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Biochars are anthropogenic carbonaceous sorbent and their influences on the sorption of environmental contaminants need to be characterized. Here we evaluated the effect of Pinus radiata derived biochars on soil sorption and desorption of phenanthrene. Two biochars separately produced at 350 °C and 700 °C and three soils were tested. Biochar amendment generally enhanced the soil sorption of phenanthrene. The biochar produced at 700 °C generally showed a greater ability at enhancing a soil’s sorption ability than that prepared at 350 °C. The single-step desorption measurement showed an apparent hysteresis in biochar-amended soils. After 28 d equilibration, the sorptive capacity of biochar-amended soil (with an organic carbon content of 0.16%) significantly decreased. This study clearly suggested that biochar application enhanced soil sorption of hydrophobic organic compounds, but the magnitude of enhancement depended on the preparation of biochars, the indigenous soil organic carbon levels, and the contact time between soil and biochar.  相似文献   

Soil organic matter (SOM) is generally believed not to influence the sorption of glyphosate in soil. To get a closer look on the dynamics between glyphosate and SOM, we used three approaches: I. Sorption studies with seven purified soil humic fractions showed that these could sorb glyphosate and that the aromatic content, possibly phenolic groups, seems to aid the sorption. II. Sorption studies with six whole soils and with SOM removed showed that several soil parameters including SOM are responsible for the strong sorption of glyphosate in soils. III. After an 80 day fate experiment, ∼40% of the added glyphosate was associated with the humic and fulvic acid fractions in the sandy soils, while this was the case for only ∼10% of the added glyphosate in the clayey soils. Glyphosate sorbed to humic substances in the natural soils seemed to be easier desorbed than glyphosate sorbed to amorphous Fe/Al-oxides.  相似文献   

Sorption of naphthalene and phenanthrene by soil humic acids   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
Humic acids are a major fraction of soil organic matter (SOM), and sorption of hydrophobic organic chemicals by humic acids influences their behavior and fate in soil. A clear understanding of the sorption of organic chemicals by humic acids will help to determine their sorptive mechanisms in SOM and soil. In this paper, we determined the sorption of two hydrophobic organic compounds, naphthalene and phenanthrene by six pedogenetically related humic acids. These humic acids were extracted from different depths of a single soil profile and characterized by solid-state CP/MAS 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). Aromaticity of the humic acids increased with soil depth. Similarly, atomic ratios of C/H and C/O also increased with depth (from organic to mineral horizons). All isotherms were nonlinear. Freundlich exponents (N) ranged from 0.87 to 0.95 for naphthalene and from 0.86 to 0.92 for phenanthrene. The N values of phenanthrene were consistently lower than naphthalene for a given humic acid. For both compounds, N values decreased with increasing aromaticity of the humic acids, such an inverse relationship was never reported before. These results support the dual-mode sorption model where partitioning occurs in both expanded (flexible) and condensed (rigid) domains while nonlinear sorption only in condensed domains of SOM. Sorption in the condensed domains may be a cause for slow desorption, and reduced availability and toxicity with aging.  相似文献   

毒死蜱在不同土壤腐殖酸上的吸附/解吸特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过平衡振荡法研究毒死蜱在不同来源土壤腐殖酸(Has)上的吸附/解吸行为.结果表明,毒死蜱在Has上的等温吸附行为用Freundlich模型描述相对更合理;它们的吸附等温线在实验范围内基本呈直线,且吸附能力很强,顺序为:紫色潮土Has>黄壤Has>中性紫色土Has>酸性紫色土Has>腐殖土Has;但毒死蜱的解吸率较小,其值均小于26.70%,有明显的滞后现象,尤其是腐殖土Has和紫色潮土Has,固定能力顺序为:紫色潮土Has>腐殖土Has>中性紫色土Has>酸性紫色土Has>黄壤Has.由于不同来源土壤中Has的组成结构差异明显,它们对毒死蜱的吸附/解吸规律表现出不同的特征.土壤Has对毒死蜱的吸附/解吸行为的影响是多种因素综合作用的结果,具体作用机理尚待进一步研究.  相似文献   

Intent of this study was to explore the potential application of polymerin, the polymeric, dissolved organic matter fraction from olive oil wastewaters, in technologies aimed at remediating hydrophobic organic compounds (HOCs) point-source pollution. Phenanthrene binding with polymerin was investigated. Moreover, the effect of addition of micro and nanoscale aluminum oxides (Al2O3) was studied, as well as sorption of polymerin on the oxides. Phenanthrene binding capacity by polymerin was notably higher than the sorption capacities for both types of Al2O3 particles. Polymerin sorption on nanoparticles was nearly 100 times higher than microparticles. In a three-phase system, using microparticles, higher phenanthrene sorption was found by adding into water polymerin, oxides and phenanthrene simultaneously. In contrast, using nanoparticles, a considerable enhancement of phenanthrene sorption was shown by adding phenanthrene to a pre-formed and dried polymerin-oxide complex. These findings support the application of polymerin, especially associated with Al2O3 nanoparticles, in remediation of water contaminated with HOCs. This work highlights the significant role of nanoparticles.  相似文献   

Tremblay L  Kohl SD  Rice JA  Gagné JP 《Chemosphere》2005,58(11):302-1620
The impact of the lipid fraction of natural geosorbents on the sorption of a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon was assessed using several experiments. In the first set of experiments phenanthrene was sorbed on a coastal sediment as well as on its humin and humic acid fractions before and after lipid extraction. Before lipid extraction, sorption shows dominantly partitioning characteristics. However, the extraction of lipids from sediment and humin drastically increases, by up to one order of magnitude, their sorption affinity for phenanthrene at low sorbate concentrations, resulting in increased isotherm nonlinearity. This effect is less pronounced for humic acids. One mechanism proposed for the increasing sorption is that lipids, despite their very low relative abundance in the sediments, can compete with phenanthrene for specific high affinity sorption sites (e.g., matrix pores and adsorption sites). This competition is not surprising considering the similar hydrophobic nature of lipids and phenanthrene. Lipids, or any non-polar molecules, could also act like plasticizers by swelling rigid domains and disrupting high affinity sites. In both cases, the removal of lipids (and extraction solvents) makes those sites available for phenanthrene. These provide alternative explanations to the previously proposed “solvent conditioning effect” believed to occur when geosorbents are treated with non-polar solvents modifying the matrix structure, an effect yet to be proven at molecular scale. To further investigate the impact of lipids on sorption, other independent experiments were performed. In a second experiment, re-addition of lipids to the extracted sediment restored the sorption isotherm linearity observed in the native material supporting the absence of irreversible extraction artifacts. However, high addition of lipids (i.e., after saturation of high affinity sites) seems to also enlarge the low affinity partitioning domain. These results are consistent with dual-mode, hole-filling, sorption models involving diffusion. In the final set of experiments, solid-state 19F-NMR using F-labeled lipids sorbed onto the sediments confirmed that lipids may be in different domains (mobile or rigid) that interact or not with phenanthrene. The possible effects of lipid removal on sorption have been overlooked and should be considered when geosorbents are pretreated.  相似文献   

To elucidate mechanisms of Cr3+ sorption onto the unaltered solid natural organic matter, the comparative studies of this ion binding from a solution at pH 4.0 onto three selected particle size fractions: 2000–1000 μm, 630–200 μm and 63–20 μm of markedly different HS content and structure, separated by a wet sieving from an overall sample of peat (Brushwood Peat Humus) were carried out. Comparable patterns of COOH groups and CECt confirmed that for cation exchange capacity were responsible mainly cations connected with COO functional groups. It was though found that aliphatic acids in the solid state did not take part in Cr3+ binding, thus the finest studied fraction 63–20 μm of the highest contents of functional groups showed the lowest sorption capacity for Cr3+, while similar patterns of sorbed Cr3+, soluble HS content and base CEC0 indicated that these parameters were directly interrelated. The base ion exchange processes determined by CEC0 (with Ca2+ as a predominant exchangeable cation) appeared to be not the major mechanisms responsible for Cr3+ sorption. For this metal, strong binding to insoluble large molecular weight organic pool two- to threefold prevailed over the ion exchange processes. Very low acid desorption indicated generally low mobility of Cr3+-organic compounds.  相似文献   

混凝絮凝法去除腐质酸的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
进行了混凝絮凝法去除水中腐殖酸的研究,结果表明,同传统的絮凝剂相比,微生物絮凝剂不仅用量少,去除效果好(去除率可达60%),而且不产生二次污染,可应用于废水特别是给水中腐殖酸的去除工艺中,对絮凝剂的絮凝机理进行了初步研究,研究表明,微生物絮凝剂去除腐殖酸主要是通过架桥完成的,不同于A12(SO4)3的电中和机理。  相似文献   

Soil humic acids may favour the persistence of hexavalent chromium in soil   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The interaction between hexavalent chromium Cr(VI), as K2CrO4, and standard humic acids (HAs) in bulk solution was studied using three complementary analytical methods: UV-Visible spectroscopy, X-ray absorption spectroscopy and differential pulse stripping voltammetry. The observed UV-Vis and X-ray absorption spectra showed that, under our experimental conditions, HAs did not induce reduction of Cr(VI) to its trivalent chemical form. The interaction between Cr(VI) and HAs has rather led to the formation of Cr(VI)-HAs micelles via supramolecular chemical processes. The reported results could contribute towards explaining the relative persistence of ecotoxic hexavalent chromium in soils.  相似文献   

Xiao B  Huang W 《Chemosphere》2011,83(7):1005-1013
The goal of this study was to investigate the effects of both concentration levels and loading sequence or contamination history of each pollutant on the equilibrium sorption of mixed organic pollutants on soils. We measured binary sorption equilibria for a soil using ten concentration levels for both phenanthrene and naphthalene. Both solutes were either simultaneously loaded or sequentially loaded (i.e., the second sorbate was loaded after the sorption of the first sorbate had attained equilibrium) on soil. The results showed different competitive sorption equilibria between phenanthrene and naphthalene. In the presence of phenanthrene and regardless of loading sequence, naphthalene exhibited consistently lower sorption capacities and the ideal adsorbed solution theory (IAST) slightly underestimates the naphthalene sorption equilibria. Conversely, the sorption equilibria of phenanthrene in the presence of naphthalene depended upon the loading sequence of the two sorbates on the soil. Little competition from naphthalene on the sorption equilibria of phenanthrene was observed when phenanthrene was loaded either simultaneously with or sequentially after naphthalene, but appreciable competition from naphthalene was observed when the soil had been pre-contaminated with phenanthrene. IAST slightly underestimates the phenanthrene sorption equilibria observed in the latter system, but it cannot estimate the phenanthrene sorption equilibria in the former two systems. We proposed that adsorption on internal surfaces of ink-bottle shaped pores within relatively flexible sorbent matrix may have caused the competitive sorption phenomena observed in this study. The study suggests that contamination history may have strong influence on the equilibrium sorption of organic pollutant mixtures.  相似文献   


Background, aim, and scope  

Sorption of hydrophobic organic compounds (HOCs) to natural organic matter (NOM) is an important process that affects the transport, transformation, bioavailability, and fate of HOCs in the environment. Manufactured nanoparticles (NPs) such as nano-oxides will inevitably enter the environment in the processes of their production, transfer, and use and could be coated by the ubiquitous NOM. Thus, sorption of HOCs to NOM in the environment could be affected by the NP interactions with NOM. Furthermore, the toxicity of nano-oxides could be increased due to the adsorbed HOCs. Therefore, sorption of phenanthrene by nano-Al2O3 coated with humic acid (HA) was examined in this study to explore the possible effect of nanoparticles (NPs) on the environmental behavior of HOCs and the potential environmental and health risks of NPs.  相似文献   

Atrazine and phenanthrene (Phen) sorption by nonhydrolyzable carbon (NHC), black carbon (BC), humic acid (HA) and whole sediment and soil samples was examined. Atrazine sorption isotherms were nearly linear. The single-point organic carbon (OC)-normalized distribution coefficients (KOC) of atrazine for the isolated HA1, NHC1 and BC1 from sediment 1 (ST1) were 36, 550, and 1470 times greater than that of ST1, respectively, indicating the importance of sediment organic matter, particularly the condensed fractions (NHC and BC). Similar sorption capacity of atrazine and Phen by NHC but different isotherm nonlinearity indicated different sorption domains due to their different structure and hydrophobicity. The positive relationship between (O + N)/C ratios of NHC and atrazine log KOC at low concentration suggests H-bonding interactions. This study shows that sediment is probably a less effective sorbent for atrazine than Phen, implying that atrazine applied in sediments or soils may be likely to leach into groundwater.  相似文献   

Evaluation of impacts of soil fractions on phenanthrene sorption   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Luo L  Zhang S  Ma Y 《Chemosphere》2008,72(6):891-896
Phenanthrene sorption to soils and soil fractions was investigated using two contrasting soils with different clay mineral and organic carbon (OC) contents in an attempt to evaluate the contribution of each soil fraction to phenanthrene sorption and the applicability of the carbon-normalized distribution constant (K(OC)) in soils. Sorbents were characterized using surface analysis, solid-state (13)C NMR analysis, and glass transition temperature (T(g)) analysis to gain a insight into the chemical nature of OC in soils. Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in the soil solution impeded the phenanthrene sorption, while humins accounted for the predominant phenanthrene sorption in soils. The contribution of OC to phenanthrene sorption in soil would be overestimated if only a K(OC)-approach was adopted, since clay minerals could account for much of the sorption, especially when OC was low in soils. Nitrogen gas was shown to be inappropriate for probing non-polar sorption capacity. The results obtained highlight the importance of clay minerals in governing the sorption of phenanthrene in soil, and emphasize the inapplicability of the carbon-normalized distribution coefficient K(OC) in soils.  相似文献   

Zhang W  Zhuang L  Yuan Y  Tong L  Tsang DC 《Chemosphere》2011,83(3):302-310
Phenanthrene is commonly present together with heavy metals at many contaminated sites. This study investigated the influence of coexisting lead (Pb2+) or cadmium (Cd2+) on phenanthrene adsorption on soils. Batch experiments were conducted under different geochemical conditions including pH, mineral structure, organic matter content, and varying amounts of heavy metals. The results showed that the presence of heavy metals in solution at a fixed pH of 5.8 ± 0.1 enhanced phenanthrene adsorption, the extent of which was closely related to the concentrations and the electro-negativity of the metals. The enhancement on phenanthrene adsorption was positively correlated to the amount of adsorbed metals. Although Cd2+ is a softer Lewis acid, Pb2+ displayed a more significant effect as it was adsorbed to a greater extent on the soil surfaces. Thus, density of cation accumulation appears to be more influential than metal softness in enhancing phenanthrene adsorption. Moreover, with a portion of organic matter removed by heating at 550 °C, there was a stronger enhancement of phenanthrene adsorption by coexisting Pb2+, indicating an increasingly dominant mechanisms associated with Pb2+ at a lower organic matter content. Similar enhancement phenomenon was observed on bentonite and kaolinite, probably resulting from the cation-π bonding between the adsorbed soft metal cations and the aromatic ring of phenanthrene in solution. The desorption experiments further suggested that the bonding of phenanthrene adsorption was strengthened in the presence of Pb2+ and that a larger proportion of adsorbed phenanthrene remained on the soils (residual fraction) even after sequential methanol extractions. Further spectroscopic analyses and surface characterization are required to provide direct evidence of the formation and relative significance of cation-π bond for phenanthrene adsorption.  相似文献   

To better understand interaction mechanisms of pine needles with persistent organic pollutants, single-solute and bi-solute sorption of phenanthrene and pyrene onto isolated cuticular fractions of pine needle were investigated. The structures of cuticular fractions were characterized by elemental analysis, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and solid-state 13C NMR. Polymeric lipids (cutin and cutan) exhibited notably higher sorption capabilities than the soluble lipids (waxes), while cellulose showed little affinity with sorbates. With the coexistence of the amorphous cellulose, the sorption of cutan (aromatic core) was completely inhibited, so the cutin components (nonpolar aliphatic moieties) dominated the sorption of bulk needle cuticle. By the consumption of the amorphous cellulose under acid hydrolysis, sorption capacities of the de-sugared fractions were dramatically enhanced, which controlled by the exposed aromatic cores and the aliphatic moieties. Furthermore, the de-sugared fractions demonstrated nonlinear and competitive sorption due to the specific interaction between aromatic cores and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon.  相似文献   

Binding of two model polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), phenanthrene and pyrene, by humic acids (HAs) isolated from an organic substrate at different stages of composting and a soil was investigated using a batch fluorescence quenching method and the modified Freundlich model. With respect to soil HA, the organic substrate HA fractions were characterized by larger binding affinities for both phenanthrene and pyrene. Further, isotherm deviation from linearity was larger for soil HA than for organic substrate HAs, indicating a larger heterogeneity of binding sites in the former. The composting process decreased the binding affinity and increased the heterogeneity of binding sites of HAs. The changes undergone by the HA fraction during composting may be expected to contribute to facilitate microbial accessibility to PAHs. The results obtained also suggest that bioremediation of PAH-contaminated soils with matured compost, rather than with fresh organic amendments, may result in faster and more effective cleanup.  相似文献   

Brigante M  Zanini G  Avena M 《Chemosphere》2008,71(11):2076-2081
The dissolution kinetics of humic acid particles has been studied in batch experiments, and the effects of monocarboxylic (formic, acetic, and propionic) acids are reported. The dissolution rate of the particles is significantly affected by the presence of monocarboxylic acids in the pH range 4–10. At pH 7, for example, propionic acid increases 30 times this dissolution rate. The capacity of increasing the dissolution rate is in the order formic acid < acetic acid < propionic acid, and this dissolving capacity of carboxylics seems to be directly related to their affinity for HA molecules located at the surface of the solid particles. The results indicate that carboxylics and related compounds may affect markedly the mobility and transport of humic substances in the environment.  相似文献   

Effect of physical forms of soil organic matter on phenanthrene sorption   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Pan B  Xing B  Tao S  Liu W  Lin X  Xiao Y  Dai H  Zhang X  Zhang Y  Yuan H 《Chemosphere》2007,68(7):1262-1269
The sorption coefficient, K(OC), of phenanthrene (PHE) has been reported to vary with different types of organic matter, leading to uncertainties in predicting the environmental behavior of PHE. Among the studies that relate organic matter properties to their sorption characteristics, physical conformation of organic matter is often neglected. In this work, organic matter samples of different physical forms were examined for their sorption characteristics. Dissolved humic acids (DHA) showed significantly higher K(OC) than the corresponding solid humic acids (SHA) from which the DHAs were made. The K(OC) of DHAs was found to be related to polarity, whereas K(OC) of SHAs increased with aliphatic carbon content. Soil particles were treated with H(2)O(2) to remove organic matter, and humic acid was coated on H(2)O(2)-treated soil particles to make organo-mineral complexes at pH 4, 7 and 10. Although the nonlinear sorption was apparent for SHAs and H(2)O(2)-treated soil particles, the organo-mineral complexes formed using these two components at pH 4, 7 and 10 exhibited relatively linear sorption at organic carbon content, f(OC)>0.5%. These results indicate that organic matter of the same composition may have different sorption properties due to different physical forms (or conformations). Nonlinear sorption for the complexes formed at pH 4 with lower f(OC) (<0.5%) was also discussed.  相似文献   

有机粘土矿物对水中低浓度菲的吸附性能和机理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘娜  陈畅曙  付云娜 《环境污染与防治》2006,28(11):811-813,830
分别选用十六烷三甲基溴化铵(HDTMA-Br)、四甲基溴化铵(TMA-Br)、聚乙二醇(PEG)表面活性剂改性天然粘土矿物,研究其对水中低浓度多环芳烃类难降解有机物菲的吸附性能和机理,并讨论了有机粘土的用量对吸附菲的性能的影响,验证了有机粘土矿物吸附菲后的稳定性.3种有机粘土矿物对菲的吸附等温线均呈中凹型,表现为分配系数(Kp)逐渐增大,表明吸附是分配作用和溶剂化效应共同作用的结果.根据Kp及土样有机碳含量(foc)所得的经有机碳归一化的分配系数(Koc)基本为常数,远远高于天然土壤/沉积物的Koc.在相同实验条件下,3种有机粘土矿物中HDTMA改性粘土矿物对菲的吸附性能最强,PEG改性粘土矿物次之,TMA改性粘土矿物最差.  相似文献   

腐植酸强化苯酚厌氧发酵降解   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在无外加电子受体的条件下,首次研究了腐植酸对活性污泥厌氧降解苯酚的影响。研究结果表明,腐植酸Suwannee River Humic Acid Standard(SR-HA)、Leonardite Humic Acid Standard(L-HA)和Pahokee Peat Humic Acid(PP-HA)作为氧化还原介体能够提高苯酚的厌氧发酵降解效率。其中腐植酸PP-HA对苯酚的厌氧降解表现出了最为明显的强化效果,反应进行36 h后,苯酚去除率提高了18.5%。当单独投加的PP-HA浓度在0至100 mg/L范围内,苯酚的厌氧降解效率随着腐植酸浓度增加而逐渐提高,而浓度大于100 mg/L后,腐植酸对苯酚降解效率的促进作用随着PP-HA浓度的增加逐渐减缓。除此之外,当低浓度的蒽醌-2-磺酸钠(AQS)(0.02 mM)和PP-HA(20 mg/L)在反应体系中共存时,相比于无介体存在的对照组,苯酚厌氧降解效率提高了约1.4倍。产物分析结果表明,乙酸和CH4作为苯酚发酵降解的重要产物被检测出来。最后,在氧化还原介体腐植酸的存在下,初步探讨了苯酚厌氧发酵降解的代谢途径。  相似文献   

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