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The crustose coralline alga Lithothamnium pseudosorum induces high rates of settlement and metamorphosis of larvae of the coral-eating crown-of-thorns starfish (Acanthaster planci). In cases where crustose coralline algae (CCA) induce metamorphosis of marine invertebrate larvae it is normally assumed that the inductive molecules are produced by the alga, but an alternative is that they originate from bacteria on the plant surface. Bioassays using shards of L. pseudosorum treated with several antibiotics, whereby some shards were reinfected with bacteria from the alga, showed that if bacteria populations are depleted then settlement and metamorphosis of larvae of A. planci are inhibited. This demonstrates that bacteria are necessary for induction and suggests that morphogenic substances are produced by bacteria on the surface of the alga and not directly by the alga itself. However, surface bacteria are not inductive if they are isolated from soluble algal compounds, suggesting either that they require a substrate from the alga to produce the inductive agents or, alternatively but less likely, that compounds from both the alga and bacteria are required. There is no evidence that inductive compounds derive from the alga, since algal cell debris and soluble extracts prepared from the alga do not induce metamorphosis of A. planci. This is the first time that induction of metamorphosis in a marine invertebrate by CCA has been shown to be mediated by bacteria associated with the alga.  相似文献   

Different ways of obtaining information about minimal area are studied. The classical species-area curve lacks objectivity. Curves based on similarity indices are objective, in so far that a critical threshold can be defined, where one admits that the minimal area is reached. Comparison is made between Sørensen's qualitative similarity index (based on presence-absence) and Kulczynski's quantitative similarity index (based on numbers of individuals and/or percent cover). In the shallowwater rocky habitats studied, two types of community were distinguished. The first, miniaturized communities are found in dark caves. Their minimal area is about 4,000 cm2. The second, coarser, communities occur on open rocks, either horizontal, sloping or vertical. Their minimal area is 20,000 cm2. Calculations were based mainly on Octocorallia (Coelenterata) which are assumed to be characteristic of the community as a whole.  相似文献   

Encrusting algae have been described as dominant space occupying species on rocky shores around the world. Despite their abundance, however, most studies classify species under generic names (e.g. Ralfsia sp.) or as a functional group (e.g. encrusting algae), thereby underestimating the number of species present and their ecological importance. Studies on six rocky shores of varying exposure, in Hong Kong, recorded eight common species of encrusting algae. The greatest abundance of encrusting algae was recorded on shores of intermediate exposure, where four distinct zonation bands could be identified; a cyanobacterial Kyrtuthrix-Zone in the upper midlittoral, a Bare-Zone below this, a Mixed-Zone in the lower midlittoral and a Coralline-Zone in the infralittoral fringe. Abundance declined on shores of greater and lower exposure to wave action, where bivalves and barnacles were competitively dominant. Certain species were found in greater abundance on exposed shores (e.g. Dermocarpa sp. and Hildenbrandia occidentalis), while others preferred more sheltered shores (e.g. Hildenbrandia prototypus and Kyrtuthrix maculans). With the exception of some cyanobacterial crusts, the abundance of encrusting algae was always greatest towards the low shore, an area of decreased physical stress and increased herbivore density. Zonation patterns showed seasonal variation associated with the monsoonal climate of Hong Kong. Most species increased in abundance during the cool season, while during the summer months the cover and vertical extent of encrusting algae decreased in relation to summer temperatures, although K. maculans increased in abundance during the summer. On Hong Kong shores, encrusting algae have a high species richness and exhibit within-functional group spatial and temporal variation which is mediated by herbivory and seasonal, physical stresses.  相似文献   

Fabio Bulleri 《Marine Biology》2013,160(9):2493-2501
The role played by the urchins, Paracentrotus lividus and Arbacia lixula, in the formation and persistence of barren areas dominated by encrusting coralline macroalgae is yet to be fully elucidated. This study, carried out in the NW Mediterranean (43° 30′N, 10° 20′E) between February 2005 and April 2006, investigated how the loss or density decrease in one or both urchin species influences the recovery of erect macroalgal stands (dominated by filamentous forms) at the margins of barren areas. At a depth of 4–6 m, three barren patches were assigned to each of the following treatments: (1) control (natural densities of A. lixula and P. lividus); (2) 50 % of the natural density of A. lixula and natural density of P. lividus; (3) total removal of A. lixula and natural density of P. lividus; (4) 50 % of the natural density of P. lividus and natural density of A. lixula; (5) total removal of P. lividus and natural density of A. lixula; (6) 50 % of the natural densities of both A. lixula and P. lividus; (7) total removal of both A. lixula and P. lividus. The effects of the herbivore treatments were evaluated either in the presence or the absence of encrusting corallines. The partial or total removal of A. lixula, P. lividus or both favored the proliferation of filamentous macroalgae at the margins of barren patches. The presence of encrusting corallines reduced the development of these macroalgae. The results of this study suggest that a moderate decrease in the density of just one of the two species can decrease the ability of the herbivore assemblage to control the proliferation of filamentous macroalgae at the margins of barren patches. The extent of barren areas appears, therefore, to be regulated by the outcome of density-dependent interactions between the two species of sea urchins.  相似文献   

Y. Achituv 《Marine Biology》1973,18(4):333-336
The distribution of the Mediterranean populations of Asterina wega Perrier is described. Four populations were found to differ in size of animals and regeneration rate. The possible migratory pattern is duscussed.  相似文献   

Shallow rocky habitats in SW Apulia (SE Italy, Mediterranean Sea) were surveyed in late spring 2002 to assess distribution patterns of sea urchins (Paracentrotus lividus and Arbacia lixula) and barren habitats (coralline barrens and bare substrates) in rocky reefs impacted by the destructive fishery of the rock-boring date-mussel Lithophaga lithophaga. Sea urchin density, test size-structure and biomass, and the percent cover of barrens were evaluated at four locations (5–6 km apart from each other), two heavily impacted by the date-mussel fishery and two controls. Sea urchin density and barren habitat cover were assessed at two and three sites (100–300 m apart), respectively, within each location. Sea urchin biomass was evaluated only at the scale of locations. Average density of P. lividus did not significantly change between impacted locations and controls, whereas A. lixula showed a greater density at the impacted locations. Distribution patterns of A. lixula, in addition, differed at the spatial scale of a few metres between impacted locations and controls, being generally more aggregated at the controls. The size-frequency distribution (test diameter) of P. lividus showed a mode at 3–4 cm at the impacted locations compared to a mode at 2–3 cm in the controls. The size-frequency of A. lixula was bimodal at the damaged locations (with modes at 1–2 and 4–5 cm, respectively) and unimodal (with the mode at 4–5 cm) at the controls. Average biomass of both sea urchins (P. lividus and A. lixula) was two- to fourfold greater at the impacted locations (~600 g wet wt m–2) than at the controls (150–250 g wet wt m–2). Barren habitats had a far greater average cover (mainly of macroalgae) at the impacted locations (from 79% to 96%) than at control locations (from 7% to 21%). These results show that the date-mussel fishery may have the potential to affect distribution patterns of sea urchins and to greatly enhance the percent cover of barren grounds in shallow Mediterranean rocky reefs.Communicated by R. Cattaneo-Vietti, Genova  相似文献   

This study reports on the distribution of polychaete assemblages along a depth gradient from 5 to 25 m, along a stretch of rocky coast near Otranto (South Adriatic sea, Italy). Three depths were sampled in May and November 2000. At each depth three sites (about 100 m apart) were sampled by scraping off three replicate quadrats of 20×20 cm. The experimental design enabled identification of across- and along-shore spatial patterns of variation of polychaete assemblages. A total of 4,168 specimens, belonging to 152 taxa were collected. Multivariate analysis showed that the polychaete assemblages differed significantly among depths with the clearest differences between the shallowest sites (5 m) and the deeper ones (15–25 m). A considerable source of variation among sites at each level of the shore was also exhibited by the analyses, with the greatest differences among sites within depths recorded at 5 m. The species most contributing to the differentiation of assemblages among depths and sites within each depth were identified. Some potential causes of the observed differences are hypothesized and discussed. The importance of quantitative observation to provide the context for studying the underlying ecological processes is also stressed.Communicated by R. Cattaneo-Vietti, Genova  相似文献   

Pteraster militaris (O. F. Müller, 1776) broods young in an aboral chamber and broadcasts gametes and offspring as well. The reproductive cycle of a population of P. militaris from the northwest Atlantic Ocean was examined over a 23 mo period from September 1985 to July 1987. The species is gonochoric (sex ratio 1:1), with only one incidence of hermaphroditism observed (n=261). Gonad indices were lower in females than in males, possibly an adaptation to the limited space available in the brood chamber. Body component and maturity indices, gonad histology and response to 1-methyladenine indicate that females in the population have a continuous breeding season, with a slight decrease in intensity in the spring. Males have a more pronounced decrease in the intensity of reproduction in the spring. Gonad development in males in synchronous both within and between individuals. Gonad development in females is asynchronous.  相似文献   

The gonad index in the deposit-feeding asteroid Ctenodiscus crispatus (Retzius) in the Gulf of Maine (USA) is seasonally less variable than in any other sea star, ranging from 2.99 to 4.98% of dry body weight in females and from 2.28 to 3.42% in males, and varies in concert with, rather than reciprocal to, the pyloric caecum index. Biochemical composition and, hence, caloric content, of the gonads also show little seasonal change, suggesting that reproduction is aseasonal and continuous in this population. Oocyte development is asynchronous, all females having a full size range of oocytes (from less than 30 m to greater than 400 m diameter) throughout the year. Seasonally determined size-frequency distributions of juveniles, oocyte cytology and size-frequency distributions, responsiveness of adult females to 1-methyladenine, and oxygen uptake rates indicate that variations in reproductive intensity are superimposed on continuous reproduction, and seem related to changes in phytoplankton production rather than to temperature. The rich neutral lipid content (ca. 50% of total lipid) and large egg size (>400 m) in the ovaries suggest that development is direct. The population is extremely variable genetically, polymorphism among 13 enzyme-coding genes being 77% and average heterozygosity being 0.174. The reproductive pattern and genetic variation in the eurybathic C. crispatus are similar to those in deep-sea echinoderms. This may be related to the constancy of the population's detrital food source, to small-scale heterogeneity of its physical environment, and to low individual vagility.  相似文献   

A photoperiod regime 6 mo out of phase between December 1978 and August 1980 resulted in gametogenesis, gonadal growth, and spawning in laboratory-maintained sea stars [Pisaster ochraceus (Brandt)] 6 mo out of phase with individuals in the field or laboratory on normal celestial photoperiods at Santa Cruz, California (USA). The seasonal fluctuation of pyloric cecum size also was shifted when the sea stars were held on the out-of-phase photoperiod regime. Phase shift of all these events was evident within 6 to 9 mo. Long daylengths (or short nightlengths) in spring and summer apparently synchronize or entrain the initiaion of gametogenesis and gonadal growth in fall.  相似文献   

Stomach contents of the sea star species Astropecten aranciacus (L.) and A. bispinosus (Otto) consisted of roughly the same sort of prey, mostly bivalves and irregular sea urchins. However, the two predators ingested prey of different size classes. The stomach contents of A. bispinosus reflected the size distribution of the benthic macrofauna, while larger prey was more frequent in the stomach contents of A. aranciacus. As the density of prey in the investigated area is low, A. aranciacus and A. bispinosus are likely to compete for food. Possible mechanisms reducing the effect of competition are discussed.  相似文献   

The early development of Odontaster validus at McMurdo Sound, Antarctica, is indirect and includes equal cleavage, a convoluted blastula, a free-swimming coeloblastula, a gastrula, and a feeding bipinnaria larva. Development differs from that of other asteroids in two respects: (1) The developmental rate is extremely slow; blastulae form nearly 2 days after fertilization, gastrulation begins after 7 days, and the bipinnaria develops in about 40 to 55 days. The slow developmental rate appears to be only partly related to the low environmental temperature (-1.5°C). (2) The embryos and larvae are largely demersal. Such behavior may be an adaptation to keep the larvae out of antarctic surface waters, as does brooding in many other polar echinoderms.  相似文献   

Changes in intracellular distribution of recent (labelled) photosynthate during light-dark incubations were consistent with overnight consumption of low molecular weight compounds and carbohydrate, but continued protein synthesis, in sea ice algae from Resolute Passage, Canada, during April and May, 1986. Synthesis of labelled protein at night varied with preceding light availability but was always less than 30% of the daytime rate. Comparisons of labelled photosynthate dynamics against oxygen consumption and net changes of particulate matter composition and concentration showed that soluble polysaccharide was not the only major metabolic substrate, and that much of the carbon lost overnight was not recent, labelled photosynthate. Total net lipid synthesis was greatly underestimated by labelled photosynthate allocation. However, overnight consumption of the labelled lipid was directly proportional to photon flux density in the preceding light period, suggesting a short-term energy storage function for the small labelled portion of the total lipid pool. Arctic ice algae appear to incorporate only limited amounts of recent photosynthate into their large lipid pools even over a full 24 h photoperiod.  相似文献   

Individuals and populations of Odontaster validus Koehler differed markedly among different habitats, as revealed in a study from October 1984 through January 1986 in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica. At McMurdo Station, individual sizes (wet weight) and population biomass (g wet wt m-2 and kJ m-2) decreased significantly with increasing depth. Individuals from shallow (10 to 20 m) habitats were in superior nutritional condition to those from deeper water (30 and 165 m), as shown by higher gonad and pyloric cecum indexes, and by higher lipid and energetic levels in the pyloric ceca. Moreover, gonadal output (reproductive output) was higher in shallow-water individuals. Higher levels of chlorophyll in the pyloric ceca and richer yellow to red coloration of the body wall in the shallow-water individuals indicate that they utilize the higher levels of primary production at shallow depths. At East Cape Armitage, where nearly permanent, thick, snow-covered ice most of the year resulted in very low levels of benthic primary production, the lowdensity sea stars were all very small and nutritionally similar to the deep-water individuals at McMurdo Station. At Cape Evans, where the generally snow-free sea-ice that broke up in mid-summer resulted in a luxurient benthic cover of diatoms and macroalgae, the sea stars were smaller than at McMurdo Station at comparable depths, but population densities were higher, resulting in 4 to 9 times greater biomass. Growth rates of sea stars fed in the laboratory were very low, especially compared to laboratory-reared temperate and tropical species; well-fed individuals need about 9 yr to reach 30 g wet weight, near the mean size of shallowwater individuals at McMurdo Station. No growth was detected in individuals caged at McMurdo Station for one year, suggesting even lower growth rates in the field. The stable size-frequency distributions at the different sites and depths throughout the year-long study suggest highly stable populations with low temporal variability in recruitment, migration and mortality. These data indicate that individuals and populations of O. validus quantitatively and qualitatively reflect the general level of productivity of a habitat. Differences noted in size, coloration, nutrition, and reproductive effort may be the result of long-term integration of local levels of primary production. These ubiquitous sea stars may serve as a biotic indicator of productivity in localized habitats around the continental shelf of Antarctica.  相似文献   

Settlement into the benthic habitat may be an important process in regulating sea urchin abundance, which potentially modifies the structure of benthic communities. Strong settlement events may increase sea urchin abundance beyond a certain threshold, leading to the formation of coralline barrens (overgrazed communities with a dominance of encrusting coralline algae). To understand the role of settlement in regulating sea urchin populations we first need to determine settlement variability. Temporal variation in settlement of the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus was monitored at three sites in the Medes Islands, NW Mediterranean, during three settlement seasons (March 1998 through October 2000). Spatial variation in settlement was studied in 1999 at 50 sites along a gradient of exposures to waves and currents, inside and outside the archipelago, and separated by distances from tens to thousands of meters. Bathymetric distribution of settlement was also studied in 2000 at six sites at 5, 10, 15 and 20 m depths. Settlement of P. lividus occurred in a single annual peak within 3 weeks in May–June. Differences in settlement between years were more than two orders of magnitude. Spatial variability was found at all scales investigated, showing strong patchiness at the smallest spatial scales (tens of meters). Sea urchins settled preferentially at depths between 5 and 10 m. Substratum type, level of protection, and adult population densities were not significant in determining settlement. However, settlement was found to be related to the degree of exposure to waves and currents, indicating that physical processes are very important at the spatial scales investigated. This greatly variable settlement is a necessary, although not sufficient, condition to create gradients of adult P. lividus abundance. Further studies should be designed to investigate the interaction between settlement strength and post-settlement mortality.Communicated by O. Kinne, Oldendorf/Luhe  相似文献   

Connell  S. D. 《Marine Biology》2003,142(6):1065-1071
Encrusting-coralline-algae habitat monopolized the substrata (>74% cover) under canopies of Ecklonia radiata at four sites (~1 km apart) within each of four localities (>100 km apart) spanning >1000 km of continuous South Australian coastline. This monopolization was analyzed experimentally to test whether canopy-mediated shade and sedimentation account for this canopy–understorey association. I tested the hypothesis that initially different habitat types (turf-forming-algae habitat versus habitat dominated by encrusting coralline algae) will converge to become like those under E. radiata if subjected to lower light and accumulation of sediment in the absence of E. radiata. Convergence in the absence of canopies, but in physically similar environments as under canopies, provides strong evidence that understorey habitats are primarily dependent on the manipulated environments. The experiment was provided with sufficient time (338 days) to adequately test for convergence as evidenced by indistinguishable percentage covers of encrusting coralline algae between canopies and treatments of shade on previously unoccupied rock and between habitat types transplanted to canopies. Convergence of habitat types, however, did not occur under treatments of shade and sedimentation. The effect of lowering light accounted for ~52% of the effect of canopies on percentage cover of encrusting-coralline-algae habitat. The effect of reducing sediment accumulation under shade was negligible. The magnitude of unaccounted effects (~48%) highlights a need to assess alternative factors that act to exclude taxa from or include taxa in the understorey assemblage. It is clear that canopies place strong constraints on the presence and abundance of many taxa, but not encrusting-algae habitats which beneficially coexist as understorey. A more complete identification of such positive and negative effects is needed to improve our understanding of the conditions that produce readily recognizable canopy–understorey associations that are repeated with great fidelity on a regional scale.  相似文献   

桑沟湾水体中多氯联苯的时空分布特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
气相色谱法分析并结合外标法,定量测定2009年4个航次桑沟湾海域水体中7种多氯联苯类化合物的含量,探讨了多氯联苯污染物在该海域组成以及时空分布特征.结果表明,桑沟湾水体中,多氯联苯的组成主要以低氯取代物为主.该海域多氯联苯含量分布特征呈现为夏季最高,秋春季次之,冬季最低.与其它海域相比,其含量处于中等水平,且低于美国环保局规定的标准值.  相似文献   

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