the whole water column and are highly mobile, and this is reflected in the need of performing two sequential dives to capture a prey, both longer and likely more expensive, with a consequent switch of strategy from reactive in the searching phase to anticipatory breathing during prey-capture events. This study provides evidence that a generalist diver may switch between different foraging strategies, and it shows how each of them may be optimal under particular ecological conditions. These constraints influence the dynamics that operate within the marine food chains and have relevant implications in managing lagoon areas, including fish ponds.  相似文献   

Summary Crop-filling by honeybees foraging at sources of variable nectar flow at a fixed distance from the hive has been shown to maximize energetic efficiency, defined as ratio of energy gained to energy spent. Predictions based on maximisation of rate of energy gain, defined as net energy gained per unit time foraging, are significantly different from observed behaviour (Schmid-Hempel et al. 1985). In this paper we consider the effect of varying travel times in addition to flow rate. The predictions of an extended version of our theoretical model are confronted with experimental results obtained by Núñez (1982). Núñez found that bees filled their crops more fully for higher flows and longer travel times. We show that when the cost of carrying a load is considered, this trend can be predicted by maximising either energetic efficiency or net rate of gain. Figure 1 shows, however, that maximisation of net rate of gain can only produce an acceptable quantitative fit if unreasonably high costs are assumed to result from carrying the load. Energetic efficiency instead generates a good quantitative fit for acceptable assumptions about this cost (Fig. 2).  相似文献   

Summary The honey bee colony presents a challenging paradox. Like an organism, it functions as a coherent unit, carefully regulating its internal milieu. But the colony consists of thousands of loosely assembled individuals each functioning rather autonomously. How, then, does the colony acquire the necessary information to organize its work force? And how do individuals acquire information about specific colony needs, and thus know what tasks need be performed? I address these questions through experiments that analyze how honey bees acquire information about the colony's need for pollen and how they regulate its collection. The results demonstrate features of the colony's system for regulating pollen foraging: (1) Pollen foragers quickly acquire new information about the colony's need for pollen. (2) When colony pollen stores are supplemented, many pollen foragers respond by switching to nectar foraging or by remaining in the hive and ceasing to forage at all. (3) Pollen foragers do not need direct contact with pollen to sense the colony's change of state, nor do they use the odor of pollen as a cue to assess the colony's need for pollen. (4) Pollen foragers appear to obtain their information about colony pollen need indirectly from other bees in the hive. (5) The information takes the form of an inhibitory cue. The proposed mechanism for the regulation of pollen foraging involves a hierarchical system of information acquisition and a negative feedback loop. By taking advantage of the vast processing capacity of large numbers of individuals working in parallel, such a system of information acquisition and dissemination may be ideally suited to promote efficient regulation of labor within the colony. Although each individual relies on only limited, local information, the colony as a whole achieves a finely-tuned response to the changing conditions it experiences.  相似文献   

In an experimental set-up, a colony of the stingless bee Melipona fasciata demonstrated its ability to choose the better of two nectar sources. This colony pattern was a result of the following individual behavioural decisions: continue foraging, abandon the feeder, restart foraging and initiate foraging. Only very rarely did individuals switch from one feeder to the other. With the first combination of a rich (2.7 M) and a poor (0.8 M) feeder M. fasciata behaved differently from Apis mellifera. Recruitment occurred to both feeders and the poor feeder was not abandoned completely. When the poor feeder was set to 0.4 M, M. fasciata abandoned the poor feeder rapidly and allocated more foragers to the rich feeder. These patterns were similar to those reported for A. mellifera with the first combination of feeders. Over a sequence of 4 days, experienced bees increasingly determined the colony patterns, and the major function of communication between workers became the reactivation of experienced foragers. The foragers modulated their behaviour not only according to the profitability of the feeder, but also according to previous experience with profitability switches. Thus, experience and communication together regulated colony foraging behaviour. These findings and the results of studies with honeybees suggest that M. fasciata and honeybees use similar decision-making mechanisms and only partly different tools. Received: 21 December 1998 / Accepted: 5 January 1999  相似文献   

Foraging activity in social insects should be regulated by colony nutritional status and food availability, such that both the emission of, and response to, recruitment signals depend on current conditions. Using fully automatic radio-frequency identification (RFID) technology to follow the foraging activity of tagged bumblebees (Bombus terrestris) during 16,000 foraging bouts, we tested whether the cue provided by stored food (the number of full honeypots) could modulate the response of workers to the recruitment pheromone signal. Artificial foraging pheromones were applied to colonies with varied levels of food reserves. The response to recruitment pheromones was stronger in colonies with low food, resulting in more workers becoming active and more foraging bouts being performed. In addition to previous reports showing that in colonies with low food successful foragers perform more excited runs during which they release recruitment pheromone and inactive workers are more prone to leave the nest following nectar influx, our results indicate that evolution has shaped a third pathway that modulates bumblebee foraging activity, thus preventing needless energy expenditure and exposure to risk when food stores are already high. This new feedback loop is intriguing since it involves context-dependent response to a signal. It highlights the integration of information from both forager-released pheromones (signal) and nutritional status (cue) that occurs within individual workers before making the decision to start foraging. Our results support the emerging view that responses to pheromones may be less hardwired than commonly acknowledged. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

We examined how the foraging ecology of the seed-harvesting ant Messor andrei depends upon the distribution of resources and the presence of conspecifics. Bait experiments showed that colonies can recruit to high-density patches of seeds. However, at the seasonal scale, natural resource distribution did not affect the distribution of foraging activity. We conducted the study in years of high rainfall and thus seed availability may not have been a limiting factor. Colonies always preferred to forage in areas closer to their nest, which may reduce travel time between the nest and foraging sites. On a day-to-day scale, encounters between neighboring colonies at a site increased the probability that colonies would return to forage at that site; this was true both for natural and experimental encounters. In the summer, this resulted in colonies foraging at the sites of intraspecific encounters on more days than in areas where no encounter had occurred. Encounters between colonies included fighting, and there was little overlap between the foraging areas of neighboring colonies: both results suggest that one function of encounters is to defend foraging space. The high probability of return to the site of an encounter between colonies suggests that encounters may have a second function: to indicate the presence of resources. Received: 28 June 1999 / Received in revised form: 12 October 1999 / Accepted: 16 October 1999  相似文献   

Summary To place social insect foraging behavior within an evolutionary context, it is necessary to establish relationships between individual foraging decisions and parameters influencing colony fitness. To address this problem, we examined interactions between individual foraging behavior and pollen storage levels in the honey bee, Apis mellifera L. Colonies responded to low pollen storage conditions by increasing pollen intake rates 54% relative to high pollen storage conditions, demonstrating a direct relationship between pollen storage levels and foraging effort. Approximately 80% of the difference in pollen intake rates was accounted for by variation in individual foraging effort, via changes in foraging activity and individual pollen load size. An additional 20% resulted from changes in the proportion of the foraging population collecting pollen. Under both high and low pollen storage treatments, colonies returned pollen storage levels to pre-experimental levels within 16 days, suggesting that honey bees regulate pollen storage levels around a homeostatic set point. We also found a direct relationship between pollen storage levels and colony brood production, demonstrating the potential for cumulative changes in individual foraging decisions to affect colony fitness. Offprint requests to: J.H. Fewell at the current address  相似文献   

Summary Recent studies have shown that differences in patterns of task specialization among nestmate honeybee workers (Apis mellifera) can be explained, in part, as a consequence of genotypic variability. Here, we present evidence supporting the hypothesis that an individual's pattern of task specialization is affected not only by her own genotype, but, indirectly, by the genotypes of her nestmates. Workers from two strains of honey bees, one selected for high pollen hoarding, the other for low pollen hoarding, were observed in colonies of their respective parent strains and in colonies of the other strain. Worker genotype and host-colony type affected foraging activity. Workers from the high strain fostered in low-strain colonies returned with pollen on 75.6% of total foraging trips, while workers from the high strain fostered in high-strain colonies returned with pollen on 53.5% of total trips. Workers from the low strain fostered in low-strain colonies returned with pollen on 34.8% of total foraging trips while workers from the low strain fostered in high-strain colonies returned with pollen on 2.6% of total trips. Similar results were obtained in a second experiment. We suggest that workers influence the behavior of their nestmates indirectly through their effects on the shared colony environment. The asymmetry seen in the response of workers from these strains to the two types of colony environments also suggests that these genotypes exhibit different norms of reaction. Offprint requests to: N.W. Calderone  相似文献   

A predator's foraging performance is related to its ability to acquire sufficient information on environmental profitability. This process can be affected by the patchy distribution and clustering of food resources and by the food intake process dynamics.We simulated body mass growth and behaviour in a forager acting in a patchy environment with patchy distribution of both prey abundance and body mass by an individual-based model. In our model, food intake was a discrete and stochastic process and leaving decision was based on the estimate of net energy gain and searching time during their foraging activities. The study aimed to investigate the effects of learning processes and food resource exploitation on body mass and survival of foragers under different scenarios of intra-patch resource distribution.The simulation output showed that different sources of resource variability between patches affected foraging efficiency differently. When prey abundance varied across patches, the predator stayed longer in poorest patches to obtain the information needed and its performance was affected by the cost of sampling and the resulting assessment of the environment proved unreliable. On the other hand, when prey body mass, but not abundance, varied among the patches the predator was quickly able to assess local profitability. Both body mass and survival of the predator were greatly affected by learning processes and patterns of food resource distribution.  相似文献   

The non-random movement patterns of foraging bees are believed to increase their search efficiency. These patterns may be innate, or they may be learned through the bees’ early foraging experience. To identify the innate components of foraging rules, we characterized the flight of naive bumblebees, foraging on a non-patchy “field” of randomly scattered artificial flowers with three color displays. The flowers were randomly mixed and all three flower types offered equal nectar volumes. Visited flowers were refilled with probability 0.5. Flight distances, flight durations and nectar probing durations were determined and related to the bees’ recent experiences. The naive bees exhibited area-restricted search behavior, i.e., flew shorter distances following visits to rewarding flowers than after visits to empty flowers. Additionally, flight distances during flower-type transitions were longer than flight distances between flowers of the same type. The two movement rules operated together: flight distances were longest for flights between flower types following non-rewarding visits, shortest for within-type flights following rewarding visits. An increase in flight displacement during flower-type shifts was also observed in a second experiment, in which all three types were always rewarding. In this experiment, flower-type shifts were also accompanied by an increase in flight duration. Possible relationships between flight distances, flight durations and flower-type choice are discussed. Received: 20 November 1995/Accepted after revision: 10 May 1996  相似文献   

Studies have shown that pelagic predators do not overlap with their prey at small scales. However, we hypothesized that spinner dolphin foraging would be affected by the spatio-temporal dynamics of their prey at both small and large scales. A modified echosounder was used to simultaneously measure the abundance of dolphins and their prey as a function of space and time off three Hawaiian islands. Spinner dolphin abundance closely matched the abundance patterns in the boundary community both horizontally and vertically. As hypothesized, spinner dolphins followed the diel horizontal migration of their prey, rather than feeding offshore the entire night. Spinner dolphins also followed the vertical migrations of their prey and exploited the vertical areas within the boundary layer that had the highest prey density. Cooperative foraging by pairs of dolphins within large groups was evident. The geometric and density characteristics of prey patches containing dolphins indicate that dolphins may alter the characteristics of prey patches through this cooperative foraging. The overlap of Hawaiian spinner dolphins and their prey at many temporal and spatial scales, ranging from several minutes to an entire night and 20 m to several kilometers, indicates that the availability of truly synoptic data may fundamentally alter our conclusions about pelagic predator-prey interactions.  相似文献   

Honey bee foragers specialize on collecting pollen and nectar. Pollen foraging behavior is modulated by at least two stimuli within the nest: the presence of brood pheromone and young larvae and the quantity of stored pollen. Genetic variation in pollen foraging behavior has been demonstrated repeatedly. We used selected high and low pollen-hoarding strains of bees that differ dramatically in the quantity of pollen collected to determine if the observed differences in foraging could be explained by differential responses to brood stimuli. Workers from the high and low pollen-hoarding strains and wild-type bees were co-fostered in colonies with either brood or no brood. As expected based on previous studies, returning high pollen-hoarding foragers collected heavier pollen loads and lighter nectar loads than low pollen-hoarding bees. Effects of brood treatment were also observed; bees exposed to brood collected heavier pollen loads and initiated foraging earlier than those from broodless colonies. More specifically, brood treatment resulted in increased pollen foraging in high pollen-hoarding bees but did not affect pollen foraging in low pollen-hoarding bees, suggesting that high pollen-hoarding bees are more sensitive to the presence of brood. However, response to brood stimuli does not sufficiently explain the differences in foraging behavior between the strains since these differences persisted even in the absence of brood.  相似文献   

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