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对北京市8个系统的143个工种(岗位)2915人进行了劳动强度分级的调查研究。结果表明:体力劳动强度Ⅰ级的工种(岗位)占38.46%;Ⅱ级的工种占35.66%;Ⅲ级的工种占21.68%;Ⅳ级的工种占4.2%。  相似文献   

对北京市8个系统的143个工种(岗位)2915人进行了劳动强度分级的调查研究。结果表明:体力劳动强度Ⅰ级的工种(岗位)占38.46%;Ⅱ级的工种(岗位)占35.66%;Ⅲ级的工种(岗位)占21.68%;Ⅳ级的工种(岗位)占4.2%。  相似文献   

石油野外作业工人体力劳动强度分级调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
据GB3869—83标准对江汉油田测量、地震、钻井、井下四类野外作业34名工人、24个工种进行了体力劳动强度分级调查,其结果:测量作业为Ⅰ~Ⅱ级;钻井作业Ⅱ级占5/8,Ⅲ级占1/4;井下作业Ⅲ级占2/3;地震作业Ⅲ、Ⅳ级各占4/9、2/9。说明前两类基本属中等强度劳动,后两类大部分属重强度劳动。  相似文献   

我矿井下作业有4个主要工种:凿岩,爆破,扒装,支护。矿山井下的粉尘危害主要表现在这4个工种的作业工人矽肺病的发病情况。调查表明,我矿作业工人矽肺病发病率高的工种,并不是粉尘浓度合格率最低的凿岩工种,而是扒装和爆破工种。表1为我矿1974~1983年4个工种岗位年均粉尘浓度测定汇总;表2为1990年作业工人矽肺检查结果。据此,我们对凿岩工种岗位粉尘的  相似文献   

1970~1989年的20年中,一冶因工伤亡总数为344人,其中坠落伤亡90人,占26.16%。为了弄清坠落事故的流行病学特点,保障工人的安全,对这些坠落事故进行了调查和分析。 1.调查 (1)从时间上看,坠落事故的发生有两个高峰期,即8时~10时和13时~15时。伤亡人数分别占总例数的41.98%和32.10%。 (2)从工种上看,木工13人,铆工11人、电焊工10人、电工9人、起重工8人,共占总例数的56.65%,其他各工种所占比例较小。  相似文献   

对1224个工种(岗位)的工人接触生产性毒物、粉尘、高温的状况以及部分工种(岗位)的工人体力劳动强度状况进行了调研,初步了解到机械工业的主要职业危害因素、危害分布、危害程度和特征。  相似文献   

在矿山井下,因岩石坠落、乱石挤压、矿车轧辗、重物倾倒等原因造成的脚伤事故时有发生,轻则砸得皮开血流,重则造成骨折住院。 为了弄清伤脚与井下工作的关系,我们进行了一次重点调查。表1是对八个煤矿数十万井下工人脚伤的统计。由表1可知,脚伤占全部工伤的20%以上。 表2是抚顺矿务局劳卫所对某矿采煤区913例工业外伤病例所作的统计,足伤率也在20%以上。 从不同工种的井下工人的脚伤情况看来,采煤、掘进工人的脚伤率较高,其次是运搬和修护工人。表3是江苏某矿按工种统计的典型的脚伤情况。 从表4可见,由于人体的脚趾处于垂直面内的最前端,因…  相似文献   

△ 北京市卫生防疫站根据卫生部、国家劳动总局要求,组织有北京、上海、天津、山东、安徽、福建、湖南、江苏、浙江等九省市及五机部、七机部、铁道部参加的“全国部分省市噪声调查协作组”,于1982年对全国部分省市9个行业、80个工种、1,034个工厂、11,794个噪声源调查看,我国工业企业噪声污染超过标准的占40%左右,有50%以上的工人在超标准的环境中劳动。通过对42,396名工人体检证明,噪声对听觉及机体各系统均产生不良影响。为此,会议建议工业企业和有关部门应积极开展噪声控制,尽快制订工业产品噪声标准,推广佩戴防噪声耳塞。 (张家志)凸 …  相似文献   

对矿山环境中呼尘中石英含量的变异性进行了较深入的探讨研究,提供了样品实验室测定误差(红外光谱法)和现场呼尘样品石英含量变异性的范围,提出若将采样数提高到5个,可将大多数矿山的以作业面或工种为单位的呼尘石英含量的变异性控制在50%以内。表1石英含量均匀样品实验室内三个平行样测定·52·劳动保护科学技术1999年第19卷第1期表2内蒙古塞乌素金矿工人群(以工种划分)呼尘石英含量测定数据变异性统计(1994年采样)---  相似文献   

江苏省电力行业至1997的1月,累积接尘人啼12544人,累积尘肺119例,患病比0.95%,累积死亡8例,病死率6.84%,现患111例,现患率0.88%,尘肺主要分布在下关发电厂、南京热电厂等老发电厂。疑似尘肺366例,70年代投产的发电厂首次发现疑似尘肺。耩 肺主要集中在锅炉作业区域要关工种,占75%,其次是燃料作业相关工种,占23%。粉尘监测结果燃料、运行合格率约85%,锅炉检修合格率19  相似文献   

视屏作业人员作业工效学调查研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以人类工效学原则为尺度,根据作业人员一般状况作业体位、人——机测量、劳动休息制度、劳动强度、工作环境……等几方面对视屏作业人员肌肉骨骼损伤的形成和特点,进行分析,结果表明过分低头、向前弯腰、向两侧弯腰、手抬高过肩和长期坐位等不良体位和作业姿势,是视屏作业人员出现肌肉骨骼损伤的重要因素  相似文献   

煤矿井下气候参数和劳动强度对矿工生理参数影响的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
对机械化采煤工作面的采煤机司机和支柱工的劳动心率和能量代谢进行了现场实测。就气候参数和劳动强度对作业人员的生理参数影响进行了模拟实验,取得一些实验研究成果。对改善劳动条件和作业环境,提高生产效率,保护井下矿工的身心健康与安全,提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

调查结果表明,以手工操作的我国邮局信件分拣工种主要存在工效学的问题是强迫体位(如过多低头、前弯腰、侧弯腰等),工作单调且具有高频率,同一动作持续时间过长,劳动定额较大以及生理心理负荷较重等。建议采取有效劳保措施,保障分拣工人健康,以提高信件分拣效率  相似文献   

目前我国已有女职工5260万人,50%集中在工业部门,妇女劳动保护工作十分重要。在中国注意了在保护妇女劳动权利的基础上保护妇女在生产劳动中的安全和健康,并且把保护妇女的母性机能作为妇女劳动保护的中心任务。中国有较完善的妇女劳动保护法规。在工作方法上注意了把妇女劳动保护与妇女保健密切结合起来。为做好妇女劳动保护工作,劳动部门、卫生部门、工会和妇女联合会紧密配合,共同协作,大学和科学研究机构也参与这项工作。  相似文献   

“八五”期间,劳动部组织的劳动安全卫生领域重大科技项目,首次列入国家科技发展计划并取得重要成果和显著效益;劳动部承担的“九五”国家重点攻关课题已完成预研和立项论证并进入项目攻关实施阶段;“重大工业火灾、爆炸、毒物泄漏事故预防技术研究”、“在役工业压力管道安全评估与重要压力容器寿命预测技术研究”、“典型作业环境粉尘危害及防护技术研究”及“激光安全卫生技术及激光加工安全工程的研究”四个重点攻关课题的完成,将为促进文明生产、保护职工安全与健康,为提高安全科学技术水平发挥重要作用;劳动部正在教育、科研、技术职称评审方面综合、协调、系统地开展工作,旨在建立一支体系完整的、相对独立的、高水平的安全科学技术队伍,加速我国劳动安全卫生科技事业兴旺发展。  相似文献   

The first step to chart hazards in the working environment in Estonia (labour force: 0.65 million) was taken by the National Board of Health Protection in the beginning of 1996.

The existing chemical, physical, and biological agents in the working environment were investigated with the help of local health inspectors in all counties. An identification of hazards and workers at risk was carried out. The results of the analysis showed that 16% of Estonian industrial workers are exposed to different hazards: 20,000 persons are exposed to noise, 11,000 are working in the conditions of vibration, 10,000 are affected by unsatisfactory microclimate, 6,000 complain about long-lasting work in a compulsory posture, the overexertion of eyes is suffered by 5,500 persons, and physical overload by 3,500 workers. In the group of chemical hazards the greatest numbers of workers are exposed to organic dust (6,500) and welding aerosols (5,400), followed by petroleum products (2,700), and oil-shale dust (4,300). The measurements of working conditions showed that an average of 30.3% of the results are above the standards. Proposals for the improvement of the situation in occupational safety and health are presented.  相似文献   

Mine rescuers’ heat load under the same physical effort load (25% of the maximal oxygen uptake), using three types of breathing apparatus, in newly developed heat-removing underwear and outerwear was assessed for typical work conditions of mine rescuers, under milder and harsher ambient conditions of 32 and 38?°C, respectively, both at relative humidity of 85% and air velocity of 1.0?m/s. Expending physical effort at the same load while using different kinds of breathing apparatus resulted in a similar heat load. Under both milder and harsher ambient conditions, heat storage and sweating intensity were greater than the average limit value recommended by hygienic standards, which indicates that the use of breathing apparatus significantly hinders heat exchange with the environment. The developed clothing for mine rescuers was highly rated, and was considered by most people to be better than that used currently.  相似文献   

Four broad classes of dependent variables (psychological strain, physical illness symptoms, health-related behaviour and social participation) were associated with eleven categories of stressors and stress moderators from work and family life, using multiple logistic regression analysis for a random sample of 8700 full-time male and female members of T.C.O., a major Swedish white-collar labour federation (covering 25 per cent of the Swedish labour force). Our goal was to find broad patterns of associations by comparing relative magnitudes of effects for (a) stressors and stress moderators; (b) work and family activities, and (c) males and females. Fifty per cent of the associations between environmental factors and dependent variables were significant in the predicted direction at the 5 per cent level. However, only 5 per cent of the associations are as strong, for example, as average smoking/heart disease associations. Our primary conclusion is that job factors are the next strongest set of predictors of health and behaviour after age. Job factors are stronger than family factors for both men and women; proportionally increasing the explained variance by over 60 per cent versus roughly 20 per cent for family factors (over the 25 per cent of explanation due to demographic factors). The overall pattern of stressor/outcome associations is quite similar for men and women, although both job/outcome and family burden/outcome associations are stronger for women than for men. We failed to find a clear linkage between particular stressors and particular physical illnesses. Among the job factors, control and work load have the strongest associations; with the former predicting behaviour patterns and job satisfaction (along with social support), and the latter predicting mental strain symptoms. Family problems are associated with increased health risks (stronger for men) and family responsibilities and constraints affect health behaviour (stronger for women). Job satisfaction is the most successfully predicted outcome in the study, and is similarly affected for men and women.  相似文献   

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