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We examined patterns of concurrent multiple mating in a live-bearing poeciliid fish, the sailfin molly (Poecilia latipinna). We tested whether the probability of multiple paternity was related to female body size or fertility and whether the rate of multiple paternity varied among four populations that differed in their distributions of female body size and fertility. We analyzed data on mother and offspring genotypes for three polymorphic allozymes by three techniques, including a maximum-likelihood estimator that accounts for sampling error in both parental and offspring allele frequencies. The estimated rate of multiple paternity varied between 0.09 and 0.85, and the rate in one population varied seasonally between 0.33 (spring) and 0.85 (autumn). The variation in these rates was not associated with variation in body-size distributions among populations but was closely associated with variation in size-specific fertility: populations with greater variation in female fertility had higher multiple-paternity rates. Within two populations, logistic regression revealed that individual females of larger body size and greater size-specific fertility were more likely to carry multiply sired broods. This result is consistent with observations made in one of the populations 5 years earlier. In general, the results strongly suggest that the mating system varies markedly among conspecific populations of sailfin mollies and that larger, more fertile females are the objects of intermale competition. Received: 6 May 1996 / Accepted in revised form: 5 December 1996  相似文献   

This study investigates social monogamy in the Australian sleepy lizard, Tiliqua rugosa. At a 70-ha site near Mount Mary, South Australia, we radio tracked 55 adult female and 39 adult male lizards during their spring activity periods. Each lizard was observed in 1–5 years. Females were observed with a single male partner on an average of 10.8 days per year, although in 17.3% of cases, females were observed on 2 or fewer days with a male. The most intense pairing period each year was 15 September–15 November when females were with male partners on an average of 36% of observation days. Partnerships lasted an average of 43.3 days each year. After mating in early November, the pairs separated. Observations of females pairing with other males were rare. Most males (82%) were also consistently monogamous, although 7 were observed pairing with 2 females within one season. To investigate paternity, we allowed 21 gravid females to give birth to 42 offspring in the laboratory. We determined genotypes at five polymorphic microsatellite DNA loci for the females, their male partners and their offspring. Four litters (19%) and 6 of the offspring from those litters (14.3%) showed evidence of extra-pair fertilization (EPF). Although the sample sizes are small, females of polygynous males were more likely to experience EPF. Received: 22 February 1998 / Accepted after revision: 23 May 1998  相似文献   

Multilocus DNA fingerprinting and microsatellite analysis were used to determine the number of queens and their mating frequencies in colonies of the carpenter ant, Camponotus ligniperdus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Only 1 of 61 analyzed queens was found to be double-mated and the population-wide effective mating frequency was therefore 1.02. In the studied population, 8 of 21 mature field colonies (38%) contained worker, male, or virgin queen genotypes which were not compatible with presumed monogyny and therefore suggested oligogyny, i.e., the cooccurrence of several mutually intolerant queens within one colony. Estimated queen numbers in oligogynous colonies ranged between two and five. According to the results of the genetic analysis, most of the queens coexisting in oligogynous colonies were not closely related. Pleometrosis is very rare and queenless colonies adopt mated queens both in the laboratory and field. Therefore, the most plausible explanation for the origin of oligogynous colonies in C. ligniperdus is the adoption of unrelated queens by orphaned mature colonies. The coexistence of unrelated, but mutually intolerant queens in C. ligniperdus colonies demonstrates that oligogyny should be considered as a phenomenon distinct from polygyny. Received: 18 December 1997 / Accepted after revision: 20 June 1998  相似文献   

We used DNA fingerprinting to examine the genetic parentage and mating system of the cooperatively breeding white-browed scrubwren, Sericornis frontalis, in Canberra, Australia. Our analyses revealed a remarkable variety of mating tactics and social organization. Scrubwrens bred in pairs or multi-male groups that consisted of a female and two or more males. Females were always unrelated to the pair male or alpha (dominant) male. Among multi-male groups we found three different mating tactics. Firstly, when alpha and beta (subordinate) males were unrelated, they usually shared paternity in the brood. This resulted in both males gaining reproductive benefits directly. Secondly, when beta males were not related to the female but were related to the alpha males, beta males sired offspring in some broods. In this situation, beta males gained reproductive benefits both directly and potentially indirectly (through the related alpha male). Thirdly, when beta males were related to the female or both the female and alpha male, they remained on their natal territory and did not sire any offspring. Thus beta males gained only indirect reproductive benefits. Overall, when group members were related closely, the dominant male monopolized reproductive success, whereas when the members were not related closely the two males shared paternity equally. This positive association between monopolization of reproduction and relatedness is predicted by models of reproductive skew, but has not been reported previously within a single population of birds. Other cooperatively breeding birds with both closely related and unrelated helpers may show a similar variety of mating tactics. Finally, we found that extra-group paternity was more common in pairs (24% of young) than in multi-male groups (6%), and we discuss three possible reasons for this difference. Received: 21 May 1996 / Accepted after revision: 14 December 1996  相似文献   

Most social groups have the potential for reproductive conflict among group members. Within insect societies, reproduction can be divided among multiple fertile individuals, leading to potential conflicts between these individuals over the parentage of sexual offspring. Colonies of the facultatively polygynous ant Myrmicatahoensis contain from one to several mated queens. In this species, female sexuals were produced almost exclusively by one queen. The parentage of male sexuals was more complex. In accordance with predictions based on worker sex-allocation preferences, male-producing colonies tended to have low levels of genetic relatedness (i.e., high queen numbers). Correspondingly, males were often reared from the eggs of two or more queens in the nest. Further, over half of the males produced appeared to be the progeny of fertile workers, not of queens. Overall investment ratios were substantially more male biased than those predicted by genetic relatedness, suggesting hidden costs associated with the production of female sexuals. These costs are likely to include local resource competition among females, most notably when these individuals are adopted by their maternal nest. Received: 3 March 1998 / Accepted after revision: 20 June 1998  相似文献   

In field tests of the information-center hypothesis (ICH) in south Texas with black vultures (Coragyps atratus) and turkey vultures (Cathartes aura), large carcasses were provided and kept under continuous observation. The use vultures made of these bait sites and their patterns of arrival were recorded to evaluate predictions derived from the ICH. Turkey vultures discovered most bait sites (30 of 31) first, but frequently were displaced from the food by later-arriving black vultures. This competitive exclusion by black vultures limited subsequent feeding opportunities for turkey vultures sufficiently that few (27%) returned on subsequent days to bait sites they had previously visited. I found no evidence that those turkey vultures that did return to bait sites acted as leaders for groups of naive birds and led them to bait sites – knowledgeable and naive turkey vultures did not arrive at bait sites together, and groups arriving at bait sites were not larger on subsequent days than on the first days carcasses were available. In contrast, a significantly larger percentage (47%) of knowledgeable black vultures returned to bait sites they had visited on previous days, and the first groups of black vultures arriving at bait sites on subsequent days were significantly larger than the equivalent groups on first days. Nine flocks of black vultures that arrived on subsequent days at bait sites before sunrise (which suggests the birds had commuted directly from a roost) contained knowledgeable birds, and two of these flocks contained both knowledgeable and naive individuals. Overall, 10 of 54 naive tagged black vultures (18.5%) arrived at bait sites under circumstances that suggested they had followed conspecifics to the food from a roost. However, most black vultures apparently found carcasses through independent search or by using local enhancement. Therefore, I conclude that while following from roosts to food sites is a strategy used by black vultures, at this study site it is one they use relatively infrequently. Received: 20 February 1997 / Accepted after revision: 28 June 1997  相似文献   

The benefit of sociality in relation to disease susceptibility was studied in the dampwood termite Zootermopsis angusticollis. Although contact with high concentrations of fungal conidia is lethal, the survivorship of nymphs exposed to spore suspensions ranging from 6 × 106 to 2 × 108 spores/ml of the fungus Metarhizium anisopliae increased with group size. The survivorship (measured as LT50) of isolated individuals ranged from 3.0 to 4.8 days, but infected nymphs living in groups of 10 and 25 individuals survived significantly longer (5.6–8.3 and 5.6–9.1 days, respectively). In most cases, there were no significant differences in the survival distributions of the 10- and 25-termite groups. When nymphs were infected with concentrations of 7 × 101–7 × 104 spores/ml and allowed to interact with healthy nestmates, fungal infections were not contracted by the unexposed termites. Moreover, infected termites benefitted from social contact with unexposed nestmates: their survival rates were significantly higher than those of infected termites living with similarly infected nestmates. Allogrooming, which increased in frequency during and after exposure to conidia, appeared to remove potentially infectious spores from the cuticle, thus increasing termite survivorship. These results suggest that allogrooming plays a crucial role in the control of disease and its death hazard in termites. The infection-reducing advantage of group living may have been significant in the evolution of social behavior in the Isoptera. Received: 18 March 1998 / Accepted after revision: 31 May 1998  相似文献   

We compared the occurrence of filial cannibalism in fed and starved male fantail darters (Etheostoma flabellare). All males in the experiment consumed eggs, and 56% ate all of their eggs. A male's initial body condition did not explain the number of eggs that he ate. Neither did non-fed males eat more eggs than fed males. Fed males were able to maintain better body condition during the experiment, but the change in body condition also depended on the number of eggs eaten. Thus, males who ate more eggs were able to maintain better body condition.The most important determinant of whether or not a male ate all of his eggs was his initial egg number. Males with small egg masses ate all of their eggs whereas males with large egg masses were only partial cannibals. There was, however, no difference in the total number of eggs eaten by total and partial cannibals. We conclude that eggs are only partially eaten for energetic reasons. We also suggest that small egg masses are completely consumed because the costs of caring for a small egg mass may exceed the expected reproductive benefits of a small egg mass. Received: 26 January 1996 / Accepted after revision: 2 November 1996  相似文献   

Correlates of extra-pair fertilization success in hooded warblers   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
We examined correlates of extra-pair fertilization (EPF) success in the hooded warbler (Wilsonia citrina), a species where females pursue extra-pair matings. The good genes hypothesis predicts that females choose extra-pair mates with morphological or behavioral traits that reflect differences in male genetic quality. EPFs were common, as 35.3% (42/119) of broods contained extra-pair young (EPY) and 26.7% (95/356) of nestlings were the result of EPFs. There was a strong skew in male EPF success which increased the variance in annual male mating success 2–3 fold. However, male morphology did not predict EPF success, as extra-pair males were not older or larger than the males they cuckolded. Likewise, there were no significant correlations between the proportion of extra-pair young in a brood and male size or age. The good genes hypothesis predicts that high-quality males will be consistently preferred as genetic mates, but the number of young sired by a male with his social mate was not consistent from one year to the next. There was a significant negative correlation between female age and proportion of EPY produced, which could result if older females obtain higher-quality social mates. We found no strong evidence that females choose extra-pair mates for good genes, but females may use behavioral rather than morphological cues to assess relative male quality. Received: 31 May 1996 / Accepted after revision: 17 October 1996  相似文献   

Mate choice by females has been documented in a variety of taxa. Female mate choice in species lacking male resource control or paternal care might occur if preferred males provide protection from harassment. Female mate choice was investigated in a natural population of the non-territorial lizard Ameiva plei (Teiidae). Consort pairs were allowed to form naturally. Consort males were significantly larger than non-consort males. After removal of consort males, the “abandoned” female's reaction to the first male who approached her was recorded. Females rejected all small males. Female preference for large males was significantly higher than preference for small males. Large males may be better equipped to guard the females from harassment and behavior of large males is less harassing than behavior of small males, thereby affording the female increased foraging time. Received: 21 June 1996 / Accepted after revision: 28 December 1996  相似文献   

We used multi-locus DNA fingerprinting to characterise the genetic mating system of the socially monogamous yellow warbler (Dendroica petechia). Over 2 years there were no instances of brood parasitism, but 59% of families (n = 90) contained extrapair sired young and 37% of offspring (n = 355) were of extra-pair paternity. Most hypotheses for extra-pair mating in monogamous species assume a paternity benefit to extra-pair sires, and focus on the benefit(s) to females. However, the assumption of male benefit has been little tested. Among yellow warblers, known extra-pair sires were just as likely to be cuckolded as any male in the population, and there was at least one reciprocal exchange of extra-pair paternity. Nevertheless, among known extra-pair sires, the paternity gains from extra-pair paternity were, on average, greater than the losses in their own families. These results show there is a paternity benefit to certain males. However, the benefit is not absolute but relative and therefore more difficult to measure. The results also suggest that patterns of extra-pair fertilisation are not determined by female choice alone. Most confirmed extra-pair mates were territorial neighbours, but some resided as far as three territories apart, and greater spatial separation was implied in other cases. Thus, the opportunity for extra-pair mating is great. We estimate that as a result of extra-pair fertilisations, variance in male mating success is increased somewhere between 3-fold and 15-fold over that which would result from within-pair reproduction alone. These findings affirm the potential importance of extra-pair reproduction for sexual selection in monogamous species and they support earlier suggestions that extra-territorial forays by male yellow warblers are for the purpose of extra-pair mating.  相似文献   

When females mate with more than one male, the ensuing sperm competition leads to the evolution of male mechanisms that skew paternity. Males of the yellow mealworm beetle (Tenebrio molitor) transfer a spermatophore to females during copulation, but sperm release and storage occur later. We investigated how the interval between two matings with different males affects sperm precedence by varying the interval between the copulations so that the second mating was either: (1) before sperm release from the first spermatophore (<5 min); (2) after sperm release but before spermatophore ejection (15–20 min); (3) after spermatophore ejection but before sperm storage (4 h), or (4) after complete sperm storage (24 h). We collected offspring over a period of 2 weeks and determined paternity by protein electrophoresis. There was second-male sperm precedence in all treatments, but when the interval was <5 min, the second male usually (86% of cases) had complete sperm precedence (i.e., P 2=1). Investigations into the mechanism of second-male sperm precedence during <5-min mating intervals indicate that sperm release from the first spermatophore is inhibited, a phenomenon which has not been previously documented. Received: 31 January 2000 / Revised: 9 June 2000 / Accepted: 26 August 2000  相似文献   

The leaf-curling spider Phonognatha graeffei incorporates a twisted leaf into the central hub of its orb-web that is used as a retreat. This species is unusual among orb-weaving spiders because males cohabit in the leaf retreat with both immature and mature females, mating with the former shortly after the female molts. Cohabitation appears to be a form of mate-guarding because cohabiting males respond agonistically to rival males that venture onto the web, and their behaviour depends upon the reproductive status of the female; males defending immature females are more aggressive than those defending virgin, adult females. Males copulate with previously mated females for significantly longer than with virgin females. Females may cannibalise cohabiting males, which occurs independently of whether the female has been deprived of food. Females that cannibalise a single male do not have a higher fecundity than non-cannibalistic females. Received: 2 February 1996 / Accepted after revision: 27 October 1996  相似文献   

Summary. Induction of secondary metabolites to herbivore damage is a widespread phenomenon among plants and serves to enhance resistance by reducing suitability or increasing toxicity of foliage. Post-damage responses of primary metabolites are less well known; reductions in primary metabolites may increase resistance by decreasing palatability or nutritional suitability for herbivores or by potentiating toxicity of secondary metabolites. In this study, we examined response to simulated herbivory in Pastinaca sativa, the wild parsnip, in both primary and secondary metabolites. We found that induction of secondary metabolites in response to damage is largely restricted to a single class of compounds, the furanocoumarins. These prooxidant compounds are known to be toxic to a wide variety of insect herbivores. The only primary metabolite that responded to damage was total soluble protein, which increased significantly 24 h after damage. After 24 h, the correlation between total furanocoumarins and total sugars was significant and negative (r = − 0.697). This correlation likely reflects an independent response of sugar to damage, rather than a diversion of resources into furanocoumarin production, inasmuch as this correlation at 3 h, after furanocoumarin induction had taken place, was not significant. In other secondary metabolite pathways, damage produced a significant decline in farnesene and a C-16 unsaturated fatty acid, 7,10,13-hexadecatrienoic acid, each of which may potentiate the furanocoumarin defense response. Farnesene may enhance photooxidative activation of the furanocoumarins and 7,10,13-hexadecatrienoic acid may serve as a precursor to jasmonic acid, a key hormone in regulating induction responses. With few key exceptions, quantities of both primary and secondary metabolites in wild parsnip foliage are unaffected by damage. Those that are affected may well play a role in resistance of parsnips to herbivores. Received 1 July 1998; accepted 28 September 1998.  相似文献   

Summary. The mountain pine beetle, Dendroctonus ponderosae Hopkins, and the pine engraver, Ips pini (Say), often co-exist in lodgepole pine, Pinus contorta var. latifolia Engelmann. Intra- and interspecific semiochemical communication occurs in both species and their complete semiochemical repertoire and precise dynamics of pheromone production have not been elucidated. Porapak-Q extracts of captured volatiles from beetles of each species aerated at different attack phases (freshly emerged, pioneer sex alone in the log and both sexes paired in new galleries), followed by gas chromatographic-electroantennographic detection (GC-EAD) and GC-mass spectroscopic analyses identified 17 compounds (seven compounds common to both species, six present in D. ponderosae and four present in I. pini) that excited the antennae of either or both species. Seven compounds for D. ponderosae and nine for I. pini had not been assessed for behavioural activity. In field trapping experiments, 2-phenylethanol produced by both species inhibited the response of D. ponderosae to its aggregation pheromones. exo- and endo-Brevicomin produced by D. ponderosae significantly decreased the response of I. pini to its aggregation pheromone ipsdienol. Nonanal, a ubiquitous compound found in the volatiles of lodgepole pine, various nonhosts and in both beetle species deterred the response of I. pini to ipsdienol. The occurrence of cis-verbenol, trans-verbenol and verbenone in emergent I. pini, and verbenone and 2-phenylethanol in emergent D. ponderosae suggests that these compounds may inhibit aggregation and induce dispersal following emergence. Termination of aggregation in D. ponderosae appears to depend on the production of frontalin in combination with changes in the relative ratios of verbenone, exo-brevicomin, trans-verbenol and 2-phenylethanol. In I. pini, the cessation of ipsdienol production by males is probably the main factor in terminating aggregation. Received 16 November 1999; accepted 7 August 2000  相似文献   

The mating frequency of queens was estimated for eight attine ant species, Myrmicocrypta ednaella, Apterostigma mayri, Cyphomyrmex costatus, C. rimosus (four lower attines), Trachymyrmex isthmicus, Serico-myrmex amabalis, Acromyrmex octospinosus and Atta colombica (four higher attines), and correlated to colony size, worker polyethism, and sex ratio. Mating frequency was calculated from within-colony relatedness estimated by CAP-PCR DNA fingerprinting. Most queens of lower attines and T. isthmicus mated with only one male, while those of the three higher attines mated with multiple males. Mating frequency was positively correlated with colony size. Polyethism among workers was dependent on worker age in lower attines but on body size in higher attines, suggesting some correlation between mating frequency (i.e., within-colony gene diversity) and caste complexity. The sex ratio was biased toward females in species where the mating frequency equaled one, but toward males in species where the mating frequency was greater than two. Changing in nest site from ground surface to deep underground may have facilitated the evolution of large colony size in Attini, and this may have resulted in the evolution of polyandry (a queen mates with multiple males). With the evolution of polyandry in higher attines, Atta and Acromyrmex in particular have generated high genetic diversity within their colonies and complex social structures. Received: 26 October 1999 / Revised: 25 May 2000 / Accepted: 24 June 2000  相似文献   

Summary. This study reports on the impact of insecticidal resistance on the diel periodicity of the calling behaviour and pheromone production of different-aged virgin females of the obliquebanded leafroller (OBL), Choristoneura rosaceana. While both resistant (R) and susceptible (S) females initiated calling on the first night following emergence, the periodicity of the calling behaviour, as determined by the mean onset time of calling (MOTC) and the mean time spent calling (MTSC) over the first six nights of calling, differed between the two strains. R females started calling significantly later in the night. However, as the MOTC of R females advanced with age but did not do so in S individuals, the difference between strains was more pronounced in younger than older females. Furthermore, R females spent less time calling than S individuals. However, the MTSC increased as a function of age in both R and S females, so the difference between strains remained fairly constant for each night of calling. The major component of OBL sex pheromone, the Z11-14: Ac, determined at peak calling activity, significantly declined with female age. Overall, pheromone production was lower in R females than in S females, with the difference being more pronounced in younger than in older individuals. Thus, resistant females may have a lower mating success. The mating success of both R and S strain males did not vary with the number of previous matings acquired. With regard to males, although there was a significant decline in spermatophore size with successive matings, there was no significant difference between strains. However, R males are smaller and may be disadvantaged through female choice and/or may respond differently to pheromone source compared with S individuals. If the reproductive success of both sexes is affected, this may have a profound influence on the dynamics of insecticidal resistance in the presence or absence of selection in OBL populations. Received 4 July 2001; accepted 19 October 2001.  相似文献   

We report on the genetic evaluation and behavioral study of social organization in the Asian elephant (Elephas maximus). Although Asian elephants and African elephants (Loxodonta africana) were previously thought to have similar social organizations, our results demonstrate a substantial difference in the complexity and structure of Asian elephant social groupings from that described for African savanna elephants. Photographic cataloging of individuals, radio telemetry, and behavioral observations in Ruhuna National Park, Sri Lanka, enabled us to assign associated females and young to four groups with overlapping ranges. Genetic sampling of individuals from the four groups in Ruhuna National Park and three other groups in surrounding areas, conducted through PCR amplification and sequencing of mitochondrial DNA from dung, supported the matriarchal nature of female groups and the lack of inter-group transfer of females. Behaviorally and genetically, the identified social groups were best described as ”family groups”. We did not find any evidence for the existence of social groups of higher complexity than family groups. Received: 25 March 2000 / Received in revised form: 28 March 2000 / Accepted: 1 April 2000  相似文献   

Whereas variation in pronghorn (Antilocapra americana) spatial organization is well documented, underlying ecological or physiological explanations are not well understood. This study quantitatively describes spacing systems of pronghorn males and correlates of their spatial organization. I collected behavioral data from two populations in South Dakota (Wind Cave) and Montana (Bar Diamond) to determine if males differed in space use, response to intruders, and behavior patterns indicative of area defense. I measured sex ratio and population density, and I examined characteristics of food resources, including forb species diversity, richness, coverage, biomass, and nitrogen content, and how they changed during the growing season. I also collected and analyzed fecal samples to determine if males differed in testosterone concentrations. Pronghorn males at Wind Cave were more territorial than males at Bar Diamond, although males at Bar Diamond became more territorial during the second year. The forb community at Wind Cave was more diverse, contained greater amounts of forbs later in summer, and had a higher nitrogen content later in summer. Population density was lower at Wind Cave, although density dropped at Bar Diamond during the second year, and sex ratios were skewed toward males at Bar Diamond. Finally, males at Wind Cave had higher testosterone concentrations than did Bar Diamond males, although differences were not statistically significant. With lower population density and higher forb abundance and quality, food resources were more economically defensible at Wind Cave, and males were more territorial there. Analyses using these and other pronghorn populations revealed that population density and sex ratio correlated weakly with spatial organization, whereas precipitation correlated most strongly, which suggests plant productivity has a powerful role in determining pronghorn territoriality. Received: 16 June 1999 / Received in revised form: 21 September 1999 / Accepted: 31 December 1999  相似文献   

Summary. Scent signals are the main source of information transmission in carnivores, being particularly important for those with nocturnal habits like the ringtail (Bassariscus astutus), a Procyonid widely distributed in Mexico. However, faecal marking behaviour of free-ranging ringtails has not been described previously. The aims of this study were to describe the use of latrines in ringtails and to test if single faeces and latrines have a marking function, based on the spatial characterisation of the defecation places and revisits to these sites. The study was conducted at an urban reserve within Mexico City in 2003, where 80 defecation points were analysed. The results showed that ringtails deposit faeces repeatedly in the same sites (latrines), which contain a variable number of faeces (between 2 and 19). The spatial distribution of latrines was not random, but a selection of substrates and zones that enhanced the effectiveness as faecal marks was observed. Latrines were preferentially placed on objects above ground level and at road margins. Latrines and single faeces that were in inconspicuous zones were generally deposited on conspicuous substrates and latrines and single faeces that were in conspicuous zones were deposited more frequently on inconspicuous substrates.  相似文献   

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