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The present paper reports on the first orientation experiments conducted on the strand-living beetle Eurynebria complanata (Linnaeus, 1767) (Coleoptera, Carabidae). The experiments were carried out from June to October 1988. Two different populations were used: one inhabiting a Tyrrhenian beach in Italy and the other a beach on the Atlantic coast of France. Response to sun compass cues was demonstrated in each population at the collection site and for the French population after transportation to Italy, where experiments were carried out on a differently oriented beach. Landscape cues were shown to improve the beetle's orientation capacity when these were tested together with a visible sun. Artificial landscapes were also tested under laboratory conditions. Different-sized silhouettes were placed in the four cardinal directions, and these envoked different responses depending on their height. The beetles oriented towards a black silhouette when this subtended an angle of 25°. The results obtained for the two populations are compared and discussed from an eco-ethological point of view.  相似文献   

Associations in which a more vulnerable species gains protection by seeking out the company of a pugnacious “protector” species capable of deterring predators are documented among mixed-species groups from various taxa, but experimental studies are rare. We consider an unusual arthropod-based example in which the associate species, Phintella piantensis, is a jumping spider (Salticidae) that associates with the territorial weaver ant Oecophylla smaragdina, which in turn is a potential predator of Phintella. However, the predator we consider in this mixed-species association is Scytodes sp., a spitting spider (Scytodae) that often targets salticids as prey. Scytodes adopts a strategy of building its web over salticid nests and then preying on resident salticids when they leave or return to their nests. Our experiments show that, on the basis of olfactory cues, Scytodes is deterred from the vicinity of O. smaragdina. Phintella builds dense ant-proof nests to minimize the risk of being killed by Oecophylla, and we show that olfactory as well as visual cues of ants elicit nest building by Phintella. We propose that Phintella actively chooses to situate nests in the vicinity of weaver ants as defense against a specific ant-averse predator that singles out salticids as preferred prey.  相似文献   

To assess the role of celestial rotation during daytime in the development of the magnetic compass course, pied flycatchers (Ficedula hypoleuca Pallas, Muscicapidae) were handraised in Latvia under various celestial and magnetic conditions. Tests were performed during autumn migration in the local geomagnetic field (50 000 nT, 73° inclination) in the absence of celestial cues. A group of birds that had never seen the sky showed a bimodal preference for the migratory southwest-northeast axis, whereas a second group that had been exposed to the natural sky from sunrise to sunset in the local geomagnetic field showed a unimodal preference for the seasonally appropriate southwesterly direction. A third group that had also been exposed to the daytime sky, but in the absence of magnetic compass information, also oriented bimodally along a southwest-northeast axis. These findings demonstrate that observing celestial rotation during daytime enables birds to choose the right end of the migratory axis for autumn migration at the Latvian test location. This transformation of axial behavior into appropriate migratory orientation, however, requires the birds to have simultaneous access to information on both celestial rotation and the geomagnetic field. Received: 19 September 1997 / Accepted after revision: 22 November 1997  相似文献   

Summary The wandering spider Cupiennius salei Keys uses idiothetic orientation, i.e., memorized information about its own previous movements, to retrieve lost prey. Spiders, having been chased away from a prey fly, return to the capture site (the goal) over a distance of more than 75 cm even though all external orientation cues were precluded. This behavior and its sensory basis were examined by varying the proprioceptive and motor command inputs to the memory and by ablating particular lyriform slit sense organs on the legs of the spider.The success rate of returns to the goal after rectilinear chases over 6 discrete distances ranging from 20 cm to>41 cm declines with increasing distances. At distances>41 cm, more than 50% of the performances of intact spiders are nevertheless successful, in that the animals approach the capture site as close as 5 cm (or less).Animals that have been operated on (lyriform organs on all femora destroyed) are much less successful even at short distances. The mean starting angles of the returns by intact spiders and by those operated on do not differ signficantly. Walking error e n for each segment of the entire return path shows that intact animals deviate little from the ideal return route and correctly estimate the distance to the goal. The operated spiders tend to drift off the ideal return route, while their distance estimates remain largely accurate.Returns after curvilinear chases through a semicircular corridor do not retrace the curved path; instead the spiders take a shortcut. Of all performances by intact and by control spiders (with sham operations) 85% are successful. By contrast, most of the 8 groups with sensory ablations have a success rate of less than 50%.Compensation for the semicircular detours is not quite complete: the mean starting directions of returns are biased, pointing to the corridor, and the shape of many return paths reflects the curved corridor shape. Spiders with unilateral ablations of their femoral lyriform organs show low success rates only if the operated legs are on the inner curve perimeter during the chase, while their return parameters resemble those of the intact group in the reverse situation (operated legs on outer perimeter). These side-specific ablation effects, which are correlated with the geometrical situation existing while idiothetic information is gathered and memorized, suggest that the idiothetic memory depends at least partly on input from proprioceptors.  相似文献   

An animal can only survive in a given habitat if it has enough time to find, process and digest food whilst avoiding predation. The time it has for food acquisition is affected by the vegetation and competition with conspecifics, which depends on aggregation tendencies. We used the relationships between time allocations, on the one hand, and climatic variables (as a proxy for habitat quality) and group size, on the other, to develop a model that predicts maximum ecologically tolerable group size at different locations for spider monkeys. Spider monkeys are particularly interesting because the social communities often split up into small units. Temperature variation and rainfall variation were the main determinants of time budgets. Community size and average annual rainfall determined party size. The model correctly predicted presence or absence of spider monkeys at 78–83% of 217 New World forest sites. Within the geographical range of the species, this time budget model predicted the presence of spider monkeys better than a model based directly on climate variables. Predicted community and party sizes were significantly larger at sites where spider monkeys are present than at sites where they are absent. As required by the model, predicted maximum community sizes were significantly larger than observed community sizes. Moving time showed a U-shaped relationship with party size, which suggests that moving time is the factor that keeps spider monkey communities from travelling together in a tight group.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine if environmental chemical cues associated with prey can affect subsequent prey choice in wolf spiderlings (Hogna carolinensis). After emergence from the egg sac, three groups of 10 spiderlings were each fed for one-week on one of three naturally-occurring prey species: group 1 fed on nymphs of the field cricket Gryllus pennsylvanicus; group 2 (house cricket, Acheta domesticus); group 3 (mole cricket, Gryllotalpa hexadactyla). They were then tested for subsequent prey preference in choice tests conducted in a plastic arena. Each spiderlings was presented simultaneously with one individual of each prey species in a randomized design. Spiderlings exhibited a significant first preference for the original diet. Thus, experience with certain foods (environmental chemical cues) encountered by newly hatched spiderlings can affect subsequent prey preference in this species.  相似文献   

Tadpoles can alter their behavior, morphology, and life history in response to habitat change. Although chemical signals from conspecifics or predators play an important role in tadpole habitat assessment, little is known about the role of visual cues and the extent to which tadpoles rely on their vision for intraspecific social assessment. The aim of our experiments was to determine whether larval anurans use visual images of other tadpoles as indicators of density and to analyze how, and to what extent, images of conspecifics alone affect tadpole development, growth, and behavior. To assess this, we raised both Rana sylvatica and Bufo americanus tadpoles in aquaria with either quarter- or half-mirrored walls. Both physically increased density and increased density simulated with mirrors decreased tadpole growth and developmental rates, and increased activity in Rana tadpoles. Bufo tadpoles did not significantly alter their growth and development in response to visually increased density. Only true, i.e., physically, increased density had an effect on growth and activity in Bufo tadpoles. Our data show that images of conspecifics are used as visual cues by Rana tadpoles and can induce phenotypically plastic changes in several traits. This response to visual cues is taxon-specific. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

Many animals must choose a nest site in order to reproduce. However, it is unclear how nest-site selection strategies vary across different mating systems. We must therefore explore nest-site selection strategies in a range of mating systems, including the interaction between resource-defence polygyny and polyandry (i.e. polygynandry). In this study, we imposed a re-settlement event in the terrestrial toadlet Pseudophryne bibronii and measured the influence of the spatial position of each male’s nest site with respect to rival males on the likelihood that it would be abandoned or receive eggs. We captured every calling male in a population, measured their breeding success and released them back into the breeding area. We then recorded the establishment and abandonment of nest sites by males over 26 consecutive nights. Spatial positioning did not have any significant effects on male-breeding success, supporting claims that females show less discrimination between nest sites when they are polyandrous and spread their eggs amongst multiple male nests. However, we found that males consistently selected nest sites according to a site’s spatial position, which suggests that fitness benefits unrelated to male breeding success (e.g. reduced mortality risk) might influence male nesting decisions. Overall, our study provides new evidence that the mating system adopted by a population can influence the cues that individuals respond to when selecting nest sites.  相似文献   

The leaf-curling spider Phonognatha graeffei incorporates a twisted leaf into the central hub of its orb-web that is used as a retreat. This species is unusual among orb-weaving spiders because males cohabit in the leaf retreat with both immature and mature females, mating with the former shortly after the female molts. Cohabitation appears to be a form of mate-guarding because cohabiting males respond agonistically to rival males that venture onto the web, and their behaviour depends upon the reproductive status of the female; males defending immature females are more aggressive than those defending virgin, adult females. Males copulate with previously mated females for significantly longer than with virgin females. Females may cannibalise cohabiting males, which occurs independently of whether the female has been deprived of food. Females that cannibalise a single male do not have a higher fecundity than non-cannibalistic females. Received: 2 February 1996 / Accepted after revision: 27 October 1996  相似文献   

Group living in spiders is characterised by two principle modes, the cooperative social mode and the colonial non-cooperative mode. Kin-relationships due to reduced dispersal determine population genetic structure in social spiders, but the dispersal mechanisms underlying group structure remain poorly understood in colonial spiders. Assuming similar ecological benefits of group living, we address the question whether reduced dispersal shapes population structure in a colonial spider, Cyrtophora citricola (Araneidae). We analysed dispersal by studying settling decisions under semi-natural conditions in experimental trees with and without colonies, and in natural populations, we estimated dispersal and colony structure using population genetic analyses. The propensity to disperse decreased with increasing age in experimental colonies. Adult females did not disperse in the experiment. Sub-adult female spiders preferred trees with a colony to trees without a colony. Dispersal in third instar juveniles was influenced significantly by wind but not by the presence of a colony. Thus, we showed that being in a colony did not inhibit juvenile dispersal, but pre-mating females were philopatric. Genetic differentiation among colonies in natural populations was heterogeneous, colonies being either little or highly differentiated. The heterogeneous structure is likely caused by colony founding by one or a few females followed by dispersal among perennial colonies. Gene flow, however, was slightly male-biased. The experimental and indirect, genetic approaches combined showed that dispersal and the breeding system of C. citricola resemble that of solitary spiders, with juvenile dispersal occurring in both sexes, while the colonial distribution is maintained by female philopatry.  相似文献   

Male fitness is often determined by the ability of the male to gain access to multiple mates, although in species that exhibit sexual cannibalism, males might increase their likelihood of being cannibalized with each encounter. This risk should create selection for males who are able to perceive potential risks associated with mating encounters. We studied male Schizocosa ocreata wolf spiders to determine whether they use female chemotactile cues (silk, excreta) as indicators of potential risks and how these cues affected subsequent male courtship behaviors. Female treatments included satiated females vs. starved females, as well as a treatment where females had recently cannibalized a male S. ocreata. We performed experiments to assess (1) if males use female chemotactile cues to determine potential risks associated with differing female feeding treatments and alter courtship investment, and 2) how male experience with female chemotactile cues affected courtship investment in subsequent female encounters. At first encounter, males do not vary courtship investment (number of bouts, duration, and vigor) with different female feeding treatments. However, male behaviors during subsequent encounters with female chemotactile cues varied in complex ways, depending on female feeding treatment and male first encounter experience. These data suggest that male experience impacts perception of female chemical cues and offers the male opportunity to avoid sexual cannibalism in high-risk situations.  相似文献   

Summary In the spider Meta segmentata web site quality and competitive ability determine female distributions, and ultimately male mating strategy. Large, fecund females position their webs in aggregations in high quality habitats, whereas small females live alone in lower quality sites. Competition for web sites is intense. Large females have a fighting advantage, but web ownership can offset size disadvantages of about 10%. Males compete for access to female webs. The smallest males are excluded from aggregations of females but have a very high probability of mating monogamously with females in poor habitats. The largest males move about within aggregations and by mating with many females achieve the highest reproductive gains. Moderately sized males only have a low probability of mating in an aggregation, but for those that do succeed the reproductive gains are higher than for those that mate monogamously in low quality areas. On average, moderately sized males obtain reproductive gains from the high risk, high gain strategy of defending webs in aggregations that are equal to those from definding solitary females in poor areas. That 18 of 21 moderately sized males defend females in aggregations suggests that M. segmentata behaves in a riskprone fashion.  相似文献   

Determining the reproductive processes of benthic invertebrates is central to our understanding of their recruitment and population dynamics. Sexual reproduction of the gonochoric and viviparous Great Barrier Reef sponge, Luffariella variabilis (Poléjaeff 1884) was quantified from histological samples collected over two reproductive seasons (2004 and 2005). Gametogenesis commenced for females at a water temperature of 21°C, the lowest water temperature of the year. Spermatogenesis occurred above 22.5°C with sperm asynchronously developed and released from August or September to October. Oocytes developed asynchronously from July to September, embryos from September to December, and larvae from November to December. Female reproduction terminated in December (after larval release) prior to the highest mean annual water temperature of 30°C in January. There was a significant (35%) decrease in female reproductive output in 2005 compared to 2004, as measured by the reproductive index (0.68 ± 0.12 female reproductive propagules mm−2 of mesohyl in 2005 compared with 1.05 ± 0.10 mm−2 in 2004). This corresponded with delayed oogenesis and spermatogenesis, and a shortened larval development cycle corresponding with a delayed minimum temperature (21°C) in August of 2005 compared with July 2004. Accordingly, the maximum percentage of the mesohyl occupied by female reproductive propagules (eggs, embryos and larvae) was also reduced by 60% in 2005 (overall mean of 13.04% in October 2004 compared with 5.35% in October 2005). However, the mean sizes of individual female propagules remained the same from year to year. Males in contrast, showed no overall difference in either reproductive index or percentage occupation of the mesohyl between 2004 and 2005. The lowered reproductive output (∼35%) of females of L. variabilis associated with delayed minimum water temperatures may have important implications for population reproductive success where oogenesis and spermatogenesis and larval release are cued by minimum and maximum water temperatures, respectively.  相似文献   

Summary In an experimental choice situation, individuals of both sexes of the lizard Anolis auratus choose to associate with a conspecific individual regardless of its sex. Further, individuals of both sexes associate with an individual of A. tropidogaster, a related species. Given the choice between the two species, they choose their own. Given the choice between a conspecific and a small patch of natural habitat, they do not choose one or the other consistently. These experiments indicate that conspecific association does not function just as a mate selection mechanism as has been previously proposed. The initial association may, in addition, serve a habitat selection function. Conspecifics can thus be seen as cues indicating the presence of suitable habitat as well as being important biological factors in themselves.  相似文献   


Polymer materials are vulnerable to damages, failures, and degradations, making them economically unreliable. Self-healing polymers, on the other hand, are multifunctional materials with superior properties of autonomic recovery from physical damages. These materials are suitable for biomedical and tissue engineering in terms of cost and durability. Schiff base linkages-based polymer materials are one of the robust techniques owing to their simple self-healing mechanism. These are dynamic reversible covalent bonds, easy to fabricate at mild conditions, and can self-reintegrate after network disruption at physiological conditions making them distinguished. Here we review self-healing polymer materials based on Schiff base bonds. We discuss the Schiff base bond formation between polymeric networks, which explains the self-healing phenomenon. These bonds have induced 100% recovery in optimal cases.


Fitness consequences of prolonged copulation in the bowl and doily spider   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Bowl and doily spiders, Frontinella pyramitela (Araneae, Linyphiidae), copulate much longer than the 15 min required for insemination. This apparently maladaptive behavior has been satisfactorily explained in the literature by invoking hypotheses that involve sperm competition, resistance to predators and parasites, or foraging enhancement. In this study, the fertility, live progeny production, progeny size, female receptivity, and latency to oviposition of bowl and doily spiders were measured and related to copulation duration. Using these data, we were able to eliminate six hypotheses and support a seventh: in this species, longer copulations result in larger hatchlings in the first clutch of eggs produced by the female. Although the correlation between copulation duration and progeny size is positive and significant, much of the variation in progeny size remains unexplained, and the reason for the variability in copulation durations remains obscure. Offprint requests to: R.B. Suter  相似文献   

Ecological costs and benefits of communal behavior in a presocial spider   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Philoponella oweni (Uloboridae) is a facultatively communal spider found in the southwestern United States. Solitary females and communal groups of females coexist in the same habitats. Communal females are known to produce more eggs than solitary females. Communal females might acquire the energy for the production of additional eggs by one of three means: they might have a longer life span, and thus more time in which to acquire energy; web maintenance might be more efficient in a communal group; or communal females might spend more time feeding. Field data from a marked population in Arizona showed the third alternative was true.Two possible causes for the greater time spent feeding by communal females were investigated; either the communal web or group is a more efficient trap for insects, or the communal groups are located at sites where insects are more abundant. Analysis of feeding rates and sticky trap data confirmed the second alternative.Potential web attachment sites are limited in some habitats, and mortality during dispersal is very high. When potential web attachment sites are scarce more of the population is found in communal groups; when they are abundant more of the population is solitary. The pattern of dispersal and overwintering is this species suggests that females renewing a colony in the spring could be related.  相似文献   

The structure of social animal groups can be dynamic, characterized by high rates of group fission and fusion. Despite this, group composition is often well ordered by factors such as species, body size and by numerous other phenotypic traits. Research in shoaling fishes has revealed that individuals refine group membership decisions still further and are capable of assimilating chemical cues pertaining to recent habitat and prey use by prospective group mates, preferring to associate with others whose recent resource use history closely matches their own. In this study, we firstly examined the dynamics of the formation and breakdown of these preferences, revealing that they can be acquired and replaced in a matter of just a few hours. Using such cues enables individuals to accurately assess the resource use of conspecifics, allowing them to indirectly sample the local environment while reducing the chances of acquiring outdated information that can precipitate maladaptive behaviors. Secondly, we found that shoals composed of individuals with shared recent habitat use history were more cohesive compared to those where the constituent individuals differed in recent habitat use. Increased shoal cohesion may reduce predation risk, and could enhance the ability of individuals to detect and use social information.  相似文献   

We investigate the effect of buoyancy on the small-scale aspects of turbulent entrainment by performing direct numerical simulation of a gravity current and a wall jet. In both flows, we detect the turbulent/nonturbulent interface separating turbulent from irrotational ambient flow regions using a range of enstrophy iso-levels spanning many orders of magnitude. Conform to expectation, the relative enstrophy isosurface velocity \(v_n\) in the viscous superlayer scales with the Kolmogorov velocity for both flow cases. We connect the integral entrainment coefficient E to the small-scale entrainment and observe excellent agreement between the two estimates throughout the viscous superlayer. The contribution of baroclinic torque to \(v_n\) is negligible, and we show that the primary reason for reduced entrainment in the gravity current as compared to the wall-jet are 1) the reduction of \(v_n\) relative to the integral velocity scale \(u_T\); and 2) the reduction in the surface area of the isosurfaces.  相似文献   

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