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Alberta, Canada, is an important global producer of petroleum resources. In association with this production, large amounts of gas (1.14 billion m3 in 2008) are flared or vented. Although the amount of flaring and venting has been measurably reduced since 2002, data from 2005 reveal sharp increases in venting, which have important implications in terms of resource conservation and greenhouse gas emissions (which exceeded 8 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent in 2008). With use of extensive monthly production data for 18,203 active batteries spanning the years 2002-2008 obtained in close cooperation with the Alberta Energy Resources Conservation Board, a detailed analysis has been completed to examine activity patterns of flaring and venting and reasons behind these trends in the Alberta upstream oil and gas industry. In any given year, approximately 6000 batteries reported flaring and/or venting, but the distribution of volumes flared and vented at individual sites was highly skewed, such that small numbers of sites handled large fractions of the total gas flaring and venting in the Province. Examination of month-to-month volume variability at individual sites, cast in terms of a nominal turndown ratio that would be required for a compressor to capture that gas and direct it into a pipeline, further revealed that volumes at a majority of sites were reasonably stable and there was no evidence that larger or more stable sites had been preferentially reduced, leaving potential barriers to future mitigation. Through linking of geospatial data with production data coupled with additional statistical analysis, the 31.2% increase in venting volumes since 2005 was revealed to be predominantly associated with increased production of heavier oils and bitumen in the Lloydminster region of the Province. Overall, the data suggest that quite significant reductions in flaring and venting could be realized by seeking mitigation solutions for only the largest batteries in the Province.  相似文献   


Information reported here is the result of a detailed analysis of data on flared and vented solution gas in the Province of Alberta in 1999. A goal of characterizing these flares was to aid in the improved management of solution gas flaring. In total, 4499 oil and bitumen batteries reported flaring or venting with a combined gas volume of 1.42 billion m3. There was significant site-to-site variation in volumes of gas flared or vented, gas composition, and flare design.

Approximately 5% of physical batteries generate 35.7% of the gas flared and vented from oil and bitumen batteries. Therefore, if one were to attempt to mitigate flaring, significant progress could be made by starting with only the largest sites. The monthly variability of gas volumes was considered because high variability could affect implementation of alternative technologies. It was found that slightly more than 40% of the sites were reasonably steady and had monthly deviations of 100% or less from the average flared volume. The variability in monthly volumes was less for the larger batteries. Data from individual well sites show significant variability in the relative concentrations of each of the major species contained in solution gas.  相似文献   

A case for a daytime maximum in heat island intensity is substantiated by a year round observation of the phenomenon in Calgary. The annual and diurnal patterns are strongly correlated with wind speed and direction, atmospheric stability, cloudiness, energy from space heating and traffic flow. The topography of the city appears to exert a strong influence on the evolution of a diurnal pattern. A windflow model of heat island formation with possible relevance to cities set in areas of strong topography is presented. A correlation appears to exist between heat island intensity and city growth.  相似文献   

在乙醇胺(MEA)/N-甲基二乙醇胺(MDEA)体系(简称二元复合胺体系)中加入少量活化剂三乙烯四胺(TETA),研究了MEA/MDEA/TETA三元复合胺体系(简称三元复合胺体系)对烟气CO2的吸收和再生情况。结果表明,MEA、MDEA、TETA3种组分之间存在交互作用,使得三元复合胺体系中的CO2吸收速率、CO2饱和吸收量均分别小于二元复合胺体系与TETA单体系的CO2吸收速率、CO2饱和吸收量之和。三元复合胺体系的再生温度稍高于二元复合胺体系,其一次再生率约为83.5%,比二元复合胺体系低了约13百分点,三元复合胺体系的再生较二元复合胺体系更困难。  相似文献   

An ultrastructural investigation was conducted to determine the cells and structures in leaves of Phaseolus vulgaris that were affected by short term exposures to gaseous hydrogen chloride. Primary leaf tissues were sampled 24 h after exposure to approx 25 mg HCl m−3 for 20 min. We noted conformational alterations in mitochondria and chloroplasts, cytoplasmic membrane disruption and vesiculation, accumulation of a particulate electron dense material in vacuoles and vesicles, and the elaboration of densely staining globules within fumigated tissues. Most of the severely or totally disrupted cells were confined to the abaxial epidermis.  相似文献   

尿素添加剂湿法烟气脱氮的试验研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在填有金属鲍尔环的管式吸收反应器中,分别研究了尿素含量、添加剂(三乙醇胺)浓度、吸收柱彳丁效高度、烟气浓度对NOx脱除效率的影响。试验结果表明,尿素含量和添加剂浓度的增加可以少量提高脱氮效率:烟气浓度的大小对脱氮效率的影响不大;吸收柱有效高度对脱氮效率的影响较大。  相似文献   

The development of a special (hazardous) waste management system is well under way in Alberta, Canada, and completion of an integrated treatment and disposal facility near Swan Hills is expected in 1988. The facility will handle both inorganic and organic waste streams in a physical/chemical treatment plant and high temperature incinerator. Treated liquid residues will be disposed of in a deep well, and treated solid residues in a secure landfill. The chosen treatment technology and the established hydrogeological conditions of the site ensure the maintenance of environmental quality. An intensive site selection and public participation program provided that only locations which were environmentally and socially suitable for this development were considered. Through awareness of the problems of waste and the solutions for its management, and full citizen involvement in the site selection process, the siting and public participation programs accomplished the difficult task of selecting a location for North America’s first fully integrated special waste treatment and disposal facility.  相似文献   

Ozone concentrations in Alberta cities typically exhibit a maximum in May (up to 35 ppb) and a minimum in November (as low as 4 ppb). This behaviour is similar to that of rural Alberta O3 concentrations. Annual O3 concentrations at six urban monitoring stations vary from 11 ppb to 22 ppb and are about one-half the values at rural stations. In winter, urban O3 concentrations are always smaller than rural concentrations and the cities act as sinks for O3. Although urban stations do not exceed Canada's maximum acceptable levels of daily (25 ppb) and annual (15 ppb) O3 concentrations as often as rural stations, the frequency is still quite large. Canada's hourly maximum desirable level (50 ppb) is exceeded 11 times more often at the remote (rural) station than at the downtown (urban) stations.  相似文献   

Phase I cooling tower testing at the University of North Dakota Energy Research Center (UNDERC) was designed to use solvent extracted and steam stripped wastewater from fixed-bed gasification of lignite as makeup. The objective of this test was to simulate the proposed mode of operation at the Great Plains Gasification Associates (GPGA) plant. A crucial part of this study was the characterization of emissions from a stripped gas liquor (SGL) fed cooling tower. Several types of sampling equipment including a multicyclone, cooled impingers, and an XAD resin trap were used for the collection and retention of components in the tower evaporate.Results of this study indicated that a significant portion of the phenol and ammonia, and also some methanol, in the tower makeup stream were stripped into the atmosphere. Concentration levels of 26,900 μg m−3 ammonia, 8000 μg m−3 phenol and 2500 μ m−3 methanol were detected in the lower exhaust.  相似文献   

尿素/高锰酸钾湿法烟气脱氮的试验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用高锰酸钾和尿素配制成不同浓度的吸收溶液,在填有金属鲍尔环的管式吸收反应器中,对模拟烟气进行湿法烟气脱氮的研究。试验结果表明,用尿素和高锰酸钾配制成的吸收液进行湿法烟气脱氮,可以高效地脱除模拟烟气中的氮氧化物,高锰酸钾含量的增加可以显著提高脱氮效率,是决定脱氮效率高低的重要因素,在尿素和高锰酸钾含量分别为5%和0.60g/L时可以达到91.5%的平均脱氮效率;尿素含量、吸收液有效柱高和外加的SO2气体均对脱氮效率产生不同程度的影响。  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Due to the subtle occurrence of environmental polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAHs) pollution from incinerators, it is seldom considered a...  相似文献   

Rain, hail, and snow samples collected in central Alberta have been analyzed for sulfate and chloride content using a conductometric titration method. The mean values of sulfate concentration in rain and hail collected in the region of sulfur extraction gas plants were 2.7 mg/l and 2.9 mg/l respectively. The mean value of the sulfate content of a large number of hail samples collected from one severe storm well removed from a major SO2 source was only 0.6 mg/l. Several snow samples collected in Alberta and southern British Columbia had a mean sulfate content of less than 0.5 mg/l. These results are discussed in terms of the efficiency with which SO2 is removed from the atmosphere by the different precipitation processes. The results strongly suggest that most of the sulfate found in central Alberta precipitation is of local industrial origin.

By comparing the sulfate deposition in precipitation around one isolated gas plant with the known SO2 emission rate, a local atmospheric sulfur budget is derived. This budget indicates that the summertime convective storms are a very efficient mechanism for removing the SO2 from the atmosphere, with between 32 and 46% of the sulfur emitted as SO2 arriving at the ground as sulfate sulfur within a radius of 25 miles of the source. In contrast snow is a very inefficient removal mechanism, since in winter less than 2% of the sulfur emission is deposited in the snowfall near the source.  相似文献   

Pesticide and PCB analyses were completed on fat and muscle samples of 750 fish collected from 11 major lakes and rivers in Alberta. Although phenoxy and organophosphate residues were always below detectable limits, traces of chlorinated pesticides and their derivatives, particularly DDE, DDD and chlordane, were detected in most fat samples. Methoxychlor was frequently found in goldeye from the North Saskatchewan River but not recorded in fish from any other lake or river. Its presence in goldeye, a highly migratory species, was probably a result of biting-fly control programs in the Saskatchewan part of the river. PCB levels exceeded 25 mg/kg in the fat of several species from the North Saskatchewan River but were generally lower in the other systems. Analysis of 160 sediment samples from the North Saskatchewan River revealed no point source of PCB contamination, with residues always <0.01 mg/kg dry weight.  相似文献   

研究了NaCl质量浓度、电解时间对电解生成有效氯组分的影响,并以NaCl电解液作为氧化吸收液在自制的小型鼓泡喷淋吸收塔中进行模拟烟气脱硝实验,进一步研究了有效氯质量浓度、反应体系pH和温度对脱硝效果的影响,同时分析了脱硝机理。结果表明:有效氯质量浓度随着NaCl质量浓度和电解时间的增加逐渐增加,电解反应的主产物是ClO。NOx去除率随着有效氯质量浓度增加而升高;氧化体系酸度和温度增高有利于NO氧化,但不利于NOx吸收去除。当烟气流量为2 L·min−1,NO初始质量浓度为1 340 mg·m−3,吸收液有效氯初始质量浓度为2.5 g·L−1,反应体系pH为5,温度为30 ℃时,NO的转化率可达91.1%,NOx去除率可达78.9%,且能在该条件下长时间保持较高的烟气脱硝效果。本研究结果可为低温湿法氧化脱硝技术的工业化应用提供参考。  相似文献   

Peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN) concentrations were measured from December 1982 to May 1984 in downtown Edmonton, Alberta, as well as upwind and downwind of the city. The highest PAN concentration recorded in Edmonton was 7.5 ppb, and the mean daily maximum was 0.6 ppb. Maximum PAN and ozone concentrations were often reached in the early afternoon but there were many exceptions, with maxima as early as 0900 MST and as late as 2000 MST. PAN often persisted throughout the night in Edmonton, whereas in Calgary it disappeared rapidly in the evening. Edmonton PAN concentrations showed seasonal variation and were limited in the wintertime by the lack of solar radiation and in the summer by the low concentration of pollutants. PAN episodes were highly correlated with the presence of anticyclonic synoptic disturbances (ridges) in the upper air flow. Surface synoptic conditions varied but weak pressure gradients were common to all episodes. Seasonal and diurnal variations of PAN are discussed in relation to observations from Calgary, Alberta; Los Angeles, CA; and other North American cities.  相似文献   

The Gaussian diffusion equation for a surface receptor and a nondepositing surface or elevated source is solved by a single nomogram. A table and another nomogram allow adjustment for plume depletion and deposition for depositing particulate matter and reactive gases.  相似文献   

尿素添加剂湿法烟气同时脱硫脱氮工艺实验研究(Ⅱ)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对EA和PA两种添加剂,工艺条件变化对NOx脱除率影响有相同的规律:NOx脱除率不受烟气的浓度变化影响;随烟气的氧化度和吸收反应塔有效高度的增加而迅速增加。对吸收反应温度、尿素和添加剂质量分数、吸收塔有效高度进行正交实验得出最佳工艺条件为:吸收反应温度70℃;吸收塔有效高度1.8m;尿素和添加剂质量分数分别为10%和0.01%。在最佳工艺条件作验证实验得出结果与正交实验得出的结果基本符合,此时SO2脱除率为100%,NOx脱除率大于75%。  相似文献   

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