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环境监测科研管理相关问题探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
环境监测科研是环境监测的一项基础性工作,是环境监测事业发展的重要保障。加强环境监测科研工作,需要不断探索适合于时代发展和环境监测以及环境管理工作实际情况的环境监测科研管理模式。对环境监测科研管理的内涵和特点进行了分析;对环境监测科研管理部门的定位、环境监测科研管理的科研计划管理、环境监测科研管理中的科研队伍建设等进行了探讨。  相似文献   

阐述了油田外排废水环境监测周报的内容。指出开展周报工作,增强了监测人员的责任心和质量意识;确立了环境监测的社会地位;实现了废水稳定达标排放;促进了环保目标责任制的落实;完善了环保管理制度,提高了环保管理水平;取得了良好的社会效益和环境效益。  相似文献   

江苏省环境监测现代化建设方案   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
阐述了江苏省环境监测现代化建设的指导思想、基本原则和主要目标。指出环境监测现代化建设的任务是建立符合现代化要求的管理体制和运行机制,强化政府职能,建立全省环境监测统一监督管理体制,引导培育监测市场,优化配置监测力量,建立以政府为主导的多元化环境监测投入机制;建立保障生态省建设的监测体系,包括全省环境自动监测(控)系统、遥测遥感系统、人居环境监测技术体系和现代化监测信息系统,实现实验室技术装备现代化和监测科研现代化;建立一支符合现代化要求的环境监测骨干队伍,建立现代人力资源组织方式、增值机制和考核激励机制,加强行业文明建设和行业文化建设;建立符合现代化要求的法制保障体系。提出了实施环境监测现代化建设的主要保障措施。  相似文献   

从环境监测工作的方针和职能论述了环境监测在实行污染物排放总量控制中的支持和保障作用;从实行总量控制的技术要求阐明了需要环境监测的支持和保障,并提出了总量控制要建立以环境监测为主体的技术支持和保障体系,以促进总量控制计划目标的实现  相似文献   

阐述了环境监测工作中存在的问题及环境监测部门面临新形势应如何采取对策迎接挑战。指出环境监测工作中存在的主要问题是“说不清”、“跟不上”和“不规范”,提出环境监测部门应树立全局意识,围绕大局,紧贴中心,在综合决策服务上寻求新的突破;树立质量意识,在为管理提供技术支持上寻求新的突破;树立竞争意识,培育中介机构,在市场竞争中寻求新的突破;树立忧患意识,在转变作风、提高效能上寻求新的突破。  相似文献   

第五次全国环境监测质量保证工作会议于1997年4月8~1工日在四川省都江堰市召开。会议的主要内容为总结“八五’’PIW全国环境监测质量保证工作的成绩与不足及今后的发展和主要任务;讨论“空气与废气监测质量保证技术规定(讨论稿)”。参加会议的有省、直辖市、自治区和重点城市监测站共70余个,130余人。会议期间,四川省环保局谷声文副局长到会致词;中国环境监测总站魏复盛副站长对全国环境监测质量保证工作作了题为“总结经验,继续前进,为全面实现环境监测质量保证系统化而努力奋斗”的专题报告;总站冷文宣高级工程师就“空气和…  相似文献   

阐述了环境监测、环境监理、环境管理三者之间的关系,提出三者在环境管理体制中都占有十分重要的地位,三者相辅相成,缺一不可;环境管理应发挥“龙头”作用,带动环境监测和环境监理,共同促进环境保护事业的发展。  相似文献   

就当前环保工作中亟待解决的难点,重点问题进行了阐述,指出,在发展是第一要务的前提下,环境监测应准确定位,明确工作目标和方向,研究出一套全面小康和现代化相适应的环境质量评价指标体系;在“创模”攻坚战中,环境监测应发挥主观能动性;《排污费征收使用管理条例》实施后,应加大总量监测力度,正确开展总量监测工作,为执法部门提供科学,准确,及时的监测报告,为排污权的市场化交易提供科学依据;在政府职能转变,事业单位体制改革中,环境监测应加大改革力度,逐步走向市场;在现有能力的基础上,市,区两级环境监测站应整合队伍,优势互补,共上台阶,再创辉煌;在行风建设中,环境监测站应进一步加强行业管理,提升行业形象。  相似文献   

环境监测机构体制改革设想   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
指出了环境监测机构存在的问题,提出环境监测机构体制改革应从3方面考虑:机构改革应实行垂直管理,政,事分开,职能改革应体现环境监测站以环境质量监测为基本职能;内部管理改革需建立以聘任制为基础的用人制度,岗位管理和竞争上岗制度,适当的分配激励机制。  相似文献   

从技术监督,网络建立,技术研究,执法程序及自身建设等方面论述了加强加强环境监测工作的首要措施是改革现行的环境监测管理模式,实行“以条为主,条块结合”的管理体制,即;人,财,物管理以条为主,党群活动以块为主,业务开展兼顾条块。  相似文献   

Heavy Metal Pollution of Surface Soil in the Thrace Region, Turkey   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstact Samples of surface soil were collected at 73 sites in the Thrace region, northwest part of Turkey. Two complementary analytical techniques, epithermal neutron activation analysis (ENAA) and atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) with flame and graphite furnace atomization were used to determine 35 elements in the soil samples. Concentrations of As, Cd, Co, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn were determined using AAS and GF AAS, and ENAA was used for the remaining 27 elements. Results for As, Ba, Br, Ca, Cd, Ce, Co, Cr, Cs, Cu Eu, Fe, Hf, I, In, K, La, Mn, Mo, Na, Nd, Ni, Pb, Rb, Sb, Sc, Sm, Sr, Ta, Tb, Th, Ti, U, V and Zn are reported for the first time for soils from this region. The results show that concentrations of most elements were little affected by the industrial and other anthropogenic activities performed in region. Except for distinctly higher levels of Pb, Cu, Cd and Zn in Istanbul district than the median values for the Thrace region, the observed distributions seem to be mainly associated with lithogenic variations. Spatial distributions of As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn were plotted in relation to the concentration values in soil using Geographic Information System (GIS) technology  相似文献   

用火焰原子吸收光谱法测定了苏州开发区26种蔬菜中的铜、锌、铁、锰和镍的含量。蔬菜样品用硝酸高氯酸混合酸进行消解。4次测定值的相对标准差<5%,加标回收率在92%~107%之间。26种蔬菜中铜、锌、铁、锰、镍的含量基本均在世贸组织规定的范围内。  相似文献   

The San Francisco Estuary Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances (RMP) began in 1993 and is sponsored by 74 local, state, and federal agencies and companies through their discharge or Bay use permits. The RMP monitors water, sediment, toxicity, and bivalve bioaccumulation at 25 sites in the Bay that are considered to represent "background" conditions. Several major environmental issues have been identified by the RMP. Polychlorinated biphenyls and mercury were often above water quality guidelines, and often occurred in fish tissues above U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) screening values. Concentrations do not appear to be decreasing, suggesting continuing inputs. Episodes of aquatic toxicity often occurred following runoff events that transport contaminants into the Bay from urbanized and agricultural portions of the watershed. Sediment toxicity occurred throughout the Bay, and has been correlated with concentrations of specific contaminants (chlordanes, polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons) at some locations; mixtures of contaminants were probably also important. Since the RMP does not monitor all ecosystem components, assessments of the overall condition of the Bay cannot be made. However, in terms of contamination, the RMP samples suggest that the South Bay, and North Bay sites are moderately contaminated.  相似文献   

Desertification has recognized as an environmental problem by many international organizations such as UN, NATO and FAO. Desertification in Turkey is generally caused by incorrect land use, excessive grazing, forest fires, urbanization, industry, genetic erosion, soil erosion, salinization, and uncontrolled wild type plants picking. Due to anthropogenic destruction of forest, steppe flora gradually became dominant in Anatolia. In terms of biodiversity, Turkey has a significant importance in Europe and Middle East. Nine thousands plant species naturally grown in Turkey, one third of them are endemic. Also, endemic species of vertebrates, thrive in the lakes and marshy areas. The studies of modelling simulation of vegetation on the effects of Mediterranean climate during the Roman Classical period by using vegetation history showed that, in 2000 years BP, Mediterranean countries were more humid than today. Turkey is a special place on the global concern in terms of desertification because of biodiversity, agricultural potential, high population, social and economical structure, topographical factors and strategic regional location. Communication among scientists, decision makers and international non-profit organizations must be improved.  相似文献   

南京市机动车排气监测与评价   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
通过对南京市机动车排气污染物的年检监测,表明南京市的汽油车、柴油车、摩托车排气合格率总体呈上升趋势,2002年全市机动车排气监测总合格率为99.9%,比1993年上升了8.6个百分点;汽车尾气达标率也呈上升趋势,2002年达83.8%,比1993年上升了2.6个百分点。对机动车排气路检结果表明,CO超标的车辆占84.4%,CO、HC两项指标都超标的车辆占31.1%。对各类汽油助力车排气监测结果表明,二冲程汽油助力车尾气中CO、HC排放量要高于四冲程汽油助力车的排放量。对各类正三轮摩托车排气抽检结果表明,大部分四冲程正三轮摩托车尾气排放污染物能达标,且排气管无碳烟;二冲程正三轮摩托车尾气中HC值偏高,排气管碳烟明显。  相似文献   

山西省大气降水水质评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
为了解山西省大气降水水质状况、主要污染物及区域分布规律,山西省水文部门于1984年开始对大气降水进行监测。在全省9个地市布设测点,分别为:太原市、大同市、长治市、榆次市、临汾市以及吕梁、忻州、阳泉、运城地区。监测项目为H^2 、电导率、Ca^2 、Mg^2 、K^2 、Na^2 、NH4^2 、SO4^2-、NO3^-、Cl^-、CO3^-、HCO3^-、F^-。结果表明,除吕梁、忻州地区外。山西省各地市均有酸雨发生,但酸雨发生的频率不高,全省年平均为3.3%;酸雨的酸性程度也不高,对生态可造成明显影响的降水次数不多;山西省酸雨为典型的硫酸型,酸雨中硫酸与硝酸的质量浓度比值远高于全国平均值。  相似文献   

流动注射光度法测定水中磷   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
水样经不同的预处理,在酸性条件下.正磷酸盐和钼酸铵反应形成磷酸钼螯合物,加入氯化亚锡还原为钼.并呈现蓝色,用流动注射仪于700nm波长处分别测定总磷、溶解性正磷酸盐和总溶解性磷。流动注射法简化了测定步骤.提高了分析速度,灵敏度高,重复性好,测定结果与国家标准方法相比,具有较高的相关性,能满足水和废水中磷的分析。  相似文献   

Heavy metals (namely Cr, Cu, Zn, As, Hg, Pb, Ni, and Ag) that are present at concentrations common in ambient marine waters can cause adverse effects in shellfish. Such effects can significantly impact the trophic structure of a biological community. Heavy metals uptake is dependent on both geochemical and biological factors. In bivalves, the extent of accumulation is a function of several biotic and abiotic variables. Based on several criteria, (including: an ability to accumulate metals without suffering mortality, habitation within, and continuous exposure to, the contaminated matrix, hardiness, and ease of sampling) bivalve molluscs have proven to be useful biomonitors for a host of inorganic contaminants. It is essential that the biomonitoring plan is not only site specific, but that it considers the use of indigenous species whenever possible. This paper will provide a general review of studies that have employed bivalved shellfish as sentinel bioindicators in marine environments impacted by heavy metals, and give suggestions for conducting biomonitoring assays.  相似文献   

南京市郊区基本农田保护区土壤重金属污染调查   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
为调查基本农田保护区土壤环境中重金属污染状况,江苏省农业环境监测站于1999年和2001年分别对南京市郊区基本农田土壤环境质量进行了监测,共计布设监测点14个,监项目为镉,铅,砷,汞,铬和pH,结果表明,1999年土壤样品的重金属检出率为97.1%,超标率为5.7%,2001年重金属检出率为100%,超标率为1.4%,1999年土壤样品中超标的重金属元素是镉,超标率为28.6%,2001年超标元素是汞,超标率为7.1%,1999年土壤综合污染指数为1.08,污染等级及污染水平均属轻污染;2001年土壤综合污染指数为0.76,污染等级为警戒线,污染水平达到尚清洁。  相似文献   

用AQUA800辨别分析仪同时测定地面水中的氨、硝酸盐、亚硝酸盐、氯化物、正磷酸盐、总硬度和硅酸盐,是一种简便、迅速、准确、可靠的测定方法,样品无需预处理,精密度试验其变异系数分别为1.24%、2.18%、2.02%、2.67%、2.35%、3.57%、4.78%,加标回收率分别为103.5%、101.0%、95.0%、99.2%、97.6%、101.5%、98.0%,方法检测限分别为氨0.022mg/L,硝酸盐0.015mp/L,亚硝酸盐0.002tug/L,氯化物0.47mg/L,正磷酸盐0.015mg/L,总硬度17.6mg/L,硅酸盐0.55mg/L,能满足地面水中辨别分析仪同时测定氨、硝酸盐、亚硝酸盐点化物、正磷酸盐、总硬度和硅酸盐分析测定的要求。  相似文献   

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