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长江(江苏段)沿江开发环境风险监控预警系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简要介绍了长江(江苏段)沿江开发带的基本情况,从区域环境质量及社会经济发展趋势两方面阐述了建立长江流域(江苏段)环境风险监控预警系统的意义。在总结目前国内外环境风险决策支持系统发展现状的基础上,论述了系统的目标、总体功能设计、框架设计以及关键技术,探索将地理信息技术运用于区域环境风险管理决策过程的方法,最后提出该系统还需从以下5个方面进行完善和改进,即追溯最大可信度风险源方法,应急救援系统、区域多环境风险事件的复合作用,发展特定有毒有机物水质预测模型和建立优先控制有毒有机物预警系统。该系统将为江苏长江开发战略提供实用型的环境管理手段。  相似文献   

北京密云水库地区可持续发展模式研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
本文利用系统分析方法剖析了密云社会经济系统特征 ,构建了密云可持续发展系统动力学模型 ,进而设计了三种不同发展模式 ,并将其在模型上仿真运行 ,通过对三种方案的模拟结果比较 ,从中优选出一个经济和环境协调发展的综合方案 ,为决策者提供科学的决策依据  相似文献   

碳捕集与封存(Carbon Capture and Storage,CCS)作为最有前景可有效深度减排的低碳技术之一,在世界范围内受到广泛推行,特别是欧洲,其作为全球CCS技术的先行者,一直在积极推进该项技术工业化进程.2009年,欧盟委员会(European Commission,EC)启动欧洲能源复兴计划(European Energy Programme for Recovery,EEPR),正式批准资助6个全流程CCS示范项目.这6个CCS示范项目囊括了当前所有可行的CO2工业捕集技术,运输方式以及封存方法,本文将对其基本情况和最近进展进行介绍,并重点对欧盟层面的CCS法律法规与此6个项目所在欧盟成员国的CCS技术与政策环境的交互影响进行比对和分析,以进一步系统评述欧洲能源复兴计划CCS示范项目带来的积极成果,包括达成减排目标和气候政策,建立欧洲CCS示范项目网络共享平台,获得CCS技术研发突破等,同时也详细列举了这些项目目前所面临的阻碍与困境,如相关法律政策缺乏执行力,融资困难,公众接受度低,技术成本高等.最后,试探讨欧盟能源复兴计划CCS全流程示范项目实施发展现状对我国未来CCS商业化走向的思索与启示.  相似文献   

本文提出一种研究区域环境地球化学解决宏观环境问题的新思路,按照环境—地球化学—地质构造三对应的原则提出“八五”后期、“九五”和2000年后区域环境地球化学分阶段发展的设想。除了为国家提供保护治理环境的决策依据外,区域环境地球化学在理论上需要建立起地质地球化学—生态系统物质大循环模型,进行典型环境元素全球对比研究。  相似文献   

北京环境库兹涅茨曲线假设的验证   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
城市在我国国民经济和社会发展中的地位举足轻重,其高速的经济增长带来了巨大的资源消耗与环境压力。2005年北京人均GDP突破5000美元,处于工业化中期和重化工阶段。在这一特定发展阶段和北京举办奥运会的背景下,如何通过综合决策。推动北京的资源消耗和污染排放同经济增长尽快达到解耦具有重要的现实意义。针对上述问题,本文利用环境库兹涅茨曲线(Envirommental Kunznets Curve。EKC)假设,以北京为例验证EKC假设及其条件。本文采用北京市1990—2004年闾的序列数据建立计量模型。解析十类环境指标的EKC演变轨迹和阶段特征。验证表明:除工业废气排放量和工业固体废弃物产生量呈N形外。其它环境指标虽下降或倒U形。即已跨越了EKC顶点正逐步实现解耦。本文引入了“强度EKC曲线簇”,通过确定不同城市在该坐标系中的相对位置来比较城市间的耦合状态。在此基础上,本文利用PSR(Press-State-Response)政策分析框架。从环境政策、产业结构和技术进步探讨了北京EKC演变的驱动因子。  相似文献   

FDI的环境效应与我国引进外资的环境保护政策   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
FDI带给中国的环境压力已日益引起人们的关注.如何全方位保护环境,实现环境要素的可持续利用,是我国目前和今后利用聊的政策取向和要求.FDI的环境效应是一把"双刃剑",本文在对FDI的环境效应及其发生正效应的条件进行了归纳总结后,对FDI在我国所产生的环境效应进行了分析.分析认为,我国FDI的存量增加所诱致的经济规模扩张和经济结构的重污染化加剧了污染排放,而其诱致的技术转移带来了正面的环境效应,由于中国各个区域环境管制程度不一,一定程度上造成了我国工业污染的区际转移.我国应转变经济增长方式,积极引进以资源节约和环境友好型发展模式为代表的先进技术,通过调整外商投资领域的产业导向、环境管制制度的创新及制定可持续发展长期战瞻和规划等对策与措施以全面实现FDI的环境正效应.  相似文献   

坏境承载力是人口、资源与环境协调发展研究的重要内容,是协调经济发展与环境保护的关键所在。本文试图从环境承载力的定义与表示方法入手,通过对发展变量与限制变量及其间的关系的描述,探讨承载力的内涵与研究方法;同时以福建省湄州湾新经济开发区为例进行分析,提出其规划建议,为该区人口、资源与环境协调发展提供科学依据。  相似文献   

基于AHP LP法的南水北调中线水资源优化配置   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
水资源是不可替代的重要自然资源和战略性经济资源,水资源优化配置是解决水资源问题的重要手段。为促进区域水资源供需状况相对平衡,按可持续发展的要求,根据区域水资源优化配置的含义和南水北调河北省受水区的具体情况,以有限水资源综合效益最大为目标,考虑水源可供水量、用户需水量和水环境与经济系统协调发展等约束,采用层次分析法与线性规划法相结合的方法,建立了水资源优化配置模型,并对模型的目标函数、约束条件和主要参数确定进行了初步探讨。最后用该模型进行了南水北调河北省受水区2005年和2010年95%保证率下的水资源优化配置研究,并对求解结果进行了分析、评价及展望。结果表明,南水北调工程实施后,能够解决河北省受水区严重缺水的状况。  相似文献   

GIS与SDM集成构建土地定级专家信息系统的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出将GIS与SDM技术集成应用于土地定级信息系统建设,介绍了GIS与SDM集成的基本框架。设计开发了一个基于GIS和SDM技术的土地定级专家信息系统,系统采用决策树方法作为数据挖掘方法的基本算法,通过决策树训练与学习相结合挖掘土地定级规则,运用专家系统推力技术进行匹配推理实现土地定级工作。结合武汉市商业用地类型土地定级实例数据对系统性能进行了验证。结果表明,系统具有良好的移植性、复用性、扩展性和广泛适应性的特点,运用此技术能较好地解决土地定级这种具有半结构和非结构化特点的问题。  相似文献   

创新驱动发展战略下绿色技术创新是缓解经济-环境矛盾的重要手段,文章基于“非对称创新”理论构建的市场-制度技术三维框架,将其解构为市场化进程、环境规制、政府资助、R&D经费投入和R&D人员投入五个细分指标,使用定性比较分析(QCA)和必要条件分析(NCA)相结合的方法,从组态视角对中国绿色技术创新的区域差异、关键驱动因素和实现路径展开研究。研究表明:①中国绿色技术创新水平的分布呈现明显的区域差异性和集聚辐射效应,绿色技术创新水平自东部沿海、南部沿海、北部沿海、长江中游、西南、黄河中游、东北、大西北综合经济区依次递减,东部、南部和北部沿海地区集聚辐射效应更为显著。②NCA方法表明市场化进程、环境规制、政府资助、R&D经费投入和R&D人员投入均是实现20%及以上水平绿色技术创新的必要条件(不充分),其中R&D经费投入、市场化进程和R&D人员投入必要性更为显著。QCA必要条件分析显示,R&D经费投入是实现绿色技术创新的必要条件,不存在非绿色技术创新的必要条件。QCA必要条件分析结果集是NCA结果的子集,两种方法结论互补互证。③QCA组态分析显示,实现高水平绿色技术创新的路径有两条,分别是技术投入主导下市场驱动型和技术投入主导下自主开放型路径;导致非高水平绿色技术创新的路径有两条,分别是多因素匮乏型和市场局限下资源诅咒型路径。文章丰富了技术创新理论,凸显了非对称创新的中国情境,为中国区域绿色技术创新找动力、补短板、发现可实现路径提供了具体的政策建议。  相似文献   

区域持续发展与地理信息系统的协调作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
环境与发展是当今人类社会所面临的两大主题,已引起各国政府和国际社会的广泛关注。持续发展代表了一种新的发展战略和我们从事经济活动的新方法。地理信息系统技术具有综合各种社会、经济和环境因素的能力,为科学决策和实现区域持续发展提供了一种强有力的工具。同时,地理信息系统为在区域持续发展中利用生态学方法、时序分析和科学决策提供了强有力的技术支持。在我国,区域持续发展已引起了越来越多的研究机构与政府部门的重视。应该注意到,实现这一目标离不开地理信息系统技术的支持。本文主要讨论地理信息系统对区域持续发展的作用和探讨建立区域持续发展的地理信息系统的理论模式。  相似文献   

Sewage sludge amendment on agricultural soils has recently become a practice of heightened interest, as a consequence of sewage sludge production increase. This practice has benefits to soil and crops, however it may also lead to environmental contamination, depending on the characteristics of the fields. In order to define the suitability of the different agricultural fields to receive sewage sludge, a spatial tool is proposed. This tool, elaborated in GIS platform, aggregates different criteria regarding human exposure and environmental contamination.The spatial tool was applied to a case study in the region of Catalonia (NE of Spain). Within the case study, each step of the tool development is detailed. The results show that the studied region has different suitability degrees, being the appropriate areas sufficient for receiving the total amount of sewage sludge produced. The sensitivity analysis showed that “groundwater contamination”, “distance to urban areas”, “metals concentration in soil” and “crop type” are the most important criteria of the evaluation.The developed tool successfully tackled the problem, providing a comprehensive procedure to evaluate agricultural land suitability to receive sewage sludge as an organic fertilizer. Also, the tool implementation gives insights to decision makers, guiding them to more confident decisions, based on an extensive group of criteria.  相似文献   

The objective of the research is to evaluate spatial groundwater quality based on improved fuzzy comprehensive assessment model with entropy weights(FCAEW)in geographical information system(GIS)environment.This paper explores the method of comprehensive evaluation of groundwater and sets up an evaluation model applying GIS and FCAEW.Groundwater samples were collected and analyzed from 29 wells in Zhenping County,China.Six parameters were chosen including chloride,sulfate,total hardness,nitrate,fluoride and color.Better spatial interpolation methods for evaluated parameters are found out and selected according to the minimum cross-validation errors from the interpolation methods.FCAEW model was carried out with the help of GIS which makes the evaluating process simpler and easier and more automatically,effectively,efficiently and intelligently.The result embodies the feasibility and effectiveness of FCAEW in GIS when compared with other comprehensive evaluation methods.  相似文献   

This article details an integration of geographical information system (GIS) and corpus linguistics (CL) techniques for an ecolinguistic analysis of a contentious, environmental debate in Arizona, USA. The application of GIS and CL procedures enabled the mapping of place name mentions present within two interest group corpora as well as the mapping of particular meanings and representations of specific places prominent in the debate, that is, maps representing both places and the discursive representations of those places were produced. The corpus-aided analysis and the GIS visualizations exhibit how different interest groups refer to and represent geographical places within their texts and how these references to and representations of places index ideological positions towards the mine and the environment. This integrated CL–GIS approach to the study of environmental discourse provides insights into the discursive representation of place and the importance that references to places serve within environmental discourse. The article briefly discusses the ecolinguistics framework underpinning the work, explains the GIS–CL approach, displays and interprets corpus findings and GIS visualizations, and details implications for additional GIS–CL research for environmental discourse.  相似文献   


This paper presents a concept of reusing spent coffee ground (CG) as a construction material. Through creating a CG-filled Alkali Activated Material (AAM) with industrial wastes such as fly ash (FA) and slag (S), a strong recycled material was synthesised and found suitable to be used as a road subgrade fill material. Potential groundwater contamination tests were done in accordance to the Australian Standard Leaching Procedure (ASLP). The environmental analysis done on this green material shows that albeit being composed of various industrial wastes and chemicals, CG-filled AAMs in the ground will not cause adverse environmental impacts to surrounding soils and groundwater. Heavy metals and cyanide leached from the AAMs were well below hazardous thresholds. Comparing the carbon footprint of CG, it is found that recycling CG into a construction material would reduce the nett global carbon emission by reducing dependency on quarried material. Cost analyses done on CG-filled AAMs show that these AAMs are expensive to produce relative to traditional construction materials. However, as recycling technology is progressively advancing, in the future the economic value of CG-filled AAM may increase to match those of contemporary construction materials.  相似文献   

以宁波市甬江流域为例,以GIS技术辅助流域水污染控制规划,在ARCGIS90的环境中,完成了流域水系概化、水质评价,并利用GIS的叠置技术,建立功能区划水域-入河排污口-陆上汇流区的对应关系。根据水环境功能区的水质目标,通过建立污染源-水环境质量的输入响应关系,然后利用GIS技术对甬江流域数字高程模型(DEM)进行数字地形分析,得到甬江流域的模拟河网和流域汇水图,构筑了水污染控制单元,作为水环境容量核定和总量分配的基本工作区域。最后利用GIS的可视化表达进行辅助决策,确定各水环境功能区的水环境容量,结合排污状况(包括工业、农业、生活)的分析,得出流域水污染控制的总量控制方案和对策措施。甬江流域水污染控制规划的实践表明,在规划过程中,GIS作为一个必不可少的工具渗透在每一个环节中,为数据管理、空间图形表达和空间决策分析提供有效的工作平台和可靠的技术支持  相似文献   

There are numerous studies comparing different kinds of environmental taxes and standards. However, forms of environmental standards focused by former researchers are usually quantity-based limits/standards (e.g. pounds per day or pounds per unit of output). Concentration-based emission standard (e.g. milligrams per liter of wastewater) as one important form of environmental standard has not been given much attention. In this article, comparable estimates of their probable effect on enterprise pollution reduction will be developed for concentration-based effluent standards, effluent taxes, and a combination of both. A linear simulation model is used to clearly and obviously compare the effects of effluent taxes and concentration-based standards within the same figure. With one detailed application to the paper industry, some enlightenment and conclusions – as well as the general applicability of these principles – are then provided: Under the same effluent tax rate, enterprises, groups, and industries that are cleaner will reduce more pollutants than those that have higher pollutant abatement costs. It is recommended that effluent taxes are set by avoiding cutting it even at one stroke and considering the feasibility of pollution-reducing technology in various industries. It is necessary to reduce MAC of enterprises to better stimulate enterprises’ or industries’ emission reduction by preferential measures, such as high tax rate coordinated by speeding up the depreciation of environmental protection equipment.  相似文献   

Regional vegetation pattem dynamics has a great im- pact on ecosystem and climate change.Remote sensing data and geographical information system (GIS) analysis were widely used in the detection of vegetation pattern dynamics.In this study,the Yellow River Delta was selected as the study area.By using 1986, 1993,1996,1999 and 2005 remote sensing data as basic informa- tion resource,with the support of GIS,a wetland vegetation spa- tial information dataset was built up.Through selecting the land- scape met...  相似文献   

The individual travel cost method is one of the most commonly applied approaches to estimating the recreational value (or `consumer surplus') of open-access sites where the visitor does not have to pay an entrance charge for using the area. This paper presents a simple application of the method conducted using geographical information system (GIS) software. This approach permits analysis of the impact of various, commonly used, assumptions concerning the definition of visitor outset origins and routing to recreation sites. Results suggest that varying these assumptions can lead to substantial impacts upon estimates of consumer surplus to the extent that previously published studies may be subject to substantial error. Received: 24 February 1999 · Accepted: 9 June 1999  相似文献   

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