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Monitoring is a crucial component of conservation in marine protected areas (MPAs) as it allows managers to detect changes to biodiversity and to infer cause of change. However, the complexities of sampling designs and associated statistical analyses can impede implementation of monitoring by managers. Two monitoring frameworks commonly used in marine environments are statistical testing and parameter estimation. For many managers these two approaches fail to help them detect change and infer causation for one or more reasons: the complexity of the statistical test, no decision-making structure and a sampling design that is suboptimal. In collaboration with marine park rangers in Egypt, we instigated a monitoring framework to detect impacts by snorkelers in a pragmatic but scientifically rigorous way. First, we used a literature review to define causal criteria to facilitate inference. This was essential because our sampling design was suboptimal due to a lack of baseline data and there was only one impact site. Second, we established a threshold level of coral damage that if exceeded would trigger management to reduce the impact of snorkelers. This provided a clear decision-making structure. Third, we estimated effect sizes with confidence intervals to detect change. For the field managers, this approach to detection was easier to understand than assessing a null hypothesis and provided critical information for decision making. At no stage during the short study period did snorkelers cause damage that exceeded the threshold and thus mitigation was not required. In situations of technical and financial constraints this framework will increase the implementation of effective impact monitoring for many activities in MPAs and enhance management of marine biodiversity.  相似文献   

The purpose and aims of environmental monitoring are discussed, particularly in the context of soils as part of the environment, and examples of such schemes currently in operation within Europe are outlined. These are compared with the Basal Soil Monitoring Scheme (BSMS) in the Czech Republic which is the product of collaboration between the Ministries of Agriculture and the Environment and five agricultural, forestry and environmental research institutes. The BSMS consists of over 250 monitoring plots covering three distinct land uses: agriculture, forestry and environmentally protected areas. Each land use class has its own subsystem of monitoring plots which together comprise the whole system. The main principles and methodologies employed in the environmentally protected areas of the Czech Republic are described in some detail.  相似文献   

Spatially explicit approach is essential to prioritise the ecosystems for biodiversity conservation. In the present study, the conservation status of 20 protected areas of the Western Ghats of Kerala, India, was analysed based on long-term changes in forests (1975–1985–1995–2005–2013), landscape level changes in fragmentation and forest fires (2005–2015). This study has shown that a significant forest loss occurred in protected areas before declaration. Idukki is one of the major protected areas which showed a drastic reduction (18.83%) in its forest cover. During 1985–1995, Periyar tiger reserve had lost 24.19 km2 core 3 forest area followed by Peppara (18.54 km2), Parambikulam (17.93 km2), Chimmony (17.71 km2), Peechi-Vazhani (12.31 km2) and Neyyar (11.67 km2). An area of 71.33 km2 of the protected area was affected by fires in 2014. Overall protected area-wise decadal analysis indicates Periyar has the highest number of fire incidences followed by Wayanad, Kurinjimala, Silent Valley and Eravikulam. Disturbances in the form of fires and fragmentation still exist and may have significant conservation threat to flora and fauna. Among protected areas, many are having a probability to go under threat or dynamic stage. Chinnar, Thattekkad and Kurinjimala sanctuaries are representing high levels of vulnerability, or they are near to decline stage. Habitat level monitoring of the anthropogenic disturbances can be efficiently useful for the strategic conservation planning. The present study has provided geospatial database on spatial patterns of deforestation, fragmentation and forest fires in protected areas of Kerala. Conservation prioritization approach based on these parameters will be useful for the strategic planning in the state of Kerala.  相似文献   

Mountain protected landscapes continuously endure conflicts of appropriation that bear inherent transformations. One type of direct intervention is by Commercial Concessions within these areas, affecting their landscape value. The aim is to determine conceptual gaps in Environmental Impact Studies regarding landscape assessment and propose a way to improve them in this sense.Shortcomings regarding landscape are checked in different normative frameworks and tensions are analyzed through the case of a Commercial Concession grant within a Mountain Protected area in the South-Central Andes of Chile (38°22′S;71°35′W).Weak or absent definitions of landscape are found in normative frames and Environmental Impact guidelines. A reductionism of landscape as mere viewshed units avoids a proper differentiation for several types of economic transformations and conservation management purposes therein. Hence, transformations affecting the inherent value of landscape are latent under monitoring and legislation abiding practices.Tensions between protected areas and commercial concessions depend on landscape management strategies which are associated to capital gain uncertainties by risking the nonuse-value of landscape. This uncertainty as a natural insurance value can be integrated to conceptual analyses assessing landscape transformations and report their depreciation.These transformations of landscape value are deemed necessary to be implemented in Environmental Impact Assessment without having to discretize bipartite purposes in protected areas by assessing landscape value through conceptual and economic analyses.  相似文献   

The purpose of the biomonitoring project in the Nature Conservancy in the Czech Republic is to obtain information on long-term development of some selected living components of ecosystems in protected areas. A survey of methods was conducted to select the monitoring areas as well as to study birds, epigean, vegetation and water communities (a minimal programme). A system for the monitoring areas and data storage and processing (to gather a body of evidence) was established. Simultaneously, close linkage with abiotic factor monitoring is planned. The project has been carried out by the Czech Institute for Nature Conservation.  相似文献   

Carbaryl insecticide was applied by ground spray to plants in urban areas to control a serious insect pest the glassy-winged sharpshooter, Homalodisca coagulata (Say), newly introduced inCalifornia. To assure there are no adverse impacts to human health and the environment from the carbaryl applications, carbaryl was monitored in tank mixtures, air, surface water, foliage and backyard fruits and vegetables.Results from the five urban areas – Porterville, Fresno, Rancho Cordova, Brentwood and Chico – showed there were no significanthuman exposures or impacts on the environment. Spray tank concentrations ranged from 0.1–0.32%. Carbaryl concentrationsin air ranged from none detected to 1.12 g m-3, well below the interim health screening level in air of 51.7 g m-3. There were three detections of carbaryl in surface water nearapplication sites: 0.125 ppb (parts per billion) from a water treatment basin; 6.94 ppb from a gold fish pond; and 1737 ppbin a rain runoff sample collected from a drain adjacent to a sprayed site. The foliar dislodgeable residues ranged from 1.54–7.12 g cm-2, comparable to levels reported forsafe reentry of 2.4 to 5.6 g cm-2 for citrus. Carbarylconcentrations in fruits and vegetables ranged from no detectableamounts to 7.56 ppm, which were below the U.S.EPA tolerance, allowable residue of 10 ppm.  相似文献   

Review of environmental monitoring methods: survey designs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
During the past decade and a half, environmental monitoring programshave increased in numberand importance. Large scale environmental monitoring programs often present design difficulties because they tend to measure many(sometimes hundreds) of parameters through space and time. Thispaper reviewed and summarized one important component of environmental monitoring programs, the statistical survey design. Survey designsused for long-term monitoring programs lasting multiple (3)occasions were reviewed, paying specialattention to those published after 1985. During this review, two key components of the overall survey design were identified. The first key component wasthe membership design. Groups of population units sampled the same occasionwere called panels here, and the membership design specified which units were members of which panels. The second component was the revisit design that specified when panels were to be revisited. Membership designs varied, butsome form of simple random or systematic design was popular.Among revisit designs, four basicpatterns were found in the literature and their relative strengths andweaknesses were summarized. To efficiently discuss revisit designs, anew unified short-hand notation was proposed and adopted.  相似文献   

近年来,江苏省环境监测工作在监测能力建设、机构队伍建设、基础技术工作、体制机制创新、两个文明建设等方面取得了长足进步,为总结并推广江苏的经验,文章着重阐述了江苏省环境监测工作取得的成绩及其主要做法,并提出了向江苏学习的具体要求。  相似文献   

Genetically modified (GM) crops are now approved for commercial use in several world areas. In terms of commercial acreage, the majority of these products possess either herbicide tolerance or insect protection traits. Prior to commercialization, each product underwent a country specific review of environmental safety data by independent regulatory authorities. Registration was granted after review of the data allowed authorities to conclude that the risks were minimal or manageable when balanced with the benefits. As a condition of registration, insect resistance management (IRM) has been imposed for insect protected products in most countries. Other world areas have reviewed similar data packages and have not yet been able to grant registration for commercial release. Post-registration environmental monitoring of GM crops is viewed in some world areas as a means of enabling approvals by addressing uncertainty that exists with this technology. Questions such as, who should monitor and who should pay for it, how should monitoring be conducted, what information is necessary to collect and how long should a given product be monitored are yet to be answered. Monitoring methods could be general (surveys and questionnaires) or specific (scientific studies to address specific questions). Independent research currently underway in countries where GM crops are commercial involves monitoring the benefits as well as the risks of these products. Experience with other products has shown that monitoring of GM crops will be of value only if the questions are clearly defined, the methods are appropriate and the end points (data collected) are interpretable.  相似文献   

In the Slovak Republic (SR) there has not been a complete and coordinated monitoring system for environment until now. The object of environmental monitoring in the SR has been to evaluate certain areas, e.g. components of the environment and the influences affecting it: atmosphere, water, soil, biota (fauna and flora), geological factors, physical fields, forest, wastes, settlement, landuse, contaminants of the food chain and human stress caused by environmental factors. Individual monitoring systems are being built on the basis of these projects.The Monitoring System for the Environment in the SR has been formed by linkage to the Information System on the Environment in the SR which is a basic source of the data on the state of the environment in the SR and the factors affecting it.The guarantor of both these systems is the Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic.  相似文献   

环境监测实验室的环境污染与防治   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
主要分析了环境监测实验室产生的污染特点 ,指出环境监测实验室是一类典型的小型污染源。同时详细阐述了环境监测实验室防治污染、加强实验室环境管理的几种途径  相似文献   

遥感在农业旱情监测中的应用现状与展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章对我国农业旱情遥感的原理、国内外研究进展情况进行了讨论与分析,认为无人机技术、农业地面传感网与遥感技术相结合及农业专业模型与遥感技术的耦合遥感技术应用是今后旱情定量遥感的发展方向。  相似文献   

This paper deals with the characteristics and composition of municipal solid waste (MSW) generated in Sangamner city. The composition of solid waste was studied by segregating it into different component, i.e., kitchen waste, paper, earth and fine material, slaughter house waste, leaves, metals, etc. These components were categorised into organic waste and inorganic waste. It was observed that Sangamner city produces around 61% organic waste, and the rest is inorganic waste. The characteristics of organic solid waste, i.e., pH, electrical conductivity, moisture content, organic carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium were evaluated. The analysis of organic content of MSW indicates that it is good source of nutrients for the agriculture sector whereas inorganic material can be used for landfill.  相似文献   

Toxic releases from medical waste incineration comprising organic emissions such as polychlorinated dibenzo-dioxin/furan (PCDD/Fs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), inorganic emissions and ashes containing toxic metals have been reviewed. Attempts made by various investigators to reduce/eliminate emissions have also been included. Legislations concerning emission standards for medical waste incinerators have been discussed.  相似文献   

In the Mediterranean Region, habitat loss and fragmentation severely affect coastal wetlands, due to the rapid expansion of anthropogenic activities that has occurred in the last decades. Landscape metrics are commonly used to define landscape patterns and to evaluate fragmentation processes. This investigation focuses on the performance of a set of landscape pattern indices within landscapes characterized by coastal environments and extent below 1,000 ha. The aim is to assess the degree of habitat fragmentation for the monitoring of protected areas and to learn whether values of landscape metrics can characterize fine-resolution landscape patterns. The study areas are three coastal wetlands belonging to the Natura 2000 network and sited on the Adriatic side of Apulia (Southern Italy). The Habitat Maps were derived from the Vegetation Maps generated integrating phytosociological relevés and Earth Observation data. In the three sites, a total of 16 habitat types were detected. A selected set of landscape metrics was applied in order to investigate their performance in assessing fragmentation and spatial patterns of habitats. The final results showed that the most significant landscape patterns are related to highly specialized habitat types closely linked to coastal environments. In interpreting the landscape patterns of these highly specialized habitats, some specific ecological factors were taken into account. The shape indices were the most useful in assessing the degree of fragmentation of habitat types that usually have elongated morphology along the shoreline or the coastal lagoons. In all the cases, to be meaningful, data obtained from the application of the selected indices were jointly assessed, especially at the class level.  相似文献   

In a world of emerging and resurging infectious diseases, dominated by zoonoses, environmental monitoring plays a vital role in our understanding their dynamics and their spillover to humans. Here, we critically review the ecology, epidemiology and need for monitoring of a variety of directly transmitted (Sin Nombre virus, Avian Influenza) and vector-borne (Ross River virus, West Nile virus, Lyme disease, anaplasmosis and babesiosis) zoonoses. We focus on the valuable role that existing monitoring plays in the understanding of these zoonoses, the demands for new monitoring, and how improvements can be made to existing monitoring. We also identify the fruitful outcomes which would result from implementation of the monitoring demands we have highlighted. This review aims to promote improvements in our understanding of zoonoses, their management, and public health by encouraging discussion among researchers and public health officials.  相似文献   

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