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The identification of pollution levels by numerical classification-ordination and the statistical confirmation of the detected trends-were attempted in a eutrophication assessment study. Special emphasis was placed on the importance of data scaling and the selection of a distance coefficient that would accentuate discrete states within the system. Among metric, binary and ordinal variable scaling, ordinal numbers showed the maximum sensitivity in discriminating pollution levels; the observed trends were further enhanced by using the absolute distance coefficient as a resemblance measure. The eutrophic patterns identified were statistically confirmed by a non-parametric permutation test. Finally a step-by-step multivariate procedure is proposed for assessing environmental quality in aquatic ecosystems.  相似文献   

The population density of bacterioplankton and the concentration of dissolved organic carbon combined is a useful indicator to monitor subtle variations in the amount of eutrophication. Both parameters can be measured precisely and readily by widely accepted routine techniques that require little skill. Thresholds of eutrophication can be established to maintain the Health of Natural Waters using this indicator.  相似文献   

上海市水体富营养化及洗涤剂中磷的影响研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对上海市水体污染状况进行调查研究,结果表明,上海市主要水体苏州河和黄浦江有机污染日益严重,其中苏州河TP 0.6mg/L、TN 10.06mg/L,黄浦江TP 0.23mg/L、TN 4.03mg/L,超标较严重,存在发生富营养化的条件,根据国内外经验和上海的相关资料估算,洗涤剂中的磷占总磷负荷的6.82%。  相似文献   

大连湾海域水体富营养状况分析   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
描述大连湾水体现状的最新动态.通过研究发现,大连湾大部分海域已达富营养化程度,其中无机氮是影响大连湾水质的主要污染物,无机磷含量高低是决定赤潮发生与否的限制因子.  相似文献   

Geographic information system (GIS) has become one of the leading tools in the field of hydrogeological science that helps in assessing, monitoring, and conserving groundwater resources. Groundwater is a finite resource, which is being overexploited due to increase in demand over the years leading to decrease in its potentiality. In the present study, DRASTIC model has been used to prepare groundwater vulnerable zone in hard rock aquifer of granitic terrain. The main objective is to determine susceptible zone for groundwater pollution by integrating hydrogeological layers in GIS environment. The layers such as depth of aquifer, recharge, aquifer yield, soil type, topography, vadose zone, and transmissivity are incorporated in the DRASTIC model. The final output of the map shows that around 60% of the area falls under low to no risk of pollution zone. The high risk of pollution zones are mostly present towards the margin of southeastern periphery. The lower part of the basin as well as small area on northern side falls under moderate risk of pollution zone. For the assessment of groundwater pollution zone, 24 groundwater samples have been collected from different vulnerable zones. The chemical analysis of sample shows that the southeastern margin of basin has relatively high concentration of nitrate as compared to other parts of the basin. It is present in high pollution zone as well as moderate pollution zone. The present model can be used for assessment and management of groundwater.  相似文献   

岳阳市南湖水体富营养化趋势研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
监测了湖南岳阳市南湖水体富营养化指标和纳污状况,分析了南湖水体富营养化趋势,探讨了人工水产养殖对南湖水体富营养化的影响。  相似文献   

Multicriteria analysis is widely used to perform sustainability evaluation for purposes such as decision making or progress assessment following a chosen sustainable development concept. The stages of multicriteria analysis include indicator selection, data characterization, normalization, weighting, and aggregation. However, due to the various framings of sustainability, non-equivalent approaches could be adopted at each stage, introducing methodological uncertainty. Consequently, depending on the methods chosen, divergent and conflicting conclusions or decisions may result. This paper addresses the issue of methodological uncertainties in sustainability evaluation by analyzing how methodological uncertainties arise during multicriteria analysis, then proposing an analytical framework that employs uncertainty and sensitivity analyses to quantify and manage the effects of methodological uncertainties. The consideration of methodological uncertainties in the structure of multicriteria sustainability evaluation shifts the analysis from deterministic to probabilistic, which is advantageous to arrive at robust and homogenized sustainability conclusions or decisions.  相似文献   

湖泊富营养化评价方法及分级标准   总被引:215,自引:14,他引:215  
由于人类活动的影响 ,湖泊富营养化引起的环境问题日益突出。而目前现有的富营养化评价方法和分级标准混乱 ,因此有必要统一评价方法和分级标准 ,以便加强对湖泊的管理 ,保护湖泊生态环境  相似文献   

Landslides are geomorphological phenomena that affect anthropogenic and natural features on the Earth’s surface. Many previous studies have identified several factors that have contributed to landslides. Among these factors are physical characteristics, such as slope, aspect, and land cover, of Earth’s surface. Moreover, landslides can be triggered by human activities such as underground mining. This study aims to identify landslide susceptibility areas by analyzing landslide-related factors, including land subsidence triggered by underground mining. The area of interest was Kozlu, Turkey, where underground mining has been in progress for the past 100 years. Thus, to identify landslide risk zones, the multicriteria decision analysis method, together with the analytical hierarchy method, was used. The datasets included were topography, land cover, geological settings, and mining-induced land subsidence. The spatial extent of land subsidence was estimated using a previously published model. A landslide susceptibility map (LSM) was developed using a purposely developed GIS-based software. The results were compared with a terrain deformation map, which was developed in a separate study using the differential synthetic aperture radar interferometry (DInSAR) technique. The results showed a substantial correlation between the LSM and DInSAR map. Furthermore, it was found that ~?88% of the very high and high landslide risk areas coincided with location of the past landslide events. These facts suggest that the algorithm and data sources used were sufficient to produce a sufficiently accurate LSM, which may be used for various purposes such as urban planning.  相似文献   

The quality assessment of coastal waters of a tourist resort, on the basis of water quality criteria was attempted by using different quantitative approaches. Five variables related to eutrophication, that is nitrate, nitrite, ammonia, phosphate and chl were analyzed. Graphical methods were applied to all variables as well as unvariate statistical methods on the total inorganic nitrogen. Cluster analysis based on the five variables was also applied as an approach for numerical classification of the coastal waters. Comparison between the unvariate and multivariate methods used, was attempted to assess the validity of the procedures. The suitability of the methods used in coastal water management is also discussed.  相似文献   

The monitoring of eutrophication can be performed by measuring the turnover times of amino acids in watermasses using the Wright-Hobbie uptake kinetics approach.The substrate specificity of amino acids varies greater with turnover times than with sampling location in watermasses with a certain water type. Thus a specific substrate among the essential amino acids should be selected to use for measuring the turnover time, in order to monitor precisely the state of trophic excitation within the steady-state oscillation in a certain aquatic system. On the other hand, either singular or plural substrates among the essential amino acids can be used for measuring the turnover time for the identification of a watermass, relevant to eutrophication.  相似文献   

An investigation is reported of the degree of metal pollution in the sediments of Kafrain Dam and the origin of these metals. Fourteen sampling sites located at Kafrain Dam were chosen for collecting the surface, cutbank, and dam bank sediment samples. The sediment samples have been subjected to a total digestion technique and analyzed by atomic absorption spectrometer for metals including Pb, Zn, Cd, Ni, Co, Cr, Cu, Mn, and Fe. XRD analyses indicate that the sediments of Kafrain Dam are mainly composed of calcite, dolomite, quartz, orthoclase, microcline, kaolinite, and illite reflecting the geology of the study area. The enrichment factor (EF) and geoaccumulation index (I geo) have been calculated and the relative contamination levels assessed in the study area. The calculations of I geo are found to be more reliable than of those of EF. The enrichment of metals in the study area has been observed to be relatively high. I geo results reveal that the study area is not contaminated with respect to Ni, Co, Cr, Cu, and Mn; moderately to strongly contaminated with Pb; and strongly to extremely contaminated with Cd and Zn. The high contents of Pb, Cd, and Zn in the study area result from anthropogenic activities in the catchment area of the dam site. These sources mainly include the agricultural activities, sewage discharging from various sources within the study area (effluent of wastewater treatment plants, treated and untreated wastewaters, and irrigation return water), and the several industries located in the area. Degrees of correlations among the various metals in the study area are suggested by the results and the intermetallic relationship.  相似文献   

长春南湖富营养化进程中鱼类群落的变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
长春南湖原有鱼类20种。随着富营养化程度的加重,鱼类种类数减少,一些种类绝迹。1992年实施生态工程治理后,鱼类组成以人工放养种类为主。鱼产量波动幅度较大,自20世纪60年代以来呈下降趋势,80年代末达到最低点,90年代有所回升。目前以养殖鱼类为主体,产量较为稳定。鱼类以II龄和III龄个体所占比例最大,I龄和高龄个体较少。  相似文献   

湖泊富营养化评价的S型曲线通用表示式   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
在适当设定富营养化指标的“本底”值情况下 ,当指标值用对应于“本底”值的相对值表示时 ,可采用 S型曲线描述湖泊富营养化发展程度 ,从而公式中的参数可视为与指标特性无关 ,采用遗传算法对公式中的参数优化 ,得到对多项指标通用的富营养化程度的指数计算公式 ,并用广义对比因子赋权新方法计算富营养化综合指数。该评价方法物理意义明确 ,计算简单 ,使用方便 ,具有可比性和通用性  相似文献   

Air pollution has been associated with adverse health effects. Difficulties in interpreting studies of health effects of exposure to air pollution arise in estimating exposure. Until recently, studies of effects of air pollution have relied on pollution exposure measurements obtained from fixed location air pollution stations monitoring outside air (to evaluate compliance with air quality standards, rather than to examine population exposure). However, recent evidence suggests that there are substantial differences between air pollution levels measured at such sites and levels to which people are actually exposed, i.e. personal exposure. The present study examines effects of ambient urban air pollution on persons suffering from asthma, healthy non-asthmatic subjects and school children (in 2 Canadian cities, Toronto and Hamilton). Air pollution exposure is being assessed by data obtained from: (1) conventional abatement oriented fixed location air pollution monitoring stations, (2) an extensive population oriented network, (3) inside and (4) outside structures (homes and schools) as well as (5) personal air pollution samplers. The data indicate variability in these different estimates of exposure which have implications on health effects assessment.  相似文献   

Assessing regional trends in groundwater quality can be a difficult task. Data are often scattered in space and time, and the inertia of groundwater systems can create natural, seemingly persistent changes in concentration that are difficult to separate from anthropogenic trends. Here, we show how statistical methods and software for joint analysis of multiple time series can be integrated into a roadmap for trend analysis and critical examination of data quality. Ordinary and partial Mann–Kendall (MK) tests for monotonic trends and semiparametric smoothers for multiple time series constitute the cornerstones of our procedure. The MK tests include a simple and easily implemented method to correct for serial dependence, and the associated software is designed to enable convenient handling of numerous data series and to accommodate covariates and nondetects. The semiparametric smoothers are intended to facilitate detection of synchronous changes in a network of stations. A study of Swedish groundwater quality data revealed true upward trends in acid-neutralizing capacity and downward trends in sulfate but also a misleading shift in alkalinity level that would have been difficult to detect if the time series had been analyzed separately.  相似文献   

Harpacticoids made up 19 and 30% of the meiobenthos proper by number and 39 and 55% by biomass at maximum depths and a depth of 20 m, respectively, in Lake Päijänne. Harpacticoids accounted for higher proportions of the total meiobenthos in oligotrophic and unpolluted areas than in polluted areas. Seven species were identified, with Canthocamptus staphylinus confined to semi-lotic areas influenced by organic pollution from a pulp mill. Other species exhibited somewhat different distributions in oligotrophic and mesotrophic areas. Harpacticoid densities were most closely correlated with oxygen content and phytoplankton biomass, and correlations with environmental values were closer at maximum depths than at 20 m. Attheyella crassa densities in the deepest zone had most marked negative correlation with total phosphorus, phytoplankton biomass, dissolved organic matter and organic sedimentation, while Paracamptus schmeili had the closest positive correlation with oxygen content. High densities of these species could be classified as an indicator of oligotrophic conditions. Similar correlations, although weaker, were evident for Bryocamptus minutus and still weaker for Bryocamptus echinatus and Moraria brevipes. Clustering of the stations based on harpacticoid abundances gave a similar result to clustering based on environmental data, particularly in the 20 m zone.  相似文献   

A scoring system based on nutrient concentrations was developed to assess coastal water quality according to the trophic level. Three nutrient data sets from eutrophic, mesotrophic and oligotrophic waters were used as the reference information for setting up a semi quantitative water quality scale (from 0 to 5) to express different nutrient loadings. The validity and sensitivity of the method was applied to a number of stations spaced out along the coastal area of Rhodes (Greece). A score for each nutrient/sampling site was calculated and the scorecard formed, was the data matrix used for numerical classification of the stations. The results showed (a) good discrimination between cutrophic, mesotrophic and oligotrophic waters (b) nitrate among the nutrients showed the maximum sensitivity in characterising pollution levels. The reference data sets used for assessing eutrophication levels ensured the objectivity of the method. The proposed method is described step-by-step and it is suggested that the method can be further adapted to describe other forms of pollution becoming a useful quantitative technique in coastal management practices.  相似文献   

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