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气候变化对江苏省经济的影响研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
利用经济学上的“投入-产出”分析方法,结合气候变化对农业产量影响的计算机模拟系统,研究了当气候变化影响农业生产和产量时,江苏省农业产值的变化及与农业部门相联系的国民经济各个部门产出量的变化。考虑江苏省的经济发展速度和产业结构,预测了未来不同的气候变化情景下,为使经济发展达到预期目标,社会需对各经济部门追加的资金投入量及各经济部门之间相互投入量的变化,提出了适应气候变化的相应对策。研究结果反映了国民经济各部门之间及部门与整体的相互联系,从而对制定区域经济平衡发展规划提供了理论依据和建议。  相似文献   

利用经济学上的“投入—产出”分析方法 ,结合气候变化对农业产量影响的计算机模拟系统 ,研究了当气候变化影响农业生产和产量时 ,江苏省农业产值的变化及与农业部门相联系的国民经济各个部门产出量的变化。考虑江苏省的经济发展速度和产业结构 ,预测了未来不同气候变化情景下 ,为使经济发展达到预期目标 ,社会需对各经济部门追加的资金投入量及各经济部门之间相互投入量的变化 ,提出了适应气候变化的相应对策。研究结果反映了国民经济各部门之间及部门与整体的相互联系 ,从而对制定区域经济平衡发展规划提供了理论依据和建议。  相似文献   

中国二元经济中水资源流转模式研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
农业用水效率低下及水资源在工农业两部门间的结构性短缺将成为我国经济转型中面临的主要资源问题之一。如何优化配置水资源,实现工农业两部门的"双赢"是经济发展面临的一个重要课题。文章基于刘易斯-费-拉尼斯模型对二元经济结构体制下水资源流转过程进行系统性的经济学阐述,进而得出水资源在工农业两部门中的流转是从无限供给状态到体现稀缺性的过程。并结合1949-2009年中国水资源的利用情况,对中国水资源在两部门经济中的流转进行了阶段识别和趋势研究,即"余水"流转、"低效水"流转和"竞争性用水"流转,从而为水资源流转的实际操作提供了学理性解释,并据此提出通过建设引水工程基础设施、完善用水额度和税费标准法律规范,健全水资源流转的农业补偿机制和加强农业生产部门节水意识宣传,以完善我国水资源流转制度的相应对策建议。  相似文献   

During the past six decades, agriculture as a main sector in Iran’s economy has been affected by economic development, land-use policies, and population growth and its pressures. From the 1940s until 2010, the percentage of the total urban population of Iran increased from about 21?% to around 72?%. Urbanization, industrialization, and intensive cultivation have dramatically affected soil and water resources. The exploitation of groundwater has been increased around fourfold from the 1970s to the mid-2000s. Total water resources per capita reduced around 23?% from 1956 to 2008. The average annual decrease in the groundwater table in Iran during the last two decades is 0.51?m. In 2008, the groundwater table fell around ?1.14?m in average in Iran. The average use of chemical fertilizers increased from around 2.1?million tons in 1990s to about 3.7?million tons in 2009. During that period, fertilizer use efficiency decreased from around 28?% to around 21?%. Approximately 77?% of the agricultural land under irrigation suffers from different levels of salinity. According to the quantification of four indices, such as soil erosion, fall in groundwater levels, salinity, and use of chemical fertilizer, that are directly related to agricultural land use, the results show that agricultural management in Iran needs special attention to reach sustainable conditions. The total cost of soil and water degradation and use of fertilizers in agriculture are estimated around than US $12.8?billion (about 157,000?billion IRRials)—approximately 4?% of the total gross domestic product (GDP) and approximately 35?% of the GDP of the agricultural sector in Iran.  相似文献   

Projections for 20 years of economic growth and change in the structure of the Thai economy were made for 180 sectors using a computable general equilibrium (CGE) model to compare the following four scenarios: (1) standard growth with infinite supply of factors, (2) finite land supply, (3) fixed use of agricultural chemicals, and (4) combined finite land supply with fixed use of agricultural chemicals. The computable projections suggest that the economic cost of hypothetical environmental control in agriculture is small and further weakened by urbanization. The computed structural development points to efficiency improvements specific to sectors to return the economy to balanced growth.  相似文献   


Climate change influences the agricultural sector by reducing available water resources, thereby influencing income, consumer and producer surplus, and crop prices. So, it is necessary to have a comprehensive integrated method to measure the effects of these changes on natural resources and social conditions. The present study aims to use the positive mathematical programming method to discover the trend and conditions of groundwater resources, agricultural water use, food security, and economic welfare of the agricultural sector in Iran. To this end, data for the period 2000–2015 was used under four different scenarios of normal climate change, climate change, climate variability, and concurrent climate change The results showed that the mean agricultural water use will amount to 35,103.6, 26,533.8, 35,216, and 26,510.7 million m3 and the mean decline in the reserves of aquifers will amount to 4422.22, 11,165.6, 4438.25, and 11,267.4 million m3 under the scenarios, respectively. With respect to food security, the net farm revenue will be 314,560, 248,753, 315,427, and 248,574 billion IRR, respectively. The mean crop price per ton will reach 905.3, 1141.8, 904, and 1142.8 million IRR, respectively. The mean consumer surplus will be 172,107.7, 166,450, 172,024, and 166,403 billion IRR and the mean producer surplus will be 419,959.2, 395,380, 419,751, and 395,204 billion IRR, respectively. Based on the results, to reduce the adverse impacts of climate change on different studied aspects, it is necessary to change policymaking in the water and agricultural sectors, especially regarding the shift from traditional agricultural water allocation to its market-based allocation and to change planting pattern.


在统筹推进国土空间规划及用途管制的背景下,揭示土地发展权受限的数量及其价值,对于完善中国空间治理体系、解决不平衡不充分发展尤其是区域差异问题具有重要的理论和现实意义。文章以湖北省为"生态资源优势区"代表性省份,首先运用柯布-道格拉斯(C-D)生产函数模型测算各生产要素在农业与非农业部门中对经济增长的弹性以及土地资源在两部门的边际收益,揭示土地发展权受限的客观现实和成因;然后基于缩小湖北省与"经济发展优势区"经济发展差距的不同情景,测度2009—2018年湖北因处于生态资源优势区而使土地发展权受限的数量与价值。结果显示:(1)土地要素投入对湖北省经济增长具有重要影响。2009—2018年,湖北省非农部门经济增长仍依赖土地要素投入,且土地要素对经济增长的贡献难以被其他生产要素替代。(2)高额的机会成本是土地资源由农业部门向非农部门转移的重要潜在驱动力。2009—2018年,湖北省非农部门的土地边际收益是农业部门的17.03~44.14倍,且呈逐年递增趋势,规划管制的存在导致了土地发展权受限。(3)规划管制背景下,对受限的土地发展权进行补偿具有必要性和可行性。在经济发展水平差距缩小10%~100%的不同情景下,2009—2018年湖北省土地发展权受限数量处于0.53×104~5.35×104hm2之间,对应的价值量占同时期"经济发展优势区"总GDP的比重较低,为0.02%~0.19%。基于此,应开展土地发展权受限补偿的制度建设,从土地发展权产权确认和利益分配机制改革两方面量化和落实土地发展权,并以对土地发展权的底线补偿情景为起点逐步提高土地发展权补偿水平,直至实现完全补偿。  相似文献   

关于Ramsey模型及其改进的研究和启示   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
缺水已经成为我国经济发展和社会进步的重要制约因素之一.而对水价的制定到对水资源的利用效率起科十分关键的作用。本文通过对Ramsey模型及其改进的研究.得出如下启示.即实行阶梯水价既有利于实现杜会福利的优化,也可以起到节约水资源的效果。由于阶梯水价机制的设计可以为制度安排、资本进入和市场运行提供更大的弹性空间.因此.本文的政策含义是:在实施阶梯水价的背景下.政府只需对基量水价按边际成本的定价原则来严格规制.从而有效提升水务市场的运行效率。上述举措的优点在于:由于基量水价被严格规制.消费者的基本用水福利可以得到满足;超过基本用水量的水价和再生水价的相对放松规制会鼓励社会资本进入水务行业.使行业运营效率得到提高;国有资本退出水务行业使得政府财政负担减轻,同时.由于放松规制.政府的规制成本也得以降低。最终城市水务行业可以真正做到可持续的发展。  相似文献   

对于中国多数资源型城市来说,改善生态环境与促进经济增长是当前面临的重要任务。一些研究认为治理环境污染可能加重"遵循成本",进而不利于经济增长;也有研究认为环境规制会通过"创新补偿"效应,增进当地产品竞争力,弥补企业成本负担并促进经济增长;此外,还有研究认为环境标准提高有助于区域产业结构升级,进而带动经济增长。为验证中国资源型城市环境规制对经济增长的影响及其传导机制,本文基于2004—2014年资源型城市数据,以样本城市GDP为被解释变量,以工业污染治理设备运行费用为解释变量,进行了面板数据实证分析,并观察了科技行业人员比重和第三产业比重的中介效应。结果显示:(1)资源型城市工业污染物治理对GDP总量和人均GDP的影响均显著为正;(2)在环境规制与GDP(或人均GDP)的正向关系中,科技行业人员比重的提升起到了部分中介作用,即存在显著的创新补偿效应;(3)除了传统观点看到的创新补偿效应,污染治理对产业结构的积极影响也在二者正向关系中有重要的中介作用,而且比创新补偿效应的作用更显著。本文的结论是,资源型城市环境规制未对经济增长造成不利影响,主要是由于经济资源从效益不佳的工业企业流向了第三产业,同时工业部门自身的创新潜力也已逐步凸显。因此,面对经济社会持续发展的压力,资源型城市要取得经济增长与生态环境的双赢,应当强化污染治理成本对企业技术进步的倒逼机制,进一步实现创新驱动发展,同时要构建多元产业体系,促进资源型行业与现代服务业的有效对接和深度融合。  相似文献   

This paper constructs a 4-lier computable general equilibrium model which includes such modules as modeling carbon emission constraints and carbon trading(CT),and incorporates the cost of carbon emissions into constant elasticity of substitute production function.Under scenario settings under different carbon abatement targets,based on 2007 national social accounting matrix and related statistical data about energy consumption and carbon emission,effects on economic outputs,energy consumption,and carbon abatement are estimated and analyzed at both macro and sector level.By calculating selected novel indicators that compromise between macroeconomic opportunity cost and achievable carbon abatement,reasonable carbon price intervals are given for enhancing the robustness and liquidity of carbon market.Further,by decomposition and share-weighted methods,expected carbon abatement and energy price are measured and analyzed in details.Some results are meaningful for fundamental design of the future carbon market.Given constant energy utilization and carbon abatement technologies at the macro level,the higher the carbon price the more actual carbon abatement;the more gross domestic product loss,the less energy consumption.Accwding to the overall situation estimated for 2007 in China,the advice given is to introduce a carbon abatement target rate(R_c)of-10%,which is helpful to make carbon market stable against unexpected carbon price shocks between[6.9,35]/tC with less economic loss.According to Kaya decomposition,after introduction of carbon pricing,carbon abatement is mainly contributed by the effects of energy intensity(EI)and technical progress.Further,CT may help reduce energy consumption and induce transformation to a low-carbon energy structure.At the sector level,the introduction of CT could induce economic recession in all sectors,especially energy.However,the overall economic structure remains unchanged to some extent.CT will help reduce energy consumption in all sectors,especially energy.Overall utilization costs of the energy composite can be divided in two,market price and carbonrelated costs.Carbon-related costs mainly contribute to variation in the utilization cos of the energy composite;carbon pricing may help non-energy sectors achieve sufficient carbon abatement by pushing up energy utilization cost.However,despite achievable carbon abatement by the energy sector being relatively high,induced by carbon pricing,there is still significant potential for other incentive policies to stimulate further abatement,such as energy resources taxation and transportation fuel taxation,especially in the sectors of coal and transportation.Finally,some advice is proposed in regard to policy decisions and further research.  相似文献   

基于全局DEA方法测算了1997~2015年长江经济带11省市的农业用水全局技术效率,并运用 Moran’s I 指数和空间计量模型分析了农业用水效率的空间关联度和空间效应。研究表明:(1)长江经济带农业用水全局技术效率表现出整体稳定上升但地区间不平衡的特征,且地区之间存在显著的正空间自相关;(2)空间计量模型的估计结果表明地区之间农业用水全局技术效率存在显著的空间溢出效应,本地农业用水效率不仅受到邻接地区的影响,还会受到非邻接地区的影响;除了地理因素之外,经济发展和生产力水平相近也有利于地区间农业用水主体相互学习高效率的用水模式,从而引发农业用水效率的空间溢出效应,促进整体农业用水效率的提升;(3)总用水量中农业用水量所占的比例高,会使得农业用水效率显著降低;水利设施建设以及农业机械化程度都会对农业用水效率产生显著的正向促进效应。  相似文献   

Beginning in 1960, the Spanish agricultural sector underwent an intensive process of development, resulting in important structural changes, not only in the sector itself, but also in the relationship of the agrarian system to natural resources. These changes were closely related to the growth of per capita income and Spain’s increasing integration into international markets. In the last five decades, the volume of Spanish agricultural trade has increased strongly, with a concomitant increase in the consumption of domestic water resources, requiring the construction of water infrastructure for irrigation. This paper examines the impact on water use in Spain during a period of economic modernization and trade liberalization. More specifically, we are interested in obtaining virtual water trade flow trends and identifying the major drivers responsible for these trajectories, via a decomposition analysis. Our results point to a large increase in virtual water exports and imports, primarily driven by the scale effect, that is, by the growing integration into international markets. The composition effect and changes in water intensity entailed a moderation in water consumption.  相似文献   

以长江中游城市群为研究对象,提取出28个地级以上城市19个行业2000年和2013年的从业人员数据,归并为11种城市职能类型,运用区位商和纳尔逊等城市职能分析方法,从城市职能的专业化部门、职能规模和职能强度3个要素分析了长江中游城市群城市职能结构演变特征。结果显示,建筑业、行政、社会服务、金融业和商业为其基本职能部门,决定了区域整体职能结构与经济发展特征,特别是城市群内建筑业快速发展,生产性服务业部门发展缓慢。职能规模变化与全国同步,基本职能的专业化部门和职能强度总体增加。研究发现,自2000年以来,快速城市化、区域经济发展水平和国家政策是影响上述城市职能演变的主要动力因子。  相似文献   

中国水资源与农业经济增长关系研究——基于面板VAR模型   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过构建水资源与农业经济增长的面板VAR模型,利用1998-2009年中国省级面板数据,检验与分析了水资源与农业经济增长的内在依存和因果关系。研究结果表明:①东部、中部和西部地区水资源和农业经济增长之间存在长期协整关系;②无论在短期内,还是在长期内,东部、中部和西部地区的水资源均是推动农业经济增长的重要因素,并且随着时间的推移,水资源对农业经济增长的影响逐步加强;③农业经济增长对水资源的影响存在明显的区域差异。中部地区所受影响最大,东部次之,西部相对较小。因此,为实现水资源与农业经济增长的协调发展,中国应该提高农业水资源的利用效率,根据各区域水资源和农业经济增长的不同因果关系因地制宜地制定水资源政策。  相似文献   

Agricultural development in the Murcia autonomous region, Spain, has led to overexploitation of groundwater resources, and climate change will further increase pressures. Policy options to tackle the current unsustainable situation include the development of inter-basin water transfer (IBWT) schemes from wetter regions in the north and the introduction of taxation to further control groundwater abstraction. Under these scenarios, farmers with current access to water could face higher water cost, whereas farmers in areas where water was previously not available could see first time availability of water resources. In this paper, we combine discrete choice-based interviews with farmers in the Torrealvilla catchment, in which they indicate how they would adapt their land use under different scenarios, with an input–output model to assess the aggregate effects of individual land use decisions on the economy and water consumption of the Murcia region. The paper presents steps taken in the development of an input–output table for Murcia, including disaggregation of the agricultural sector, accounting for sector water use and consideration of back- and forward linkages. We conclude that appropriate taxation can lead to better water use efficiency, but that this is delicate as relatively small changes in prices of agricultural products can have significant impacts on land use and water consumption. Although new IBWT schemes would enable water to be used more efficiently, they would considerably increase regional water consumption and the regional economy’s dependence on water. As this is not sustainable under future climate change, water saving development pathways need to be explored.  相似文献   

The following paper examines the main factors determining long-run agricultural land expansion in Latin America compared to other tropical regions. Given the importance of natural resource-based sectors for most economies in Latin America, the impact of price-induced "resource booms" on economic growth in the region is explored. In addition, the paper examines whether there is an inherent "boom and bust" pattern of economic development associated with agricultural land expansion in Latin America, and the extent to which economic policies in the region exacerbate this problem. The paper concludes by examining the role of targeted policies in alleviating the structural obstacles to Latin American agricultural and economic development.  相似文献   

FDI的技术效应对碳排放的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着温室效应的加剧和中国对外开放程度的不断提升,外商直接投资对东道国碳排放的影响日益引起各方重视.外商直接投资对中国工业行业的碳排放的影响如何?外商直接投资通过何种技术渠道对中国的碳排放产生影响?外商直接投资的技术效应对不同行业的影响存在何种差异?都是当前亟待研究的现实问题.利用中国1999 - 2008年35个工业行业的面板数据,分别使用反映外商直接投资不同渠道的效应的指标,并对35个工业行业按照排放强度进行分类,本文实证检验了FDI的技术效应对我国工业行业碳排放的影响.全行业的研究表明,FDI的技术效应对工业行业的碳排放具有显著的正面影响;技术影响渠道方面,FDI的人员流动效应的正面影响显著强于FDI的竞争、示范效应.分行业的研究表明,FDI的技术效应对高排放行业碳排放无显著影响,但对低排放行业碳的排放具有显著的积极影晌.最后,本文建议我国继续加大吸引外资的力度,以充分发挥FDI对工业行业碳排放降低的积极作用.  相似文献   

A multi-objective goal programming model was developed for water distribution from multiple sources to multiple users. The model was applied in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, for the period of 2015–2050. In Riyadh, water sources are groundwater (GW), desalinated water (DW) and treated wastewater (TWW), while the users are domestic, agricultural and industrial sectors. The model was applied to: (1) satisfy water demands and quality; (2) maximize TWW reuse and GW conservation; and (3) minimize overproduction of DW and overall cost. In 2015, the required allocations of GW, DW and TWW are 3286, 662 and 609 MCM, respectively, which are projected to be 4345, 1554 and 1305 MCM in 2050, respectively. GW source is likely to satisfy the predicted withdrawal of GW till 2035, while probabilities of non-satisfaction of full demands of GW in 2040, 2045 and 2050 were 0.04, 0.23 and 0.51, respectively. Supply of DW and reuse of TWW are needed to be increased to satisfy the predicted quantities during 2015–2050.  相似文献   

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