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Ground level nitrogen dioxide (NO2) concentrations have been measured for one year over an area of 400 square kilometres in rural New Zealand using an array of 21 sites. Three passive samplers were exposed at each site for intervals of two weeks from August 1989 to August 1990. The exposure sites were centred around the Waikato Valley township of Huntly (population 6900). Important features of the survey area include a 1000 MW thermal power station situated on the outskirts of the town, the Waikato River and State Highway 1, a major north-south traffic route along the valley. The NO2 concentrations in the survey area ranged from below 0.1 to 10.1 ppb, with an annual average of 1.2 ppb. Seasonal variations indicate summer values about three times lower than those found in the winter. The spatial distribution of NO2 appears to be related to contributions from State Highway 1.  相似文献   

The Three-North Shelter Forest Program is the largest afforestation reconstruction project in the world. Remote sensing is a crucial tool to map land use and land cover change, but it is still challenging to accurately quantify the change in forest extent from time-series satellite images. In this paper, 30 Landsat MSS/TM/ETM+ epochs from 1974 to 2012 were collected, and the high-quality ground surface reflectance (GSR) time-series images were processed by integrating the 6S atmosphere transfer model and a relative reflectance normalization algorithm. Subsequently, we developed a vegetation change tracking method to reconstruct the forest change history (afforestation and deforestation) from the time-series Landsat GSR images based on the integrated forest z-score (IFZ) model by Huang et al. (2009a), which was improved by multi-phenological IFZ models and the smoothing processing of IFZ data for afforestation mapping. The mapping result showed a large increase in the extent of forest, from 380,394 ha (14.8 % of total district area) in 1974 to 1,128,380 ha (43.9 %) in 2010. Finally, the land cover and forest change map was validated with an overall accuracy of 89.1 % and a kappa coefficient of 0.858. The forest change time was also successfully retrieved, with 22.2 % and 86.5 % of the change pixels attributed to the correct epoch and within three epochs, respectively. The results confirmed a great achievement of the ecological revegetation projects in Yulin district over the last 40 years and also illustrated the potential of the time-series of Landsat images for detecting forest changes and estimating tree age for the artificial forest in a semi-arid zone strongly influenced by human activities.  相似文献   

Drought-induced anomalies in vegetation condition over wide areas can be observed by using time-series satellite remote sensing data. Previous methods to assess the anomalies may include limitations in considering (1) the seasonality in terms of each vegetation-cover type, (2) cumulative damage during the drought event, and (3) the application to various types of land cover. This study proposed an improved methodology to assess drought impact from the annual vegetation responses, and discussed the result in terms of diverse landscape mosaics in the Mt. Kenya region (0.4° N 35.8° E?~?1.6° S 38.4° E). From the 30-year annual rainfall records at the six meteorological stations in the study area, we identified 2000 as the drought year and 2001, 2004, and 2007 as the normal precipitation years. The time-series profiles of vegetation condition in the drought and normal precipitation years were obtained from the values of Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI; Huete et al. 2002), which were acquired from Terra MODIS remote sensing dataset (MOD13Q1) taken every 16 days at the scale of 250-m spatial resolution. The drought impact was determined by integrating the annual differences in EVI profiles between drought and normal conditions, per pixel based on nearly same day of year. As a result, we successfully described the distribution of landscape vulnerability to drought, considering the seasonality of each vegetation-cover type at every MODIS pixel. This result will contribute to the large-scale landscape management of Mt. Kenya region. Future study should improve this method by considering land-use change occurred during the long-term monitoring period.  相似文献   

This is the first comprehensive study of sources of variation in metal concentrations within the whole tissues of a shallow burrowing, filter-feeding intertidal clam, Austrovenus stutchburyi. Samples were collected from 12 sites in April, August, November and February in 1993–1994 in the vicinity of Otago Harbour and Peninsula, New Zealand. Total tissue trace metal concentrations (μg g−1 dry weight) were measured in individual animals for the essential metals : Mn, Cu, Zn, Ni and the non-essential Cr using trace-metal clean acid-digestion and ICP-OAES techniques. Average metal concentrations were 3–60 μg g−1 for Cu, 40–118 μg g−1 for Zn, 2–12 μg g−1 for Mn, 5–35 μg g−1 for Ni and 1–44 μg g−1 for Cr. These levels decreased with body weight and differed amongst sites except for Cr in February (mid-summer). Highest concentrations occurred at sites close to a city (Dunedin) and within the central harbour region although the Cu, Zn, Ni and Cr concentrations did not correlate with the environmental gradient or season. At one coastal site, samples of both the blue mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis and cockles gave similar trends in trace metal levels. These results suggest that the cockle could be a useful trace metal biomonitor within NZ estuaries.  相似文献   

We studied the quality of water obtained using a new method of tapping underground water seepages by digging shallow water collection chambers in the Almora Hills of the state of Uttar Pradesh, India; quality of this water was compared with that of water obtained using traditional water sources in this region, namely naulas (surface seepages) and springs.Water from both the new and the traditional water sources had an excess of chromium and, in some samples, of iron and lead. Microbiological analysis showed that water from new water sources was safer than that obtained from tradional sources; however, only 40% of the shallow seepages provided water conforming to WHO standards on water quality.We conclude that tapping of underground water seepages may be a useful method of providing potable water to populations living in the hills. However, further improvement is necessary in the maintenance of the clean catchment area and in disposal of waste water from these water sources to ensure water quality.  相似文献   

A study has been performed on the characteristics and behavior of surface ozone concentrations at four monitoring sites in Auckland, New Zealand (37 degrees S, 174.8 degrees E) for a four-year period (October 1997-October 2001). One monitoring site (rural) was located upwind of the Auckland urban complex, a second downwind (rural-coastal), and a third within the urban area, while the fourth was an elevated urban-city site located 250 m up the Sky Tower in the central city. In contrast to the high elevation site, the diurnal behaviour of ozone at the three low elevation sites followed a typical solar radiation cycle with high ozone during the day and low nocturnal values. The effect of NO(x) titration was distinct at the urban sites. There was also a seasonal variability in the measured ozone levels with high concentrations in spring and a significant summer minimum. The observed surface ozone concentrations in Auckland were significantly lower than other cities of the world, although a potential for high oxidant formation existed. Observed ozone episodes appear to have been either generated locally or the precursors transported via the prevailing southwest wind. A unique feature of Auckland's air quality is the dilution of polluted city air due to the mixing of east-coast air into the clean west-coast circulation leading to the overall lower average concentrations in summer. A second feature is the potential interaction between sea salt particles and ozone that may provide an additional ozone loss mechanism.  相似文献   

Probable sources and mechanisms of arsenic (As) release in shallow aquifer in eastern Bangladesh are evaluated using statistical analysis of groundwater compositions. Dissolved As in 39 samples ranged from 8.05 to 341.5 μg/L with an average of 95.14 μg/L. Ninety seven percent of wells exceed the WHO limit (10 μg/L) for safe drinking water. Principal component analysis is applied to reduce 16 measured compositional variables to five significant components (principal components—PCs) that explain 86.63% of the geochemical variance. Two component loadings, namely PC 1 and PC 2 (45.31% and 23.05%) indicate the natural processes within the aquifers in which organic matter is a key reactant in the weathering reactions. Four groups of wells are defined by the PCA and each group of wells represents distinct physicochemical characteristics. Among them, group III groundwater shows higher As concentration together with high concentrations of Fe, Mn, dissolved organic carbon, $\text{PO}_{4}^{3-}$ and $\text{HCO}_{3}^{-}$ than groups I and II. Speciation calculations suggest that only wells of group III are saturated with respect to siderite, and all groups of samples are supersaturated with respect of rhodochrosite. The relationship of As with these parameters in the different groups of wells of the study area suggests that reductive dissolution of Fe–Mn oxyhydroxides with microbially mediated degradation of organic matter is considered to be the dominant processes to release As in groundwater.  相似文献   

The characteristics of organic phosphorus (P(o)) fractions in the sediments of nine lakes from the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River region, Yungui Plateau, Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, Northeast China Region, and Mongolia-Xinjiang Plateau, China were investigated and the differences of the different lakes on P fractionation was discussed. The results indicated that organic matter (OM) showed significant positive correlations with P(o) in sediment samples, and the rank order of the P(o) fractions was: residual P(o) > HCl-P(o) > fulvic acid-P(o) > humic acid-P(o) > NaHCO(3)-P(o) with mean relative proportions 7.4 : 3.4 : 2.4 : 1.7 : 1.0. The labile and moderately labile P(o) were the main fractions in the sediments for shallow eutrophic lakes except for Lake Qilu, however, nonlabile P(o) was dominant in the sediments from deep lakes. Labile P(o) was significantly correlated with total phosphorus (TP), inorganic phosphorus (P(i)), P(o), NaHCO(3)-P(i), HCl-P(i) and NaOH-P(i), and the nonlabile P(o) was significantly and positively related to OM, TP, P(o) and NaOH-P(i).  相似文献   

The present study evaluated the mutagenic potential of surface water from the Lucrecia dam. The Tradescantia-micronucleus (Trad-MCN) test and CBMN assay in human peripheral blood lymphocytes were applied, corresponding to an in vivo and in vitro system, respectively. Heavy metals and some physicochemical properties were also measured. Water samples were collected in November 2009 (dry season) and May 2010 (rainy season) at three different points. Results of both assays for raw water showed positive responses for the points analyzed when compared to the negative control. The CBMN assay showed that diluted water was still able to induce a significant increase in micronucleus frequency. For both assays, the highest mean MN was observed in the dry season. Chemical analyses detected an increase in heavy metal levels at the sampling points and in the different seasons. These findings indicate the presence of genotoxins, such as heavy metals, in the water, which may be affecting the entire ecosystem, as well as human health. More prolonged monitoring is recommended in order to better characterize this public water supply.  相似文献   

The present paper deals with the distribution of sediment and sediment-bound nutrients in two important coastal lagoons of southern Kerala such as the Ashtamudi Estuarine Lagoon in the Kollam district and the Kadinamkulam Lagoon in the Thiruvananthapuram district. Among the two lagoons, the former is coast perpendicular, and the latter is coast parallel. An analysis of the textural characteristics reveals that, in both lagoons, the estuarine mouth and areas close to it are dominated by sand and sand-rich sediment species, indicating a high-energy depositional regime prevailing the region. On the other hand, the silt and clay dominant arms are almost sheltered and enjoy a low-energy depositional environment. The nutrient and organic carbon contents in the sheltered areas are significantly higher than the most dynamic high-energy estuarine mouth regions. This peculiar behaviour of these coastal water bodies has to be given adequate importance while laying down strategies for the conservation and management of these fragile aquatic systems in the south-western coast of India in particular and tropical coasts of the world in general.  相似文献   

The present study was intended to develop a Water Quality Index (WQI) for the coastal water of Visakhapatnam, India from multiple measured water quality parameters using different multivariate statistical techniques. Cluster analysis was used to classify the data set into three major groups based on similar water quality characteristics. Discriminant analysis was used to generate a discriminant function for developing a WQI. Discriminant analysis gave the best result for analyzing the seasonal variation of water quality. It helped in data reduction and found the most discriminant parameters responsible for seasonal variation of water quality. Coastal water was classified into good, average, and poor quality considering WQI and the nutrient load. The predictive capacity of WQI was proved with random samples taken from coastal areas. High concentration of ammonia in surface water during winter was attributed to nitrogen fixation by the phytoplankton bloom which resulted due to East India Coastal Current. This study brings out the fact that water quality in the coastal region not only depends on the discharge from different pollution sources but also on the presence of different current patterns. It also illustrates the usefulness of WQI for analyzing the complex nutrient data for assessing the coastal water and identifying different pollution sources, considering reasons for seasonal variation of water quality.  相似文献   

This study aims at the classification and water quality assessment of Harike wetland (Ramsar site) in India using satellite images from the Indian Remote Sensing satellite, Resourcesat (IRS P6). The Harike wetland is a converging zone of two rivers, Beas and Sutlej. The satellite images of IRS Linear Imaging Self Scanner (LISS) IV multispectral sensor with three bands (green, red, and near infrared (NIR)) and a spatial resolution of 5.8 m were classified using supervised image classification techniques. Field points for image classification and water sampling were recorded using a Garmin eTrex Global Positioning System. The water quality parameters assessed were dissolved oxygen, conductivity, pH, turbidity, total and suspended solids (SS), chemical oxygen demand, and Secchi disk transparency (SDT). Correlations were established between turbidity and SS, SS and SDT, and total solids and turbidity. Using reflectance values from the green, red, and NIR bands, we then plotted the water quality parameters with the mean digital number values from the satellite imagery. The NIR band correlated significantly with the water quality parameters, whereas, using SDT values, it was observed that the green and the red reflectance bands were able to distinguish the waters from the two rivers, which have different water qualities.  相似文献   

Mangroves are known for their global environmental and socioeconomic value. Despite their importance, mangrove like other ecosystems is now being threatened by natural and human-induced processes that damage them at alarming rates, thereby diminishing the limited number of existing mangrove vegetation. The development of a spatial vulnerability assessment model that takes into consideration environmental and socioeconomic criteria, in spatial and non-spatial formats has been attempted in this study. According to the model, 11 different input parameters are required in modelling mangrove vulnerability. These parameters and their effects on mangrove vulnerability were selected and weighted by experts in the related fields. Criteria identification and selection were mainly based on effects of environmental and socioeconomic changes associated with mangrove survival. The results obtained revealed the dominance of socioeconomic criteria such as population pressure and deforestation, with high vulnerability index of 0.75. The environmental criteria was broadly dispersed in the study area and represents vulnerability indices ranging from 0.00?C0.75. This category reflects the greater influence of pollutant input from oil wells and pipelines and minimal contribution from climatic factors. This project has integrated spatial management framework for mangrove vulnerability assessment that utilises information technology in conjunction with expert knowledge and multi-criteria analysis to aid planners and policy/ decision makers in the protection of this very fragile ecosystem.  相似文献   

The coastal water quality of Mumbai is deteriorating due to various point and non-point wastewater sources. Hence, it is desirable to monitor coastal water quality for various water-related activities like bathing, contact water sports, recreation, and commercial fishing. The objective of this paper is to assess the seasonal water quality on the basis of seawater standards. Based on water-quality analysis of 17 seafronts and beaches, most of the parameters were exceeding the standards. The statistical cluster analysis was carried out for evaluating impact of wastewater and sewage discharges. The hierarchical cluster analysis resulted into three clustered groups, namely less polluted, moderately polluted, and highly polluted sites with similar characteristics of water quality. Mahim was found to be worst-affected beach due to incoming organic load from the Mithi river in comparison to other seafronts and beaches. Unaccounted sources of sewage and wastewater should be identified and rerouted through sewerage system by improving collection efficiency, treatment, and proper disposal for achieving designated receiving water quality standards.  相似文献   

Covering more than 60% of the lake surface, macrophytes determined the taxonomic composition of phytoplankton. We have found numerous indications of ecological deterioration and an increased trophic level year to year: an increased total number of taxa; a significantly increased number of species of Chlorophyta, Bacillariophyceae and Cyanoprokaryota; a decreased number of Chrysophyceae; increased Nygaard index, and high diversity and variability of phytoplankton functional groups. Within 2 years (2002 and 2003) algal biomass doubled: from 3.616 to 7.968 mg l?1. An increased contribution of Chlorococcales and Cyanoprokaryota indicates progressive eutrophication of the lake. The average size of planktonic algae increased, particularly Cyanoprokaryota, where small-celled decreased dramatically and were replaced by large colonies. Cyanoprokaryota remained the dominant group of phytoplankton after 10 years, and the ecosystem of the lake remained in the turbid state. This group of algae had the average biomass 9.734 mg l?1, which constituted almost 92% of the total biomass.  相似文献   

In this study, the hydrochemical characteristics of shallow groundwater were analyzed to get insight into the factors affecting groundwater quality in a typical agricultural dominated area of the North China Plain. Forty-four shallow groundwater samples were collected for chemical analysis. The water type changes from Ca·Na-HCO3 type in grass land to Ca·Na-Cl (+NO3) type and Na (Ca)-Cl (+NO3+SO4) type in construction and facility agricultural land, indicating the influence of human activities. The factor analysis and geostatistical analysis revealed that the two major factors contributing to the groundwater hydrochemical compositions were the water-rock interaction and contamination from sewage discharge and agricultural fertilizers. The major ions (F, HCO3) and trace element (As) in the shallow groundwater represented the natural origin, while the nitrate and sulfate concentrations were related to the application of fertilizer and sewage discharge in the facility agricultural area, which was mainly affected by the human activities. The values of pH, total dissolved solids, electric conductivity, and conventional component (K, Ca, Na, Mg, Cl) in shallow groundwater increased from grass land and cultivated land, to construction land and to facility agriculture which were originated from the combination sources of natural processes (e.g., water-rock interaction) and human activities (e.g., domestic effluents). The study indicated that both natural processes and human activities had influences on the groundwater hydrochemical compositions in shallow groundwater, while anthropogenic processes had more contribution, especially in the reclaimed water irrigation area.  相似文献   

Selected trace metals were estimated by atomic absorption spectrometry in the water and soil samples collected from the remote region of Himalaya. The soil samples were analysed for soluble and acid extractable fraction of trace metals. In water samples, Ca, Na, Mg and K emerged as dominant contributors, whereas, Ca, Na, K, Mg, Fe and Pb were estimated at comparatively higher levels in the water extract of the soil. In case of acid extract of the soil samples, Ca, K, Fe, Mg, Mn and Na were found at elevated concentrations. Based on mean levels of the metals, following decreasing concentration order was observed in water samples: Ca > Na > Mg > K > Pb > Co > Cu > Zn > Mn > Cr > Fe > Cd > Li, however, in the acid extract of the soil, following order was noted: Ca > K > Fe > Mg > Mn > Na > Pb > Zn > Cr > Li > Cu > Co > Cd. The correlation study revealed appreciably diverse mutual relationships of trace metals in the water and soil samples. The multivariate cluster analyses exhibited divergent apportionment of trace metals in water and soil samples. Among the trace metals, Cd, Pb, Li, Zn, Cr, Cu, Mn and Co exhibited extreme to significant anthropogenic enrichment in the soil samples, while the rest of the metals were mostly contributed by the natural processes.  相似文献   

利用遥感软件ENVI 5.2的FLAASH大气校正模块,对盐城市2013—2014年共22景Landsat 8卫星OLI影像进行了区域大气能见度遥感反演,并与盐城市环境监测中心站的空气自动监测子站的PM10、PM2.5以及当地气象部门的能见度观测数据进行了对比。结果表明,OLI遥感影像可以对区域尺度大气能见度进行有效的观测,反演的区域性大气能见度水平与地面空气质量自动监测结果存在消长关系,与地面能见度数据有近70%的一致性。  相似文献   

Concentrations of heavy metals (Cu, Cr, Fe, Pb, Zn, Hg, Ni, and Cd) and macronutrients (Mn) were measured in industrial effluents, water, bottom sediments, and wetland plants from a reservoir, Govind Ballabh (G.B.) Pant Sagar, in Singrauli Industrial region, India. The discharge point of a thermal power plant, a coal mine, and chlor-alkali effluent into the G.B. Pant Sagar were selected as sampling sites with one reference site in order to compare the findings. The concentrations of heavy metals in filtered water, sieved sediment samples (0.4-63 microm), and wetland plants were determined with particle-induced X-ray emission. The collected plants were Aponogeton natans, L. Engl. & Krause, Cyperus rotundus, L., Hydrilla verticillata, (L.f.) Royle, Ipomoea aquatica, Forssk., Marsilea quadrifolia, L., Potamogeton pectinatus, L., Eichhornia crassipes, (Mart.) Solms Monogr., Lemna minor, L., Spirodela polyrhiza (L.) Schleid. Linnaea, Azolla pinnata, R.Br., Vallisneria spiralis, L., and Polygonum amphibium, L. In general, metal concentration showed a significant positive correlation between industrial effluent, lake water, and lake sediment (p < 0.01). Likewise, significant positive correlation was recorded with metals concentration in plants and lake ambient, which further indicated the potential of aforesaid set of wetland macrophytes for pollution monitoring.  相似文献   

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