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目前,社会报警服务业在我国已现雏形,并呈蓬勃发展之势。然而,社会报警服务业与警察部门的接处警接口——前者功能得以有效发挥的平台——尚不通畅,不仅制约着社会报警服务业的生存和发展,而且直接影响着安全防范技术科技强警作用的有效发挥。因此,规范此接处警接口,制定科学合理的接处警政策已迫在眉睫。当前我国必须首先要解决的是警察部门与社会报警服务业间接处警技术平台搭建和责任划分问题。笔者拟对英国、澳大利亚等社会报警服务业较成熟国家警方的一些做法进行分析介绍,旨在对我国警察部门制定相关政策能起到抛砖引玉的作用。  相似文献   

随着杭州市经济建设步伐的加快,社会治安的稳定显得日益突出.区域报警作为一种群防群治手段,充分利用了社会资源,在有效控制治安局势、防范和打击违法犯罪活动等方面发挥着重要的作用,下面就杭州市的报警服务业现状进行一点肤浅分析: 报警服务业的现状 一、运营主体 报警服务运营商是报警服务业的运营主体.根据调研情况看,目前全市报警服务业的运营主体主要集中在各地保安服务公司和小区物业管理公司两大类.保安服务公司从事报警服务业运营工作起步较早,早在1994年全市保安服务公司就相继开展了报警服务运营业务.目前共有16家保安服务公司开展报警服务运营业务,截止目前共发展联网用户8268个,2004年实现利润共885万余元.  相似文献   

一、国外报警服务业概况 1.美国 美国的报警运营服务业非常发达.ADT(安达泰)公司可谓全球报警运营服务业最著名的企业.对全球报警运营服务都起着一定的引导作用.美国的接警、处警非常严谨,响应报警依赖于人力资源.响应报警的警察(宣誓人员)和非宣誓人员(如保安人员)的资格条件、选择标准.报警业的许可、职责、处罚,报警的含义,误报警的区分判别等等,有一套经过实践检验可行的制度.  相似文献   

随着杭州市经济建设步伐的加快,社会治安的稳定显得日益突出。区域报警作为一种群防群治手段,充分利用了社会资源,在有效控制治安局势、防范和打击违法犯罪活动等方面发挥着重要的作用,下面就杭州市的报警服务业现状进行一点肤浅分析:  相似文献   

报警服务行业是20世纪80年代中期形成的一个新兴的安全技术服务行业.该行业针对盗窃、抢劫、非法侵入、破坏、爆炸等高发案件采取技术防范手段,为社会和公民提供安全报警服务.经过二十多年的发展,我国的报警服务行业在维护社会稳定方面所发挥的作用日益明显,已成为公安机关提高对社会治安控制能力的重要依靠力量和技术手段.  相似文献   

正近年来,随着我国经济的飞速发展,移动报警技术和互联网技术水平也得了显著提高,广泛应用于社会各个领域中,在人们工作与生活中发挥着重要作用。大数据时代背景下,移动报警是一项综合性内容,不仅要把握当前市场发展的机遇,还要对行业发展所面临的挑战具有清楚的认识,确保市场发展的持续性及稳定性。一、大数据时代,移动报警技术的机遇1.用户需求增加  相似文献   

正报警运营服务伴随着安防行业的发展,已经走过了几十年的历程。然而随着4G通信、大数据、云计算的不断出现,很多行业发生了翻天覆地的变化,但报警运营服务业却一直不温不火,发展缓慢。导致目前这种状况的因素有很多,例如报警设备的创新、行业标准的推广、服务理念的提升、报警运营平台的发展等等。报警服务业的持续发展,报警运营管理平台有着举足轻重、不可替代的作用,它不仅影响着报警运营服务的发展,同时也影响着厂家产品的创新及销售,是整个产业链上重要的一环。  相似文献   

一、报警服务行业"十一五'期间发展状况 报警服务业在我国已有20多年的历史了,通过20多年的发展,报警服务业在安防行业内已具有一定的规模和影响力,并逐渐成为行业内关注的焦点. 经过了一个较长的市场培育期."十一五"期间是报警运营服务用户规模快速增长的一个阶段.伴随着国家经济的高速腾飞,报警服务市场以每年20%的速度递增,特别是"十一五"末期,发展的速度更加迅猛.报警服务作为安防行业的服务性产业,也成为竞相追逐的热点.  相似文献   

西方发达国家几十年的发展进程表明,报警服务业是最具生命力、最佳效能发挥、最能满足不同层次安全需要、最充分调动社会资源、最容易社会化和产业化的运营模式。我国安防报警服务业发展至今,各方主体都强烈要求通过立法进一步推进和规范该行业的发展,保障各主体的合法权益。  相似文献   

前言   我国报警服务业自1984年深圳蛇口成立第一家保安服务公司起步,迄今已走过22年的发展历程.截至2005年年底,我国报警服务业从业单位已发展到2300家左右的规模,从单一人防发展到涵盖人防、技防、犬防、押运、联网工程等全方位的报警服务.……  相似文献   

澳大利亚,矿山救护车将开赴现场澳大利亚1991年~2001年矿山死亡人数及伤害次数如下表:(澳大利亚财政年度由每年4月至下一年3 澳大利亚昆士兰州政府为加强矿山安全,已开始进行矿山救护车的研究。研究该车的目的是改善井下矿工的自救能力。该项工作将由位于Redbank的矿山试验研究站与昆士兰州矿山救护服务中心与澳大利亚煤矿协会联合进行。该救护车应能在特  相似文献   

美国高校安全管理及启示   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
我国高校安全管理存在着没有执法权、防范措施薄弱、管理人员理念落后以及没有从业资格要求等问题。笔者通过对美国高校社会化的安全管理体制、现代化的安全防范措施、人性化的安全管理理念、专业化的安全管理队伍等特点的论述 ;提出公安机关在高校设驻派出所 (或警务站 ) ;政府对从事高校安全管理人员实行从业资格认定制度 ;同时 ,也提出高校建立技术防范系统 ,实行人性化管理的具体措施  相似文献   

Objective: The objective of this study was to analyze booster and rear vehicle seat dimensions to identify the most frequent compatibility problems.

Methods: Measurements were collected from 40 high-back and backless boosters and 95 left rear and center rear row seating positions in 50 modern vehicles. Dimensions were compared for 3,800 booster/vehicle seat combinations. For validation and estimation of tolerance and correction factors, 72 booster installations were physically completed and compared with measurement-based compatibility predictions. Dimensions were also compared to the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) volumetric envelopes of forward-facing child restraints and boosters.

Results: Seat belt buckles in outboard positions accommodated the width of boosters better than center positions (success rates of 85.4 and 34.7%, respectively). Adequate head restraint clearance occurred in 71.9 to 77.2% of combinations, depending on the booster's head support setting. Booster recline angles aligned properly with vehicle seat cushion angles in 71.5% of combinations. In cases of poor angle alignment, booster angles were more obtuse than the vehicle seat angles 97.7% of the time. Head restraint interference exacerbated angle alignment issues. Data indicate success rates above 90% for boosters being fully supported by the length of the seat cushion and for adequate height clearance with the vehicle roofline. Comparison to ISO envelopes indicates that most boosters on the U.S. market are taller and angled more obtusely than ISO target envelopes.

Conclusions: This study quantifies some of the common interferences between boosters and vehicles that may complicate booster usage. Data are useful for design and to prioritize specific problem areas.  相似文献   

Safety climate in Finnish- and Swedish-speaking companies.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The aim of this study was to compare assessments made by Finnish- and Swedish-speaking workers in Finland about the safety climate in their companies, because an earlier study showed that the accident frequency of Swedish-speaking workers was one third lower than that of Finnish-speaking workers. 148 Finnish-speaking and 138 Swedish-speaking workers from 14 small and medium-sized companies participated in this study. They filled out a Finnish safety climate questionnaire, the reliability of which was above the acceptable level. There were no differences between the language groups in the total variables of safety climate and safety action. Based on the differences in single items, we interpreted that Swedish-speaking workers stressed collective safety more, whereas Finnish-speaking workers put more emphasis on their personal responsibility for safety.  相似文献   

Call centre workplaces are in many ways a challenge to occupational health and safety. The occupation itself can be described as an IT information technology-supported, communication-intensive form of work with often unusual working hours and a high rate of part-time employment. Data on the employee turnover as well as absenteeism related to occupational disability is quite contradictory. Occupational safety and its proponents still have to find new ways into the corporate structures and cultures of this relatively new and rapidly growing branch of industry. In a 2-year research and development project, using a holistic approach and under consideration of all the relevant disciplines, call centre workplaces were studied, and organisational measures were developed and field tested by putting them into practice. Practical help was developed for a sustainable strategy for successful and healthy work in call centres.  相似文献   

Consumer crash test programs provide comparative information on the crashworthiness of new vehicles which, in turn, should predict the performance of the same vehicles in real-world crashes. However, the detail and quality of available information from tests and real-world crashes differ widely, so identifying meaningful relationships between crash test results and real-world crashworthiness can be difficult. Despite these data limitations, studies in the late 1980s and mid-1990s reported positive correlations between dummy injury measures from the U.S. New Car Assessment Program (USNCAP) and real-world fatality rates. More recent analyses of results from Australian crash tests and real-world crashes also have found positive correlations. This article considers relationships between recent U.S. frontal crash test results from the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) and USNCAP, and real-world crash injury risk estimates computed from police-reported crash data from three U.S. states. The frontal crash test results include dummy injury measures by body region from both IIHS offset tests and USNCAP full-width barrier tests plus measures of structural performance from the IIHS offset tests. Individually, results from the full-width and offset tests were not significantly correlated with the real-world injury risk estimates. Stronger relationships were found when a combination of overall ratings from the full-frontal and offset tests was used. However, the current results find only weak correlations between both full-front and offset frontal crash test performance and the real-world injury risk estimates. These weak relationships likely reflect the lack of detail and fundamental difference in injury information in police crash reports compared to that used in deriving crashworthiness ratings from the crash tests.  相似文献   

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