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本文采用多层次转型理论的分析框架,回顾了国内外延伸生产者责任(EPR)制度的理论和实践进展,对比了EPR制度倡导者最初提出的创新导向的制度设计,与当前各国实践中基于成本—效益平衡所开展的政策评估研究,指出两者在是否应该将激进的可持续转型作为EPR基本政策目标上观点不同,其原因在于政策的技术创新激励效果难以通过可测量的政策评估方法进行有效考察,由此造成两者在EPR政策调整方向上的分歧:前者坚持EPR制度设计应该进一步完善个体责任原则,以激励生产者创新和采纳绿色技术,推进生产消费模式的系统转型;而后者则强调在现有管制框架下简化制度设计,重点完善循环处理基础设施及其管理效率。这种分歧不仅影响到发达国家EPR制度的演化,也深刻影响了发展中国家EPR制度的移植和建构。结论以中国电子废物管理实践为例,提出构建包含三个层次的演化经济学分析框架,考察EPR制度建构过程中,微观层次的企业技术选择,中观层次的供应链治理结构变动,和宏观层次的再生资源产业转型,以系统考察制度发展对技术创新的激励效果。  相似文献   

"扩大生产者责任"原则及其在循环经济发展中的作用   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:15  
循环经济是我国实现“走新型工业化道路”的具体实践模式,是有效协调我国社会进步、经济发展、资源利用与环境保护的重要手段。“扩大生产者责任”(EPR)原则符合循环经济的基本理念,是实现循环型社会的主要政策工具。从“扩大生产者责任”原则的目的和定义入手,指出扩大生产者责任是手段而不是目的。鉴于生产者在产品生命链中的核心作用。扩大生产者责任可以有效地实现废弃产品回收责任在不同利益群体之间的分配,实现产品废弃物回收成本的最小化,从根本上改变现有的生产和生活摸式。  相似文献   

浙江省可持续发展实验区现状评估与发展建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1 实验区在可持续发展中所处阶段定位和八 大进步浙江省可持续发展实验区工作起始于 1 993年 ,主要分两个阶段 :1 993年~ 2 0 0 0年为社会发展综合实验区建设阶段 ,2 0 0 0年底开始转为可持续发展实验区。迄今 ,浙江省已有绍兴县杨汛桥实验区等 3个国家级实验区 ,富阳市富阳镇等 8个省级实验区。从发展观、发展模式演变的进程及我们党和国家领导人所设想的目标模式 ,结合可持续发展实验区的历程看 ,浙江走可持续发展之路 ,大约要经过四个阶段。一是以发展经济为主要任务的“经济突破阶段”。二是在加快经济发展的同时 ,大力促进社会进步…  相似文献   

企业自愿信息披露旨在通过公共对话和组织策略,促进企业与社会沟通,探索合作创新途径。这种机制体现了当前社会治理机制转型的方向。生产者责任延伸制度(Extended Producer Responsibility,简称EPR)中的信息责任是这一转型趋势的具体表现。基于企业自愿披露的可持续发展信息评价其EPR履责绩效,可以促进企业主动从产品全生命周期的角度全面履行生产者改善产品环境属性,尤其是废弃产品管理的责任,从而改变目前过度依赖政府监管和推动的局限。本文针对2017年国务院办公厅发布的“生产者责任延伸制度推行方案”中所涉及的电器电子、汽车、铅酸蓄电池和包装材料四大产品领域,以全球报告倡议组织(Global Reporting Initiative,简称GRI)数据库中的企业可持续发展报告资料为基础,辅以企业官方网站上自愿发布的可持续发展报告,采用文本分析方法,结合EPR制度的具体要求,建立生产者EPR履责绩效评价体系。结果显示:①按照GRI信息披露框架开展信息披露的企业,其可持续发展报告中的信息可以覆盖EPR制度的各项具体要求;②信息披露质量在企业之间和行业之间存在较大的差异,电器电子产品领域的信息披露和得分情况明显好于其他三个产品领域。结论中提出以企业自愿信息披露为切入点,构建企业与公共交流的平台,推动生产企业主动参与EPR制度建设,不断提升产品全生命周期的环境表现。  相似文献   

The inexplicit efficiency of environmental property rights lies in its fuzziness. Based on the character of environmental property rights discussed, unit environment shows intra relationship between efficiency and duty of environmental property rights, and constructs a symmetrical system arrangement. Through analyzing the possibility and feasibility of unit environmental property rights, the significance of symmetrical system arrangement to avoid the inexplicit efficiency of environmental property rights is discussed in this dissertation from the aspect of the validity of offering and implementing system.  相似文献   

环境产权的泛效率源于其自身的模糊性。环境单元化旨在探讨环境产权特征的基础上。分析环境产权效率与责任之间的内在关系。并建立两者相对称的产权安排。本文通过环境产权单元化可能性与可行性的理论分析。从制度供给和实施的有效性上.探讨了这种制度安排对解决环境产权泛效率的意义。  相似文献   

Scientific establishment of governmental responsibility is essential in environmental legislation, and the guideline of which is essential to improve the public trust on the government through development of the primary governmental environmental obligation, namely the governmental environmental responsibility, as well as strengthening of the secondary governmental environmental obligation, i.e. the governmental legislation responsibility, so as to empower the governmental enforcement efficiency and the principle of establishing the governmental environmental responsibility in accordance with the public environmental demand and within the scope of the governmental scope of administration. The establishment of the governmental environmental responsibility for various levels of governments should be divided on the basis of different structures of governmental capacity, whereas the establishment of the governmental environmental responsibility for various levels of authorities should be emphasized to concentration of authorities responsible for environmental administration and expansion of authorities not responsible for environmental administration.  相似文献   

The paper maintains that, as a means toward achieving the ideal of a sustainable development, industrial waste should best be regarded in business-economic terms as having the same basic status as regular products. It is shown how an approach to proportioning industrial costs to waste that is described can be applied to the Polluter-Pays Principle in a way incorporating this principle into a company's internal estimation system. In two case studies presented, use of this approach is found to generate a waste-reducing incentive through showing waste to have a negative impact on estimates of profit.  相似文献   

女性在环境保护与自然资源的开发利用中具有积极的作用。但长期以来受传统观念桎梏。女性在环境保护中的作用受捌低估乃至忽视.从一定程度上导致了环境恶化.自然资源的配置失效。“环境中女性角色确立系统模型”的研究可有效解读女性角色与环境保护间的关系。并提出如何提高女性在环境保护中的作用。从而保障在一个性别平等的文明社会里人类可持续发展目标的实现。  相似文献   

In recent years flows of foreign direct investment (FDI) to developing countries have rapidly been increasing. It is now an important contributor to the national economy and urban growth in scores of developing countries. Rapid urbanization in these countries is leading to many problems in the cities. Existing urban infrastructure and municipal services have been unable to cope with the increased demand arising from growing population and rapid economic growth. Consequently, the environment in these cities has deteriorated alarmingly. This paper assesses the role of FDI in urban environmental management (UEM) by analyzing the linkages between them for Hanoi City in Vietnam. The paper's analysis and findings are presented under three main themes: one, FDI, employment and income; two, FDI and environmental degradation; and three, potential of utilizing FDI for the provision of urban environmental infrastructure and services (UEI&S) in order to improve the urban environment. Both primary and secondary source data have been used. Policy implications of the research findings are drawn from the perspective of sustainable development.  相似文献   

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